• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers SeraphicCraft [Vanilla] {Whitelist} {Tight Knit Community} {Age 17+}

    Minecraft Servers SeraphicCraft [Vanilla] {Whitelist} {Tight Knit Community} {Age 17+}

    SeraphicCraft [Vanilla] {Whitelist} {Tight Knit Community} {Age 17+}

    Posted: 29 May 2019 03:20 AM PDT


    1.14.2 - just updated

    Quick About Us:

    This is a quite small and cosy purely survival server, offering classic vanilla experience. If you've watched Mindcrack or Hermitcraft or Sci Craft, our server is similar to those in that there's really great relationships to be made, lots of interaction and collaboration. We always have around 4 players online at the least, and this shuffles so you get to meet people from all timezones depending on what time you're playing. We've managed to do some really impressive builds and huge projects so far, both as a community and people doing their own things individually. Here's an imgur gallery with a look over a few things here: https://imgur.com/a/LVcuys5

    We have a creative server you'll be given access to when you join, where you can play around and test anything you'd like. We also run an overviewer of our world every 24 hours.


    We have a small mod group, who more than anything just play the game and you wouldn't realise they are mods unless you looked at their roles on discord. This isn't a server for strict rules or overbearing admins, we've never ran into any big problems because everyone here has integrity.

    Character of the Server:

    We have a discord with almost as many offtopic channels as 'ontopic' ones (FYI if you cook food a lot or go out, u'll love the #food channel) and the server does serve as a way to meet some cool people around the globe, but more than anything we are focused on the life of the server. People are really talented in their own way- there are all round great builders, some specific theme builders, some really talented redstoners, people truly talented at terraforming etc.


    Best way to describe our community is like it's a really huge apartment, and we socialise like we are roommates. Kitchen is always clean and if you lose something it will be placed right on the living room table rather than slipped into someones pocket. We interact on a more personal level than I'd think most servers, and probably joke around more than most too. It's a great balance between real life and server related chat. If you are considerate, interested in playing actively and want to be a part of a really warm server you should come join us!

    Apply Here:

    Apply on our websites application form: http://seraphiccraft.com/ (it's just a few questions + we ask you to send some screenshots).

    If you join our servers discord and leave a message when you've applied that's the easiest way, if not I'll send you a friend request on discord and get in touch.

    submitted by /u/itsshoes
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    Juniper [Vanilla][PvE][SMP]{1.14.2}{Whitelist}

    Posted: 28 May 2019 04:56 PM PDT

    Hello, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all who would like to play 1.14.2 on a small, friendly, private server!

    This server has been running the current world since the release of 1.13 on July 18, 2018. This server will be up for a long time to come and is the perfect spot for you to start your next awesome Minecraft project! Currently the server is on day ~23000. Typically there are between 1-5 people online at any given time, with the weekends being the busiest time to play.

    You are free to build what you want, where you want - as long as you don't destroy someone else's creation in the process. You are encouraged to work with other players on the server in community builds, but not required. We encourage trading among players and have built a shop area.

    server address: play.juniper.link

    server location: US-WEST

    server ops: Caffeine247, Airgo32, and RoofedSpade969

    server information: Intel Xeon Platinum 8000, Dedicated cloud server.

    gamemode: Survival

    difficulty: Normal

    pvp: Disabled

    Server is 100% vanilla minecraft; no plugins or datapacks are used

    Official server rules:

    No griefing!

    This means stealing, destroying things you did not build, killing afk players, etc...

    No cheating!

    This includes duping, X-ray, and anything outside of the vanilla Minecraft experience.

    Treat all players with respect!

    This means having only positive interactions with the other players on this server.

    If you would like to join please apply on the server discord: https://discord.gg/Cm7JpCF you will find further instructions in the new-recruits channel.

    We look forward to having you :)

    submitted by /u/caffeine247
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    RLY [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {Discord} {New Map Tomorrow}

    Posted: 28 May 2019 10:31 PM PDT


    RLY is looking for more players to join us on our 13th map, which is opening tomorrow!

    Server Description:

    We are a near-vanilla Hard Mode survival server, with no building in creative mode or economy plugins to artificially inject items into the game. Mob damage, fire spread, flying assholes- it's all vanilla!

    We have been operating for over 8 years now with 99% uptime and no end in sight; making us a great option for people who are looking for a server that will not disappear randomly a year from now.

