• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers NRG-MC [Semi-vanilla] [Hub] [PVE] {survival} {creative} {1.14.1}

    Minecraft Servers NRG-MC [Semi-vanilla] [Hub] [PVE] {survival} {creative} {1.14.1}

    NRG-MC [Semi-vanilla] [Hub] [PVE] {survival} {creative} {1.14.1}

    Posted: 28 May 2019 03:07 AM PDT

    Hii welcome to ... well the post about my server xD

    First of all hello i´m Ame the Co-Owner of NRG-Mc a 1.14 minecraft server for Java players. One of our players asked me today if theres no way for us to let more people know about our server, when they suggested this subreddit i decided to create an account and... well.. post this xD hope you enjoy it and maybe even decide to check our server out ;P

    What can you do on our server?

    we currently have three servers but we´re planning on adding a few more in the near future. Right now we have...

    • Retronix - a 1.14.1 survival server with an awesome community. we have a few nice add ons like quests, an economy, crates, server events like mob partys and boss fights and many more fun things!
    • Creative - creative server that currently runs 1.14.1

    What will we be adding in the Future?

    • Skyblock - we actually had skyblock prepared before we opened the creative server so yeah... skyblock will be the a thing soon
    • Factions - we want to add a factions server but we´re not sure when
    • basically anything you´d like us to add - we´re always open for new ideas and both I and the other owner try to stay in touch with our players, so if you´d like to see a certain server in the future just let us know and we´ll try to make your dreams come true

    Server Rules

    1. Respect other users.
    2. All language and content must be friendly. (No NSFW content)
    3. Keep your profile clean. Make sure you use your In game name. Do not use inappropriate names, game displays or profile pictures.
    4. No discussion of politics, religion, race, mental illness, or other serious issues.
    5. No spamming, EXCESSIVE CAPS, or aLtErNaTiNg CaPs
    6. No griefing or building inappropriate stuff
    7. Do not argue with staff.
    8. Do not ask about the punishments of other users.
    9. You are allowed to show your work in our discord channels #media and #builds. However, shameless advertisements are not allowed.

    NOTE: These rules apply on all of our platforms.

    Why should you choose our server over other survival servers?

    Ofc its up to you what server you play on but when i asked our players they came up with the following reasons

    • On our server you can actually sleep to avoid phantoms - MrPranklez, the other Owner, put his heart and soul in configurating our plugins. He created a system that lets players speed up the night by sleeping. If there are 4 players online and 1 sleeps the night will go by 25% faster
    • Even if you dont donate you can still enjoy cosmetic features like /hat and /pets
    • We don´t tolerate bullying or being rude - doesn´t matter if a players i best friends with the owners and staff, they´ll be treated just like every other player. If they break rules they get punished. We keep a close eye on Players that break our rules and even if they don´t actually break a rule but they bother another player we´ll always try to resolve things and ensure they leave you alone if you want
    • The backend isn´t something just admins+ know about - Our developers update our players whenever they change something (even if its just the colour of a rank) players get the chance to talk to the devs and ask questions or suggest things
    • We´re a young, growing community - that means playing never gets boring, we´re constantly looking for new stuff to add (not just for our donators) we try to reward our community for playing on our server

    Here are the links and stuff for you to join the community!!

    Server Ip: play.nrg-mc.com


    Forums: https://nrg-mc.enjin.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nrg.minecraft/?hl=de

    Thank you for reading this, have a wonderful day <3

    now just some general info about our server and how it all came together...

    Originally this Project started out together with another member called Grims. Mr Pranklez and him both started this joint venture as main sponsors and agreed that they would both be active owners/members of this community that we were trying to create. Although he was present throughout the entire process of starting up this project, he no longer has the will/time to dedicate to this amazing community/project. This brought us to the point where we had to bid him farewell as owner of Retronix Network.

    Mr Pranklez soon realized that running a server alone is very hard so he offered me (an admin with the Staff Manager role at the time) to join him in managing the community and keeping the server open as his partner. We then decided to spilt the work in two parts. While i take care of the frontend and do such things as promoting the server, taking care of players and asking for suggestions to improve the server, he takes care of the backend as our main developer.

    We´ve been open for just three months but already have a small community that supports us and helps fulfill our dreams.

    Thank you again for reading this post and i hope to see you online at some point. If you have questions feel free to ask me here or Mr Pranklez and our staff using our discord server!!

    submitted by /u/AmethystMallow
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    SuperFunTime Survival [SMP][PvE][PvP] {Economy}{MCMMO}{Custom Plugins}{Updated to 1.13.2}

    Posted: 28 May 2019 09:22 AM PDT

    Visit our Website: http://www.superfuntime.org

    Join our discord! It's linked to our servers so you can stay in touch even from your phone when you cant play Minecraft! It also has a range of other great channels to keep you entertained! - https://discord.gg/xftqYDJ

    Who are we?

