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    Minecraft [BLOCKS & ITEMS] right clicking mossy blocks with shears should remove the moss and yield vines

    Minecraft [BLOCKS & ITEMS] right clicking mossy blocks with shears should remove the moss and yield vines

    [BLOCKS & ITEMS] right clicking mossy blocks with shears should remove the moss and yield vines

    Posted: 27 May 2019 08:26 AM PDT

    It would be a neat mechanic if you could remove moss from mossy blocks by right clicking them with shears

    submitted by /u/InonednTheDragon
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    Glowing obsidian

    Posted: 27 May 2019 09:40 AM PDT

    A long time ago in a galaxy far far away there was a block known as the nether reactor core that allowed you to get a block called glowing obsidian, sadly this block was removed making it impossible to get glowing obsidian.

    I propose that glowing obsidian spawns naturally as the floor of the lava oceans. This is because over time the heat and pressure caused the nettherack to become obsidian and made it glow. It can be mined with diamond pickaxes to get the block and would be a cool new light source. It would also be reasonably hard to get as you need to travel to the bottom of the lava oceans.

    Thank you for reading please give your feedback in the comments :)

    submitted by /u/NAFTAmapper
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    New Illager: Rocketeer

    Posted: 27 May 2019 12:28 PM PDT

    I was watching Grian's latest episode of Hermitcraft, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UK3lkBnaymw, and at 9:43, Grian gave me an idea. Rockets are incredibly damaging and are an aspect of the new crossbows that are a bit obscure. To add more to woodland mansions, which I feel are a bit underwhelming even before the introduction of raids, I propose a new Illager: the Rocketeer.

    The Rocketeer would look like your typical Vindicator, but with a long brown trench coat going down to their knees, black pants, and potentially a paperboy's cap. However, since none of the Illagers in the game(Illusioners don't count) have hats, I feel a bit reluctant to add this to the character description.

    The Rocketeer is armed with a crossbow instead of an ax, and they would have rockets instead of arrows. The rockets that they fire would be randomly generated, with different designs, and damage would vary by up to 2 points. On easy, it would deal 6-8 damage and would increase by 2 damage per each difficulty level. The Rocketeer would also come with blast protection, similar to how witches hardly take any damage from potions.

    Killing the Rocketeer would reward the player with a few emeralds, as well as Fire Charges, Gold Nuggets, Glowstone Dust, and even a Diamond or a WIther Skull on a rare occasion! However, when partaking in a raid, they will not drop diamonds or wither skulls, as being able to farm Totems of Undying is already bad enough.

    submitted by /u/Gravity-15
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    When you put a record disc into a jukebox, any current ambient music will stop playing.

    Posted: 26 May 2019 08:27 PM PDT

    Mojang, if you do more than glance, we need to talk...

    Posted: 27 May 2019 03:21 PM PDT

    Just to clarify, I love what you guys are doing so far. However the divide between bedrock and Java is getting to ridiculous proportions.

    What I mean by this is that some really fun features are exclusive to Java and it's honestly ridiculous they are not in Bedrock. Now I would not care if it was just 1 or 3. However so many are missing that the gap is getting LARGER.

    I don't know what update you guys are planning on and this is in no way a post to despise you. But in my opinion, what ever update your working on, you honestly need to set it aside to work on getting the two versions together.

    submitted by /u/WhiteMarabou3455
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    Witches can use jump and slow fall potions

    Posted: 27 May 2019 03:51 AM PDT

    I think giving the witch the ability to jump two blocks and avoid fall damage would be cool and more of a challenge. It would probably be restricted to a higher gamemode, though.

    Another quirk could be the witch throwing the wrong kind of potion at you by mistake (like a 0.5% chance) which could consist of regen, speed etc.

    I honestly think all hostile mpbs need more quirks to make them a little less predictable.

    submitted by /u/jclar50
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    Stars- a unique light source with many uses

    Posted: 27 May 2019 02:19 PM PDT

    Here is some lore that justifies things in this suggestion(you can skip it, and it is optional):

    1. The Nether is young, the End is old, and the Overworld is in between.
    2. Stars(the ones in the Overworld sky) form at the beginning of the world and fall to the ground as time passes.
    3. They form from clusters of pure magic- glowstone, redstone, and blaze rods are all made of this, and it was distributed mostly evenly.
    4. Blazes are monsters made of pure magic, and glowstone clusters are the fossils of long-dead giant blazes.
    5. Something has gone terribly wrong in the Nether(wow, I had no idea), and stars are not forming.

