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    Minecraft Underwater vision potion

    Minecraft Underwater vision potion

    Underwater vision potion

    Posted: 31 May 2019 07:06 AM PDT

    Since nightvision potions have been greatly reduced in its effect underwater. It would be good to introduce a underwater vision potion which would give you the effect of nightvision underwater (before it was changed)

    Perhaps it could brewed using some new item dropped by squids or Drowned. Or maybe the tropical fish since it barely has any use atm.

    submitted by /u/Lolthatssoyou
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    You can "attract" villagers to new settlements, rather than having to abduct them.

    Posted: 31 May 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    One thing that I've always felt was pretty odd about villages, both pre-update and currently, is that you basically have to kidnap villagers if you want to make your own settlement.

    Not only is this a completely unrealistic way to propagate a village (Because, again, KIDNAPPING.), it's also unbearably impractical because to do this, you have too:

    1. Find a village, which puts you at the mercy of RNG.
    2. Create a railway all the way from the village to where you want new villagers, which depending on the length takes a lot of iron/gold/ext.
    3. Actually get a villager into a minecart. Not impossible but annoying.
    4. Push them all the way back. Tedious.
    5. Go to step 3. Repeat.

    Wouldn't it make far more sense if you could attract residents, rather than abduct them? And, while it takes some set up, attracting villagers would be fairly simple. And respect their rights as living, sentient beings.

    So, to attract villagers, first and foremost you'd need to have a village to attract them too. The bare minimum required to attract a Villagers would be:

    1. At least 20 blocks of farmland, hydrated and with something planted, and a Compost nearby.
    2. At least 4 beds.

    Again, this is the bare minimum. You could build an entire city before attracting your first villager, but regardless of city size, you'll always attract exactly 3 villagers to start with.

    Now that you have a place for them to live set up, next is how you trigger them to find your settlement. Which is also easy! All you need to do is trade with a wandering trader. The more you trade too the trader, the higher chance of villagers showing up are. For example;

    1 Emerald = 25% chance2 Emeralds = 40% chance3 Emeralds = 60% chance4+ Emeralds would result in a 75% chance.

    The idea behind this is that the wandering trader would show up at other villages, and talk about a "New, upcoming settlement!" And talk highly about it if you give him lots of money, resulting in the higher% chance of gaining new villagers.

    Tl;Dr Implement a system to "attract" villagers to a location by having a basic village set up and spreading the word by trading with wandering traders.

    Edit: Abducting would still work, but the village you kidnap them from will get -4 Popularity, and the village you start will automatically have -15 popularity.

    Forcing a villager beyond 32 blocks of the town's edge* will count as abducting.

    Kidnapping is wrong!

    submitted by /u/Digiboy62
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    Cats should follow closer to you and should walk up to creepers to scare them away

    Posted: 31 May 2019 08:36 AM PDT

    I died to a creeper while a cat was with me, so after that I got a total of three cats to defend me. Died to a creeper again while in a mine. Both times I was just mining in a mineshaft.

    submitted by /u/soapyrainmaker
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    Wild Ravagers

    Posted: 31 May 2019 12:57 PM PDT

    Since they pillagers have pretty much tamed this beast, wouldn't it be nice if they add wild ravagers in a specific biome? The ravagers would be tamable and we can ride them too. To make it less op, the tamed ravagers wouldn't be able to attack like they do in raids. But if they are able to attack then we can make them destroy leaves and other plants and also attack other mobs. Also since they are quite dangerous, if we hurt the tamed ravagers, they will start attacking us instead.

