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    Minecraft Servers SimpleCraft [Vanilla] {Amplified} {Survival}

    Minecraft Servers SimpleCraft [Vanilla] {Amplified} {Survival}

    SimpleCraft [Vanilla] {Amplified} {Survival}

    Posted: 01 May 2019 04:03 AM PDT

    We currently are running a PvP Amplified survival server running Version 1.14. Keepinventory is True meaning When you die you do not drop your inventory (This may change if demand is high enough). Map is set to Amplified for a more ambitious creative player. Game is and always will be survival. We will not tolerate cheating, if you are caught cheating you will be banned. We currently do not have a discord but if demand is high enough we will create one.

    Server IP:

    RULES: No cheating, No begging to be admin, no spamming chat, no xray mods

    submitted by /u/Irulemike
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    TrekCraft [SMP] {Towny} {McMMO} {Mythic Mobs} {Community} {Economy} {1.13.2} {Events} {Auctions} {LWC}

    Posted: 01 May 2019 10:34 AM PDT

    TrekCraft is not an ordinary server. Here at TC we have a growing community that takes part in events every week and staff that will help you through any situation. We have a large number of game-enhancing plugins, including Towny, McMMO, Mythic Mobs with great custom bosses, chest shops, crates, auctions and auction house, quests, treasure hunts, etc! These plugins help players have the best experience, whether it's having fun with friends or getting down to business by having the best town. Our staff also hosts events like trivia and drop parties (all with items obtained legitimately) and competitions!

    We're family friendly, so keep the chat appropriate for children: no swearing, or discussion of inappropriate behavior allowed.

    When you find yourself on TrekCraft you feel like you are part of the family, and that's exactly what we want you to feel.

    We're a no raiding, no griefing server. We rarely have a problem, but in the event of grief, our staff will happily roll it back for you. We allow pvp in the wilds and arena, but almost all our pvp is friendly and agreed upon. Almost all towns have pvp turned off within their borders, and we've got a great friendly community that will gladly help new players get started or old ones find what they need. :)

    You can see our full rules at: http://trekcraft.ca/forums/m/37099730/viewthread/26376805-towny-rules or at /warp rules once you're on the server.

    Take time today and come join us at mc.TrekCraft.net You can also visit our website at http://www.trekcraft.ca/home or view our server trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGH0tEKlqYA&t=2s

    Minecraft is an adventure, Trek it.

    submitted by /u/Momshroom
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    StyxRyvr [SMP]{PVE}{1.13.2}{LWC}{Discord}{Dynmap}{Greek}{Mythology}{Survival}{Hard}

    Posted: 01 May 2019 09:59 AM PDT

    IP Address: styxryvr.mcserver.ws

    Website: https://styxryvr.buycraft.net/

    Discord: https://discord.gg/gZYzYPU

    Dynmap: http://styxryvr.mcserver.ws:8123/

    Protection: LWC

    Gamemode: Survival, Hard

    We are a survival-based Minecraft server. Much of the server content focuses around Greek Mythology, including the currency, death messages, and regions that display messages from gods. The gameplay is set to Hard Mode, which means that mobs will be stronger and the staff will not help any players with in-game matters such as food items or building blocks. If you get bored, the staff has created a variety of dungeons that serve as "easter eggs." It is up to you (and your friends) to find an entrance, complete the challenges, and purchase the reward. The server itself is hosted in Canada, but most of us are from the United States.

    In order to gain access to the world, each player must use the command /rules, which displays the in-game rules and automatically sets your rank to Citizen. We use LWC to help players protect their items and homes. Griefing is legal as long as the structure has been abandoned for at least 3 months. Aside from simply surviving and playing the classic Minecraft story, the player has the ability to climb the rank ladder by aiming towards in-game riches (Noble) or proving their strength (Hero). We have a set of commands that the player can use to explore the rank options (use /rank to get started). With the use of many plugins, the player has access to fun commands such as MCMMO, /pet, /marry, /disguise, and many more. In-game money can be obtained by voting with /vote, receiving a daily bonus with /kit free, or selling items to the Market (/warp market). Our Portal Room serves as a hub to many different locations and can be reached with /warp portals.

    submitted by /u/3nder1ord
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    RealmHunters [Vanilla] {Survival} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 01 May 2019 09:59 AM PDT

    Would you like to have an enjoyable survival experience with a wonderful, friendly, active community?