    Super Fun Time is an active and established gaming community which has been going strong for more than 8 years! We put our focus on an enhanced vanilla Minecraft server along with several modded servers. Super Fun Time is a community of players that enjoy to build, have fun, and occasionally fall in some lava by accident. It is a great place to come around and grow with the amazing community of dedicated players! We strive to provide an inclusive experience for all of our players, regardless of race, gender, religion or sexual orientation.

    Our Survival Server:

    On Survival we have an amazing staff team who are always willing to help, we will answer any questions you have and we even protect your builds for you! We have McMMO with custom XP rates, Slimefun, EliteMobs, Pyrofishing and Pyromining so you will always have something entertaining to do! We have an active economy with an auction house, player run shops and a server shop which is opened by our Managers multiple times a day. There is also SteveCo crates which all have different themed items in them! We have an active EventHost team who host a range of amazing events that you can find in /w3 and we have a big event every weekend with a larger prize than normal! Come and check it out at: play.superfuntime.org

    Our Pixelmon Server:

    Our Pixelmon Server running Pixelmon Generations 2.6.2 has a wonderful community built up over the years. In addition we include features like: NPC Gyms, Player ran Gyms, GTS, Wondertrade, Pokehunt, Teams, Clubs & more! Since we use a custom modpack for our server we can also include unique mods like CustomNPCs, Pam's Harvestcraft, Quark, Chisel, Chisel and bits, Iron chests, Biomes O Plenty and some others that give us a more interesting way of playing Minecraft. We are always expanding and you can see many creative aspects to our take on pixelmon by downloading the SFT Pixelmon Pack on Technic Search this in your technic launcher to find our pack! https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/sft-pixelmon.162655 If you are missing our IP you can connect using: pixelmon.sftmc.org:1339

    We hope to see you ingame! <3

    Our "The 1.7.10 Pack" Server:

    The 1.7.10 Pack is a modpack consisting of over 250 mods, including a large variety of types to chose from. We're a PvE server with claims, although PvP is allowed if both sides agree! As well as a great modpack, we have many features to help satisfy this as the best choice;

    - Events --> Of all kinds to satisfy any boredom; Quic, Wipeout & more!

    - Special Ranks --> given specifically by playtime! Containing new kits with both tech & magic paths

    - Active/Friendly Staff --> always willing to help with your modpack and server struggles. They wont let you down!

    - Custom Economy --> called EMP. Which you can buy/sell items or race to become the richest

    - Friendly Community --> full of many players willing to help with any of your needs and boredom.

    Download it from The Technic Launcher and then add the IP: games.superfuntime.org:1338 and come join the fun!

    Pocket Edition: In case you want to play on the go, we also have a pocket edition server at: games.superfuntime.org

    Survival Hardcore: If you want to play survival hardcore, just join the survival server and then type /shc

    Creative: If you want to mess around on our creative server join survival and type /creative

    Rules Overview

    Server Hardware: Dedicated server: - Xeon E5-1620v2 / 4 Cores 8 Threads / 3.7GHz+ / 64 GB DDR3 / 1 GBps (hosted with OVH)

    Owners: TowelieDOH, Dpa1991, saywhat2365

    Did you know CaptainSparklez made a video about us? Check it out here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7HKXMxQbW8

    Don't forget to check out what Jesus thinks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C986V0qsuPA&feature=youtu.be

    submitted by /u/SFTMedia
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    Panda Kingdom SMP [Vanilla] {Discord} {16+} {Whitelisted}{1.14}

    Posted: 28 May 2019 12:45 AM PDT

    • Active Discord with random games
    • Drama-Free Environment
    • Player Head Drops / Mob head drops/Death Location/Elytra Drop
    • 16+
    • Long Term Map - Fresh on 4-8-2019
    • 1 player sleep
    • 5gb Server
    • Free water to all applicants

    Have you been looking for a mature place to play? A place that focuses on community, and making friends? Come check out The Panda Kingdom. We have a small group of seriously dedicated minecrafters who have known each other for a couple of years. We won't be resetting for at least a year, so come start that large project that you've worried about starting on other servers. Our map is still very fresh, with many community farms, spawn, the nether hub, and much more still left undone.

    You can check out the statistics page here:MC Statistics


    • No theft
    • No bullying or racism
    • No Duping or taking advantage of in game glitches
    • No excessive farms
    • Pranks are allowed, but you must post a sign claiming responsibility
    • Do not intentionally deface spawn or other players bases. This is griefing and will result in a ban
    • Do not build within 400 blocks of spawn

    If this sounds like the place for you, apply here:PK Application

    Join the discord after that and one of us will get you whitelisted. DISCORD

    submitted by /u/hazyperspective
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    Blame The Server [Semi-vanilla]{NEW}{Whitelist}{Basic eConomy}{No Griefing}{Discord}

    Posted: 28 May 2019 10:24 AM PDT

    VERSION 1.14.2

    Jump in, build anywhere. Easy as that.