    To make sure ravagers are not used on large scale, their availability would be very rare and if we go by the lore, then there would be chances of "baby" passive ravagers spawning in such biomes as the pillagers capture the adult ones.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/AceAltair13
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    Readd visual sword blocking

    Posted: 31 May 2019 04:09 AM PDT

    I can't see any reason why at least letting you visually block with your sword again would be a bad idea. I know a lot of people want actual sword blocking back again, where it reduces damage, but at the very least being able to do it for looks would be nice. It was the best non-chat method of multiplayer communication, a universal "I come in peace, I mean you no harm" sign, or sometimes just a "hey what's up" sign.

    submitted by /u/Velocity_LP
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    Reworking squids

    Posted: 31 May 2019 12:04 PM PDT

    I got a couple of things

    1. Not letting them die on the shore all the time. I really don't know why this hasn't been fixed by now.
    2. Give them a drop aside from ink sacks, or make them more useful.
    3. Size variations would be cool. Imo we need a really big and scary one, that just spawns in deep oceans.
    submitted by /u/emojilover3001
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    Introducing: The Uncrafting Table!

    Posted: 31 May 2019 02:30 PM PDT

    Have you ever crafted something accidentally and wasted so much useful resources on it? Have you ever doubted you are going to use something which you crafted one time and changed your mind? This may be the solution to your regrets after those relatable oopsies.

    Introducing: The Uncrafting Table!

    While it's sitting here it has an opportunity for people to rename it, after understanding its purposes of course. I'm going to nickname it the Disassembler or the Recycler.. I don't know honestly but you folks can tell me down below. This baby can shrivel up any items given and will turn into the materials that were used to craft it. This takes the Three Rs and puts them into the game. I think it might be cheat-y and it might be abuseable but I'll still write down what I want here.

    Still don't know what I'm talking about yet? It's okay. For example, if you make an iron helmet, and you just realised you already had another one, (to reduce wasting and littering) you put the wastefully-crafted item to the GUI (similar to of the crafting table but in reverse) and the item given would split into its original crafting recipe, taking the wasteful item of course. It just breaks the thing in half so you could reuse those materials. In this case, it's the 5 iron ingots.

    Using the logic of the crafting table, the maximum items in the input is in a 3x3 grid, now we're reversing that logic therefore the output will be a 3x3 grid. It's simple to imagine, it's just like the all-known crafting table GUI but the input-grid and output box switch places.


    This system of giving out the things from an item is like of the Grindstone but it's a little different. The Grindstone offers you to disenchant items and gives XP in return while the Uncrafting Table offers you to reuse the recourses used from a wastefully-crafted item and gives the recourses in return.


    Like I said in the previous paragraph, the input-and-output-system of the Uncrafting Table is like of the Grindstone's so I see it has some potential to be added in the game officially.

    Any comments or criticism?

    Tell me down below the comment section. I have a lot of exceptions in the making of this suggestion, so I'll love to hear what you think!

    Here are some ideas: Do you have a good name for this, have more ideas and/or have anything to criticise on?


    I hope you enjoy this brand new suggestion I made. I just thought of it now and I want to know if it's cool or not. Bye.

    submitted by /u/DanielTheRedditor
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    Trading special items between villages

    Posted: 31 May 2019 05:16 AM PDT

    Villager trading has developed into a well balanced way get some useful items by protecting and building up villages. This is great!

    Wouldn't it be better and even more interesting if there were some incentive to build up multiple villages, and facilitate trade between them?

    I'd suggest a few kinds of items that the player can purchase at one village, and only sell at another village in a different biome. In general, these items would be a) unique and specific to their biomes, b) relevant to their biomes c) functionally distinct, and d) not actually very powerful compared to their cost. The primary thing these items would be used for is to stock up in one village, trek to another village, and sell them for a profit. In the mean time though, each should have a unique function that they COULD be used for, but they wouldn't be the best choice.

    Each of these items would only be sold by master level villagers of the appropriate profession in the given biome, and even then not terribly commonly (maybe ~1/10?). They would sell them for a price that's clearly very inflated for the item's function, such as 5-10 emeralds for a bowl of special soup (compared to 1 for a bowl of rabbit stew). Only masters (of certain professions in certain biomes) would buy them too, again, not too frequently.

    These items could serve as something like collector's goods, or quest items. Each trade could thus be disabled after 1 trade, and possibly randomized to another item each time.

    Overall, this is the general concept that I'd love to see. There are some increasingly complicated ways it could be implimented below!


