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    Minecraft When a creeper explode in water it makes a muffled explosion sound.

    Minecraft When a creeper explode in water it makes a muffled explosion sound.

    When a creeper explode in water it makes a muffled explosion sound.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 03:09 AM PDT

    Imagine how cool it could be if a a creeper exploded it would make like a muffled sound and bubbles.

    I know it's weird but would be hilarious.

    I am stupid why do i post this here.

    submitted by /u/Tekstar_XD
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    How to Give Combat Depth

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 10:14 AM PDT

    As most of you know, Mojang released a test snapshot of a few changes to combat that could come in the next update, likely as part of a Combat Update 2: Diamond Boogaloo. The community has responded positively to many of these changes, such as the increased utility of alternate tools such as hoes and shovels as weapons, as well as the tweaks to the cooldown mechanic. However, the fundamentals of Minecraft combat remain just as they have always been: you rapidly click on your enemy to do damage faster than they can damage you. Outcomes are entirely dependent on whether you have diamond armor or iron armor, or whether your diamond sword has sharpness 5 or sharpness 3. There's no fun in having the outcome of a fight decided before it even begins, and thus we need to make changes to weapons, armor, and the damage system itself.

    I think that for Minecraft combat to truly evolve beyond the "point and spam click" phase, some additional mechanics are in order, not just the addition of an arbitrary cooldown (Assume the snapshot mechanics are in effect for these suggestions).

    1. Hitboxes - Reward targeting precision in attacks, rather than just carefully watching a cooldown bar
    2. Weapons - New, varied weapons to provide choice in combat
    3. Moves - Add more moves / special attacks that you can do with weapons, including the new ones
    4. Materials - Give each material tier (both for weapons and armor) uniqueness to encourage variety, while still keeping diamond at the top



    New hitbox mechanics are something that I think could change the combat paradigm by themselves. Instead of a hit anywhere on the player's hitbox dealing a fixed amount of damage, the player would be split into 5 pieces: right arm, left arm, the legs, the torso, and the head. Unlike most FPS games, the shape of the player model makes drawing hitboxes for each part fairly simple, as each is just a rectangular prism instead of a complex shape. A strike aimed at these body parts would have different effects, depending on which part is hit. As a side note, armor would be reworked to primarily protect each body part, with the helmet protecting the head, chestplate protecting the torso, and leggings / boots protecting the legs. Arms would be unarmored unless Mojang wishes to add more armor pieces such as gauntlets or pauldrons, but that's another discussion.

    Head: A strike to the head would deal a larger (1.5x perhaps) amount of damage to the player, as well having a chance (50%?) to inflict them with a few seconds of blindness (based on the damage dealt) if the head is unarmored, and nausea if the player is wearing a helmet

    Torso: A strike to the torso would behave similarly to the way all hits do currently. A degree of damage would be dealt with no additional effects

    Arms: A strike to the main arm would reset the strike cooldown for whatever weapon was being used, making the arm a good target in a PvP fight if you want to temporarily disable your opponent. A strike to the other arm would do the same to the offhand, making it somewhat important to pay attention to the dominant hand of your opponent!

    Legs: A strike to the legs would cause a few seconds of slowness, as well as dealing increased knockback

    As armor would need to be reworked somewhat to fit the new hitbox system, additional enchantments utilizing these mechanics could bring some much needed attention to armor parts such as leggings and the chestplate. An enchantment for leggings could reduce knockback taken from attacks, while yet another helmet enchantment could eliminate the nausea caused by head attacks.



    In 1.13 a new unique weapon, the trident, was added, but its rarity and long cooldown relegated it to forever sit behind the tried and true diamond sword. We got crossbows in 1.14, but again, they are outclassed by the simple bow due to the lack of Power, Infinity, and Flame enchantments on it.

    Adding new weapon types is a fairly self-explanatory idea. For years we've had only one choice when it comes to combat: the diamond sword. Axes take twice the durability hit for each strike and swing slower; with the cooldowns introduced in 1.9, a single missed attack can spell doom in PvP.