    Stars are a new solid block that is completely white, like white concrete, but emits a light level of 15. There are two ways to obtain them:

    1. Crafting- 9 star shards, a new item found rarely in End City and End Ship chests, can be crafted into a star. Stars can also be crafted back into them.
    2. Finding them- Stars are very rarely found in the End, with or blocks occurring as often as Emerald Ore does in Extreme Hills, in veins of 1. They are not in ore form.

    Unlike other light blocks, stars have a special feature- light emitted from stars shines through blocks. You will no longer need to hide light sources under carpet, and if you want something to be bright without having unsightly torches everywhere, now you can use this block. Also, when a light block is powered, the light level, and therefore radius, of the light block is decreased by the power level of the block. Stars have hardness and blast resistance equivalent to that of obsidian, but it will drop no matter what tool you use to break it. In the inventory it is distinguished from white concrete by not being shadowed and by being pure white. Additionally, Star Shards can be used similarly to redstone and glowstone in potions. It both extends time for and increases the power level of potions- very expensive, but worth it.

    submitted by /u/AllTheThings0of
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    Steps made of smooth stone......

    Posted: 27 May 2019 12:46 PM PDT

    Why there are no steps from a smooth stone?

    it is somehow not logical because there are slabs and there are no stairs, why????

    submitted by /u/StreamerIdiot
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    An "Optimization Update"

    Posted: 27 May 2019 12:37 PM PDT

    As time goes on, Minecraft seems to increasingly become spaghetti code.

    1.14 has added many new things, but this is causing issues for the game.

    Particularly, mob pathfinding, chunk loading, bamboo rendering, bamboo breaking, and kelp(animation/rendering) need this kind of update.

    Old problems like having too many drops on the ground and exploding several bombs could also use a boost.

    With the recent lighting and mob despawning glitches, which have previously been long fixed, I think it's time for Mojang to put more fun updates on hold and work on cleaning up the code.

    submitted by /u/Takama12
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    Visual/Graphical feature: Boat should bob up and down in water and create waves around them

    Posted: 27 May 2019 03:19 AM PDT

    Boats should slightly bob up and down in water, and make small waves around them, to make them look and feel more "connected" with the water.

    Vote this suggestion on feedback.minecraft.net

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Rocky Hills biome

    Posted: 27 May 2019 12:48 PM PDT

    Same thing as the mountains biome but without snow. I'm sure many people would like to make bases in that biome but don't like all the snow around. Would be the same temperature as well.

    submitted by /u/GalaThundR
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    An upgrade to Turtles.

    Posted: 27 May 2019 03:09 AM PDT

    Turtles have a shell for protection so why not give them 2 armour points. And their shell would deflect snowballs.

    submitted by /u/mikailafridi
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    Chest with Minecarts should make sounds, open and close like a normal Chest

    Posted: 27 May 2019 04:37 PM PDT

    Possibly, Minecarts with Furnaces and Minecarts with Hoppers should have their own GUI's as well.

    submitted by /u/Lollypop_warrior0325
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    Recorder block: a block that records every sound connected to it in redstone.

    Posted: 27 May 2019 10:36 AM PDT

    It will record jukeboxes, note blocks, and even things like TNT explosions or bells. You will be able to connect microphones to it that record everything that happens near them (such as pigs oinking). You will also be able to save your creations on a disk (I thought a cool recipe will be 3 glass, 3 ink sacks, and 1 dye depending on the color you want and then play them whenever you want. I think it's a pretty cool idea.

    submitted by /u/pugpong
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    Silverfish’s and Endermite’s health should be changed from 8 to 3.

    Posted: 27 May 2019 04:20 PM PDT

    Silverfish and Endermites look small compared to a Chicken. And they have more health than Chickens so why not change these bugs' health to 3.

    submitted by /u/mikailafridi
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    Villagers n portals

    Posted: 27 May 2019 12:08 PM PDT

    Sometimes, villagers enter a nether portal n never return. Make them able to recognize which one leads home!

    submitted by /u/GameSeeker040411
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    Add starfish and urchin flats to the oceans

    Posted: 27 May 2019 12:08 AM PDT

    If a starfish is killed, it will very rarely (wither skull levels of rarity) drop itself as an item, and put into a furnace will produce a dried starfish which can be placed either decoratively or traded for emeralds (which is why it drops so rarely)

    Starfish are slightly more common in cold oceans

    Urchin flats are just terrain features in regular and lukewarm oceans which have no plants growing and instead generate spiky urchins which are damaging to the touch. Perhaps they could be used to craft the once-planned spike trap?

    submitted by /u/OREOSTUFFER
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    Make Shulkers take more damage from Pickaxes/Axes

    Posted: 26 May 2019 04:57 PM PDT

    Shulkers are the only mob in the game that is blocklike, and I think to accentuate that point, they should be more vulnerable to attacks from these tools. Besides, what do you think is going to be more effective, slashing at it with a sword, or gutting right through its hard shell with a pickaxe?

