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    Minecraft Villagers appreciate art

    Minecraft Villagers appreciate art

    Villagers appreciate art

    Posted: 28 May 2019 02:41 PM PDT

    If one is present, villagers will occasionally stop and stare at a painting for a few seconds before resuming their routine. They may even occasionally elicit one of their small "huh"s as though deep in thought.

    They will do the same for the dragon egg.

    Illagers and witches can be observed doing the same thing when they are not aggro'd (i.e. the player is invisible or in the wrong game mode)

    submitted by /u/OREOSTUFFER
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    Hot Springs Biome

    Posted: 28 May 2019 03:48 AM PDT

    I'm sure someone has already made a suggestion of this, but I figured I'd make one anyways.

    The Hot Springs biome would be similar to a mesa or badlands biome (ground made of terracotta, gold close to the surface, gold mineshafts), and would have hot springs of varying sizes, ranging from diameters of 3 to 7.

    Hot Springs

    As stated above, these would have varying sizes, from diameters of 3 to 7 blocks. The hot springs would have magma and soul sand in them, with a layer of water above that. Magma and soul sand are both relatively simple to obtain, so I don't believe this would affect gameplay much.


    Entities would be standard, with the skeleton, spider, creeper staying the same, however (like a desert), the hot springs biome would spawn husks. Bats would also have a small chance of spawning, along with Wandering Traders, of course.

    Other Landscaping Feature

    The clay would be layered just like a mesa, with similar patterns appearing. There would be small pockets of red sand with cacti growing in it, along with acacia trees and dead bushes scattered around.

    Mule Carts

    Mule carts would be small acacia carts (shown in image) with a barrel and lantern. The barrel would have assorted goods in it, including but not limited to:







    There would also be a small chance of the mule spawning as well.

    Image Link


    submitted by /u/Ardeiles
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    New Obsidian Decoration Blocks for Building (Textures and Pictures!)

    Posted: 28 May 2019 09:21 AM PDT

    With the recent texture changes, Obsidian got a facelift. I personally really like the way it looks now, but it's really difficult to build with as there aren't any other blocks in the game with the same color palette. I prototyped textures for obsidian brick and obsidian pillars and they both make for some awesome looking builds. I'm not the best at building, but I hope these pictures get the point across.


    submitted by /u/FiddyOld
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    Villagers Will Actually Do Their Jobs and Interact With Their Workbenches

    Posted: 28 May 2019 08:49 AM PDT

    -Blast furnaces will light up when an armorer is using it.

    -Butchers will pull out an iron axe and kill a pig before they head towards their smoker. The smoker will light up when the butcher is using it. Whilst the butcher is using it, a raw pork-chop will also be visible in hand. When the butcher is done using the smoker, the raw pork-chop will appear cooked and the butcher will eat it.

    -The cartographer will hold an empty map in their hand whilst using the cartography table.

    -Whilst a cleric is using the brewing stand it will emit the brewing particles. After using the brewing stand, the cleric will drink one of these short lasting potions (fire resistance, healing, leaping, night vision, regeneration, strength, swiftness, water breathing, or slow falling).

    -A farmer will put all the crops they harvested into a composter whilst using one.

    -Before a fisherman uses the barrel, they will cast a fishing rod into water and catch an item. The item the fisherman caught will be visible in their hand. The barrel will show it's opening animation whilst a fisherman is using it. Once the fisherman is done using the barrel, the item will no longer be visible in their hand.

    -Before heading to their cauldron, the leatherworker will pull out an iron axe and kill a cow. Leather will be visible in the leatherworker's hand. The leatherworker will fill their cauldron a little bit with water whilst using it, then the leather will no longer be visible in the villager's hands.

    -Whilst a librarian uses their lectern, a book and quill will be visible in their hand. The lectern will also show it's book animation while the librarian is using it.

    -The mason will hold a stonecutter compatible item in hand whilst using the stone cutter.

    -The shepherd will shear a sheep before heading to their loom. A wool block (matching the color of the sheep they killed) will be visible in their hand while they are using the loom.

    -An enchanted sword or axe will be visible in the weaponsmiths hand whilst using their grindstone. Afterwards, the weapon will appear unenchanted and the weaponsmith will test it on a sheep, cow, chicken, or pig once before putting it away.

