• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers MineCraft Haven [SMP] [Anarchy] {United States} {1.14.3} {13+}

    Minecraft Servers MineCraft Haven [SMP] [Anarchy] {United States} {1.14.3} {13+}

    MineCraft Haven [SMP] [Anarchy] {United States} {1.14.3} {13+}

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 08:40 AM PDT

    Welcome To MineCraft Haven a server for redditors abroad.

    We offer a Survival Multiplayer experience with a handful of anarchy tossed in. The server is an american server, however we allow other languages in the chat. Hacks are allowed and no punishment will be output for the use of a client. We offer 25 player slots so head over quick.

    The IP for this beautiful server is redditorswelcome.aternos.me its aternos for now until I can find a trusted host platform.

    We also have a discord server I invite you to join: https://discord.gg/RVWesSP

    I hope you enjoy your stay on MineCraft Haven

    submitted by /u/--DairyQueen--
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    Luke's Realm [Realms] {17+}

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 09:21 AM PDT


    We're a group of friends (currently 9 of us, all aged 18 - 20, from UK, Canada, Scotland, Ireland, USA) who have a vanilla realm set up that we have sunk quite a few hours into, we play casually although rather regularly (between work/university etc.)

    We're looking for new people to bring into the realm in order to make the server a little busier without overcrowding and to have more long-term players etc. (no server hoppers please!) and in general looking for people who are mature enough to contribute to the server and respect each other,

    We already have some things built including:

    - enderman xp farm (very efficient)

    - new and improved mob farm (insanely efficient)

    - iron farm

    - villager trading hall (including mending villager which is extremely useful)

    - slime farm

    Some realm members have built quite far away (21,000+ blocks away), although our nether currently has everything linked (enderman farm, ice spikes biome, mob farm etc.)

    We all tend to help each other build things so don't be afraid to ask for any help at any time, everybody on the realm is friendly enough :)

    Here's a link to an album of screenshots of some of the stuff on the server so far: https://imgur.com/a/xKpvBpM

    Since those screenshots were taken a bunch of new stuff has been built and new members have also built their own houses in the area, as well as a few beacons going up!

    If you're at all interested, just leave a comment with the following things:



    Little info about yourself:

    PS: Racism / Homophobia etc. is definitely not tolerated so if you're that way inclined just ignore this post :)

    submitted by /u/therealsteb
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    SkaiaCraft [Hub] [Minigames] [PVP] {1.12.2/1.13.2} {Towny} {Factions} {Skyblock} {Survival Games}

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 09:13 AM PDT

    RULES: http://skaiacraft.net/rules

    Server IP: play.skaia.us

    Website: http://skaiacraft.net

    5-server network!

    Factions / Minigames - factions.skaia.us

    This server is OP Faction raiding with tons of Minigames that pay you in-game money for completing/winning to buy items! Remember that most of the weapons used are found in parkours, and are one-hit-kill items.

    • /shop Full Item Shop GUI
    • Skyblock
    • Skywars
    • Parkour (PvP is enabled in most arenas, so watch out!)
    • Jump Maps filled with mob spawners
    • KitPVP (TF2 based)
    • TNTRun

    CueballCraft Pure Survival - survival.skaia.us

    Use /randomtp and bring friends! Use a Gold Shovel to create a land claim that no one else can build on. No griefing is allowed on CueballCraft.

    TheWild Towny - towny.skaia.us

    Do you always dream to be ruler of a town? Or wasn't that enough, what about Nation? Now you have the opportunity! Bring your friends, gather your team, select your Mayor, equip with custom enchants and get ready to conquer! The Wild provides great a game experience, amazing staff, plenty of unseen features and much more!

    • Unique ranks
    • Jobs
    • Mcmmo
    • Custom advancements
    • Eco
    • Auction House
    • Crates
    • VoteCrates & Voter kit!
    • Custom daily rewards.
    • Wishing wells.
    • Elevators.
    • Shops
    • Quest Wold
    • Custom GUI commands

    Towny Guide: https://skaiacraft.net/forums/m/19668889/viewthread/32367408-towny-commands

    Prospit Creative - creative.skaia.us

    Is Earth really flat? We think it is! Try our Creative server with flat-world and Gold Shovel Land Claims.

    Survival Games - hg.skaia.us

    Classic Survival Games.

    submitted by /u/d0ct0rJack
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    Lol-XD Hardcore One Life Vanilla [Hardcore]

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 08:40 AM PDT

    Server Address: lolxd.mcserv.com
    Hi! Have you been playing minecraft without the ever looming fear of death? Have you been looking for something that will hurt you emotionally when you fail?
    LolXD minecraft Server is a vanilla hardcore server meaning you spend time building up yourself, your character, forging relationships with those around you, only to watch your friends die one by one until finally it's your turn as well.

    Join up and build a house, this server is sick yo, It's fresh and the admins will respond and help you through emotional problems.

    1. No Xray or ban w/out warning
    2. Follow Rule 1

    Pretty simple right?

    submitted by /u/WoodlandCougar
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    The Atlas Project[SMP]{Nations}{Dungeons}{Quests}{1.13.2}{Custom World}{Leaderboards}{Magic}{Lore}{Smelting}{Sieges}

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 05:22 PM PDT

    Server Name: The Atlas Project

    Server Version: 1.13.2

    Server Trailer: https://youtu.be/Wwbg2ES_ssg

    Server Album: https://imgur.com/a/vjuMa

    Website: http://www.mc-atlas.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/FtSsDsf

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/atlasproject

    Server Address/IP: play.mc-atlas.com

    Rules: https://forums.mc-atlas.com/showthread.php?tid=207

    "So...you have arrived upon this world of Atlas? Sadly that means your old world is no more. And this new world you have washed up on has plunged into all-out war.

    You are not the first refugee to be saved from destruction by the Obelisk - and you will not be the last. For fifteen years, we have been the keepers of the Obelisk, the harbingers of lost souls like you. Some have integrated into our people. Others have struck out into the harsh and brutal world of Atlas to build empires of their own. Fewer yet have succeeded.

    But an evil force is gaining power in the world, threatening to undo the very fabric of reality itself. Centuries ago, the Arkayo nearly succeeded in summoning their brutal god of chaos into this world. And after all this time, hidden in exile, I fear they are close to summoning him once again.