    Are you looking for a dedicated survival server that supports aspects of survival, from adventure to automation?

    Are you tired of the archaic SMP servers where everyone has fully maxed gear when you join?

    Are you sick of being dominated by tyrannical, controlling, toxic server owners?

    Or are you just looking for a simple, relaxed, casual server experience?

    If your answer to any of those questions was 'yes', then you're in luck, for I have just the server for you.

    RealmHunters is a 1.14 Vanilla Minecraft server which launched yesterday. We have a strong emphasis on co-operation and friendship between players, and our ethic creates a caring and trustworthy community who I guarantee you'll love playing with. Our server is hosted by a dedicated server host in the US Central region. We do run some datapacks, though the only one which affects vanilla gameplay is 1-player sleep because Mojang decided phantoms were a good idea. List of datapacks we run

    We support and welcome both casuals who play in their free time and dedicated tech players who enjoy building colossal farms, as well as anyone who just enjoys the survival experience: we're sure you'll love your time on the server.

    If our server doesn't appeal to you, our discord also allows you to socialise with others regardless of whether you are playing on the server, as well as share memes. We have a relaxed, lassez-faire approach to censorship, but do not be blatantly openly discriminatory.

    If you are an active MC player who is friendly, you're our type of person and we'd love for you to join our server regardless of your background or beliefs. We don't have an age limit, but please act in at least a half-mature way.

    Server Rules:

    • Do not hack. If you can't do it in vanilla survival, don't try it.

    • Do not grief, or perform destructive 'pranks'. (e.g. sending someone to Y = 256 is pretty funny, but blowing up someone's base not so much).

    • Do not steal from other players.

    • Do not PVP without consent between all combatants.

    • Do not spam the in-game chat.

    • Do not verbally harass someone. There is a difference between banter and blatant hate speech.

    How do I apply?

    In order to apply to join the server, join our discord server at https://discord.gg/53nGmcQ, then go to the "applications" chat and post your application. We recommend that in your application, you should include answers to these questions:

    • What is Minecraft IGN and your Discord name?

    • How old are you?

    • How active can you be? (hours/day, days/week)

    • How would you rate your MC skills from 0-10 (building, redstone, adventuring, community focus)

    • Why do you want to join?

    • Have you ever played on a vanilla server before?

    • Do you solemnly swear to never grief, hack or steal?

    submitted by /u/SaladMann
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    INFCRAFT [Vanilla]{Whitelist}{Discord{1.14}

    Posted: 01 May 2019 08:24 AM PDT

    INFCRAFT! A vanilla - friendly server that doesn't have a superfluous spawn, plugins or anything similar to that! You just spawn in the world, and you can see all the bases of this server!

    We have a quite active discord, and room on the server for all kinds of players. We have an infinite map. However, it's whitelisted! So please, apply!

    Perks of the server:

    No map resets! (It's 7 years old!) Infinite exploration! Free to form your own empire and base!

    Application form:

    IGN: Info: Age: Why do you want to join: Discord:

    If accepted, I'll add you to discord, and subsequently invite you to our official discord which contains the server's IP and Dynmap.

    Rules: 1. Don't grief other people's bases. This should be common knowledge.

    Don't steal. Ask other people if you want to acquire items.

    Don't ravage the 2012 region—it's apparent where it is. It has tons of chunk borders—it's a historic area. Be considerate and if you really want to build in it, ask alexljn5.

    Stay on your own plot of land and don't build on other people's plots.

    Listen to the requests of other players. If you randomly interfere with them and they really don't want you there—leave.