    Welcome to what might be your new favorite server to play on, this is a brand new server open to anyone that wants to help build something great. We want to keep things simple but also add a small layer onto the game that we feel is missing from the vanilla experience. We feature a basic eConomy and global shop which you can make money from and buy materials at a hefty price, we still want to encourage exploration so don't expect to rely on the shop. There is no land claiming, you spawn in and just get going. Please respect other players boundaries. Any type of griefing is not permitted and we've installed ways of easily finding out who has done what and rewinding their actions. Player feedback is very important to us, we listen to everyone and do our best to keep the server as high quality as we can.


    - No griefing

    - No cheating (Xrays etc)

    - Don't make any crazy auto-farms that will lag the server, if they're found they will be destroyed. We don't mind small scale farms but don't go over the top.

    - Respect other players space, if someone doesn't seem like they want to be near you please don't intrude.

    - Just use some common sense and be a nice human being! :)

    If the server picks up some players I'll be hosting weekly build competitions over on my twitch channel and generally showing off what people have created.

    SERVER IP: blametheserver.nitrous.it

    - This server has been paid to stay up for the next year at least, if successful it will keep going -


    - Minecraft Version 1.14.2

    - 24/7 Uptime

    - Anti-grief plugins that log literally every block interaction players make, can rollback any type of griefing.

    - LockettePro (Right-click a chest with a sign and the server will automatically lock the chest for you, you can add others to the chest as well if needed)

    - Daily Rewards (Claim a little bit of cash everyday just by logging in! You can even claim a bit extra on that if you use /vote to help promote the server on various websites!)

    - GUIshop (Buy items from the global shop! It appears on your screen as it's own UI menu, you can also see the sell prices in there. To actually sell things, type /sell. Drag and drop into the empty space and escape the menu, your item will sell!)

    - McMMO Lite (Basic leveling! Abilities have been disabled)

    - MobArena (WIP - Soon you will be able to enter various arenas and fight off waves of mobs for money, it's great fun if you get bored and need something to do other than build/mine.)


    IGN(In Game Name):


    Minecraft experience:

    Favorite thing to do in the game:

    Other games you play:

    Hobbies you have:

    Any other random stuff about yourself:


    BUILD COMPETITIONS STARTING ON THE 3RD JUNE! These events will end every Sunday and a new one will begin the day after. They'll change slightly every week, the first week you'll have only those 7 days to build from start to finish. The week after can involve any building you've made at any time, as long as it's not been entered in a competition before, it's allowed in. Then back to only 7 days, then back to any time. You get the idea.

    submitted by /u/TripleDGames
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    distortion world [Anarchy] [Vanilla] {1.14.2} {Discord}

    Posted: 28 May 2019 09:34 AM PDT


    distortion world, your home for anarchy in Minecraft. [1.14.2 & constantly being updated]



    No rules.

    No world resets.

    No plugins.

    No staff.


    Do as you please, anything is fair game in the server. I'll continue paying for hosting as long as somebody joins daily (hasn't been an issue), and a domain will soon be acquired.


    submitted by /u/Verzile
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    Outerlands [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Java Edition}{1.14.1}

    Posted: 27 May 2019 07:37 PM PDT

    Join the discord to apply. https://discord.gg/fmk8Hp7

    Want to play on a server, but are bogged down with plugins like crazy, or abusive administrators?

    Come to Outerlands.

    Rules are simple etiquette and common sense.

    Shops are to be within 100 blocks of spawn.

    Build your base within 1000 blocks of spawn.

    There are no ban appeals, so there will only be serious players on the server.

    submitted by /u/cj-sucks
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    Posted: 28 May 2019 08:22 AM PDT

    LATEMANIA, a place for your dreams.


    New server, no rules, looking for people to stay and make a home on our server!


    Casual chat and updates on the server, also info if the ip changes! Usually open 12-24h in a day.

    Server runs on 1.14.2.

    no rules

    no map resets

    no world border

    No spawn protection, only common sense.

    There are no moderators, or maybe once in a blue moon, so keep it civil in the chat. If you have any complains, you can leave them in the discord server.

    This server is a place to build and chat, team up, destroy and adventure together and alone. We hope to build a tight and friendly community and we have a Discord server to stay in touch.

