• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers SimPvP [SMP] [PvP] [Semi-Vanilla] {Never Resets} {Started 2011}

    Minecraft Servers SimPvP [SMP] [PvP] [Semi-Vanilla] {Never Resets} {Started 2011}

    SimPvP [SMP] [PvP] [Semi-Vanilla] {Never Resets} {Started 2011}

    Posted: 03 May 2019 07:32 AM PDT

    Server Address: simpvp.net

    Rules: No hacking, including flymod, xray, or any other mod which confers a significant gameplay advantage. Also, no doxxing.

    Description: SimPvP is designed as a vanilla player versus player survival server, where people have complete freedom to do and say anything they want, as long as it is not spamming, cheating, or doxxing.

    The server is set to hard mode and the players are not given any extra help in the form of kits, vote rewards, or commands such as /home. Players succeed or fail depending only on their own skill at the game. The core playerbase is mostly adults who can hold their own in PvP, but prefer to build.

    If you're curious about SimPvP, feel free to check out our server wiki, which contains information about the server's long history and many bases. Or just log in and play!

    submitted by /u/DakkaDok
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    3rd-Block [Vanilla] [SMP] {1.14} {Whitelisted} {18+}

    Posted: 03 May 2019 08:47 AM PDT

    We are a group of friends looking to add a few more mature players to our fun whitelisted server!

    We have been playing together for a while now, and we think we have been getting close to the perfect formula for an enjoyable community. We just updated to 1.14 and made our spawn area look nice, but the world is barely underway with tons to do, even the dragon hasn't been slain yet.

    Our global group is formed by people with different gaming experiences and abilities, but honestly we don't really care all that much about where you are from and how much do you know the game. We are looking for people we can be friends with, to joke around, tell stories and have a great time playing this game we love so much!

    If you are looking to join a peaceful community, or tired of bouncing around servers that either became toxic or divided between the staff/players, we might be the group for you! More info about our group, rules and how to apply for an invitation are available on our website 3rd-block.com

    If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment on this post. We are looking forward to meet you!

    submitted by /u/Retrogordon
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    BadWolfMC [SMP]{18+}{Greylist}{1.13.2}{SkyBlock}{PlotWorld}{Minigames}

    Posted: 03 May 2019 10:01 AM PDT


    BadWolfMC is a laid-back, semi-vanilla server network for adults (18+) with lots of room to build and a few plugins to add a little fun and to keep your builds safe. In addition to the Minecraft worlds we all love we also feature SkyBlock, AcidIsland, & SkyGrid, creative PlotWorld, Paintball & Parkour arenas, Elytra Challenges, mazes, a public end grinder, public tree farm, an expansive vanilla gaming park where members can build, regularly reset resource worlds, a massive shopping center that houses space for over 80 player and server shops, and we hold regular holiday events and build contests. Members also enjoy our Discord server with in-game chat integration, and our wiki is useful for n00bs and veterans alike. Join us and become a part of our growing community with members from all over the globe!

    Our mission is to be a place to unwind and have a little fun, and our philosophy is to add to the game, not take away from it. We are very laid-back and won't get on your case about language, but still request that everyone be respectful. We also do our best to be EULA compliant, and we encourage and welcome feedback from all of our users.

    Membership Application Required: if you like the place and the rules fit your style, feel free to apply for permissions at BadWolfMC.com!

    General Server Rules (full rules here)

    • All players must be 18 years of age or older - that's the whole "Adult Minecraft Server" bit.

    • No Griefing - Breaking or placing blocks within another player's clearly defined area is strictly prohibited. This is true even in PvP and for seemingly abandoned builds - if it's not yours, don't touch it.

    • No Client Mods/Exploits - Client modifications (other than Optifine) or exploits to the game are not allowed. (forge, lightloader, flying, speed, x-ray, item duplication etc.)

    • No Advertising/Spam - No advertising servers/websites/mods in the chat or filling the chat with repeated messages.

    • Common Sense/Maturity - This is a game, be respectful, have fun, don't rage, don't participate in drama, don't harass people, mind the server conventions, etc.

    Come take a look around as our guest at IP: play.badwolfmc.com We hope you'll be as excited about this place as we are!