    Master librarians could sell special books relevant to their biomes. These could include descriptions of the plants and animals that are found there, as well as other unique trades available from the villagers in that biome. Librarians in one biome may sell a guide to their own biome for 5-10 emeralds, but buy one for another biome for 15-25!


    Each biome village could have its signature dish that can only be obtained from a master! These could have some special properties, but again, not really be worth the price (or trouble) to obtain. For example:

    Squid Chowder from tundra fishermen. Could cost 8 emeralds, but have properties mostly the same as rabbit or mushroom stew. Added bonus: This creamy stew also cures status effects like a bucket of milk. Fishermen (or maybe clerics!) from other biomes may pay up to 20 emeralds for a taste.

    Cactus tea from desert clerics. It could give a very short term "sleepy" status effect, which would allow the player to use a bed at any time, and wake up the next morning. Not a great deal for 10 emeralds, but master clerics (or maybe smiths or shepherds?) from other biomes would pay 25-30 for it!

    Maybe Savannah expert butchers could sell jerky, which is basically the same as cooked meat, except that it's more expensive and could be fed to cats, dogs, bears or pigs. Butchers and farmers from other biomes may pay considerably more for it.

    etc. etc., each biome could have its own signature food that some villagers from other biomes would pay more for! Help me out with your own ideas!

    Art works

    Each biome could also have its own crafts to help them feel more unique. Plains and Savannah expert shepherds could sell tapestries (essentially unique, uncraftable banners), desert stone cutters could sell sandstone sculptures, and taiga toolsmiths could sell wooden bear statues. Librarians and cartographers would be the most likely to buy these, but the same professions that sold them from other biomes may also buy some.

    Unique weapons!

    I realize the devs are hesitant to add new combat mechanics, but I would suggest that each of these would be so niche that there's almost always a better option on hand. These are primarily treasures to be traded, not viable weapons. Again, librarians and cartographers would be the main buyers for these exotic goods.

    Tundra fletchers could sell harpoons! These would be similar to tridents, but less effective overall, with only the long-range functionality. Perhaps they could be retrieved from their target, even if they hit a mob, but you have to come right up to that mob!

    Desert weapon smiths could sell maces. These would be much slower than other weapons and prevent the use of a shield, but inflict massive damage to skeletons and strays.

    Savannah leather workers could sell leather shields! These would be like cutting the costs and benefits of normal shields in half. They don't limit visibility as much nor slow you down when you're protected as much. On the flip side, they absorb damage from a narrower area, and it does not prevent as much knockback.

    submitted by /u/CallMeNiel
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    Being able to see the rest of your character's body when looking down in first person

    Posted: 31 May 2019 10:10 AM PDT

    Being able to see yourself when looking down would be beneficial when trying to see how close to the edge you are. Can be turned off by default in the video settings and is only there for players who would be interested in it. This will prolly be flagged and deleted, but was just a thought that I had

    submitted by /u/Ph4nt0m_C4t
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    Hoes should increase chanse of seeds and other things

    Posted: 31 May 2019 08:20 AM PDT

    I think that when you break grass whit a hoe you should have a higher chanse of gettin seeds. Also if you harvest crops whit a hoe you should sometimes get more sturr than normal. Like for an example if you harvest potaetoes whit a hoe you should sometimes get 4 or 5 potaetoes.

    submitted by /u/spider-yeet
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    New Mobs + Items, Tamable mob and Food

    Posted: 31 May 2019 02:24 PM PDT

    (Kinda Long Post)

    Frogs- In swamps, Frogs should spawn. When killed, they have a chance to drop frog legs which can be cooked and fill up 1 hunger point. They may also drop a slimeball. They have the same health as a chicken.