    Grieve quickly for your old world, for there is little time. We have saved you from the brink of destruction, traveler… now it is you who must save us…"

    Atlas is an immersive MC experience like no other. A custom nation creation system, mixed with the rich backstory and quest progression of an MMORPG, make for a world that MC players of any style can enjoy!

    Players find themselves as refugees from their ruined worlds, arriving in the world of Atlas just in time to see the resurgence of a dangerous cult, thought to be eradicated long ago. Through exploration of the unique, hand-painted world, completing the hundreds of available quests across dozens of NPC towns, and even building their own nations to compete on the world stage, players must make choices that affect their gameplay and reputation throughout Atlas and craft their own unique legacy!

    Featuring a series of custom-made, never-before-seen plugins, players can do anything from discovering dozens of new ores and alloys through smelting, to training in robust schools of magic, to smuggling goods and sparking economic warfare. The possibilities are endless!

    Join Atlas today and craft your legacy! Adventure awaits...

    After a 4 month development period, Atlas is back and better than ever. And just today we have upgraded to much more powerful hardware! We've fixed the bugs and added some new awesome mechanics like leaderboards and town levels! Some awesome new skills like cartography, cooking, and agriculture. And even more the world itself has been brought into the future with fully rendered 1.13 oceans and a custom map! We have been live for a little over 2 weeks now and we are ready to bring in some more new players. So join us for an adventure on Atlas with an all new world to explore and conquer!

    Custom and Featured Mechanics

    • Found Nations and Towns
    • Large-scale Siege system
    • Unique Crafting Skills: Smelting, Tanning, and Brewing, Cooking and more!
    • Dynamic, fluctuating Economy
    • Magic and Spellcasting
    • Deep and Immersive Lore
    • Massive Dungeons
    • Hundreds of Quests
    • Legendary Items
    • 1.13.2

    Admins: Ajaxan (Wafflezman on Reddit), Iyoforeayo, Tyrriel, Wizardteepot

    submitted by /u/WafflezMan
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    TekavMC [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{majority NZ/Australian}{Discord}{Hermitcraft-inspired}{Whitelisted}{ideally 18+}

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 11:04 PM PDT

    TekavMC is a small-scale fun and friendly SMP style server. We currently just have a couple of members that are friends outside of Minecraft, and are looking at expanding. We are currently on a earlyish-game, relatively disorganised world that we are just using to get to know everyone, until we have reached a complete player-base. We then plan on resetting the world to a new seed, so that everyone can start on an even playing field.


    We currently have a relatively early-game server, which we will run until we have a large enough player-base, looking at no more than 10-15, before resetting and starting fresh.

    My goals with the server are to eventually have something similar to the Hermitcraft server, with individual areas for everyone, a community built and attractive looking spawn, nether hub, shopping district etc.

    Here are a couple of my builds that I've made in my single player survival world, if you want a reference to the scale and type that ideally I'm wanting to create on the server

    A few points:

    • We will aim to have many community projects, while everyone also has their own individual (or in a group) areas, shops, and farms etc
    • We are running 1.14.2, and will update mostly according to Minecraft full releases (provided they are stable)
    • We have a discord, where announcements, projects and such can be posted, alongside general discussion
    • The seed is publicly posted in the discord channel, and will be updated with the reset, so that everyone can have easy access to the world
    • We are beginning with a 10k block world-border, which can be expanded if we need
    • Once we have reached a player-base that is decided to be final, the server will be reset so that everyone can begin on an even playing field
    • The server is hosted on server.pro, and is currently a 6GB server (which could be upgraded if need be) with an i7 processor
    • If you can afford it, small donations would be appreciated to help with the $20 a month cost of the server, but this is not at all required!
    • Additionally, you aren't required to play and amount, or contribute any amount to community stuff, it's all up to you :)

    We currently are running the following datapacks from vanillatweaks:

    • AFK display
    • Anti Enderman Grief
    • Coordinates HUD
    • Customizable Armour Stands
    • Double Shulker Shells
    • Dragon Drops Elytra
    • More Mob Heads
    • Multiplayer Sleep
    • Nether Portal Coordinates
    • Silence Mobs
    • Track Raw Stats
    • Treasure Gems (with plans to add gem villagers)
    • And some crafting tweaks


    1. Ideally be a Kiwi or Australian, as this is where the server is located, however if you aren't it's totally fine to apply anyway
    2. Be 18+, however this rule is flexible depending on your maturity level
    3. Have a reasonably competent Minecraft knowledge, and ideally either be decent at building or redstone (or a combination)


    1. Be mature, don't be a dick, and be respectful
    2. No harmful griefing, however minor pranks etc will be tolerated, as long as they are in good faith
    3. No cheating
    4. No spamming or advertising
    5. Where possible leave nature unblemished (obviously not in districts etc), for sand mining and such just stick to the community areas.
    6. Same goes with the spawn, the end, and so on, replant trees mined at spawn, collect end stone from outer islands etc


    Fill out this application form, and join our discord server. I will do my best to get back to you as soon as I can. Our discord server can be found here

    If there's anything you're not sure of, just ask down in the comments, as I'm sure other people will have the same question too :)))

    submitted by /u/PerChy_cs
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    Catistract Network [SMP] [PVE] {PVP} {1.14.2} {Discord} {Build} {Vanilla} {Community}

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 09:14 AM PDT


    1. Respect all staff members.
    2. Listen to staff members.
    3. Use good common sense.
    4. No hacks or trolls.

    What is our server about?

    - Our server is all based around having fun with the survival world in a PVE environment.

    - We also have a wide variety of PVP.

    - Having fun with a great community and friends is also one of our main goals.


    - Looking For Staff

    - Mostly Customized Plugins

    - 6 Different Crates

    - Voting System to Earn Awesome Rewards

    - Anything you as a player needs help with, we help You best we can.

    - Unique Achievements

    - Pet Notifier

    - Custom Vouchers


    -> IP - catistract.mcnetwork.me

    -> Discord - https://discord.gg/5GU2zfe

    -> Website - https://catistractnetwork.enjin.com/

    submitted by /u/BearPowerStream
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    Lasagn [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelisted}{1.13.2}

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 04:26 PM PDT


    Lasagn is a whitelisted SMP server established June 8, 2018. Our community is a bunch of friendly people wanting to play the game and construct big projects together. We are your average vanilla server with a friendly and welcoming community. We also love input from the community, so if you have ideas on how we can improve or add to the server, just send us a message! Our server is vanilla, with a few plugins that help us moderate the server.