    We look forward to seeing you in game!

    submitted by /u/BadWolfMC
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    Saga of Agaetis [PVE] {Roleplay} {Medieval} {Fantasy} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 03 May 2019 06:16 AM PDT

    Welcome to the Saga of Agaetis

    Kingdoms <-

    Races <-

    Religions <-

    Extended Lore <-

    Mechanics <-

    Naming Schemes <-

    And as always don't forgot to the read the rules before applying!


    Many Have Come This Way Before...

    Agaetis is a vast world with many different cultures and races that can be explored in the respective Kingdoms and Races threads. We have a total of 15 cultures and nations and 6 races at our beginning so there really is something for everyone.

    Current Year: 219 AF(After Fracture)

    Our story begins with your player having been stranded on a tropical island; how is up to you! But now you are forced to survive and uncover the mysteries of the island...

    Now you have read the lore you are ready to apply! https://agaetis.enjin.com/apply

    We hope to you in the Saga of Agaetis.


    The Saga of Agaetis Staff Team x

    submitted by /u/Hoskerrr
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    [Wanted][SMP][Semi-Vanilla] for 1.14

    Posted: 03 May 2019 07:41 AM PDT

    I'm again looking for a +18 server with focus on singleplayer features + grief prevention/claim land/lock containers. I'm not interested into factions, jobs and all that stuff. I was playing on various servers through the years - only one caught my interest. I had plenty of mine aswell - they were just small projects, im not into having my own server. Also was mod myself on other one.

    I like simple yet stylish builds. I like build sth with the creative mode, but i like survival better, classic old times.

    Why I'm searching for 1.14 server? because of features i waited since 1.4! (lectern, i'm looking at you.). But I dislike the split of crafting into different blocks.

    (Really, Mods - i can't think of what to include in the 'ad'...)

    Just like it was with bukket beta1.6

    I was playing since alpha/beta.

    See ya - my ign: athema, discord: athema#5815

    Hope it's enough from my bio...

    submitted by /u/pmache
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    Pinchcliffe SMP [PvE] {1.13.2} {Survival} {MCMMO} {Economy} {GriefPrevention} {MobArena}

    Posted: 03 May 2019 10:20 AM PDT

    IP: play.pinchcliffesmp.com

    Server Features:


    Our server features an economy system, wherein players can buy, sell, and trade items and services between each other, the market place, or the shopkeeper. Our shopkeeper sells nearly every item ingame, and likewise players can /sell nearly every item ingame. We also have a jobs system so you can earn a little money on the side.

    In addition to money, we also use "Merit" points, earned through completing daily tasks and voting. These can be used to purchase ranks, lucky blocks, etc. through the website store.


    We run a PvE server, so you won't find PvP or griefing in the survival world. We have a land claiming plugin in place to help you protect your homes and keep your valuables safe.

    As we are a PvE server, we include MobArena, where you can fight waves of monsters and bosses to earn money rewards. Our 3 MobArena maps are Call of Duty themed, including Highrise, Standoff, and Hijacked.

    For that PvP fix, you can take to /pvp where you can fight your fellow Minecrafters with the items you've earned in our Nuketown arena.


    We have mcMMO on Pinchcliffe, a plugin which implements a levelling system for various minecraft tasks, such as mining, woodcutting, taming, and archery. Level up by simply performing these tasks in your play time, and watch as these skills become more and more powerful.

    Extra Hard:

    Our server difficulty is currently set to hard. We have a system in place to increase the amount of monsters that spawn near the player, truly making nights something to fear.


    In addition to MobArena and a PvP arena, our server includes a custom built, custom coded parkour hub, so you can practice your jumping skills in up to 12 parkour stages when you need a break from surviving.

    Achievements and Daily Tasks:

    To keep you supplied with a goal moving forward, we have a custom made achievements system, where you can complete varying difficulties of tasks to receive varying qualities of rewards. Similarly, we have a daily task NPC so that each day you log in, you have a goal from the get-go, and an extra means of earning item/money/point rewards.