    Bees and Beehives- Bees should be a passive mob that live in beehives hanging from trees in plains and Jungle biomes. If the hive is broken, they become hostile, stinging the player for 0.5 damage every 10 seconds until killed. Queen bees can be captured in Glass bottles and released into the Honeycomb Hive. A new block made from 1 scaffolding, 1 composter and a trap door. Placing this and releasing a queen bee near it will make the queen go inside. After a couple of Minecraft days, bees will start to appear and create honey which can be collected to make a new food item, Honey. Honey can be fed to bees to make them make honey faster. Similar to Love mode, every 5 minutes, you can feed them again. Honey will restore 1.5 hunger points. Bees appear in swarms of up to 7 bees and have 1 health point per bee.

    Bearded Dragon- These passive creatures spawn in deserts and can be tamed using raw chicken. They have 10 health points and as a Tamable pet, has a chance to drop feathers once every couple of days and will scare off Baby Zombies. Upon death, they drop Lizard Hide. Similar to rabbit hide, 4 can be combined to make 1 leather.

    Chameleon- These mobs are passive and when killed, also drop Lizard Hide. These mobs will lay in wait for bees to fly past and will try to grab one. These mobs are very shy and will turn Invisible and run if hit by the player.

    Owl- The owl is a Tamable mob which can be tamed using raw rabbit. Once tamed, the owl will fly near the player similar to parrots but won't sit on your shoulder. At night, the owl will leave the player if not in sit mode or trapped in a house to hunt and will bring back raw rabbit, rabbit hide or very rarely, rabbits foot. Upon death they drop 2 feathers. They have a plains, taiga and winter coats, depending on spawn location.

    Finally, we have the hedgehog. A passive mob which will roll around and deal damage to what hurts it. They will spawn in taiga biomes and will occasionally eat berries similar to foxes. Foxes will try and hurt them but in response, the hedgehog will roll into a ball, dealing 0.5 damage and causing the Fox to flee. Upon death, they drop 0-1 Quill, which can be used as an alternative to feathers in the book and Quill recipe, composted or even an alternative to Flint in an arrow recipe.

    submitted by /u/DeadlyDanny420
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    general minecraft.mined objective and total blocks mined statistic

    Posted: 31 May 2019 12:56 PM PDT

    I suggest an overall total blocks mined statistic with its general objective that would update whenever the player mines any block.

    submitted by /u/Elion119
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    When using the /fill [replace] command, replacement blocks should, when applicable, adopt the NBT of the blocks being replaced unless otherwise specified

    Posted: 31 May 2019 09:05 AM PDT

    I noticed this when I was trying to quickly change large numbers of roofs to a different material, and thought it might be a good change to the /fill command.

    /fill 1 2 3 4 5 6 minecraft:dark_oak_stairs replace minecraft:spruce_stairs 

    Uh-oh, all my carefully-placed stair blocks are suddenly facing north. Well, damn, now I have to get rid of them all and redo the roofs the hard way. I mean, sure, I could go through each and every possible iteration of stair blocks:

    /fill 1 2 3 4 5 6 minecraft:dark_oak_stairs[facing=north,half=bottom,shape=inner_left] replace minecraft:spruce_stairs[facing=north,half=bottom,shape=inner_left] /fill 1 2 3 4 5 6 minecraft:dark_oak_stairs[facing=south,half=bottom,shape=outer_right] replace minecraft:spruce_stairs[facing=south,half=bottom,shape=outer_right] 

    etc. etc.

    ...but that is an awful lot of commands and a lot of room for typos...

    It'd sure be nice if the game respected existing block states on the blocks being replaced.

    submitted by /u/Xidus933
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    New Enchantment - FROST

    Posted: 31 May 2019 10:16 AM PDT

    Frost is a sword only enchantment with a max of 2 levels that slows down the target down for a few seconds, not compatible with fire aspect. The target won't catch on fire if it has the effect.

    Frost I slows down the target's movement/attack speed by 50% for 2 seconds. Frost II does the same but for 4 seconds.

    submitted by /u/XxBom_diaxX
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    Make underground more diverse (underground biome-things?)