    -As for the smithing and fletching table, those don't really have function yet so I don't really know what the toolsmith and fletcher would do yet.

    submitted by /u/Minecart64
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    Sound effects for using bone meal on saplings, crops & grass

    Posted: 28 May 2019 12:00 PM PDT

    They already added sounds for planting seeds & crops in 1.14

    I think there should also be sound effects for using bone meal on different things like tree saplings, crops and grass blocks (the sound could possibly change depending on the plant/block)

    Vote on feedback.minecraft.net

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Rock bottom Update

    Posted: 28 May 2019 01:46 PM PDT

    Rock bottom would be a massive cave update, it would improve cave generation, ores, mobs, and cave traversing.

    Generation - caves would be larger, the tunnels would be wider allowing for better cave combat, there would be more drop offs one could fall off and die, there would be massive underground caverns where the ceiling was far above, these empty spaces would be filled with miniature biomes and underground lakes. The surface would be raised to allow for more caves and larger caverns. Strongholds would have entrances you can access from these caves. Ores - new ores would be added such as copper, cobalt, lead, silver, platinum. Each ore would be able to be made into armor and weapons. Copper could be used to make wires that are not affected by water. New crystals could be found and they could be used in place of quartz in redstone as well as decoration blocks. Traversing caves - to deal with drop offs grappling hooks would be added. Hooks would allow access to ores and gems out of reach. Rails would act more like scaffolding, only needing support every few blocks. New elevator rails would be added too. Light - caves would be made much darker, it would be impossible to see without a light source or night vision, for this miners hats would be added, you would make the light and combine it to any helmet. The light would use glowstone dust as fuel. Holding torches would also work as a light source. Enemies - Zombies and skeletons would spawn with miners hats. New giant bats would spawn and swoop from the ceiling to attack. Some caverns would be a spider nest, covered with cobwebs and new spiders along with normal spiders would spawn here. Gems - new gems such as rubies, and sapphires could be found.

    submitted by /u/BowlFullofFlakes
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    Posted: 28 May 2019 07:39 AM PDT

    Raccoons have two variants. One is the brown one (seen in plain and wooded biomes), and the other is the black and white one (also spawns just as frequently). Raccoons are carnivorous.

    Items they can eat:

    Rotten Flesh

    A few plants

    Bone (not entirely sure)

    Many other kinds of meat


    Wild raccoons will normally stay clear of the player, but if you attack one, it becomes very hostile, and the whole group becomes hostile similar to wolf. When a raccoon becomes hostile, it will bite the player and use its claws as a melee attack. When raccoons are in hostile mode, they cannot be tamed. Be careful with meat farms around these mobs, because they are very destructive, and will chase and kill small entities (cats and dogs are excluded)


    Tame them with raw meat of nearly any kind. Raccoons take longer to tame than most other entities, but when tamed, they no longer attack you when attacked.

    When tamed, raccoons will behave like they usually do, but will not get aggressive toward you. The tamed raccoon also will attack any entity you hit except creepers, making them useful if there are no wolves to tame for miles on end. A raccoon can be told to sit, and can be leashed.


    Use meat of almost any kind to breed them. It's easier to breed two tamed raccoons together, as wild ones will rarely go into love mode when fed.


    Raccoons drop leather and meat upon death. Wild raccoons drop some XP upon death, like all living things in Minecraft do, like cows for example.


    They can spawn alone, or in a group of up to 5 raccoons. Raccoons spawn mostly in plains and forested biomes. They can be found in tundra, but it's rare. Raccoons may occasionally be found in taiga villages.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Add the ability to pick up small pets

    Posted: 28 May 2019 09:52 AM PDT

    To carry them around more easily. Some pets like cats should be able to be carried either on the chest of the player or the shoulder as an option or in the arms.

    Note that cats have a chance of inflicting half a heart of damage when picked up cause of claws. Damage does not happen if you have armour on, like iron armour for example.

    You cannot attack when carrying pets.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Beat the Heat

    Posted: 28 May 2019 03:08 PM PDT

    Beat the Heat would be an update to the Nether. It would add new biomes, mobs, materials, and equipment.

    Biomes - a main problem I had was the lack of magma slimes, to solve this the slimey wastes would be added, here slime would hang from the wall and ceilings, magma slimes would be everywhere and fire is a constant threat. The dunes of despair would be a desert of soul sand and red cacti. The jagged islands would sharp spikes of netherrack found in the massive oceans of lava, new structures would form on these spikes, bridges and walkways would connect shacks precariously hanging from these spikes.