    Server Info

    Slots: 100

    IP: play.pinchcliffesmp.com or

    Notable Plugins: Spigot, Economy, Essentials, GriefPrevention, MCMMO, MobArena, and many custom features

    Discord: https://discord.gg/7HvW38A

    Website: http://www.pinchcliffesmp.com/


    1.) No hacking / bug abuse / exploits

    2.) No griefing / stealing from other players homes / chests

    3.) No spamming

    4.) Treat all players with respect

    5.) No cursing / foul language in excess

    6.) No advertising (Servers)

    7.) Don't beg for staff ranks / items

    8.) Don't impersonate staff members / lie about staff decisions

    9.) No overcrowded mob traps / animal farms

    IP: play.pinchcliffesmp.com

    submitted by /u/GiraffeCubed
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    TeamSurvival-1.14 [semi-vanilla]{18+}{whitelisted}{adults}

    Posted: 03 May 2019 09:52 AM PDT

    I recently started a server as vanilla as possible but due the fact that some people tend to have sticky hands it only has 2 plugins for safety

    CoreProtect Grief prevention

    Rules are simple

    1 no exploiting glitches

    2 dont be one of those xray persons

    3 respect all players

    4 before claiming land make sure other players arent in the area or come to agreements and dont claim land within 200 blocks of spawn

    Msg me if interested to be whitelisted

    submitted by /u/Vulture-
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    A Scoop of Vanilla [SMP][Semi-Vanilla]{Whitelist}{1.13.2}{Spigot}

    Posted: 03 May 2019 08:33 AM PDT

    IP: Asov.info

    Subreddit: /r/Asov

    Server Location: East Coast Canada

    Current Map Start Date: 08/29/2018

    To apply for admission: Application

    Who are we?

    A Scoop of Vanilla is a friendly Minecraft orientated gaming community and has been in operation for over 5 years. We just started our 8th map on August 29th 2018. This is a long-term map with no reset planned for at least a year. Here is a community made photo album of their first week on this map! While Minecraft is our main love, many in the community also play many other games together such as Overwatch, Rainbow Six Siege, League of Legends and PUBG. We are a very welcoming, friendly, and inclusive community from all over the world looking to grow and meet new friends.

    What makes us different

    Our community is the defining feature of the server. A Scoop of Vanilla has a server culture of being extremely friendly and social. It is not uncommon for members to end up exchanging contact information or adding each other on social media and becoming friends beyond the scope of the game. As far as server operation goes our admin team has taken it upon themselves to host the server at personal cost, not asking for or accepting any donations. Thus, avoiding all donation scheme shenanigans.

    Server Features

    • 99.99% Vanilla Gameplay Experience

    • Established Positive Community

    • Fun and Fair Staff

    • Server events and games

    • Ultra Hard Core Events

    • World Border of +/- 8k

    • Grief Protection

    • Dedicated Server (not a partition. not shared. Only ASOV)

    • Steam Group

    • Very Active Discord Group

    Server Rules

    • No griefing or stealing

    • Be nice. No harassment of any kind.

    • PVP is NOT allowed. Unless both parties agree to it.

    • You break it, you fix it.

    • No Spam

    • Full list of rules can be found here as well as on our subreddit /r/Asov

    Want to Join?

    We are looking for players who enjoy building and playing the game. We welcome all players new and experienced. We welcome all ages but expect a high level of maturity from all players regardless of age. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards theft, griefing and drama making. To apply simply click here and fill out a quick application. We look at all applications within 24 hours and will respond in a fast and timely manner.


    Jarl_Big_Johnson, Fh2Hi, Mitt_Zombie, Kazra, fo11ow3r, and synthmarie


    Worldguard, CoreProtect, Worldedit, Discordsrv

    These plugins are only used for rollback purposes in very rare events of griefing. There are no "land claims" or "locked chests" or "teleports" or other any other non-vanilla interactions.

    Thanks for reading and if you feel that A Scoop of Vanilla is a good match for what you seek in a server I invite you to apply today!

    submitted by /u/ASOV_Server
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    NeatoBuilds [semi-vanilla]

    Posted: 03 May 2019 08:16 AM PDT

    Server IP: mc.neatobuilds.com

    Website: http://neatobuilds.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/EH8wJyy

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neatobuilds/

    Welcome Everyone

    We have been running strong since 2015 with a simple motto, play as if you were on single player, but with friends. What this means to us is you have the freedom to play and build wherever and as large as you want.
    The way we keep it fresh is by changing the world spawn point every year so new players can find new areas easier and old players can keep on building.