    The server has been going for a days and has nothing set up. Whether you want to build alongside other people or go off and do your own thing, the world is your oyster.

    submitted by /u/Plegu
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    Reborn Kingdoms [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Lands}{1.14.2}{Long-Term}

    Posted: 28 May 2019 05:55 AM PDT

    Reborn Kingdoms is a survival server that aims to bring you the vanilla experience you always wanted - a laid-back community of your fellow Minecrafters, a pure item/trading-based, player-run economy without a hundred plugins that distort the vanilla experience beyond recognition. Here's what we can offer you:

    • A dedicated, long-term server with a strict lack of resets - we will only reset if there is ABSOLUTELY no alternative
    • An active staff team with years of experience in server maintenance and player management
    • Free speech chat - swearing and reasonable political/religious discussion is fine, but toxicity is muted
    • A fully customised grief protection plugin (Lands) with a chunk-based, gold-bought claiming system
    • Faster version updates than any other survival server out there
    • A smooth experience with no lag and minimal learning curve
    • PvP combat is permitted only outside of player claims, in the wilderness
    • Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly events, competitions and rewards

    We're a quickly-growing community and we're always looking for more active members - come chat with us on our discord server: discord.gg/QRSUXac

    [1] No spamming or excessive use of caps
    [2] Killing players is ONLY permitted in the wilderness
    [3] No hacked clients or cheating
    [4] Do not impersonate staff/other players
    [5] Do not share personal information regarding yourself or others
    [6] No inappropriate builds, skins or nicknames - nicknames should resemble your IGN
    [7] Do not advertise other servers
    [8] Do not exploit glitches (there are exceptions - ask staff if you're unsure)
    [9] Do not grief the landscape unnecessarily

    submitted by /u/Biscuitius
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    Super Happy Friends [Realms][Vanilla][SMP]{Java Edition}{1.14.2}

    Posted: 27 May 2019 12:17 PM PDT

    Hey there!

    Super Happy Friends is a Realms-hosted server with a strong focus on creating a real community. We're looking to create a small, tight-knit group of friends.

    This server is a place to build and chat together and form true, meaningful friendships. People who say hi to you when you log in, make small talk, help you out, and actually get to know you. Ideally we'd form a close enough bond that we'd carry our friendship outside of Minecraft and into other games as well. We have a Discord server to stay in touch.

    The server has been going for a few months and we have a basic spawn set up, as well as a nice little community village that has formed. Whether you want to build alongside other people or go off and do your own thing, there's space for you here.

    Up until the 1.14 update, we had a limited 2,000-block world border, which we have since removed, so everything beyond that has generated brand new 1.14 terrain including bamboo, pillagers, and more!


    Trust and respect is super important to us. Several people on the server have social anxiety, so we try to keep things as friendly and un-intimidating as possible. As an 18+ server, we expect a basic level of maturity. Be respectful, and no abuse/drama. There's enough negativity in the real world and we don't need to bring that into Minecraft as well. This is our happy place!

    Aside from that, just the common sense stuff... no stealing, griefing, PvP without permission, no use of x-ray mod or other hacks.

    How To Apply:

    Send me a private message with the following information:

    Your in-game name:

    Country / Time Zone:



    What are you looking for in a community?:

    What tasks do you enjoy doing?: (Mining, farming, combat, exploring, terraforming, building, etc.)

    What would your ideal server look like?: (What style of buildings... modern, medieval, futuristic etc. What kind of structures, features, and community events are you looking for?)

    Tell me a bit about yourself: (Hobbies, interests, etc.)

    The more information you can provide the better, to make sure everybody will be a good fit!

    submitted by /u/sentokoo
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    ban land [Anarchy] [Chaos] {1.14.1}

    Posted: 27 May 2019 01:00 PM PDT

    ban.land <--- (server IP/address)

    the land of the banned

    Note: We have updated to 1.14.2 as it has been released with support. Please upgrade your client!


    ban land is a new server with a very simple premise:

    no rules

    no map resets

    no world border (up to the maximum Minecraft supports; which is 30 million meters in any direction)


    You will be placed within a few hundred meters from 0, 0. From there, you are on your own. Do what you will with other players, or venture out yourself. There is no spawn protection.


    WARNING: Because there are no rules, that means there is no moderation. As a result, there is no filtered chat and no censorship. Keep in mind you may see VERY unpleasant messages in chat while on this server. If that does not sit well with you, please do not connect.


    Q: How old is the server?

    A: Because this changes on an obviously daily basis, instead of posting the age here you may find out yourself. The map tracks it's age correctly regardless of time changes. If you use F3 (the debug screen), you can check how many Minecraft days have passed since the map was generated.


    Q: Why should I play on ban.land and not another anarchy/chaos server?

    A: We are here to stay - permanently. This server will by funded out of pocket by administration ad infinitum. Builds will stand the test of time. History will not be erased. Rollbacks and/or downtime will be (hopefully) non-existent.


    Q: Are there actually no rules?

    A: A more in-depth explanation would be that there are no rules within the gameplay space. This means that you may do as you wish within the game as long as it does not affect the outside world. In short, as long as you don't crash the server intentionally, harass players/staff outside of the server, or anything similar, you will never be banned.