    Server features:

    • Dynmap fully rendered to 10k radius waiting for update
    • Integrated Discord and In-game chat for constant staff presence
    • No world size limits
    • Customizable username color in game chat
    • Slime chunk check command
    • Nether transit system with easy linking to be built
    • CoreProtect block logging tools available to all players
    • Exclusive statistic tracking and chat commands
    • Community events (Build competitions, UHC tournaments, etc.) posted on our subreddit

    Server Rules:

    1. No Griefing
    2. Play Fair
    3. No Drama

    More details on our website.

    To join MC.RLY.CC please post, PM, Discord, or email wl-app@rly.cc the following whitelist application:

    • Your Minecraft Name:
    • Demonstrate your understanding of our Rule #3:
    • What is your main attraction to MC.RLY.CC?
    • How do you handle griefing?
    • What are your strengths and weaknesses in Minecraft?
    • What is your favorite color:
    submitted by /u/spling44
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    XCraft [Semi-vanilla][SMP]{Backwards Compatability}{Magic World}{Elite and Custom Mobs}{NPC Economy}{Anti-griefing system}{Players Claim Land}{Set Your Own Difficulty}

    Posted: 29 May 2019 05:36 AM PDT

    Welcome to Xcraft!

    Looking for a cool new server to play on? Looking for an AWESOME community?

    Are you a survivalist?

    Are you a builder?

    Just want to explore or make tons of money?

    Then come join us at XCraft!!!


    Xcraft is a Unique Survival Server with 100+ Epic plugins that is still in its late development phase and is nearly near completion but is VERY much playable! and also has a Mini-games server in development!

    Free Original Member Rank to the next 30 players! (Gains access to /fly, /heal, player warps and more!)

    "We have a large, endless-opportunity Survival server with tons of challenges and various perks, experience a great, unique Survival Server!"

    "We had a skyblock and will bring it back if it becomes a highly requested mini on our server"

    ***LAND IS FREE!***

    There are no annoying plots on Xcraft! \**(unless you want one)***)

    Build where you want, and build what you want!\**(No offensive builds or anything that would label it an offensive build)***)

    No frequent map resets!

    Largest Map Possible!!

    Normal server up-time is 99.9%

    Creative Security, Coreprotect and Grief Prevention + More to keep your progress safe!!!

    Supports 1.8 - 1.13.2 (Native 1.12.2) (Some minor visual glitches may occur when using versions outside of 1.12.2)

    I.P. - xcraft.org

    Everyone loves a little PVP/PVE! :D

    Wanna 1v1? 2v5? Are you a lover, not a fighter?? Its cool either way! Play the way that YOU want to!

    Beware! The monsters are dangerous here, do not go fight them if you are ill equipped! They scale in level with the player in accordance to the enchants a player has and their armor rating.

    Helpful hint: Every 10 levels you gain, you get 1 heart!

    "We feature survival, creative ranks, mob arenas, a new economy, a community of amazing players as well as having quests for you to do, and over 100 other plugins to help boost your experience while here at Xcraft!"

    Just a FEW of the finer points of the server are:

    - Magic! 200+ Spells

    - NEW CUSTOM loot and Thousands of new Items

    - Hunt Mobs 4 $

    - Instant Transmission

    - Extended MCMMO

    - Economy

    - Permissions

    - Custom Ranks

    - Free Player Vaults

    - Free Player Warps

    - Elite Mobs and Elite Loot

    - Semi-Realistic

    - The Head Database (/headdb)

    - Npc Shops for Buying/Selling

    - Player Driven Trading, and Lottery

    - FULL MAP (go, or build almost anywhere )

    - Dungeons (WIP)

    - Never before seen custom enchants

    - Custom fish and fishing competitions!

    - Jobs

    - No Network Latency (NO LAG)

    - Custom Chat

    - Tame ALMOST ANY mob for a pet and level it up for special skills!

    - So Much More

    Server Rules

    1. Respect your fellow X Craft community members.

    2. Do NOT as for OP. It will not be granted.

    3. No spamming

    4. No Politics. This is a video game :)

    5. No griefing or building something that could be seen as offensive.

    6. All language and content must be family friendly unless its in a private message.

    7. What a staff member says, goes.

    8. Be nice on the discord please.

    9. Refer to the in game rules section at spawn for more.

    "We have friendly, active, helpful and energetic staff members that are ready to help you with whatever and whenever you need. We have community forums powered by Enjin where you can discuss events, connect with others, and even play games on them now and then!"

    We welcome all players to join our server and make it your new home or to stay for good! Our community is small compared to some others yet still expected to grow to massive proportions, but it is extremely rich in character and amazing people who are eager to be your friends!