    ExNihilo: This is our main server which consists of three survival worlds.

    1. Amplified hard survival with keep items on death, since 2015

    2. Vanilla hard survival with drop items on death, since 2016

    3. Vanilla hard survival with drop items on death, since 1.13 update


    Laetus (Realistic); Once you have mastered survival and feel like you need a bit of a challenge then come here. We have created a survival world with custom world generation and filled it with plugins that make you need to sleep, find medicine, build with support or blocks will fall, water has physics, and be careful in caves.


    Valhalla: Creative, new world and we are still building the spawn area so come and help us create and decide how we should run this world.

    It can be confusing on first join, but once you pick a world that you like and a spot you want to build then its really easy to continue.

    Players decide how things should be changed, spawn towns are created by players.

    We keep things simple, no crazy plugins, no overwhelming rules, no pay to win. We do have a patreon but we do not give any in game bonuses for supporting the server. Players who play on the server and are able to can help keep the server running for as little as 1 dollar a month, completely optional.

    Plugins Each server has some plugins to help deal with griefers, we can roll back any damage made by specific players without bringing down the server, our survival server uses essentials so we can set up protected player run shops, and we use DiscordSRV to be able to link our in game chat with our discord.


    1. Don't build too close to someone else, 500 blocks distance preferred

    2. Do not steal, do not grief, PVP only with consent

    3. No over exploitative builds, please ask a mod before building something you think is an exploit

    4. No vulgar or demeaning language

    submitted by /u/NeatoBuilds
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    Near Vanilla [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Mature 18+} {Whitelisted} {Community} {1.13.2} {Survival}

    Posted: 03 May 2019 08:03 AM PDT

    Hey all, thanks for your interest in the Near Vanilla Server.

    If you're 18+ and looking for a fun, relaxed, and community driven server, then Near Vanilla is the place for you! We offer a Multiplayer experience in a Vanilla Minecraft world, where you can create and make whatever you like in a safe and positive environment.

    About the server:

    Oftentimes the multiplayer experience can negatively impact the vanilla minecraft experience, or vice versa. Therefore, the only plugins we have aid grief prevention, administration, and those that enhance the vanilla multiplayer experience. With a dedicated discord and an admin team, we're sure that you'll enjoy a great multiplayer experience on our server without issue. With the game difficulty set to hard, and PVP enabled (although only used for consensual purposes) you'll for sure need to make a friend or two to keep the zombies at bay!

    Who we are:

    We're a bunch of 18+ from all walks of life that have come together to play Minecraft to create, build, collect and explore. Near Vanilla provides that perfect place for us because we have an emphasis on putting real life first and so our server is kept as a place for fun and relaxation with friends. We act and communicate in a responsible manner and therefore expect that others do the same; and as such we are a server free from bullying, griefing, stealing, and general negative attitudes that can unfortunately be found in SMPs often.

    What you can expect:

    The moment you log on to Near Vanilla you can be sure you'll receive a warm welcome, instant offers of help and support, and a server that is really happy to have made an additional friend. Often we run community events and work on projects together, however playing more solo is fine too - there is no pressure! As a group we are extremely interested in your views and opinions, and so generally any changes made to the server are voted on first because we always put our community ahead. Expect to have a say and be heard!

    Lightweight add-ons:

    Deathlog : Let's you know where you died (coordinates)

    Kickafk: Kicks players that afk more than 3 hours

    Criteria for being accepted:

    • 18+
    • Being a nice person

    Zero tolerance policy:

    No hacking, glitching or duping allowed. If we see a player do one of these three things there will be no mercy. This will result in a permanent ban.

    No griefing, bullying, insulting or being prejudice to others. Be mindful of the community that you're joining or expect to face disciplinary action.

    Server Specs:

    • CPU running at 4.6 Ghz
    • Fast SSD storage with automatic backups
    • 8 GB of dedicated DDR4 ram
    • Gigabit internet connection
    • DDOS protection

    To apply fill in the following and post it below or use form on our website:

    1. Age:
    2. IGN:
    3. What brings you to our community?
    4. What are some of your goals for this server?
    5. Tell us a little about yourself!