    Hacking is definitively permitted. While there will be no punishment for doing so, hacking will be combatted at a light level to keep a competitive atmosphere. "If everyone's super, no one is." -Syndrome

    Machines that cause lag are not disallowed in any way, but they may be combatted or removed by staff if necessary. Keep in mind that this is only if absolutely required - that is, the machine(s) or blocks are preventing you or others from connecting to/playing on the server.

    For things like large builds or things players may want to preserve, we will work with you to allow preservation/world exports before removal.


    Q: Alright, well hacking sucks. Even if you're gonna "combat hacking", aren't people still gonna do crazy stuff? I don't wanna play with that...

    A: Anything totally gamebreaking that would fall under the category of "stopping players from playing the game entirely" will be dealt with promptly.

    The point stands that if there is no server, there is no anarchy - and while many players may disagree, if you cannot connect or play on the server, there is also no anarchy. The bare minimum requirement is that all players be permitted to join and play.

    An example that many players may be quick to ask about is spawn killing. The answer is that it is allowed. Being spawn killed does not prevent you from playing. It makes it harder.

    Whereas teleporting directly to players with a hack that has no drawbacks or setup time could potentially prevent people from playing.

    These things will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, and with community input.


    Q: Okay cool, but I am concerned about the longevity of this server. Are map resets truly never happening? How do I know you will be online in a year?

    A: There will be a website for announcements coming soon (at the ban.land server IP) that will have an initial post with proof of receipt for server funding for the next 6 months - meaning that even in the absence of an admin, the server will continue to run. We figure this is the simplest way possible to convey commitment to preserving the server and world, and will continue this practice as the server ages.

    The map will not be reset unless absolutely necessary. We are committed to preserving the map indefinitely but realize that Minecraft does not have a good track record with the chunk system, and as such we are prepared to repair the map in the event corruptions occur or other things happen.

    Regular backups will occur for the map as required.


    Q: Great! How do I play?

    A: Install Minecraft 1.14.2 and connect to ban.land


    Q: Wait I have other questions!

    A: Ask in the comments ☻

    submitted by /u/widd
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    Aussie Friends [Semi-Vanilla] {1.14} {Whitelist} {16+}

    Posted: 27 May 2019 11:13 PM PDT

    Australian Hosted Minecraft 1.14.2 Server

    The Server was freshly started when 1.14 dropped, but as you probably know, 1.14 had a HELL of a lot of issues. It was a nightmare. 1.14.2 has dropped now and its definitely a lot better than it was. We are a small-ish community of Aussie Friends and we are looking for some new players! We have a discord where we discuss the server and just chat together. We have actually grown pretty close and are good friends now, we want people to get involved, come on the server as much as they can and be a valued and regular player. We literally just want more Aussie Friends, too many people get accepted on the server, we see them a few times and then never again. We need more regulars, so if that sounds like you, and you wanna make some great online friends, then please apply by sending me a PRIVATE MESSAGE with the answers to the following questions:

    1. Minecraft Username
    2. Discord Username
    3. Age
    4. Where do you live? (preferably Australia or countries close by to Australia, so you can have a good connection)
    5. How long have you been playing Minecraft? (old and new players welcome!)
    6. What do you like doing best in the game? (E.g red stone, building etc)
    7. If you could add anything to Minecraft (big or small) what would you add?

    These questions will just help me get to know you better, there are no right or wrong answers so don't worry too much about your answers :)

    If you are successful I will white list you and send you all the links for the server and the discord, via private message.

    We also have a server discord, you don't have to voice chat, but you can if you want to! We mostly use it for the group chat, to all message each other, but we do have voice chats sometimes when we are all playing together.

    Server Rules:

    · Obviously no griefing or stealing

    · Don't build too close to others unless you have permission

    · Be nice, inclusive and kind to every player

    · Make builds look decent-ish, as best as you can. (no dirt boxes, unless it's an emergency, but then take it down later)

    · Be mature and level headed

    I'm not gonna go on and on, you should know what's right and wrong. If in doubt just ask, everyone is friendly.

    Plugins and Data Packs

    We do have a few data packs on the server, but no plugins at the moment.

    We are always open to suggestions of what datapacks and plugins you would like to see in the game, so once you get into the discord you can suggest things there. We are a very open and friendly server and we all discuss things as a group, anyone can suggest to add stuff and everyone can have their say.

    If you join our server you will hopefully be happy here and continue to play Minecraft with us for a long time.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this far down!!! If you did read this far, put the code word: "rubber ducky" at the end of your application for extra brownie points. At least then I know who has read all the rules and everything. ;)

    submitted by /u/chloeisaperson
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    JustVanilla[Vanilla][SMP][PVE]{1.14.2}{Whitelist}{United States}

    Posted: 27 May 2019 10:58 PM PDT



    Send either one of these Discord's a message for terms of service agreement.