    The community is ever growing and needs more amazing players like you!

    Why should you choose our server over other survival servers?

    Come and find out for yourself :)


    Our server address is : xcraft.org

    The server website is at craftx.enjin.com where you can vote, donate to the server, join our forums and much more! (Down for Maintenance until 6/1/2019)

    Join our active discord! https://discord.gg/jfRW4B6

    Looking forward to seeing you there!

    Tell them "X" Sent Ya!

    P.S. --- (If you can find me in game call me out and announce that you found this post, you can win in game cash and prizes) (It could be anything)

    - X



    submitted by /u/Extral1f3
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    Emerald Haze [Anarchy]{Survival}{Semi-Vanilla}{PVP}{No Whitelist}{Discord}{1.13.2}

    Posted: 29 May 2019 08:54 AM PDT

    Emerald Haze is an Anarchy Survival server that has tried to maintain the vanilla feel.


    Griefing and Raiding are Encouraged!!

    PvP is Allowed!!


    Warp Wild, Warp Spleef!

    Rare Spawning Mobs

    Player Heads

    Mob Heads which are trade-able for a unique currency!

    Weekly Fishing Event!

    Friendly Helpful Players and Staff available 24/7

    Come Join our active Minecraft community Now!!

    Our IP is: emeraldhaze.mc-shock.com

    Our Discord is: https://discord.gg/cqCzFV6

    Rules 1) No Hacking 2) No Duping 3) No Spamming 4) No Advertising

    submitted by /u/Ninjalette
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    Back To Bedrock [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Mature 18+} {Whitelisted} {Community} {1.13.2} {Survival} {1.14 pre sign-up}

    Posted: 29 May 2019 08:34 AM PDT

    1. Age: 59
    2. IGN: tkreeger
    3. What brings you to our community? Looking for mature, friendly, no greifing community, where I may dig, build to my hearts content. I like smaller, no pressure, non-frantic type play where I am not competing with anyone but still be able to have a few people to chat with and share whatever we decide to share.
    4. What are some of your goals for this server? To become a member in good standing, become a friend online, someone you can count on for lending a helping hand whenever I can.
    5. Tell us a little about yourself! I am an old gamer, not the best or the fastest, (why I hate pvp) on the keyboard, but I love to play, gather, and have a fun time. A lot of the time you won't even know I am there, I don't push my way, or ideas on anyone. I like solo play, but nice to know there may be someone around that can help should I need some, but if not I am ok with that. Again, I am not a pushy person. I have played WOW for years since the beginning, and finally after 14 years got tired of it, and am taking a long, long break, and may never go back. I have played on many different gaming systems in all my years of playing, love to play, but again, am not an expert by any means. Just love to gather stuff....I love stuff....

    Thanks for looking at me. Ted

    submitted by /u/tkreeger
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    Dyscraftia [Semi-vanilla][PVE][PVP][SMP]

    Posted: 29 May 2019 07:55 AM PDT

    You can join using: dyscraftia.com

    Dyscraftia's a semi-vanilla Minecraft server running 1.13.2 with no whitelist. It's a fairly new server but with no rules, no admins and no bans.

    There will be no resets and the map will stay as it is for as long as possible. The plan is to update to 1.14.2 once it is tested and stable enough.

    Although it is not the main aspect of the server, PvP is enabled and allowed. Raid, pillage, plunder or build; whatever you choose to do, good luck and have fun! Can't wait to see you in game!

    Absolutely no rules, anything is permitted.

    submitted by /u/zj_6
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    Players Paradise [Vanilla] {VanillaTweaks} {1.14.2} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 29 May 2019 07:51 AM PDT


    I have recently started a singleplayer survival world, build a small house etc. But you know how it is, after some time you realize how empty a singleplayer world is. So here I am, inviting you to join me!

    If you wanna join me, here is what you need to know:

    • While I have started, I haven't done much. The Ender Dragon is still alive, no beacon, no enchants etc. (29.05.19)
    • We will be playing in 1.14.2
      We have GriefPrevention and CoreProtect, so dont worry about losing progress.
    • The Server is located in Europe.
    • There is no ranks or stuff, this is just survival.


    • Rules are what you expect. Don't grief,harass,bully etc. Do I really have to write it all down :P?
    • Just behave yourself.

    Most of you have probably watched HermitCraft or similar lets Plays. This is what I am going for here. Just chill survival. If this sounds like something you would enjoy, please pm me here or preferably on Discord under Snailtan#2063.

    One thing that is kinda important for me, is that you are roughly 15 Years or older.