    Our IP is: play.nearvanilla.com

    Our website: https://nearvanilla.com

    Finally, be sure you get yourself on discord and join us here so that you can really get the full Near Vanilla experience. We're friendly, fun and keen to meet you!

    No reddit account? Apply here!

    submitted by /u/OfficialNearVanilla
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    Daleko [SMP] {Land Claims} {Dynmap/Live Map} {Economy} {No Whitelist} {1.13.2}

    Posted: 03 May 2019 08:00 AM PDT

    About us

    Join us and be part of a young, growing community! Our server is strongly focused around the Grief Prevention plug-in so that players can experience the enjoyment of building and surviving alone or with friends. Any player who joins may create their own claim, or join an existing one. Find your place, and start surviving, building, and creating with other players and friends!

    Finding Us

    Our server address is daleko.serv.gs, and our live map is easily found on our subreddit's menu bar at /r/Daleko.

    We are on 1.13.2!

    Hope to see you soon!

    Server Rules

    [1] Be respectful.

    [2] Be ethical.

    [3] Use common sense.

    [4] Use Land Claims to protect yourself from griefing. Griefing in the wild is permitted. If griefing has occurred near your claim, you can request to have terrain of specific chunks regenerated. Use Land Claims to protect yourself from PvP as well, as it is enabled on this server.

    [5] IF you have lost items due to glitches, or griefing, we can replace them. Just ask an admin in-game, or create a ticket with /report {message}.

    [6] No:

    - spamming in chat or messages

    - advertising in chat or messages

    - asking for ranks, items, etc. in chat or messages

    - discriminatory remarks in chat or messages

    - ping spoofing

    submitted by /u/DalekoOfficial
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    AAsurvival [Vanilla] [Anarchy] {1.14}

    Posted: 02 May 2019 05:33 PM PDT

    Want to check out 1.14 in anarchy format? AAsurvival has got you! With a fairly active player base, there will be plenty of people to test the new crossbows on! As this is anarchy, there are no rules, so have fun raising, greifing, and killing other players! Or, just enjoy vanilla minecraft with all the new 1.14 features without all the annoying plugins and stay hidden from greifers. The server is still new, only been run for a few days so far, so you can hop on without feeling like your tears behind, spawn is still intact! If you enjoy a challenge, pvp, building, and enjoying minecraft in its truest form, AAsurvival is one to check out. We are planning to connect the IP to a domain, but for now join this discord server, and the IP should be pinned in the general chat: Discord server: https://discord.gg/V7bf2BH

    submitted by /u/4267SD
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    Myth of the Pillagers [Semi-Vanilla]{1.14}{Germany}{Whitelist}{Community-Driven}

    Posted: 03 May 2019 12:20 AM PDT

    The new update 1.14 for Minecraft is available for about a week now. If you don't want to face the dangers of the new world all on your own, then you are right on this server.

    We use the Vanilla Client and a few Plugins like McMMO. PvP is only activated in some areas. You can protect your chests with WorldGuard (one simple sign), but otherwise there is no land protection or similar.

    In the future more plugins (like Dynmap) and events may be added. But all in consultation with the players.

    There are no real rules. Just respect other player!

    Currently 35 Players on the whitelist

    (last updated: 03.05.2019)

    Server: play.motfe.net

    Version: 1.14

    Or visit us on Discord

    submitted by /u/MattiBorchers
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    True Vanilla [Semi-Vanilla] {Discord} {1.13.2}

    Posted: 02 May 2019 11:25 AM PDT

    We pride ourselves on the statement, "No bs, just fun." Come on, explore with friends and be welcomed by a caring and ever growing community. We have a zero tolerance policy for griefing. This server is for fun and welcome to all. When 1.14 is stabilized with the new update we will update according

    ip- truevanilla.beastmc.com 1.13.2

    Discord - https://discord.gg/uPAu7YW

    Server Trailer ~~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCTf2xIepk0


    Survivor ~ Default rank

    Helper - Tiger

    Staff ~ Mr_Carter, Shrillrule, Gamerongames


    1. Don't be rude. (such as griefing, mic spamming, etc.)
    2. No spamming.
    3. No hacking. Like, but why though?
    submitted by /u/gamerongames
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    Craft Inc. [Semi-Vanilla] {whitelist} {community based}