    We like the atmosphere of our server to be a mature, low stress, and chill environment. So if you just like to hang out and have fun playing some games, this server is perfect for you. We typically have 25-45 people online at any given time and our Kick Back Squad hosts fun events each week!

    Server Settings - Hard Mode, 1.13.2, Vanilla ​(Our server will be updating to 1.14 once all our plugins have been updated! We will also be expanding the soft border at that time.)

    What We Offer:

    • Soft Border - You will be able to explore to your hearts content, but everything outside the 5k soft border may be deleted for future content.
    • Semi Vanilla - This server is running Spigot and we have only added plugins that have NO effect on the vanilla feel. So NO tpa, land protecting, or any plugins altering vanilla mechanics.
    • Dedicated Server - This server is hosted by a reliable hosting company, meaning that we should have 100% up-time and multiple servers on our box for a creative server, etc.
    • Other Features - Such as dynmap, custom loot tables, datapacks, and many more.
    • Whitelisted - Filtered out griefers and trolls.
    • Tight-Knit Community - We aren't like those servers that accept you and never talk to you again. We love the community on the server and the staff are very welcoming to new people!
    • Server Events - Our Kick Back Squad plans fun events for us each week!
    • Community Builds - Including a shopping mall, XP farms and more.


    1. Respect other players and don't be a rude dude. If you have any problems with players contact staff.
    2. No game changing mods, this is a vanilla server. Things like JourneyMap, BetterVillagerTrading, and most QOL mods are fine, but anything that'll give you an unfair advantage (X-ray, PVP hacks, etc.) or server-side is not allowed.
    3. Don't ruin people's experience. This basically means don't be annoying or intrusive, and let people do what they want if it is not breaking the rules.
    4. The answer to the last question on the application is "Penguin" :)
    5. Don't grief. Pranks are fine, but destruction of property, non-consensual PVP, and stealing are not.
    6. Don't steal. If the chest isn't marked free, or you don't have explicit permission from the owner, don't take from it.

    Want to Join?

    We are looking for players who want to enjoy building, playing the game and becoming part of our community. We are currently accepting ages 16+, but also expect a high level of maturity from everyone. To apply, simply head over to the discord and click the application prompt that is included :)


    Administrators: Hilltest, Omgtrees, Jun

    Mods: Blewburries, PurpleValkyrie, MadisonFaye, Faelia, Aoriis, Taramisu, Bacterias, Eggsplant, Lazykiwi

    IP: mc.lasagnmc.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/v5Psken

    Dynmap: http://mc.lasagnmc.com:1337/

    Specs for the Curious

    CPU - Intel (R) Xeon (R) E3-1270 CPU v6 @ 3.80GHz Cores : 8 Cache : 8192KB

    RAM - 32 GB

    Disks - Softraid 2 x 2000 GB

    Network connection - 1 Gbps

    If you have any further questions, check us out on the discord!

    submitted by /u/bacteriums
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    Peaceful Vanilla Club [Semi-vanilla] {No warps/tp/home} {No PvP} {Claim blocks} {Player shops}

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 08:53 AM PDT

    Peaceful Vanilla Club

    Enjoy a peaceful vanilla experience, with no grief, no vip ranks and no PvP outside arenas.Play like you do on single player, but with friends! With no worries.

    Claim land placing a Protection Stone

    Then you can invite your friends and make plots for them!Blocks outside claims will auto reset to keep the map clean and fresh!

    You can use portals to explore the map

    Because there are no /warp or /tp or /spawn we decided to build some portals.You can find them in the dynamic map. There will me many interesting places to visit!In the future we will build roads for horses and railroads!

    Make your shop with a Villager Shopkeeper

    Buy a villager egg at the spawn shop and then set up your own shop!We love to engage the community, if you plan to do a great shopwe will help your activity connecting it with roads or portals!

    IP: mc.peacefulvanilla.club (Java Edition 1.14.2)

    Dynamic map to see claims, portals and places to visit: map.peacefulvanilla.club

    Discord server for chat, purposes and hack reports: discord.gg/2TzW4xD


    1. No Grief
    2. No Hacks
    3. Be friendly
    4. No PvP outside arenas
    5. Remember that intensive farms are nerfed, consider donating to help us buy better hardware
    6. Do not ruin the wilderness
    7. Do not build nasty or offensive things
    8. Remember that blocks outside claims will be regenerated
    9. Grief is not allowed even outside claims, but don't cry if someone steals things of little value from your unclaimed chests
    submitted by /u/leonardofiori
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    RomeCraft [Vanilla]{Friendly Community}{Whitelist}

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 01:45 AM PDT

    Server Name: RomeCraft

    Server Version: 1.14.3

    Server Address/IP: N/A

    Discord: https://discord.gg/Yquk5W

    Join this community to experience long forgotten vanilla experience with your friends,don't you just hate playing with yourself? well here is an answer to your prayers RomeCraft with it's friendly community. Vanilla is all you need when you feel depression,Build a epic castle,rollercoaster or simply automatic farms the possibilities are endless.

    Server Rules:

    1. Be nice to others

    2. Don't build 1x1 towers

    3. Help your fellow Romans in building or commerce

    4. Build a spawn building (very optional)

    Minecraft username:

    Discord username and # code:

    How old are you?:

    Where do you live?:

    What is your preferred Minecraft activity?:

    How active do you expect to be?:

    How long have you been playing Minecraft for?:

    submitted by /u/CatdocZ
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    RopeCraft [Semi-vanilla] [SMP] {1.14.3} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 03:29 PM PDT

    • Server Name: RopeCraft
    • Server Location: United States, Portland, Oregon
    • Join Discord To Join: https://discord.gg/G2tNKr
    • Server Address: (post username in discord to be added asap)
    • Version: Java 1.14.3
    • Game Play Type: [SMP]


    • Description:

    New server looking to fill our active & friendly player base.

    Join RopeCraft for a community feel.

    We strive to build an awesome world centered around commerce and community.

    Pro builders and redstoners would be lovely for survival.

    Please join discord to get whitelisted.