    If you have any questions, tag them on your pm :) (or post them here)

    Looking forward to meeting y'all!

    submitted by /u/WhyWhyIdontKnow
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    Posted: 29 May 2019 03:39 AM PDT

    LATEMANIA, a place for your dreams.


    New server, no rules, looking for people to stay and make a home on our server!


    Casual chat and updates on the server, also info if the ip changes! Usually open 12-24h in a day.

    Server runs on 1.14.2.

    no rules

    no map resets

    no world border

    No spawn protection, only common sense.

    There are no moderators, or maybe once in a blue moon, so keep it civil in the chat. If you have any complains, you can leave them in the discord server.

    This server is a place to build and chat, team up, destroy and adventure together and alone. We hope to build a tight and friendly community and we have a Discord server to stay in touch.

    The server has been going for a days and has nothing set up. Whether you want to build alongside other people or go off and do your own thing, the world is your oyster.

    If you like the server and would like it to have longer and more regular uptime, feel free to visit paypal.me/plegu. This also goes towards getting a permanent IP for the server.

    submitted by /u/Plegu
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    Dinks Anonymous [Vanilla][PvE]{1.14.2}

    Posted: 28 May 2019 09:36 PM PDT

    Hey all! Dinks is a small survival Minecraft server. Thus far it's just been me and my pals but I'm looking to expand it a bit to get more bang for my buck and hopefully make some new friends in the process.

    The server so far has mostly been me developing a town with districts and I'm hoping to find more people who enjoy building and who have some building prowess to help expand the city into something a bit more impressive. I'd be happy to give anyone who joins a tour of what we have so far and lay out some of my current plans, but if anyone has idea on how to expand they will be taken in too. Or if you'd like to go off and build separate from the town that's also absolutely okay as well.

    The server is currently hosted in France (i'm in the UK) but it seems to work perfectly no matter what country you're from. It also has 36 slots so there's a fair bit of room for expansion.

    There's a zero tolerance policy on griefing, stealing, cheating and generally being a dick.

    Inkeeping with the aesthetic of the server is encouraged or if you'd like to build something wacky and different we ask you do it outside the line of the site of the main village.

    The world is still in relatively early days so there's still tons to be done.

    IP address: Server domain: dinksanon.mcs.cx

    I hope to see you all there soon!


    submitted by /u/Banjo-Daxter
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    IronCraft [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{18+Only}{Whitelist}{Dynamap}{Buffed Mobs}

    Posted: 29 May 2019 05:17 AM PDT

    If regular mobs just are too easy for you.... Our mobs rule the nights. Come cower behind walls with us. No ranks. No pay to win. You just play Minecraft.

    Updating soon with a large map expansion. Join now!

    Quality Builders will find a good home here. Featuring a massive Winterfell build in progress. Join us in your favorite Thrones builds. Dynmap


    Please fill out application below.

    This is for Adults Only. (18+ Only. 25+ Encouraged)

    This is unlike most servers. If you are looking for a more punishing Minecraft experience, this might be for you. We play on Hard settings with buffs added to some mobs. You will die. Often. This is for Crafters made of the True Steel.

    The World Border is a small 3500 blocks. We await the release of 1.14.

    Zombies have 200% HP and 300% attack, will hunt you from 150 blocks 7.5x standard range + will call for backup when attacked 25% of the time.

    Skeletons have 200% HP and will hunt you from 150 blocks 7.5x standard range

    Phantoms Have 300% Attack.

    Enderman Have 200% HP

    Here are the rules of the World

    1. NO AFK fish farming. NO Mods, NO Cheats, No Cheat Glitches.
    2. No ON/OFF water mob farms allowed/No Sky Mob Farms. Only reasonable sized lag-free farms are allowed.
    3. Only overworld non AFK xp farms. No Nether/End based XP farms
    4. All players are given a town plot. You may build in town or set out into the wilds. Please no Redstone in town.
    5. No griefing or stealing. Do not duplicate. Do not go into other players' houses without permission.
    6. Only engage in PvP if you have the other player's permission.
    7. Player shops have a district in City area. All trading librarians must be in the town trading hall. 8 No floating trees. Please don't take surface terracotta or destroy deserts. Please try to clean up creeper blasts.
    8. When Reading these rules we ask that you write .Stark. in the discord chat.
    9. When spawning a Wither please let a mod know prior to doing so and the approx location. Please refrain from doing so near populated/built up areas.
    10. Please build bases a minimum of 500 blocks away from the Spawn/Town area. (see map) The World Border is 3500 Block Diameter. To be expanded upon 1.14 release.