    Posted: 02 May 2019 01:56 PM PDT

    Welcome to Craft Inc.

    get it, craft inc....craft..ing....CRAFTING


    · Survival


    ·Home Spawn



    Still 1.13.2:

    Untill the server optimization for 1.14 is done we will still be running 1.13.2


    · No griefing, stealing or un-agreed PVP

    · No harassment, bullying, hate speech or verbal abuse

    · Be polite and treat others as you'd want to be treated

    · Ask before building near someone

    · House etiquette: Do NOT look through other's chests without asking, please leave if asked to do so

    · Please Keep the environment tidy, no half chopped trees

    · No cheating or hacked clients

    · No spamming or advertising


    Application details can be found by clicking on this link to our discord: https://discord.gg/gU9awgt

    submitted by /u/Phantomninja83
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    DaGreenTop [Semi-vanilla]{factions}{close community}

    Posted: 02 May 2019 05:16 PM PDT

    Hey everyone! I am Randel from DaGreenTop. DaGreenTop is a close-community server where we all meet up with our buddies and survive and have a little war action, ya know? We are a very laid back server, and we are just trying to chill and have fun and new experiences with as much new people as we can. Our Rules-

    1. No-Xray

    2. No 32k Weapons/Tools

    3. No hacked clients.

    4.No griefing just to grief, you have to at least declare war on another faction before attacking.

    1. Have fun, and be nice... or not 0.0

    We here at DaGreenTop hope you come and join us and look forward to new members joining us! Thank you!

    submitted by /u/randelkorgan
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    Semi-Vanilla [Semi-vanilla]

    Posted: 02 May 2019 08:08 PM PDT

    Minecraft 1.14 [Latest Version]
    Semi-Vanilla [Minimal plugins]

    This is a small server for friendly people to come together and hang out on Minecraft. We primarily are a survival server at the moment. You can come on the server to hang out with us while grinding away at survival, we'll take recommendations for any fun ideas you have.


    · No harassment, bullying, hate speech or verbal abuse

    · Be polite and treat others as you'd want to be treated

    · Ask before building near someone

    · Keep the environment tidy, no half chopped trees

    · No cheating or hacked clients

    · No spamming or advertising



    submitted by /u/milkanxietea
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    ZWorld [Modded] [SMP] {Discord}

    Posted: 02 May 2019 12:33 PM PDT

    Server Name: ZWorld Server Location: North America Discord: https://discord.gg/jtx7uB5 Server Address: zworld.server-minecraft.pro (requires modpack and Forge 1.12.2, available on Discord) Version: Forge 1.12.2 Gameplay Type: Modded Survival

    Description: ZWorld is an SMP server that runs off of Forge 1.12.2. We have several content-packed mods such as Aether Legacy, Galacticraft, Biomes 'O Plenty, as well as some difficulty enhancers like Serene Seasons and Tough as Nails. Craft the most powerful tools and weapons you can muster with Tinkerer's Construct, explore the heavens of the Aether, or live your dreams as a space explorer. The opportunity is yours, do you accept the challenge? All mods are credited to the developers and I do not claim ownership of any of them.

    Rules: The following is not tolerated on ZWorld

    • Griefing/Stealing
    • Hacking
    • Spamming chat
    • Posting links in chat that lead to dubious sites
    • Building lag machines
    • No racism or otherwise harassing speech that could be construed as hateful

    Owner: 2_Z_Zach

    Moderators: SeniorPenguin, Shadowlink72

    submitted by /u/2_Z_Zach
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    Echoes [Anarchy] [Chaos] [Vanilla] {1.14} {Dedicated Server} {No Phantoms} {Cities}

    Posted: 02 May 2019 07:06 PM PDT

    IP: echoes.fun

    Echoes Website

    Echoes Discord

    About the Server

    If you're struggling to find a server where you fit in, Echoes is the place for you.

    Ever since the server's inception in mid-2017, Echoes has been a community for the liberty-minded. We are dedicated to providing a home for the disenfranchised interlopers and outsiders who go from server to server searching for someplace that feels like home. A total of 9,879 players like you have logged into Echoes servers since we started began hosting them. Come check us out! We'd love to see you on our server or even on our Discord.