    • Rules:


    • Grief or Steal
    • Be Toxic
    • Exploit Glitches
    • Cheat or Hack
    • Spam or Troll
    • Build in Spawn


    • Be Friendly
    • Have Fun


    • Server Hardware: 2GB of Memory
    • Plugins: [WorldEdit] - (for events), {Power Ranks}, {Color Chat}
    • Owner/Admins: Cowslayer89, Jynx_ & _nahoy
    submitted by /u/Jynx___
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    SkyBlocky [SMP] {JUST RESET} {Minions} {Upgrades} {Rankup System}

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 06:54 AM PDT

    Welcome to SkyBlocky!

    We strive to improve every day. We listen to our players and implement many of the suggestions they come with. Would you like to change SkyBlocky to everyone's advantage?

    → HeadHunting

    → Minions

    → Armor Set Bonus

    → Ore Generators

    → Spawner Upgrades

    → 1.8 Optimized PvP (Anti-Logging)

    → Custom Anti Cheat

    → Balanced Economy

    → Cosmetics

    → More than 240 challenges

    → Dedicated Hardware and overclocked cpu

    Server IP: Skyblock.cc

    Discord: https://discord.gg/AWZKPEa


    Most of them, be aware that we might change some of them. Stay updated on them ingame using /rules:

    → No griefing or stealing

    → No spamming, excessive caps etc.

    → No modded clients

    → No AutoFishing

    → No Spamming, Swearing or using excessive capslock

    → No inappropiate topics *(sexual/suicidal/racism etc)

    → No sharing links or youtube channels/social media

    We can't wait to meet you!

    Best regards

    SkyBlocky Staff Team

    submitted by /u/SkyBlockycc
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    Darkwood Forest [Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 06:02 AM PDT

    Darkwood Forest

    We have this nice and stable community and server running strong, and we are looking for couple more people to build a working and beautiful world together with us.

    Server ip: darkwoodforest.my-serv.com

    The rules are as follows:

    1. Common sense
    2. Common sense
    3. Common sense
    4. Common sense

    How to join:

    Add me on discord for the discord community invite-link, my discord name:


    submitted by /u/pete5835
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    McSteamed [Semi-Vanilla] {1.14.3} {9 years old} {Expanded border} {SMP} {Discord} {Dynmap}

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 05:30 AM PDT


    McSteamed is a semi-vanilla SMP server established on roughly October 15th 2010. At the moment it has become a Semi-Vanilla Minecraft server with an older demographic catered towards building and community. The server has community resources/warps to help players interact with each other and start off. We reset the map back in October of 2018 and have just expanded the map for 1.14.3 a few days ago.

    Server Settings:

    Normal Mode, Explosions off, Vanilla.

    Helpful tools:

    - Anti-grief plugins to prevent and undo any griefing.

    - A beacon plugin to protect your land from griefing.

    - 6 Warps per person.

    - Warps to helpful resources. (tf1 for farming, enchanting for enchanting and how to use beacons, etc.)

    - Dynmap integrated with the beacon plugin to find areas you want to explore.


    1. No griefing. This includes stealing or editing the property of others, even if it's unbeaconed.
    2. No cheating. This includes exploits, glitching, and mods that give unfair advantage.
    3. No PVP in non-PVP areas. This includes player traps or attacking players through indirect means such as fire.
    4. If you die, your stuff is fair game for anyone. This does not apply if rule 3 is broken.
    5. Respect all people. No personal attacks or hate speech of any kind.
    6. No offensive or excessively vulgar material. This applies for skins and builds, not just chat.
    7. Do not disrupt chat. This includes spam, abuse of caps/chat codes and cursing. No advertising of other servers.
    8. If you have any questions about rules, ask staff members.


    Most people start playing in the afternoon to late at night EST.

    Server IP: smp.mcsteamed.net

    Discord: discord.gg/Sg6Zvh

    Dynmap: smp.mcsteamed.net

    Forum IP: mcsteamed.net

    Proof of how long the server has been operational: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/MinecraftCommunity

    submitted by /u/ninjay0shi
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    Evergreen Vanilla [Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 04:20 AM PDT

    Evergreen vanilla

    Evergreen vanilla is a mostly vanilla minecraft server with some vanilla tweaks datapacks such as: one player sleep, elytra on dragon death and the afk display.

    We're a kind of small community of around 20-30 players, with a few regulars. Our server has been around since january and we're on the second season. Our server mostly consists of around 16-20 year olds but any age is welcome to join. The server is running on 1.14.2.

    Activity quota and rules

    Our server has a whitelist wipe each month. The way this works is that you have to join every month atleast in order to stay on the whitelist. In addition to this the recommended activity quota is around 2-5 hours per week. If you cant join for a month, please message me and ill postpone your whitelist wipe to be the next month.

    The rules are as follows:

    • 1. The most important rule: Do not grief, steal or do other similar things.
    • 2. Swearing is allowed
    • 3. Do not discriminate against anyone.
    • 4. Use common sense so if you have to ask "Is this allowed?" its probably not.


    RAM: 6GB DDR4

    CPU: Intel Xeon E5-1650v3 6 cores

    Dedicated IP but you can connect through evergreen.ilm9001.com

    How to join

    Please think about your application and give us more information about yourself. If we dont know much about you, you have a lower chance of being whitelisted. Also, if you're young please take note that we're usually a bit stricter on young peoples applications.

    You can join by filling out this google form and then joining the application server found on the application. You can also apply on our website!

    After you join the application server you just need to wait. (And have DM's open so i can message you!) If you dont get a response in around a week then you probably were denied. (we dont respond to denied applications) If you want the reason why you we're denied, please message me on discord.

    The wait time could only be 5 minutes but please allow up to 5 days for a response.

    submitted by /u/ilm9001
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    Broken Worlds [Modded]{1.12.2}{Roleplay}{Fantasy}{Events}{Whitelist}

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 04:05 AM PDT


    This is a role-playing server, not a survival one or a single-player one. You will be expected to work together, form communities and interact with others, not just wander off into the wilderness .

    Welcome to the Broken Worlds; a dedicated fantasy-inspired role-playing server whose community has stuck together for over 6 years! Over this time, we have changed maps as the main storylines come to a close, but are now focusing on a much more longer-term map!

    In the beginning, we were heavily inspired by Dwarf Fortress. As years have gone by, we have slowly drifted away from that, but our current world is much more DF-inspired than previous maps.