    Don't excessively lag the server—it will probably happen with redstone builds, I love them. Free items. But please, if you are building a laggy one, build it far away from everyone so that it only lags the server when you load the chunks.

    submitted by /u/alexljn5
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    RoastedToast [SMP] {Survival} {RPG} {custom-recipes} {bosses} {wands}

    Posted: 01 May 2019 03:13 AM PDT

    <━━> 𝓡𝓸𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓭𝓣𝓸𝓪𝓼𝓽 <━━>

    What makes us so different from other servers?

    Admit it, normal Minecraft can be pretty boring sometimes. So that's why we made custom-recipes, bosses, new mobs and craftable wands! Feel free to join!

    What kind of server are we?

    We are a survival server with a bit of a RPG styled experience. There is a warp to the boss battle arena where you can fight the Zombie King and The Skeleton King. Both king's have rare drops! As I mentioned we made Custom-recipes like: Emerald armor and Tools, Herobrine armor and tools and much more! And besides that we also have a active and social community! Come take a look!

    <━━> 𝓑𝓪𝓼𝓲𝓬 𝓢𝓮𝓻𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓘𝓷𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 <━━>

    <━━> 𝓡𝓪𝓷𝓴𝓼 <━━>

    • Zombie Rank - € 2
    • Skeleton Rank - € 5
    • Creeper Rank - € 10
    • Vindicator Rank - € 15

    More information about our ranks can be found on our buycraft website: http://roastedtoasts.buycraft.net/buy/2tXjq


    No swearing and racism!

    Swearing is allowed but not directly towards someone. And of course racism is absolutely NOT allowed!

    Be respectfull!

    Don't bully or make a shame of someone no-one likes bullies.

    Don't grief!

    Griefing is NOT allowed on our server since it is a survival/rpg server. Not a factions server, but just a normal survival server. This also means that you can't set a home on someones claimed land without permission. We really hate people that grief. Griefing means --> insta ban!

    Don't advertise without permission!

    Don't go spamming your insta account or minecraft server in chat. If you want to advertise something you can just ask us. Just don't go spamming around in chat or our discord!

    Kill system:

    Killing is allowed when agreed upon on!

    Don't ask staff for items or staff!

    If you want to be staff you can just visit our website(or e-mail us) and make a staff appeal. Don't ask owners or other staff for ranks!

    No scamming!

    Don't scam, make fair trades. And if someone does scam you please report it to a staff member.

    Speak English

    Our server is a English server with an English speaking community. So don't start chatting in Spanish or French!


    • Owners: TWBoom, TiagoYOLOBOY and BeestSiebren
    • Admins: Elitewatermeloen
    • Builders: robinisvis12 and TigerCrafter2
    submitted by /u/RoastedToastserver
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    DownUnder [Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{1.14}

    Posted: 01 May 2019 06:26 AM PDT

    Application Link: Here

    Any Country Can Join (Pref AUS/NZ), Youtube & Twitch/Mixer
    Server will be hosted in Australia

    Version: 1.14

    Rules: In Application Link
    Looking for Player's/People who want to play on a SMP. Record or stream while playing and must be 17+ year old.
    We want to build a great community and have a lot of fun while doing so.

    If you think you got what it takes to join then click on the application link and fill it out and see if you are worthy to join DownUnderSMP :)

    -Galilath (Owner)

    submitted by /u/Galilath
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    Hollow Winds Anarchy [Anarchy] [Vanilla] {1.12.2}

    Posted: 01 May 2019 06:18 AM PDT

    Server IP: hollowwinds.xyz

    Website: https://hollowwinds.xyz

    Hollow Winds Anarchy is a small anarchy server that was created on February 19th, 2019. The idea is to have no resets to the world.

    • There are no rules.
    • There are no staff members.
    • Anything hacking goes besides hacking the actual server.

    Some information about the server:

    • Hosted in Dallas, Texas.
    • 1.12.2

    We have seen over 100 players and the world is currently 2GB in size.