    1. Dont threaten to lag/crash the Minecraft servers;

    2. Don't doxx anybody.

    If you're not doing either of these things, you can do whatever your heart desires. The rules on our discord are virtually the same (the only difference is that excessive spam isn't allowed). We're a fun-loving, lighthearted community.

    What Makes Us Different?

    If you read this far, great! We're glad to see you have an interest in Echoes.

    Echoes may not have the age or player numbers (avg. number of people online at any given moment ranges from 12-15 players on weekdays and 15+ on weekends) of bigger anarchy worlds like 2b2t or Minewind. However, we've got features to set us apart from other worlds.

    • Let it be noted that every unique feature listed after this is done without plugins, mods, or server wrappers. Echoes is 100% vanilla. You can verify this by pressing F3 after you login. In the upper left corner of your screen, you'll see this, which indicates that you're playing on a vanilla world.
    • Though our staff login daily, all Echoes Network servers are (primarily) maintained by a bot named Saltshaker. In-game, this bot's name is saltshakerBOT. Saltshaker has a couple of features worth noting:
    • Saltshaker has the ability to teleport players to cities. This works via a number of steps involving two commands specific to accessing each city.
    • The first command, an invitation, is whispered to Saltshaker with a player's username after it. The invitation to visit a city called Otes is "pardon." So, if your username is qazt19, you'd whisper "pardon qazt19" to Saltshaker. After this, you'll be able to use the teleport command.
    • The second command is a teleport command, usually a phrase or book quote translated into Latin. Each city's teleport command will only work if you've been invited to the city you're trying to reach. For example. you cannot use the teleport command for Otes if you haven't been invited to visit Otes. So if my username is qazt19, and assuming I have already invited myself to Otes by whispering "pardon qazt19" to saltshakerBOT, I could then type the teleport command for Otes into public chat. If you'd like to try this for yourself, type "o tempora o mores!" into chat. Be careful of using these teleport commands in the End or Nether, because you'll be teleported to the city's coordinates regardless of which dimension you're in.
    • There is a caveat to all of this! ANYONE who knows a city's teleport command can invite WHOEVER THEY WANT to that city. If you follow the steps listed above, you can invite any player you choose to Otes, regardless of whether or not you've even invited yourself first.
    • Ready to try it yourself? Join echoes.fun, whisper "pardon <your username here>" to saltshakerBOT, and then type "o tempora o mores!" into chat. You'll be teleported to Otes!
    • Saltshaker will also teleport you to spawn via the !spawn command. We're working on a functioning (but nerfed) !back command, equivalent to /back on some other servers.
    • Saltshaker has functional !sethome, !delhome, and !home commands, equivocal to /home and its associated commands on spigot servers.
    • This command is a bit of a novelty; saltshakerBOT will place any block or item on your head that you desire (but the item will be enchanted with curse of vanishing and curse of binding) using the !hat command.
    • View a full list of saltshakerBOT's commands here.
    • Unlike most other anarchy worlds, pvp on Echoes is rare. Despite our lack of constraining rules, Echoes is a very community-centric server. For the most part, everyone you'll encounter is friendly and cooperative. Be warned, however, it's still anarchy, and there will always be people out to mess with you.
    • We also incorporate vote rewards into the server, courtesy of xMamo's vanilla votifier. In exchange for voting for the server (vote links are available on our Discord, and on the server by typing "!vote" into chat.), you receive 10XP levels, regeneration and health boost 4 for 10 minutes, and a random item.
    • We have a custom resource pack with sounds (mostly memes) activated by certain keywords in chat. For example, saying "bruh" will cause Bruh Sound Effect #2 to play.
    • If you're a fan of Fallout: New Vegas, you're going to like our player base. We're all huge fans. We've got a custom Discord bot that streams Radio New Vegas 24/7 in our voice chat, complete with Mr. New Vegas' narration.
    • In-game, we're working on a bot user form of Mr. New Vegas. Using server resource packs, we're close to making it such that you can tune into Radio New Vegas as you play Minecraft. This should be completed by the end of May (was due to be completed earlier, but we've run into technical limitations with Minecraft's resource packs).