    We are a vanilla server, with a few plugins. Search for 'BWRP' on Technic and select the vanilla option.

    We have the SkillAPI plugin! Classes and professions are available, with a number of different skills. The system is still in progress, so some updates may happen.

    The World

    We have custom-written lore, put together by our team of Storytellers (our moderators) and Community Managers, custom-made maps and a rich backstory of both regions and individuals in this world. All of this lore is often put forward by the players, working it into their backstories of their characters.


    With a world crumbling to an end at his feet, Beor Fellhammer, First and Last Dwarven God of the Second Pantheon, cradles in his palm his cherished homeland.

    Reaching into the void, he brings Dwarves from the time of their deaths to him, in order to build a better future.

    Dwarves from all realms and times have found themselves waking up in a small, rudimentary chapel, dedicated to Beor. This chapel is, in turn, found within a larger Fortress; Rakust Dosîm.

    The world outside has been changed drastically. Surrounding the Fortress; a gigantic chasm pockmarked with caves, with a magma ocean stretching as far as the eye can see.

    Dwarves have settled into their new surroundings, building rooms, workshops and chambers to suit their needs. As the population grows and more questions arise, only time will tell what will be revealed.


    Fleeing the destruction of their realm, the Elves utilised a device that would float their city high up into the sky, far away from the dangers of the world below.

    However, the machine tore the city from the fabric of reality itself and now it floats in the abyss; an idyllic paradise surrounded by nothing.

    In the heart of this tiny island is a small portal that connects to the Dwarven realm. Travellers can come and go freely, but so can the horrors from the other side.


    During a recent expedition to the Kingsgrave Keep; a ruined Fortress in the caves, a small seed was discovered.

    Upon planting this seed, the Humans have started to appear.

    They have since made their home in the caverns. A new settlement; Petrichor, built overlooking the Elven territory in the realm and teeming with fungus and mushroom life.


    On this server, you will be playing a character. For this world, specifically, you will be playing a Dwarf, Elf or Human who has been displaced from their home (whether they remember that or not, is up to you).

    Think of a backstory, which can be as detailed as you want. Where does your character come from? What are their interests? How do they talk and act? Are they brave or cowardly? All these little nuances will add up to create a truly memorable character.

    You can be any profession you wish, from mechanically-based ones such as blacksmiths, farmers and alchemists, to more roleplay-based ones, such as scholars, explorers, cheesemakers, and many more. Our team of Storytellers and Community Moderators will do their best to allow each player to form their own stories and make their own experiences.

    How To Join

    • Join our Discord server, via the link on our Wiki.

    • Read our Rules.

    • Fill in our application available via Discord

    • Get whitelisted and play!

    submitted by /u/BrokenWorldsST
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    BulletTown [Vanilla]{1.14.3}{NEW MAP} {Whitelist} {18+} {Dynmap}

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 11:00 PM PDT

    Hi and thanks for clicking our post!

    We are BulletTown, a young and fresh server that is looking for players that like to get involved in a tight knit community.

    We are resetting for our 4th Season NEXT WEEK on the 2nd of July! So if you want a fresh map to join on, this might be the place for you!

    Something about our server:
    We are looking for mature, friendly and 18+ players that enjoy playing Vanilla Minecraft with a fun and friendly community. We like to work on group projects, do fun games together, hang out in Discord and do Weekly Events on the Minecraft server like who can collect the most amount of Apples in a week, or who can kill the most Withers!

    This server is completely vanilla, we only make use of some Enhancing Datapacks to make sure our server gives you the best experience! If you'd like to join our server, go over to our website to Apply!

    The datapacks that we use are!

    - SinglePlayer Sleep
    - Dragon Drops Elytra
    - More Mob Heads
    - Universal Dyeing
    - Renewable Coral
    - Double Shulker Shells
    And many more!

    The Rules:
    Our rules are simple, and you've probably seen them before. If you follow along you'll fit nicely into our community!
    - No Griefing
    - No Stealing
    - No Abuse or spam in chat
    - No use of Mods, Cheats, Hacked Clients, Map Modification Mods or Xray Texturepacks
    - No Duplicating
    - No Harrassment
    - Lots of fun!

    Our server:
    We are currently hosted on a Dedicated server, which means that we are the only host on the server. We have an i7 6700k @ 4.0Ghz and 64 GB of Ram at our disposal, so get ready for steady 20 TPS!

    If you feel like you could be a good addition to this server feel free to apply with the Discord link above! Hope to see you soon!

    - DigitalAnima | Member of BulletTown

    submitted by /u/DigitalAnima
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    SucculentBeef [SMP] {MCMMO} {Free Ranks} {New} {1.14.3}

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 01:58 AM PDT


    Our Server-IP: Play.SucculentBeef.Com

    Our Discord: discord.gg/uFzCj4h


    SucculentBeef is only around a week old with a small but growing Community!

    About SucculentBeef

    SucculentBeef.com is a Server for all players. As long as you're respectful, you are more than welcome on Play.SucculentBeef.com.

    We're always trying to make your experience the best possible on SucculentBeef, and we achieve this by listening to the Community and getting feedback on what you do and do not like.

    Keep in Mind that SucculentBeef is around 1 week old. The Community is very small at the moment!

    What we have to offer:

    • MCMMO - The ability to level up your skills

    • Mypet - The ability to claim any mob as your pet

    • Free Playtime Ranks - Each Rank comes with its own perks

    • Player warps/homes

    • A well balanced Economy

    • Grief Prevention - To protect your land

    • Silk spawners - You can pick up spawners with a Silktouch pick

    • Newest 1.14.3 Minecraft Version


    • Do not disrespect other players in any way, shape, or form.

    • No hacking allowed

    • Do not spam the chat

    • Be kind to one another.

    We hope to see you on!

    Our Server-IP: Play.SucculentBeef.com

    Our Discord: discord.gg/uFzCj4h

    submitted by /u/Prokyth
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    Haven-MC [Semi-vanilla] [SMP] {Adult} {Greylist} {Dynmap} {1.14.3} {New-ish} {Mining world} {Soft claims} {Minigames}

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 11:11 AM PDT

    Our Server IP: Haven-MC.com

    Our Discord: discord.gg/t3RVfjT

    Hi all!