    Good luck to anyone that joins!

    submitted by /u/hyperdefined
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    Shipwreck Resurfaced [Realms] {Survival}

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 06:26 PM PDT

    [BEDROCK] Shipwreck Resurfaced

    Hello. My GT is Sbinreal1589 and I want to present to you a fresh realm with a growing community. I want any players who are capable of cooperating with a great team of people to join up!

    We're mainly a cooperative survival Realm but we also support Faction PvP with 2 teams present and are constructing an arena for future faction based PvP events. All we need are more contestants!

    We have a fairly new map right now but as long I'm hosting there will NEVER be another reset. So please think big and accomplish your projects in confidence knowing that they will never be erased.

    I'm willing to give any of you Creative if you have a great community-oriented idea as well as ask some players to help if needed.

    Wait no more! DM or comment and I will grant you the Discord code AND the Realm code!

    General Information:

    1. It would be nice if you have Discord. (No you don't need to chat but it would be nice to have some form of way to communicate with one another, but preferably we'll all get to chat sometime. ^ )
    2. Must adhere to the simple rules. (No stealing/griefing/PVP without agreement)
    3. This realm is also for community purposes, I just want to have wholesome experiences and possibly have an environment where we can all be friends!
    4. Hope to see some of you soon!

    To join,fill out this application (if you want)

    1. IGN (case-sensitive):
    2. Age:
    3. Platform (Win10/Mobile/Xbox):
    4. Favorite Minecraft Activity
    submitted by /u/Recycle0rdie
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    Taffynet [modded] {pixelmon}

    Posted: 01 May 2019 04:12 AM PDT

    Currently Running Pixelmon Reforged 7.0.5

    Join us on a locally hosted, Australian Network.
    Mature players base with a fresh map.
    No Paywall, No PTW. Everyone is level.

    We started this network after being sick of people hiding everything behind paywalls.
    You wont pay a cent to us.
    We have no paypal, nothing.
    Everyone has the same permissions (minus a few admin perms obviously)
    /checkspawns, /ivs, /evs /GTS and more!

    The Network is Bungeecorded with the idea to expand to other server packs.
    Suggestions are always welcome!

    Rules are simple:
    1: Be respectful.
    2: Be ethical.
    3: Use common sense.
    4: Do not abuse bugs or exploits, Check /info for the bug bounty!
    5: No X-Ray or other mods/plugins/texture packs that give an unfair advantage.
    6: Staff have final say. Right or wrong. It stops arguments.
    7: No Spam.
    8: Limit the swearing, we want to be family friendly.
    9: Do not bypass server rules or restrictions. They are there for a reason.

    More Info at taffynet.net
    IP: taffynet.net
    Discord: https://discord.gg/y6RKXn6

    submitted by /u/Eliteaccendo
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    DeathBans [SMP] {1.14} {Anarchy} {Anticheat}

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 12:55 PM PDT

    Server name: DeathBans

    Address: Anarchy.pocketmc.net

    Gameplay Types: [PvP] [Anarchy] [Survival]

    Rules: No Hacking

    Discord: https://discord.gg/ysnPGkA


    "We don't claim land ... only tears."

    We have finally stabilized as a server, fighting the bugs of 1.14 and are at a point that we are ready for new players. We have an existing community of over 200 people that play frequently and the server count is usually above 10. We do everything possible to make performance great with minimal moderation. We have been discussing adding in 60 minute temp bans for dying in any way.

    • Anticheat Plugins
    • 16gb Ram
    • Unlimited World Size
    • Integrated Discord
    • Simplistic Gameplay (As close to the vanilla feel as possible)
    • Hard Difficulty
    submitted by /u/Grixer
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    Straight Up [Vanilla][Anarchy][SMP]{1.14}

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 09:20 PM PDT

    Straight Up is currently looking for new players. We are a brand new, small, "run from home" vanilla anarchy survival server. Although anarchy servers typically have no rules, we have just a few rules to ensure the server runs smoothly. The spawn area is protected, but the rest of the world is open to the public. For more information see our docs

    submitted by /u/Krater107a
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    AeriaCraft [SMP] [Vanilla] {Whitelist} {Discord} {1.14}

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 12:18 PM PDT


    Welcome to AeriaCraft! We are a fun-loving, tight-knit group of friendly and community-oriented players aged 16 through 30. As long as you are mature, We have an age restriction of 16+ on the server, Voice chat is required!