    Materials - All overworld ores would be able to be found here in a new nether variation. But new ores could be found as well. Netherite would allow you to make armor capable of withstanding lava, and boats to sail the lava seas.

    Mobs - With Beat the Heat new mobs would be added, dust demons, doomed souls, lava walkers, slimelings, skeletal riders, and ship sinkers. Dust demons would be small mobs that roam the dunes of despair, they would run at the player and bite them. Doomed souls would be low flying mobs that would also be found in the dunes of despair. Lava walkers would be incredibly tall insects, similar to the silt striders of morrowind, that would wade through the lava oceans, they would be relatively peaceful until provoked, they would drop their carapace which could be used to make armor. Ship sinkers would be lava fish that would attempt to break the player's boat as they sailed the lava seas, upon breaking the boat, Ship sinkers would attempt to consume the player. Slimelings would be large slug like creatures that the player could 'milk' for slime balls, they would be found in the slimey wastes. Skeletal riders would be wither skeletons that have mounted the lava walkers and will force their mount to attack the player with its massive claws.

    Equipment - Netherite boats would allow for quick travel on lava oceans, Netherite armor grants immunity to lava and fire. Netherite weapons set enemies on fire. All Netherite gear is immune to fire and lava, and also floats on lava.

    submitted by /u/BowlFullofFlakes
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    Slime ideas

    Posted: 28 May 2019 07:41 AM PDT

    Idea #1: slime balls can be thrown at mobs and will give them 5 seconds of slowness. If you throw it on the floor it will work the same as a cobweb.

    Idea #2: If you find a baby slime you can left click them with a bucket to get get a slime in a bucket. If you put it in a furnace and cook it you will get a bucket of slime (liquid). When combined with water it will form slime blocks and when combined with lava the lava will over power it. Slime liquid can also be used to slow down mobs and is hard to get through. You can do the same thing with baby magma cubes, but instead of getting a bucket of slime you will get a bucket of lava.

    submitted by /u/chickennuggetboi101
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    Sound changes based on the environment

    Posted: 28 May 2019 12:28 AM PDT

    I think it would be really cool if the sound would have special "effects" based on the environment.

    For example if you are in a cave then the sound should have kind of an echo effect based on the size of the cave.

    Of course this will probably has a big performance impact as the size of the room has to be calculated. Therefor I think there should be an option in the sound settings to deactivate this.

    submitted by /u/d4v1d_247
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    Right-clicking a wolf with wool or leather "trains" them to herd sheep or cows

    Posted: 28 May 2019 02:22 PM PDT

    You simply right-click the wolf with the item, and then right-click the block you want to set as the "gathering point," after which the wolf will gather all sheep or cows in the area and move them to that block. Wolves currently don't have enough use! When a wolf is herding sheep, it will defend the herd from any wild wolves in the area.

    Inspired by u/XxT-series_spyxX's comment on my prior suggestion, https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/comments/btvm1p/rightclicking_a_tamed_wolf_with_a_rabbit_hide_or/

    submitted by /u/OREOSTUFFER
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    Patrol mode for pets

    Posted: 28 May 2019 01:59 PM PDT

    By shift clicking the pet, and then shift clicking another block, the pet will then walk around 10-20 blocks in diameter around the block, not in circles, but just wander within that range. This could be used for cats, to have them patrol the outside of your house wandering doing cat like things, while keeping creepers away. Used for a dog, if enemies (specifically hostile mobs) come within the 10-20 block radius they will attack the mob.

    submitted by /u/iimGemini
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    Nether Explorers and their items - New Blaze-like mob that gives very amazing things

    Posted: 28 May 2019 04:06 AM PDT

    EDIT: Now with images of mockups!

    Nether Explorers are deep flame-made creatures that only spawn in Normal+ Difficulties/Hardcore Mode.

    - Model -

    Their face is similar to the Phantom's, but the mob is more like a scarecrow and a candle. It has floating candles next to it for an attack below.

    - Attacks -

    Their basic attack is throwing Boomerang-like things (you can collect them if you defeat Nether Explorers, more on that later) that deal 2 damage, which can be hurting. But their big attack is better - you can see Nether Explorers are surrounded by several small versions of their head right? Like a Blaze has Blaze Rods spinning? Well, Nether Explorers can fire 3 at a time in 3 ways. One can deal 6 damage. However, Nether Explorers have a basic amount of health - 20 health. So they can be killed easily.

    The rewards for killing them are very cool.