    Our server is one month old and just upgraded to 1.14.3.
    We hope you'll join our small community!

    About Haven

    Haven-MC.com is a small and new-ish survival building server for adults.
    We aim to provide a mature and cozy semi-vanilla SMP experience, talking and building with the community, and offer various mechanics (see below) to support this through and through.

    We have a focus on community projects that everyone can benefit from.
    Everyone plays exclusively in survival mode. Nobody cheats, no weird stuff is going on, admins are adults, no power abuse, no drama. Just chill.

    We're rather new. 1 month old and uncrowded. Big, uncluttered map. Small community. You have the opportunity to influence and shape the server to your liking.


    • Dynmap
    • 20k * 20k big map
    • Newest 1.14.3 game play
    • Dedicated resource gathering world
    • Focus on survival play without shortcuts
    • World teleportation, homes, /tpa and /warps
    • Lots of public farms and community projects
    • Cap of 30 players online, aiming for an average of 10-20
    • Soft-claims (allowing interaction and visiting but not griefing)
    • Well-balanced non-OP economy focused on player-run shops
    • Big boy dedicated 32GB RAM gaming server, recently upgraded again
    • Active (adult) staff to help you when needed
    • Mini-games Spleef and Counter-Fluff

    Community projects:

    Community projects are suggested and discussed on our Discord.
    We've got a decent collection already:

    • Afk fishing stations
    • Experience point farm (endermen)
    • Gold and experience point farm (zombie pigmen)
    • Witch farm (work in process)
    • Big automatic slime farm
    • Basic manual food farms
    • Mob loot farms (skeletons, creepers, spiders, blazes)
    • Elytra Stations for 20k * 20k mapwide transportation (wip)

    Also on the drawing board is:

    • Iron farm
    • Public rail/ice road (or similar) 1000x1000 around 0/0
    • Builds, builds, builds!


    Trivial rules backed by a nasty custom jail:

    • Be excellent to each other.
    • No x-raying or otherwise undermining survival mode.


    We're greylisted. So you're free to join, but you will have limited access to the main world until you've shown yourself to be somewhat trustworthy.

    So, while you can run around and observe Haven, you need to go to Badlands (our resource gathering world) to get started. But that's a simple command away. Join and read /about and /greylist for more info.

    After a short stint in Badlands we'll promote you to Trusted and, if you wish it, move your stuff to Haven, where you can live long and prosper.

    Enjoy your stay!

    Our Server IP: Haven-MC.com

    Our Discord: discord.gg/t3RVfjT

    submitted by /u/roprop
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    PebbleSMP [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{12+}{1.14.3}

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 03:51 PM PDT

    About us

    We're a small group of players who enjoy playing Minecraft and getting your hands dirty while playing with friends, We aspire to hopefully let players have a fun and enjoyable experience while playing our server and ensure that everything is right.

    Server Status

    We're Semi-Vanilla with 2 GB Of server ram with a well made personal DDoS Protection, Our server host is currently located in Phoenix, AZ.




    ◆ No Griefing/Stealing.

    ◆ No Exploiting/Cheating in any way to benefit yourself over others.

    ◆ Killing players is allowed but stealing stealing the persons is not allowed.

    ◆ No spamming in chat (No racism or verbal harassment)


    ◆ OnePlayerSleep

    ◆ BAC Advancements

    ◆ Dragon Drops Elytra

    ◆ Double Shulker Shells

    ◆ CoreProtect

    Custom Crafting Recipes

    ◆ Uncraftable Ice

    ◆ Rotten Flesh to Leather

    ◆ Equestrian Crafting

    ◆ Renewable Coral Blocks

    ◆ Universal Dyeing

    Allowed Mods/Tools

    ◆ Optifine

    ◆ VoxelMap

    ◆ FPS Booster

    submitted by /u/PebbleSMP
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    Kruga's Magic Tower: [PVP] {1.13.2} {Towny} {MCMMO} {Discord} {Custom Map Dungeons Mobs Loot} {English} {ActiveCommunity} {Survival} {No Resets}

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 11:59 AM PDT

    We do Saturday night Minecraft Every week! Active server with players on ~ 24/7


    Discord Link : https://discord.gg/rDagjmV

    Sub-reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/KrugasMagicTower/

    A 5-team-based RPG mcmmo towny survival with a Central Spawn/Tradehub.

    It's the Slow-burn RPG server you've been looking for.

    We created the server as a memorial to my cat, Kruga. (RIP Kruga 2015, miss ya you furry lil guy!)

    Me and my friends are very proud of our creation. We're looking for long-term players so come and join : ) Seriously it's epic and you won't regret it.

    "What's it like, can you tell me more?"

    You spawn at the top of the tower in a glass orb, and then make your way down the tower.

    The Tower is packed with command blocks that are intractable and 11 custom NPC villager traders.

    This dynamic economy was designed to be an RPG economy from the ground up, in a way that is not too dissimilar to EVE online. Towny has also been installed and uses the same currency (emeralds) as the npc villagers.

    There are 5 main teams to join, with custom enchanted armor and 'perks' for each team.

    The Teams are:

    Helio (White)

    Pyro (Red)

    Geo (Green)

    Aqua (Blue)

    Necro (Black)

    Joining your choice of team comes with perks and bonuses, not to mention potential friends.

    It's hard to describe all the details really, but it's an epic server.

    The world this tower exists in is a 6k x 6k custom world called 'Mevia18'. Which is a fully custom worldmap. We also created and are continuing to add custom dungeons which respawn on their own every night. They contain rewards, but also custom NPC's that guard them.

    The feedback for this RPG server has been very positive and with adverts like this the server continues to grow!

    RULES: The rules are no hacks, and not going too far with freedom of speech. Moderators decide what is too far. Break the rules and you'll be sent to the in-game jail as a warning, and then banned. We're pretty chilled out and don't mind the odd joke mind you.

    The Mods and Admins are told to have a 'hands off' approach of neutrality for the teams fighting eachother.

    PVP Is completely banned the tower.
    Building is allowed just outside the tower in a 'safe zone'.
    PVP is free-for-all outside of that area.

    So....Good luck on your unique journey, and the choice on how to play is yours!

    submitted by /u/Lord_Knightmarez
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    a server with no name [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] {18+} {Community} {Discord} {Data-packs} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 09:05 PM PDT

    The server is hosted in Montreal, Canada with 8GB of ram and storage on a ssd.The map is only 2 weeks old and during the days we usually have 5-6 people online playing together.