    submitted by /u/Gravity-15
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    Ravagers destroy berry bushes, bamboo, cactus and chorus fruit like they do other crops

    Posted: 27 May 2019 11:57 AM PDT

    (On Java Edition)

    submitted by /u/Minecart64
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    1.16: Spells and Storms (Part 1: The Stormy Sea)

    Posted: 26 May 2019 10:28 PM PDT

    I've seen many different ideas for 1.15, but now that it is probably going to be announced soon, I thought I'd make an idea for 1.16. This update would be huge, and it would change exploration and combat forever. This would add new structures, biomes, and an entirely new combat system to boot. Here's my idea for what it could be.

    (Note #1: Most of this is meant to be for multiplayer. So, don't take the fact that some of this would be very hard to deal with as a solo player as a mistake. It is meant for uniting against the forces of evil or whatever other motivational stuff anime characters say.)

    (Note #2: I'm really sorry that this breaks rule 3 (concision), but I spent a really long time on this, and I wanted to get out all that I can on this first part of my 1.16 ideas series.)

    Firstly, the biggest new biome.

    It would be even rarer than a mushroom biome and be called the Stormy Sea, and it would certainly live up to this name. As soon as you enter, a rainstorm would begin. Once you get deeper, waves will begin appearing, which would be made of a line of source blocks with flowing water blocks of decreasing size around them. The deeper you get, the more serious the storm becomes, creating lightning and much larger waves (up to four blocks tall!). The waves can knock players off boats and the larger ones even break them and push players below the surface of the water. Drowned are perfectly adapted to these conditions, being unaffected by the extreme waves. This would mean that rowing to the destination at the center of the massive biome is impractical and will most likely fail horribly. But what about flying? Well, there's an effect that is given when entering the biome called "Turbulence" which increases by a level with every layer deeper you travel (there are five layers in the biome). This effect blows you around when on elytra, sometimes making you fly up, and sometimes even folding in your wings forcefully! So no, flying is not very practical, either. So how would you get to the central layer? Well, here comes a new use for a pretty useless enchantment! Frostwalker allows for freezing waves by simply jumping, and it creates a bridge for you and friends to use in the future! Of course, Depth Strider III could also do the trick, but much less effectively, and definitely not permanently. This biome would also have occasional small islands with compact abandoned villages on them. These would make for good stopping points on the way to the central layer.

    So, with all this talk of the central layer... what actually is it? Well, it is a large, ring-shaped island with a massive tower in the center. This tower would be like an extremely huge outpost with stone bricks and more! It would be full of chests and monsters. These monsters would be a few Witches, LOTS of Evokers, some Pillagers and Vindicators, and a new illager: the Torcher. The Torcher would have 40 health and would look like an evoker with a kind of kilt and dark orange robes. It would always be holding a flint and steel, which would be used for casting fire spells, such as creating waves of flame (which would disappear too fast to actually burn anything down) and shooting four ghast fireballs (that wouldn't actually destroy blocks). It would drop a bunch of random fire-related items upon death.

    And at the top of the over 100-block tall tower would be the final boss of the Stormy Sea:

    The Conjurer

    The Conjurer would look like your typical tower wizard but fused with an Evoker. It would be wearing a dark blue robe with star symbols and enchantment letters on it, as well as a tall, black hat with a crescent moon design. It would have glowing icy blue eyes and long gray hair. It would also be holding a black staff with a snowflake at the end of it, which would constantly be emitting icy blue particles. Even more particles would begin to fly in all directions when casting a spell.

    But now, onto how the fight would actually play out. As soon as the players would get to the top, they'd be met with ominous chanting. Two Evokers and two Illusioners would be standing in a circle around the Conjurer, with all five of the mobs waving their hands in the air. The four in the circle would be completely neutral, but when one would get attacked, they would all fight back. As soon as the four in the circle get killed, the Conjurer would float in the air, its health bar would appear, and a massive explosion of force would blast the players out of the tower. This force wave would give players immunity to fall damage until they hit the ground, though, as to avoid instant losses. As soon as the health bar fills in completely, the battle begins.

    The Conjurer would fly down from the tower and begin to fly around over the players' heads, summoning Vex and Phantoms and firing frost charges (fire charges but they freeze water, don't destroy blocks, and inflict heavy slowness). In this phase (500-400 health) the Conjurer would fly around at about the speed of a Vex, but once it got to phase 2, it would start going much faster.