    Friendly, Mature Community. Open 24/7. Hi-Res DynMap (view the server map in your browser)Dynmap CoreProtect (anti-grieifing and anti-cheating plugin) DiscordSRV (to connect Discord & in-game chat) Map Size: 3500 block world border (Expanded on 1.14) HeadDrop Plugin with reduced drop rates.

    Requirements:-Discord-Must be 18+ (26+ preferred) Website:https://mcironcraft.enjin.com/

    Application (submit your answers by replying to this post):

    1. IGN:
    2. Age:
    3. Favorite Minecraft Activity (mining,building,exploring, etc.)?:
    4. Favorite Movie?:
    submitted by /u/MajorSnow
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    Lionsmane Season 1 [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelisted} {1.14.2} {Hermitcraft Inspired} {Brand New}

    Posted: 28 May 2019 05:01 PM PDT

    Welcome to Season 1 of Lionsmane, directly inspired by Hermitcraft

    We are a dedicated group of long-term players looking for others to join our community. Season 1 started as of 5/28/2019 with a brand new 1.14.2 map. Whether you like building,redstone,combat, or whatever it is, Lionsmane would gladly accept you. We don't like giving a page worth of rules, so there are only a few.

    1. Respect others. This goes for discord & in-game. Whether it's in-game builds, discord chat, whatever it may be.
    2. This isn't a so called "PG" server, but keep swearing within moderation. Anything beyond swear words is not tolerated.
    3. No AFK Fishing. This is the only restriction in terms of farms. It's far too overpowered and doesn't fit our goal.
    4. If you have animal pens, please try to regulate them. (Ex. Don't have 100 sheep in a 5x5. If they start phasing into each other, it's probably a bit too many.)
    5. Do not abuse bugs/exploits. If you happen to find bugs, report them to a higher up.
    6. No modified clients. Optifine/performance modifications are an exception.
    7. Preserve the world's beauty. Don't build dirt 1x1's to the sky, fix creeper holes, etc.

    Feel free to apply, not everyone will get accepted. There is a discord link at the end of the application that you can join through to await your response.

    - https://forms.gle/Y1p6SKCS1iSdgkdi7

    submitted by /u/Minityy
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    StonedGaming [Semi-vanilla] [PVE] {whitelisted} {survival} {1.14.1}

    Posted: 28 May 2019 02:40 PM PDT

    ~ Welcome to StonedGaming !! ~

    We are a newly opened Whitelisted 1.14.1 server looking for new mature players!! We have done a soft launch and have had a couple of players in and some even help with spawn, and would love to start having more people join our little corner of the internet and get StonedGaming with us ;) !!

    ~ We are currently Whitelisted and Accepting Applications +18 ~

    Please just leave a comment below with your Username, Age, Discord name, and a bit about yourself and we will contact you soon. Join our Discord and apply on there to make the process faster.

    ~ Plugins / Features ~

    • Server is running Lag Free 24/7 from Dallas, Texas.
    • /Home
    • Teleporting / Warping
    • Grief Prevention
    • More neat and helpful features to come!!

    ~ Rules ~

    Here are our basic rules. We are a pretty laid back server as most of us are 18+, just use common sense and there should be no issues!

    1. Respect other users.
    2. No spamming, EXCESSIVE CAPS, or aLtErNaTiNg CaPs
    3. No griefing or building inappropriate stuff
    4. Do not argue with staff.

    ~ Info ~

    Minecraft 1.14.1



    P.S. We are a young community so expect a lot of enthusiasm, future updates, trial and errors, but most of all - lots of love!

    submitted by /u/Tybreezee
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    LoserCraft [Semi-vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {United States} {1.14.2} {16+}

    Posted: 28 May 2019 08:23 PM PDT


    LoserCraft was started as a server started for 4 college roommates to stay in contact over the summer. It was started on May 1st, 2019, making it almost a month old. We have, overtime, expanded to 15 members that all knew someone on the server prior to being invited in some way. However, now that we are about a month in, there is a little dwindle in online activity, with our concurrent online players often hanging around the 1, 2, or 3 area. So we've decided to expand our player base.


    So a little bit more on the structure of our server. Although our primary tags say semi-vanilla because we run on Spigot, we are purely vanilla in the sense that there are no mods, no access to creative, etc. The only thing that is in the slightest bit not pure vanilla is that when you hold tab, you can see player death counts. Our structure is based off of Mindcrack/Hermitcraft, in that we have a shopping district, are working on a Nether Hub, and have builds/bases close to and far from spawn.