    Everyone on the whitelist is 18+ & for you to be whitelisted please reply or message me with your In game name, age, where you're from and how you like to play Minecraft and I will invite you to join our discord server where you will find our IP!

    We have a few data-packs, right now we have;

    • AFK display
    • anti creeper grief
    • double shulker shells
    • dragon drops elytra
    • more mob heads
    • multiplayer sleep
    • player graves
    • tree capitator
    • rotten flesh can smelt into leather

    Rules are fairly simple!

    • Respect the world. don't destroy property that's not yours or grief
    • Respect your community! don't steal from chests or take anything without permission
    • Using exploits or bugs are not allowed, we are here to have fun and play fair
    • Basically treat others how you want to be treated!

    p.s Bonus points if your active as we have some dedicated players already! happy crafting!

    submitted by /u/fyegaux
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    BCraft Naruto [SMP] {1.8.9} {MMORPG} {Naruto} {Custom} {Quests} {Open World} {Events} {Discord}

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 08:39 PM PDT

    Server Name: BloodCraft Naruto Realism
    Server Location: United States
    Server Version: 1.8.9
    Server Address: mc.b-craft.org
    Server Website: https://b-craft.org
    Server Discord: https://discord.gg/JCgbKkR
    Server Rules: https://imgur.com/a/iYPX99h

    Server Information

    BloodCraft Naruto Realism is not an ordinary gaming experience. This server distinguishes itself by providing its players with the greatest Naruto experience that it can. We have worked diligently from the start and with time comes wisdom. Our server has been up since August of 2014 and we are still moving ahead!

    ​On our server, we respect the community that we have. The staff team does the best that it can to assist those in need with a kind and welcoming hand. We appreciate each player that chooses our server to play on and we hope that they may stay within our circle for good fortune in our future endeavors. Without the community we wouldn't be at our maximum potential and so we look to insight not just by our fellow staff members, but through the bonds we have all built together as well.

    ​One very unique aspect of our server is the diversity, depth, and balance of our combat system. We provide 85 widely different clans to choose from, all from their respective villages in the anime/manga. There is also a chakra paper system based off the Litmus Paper from the anime that randomizes the user a chakra nature when they first begin. This is a system that is canon from the series and it acts as a receival of nature upon birth. This sounds tedious in theory, but you can simply reset once per day. We do our best to balance combat systems in order to achieve an experience that is based more on the skill of the user rather than the power of the clan. Our server has a lot of standing in combat so we take pride in the fact that our system provides a fair chance to those who take advantage of it. Our system does not yield handouts but provides a series of stepping stones for users to climb in order to get better. Combat for the underdog is about losing your battles and taking from them in order to forge your defeats into victories. Everyone starts from the bottom and tries desperately to fight to the top but we as a server try to provide users with the most aesthetically and gameplay minded way to do so.

    ​Our features extend far and wide though, even outside combat. Unlike many other servers, we have the tools of skilled and professional development. Our developers work hard to create additions to the core of the server that fix problems that other servers are plagued with. Many servers deal with issues that stem from an inability to rationalize and solve their own problems and while not only fixing problems that other servers could not, we have implemented amazing features that revolutionize how things are done. We have a plugin that automatically hosts exams so that less manual labor is required in the process of promotion. As long as there is a group of people willing to take the exams, we can assure that these exams are hosted in a more professional, smoother, and surefire way.

    ​On the server we provide several tools to assist new players in getting a grasp of how everything works here. We have a custom guide and tour plugin and even plugins that direct users toward places they can receive support. We even have social media and schedule plugins so that players can connect with one another or staff members directly for support and keep them on the ball for when exams, events, and other fun activities are being hosted. We actively try to improve the player experience on the server and so we have these things here for you.

    ​Even though our server stands tall on its own, we are part of the BCraft Gaming Community. We have a website, a Discord, and several other sites of social media that we can be contacted on. We also have a BuyCraft store where you can buy non-chakra nature combination kekkei genkais, ranks, some jutsus, different chakra charge and weapon slash colors, mounts, and more. Non-cosmetic store items are not allowed in exams and competitive events and are typically only for show. We have a massive content patch and server wipe in the works that will clear these non-cosmetic items from the store and from users. For those who have non-cosmetic features, these things will be phased out and turned into things purchasers can make better use of that fall in the line of cosmetic or non-jutsu items.

    Mission System

    We also have missions based on letter rankings, which are D, C, B, A, and S. This signifies the difficulty and skill required for the missions.

    D – Reccomended for Genin and inexperienced Chūnin, Special Ninjas, and Medical Ninjas. Consists of finding objects, locating certain places.

    C – Recommended for experienced Genin and average Chūnin, Special Ninja, and Medical Ninja. Consists of finding specific places, locating hidden things.

    B – Reccomended for experienced Chūnin, Special Ninjas, and Medical Ninjas and average Jōnin, ANBU, and Medical Specialists. Missions that require travel and expertise in location. Missions may be somewhat hazardous.

    A – Reccomended for average and experienced Jōnin, ANBU, and Medical Specialists. Missions with high hazard risk, traps, puzzles, and battle.

    S – Hosted missions. Allowed for all shinobi, but specifically targeted towards RPG Ranked Ninjas, and extremely experienced Jōnin, ANBU, and Medical Specialists. These missions feature traps, mazes, massive parkour and content, puzzles, lore, important reading knowledge, and even boss fights. These missions are hosted every so often and require 10-20 people. Shinobi in this mission must have teamwork skills, understanding of their jutsus, and tactical thinking.​

    Ranking System

    In the anime, as most may know, there are rankings of shinobi. You need to take exams to reach higher rankings on this server, so here is a brief explanation of the rank paths and conditions.

    After reading the rules, taking the player test, and choosing a clan, you are set as an Academy Student of your clan and you must take the Genin Exams to participate in anything on the server.​​The rank paths are organized like this:

    Academy Student – Genin – Chūnin – Jōnin
    Academy Student – Genin – Special Ninja – ANBU
    Academy Student – Genin – Medical Ninja – Medical Specialist​

    Jōnin Path

    On our server the Chūnin Exams are hosted every single day. This is very unlike other servers and that's one thing people really like about us. These exams usually consist of a series of fights in a tournament style match that leads to one or two winners depending on the amount of players present in exams, which is four or eight.