    Posted: 30 May 2019 11:56 PM PDT

    Right now, most of the minecraft underground world is made of mostly rock with patches of dirt, diorite, andesite, gravel, ores, etc. Apart from caves and occasional ravines, no matter what biome is on the surface, underground remains mostly the same everywhere. however, I think this could be made more interesting by changing the ratios of how much of each rock is underground in certain places, and making some ores more common in some places than others.

    For example some places could have much more of, say, diorite or granite, with stone and other stuff sprinkled in. This could make cool new terrain such as diorite cliffs (think white cliffs of dover), or granite mountains. This would make getting those less common types of stone easier, but you would have to look for big masses of it instead of just finding it in little clumps like you do now.

    Another thing this could do is increase odds of finding certain ores in certain rock areas or places. (Im aware this is already sort of in the game) This would make searching for those certain ores more strategic and less just random strip mining. For example, imagine if diamonds had higher chance of spawning near coal inside of granite areas. This would make finding these other relatively mundane things more exciting, since you would know that you might be near some diamonds.

    just some thoughts

    submitted by /u/k00ji
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    Leaves can be brewed into tea through the brewing stand

    Posted: 30 May 2019 07:43 PM PDT

    Add some sugar and sweet berries for sweet tea! It gives Speed I for ten seconds and restores two hunger points.

    Regular tea simply restores hunger points.

    submitted by /u/LordSaltious
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    Cauldrons with water in them can wash out colors on terracotta.

    Posted: 31 May 2019 03:34 PM PDT

    If you have colored terracotta, but you want to change the color, you can't. If cauldrons can clean shulker boxes and leather armor, then they should also clean off anything with paint on them.

    Terracotta, namely, should also be washable.

    submitted by /u/Takama12
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    giving bonemeal to a block of loose coral one of its small variants

    Posted: 31 May 2019 04:16 AM PDT

    I know that wandering traders are a way to renew coral, but it is tedious and boring to wait for them to appear,to them to have coral for sale and don't run out of it in the first exchange.So this is the simplest solution

    This would fit well with the ability to craft the block with the small corals, but that's another story

    submitted by /u/DonFurlan
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    Auto-crafting functionality

    Posted: 31 May 2019 03:18 PM PDT

    Just a small suggestion, but what if Mojang added functionality for crafting tables to be able to be used automatically?

    Essentially the changes would be as follows:

    1. Crafting tables now have actual inventories. So if you put items into it, the items will stay there if you close the GUI.
    2. The sides and top of the block would access the 3x3 grid, while the bottom would be the final crafted item slot.
    3. Items pumped into the block through droppers or hoppers would only be able to add the items to existing stacks, and would do so evenly (e.g. if you have the items for an iron pickaxe already in the table, then h/droppers would only be able to put in sticks and iron, and they would be placed on the table so that the stacks are even.)
    4. Items pumped out of the table would only be able to do so as long as every stack has at least two items left. That way, the recipe will stay in the table unless manually changed by a player.

    The way I see it, this would add a lot of automation capability for the crazy people like Mumbo without altering the game too much for people who play normally.

    submitted by /u/GreenGriffin8
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    phantoms spawn when villagers don't get enough sleep

    Posted: 31 May 2019 02:07 PM PDT

    Title says it al. This will be a new way to farm phantom membrane.

    submitted by /u/UriealedX
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    The Glaive

    Posted: 31 May 2019 01:37 PM PDT

    It works as a long and close-ranged weapon. When first equipped, it will work as a throwing weapon, similar to the trident, and when put in your off-hand, it is equipped by both hands and works as a melee weapon. It is crafted with any sword type and two sticks in a crafting table.

    submitted by /u/tactical_tardigrade3
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    Rainforest Biome

    Posted: 31 May 2019 03:49 AM PDT

    Another new Jungle biome. It is a wet biome. And it rains more frequently in the Rainforest biome than in other biomes.

    submitted by /u/mikailafridi
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    A gamerule to stop coral from dying on land.

    Posted: 30 May 2019 04:26 PM PDT

    I really don't see any reason not to add this. Coral is a really nice block and if builders could utilise it in maps then it would be great.

    submitted by /u/CAAPlayers
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