    Our map started on April 23, 2019, We have approximately 80% of our spawn island completed to server standards, a world border has been implemented on the server to encourage players to help with getting spawn operational. Basic XP farms are available to use, We are looking for creative individuals who are talented in many different build styles.


    • Version: 1.14 (Pure Vanilla)
    • Host Location: Ontario, Canada


    • Themed spawn & Nether Hub / Unthemed Shopping District
    • Separate community creative plot world available for use
    • Permanent world!!! (Never wiping)
    • 1-player sleep
    • Anti-enderman grief
    • Mob heads
    • Shulkers drop 2 shells
    • AFK fish farms disabled
    • 30 minute server backups
    • Worldborder setup (30000 block radius)
    • Custom story for spawn
    • Custom Crafting


    • No griefing, x-raying, or stealing
    • PVP must be agreed upon by both parties
    • No modded clients (Optifine is okay!) (e.g. clients with x-ray integration)
    • Protect and Keep natural villages intact (Don't go around griefing naturally spawned villages)
    • Communication with owner / mods
    • Cannot build within 500 blocks of spawn - to leave space for spawn projects!
    • Cannot build within 500 blocks of another players base unless permitted by said player (People here love big builds)
    • Be in Discord voice chat while playing on the server - This is just to create a real community of friends!

    How to Apply

    Please submit your completed application by posting here, or via PM.




    Minecraft Username:

    Why are you interested in our server?

    How long have you been playing Minecraft for?

    Tell us about yourself, in a paragraph or so!

    What qualities, skills, or contributions do you feel you would bring to our server?

    How active are you on Minecraft (e.g. in hours per week)?

    Do you agree to be on Discord while playing on the server?

    Server IP & Whitelist will be provided after a brief interview, Make sure you contact AstoriaPlays in the discord server when application is approved.


    We will provide a link to our discord server apon approval of application.

    We look forward to meeting you!

    submitted by /u/AstoriaG
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    HatCaft [Vanilla] {whitelist} {Disocrd} {1.14}

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 06:12 PM PDT

    Hatcraft is a brand new vanilla server that is only a week old! We currently have 20 active players so you'll always see someone online. We are in the process of building the netherhub and going to be starting a group project at spawn. We will soon be hosting server wide events and activities. We encourage all to apply if they meet the rules!


    18+ some exceptions will be made

    Have a Discord

    Live at least 1000 blocks away from spawn

    Be considerate of other players

    No cheating

    Must be active on the server. Please let one of the admins know if you will be away for an extended period of time.

    If you are interested in joining our community, apply here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/17fjV9SFSKU09FDLlCU0yJo_kajRqY-B8FWx1aKZfML8/edit

    We are trying to keep the server a little exclusive so the more information you can provide and pictures of builds that you have completed the better.

    submitted by /u/dbutt896
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    DarkWorld [Vanilla][PVE][PVP]{1.14}{GLOBAL}

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 08:41 PM PDT

    Server IP playmc.creativehorizonsgaming.com

    The Dark World Server is now on the 1.14 Village and Pillage update with a fresh new world!! We have a fully functional TPA system! Spawn is still a work in progress but we'll be adding to it as we go. There is nothing quite like good old fashioned 100 percent Vanilla!!! There are no plugins of any kind nor will there ever be. Just a lot of high quality command block magic and a few custom made datapacks. The PVE and PVP arenas are still being copied over to the new world. Make sure to read all the rules when you first log in and follow the instructions in the rulebook to move to spawn. The server has a Facebook page and Discord as well and are linked in game. Feel free to post any screenshots or videos to the page to share with everyone. I look forward to seeing you all online.