    With only one choice of weapon, the sword, there's really no reason to try to experiment with different tactics beyond simply rushing an opponent and mashing your mouse over and over. There's no real options when it comes to variety in knockback, attack speed, reach, or any of the attributes that actually exist currently but whose potential remains untapped.

    A few more weapon types would really breathe life into combat. You'd have to make the choice of how to tackle the knight with a diamond lance with a reach far beyond yours, or the juggernaut with a mace capable of throwing you against the wall of a cave. Here's a few quick ideas I came up with, but the important concept is to add more weapon choices. Recipes for these would probably be handled via the Smithing Table, as Mojang held off on adding functionality to it until the next combat update anyway.

    Dagger: The dagger would deal a lower amount of damage with a short cooldown and short reach, but with a unique trait making it useful for sneak attacks. The closer the attacker is to the target, the more damage is dealt, capping at about the same damage as a longsword at extremely close ranges. This, coupled with the short cooldown, would make the dagger suitable for either running up to an unprepared enemy and rapidly stabbing them or sneaking behind them to deal a crippling blow.

    Rapier: A light weapon that doesn't deal much in terms of damage, but has a rapid cooldown. . Due to its fragility, it cannot block strikes and has a somewhat lower durability, but this is more than compensated for by the lower cooldown. A good weapon for an agile fighter who can aim well but isn't so good with timing attacks.

    Spear: The spear would be a light weapon, doing about the same damage as the rapier with a short cooldown, while having a much larger reach. One hand would be required for normal strikes, while its special moves (more on that later) would require two free hands. Additionally, the damage dealt by the spear would be dependent on the relative velocities between the attacker and the target. This would result in someone riding a horse or minecart being able to deal more damage to stationary or oncoming targets, providing Minecraft with an effective lance. The speed bonus from horses could encourage their use in PvP, as currently they are completely useless and end up as a liability, even with armor. As an extra detail, perhaps a small tassel attached between the spearhead and shaft could be dyed to provide additional decoration.

    Short sword: What we have currently. Balanced all around, can block strikes (more on that later), and well equipped for any situation - your reliable and trusty combat tool.

    Longsword: A bit more reach than the short sword, but with a cooldown that takes more time to regenerate based on how close an enemy is to you. Hitting a zombie that's on top of you would take more time to recover cooldown from than hitting one at the edge of your reach (imagine trying to hit something right next to you with a large blade that could be easily pinned down), making this a weapon heavily dependent on skill, powerful in the right hands but unwieldy in the wrong ones. Two hands would be required for this weapon.

    Axe: A large amount of damage with a long cooldown, similar to the current axe. More damage would be dealt by attacks against targets farther away from you, to emulate the increased power of longer swings. The axe would be a good weapon for whittling down heavily armored players at a distance, but would be poorly suited to very close up combat. Essentially the opposite of the dagger, yet well complemented by it.

    Mace: A heavy weapon that deals slightly more damage than a short sword with a much longer cooldown, but offers the advantage of significant knockback and a constant splash area attack. Good for crowd control and catching your breath, not so much for single combat. Only a single hand would be required to wield the mace, but at reduced damage compared to using it with two free hands.

    These weapons could of course be enchanted. Existing enchantments would have their scope increased, and new ones could be added as well

    • Impaling would become a general Sharpness equivalent for polearms such as the spear and trident
    • Piercing could be applied to the spear, allowing it to hit multiple enemies standing in front of each other at once
    • Sharpness could of course be applied to the dagger, rapier, short sword, longsword, and axe
    • Looting, Smite, and Bane of Arthropods would be applicable to all weapons
    • Agile would be a dagger / longsword enchantment to ease the restrictions on range, giving you more room to make potent effects. It would have two levels, each altering the range restriction by half a block
    • Bludgeoning would be a mace and axe enchantment to increase the duration of the blindness / nausea effect received from attacks to the head, providing a way to effectively "stun" players. It would have two levels, each increasing the stun time by two seconds, and would be incompatible with knockback



    Critical hits were the only variation to fighting besides spamclicking for years. In 1.9 a new, "special" attack was added to swords: the sweep attack, allowing you to hit multiple mobs at once. However, whether or not a sweep could be made was effectively tied to RNG, with no input other than monotonous clicking needed. Additional special attacks, as well as new ways to trigger them, would add greatly to the combat experience by allowing you to do more than simply swing a sword at an enemy.