    Some more info about the server.

    • We are playing on the Java version of Minecraft.
    • We are playing on Hard.
    • We are currently on Spigot 1.14.2.
    • We have done one Vanilla UHC Event.
    • We have auto-restarts every 6 hours (except at 6:00 A.M. for AFK farming).
    • We have a Discord which you will be invited to when accepted.

    The rules are as follows and can be found on a lectern in the spawn house:

    " Rules:

    1. No griefing
    2. No stealing
    3. Only consensual killing
    4. Don't destroy public environment

    Do's (Allowed):

    1. Strip/branch mine
    2. AFKing (until informed of lag)
    3. Slime Chunk/general seed searching
    4. Mob farms

    Don't (Not Allowed):

    1. Item/block duplication
    2. X-raying
    3. Hack your client
    4. Intentionally cause lag

    Extra Info:

    1. This server uses the diamond standard for its official currency.
    2. Make sure to connect projects away from spawn to the Nether Hub.
    3. Watch out for Pillagers. They are not fucking around."

    If you would like to apply for the whitelist, please fill out this Google Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FsUqiXHSpCSKm_FZox0ybmU4suiWdf7ZnmuuH26oQjg/

    If you pass the application process, we will invite you to the Discord for an interview with me (the admin) and a moderator or two. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I'll respond as often as I can!

    submitted by /u/OfficialAngeredHippo
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    SHIPWRECK RESURFACED [Realms] {Survival}

    Posted: 28 May 2019 02:00 PM PDT


    My GT is Sbinreal1589 and I want to present to you a fresh realm with a growing community. I want any players who are capable of cooperating with a great team of people to join up!

    We're mainly a cooperative survival Realm but we also support Faction PvP with 2 teams present and are constructing an arena for future faction based PvP events. All we need are more contestants!

    We have a fairly new map right now but as long I'm hosting there will NEVER be another reset. So please think big and accomplish your projects in confidence knowing that they will never be erased.

    I'm willing to give any of you Creative if you have a great community-oriented idea as well as ask some players to help if needed.

    Wait no more! DM or comment and I will grant you the Discord code AND the Realm code!

    General Information:

    1. Discord. Everybody is required to sign into our discord atleast one time to get the Realm invite code
    2. Must adhere to the simple rules. (No stealing/griefing/PVP without agreement, no building near spawn or other structures)
    3. This realm is also for community purposes, I just want to have wholesome experiences and an environment where we can all be friends!
    4. Hope to see you soon!

    To join,fill out this application (if you want)

    1. IGN (case-sensitive):
    2. Age:
    3. Platform (Win10/Mobile/Xbox):
    4. Favorite Minecraft activity
    submitted by /u/Recycle0rdie
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    Eldaria [Modded] [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.14.2} {McMMO} {Factions} {18+}

    Posted: 28 May 2019 05:55 PM PDT

    Hello, friends. I am the admin of Eldaria, and we are looking for some people to join us. We are focused on Factions, and strive for a healthy vanilla economy. cross-faction trading is encouraged. Lying, stealing, double crossing, and warmongering are all welcome within the confines of RP. We are hoping to cultivate some healthy rivalries, but intend to keep the aggression limited to game play and not ad hominem.

    We are looking for people interested in the political side of Factions. The current player base (7 active) have delineated into 3 factions that are all in their infancy. We welcome you to come join any of them, or found your own and aggregate as much manpower as you can!

    I aim to expand our player base out to ~20. If you are 18+ and this sounds like fun, I encourage you to join our discord for Eldaria and drop a line in #general. you can @me [Poogadooga#4513] for a whitelist request along with your Minecraft IGN, and a bit about yourself if you'd care to. The "interview" won't be all too strict! Please, bring your friends, start an empire!


    1. Third-party clients will result in an automatic ban. No X-ray, pvp cheats etc.
    2. Aggressive and abusive behavior will result in an automatic ban. This is inclusive of bullying, name calling, and spawn killing. We want healthy rivalries, not bullying. Fight with honor.
    3. Griefing is not banned outright. In the context of war, destruction of property is acceptable. However aimless griefing and/or random acts of trolling are not accepted, and will result in a ban.