    Rules are no Raiding, Griefing, and just have common sense please.

    We will have pvp events and story events.

    Default world border.

    Player shops can be made to trade but a shop area will need to be built by the players, because every thing is made in survival. Community based server is what i'm going for here on JustVanilla. Although the story elements will be built in survival they will be built by staff so not spoilers can get out.

    submitted by /u/ZC_The_Moo_Man
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    exusCraft [Semi-vanilla][SMP]{1.14.2}{Low-Pop}

    Posted: 27 May 2019 09:29 PM PDT

    • Description: What can I say about this place. NC isn't like other servers, it doesn't have a fancy spawn build. You arrive in a basic room somewhere in 19k x 10k. There is no whitelist, all are able to join, and so spawn is often grief'ed.

    • Rules: Official Rules

    • Plugins: AlwaysOnline, CoreProtect, LuckPerms, PlugMan, Wild, Vault, GriefPrevention, ProtocolLib, Essentials, EssentialsSpawn, EssentialsGeoIP

    • Owner/Admins/Moderators: Acidity_, BirdMotherLily

    submitted by /u/enmc
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    MountainViewMC [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{1.14.1}{Land Claiming}{Economy}{WorldMap}

    Posted: 28 May 2019 01:02 AM PDT

    Server IP:

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/kFnWVhV

    WEBSITE: http://mountainviewmc.xyz


    Mountain View MC started with a group of Canadian friends, who are now looking to expand our server and find more people to share our unique Vanilla experience with. We have anti griefing, Dynmap, and a few other quality of life mods to improve the overall Minecraft experience.

    submitted by /u/Krawk101
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    WaitPvp [Semi-Vanilla] [PVP] [Chaos] {1.14.1} {Discord} {English} {WEEKLY EVENTS}

    Posted: 27 May 2019 03:34 PM PDT

    Server Name: WaitPVP

    Server Location: United States, Phoenix, Arizona

    Discord: [https://discord.gg/5fJXPka]

    Server Address: waitpvp.mc.gg

    Version: 1.14.1

    Game Play Types: [PVP] [Vanilla]


    Cheers, adventurer! Welcome to the world of Wait.

    In this freshly created world, you are free to do as your wish within the realm of vanilla Minecraft.

    Whether you choose to live as a peaceful settler in the vast environments, a notorious bandit weaving chaos into the lands, or a prosperous ruler of a kingdom, your adventures are fueled by the limitless power of your imagination and determination.

    PVP, grief, raid, build, conquer, protect… The possibilities are endless.

    Join us in a true vanilla survival multiplayer experience as memories are created here that will hold a special place in our hearts. We have a small but growing and interactive community that you will find yourself enjoying your time here with. Our history is only beginning.

    Rules: Absolutely zero tolerance for hate-speech!; spam, and any form of cheating, exploiting, or hacking.

    submitted by /u/NeverAmore
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    AdmiralCraft [SMP]{Residence}{McMMO}{Whitelist}{English}{Discord}{1.13.2}

    Posted: 27 May 2019 01:08 PM PDT

    Server Name: AdmiralCraft

    Gameplay Type: Survival, Vanilla, Economy, PVP/PVE

    Server Stats:

    • Virtual Private Server via cloud providers
    • Located in NY
    • 6 GB Ram (can update to 10 GB when needed)
    • Daily Minecraft + MySQL backups
    • Daily reboots


    We are a small Minecraft survival server looking to grow. Our goal is to provide a server that creates an enhanced vanilla experience for the player, such as such as McMMO, Jobs Income, Quests, player-economy, area protection, whitelist player filtering, and more features. We are only looking for active players who are mature and age of 16+.

    Few items to note:

    • Survival Mode just started very recently.
    • There is no /back, /home, /warp, or /tp enabled. In the future, we may provide warps/waypoints and teleport scrolls.
    • We have a 5k radius world border. We may expand this as needed.
    • Overtime, we'll add in new content (such as quests, items, monsters, events, minigames).


    Below is a high level list of rules. You can see more details on our discord.

    • Listen to our staff.
    • No Griefing
    • Be respectful of the environment. Cut down the tree, repair creeper damage, etc.
    • No modifications or cheating allowed, unless specifically approved by MercDawg.
    • Most technical builds are allow, with the exception of duping, auto-fish farms, and griefing contraptions.
    • Respect other players territories, protected or not. Violators will have their fate determined by the owner.


    • McMMO
    • Jobs Reborn
    • StackMob (Stacks 5+ mobs of the same type into a single entity)
    • Quests
    • Citizens
    • Residence
    • Whitelist

    To submit an application to get whitelisted, reply to this thread and answer the following:

    • What is your Minecraft ingame name (IGN)?
    • What is your age or age range?
    • What are you looking for in a server?
    • Have you ever been banned? If so, explain why.
    submitted by /u/MercDawg
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    WaffleMC [SMP] [Vanilla] {1.14.1} {Mature} {Discord}

    Posted: 27 May 2019 06:28 PM PDT

    Helloo there!