    All weapon types would have the current critical hit and knockback strike, as well as their own special moves, with unique ways to trigger them. I will use my previously suggested weapon types, but the general idea is to give each weapon a unique way to affect the combat space. As these moves must be compatible with touchscreens for feature parity with Bedrock, I have done my best to minimize the keystrokes needed and instead focus on mouse and player movement.

    Dagger: Successfully hitting an enemy and then holding down your left mouse button (or holding down your touchscreen) would allow you to "twist" the knife in further, dealing constant damage and slowing your enemy as if they were trapped in cobwebs (but not nearly as potent) until you either back away or they escape. Attacks from behind would benefit greatly from this special move, as would an attack against a confused or unprepared enemy; however, doing this to an enemy with a powerful weapon can easily backfire due to you being locked together

    Rapier: While striking the same body part over and over would result in normal attacks, hitting a different body part each time would allow the rapier to bypass armor, with a longer streak resulting in more armor piercing, up to a cap of about 30% with three hits in a row. Quick aiming and targeting would give the rapier an advantage over heavily armored players, allowing those with weaker weapons to still potentially win battles.

    Spear: Spears can be "charged," drawn back similarly to the trident (however, the spear is not thrown), and then released to provide a powerful thrust attack, dealing increased damage the longer it was charged. A fully charged spear would deal about 2x as much damage and bypass a portion of armor, making it a good option for fighting a slow moving, heavily armored enemy.

    Short sword: The short sword would be able to use a "sweep" attack (currently the only special attack) by holding and dragging the mouse across the screen. The sweep would affect the entities and body parts over the range of the mouse drag, making it a good way to both hit multiple body parts and multiple targets at once. This would integrate especially well with mobile devices, as a sweep would be very easy on a touchscreen. The short sword would also be able to block attacks by aiming at the attacker's weapon and clicking at the same time as their attack. This would deflect the attack while only filling the cooldown bar to 50%. A similar technique would be used to cut arrows directly out of the air, providing a defense against ranged attacks without a shield.

    Longsword: Double-clicking when the longsword's cooldown is at 200% would allow you to complete multiple sequential strikes instead of just one, rewarding precise targeting with further opportunities to attack. The cooldown for the sequential attacks would be much shorter, at just 1/4 of the normal cooldown, and could be repeated up to 5 times or until you miss hitting an opponent with one. Just as with the short sword, longswords would be able to block attacks by hitting your opponent's weapon, as well as being able to strike arrows out of the air.

    Axe: Jumping and attacking with an axe would result in much more powerful critical hits than with other weapons, dealing 1.5x the current damage of an axe's critical hit. A critical hit targeting an opponent's main hand would give the weapon carried in it a cooldown 2x longer than normal, providing a way to disable an opponent's offensive abilities for a time (carry a second weapon!).

    Mace: Jumping and hitting the ground would release a small shockwave, pushing back all mobs or players in the area considerably. This would also damage them more than normal, providing an effective way to deal with large crowds of mobs.

    Just as the Sweeping Edge enchantment augments the sweep attack in swords, new enchantments could augment or complement the special attacks in these new weapons

    • Swordplay would be a longsword enchantment that would increase the number of sequential strikes you could perform at reduced cooldown, coming in three levels that each increase the number of attacks by one
    • Parrying would be a short sword and longsword enchantment that would loosen the time requirements to successfully block a blow. It would come in two levels, each reducing the simultaneity requirement by a quarter second.
    • Crippling would be an axe enchantment that would increase the cooldown of disabled enemy weapons by 20% for each of its two levels.
    • The aforementioned Bludgeoning would also integrate with the mace's shockwave attack, inflicting all affected enemies with blindness / nausea (depending on the presence of their head armor) for a time. Its three levels would add one second of blindness / nausea per level.
    • Charging would be a spear enchantment that would decrease the time needed to charge the spear up for its special attack. It would come in three levels, each decreasing charge time by about 15%



    Diamond has remained the gold (heh) standard in PvP for years, with there being no situation where a different material would be better suited for a task. While this is justified by their rarity, in reality diamonds are quite easy to acquire, at which point the player need never touch an iron weapon again - furthermore, stone and gold weapons are complete jokes and are never used, leaving us with just two tiers: iron and diamond. I propose giving each material a reason to be used in a specific situation, while keeping diamond as the top choice in conventional combat.