    Echoes comes highly recommended from all of its regulars. Check us out!

    submitted by /u/EchoesNetwork
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    SonoraBuild [SMP] {Careers} {MCMMO} {Residence} {Custom World}

    Posted: 02 May 2019 06:23 PM PDT

    Server IP: mc.SonoraBuild.net

    SonoraBuild is a nongriefing, mainly PvE (PvPing friends is ok, but RDMing is bannable!) server. There's plenty to do no matter what your playstyle - grind for ranks and sell an increasing amount of items as you level up, or build a sprawling compound for you and your friends. There are player shops for rent near spawn, but feel free to make your own near your settlement. You can do /rtp to teleport a short distance from spawn and start your journey!

    Some server highlights:

    • Residence - claim your own home regions
    • Decorative heads - Free and donor heads for sprucing up your dwelling
    • Custom terrain generation - lots of landscapes you'll see nowhere else
    • Railroad system - get far from spawn easily
    • Branching ranking system - choose from 6 career paths
    • Counter-griefing - CoreProtect lets us roll back grief and get your stuff back

    Brief rules:

    • Griefing, raiding and RDMING = BAN!
    • Homophobia, racism, or sexism is not tolerated.
    • Be a good neighbor and be friendly to fellow players. Don't build too close without their permission.
    • Don't be disrespectful to anyone - player or staff.
    submitted by /u/InfamousArgyle
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    Fifth of November Anarchy [Anarchy] {1.12.2}

    Posted: 02 May 2019 06:21 PM PDT

    Fresh new anarchy server ready for whatever you can think of. There is spawn protection for a short distance. Keep an eye out for clues to loot drops. Always looking for suggestions on how to make the server better and mix things up. Feel free to use hacked clients for just about everything but flying. Running 1.12.2 for better compatibility with various hacked clients. ip: 1.tcp.ngrok.io:25751

    submitted by /u/ereeb
    [link] [comments]

    You Need Backup [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{1.13.2}{18+}

    Posted: 02 May 2019 05:49 PM PDT


    You Need Backup is a server focused on vanilla gameplay, in-game trade, a friendly community and big projects. Our community centers largely around worldspawn and the Market, the latter of which we have put in the End dimension. Any player who wishes to sell goods at the Market can build a shop there. The world is currently about 2 months old. We also use a simple squad system to help players work co-operate and recruit for their squads. Any player can start a squad with 2 other founding members. You Need Backup depends on donations, so your support is appreciated. Donors do not receive any special perks in-game.

    Rules of Conduct 1. Discord is required. You will be whitelisted after being interviewed and having joined the Discord server. 2. Bullying or flaming other members will not be tolerated. This is handled on a user report basis. 3. Do not ask to be an admin or have any management responsibilities.

    Gameplay Rules 1. Cheating is not allowed. Cheating includes but is not limited to: advantageous resource packs like X-ray, modded clients, hacked clients, or macro programming. Cheaters are actively sought out and banned by the server management. 2. Griefing, hostile killing of other players, and stealing are all not allowed. One violation will result in a ban. These are all handled solely on a user report basis.


    UltimoDeNinja, beantedy, Featherson, XHeatherLynnX, and thenastymask2

    DM me here on reddit if you would like to join YNB! We have a short interview process.

    submitted by /u/Ninj636
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    Emeraldcraft [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{1.14}{Discord}{WHITELIST}{18+}

    Posted: 02 May 2019 01:40 PM PDT

    Hello, we are Emeraldcraft! We are a small, whitelisted server looking to grow. The only non-vanilla things we have right now are player heads and One Person Sleep.

    We just started a clean map for 1.14, so you will get to help build the server from the ground up!

    Do you want a server where you can work on your projects without worry of grief? Where you can help work on communal projects? (Spawn, shopping center, mob farms, etc) Where the people are kind, helpful, and always joking? Then EmeraldCraft might be for you!

    Currently looking to add a few more players that are 18+ and preferably in a NA Timezone.


    -No griefing

    -No stealing

    -Pranks are allowed, but only ones that don't destroy anybodies stuff

    -Must have discord

    If this sounds like a place for you, send me a pm answering the following:

    -Your age

    -What are your favorite parts of minecraft?

    -Why do you want to play on a server?

    -What is your discord?

    submitted by /u/ChodeB
    [link] [comments]