      - Blowing up an enemy faction's base and raiding them is acceptable

      - Digging out chunks at spawn, ruining public resources, or stacking obsidian around someone's faction is unacceptable

    4. Warmongering is acceptable. Pick fights, argue over resources, enact shady trade deals. Do whatever you think will give you the upper hand in political battle. However, indiscriminate attacking and aimless aggression are frowned upon. (I understand the Murder Hobo mentality, but it just isn't fun for anyone else. Try to be creative when doing Faction roleplaying

    5. Stay away from super intensive farms, no flying piston machines, no afk spawner farming, no click-script fishing. The server only supports so much, it would be a shame to crash it just for a grind. Along side this, explore as much as you'd like, but avoid doing things like trying to find the world boundary, please.

    submitted by /u/poogadooga
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    Recruiting for Staff. AtmosphereMC [Semi-Vanilla] {Towny} {Factions}

    Posted: 28 May 2019 09:28 PM PDT

    Hi there, Im DankVader. Me and my partner 2Warm2Luv are starting a brand new server and are in need of staff! Our hub world is in place and our dev will soon install the new worlds soon, so to prepare, we need to recruit some builders and general staff.

    Our server, AtmosphereMC, is for the nerds by the nerds. With modes such as Survival, Ultra Hardcore Factions, Creative, Skyblock, with a Minigame world planned, there's no doubt you'll find a mode you will want to staff/play in. We also are going to have many plugins for various things such as Towny, McMMO, and much more with the potential for custom plugins created by the devs.

    Heres a direct link to server rules https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSWRtKaltYHzmA1CIFMRd-47WAJ6LW77Pr3c01dEJDcNPp4ydORBHeb64WaKBUe_tiS7UvDyzvi_w2i/pub

    If you have any interest in possibly joining our team, please reply or PM me to get the link to our discord and get started!

    submitted by /u/DankDarthVader
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 28 May 2019 09:44 PM PDT

    Welcome to SoulCraft MC a modded 1.14.2 SMP server. We are looking for individuals who like to play on the regular. I'm hoping to grow our community with players that are chill, independent, and enjoy long game play and builds. Our server has been running the current world since March 2019. We plan on this world running indefinitely! Typically there are between 1-5 people online at any given time.

    server location: US-East

    server ops: Vox4455, MissQuoted

    server information: Dell R610 dual Xeon's

    difficulty: Normal

    Official server rules:

    Be respectful and civil toward your fellow players

    Be Respectful to the server


    CMI - Allows for lots of features such as teleports, warps, silk spawners, and many more

    MCMMO - Gain exp. simply by playing, unlock new skills to make the game even better!

    Luckpemissons - admin function

    QuickShopreremake - A shop plugin that allows players to buy and sell items from a chest

    Citizens - A plugin the allows NPC's

    Upcoming items:We are going through a spawn remodel at the moment to prepare for growth. We will be adding multiple world support for mining and creative builds. Also, weekly events on most Fridays with in game prizes.

    32 GB ram so plenty for a nice community. 1.14.2 still has its kinks, but we are keeping up to date with the newest releases to combat that.

    For anyone new to a modded server, I'll have a list of commands here and can walk you through and part of it.

    If interested PM me, please be 18+ age. For reference I'm 29.

    submitted by /u/vox4455
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    CobaltCraft is now open! [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] [PVP]

    Posted: 28 May 2019 09:14 PM PDT


    About the server
    CobaltCraft is a survival server based around having an improved survival experience. We strive to have a great community that is friendly and works together, we do not allow griefing on claimed lands and pvp can be turned on and off, we use Lands as a landclaim tool but if you are ever griefed, our staff will do the best we can to rollback and fix any damage caused. The server offers a variety of features to make survival more enjoyable, with some of the features being :

    Top of the line staff - Fairness for everyone!
    Lands - A user friendly plugin to have your land completely protected.
    SlimeFun - Adds more recipes and items to minecraft
    MiniaturePets - Have a little friend follow you around
    Auction House - Allows players to auction off or bid on items
    Custom Enchants - Some tools you can obtain will have some extra little abilities!
    Jobs - This allows you to join a job which will reward you with money for doing certain actions like mining or farming.
    MCMMO - Allows you to improve certain skills in minecraft to help you on your way.
    Duels - Challenge a player to a friendly 1v1 or raise the stakes by betting money and items
    Jukebox - Enjoy custom in-game music in noteblock format
    PlayerGraves - Craft a grave token to have a grave created when you die to store your items
    Ranks - We offer a few ranks that can be purchased with in game money which allows you to unlock some extra nifty little features to help you out.
    AdvancedAchievements - Adds more achievements to obtain in minecraft
    Events - Every week or so, we will be hosting events for you to participate in and win some great rewards.