    - Items -

    Remember the attack i told before? Well, that is when the entity uses a Heaterang to attack you. There is a rare chance (49%) you will get a Heaterang when you kill Nether Explorers. A Heaterang is really useful - it deals 6 damage instead of the 2 damage the enemy uses, and you can break it by smashing it on the ground 100 times and it will give you 4 minutes of Fire Resistance.

    But did i tell you about a bigger drop? Yes. I did not.

    Hell Souls are a new item that has 12% chance to drop from killed Explorers. These can be used in a Crafting Table to buff the Heat Boomerang. If you circle a Heat Boomerang with 8 Hell Takers, you will get an Ultraburner. Ultraburners deal 10 damage instead of 6 damage, and when broken give both Fire and Normal Resistance. This is why Hell Souls are that rare.

    So this was the suggestion for the Nether Explorers. Enjoy i guess.

    submitted by /u/Play_Dash
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    Combat and Combatants Update

    Posted: 28 May 2019 09:57 AM PDT

    Adds new weapon types, new enemy types/variations, and smarter enemies.

    Adds more shields, iron, gold, wood, diamond, mabey more if more ores are added. More enemy variations, zombies with different skins could spawn, villagers that had been recently turned would be faster and stronger, skeletons with crossbows, zombies with sheilds. More bows and crossbows, reinforced versions, light and heavy versions. More weapons, long swords, broad swords, spears. Magic weapons, staffs, spell books, you could enchant sticks or blaze rods to shoot fireballs, lightning, or ice. Magic could use a new mana stat, or the staffs would have durability. You could also make staffs, give gold a use. You could make a golden gem staff with 2 gold and a diamond or emerald. If magic is added witches could use both magic and potions. Smarter enemies, enemies could jump gaps, creepers would attempt to destroy walls, witches would buff other enemies. If more ores are added in another update each weapon type would have versions in these other ores and materials.

    submitted by /u/BowlFullofFlakes
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    Coral Uses

    Posted: 28 May 2019 12:27 PM PDT

    Coral is a relatively rare material that doesn't really have an use aside from decorating.

    4 Dead Coral Blocks in a block pattern would create Limestone. Limestone is a tan with a slight tint of green colored block that would be useful for building. It would have the same blast resistance as Stone. You can make slabs, stairs, whatever Stone can already do.

    By putting 20 Coral Blocks and 10 Coral plants in at least a 30 by 30 water area that has direct access to the sky would make all surrounding 50 water blocks have a light cyan hue, just like Warm Oceans. Tropical fish would b=spawn from the block, and using Bone Meal in the ground would spawn Coral plants. Note: This doesn't actually convert the biome to Warm Ocean, it just makes the water behave like a warm ocean.

    Coral plants and fans can be used to make dye.

    Horn: Yellow

    Bubble: Magenta

    Brain: Pink

    Fire: Red

    Tube: Blue

    Tropical fish can be sold to Fishermen Villagers for 3 emeralds, and Buckets of Tropical Fish can be sold for 5 emeralds.

    You cannot get Tropical Fish from fishing, unless you are fishing in a Warm Ocean (or in water that behaves like Warm Oceans).

    4 Corals in a block like shape in a crafting grid makes a Coral Block.

    Coral can be combined with Bone Meal to make Coral Paste. This item as a potent fertilizer or can be brewed unto Potions of Healing to make potions of Healing 3 (based on the fact coral has medicinal uses for regrowing bones).

    submitted by /u/MagcargoEscargot
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    Exterior Window Shutters

    Posted: 28 May 2019 04:01 PM PDT

    I think builds would look cooler and more detailed if we were able to add window 'shutters' to the outside of our buildings.

    Trapdoors just don't quite cut it!

    We need a block similar in size to the trapdoor (maybe a bit thinner), but that is made up of horizontal 'grills'.

    Sort of like the Acacia Trapdoor.

    They could come in all six wood varieties.

    They could swing horizontally on their hinges, instead of vertically, like trapdoors.

    I'm not sure if mobs should be able to see through them or not.

    Here is a picture as an example:


    submitted by /u/Seb104
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    Woodland Mansions should have paintings on the walls

    Posted: 28 May 2019 03:58 PM PDT

    Woodland Mansions should have paintings hanging on the walls as decorations.

    They would fit perfectly and would add a lot to the spooky atmosphere of the Mansion. And it goes nicely with this suggestion.