    WaffleMC is a server focused on relaxing, talking, and building in mind. We our looking to create a strong group of players that know one another, that welcome each other anytime they are online or that are genuinely nice to each other.

    WaffleMC as of right now is a small group of individuals who are looking to expand and welcome new or experienced players to have fun with. With a general spawn surrounded by shops set up by players on the server. The server has been going for a quite sometime with the help of players aiding in the development of the server. If you feel like going to do your own thing or build with fellow players then there's space for you!

    WaffleMC has been setup into 1.14.1 with the added support of daily backups so no worries of loosing builds/worlds from people who grief.

    Rules- All rules are put forth in the discord server!

    We also come with an official discord! Http://discord.gg/FmMEE5Y

    Come join us on the adventure of season 1! ~Owner

    submitted by /u/Zawnny
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    Latitude [Vanilla] [SMP] {18+} {Whitelist} {Discord} {1.14.2}

    Posted: 27 May 2019 05:37 PM PDT

    Who are we?

    Latitude is run by administrators with experience going back to 2012. We use an unmodified vanilla JAR file, meaning it's Minecraft "straight out-of-the-box."

    Longevity is guaranteed. We'll be sticking around as long as you stick with us!

    Who are we looking for?

    We are an 18+ server, as adults, we treat others as such. We're looking for people who are relaxed, friendly, creative, and mature.

    This is a no pressure environment, life gets busy. We understand, what's important is that you play and have fun!

    What are our rules?

    Our rules are simple - Common Sense.

    It's as simple as that, if it seems bad or cheat-y, don't do it. You can find more specific details on our website by clicking here.

    How to Apply

    Applying is easy, just join our Discord by clicking here and/or go to our website first to check us out.

    submitted by /u/PlayLatitude
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    VectorPunch II [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {18+} {1.14.1}

    Posted: 27 May 2019 05:11 PM PDT

    Edit: We are now updated to 1.14.2 as it is a much more stable build.

    Our server has been up for about one week now after some testing to ensure Spigot/Paper 1.14.1 was a stable enough build to run on. We are now willing to take applications for the server's renaissance period. Once Spigot/Paper updates to 1.14.2 we shall be updating to that as well. So until then we will be running the server in 1.14.1

    We aim for a low stress community atmosphere, where we can relax and have fun together! We respect each other and our differences. We act and communicate responsibly and take responsibility for our actions in game. We want you to help us make a tight knit community of fun-loving Minecrafters.

    We have a Nether-Hub that is currently being developed and a designated shopping area that will function very similarly to Hermitcraft. Diamonds are the currency and the shop owner sets the price. It is a trust based system and theft will earn you a swift ban.

    🚧The Rules

    👉 Players must demonstrate maturity.

    👉 PvP allowed, if both parties agree.

    👉 Pranks allowed, but grief and outright stealing is not.

    👉 No cheating, of course.

    Game altering features:

    🔹 Lighting turns Guardians into Elder Guardians

    🔹 Mobs have a slim chance of dropping their head

    🔹 Shulkers will drop 2 shulker shells upon killing them

    🔹 Fire spread from lightning is turned off

    🔹 Chance to find Treasure Gems in chests like in Hermitcraft (The Gem traders will be implemented later)

    🔹 Ender Dragon drops Elytra, Head, and Egg each kill.

    🔹 Customizable Armor Stands

    🔹 Silenced Mobs with a Name Tag named "Silence"

    🔹 Phantoms get larger the longer you've gone without sleep

    Light-weight add-ons:

    🔸 Discord integration (chat with people in game from Discord)

    🔸 Single player sleep

    We are open to suggestions on what other Datapacks we should add, but keep in mind we would like their alteration to be minimal to create an enhanced vanilla experience and not a modded one.

    IGN:Age:Location:How long have you been playing?Have you ever been banned from a server?How much do you expect to play per week?Are you an active Youtuber? (if yes, please share your channel with us)What do you hope to accomplish on the server?Is there anything unique about yourself that would set you apart from other applicants?Thank you for considering our server!

    submitted by /u/FaylenSol
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    Epic Survival Games Server Relic: The Nexus Reboot [PVP] {1.8.9 - 1.12.1} {1.8 Combat}