    In phase 2, the Conjurer would fire volleys of frost charges (which could be hit back, but the Conjurer would be unaffected by the slowness debuff) and create lightning strikes. It would also summon phantoms, but less frequently. In this phase, it would have a charged aura (like a charged creeper) around it, which would become more transparent with each spell cast. As soon as it cast 20 spells, it would go into recharging mode, where it would stay in place and strike itself with non-damaging lightning bolts (one for each spell) until it fully recharges.

    Phase 3 would begin when it reaches 300 health. This phase would see the Conjurer flying lower to the water and having a wither-like aura around it, no longer under the constraints of a spell limit. The attacks it would use would consist of summoning Illusioners riding freaking phantoms (cause why the nether not), creating waves of ice particles that freeze water, push players away, and inflict heavy slowness, and forming arrow clouds (clouds that appear to be horizontal nether portals that rain down weakened arrows of decay for 3 seconds before disappearing). It would occasionally summon lightning bolts at random, as well. Sometimes it would slow down to create a cloud, at which point the players could bombard it with arrows, fireworks, and tridents.

    Skipping a 200 health phase, it would go into its FINAL FORM (last stand phase) once it hits 100 health. This final phase would give it a 30 spell limit and combine all the attacks of its previous phases, but without any slowdown that comes with attacks like the arrow clouds. The Conjurer would recharge with a lightning bolt every half second, but it would still have to stop to recuperate after using up all its energy. The phase would finally end with the Conjurer's death, and the loot and the Tower of Storms are all yours. This would mean that mobs would cease spawning in the tower, but they could still be farmed if you simply never attack the circle.

    If the Conjurer kills the players, then they'll have to reconquer the whole tower (beds don't work in it until the Conjurer is defeated) and get all the way back to their loot without the luxury of their best gear (definitely needed for such a powerful boss). This boss is meant to be optimized for about 4 or so players, but I tried my best to make it possible to beat with less, or even solo.

    I would love some feedback, and I actually need a bit of help with the loot tables for this thing. So far I have a Totem of Storms, which would have some amount of weather control, and a stack or two of frost charges which could be fired out of dispensers or possibly used in crafting. Also, I'll just come out and say this: I love discussing ideas, especially my own. I love having a bunch of people come together and work on making something better. That's why I made this idea so centered around an attack team fighting a powerful enemy. So I would really like if this could start some discussions! Thanks for walking across this stormy sea of text!

    submitted by /u/RockHopperSSM
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    An idle player near a playing jukebox would start dancing

    Posted: 27 May 2019 07:39 AM PDT

    If a player stops moving near a jukebox that is playing music, he/she would start dancing (by that I mean waving arms around and swinging legs forward and backward)

    Think of the old steve mob walking animation toned down a bit


    1. Villagers would sometimes stop what they're doing and stare at you. If they like your dance (its 50/50 chance), they might throw a free item at you (nothing too OP). If they don't like it, they just continue what they're doing with some angry particles on their heads. Of course, they won't actually affect your popularity
    2. Pets would tilt their heads and look at you as if your crazy; however, they would sometimes attempt to dance along
    3. Sometimes cows, sheep, and pigs would look at you intrigued, but would later just continue doing what they were doing (AKA nothing)


    1. walking, jumping or sprinting would not cancel the dancing, crouching would, however
    2. Being hit would making you stop dancing
    3. disk 11 wouldn't make you dance
    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    We should be able to set multiple directory's for world's, and have controller support

    Posted: 27 May 2019 04:41 AM PDT

    So this is java only, but I think we should be able to set a different directory for world's. Say being able to have them in my Dropbox folder so I can have cloud saves! Another thing is that worlds should be readable in the .zip format so we can just download them to one of the directory's and play it.

    Another thing I want is native controller support, Minecraft bedrock already has this, and I find the game more fun with a controller and having to have steam running in the background is really annoying, and using the inventory with the steam method is horrible.

    So these are my 2 suggestions that aren't really gameplay releated.

    submitted by /u/32_bit_link
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    New Villager: Lumberjack

    Posted: 27 May 2019 02:53 AM PDT

    It's main job is to cut down a naturally generated tree every 5-10 minutes, but I don't know a job-site block for it. It would live in a new NPC Village structure called the Lumberjack Hut. If a sapling dropped from the tree the Lumberjack chopped, the Lumberjack will collect a sapling and place the sapling on grass or dirt and leave the sapling to grow into a tree. It wields an Iron Axe that is used to chop trees.

    You can trade with it to get wooden items like, Sticks, Logs, Stripped Logs, Saplings and Wood.

    submitted by /u/mikailafridi
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    Falling sand & gravel should make a sound

    Posted: 27 May 2019 04:41 PM PDT

    Falling Sand and gravel should make a sound on impact with ground

    Currently they only have breaking/placing sounds, but no sound when they hit the ground (after falling)

    Vote on feedback.minecraft

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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