    • 2. NO MODS of ANY kind. (Optifine, Shaders, and video recording mods are allowed)
    • 3. While swearing is allowed, being toxic will not be tolerated.
    • 4. Don't spam the chat. This includes posting hypertext or unicode style material in the chat.
    • 5. Don't ask myself or my admins to help with the server. If we need help, we will ask you.
    • 6. This is a survival world. Creative is reserved for admins and the Creative team...so don't ask.
    • 7. Plugins will never be added. So don't suggest them.
    • 8. And last but certainly not least, HAVE FUN!!!! It's just a game.
    submitted by /u/darkworldserver
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    Quasi SMP [Vanilla] [SMP] {1.14} {Whitelist} {Community-Oriented} {Events}

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 12:39 PM PDT

    Quasi SMP

    A Minecraft server inspired by Hermitcraft and maintained by those who love it!


    Here on QuasiCraft we value friendships, community interaction, and just generally all things community. We currently have a low volume of players and would like to keep it that way. However, we are looking for a few more people to join our server. If you are interested in joining, an interview on Discord will be conducted and we will go from there.


    Join Quasi if you are:

    - Interested in making friends and being part of a community.

    - Love make large builds and working with other players.

    - Want to have weekly challenges to spice up the gameplay.

    - Have a passion for Minecraft and need a creative outlet.

    If any of those things interest you, Quasi is a fantastic opportunity for you!


    Some additions we have implemented into the Vanilla experience:

    - None, yet! We will be adding new datapacks based on what our players want!

    More features may be implemented in the future, but Quasi SMP aims to keep the gameplay itself as close to Vanilla as possible!



    1. Respect all fellow players. This means do not edit the build of, steal the items of, or piss off any player at any given time without permission!
    2. Have a good time, but ensure your peers are as well! This is similar to rule one, but more of a reminder to participate with all players and make sure they're enjoying the game too!
    3. If building in a town or community build, make sure you are authorized and/or know what you're doing before proceding!
    4. Please do not lie to staff and always tell the truth when asked about something. Do not argue with staff or your explanation may not come through as valid!
    5. Also, please do not use any client modification that provide an advantage to you over other players (Optifine, minimaps, organizational, and visual mods etc. are allowed!
    6. Finally, please repair all mob griefing instances (especially creeper holes).


    Want to join? Shoot me, u/absolpro, a PM here on Reddit or simply just reply to this post with your Discord "username#number"! Thank you for reading and I hope to see you online with us!

    submitted by /u/absolpro
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    The Swell Realms [SMP] [Vanilla] {1.14}{New Map}{Enhanced}{18+}{Whitelist}{Hermitcraft}{Discord}

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 02:09 PM PDT

    The Swell Realms is a private white-listed SMP server, founded by Kawsiphek. This brand new community offers the chance to experience Minecraft from many angles, not just for our members, but for our viewers too!

    • Enhanced Vanilla experience with the use of datapacks. see the guidebook for all changes
    • Builder Focused game play helps make the game less stressful.
    • Community Events bring the group together to create mini games and videos.
    • Long Term Map so we can build our world without fear of a reset.

    If you are looking to enjoy all aspects of multiplayer Minecraft, from casual play to content creating, then this is the community for you. Thank you for considering The Swell Realms.





    submitted by /u/Kawsiphek
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    BinaryChaos [Vanilla][SMP]{1.14}{Fresh Map}{Whitelist}

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 02:59 PM PDT

    Server Name: BinaryChaos Minecraft

    Website: www.BinaryChaos.net

    Server Address/IP: *(Whitelisted)*

    Game Play Type: Vanilla/SMP/Survival/Civilization

    What BinaryChaos Once Was...

    BinaryChaos.net originally "launched" as a Minecraft SMP community many, many, years ago. (2011!) The server itself had very little rules but instead laid down a foundation of core rules from which players could build on, or not.