    Posted: 27 May 2019 04:45 PM PDT

    If you guys are looking for an amazing, solid, and unique survival games server, this is the server for you. If any of you remember The Nexus, it was BajanCanadian's own survival games server. The Nexus made Survival games unique in many ways 1: Unique and gorgeous community made maps to play on 2: Mutations, which allows players to come back as a Zombie pigman to try and kill their killer, and if they kill their killer they are back in the game 3: Special items that allow you to de-buff your enemies with temporary slowness and nausea, and rotten flesh that if eaten gives you a chance to get strength. The Nexus shut down about 3 years ago, and many have missed it since. But an incredible team has decided to remake The Nexus with the new name of Relic. They have remade the server exactly, and have improved upon much of what The Nexus had to offer. The server is in closed beta right now, with a very high acceptance rate if you fill out the beta application form on the discord server. The server is small now, but word is spreading. I highly recommend you guys try the server out, you will NOT regret it, and will have an incredible time! Some of the rules are: No swearing, no discrimination, no hacking, no glitch abusing and no racial prejudice. The discord link: https://discord.gg/8DsmtJ The epic server trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VV3ofW0q0A4

    submitted by /u/Ulkenstride
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    Realm of Titans [Realms] {Xbox - Bedrock} {recruiting}

    Posted: 27 May 2019 04:17 PM PDT

    Realm of Titans is recruiting!

    We are looking to add active members who are 18+ to join our realm.

    Our goal is to have a community of mature gamers, who want to have fun building, mining and socializing with other members

    About the Realm:

    This is a full survival world that has achievements and added mods like a currency system so players can make money by grinding, trading(with other members )

    We have 6 spawn points 10,000 blocks apart, you can explore each one and find the perfect place you want to live!
    These spawn points are:

    Kazakhstan - Forests

    Casterly rock - mountains

    bad Lands - desserts

    Soviet Russia - swamps

    Asgard - Oceans

    Snow Bunny Central - Snow

    we have a gladiator arena - it is for PvP

    We ask all members to follow the rules to provide an enjoyable and friendly environment without having to worry about griefing or stealing,

    if you are interested in joining please join our discord and follow the application process

    Discord Code:


    please feel free to ask any question in the comments section and we will try and get back to you

    submitted by /u/rexmaddog
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    Will's World [Vanilla] [SMP] [PvE] {1.14.1}

    Posted: 27 May 2019 04:09 PM PDT

    IP: play.willfm.xyz

    Version: 1.14.1 (we may update to the newest one soon)

    About Will's World: I'm will and this is my world. It's a fresh new survival server that I made for me and my friends, but I'm opening it up to redditors as well. No whitelist as of right now either, so come join! Hosted on ExtraVM, it has been online 24/7 with no issues so far.

    Rules: No harassment, racism, or hate. We're a positive community. Griefing is not encouraged as this is a PvE focused server.

    submitted by /u/wilu
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    DestroyMC [Anarchy] [Chaos] {1.12.2} {Vanilla}

    Posted: 27 May 2019 03:43 PM PDT

    • Server Name: DESTROYMC
    • Server Location: Buffalo, New York
    • Subreddit: /r/DestroyMc
    • Server Address: destroymc.net
    • Version: 1.12.2

    DestroyMC is a new Minecraft anarchy server that was created on May 27th, 2019.

    • We do not plan to reset the world.
    • There are no staff members.
    • You are allowed to use hacked clients.

    We do plan to update versions in the future once they are stable. An official discord is going to be created soon.

    Good luck to everyone! Have fun!

    submitted by /u/hyperdefined
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    Posted: 27 May 2019 01:32 PM PDT

    IP: Play.CygnusCraft.net

    About Us

    Welcome to the First Age of CygnusCraft!

    We are a dedicated 24/7 anarchy server operating on the version of Minecraft's Village and Pillage update, 1.14.2. CygnusCraft was started January 1st between a close group of friends and a week later, we began accepting players to our world to begin trade pacts. Since then a successful trade system has formed, empires have risen and fallen, and massive builds have been erected. Find your place in the disorder!


    For the best free-to-choose Vanilla experience, we offer:

    • 100% vanilla experience.
    • No map resets.
    • AFK farms are allowed.
    • You may build/grief in spawn.
    • A border of 30 million x 30 million.

    1.14.x versions are slightly buggy. If you run into an issue, please tell us over Discord and we'll fix it together.If you'd like to begin a trade pact with other players, use the end to trade. Only a handful of the 128 end portals have been found. Claim one as your own!


    CygnusCraft has two rules to ensure that your in-game experiences are not ruined by others. Player's should not have to deal with the risk of installing malware just so they can compete to have the most efficient hacked client. Simply put:

    1. No hacking. Anything giving the player an unfair advantage is not allowed. This encompasses anything related to third-party software, X-ray, Aura, etc.
    2. No game-breaking machines. This includes duping machines and lag machines.

    Everything else goes! Good luck!

    Our Discord ⇒ https://discord.gg/aQystxz

    Our Reddit ⇒ https://www.reddit.com/r/CygnusCraft

    submitted by /u/PlayCygnusCraft
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