    ​On Jōnin days, which is Wednesday and Saturday, an exam with four or eight members is hosted for Chūnin ranked shinobi, which results in one or two Chūnin being promoted to Jōnin, and then receiving a second element of their choice, which combines into a Kekkei Genkai.

    ​The four man renditions of these exams are currently automatic. The eight man automatic rendition for these exams is planned for a later date.

    ANBU Path

    In the anime, there is a tactical squad called the ANBU Black Ops, or the Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai, which literally means Special Assassination and Tactical Squad. Each village has these covert operatives. Their objective is to guard the Kage of their village so they are unable to become a character position.

    ​The first step to becoming an ANBU is taking the Special Ninja Exam. These exams feature a parkour race where the objective is to obtain four scrolls in order to pass onto a combat round. There is a four and eight man rendition of this and again, eight man exams would mean two winners while the four man means one.

    ​For ANBU, you just need to take the Jōnin Exams on Wednesday and Saturday. As stated previously, the Jōnin Exams is an exam with four or eight members, resulting in one or two winners who receive a second element of their choice, which combines into a Kekkei Genkai.

    ​The four and eight man renditions of the Special Ninja exam are not currently automatic, but the four man rendition is a goal to be accomplished in the near future.

    Medical Specialist Path

    In the anime, there are shinobi who specialize in medical treatment and medical-oriented techniques to heal themselves and others. These shinobi are useful in situations where their platoon and comrades must be healed or protected and they are a vital resource in S Rank missions.

    ​To become a Medical Ninja, you take the Medical Ninja Exam. It involves taking a written test and having a high enough score where two or four individuals will pass onto the next round depending on whether the exam has for or eight people. The final matches would be combat where the participants are restricted from using their chakra natures to test craftiness and quick thinking in combat, resulting in the winner receiving Medical Ninja. There is a four and eight man rendition of this and again, eight man exams would mean two winners while the four man means one.

    ​For Medical Specialist, you just need to take the Jōnin Exams on Wednesday and Saturday. As stated previously, the Jōnin Exams is an exam with four or eight members, resulting in one or two winners who receive a second element of their choice, which combines into a Kekkei Genkai.

    Rogue Ninja

    This very minor rank comes with no added benefit other than the Jōnin, ANBU, or Medical Specialist tag being changed to Rogue Ninja. They serve as the outside opposition in roleplay events and are shinobi who no longer belong to the village they originated from.

    Clan Leader

    This very minor rank comes with no added benefit other than the user receiving a tag that states that they lead the clan they are in. These types of things can be fought over if there are multiple highest ranking individuals of the clan, or even the current leader of the clan. Some clans have no leader so it is up for the grabs when reaching max rank.

    Squad Leader

    Just like in the series, you can lead your very own team. It is a rigorous task to find and train members of a squad, but if discussed with a staff member and if you have three Genin from your village at Jōnin you look to train, you can form a squad and meet a series of benchmarks for neat rewards specified on the server.

    Special Conditions of Exams

    If sixteen Genin ranked shinobi are online, on rare occasions, a Special Chūnin Exam may be hosted, which is a Chūnin Examshosted like it is in the anime/manga, which includes a written test, The Forest of Death, the preliminary rounds, and the semi-final/final rounds. This exam's winner results in them being able to pick from Chūnin, Special Ninja, or Medical Ninja.

    RPG Ranking System

    Another cool feature of our server are its RPG rank positions. Many ranks are available such as the Akatsuki, Jinchūriki, Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, Kages, and more. The one thing about our RPG rank system is that the only 'characters' from the anime that you can actually be are The Akatsuki. The Jinchūriki are just the hosts of the tailed beasts and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist and Kages would be holding those positions, not being the character that holds them in the anime/manga. Our system works like this because we want people to be inventive with their own character on our server and we also feel that certain characters do not need to be available especially due to past situations involving former RPG rank systems. In order to achieve our goal of hosting thrilling events based on a custom modified lore, we cannot have every character or every cool one. A good analogy to explain our logic here is that the best products sell out first and if you have too many favorites, the other products, many of which are more important, will cause losses if you do not give them attention. Even having too much of the less popular products can be bad, but our server has a fair balance of such a thing. The moral of the story here is that it is not productive to what we hope to achieve if we have every character from the series available. No one has really gotten this character thing with perfect accuracy, but we firmly believe that providing an authentic and thought out experience is better than not providing one at all.

    ​To gain an RPG Rank/Character, you must reach a specified rank in the RPG Rank/Character's specified clan, and then you must test with the server's owner, Deathdusk.
    ​ANBU Captain and Medical Specialist Captain are earned by reaching the rank first, or replacing an ANBU/Medical Specialist Captain.

    ​Leader rank, which is a minor role, can be obtained by reaching the Jōnin/ANBU/Medical Specialist rank first in a clan, or challenging the current leader of that clan for his rank.

    ​Those who seek to become an RPG ranked individual and character know what they are going into when becoming a status symbol on the server. If a user does not uphold the status the privilege they have earned, they can be punished by demotion. It is not a right to become a status symbol, but a privilege, and for those who do not maintain status quo, they will be replaced. They are important to executing server lore in events and if they are not present, they hold everyone else back from doing fun activities. More specifications on the punishment of those who continuously misuse or do not follow the specifications of their status can be found on the server.

    Roleplay System

    ​Roleplaying has a lore. We roleplay with our own modified version of the Naruto story and we plant our own characters in. When the RPG rank roster is full, we start the official roleplaying lore. Roleplaying is an interactive lore based event for everyone to participate in. There are mini-objectives for the Genin and Chūnin/Special Ninja/Medical Ninja while Jōnin/ANBU/Medical Specialists and Rogue Ninjas will battle each other. In the core of the event, the RPG ranked users who participate will text roleplay and battle each other. The event usually has mob fighting, special built areas, and even unique buildings to fit the setting. The roleplay may end in core RPG rank deaths or injuries.


    After viewing all of the features we have to offer, I hope you consider joining our server. We welcome anyone who wishes to join our server and we wish you good luck on the server if you choose to play. Have a nice day.

    submitted by /u/Deathdusk
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