    The server build theme was medieval fantasy with steampunk elements, and the framework of server rules allowed players to build and create their own in game court system, laws, territories, currencies, and of course... territorial disputes and war.

    In the majority of times, players were communal and worked together during events and projects. Politics and "war" were light hearted and were meant to add an interesting spin on the community aspect of the server. At our peak moments we had upwards of 150 players registered and whitelisted, and at times 20+ players online! (Peak ever being 42, which was pretty neat.)

    What BinaryChaos Will Be...

    My intent is to bring back the classic BCF feel, if not a little more casually. I hope to give more control to the players and hope to plan a lot more community builds, events, adventure maps, and so on. Hopefully with time we can build a dedicated player base together and play this game in its best form, with others!

    The server employs a strong medieval fantasy theme, where steampunk elements are acceptable. We do not want modern city builds, giant robots, airplanes, etc. This is a survival server set to the hardest difficulty, vanilla play is strictly enforced so no items will be spawned, and creative mode will never be used. Everything in this server will be molded by the players own hands.

    Server rollbacks are not used lightly, if ever. Actions and consequences are meant to be lasting.

    Server Information & Rules

    Whitelist Request Forum

    submitted by /u/Lupich
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    HarbingerCraft [PvP][PvE]{Classes}{Factions}{Dungeons}

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 01:22 PM PDT

    Hey everyone! I'm gonna post this here and hope I'm doing it right, if I'm not... sorry mods

    So me and a my clan have been setting up a Minecraft server for 6+ months, and I want to have some more players on and basically all cool people (the people here seem really chill so why not). Let me just hit you with the link first: https://discord.gg/bEBr5UC just fyi we're based in the EU/UK so ping might not be the best if you're US.

    So the server is PvP Factions based but we built a complete custom map with NPC's, dungeons, boss battles, lore, economy, classes and even actors who will take on roles on the server and be there for you to interact with. We really worked hard on this project and have ton's of custom commands blocks and mechanics set in place for the most enjoyable experience possible. We try to keep our community fun and have it be fun for everyone.

    We're really excited to be launching soon and I think it can provide some "quality content". If you want to check us out and have fun with other players on our server or just want to see what's going on. Just come say hi! It's free after all.

    The rules of the server are (also easily accessible on the server):

    • Use common sense
    • Don't be an ass
    • No cheating, including duping or glitch abuse
    • Keep griefing to a minimal
    • Avoid raiding offline bases, It's cowardly
    • Don't ask for OP or any admin related things Please note that you may recieve warnings and/or punishments for things that are not in the rules, if you feel that the reasoning for it was unjust, Dm Crazyy#0360 on Discord

    https://discord.gg/bEBr5UC - harbingercraft.mcpvp.live

    EDIT: server is on 1.8.9 btw

    submitted by /u/Gamer_Zorth
    [link] [comments]

    KongerSMP [semi-vanilla] {1.14}{15+}{Whitelist}{Discord}

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 01:06 PM PDT

    Server Name: KongerSMP

    Server Location: Latvia

    Application form: Here

    Server Address: Only in discord after you are accepted

    Version: 1.14

    GamePlay Type/s: [PvE][SMP][Roleplay]

    Rules: In discord rule channel. Discord link is in Application form

    Plugins: [SetSpawn][LTSleepNStorm]

    Description: New dedicated server made for SMP players that are looking for a brand new seasons and community! Server is hosted on my PC that is on usually 24/7 but accidents happen you know, so longest the server could be off is about 6h. Need players mostly 15+ ! I really don't know what to type here so i am typing everything i can think of :D I think of this servers future almost as Hermitcraft but it's probably not going to have the hardware to support such HUGE builds so yeah, builds that are Grian's size wouldn't be too good for the server so would be nice to stick to medium to big builds. Lagg free builds for the win!

    submitted by /u/GamingGuyLV
    [link] [comments]