    There are a few more features that are not listed and we are constantly looking for new great things to add to make the server more fun. We hope to see you on the server and become an active member of the community.

    Server Website - https://cobaltcraft.enjin.com/
    Server IP - cobaltcraft.nitrous.it

    submitted by /u/elitezman10
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    stekcraft [PVP] {Factions} {mcMMO} {1.13.2}

    Posted: 28 May 2019 03:53 PM PDT

    Discord: http://discord.gg/rp4dSgP

    Rules: https://www.planetminecraft.com/server/stekcraft-factions-mcmmo-advancedachievements-discord/

    IP: classic.servegame.com

    stekcraft is a new serious survival and Factions server. PVP, griefing and raiding are all allowed.

    Our goal is to create a fun server that gives you a reason to keep playing. You start out with the basics; a sword and some food. No overpowered day-1 full diamond kits. You have to earn it.

    With a small but growing community we hope you enjoy your time on stekcraft.

    submitted by /u/oleophobic
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    Eclipsecraft Anarchy [Anarchy]

    Posted: 28 May 2019 01:39 PM PDT

    IP: anarchy.eclipsecraft.net

    Rules: 1. No Rules accept for this and rule #2 2. No self-harm or suicide encouragement

    What is this server This server is designed for people that like hacking, pvp, cheating, and much more. The goal of this is to become a server like 2b2t that many people can enjoy without lag or a queue. Feel free to join and do whatever. Go Ahead! Destroy spawn!

    TIPS: 1. It is suggested that you use a hacked client unless you are hardcore and up for a major challenge. 2. No more tips yet

    Discord: https://discord.gg/SPuEkRn

    submitted by /u/Plasmaman916
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    Loknear Reborn! [Vanilla]{Whitelist}{1.14.2}{Survival}{Discord}

    Posted: 28 May 2019 03:31 PM PDT

    The Loknear servers have been running since 2012 and Loknear Reborn is the 4th edition in our saga! Loknear Reborn was created on 5-22-19 and is a vanilla whitelist survival only server (commands used for colored names). We have dedicated players who all enjoy helping each other and assisting in exploration and resource gathering. Loknear Reborn is hosted by Beastnode.com (Western USA location) and is backed up once a day. MobGriefing is turned off and KeepInventory is turned on!

    We have a Facebook page and a dedicated discord server that is always active. Joining the discord chat is required for this server. Currently there is a player limit of 20, but can be expanded in the future.

    Server Rules: Failure to follow these rules can result in permanent removal of your right to access this server.

    - Absolutely no griefing or damaging other players builds / animals / property

    - No stealing from others

    - Respect the community; no insulting others.

    - Be active and join our Discord server

    Please fill out the following questions as an application for joining this server.

    - Your First Name, Minecraft Username, and Discord Username

    - Your Age

    - Location

    - Why do you want to join Loknear Reborn?

    - Any past experiences, references, or anything else you want to tell me.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope to see you on Loknear Reborn soon!

    submitted by /u/SinfulSephiroth
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    MountainViewMC [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{1.14.1}{Land Claiming}{Economy}{WorldMap}

    Posted: 28 May 2019 06:50 PM PDT

    Server IP:

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/kFnWVhV

    WEBSITE: http://mountainviewmc.xyz


    Mountain View MC started with a group of Canadian friends, who are now looking to expand our server and find more people to share our unique Vanilla experience with. We have anti griefing, World Maps, Economy, and more!

    submitted by /u/Krawk101
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    DivinityCraft [Vanilla] {RPG Factions} {Survival} {Custom Europe Map} {No-Whitelist} {Since 2011}

    Posted: 28 May 2019 02:55 PM PDT

    Minecraft Version: 1.14.2

    DivinityCraft is a one of a kind survival server that has been active non-stop since 2011 and has a lot of customized plugins to give a unique experience to new and older players of this game. Feel like raiding for new stuff? Attack a faction. Crush them and take their valuables. Not feeling bloodthirsty? Build a grinder like the world has never seen before and you will be swimming in gold in no time!

    PvP on DivinityCraft is cruel and everlasting! DivinityCraft has had server-wide wars involving tens of players for multiple months on end. Each faction creating its own creative, logical and smart way of defending, attacking or surviving a war, or indeed rebellions from within.

    Log on to the server with divinitycraft.org and type /help or /ifo to learn the details about all our features.

    Click here to view our rules

    Click here to join our discord

    Click here to navigate to our Contributor Store

    Click here to navigate to our PMC Forums

    Click here to navigate to our Forums

    submitted by /u/DivinityCraft
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