    Vote on feedback.minecraft.net

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Very rarely, wandering traders should be spotted in the nether

    Posted: 28 May 2019 03:56 PM PDT

    How else do they get the glowstone?

    submitted by /u/OREOSTUFFER
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    Right-clicking a tamed wolf with a rabbit hide or fox hide will "train" the wolf to hunt rabbits or foxes respectively

    Posted: 27 May 2019 09:20 PM PDT

    The wolf will then track down and attack any foxes or rabbits in a reasonably large radius from itself, during which time it will no longer teleport back to the player unless the player moves a considerably large distance away from the wolf's target. It will bring any loot dropped by the mob back to you.

    Oh, and for this to work, obviously fox hides would need to be dropped by foxes. It could really be anything unique to foxes (of which nothing exists at the moment), but I figured foxhides would be the easiest and still fit in with the rest of the game. They'd be functionally identical to rabbit hides. Foxes just need a unique drop of some sort in order to train wolves to find them.

    Release the hounds!

    And happy hunting! :)

    submitted by /u/OREOSTUFFER
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    Here's how to make leather armor worth obtaining

    Posted: 28 May 2019 03:24 PM PDT

    Maybe allow leather armor to be worn under other armor types - it won't add any extra armor points, but it will serve as a last layer of protection in case your main suit of armor breaks during excessively long PVP battles or if it breaks when you've adventured too far from home and are low on resources, at which point the underlying leather clothing would then take the place of whatever you were wearing on top of it. This way, not only does leather armor become desirable, but hopefully so much so that it is considered essential, and while it does not make realistic sense that it would not stack with the armor on top, that's moreso for balance reasons than anything else.

    To equip it under your armor, simply right click the appropriate armor slot with the leather equipment you want to use under what you're already wearing. This only works if the player already has a piece of higher-tier armor equipped in the slot of choice - otherwise the leather armor simply equips as normal. Left-clicking in this situation will function as it always has - it will simply swap out the currently-equipped armor with the leather. This way, there hopefully isn't any muscle memory getting in the way of inventory management.

    submitted by /u/OREOSTUFFER
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    Fix terracotta blocks

    Posted: 28 May 2019 03:15 PM PDT

    I absolutely love the design of all the glazed terracotta blocks in the game right now yet (at least on console) getting the correct orientation for them so that the pattern shows clearly is very inconvenient. Maybe a system could be implemented where you could press left trigger on the block to rotate it (right click for pc i believe) or some other button to rotate it i think would help a lot.

    submitted by /u/dab-haha_get_it
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    Land mob swimming AI needs to be improved.

    Posted: 28 May 2019 08:15 AM PDT

    Land mobs shouldn't just jump up and down in the water. And make their swimming faster (about as fast as a Polar Bear).

    Watch this real life pig, all Minecraft land mobs should swim like this. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ox6Lvj7icxM

    submitted by /u/mikailafridi
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    Posted: 27 May 2019 05:17 PM PDT

    Jellyfish would be commonly found in Warm Oceans, but would also be found somewhat rarely in Lukewarm Ocean. They would be one block thick and wide, with their tentacles trailing behind them. At Full Moon nights, a Jellyfish Migration ocuurs: The Jellyfish spawn rate is greatly increased and they glow in the dark, oscillating between the RGB spectrum. When touched, they will deal damage and if a player happens to touch them during a migration, they will recieve a Luminescence effect (more of that bellow) that lasts 4 seconds along with the damage.

    When killed in normal circumstances, they drop 1 Jellyfish that can be eaten to restore 4 points of hunger (2 hams) anddeal 4 points of damage (2 hearts). They can also be cooked to restore 6 points of hunger and remove the damage effect. or can be made into Slimeballs when put in a crafting grid. When killed during a migration, they will drop Luminescent Jellyfish. Those rainbow variants of the normal Jellyfish item have the same stats, although they cannot be cooked and give a Luminescence effect for 10 seconds. They are used to brew Potions of Luminescence.

    Luminescence makes the entity that has the effect glow (not like the Glowing effect, where the entity gains a bright outline) like Glowstone or Torches. The color of the Glow depends on what kind of potion the Luminescent Jellyfish has been brewed on: Water Bottles give a blue glow, Amkward potions give a purple glow, Mundane Potions give a yellow glow, and Thick Potions give a green glow.

    Just some thoughts to make Warm Oceans a bit more useful!

    submitted by /u/MagcargoEscargot
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