    Wood: Swings the fastest of any material, but are very weak. These really shouldn't be used past the first 5 minutes of your world.

    Stone: These have an average swing speed and rather low damage, but these attributes improve as durability goes down. A jagged stone blade will be much lighter and much more damaging than an intact one, slightly more powerful than iron equipment at its lowest durability, but will only last a few swings unless it is enchanted with Unbreaking. Perhaps this could be a new, extremely specialized weapon choice?

    Gold: Gold weapons would swing very quickly, nearly as quickly as wood (to justify this, look at gold's mining speed). Additionally, their damage would be buffed slightly to make them competitive with iron overall. Higher enchantability would also serve to make gold less of a joke material and more of a serious competitor with iron.

    Iron: The jack of all trades material, with average damage, average swing speed, and average enchantability.

    Diamond: The king of all materials, diamond would have slightly buffed durability and greatly lowered enchantability to make people really work for that perfect sword. Diamond weapons would be high damage with a slightly higher than average swing speed, but raw diamond weapons would be outclassed by enchanted iron ones unless a great deal of experience is invested on enchanting.


    Leather: Leather armor would deafen sounds coming from the player, as well as having no speed penalty. It would also turn invisible along with the player when under the effects of an invisibility potion (hey, it's skin too!). This would fit the role of a fighter who silently sneaks up on enemies before stabbing them from very close up with a dagger.

    Chainmail: Chainmail armor would have no speed penalty and would be immune to armor-piercing attacks from weapons such as the spear and rapier. It would also significantly reduce damage from projectiles and explosions on its own, making it well equipped for countering light weapons and ranged attacks.

    Gold: Gold armor would be resistant to "magic" type attacks such as potions, Evoker attacks, and Guardian beams. Uniquely, gold armor would gain a random low-level enchantment if a player picks up XP while wearing it, with the gold armor "absorbing" it over time to become more powerful the more it is used. Gold carries a slight speed penalty, the lowest of the three armors that have one.

    Iron: Iron armor would remain a basic armor material, suited for all roles but not great at any. A small speed penalty would be added for each piece of iron armor worn, not enough to be noticeable until you start chasing an unarmored player

    Diamond: Diamond armor already has the unique trait of Armor Toughness. This would be ramped up significantly to make diamond armor a bit more powerful, to make up for the fact that it would be extremely difficult to enchant. A movement penalty slightly larger than iron would be added for each piece of diamond armor, giving unarmored players the chance to escape to balance the fact that you're basically an unstoppable tank against them

    As with the weapons, new armor enchantments would be added to spice up combat

    • Fleetfoot would be a boots enchantment to increase movement speed, having three levels and stacking with swiftness potions.
    • Upspring would be a leggings enchantment to increase jump height, having three levels and stacking with jump boost potions. It would be a treasure enchantment, not found on the enchanting table and very rarely sold by librarians.
    • Shockless would be a helmet enchantment that would reduce the duration of the blindness / nausea effect taken by hits to the head. It would have four levels, each one reducing the duration of nausea by one second.
    • Grounded would be a rare leggings enchantment that would reduce knockback by half. It would have a single level and would be very difficult to acquire on enchantment tables, on the same level as Silk Touch.


    Finally, a few smaller additions could provide flavor and add more variety to combat

    • Snowballs and eggs would deal knockback again
    • Shields could come in multiple materials, and would no longer block 100% of damage
    • Enchantments for shields to reflect arrows or better resist attacks would be nice
    • Depth strider should be revamped to improve swimming speed in general, as currently it's completely outclassed by simple sprint swimming. Underwater combat is extremely fun and this would help spice it up a bit
    • New armor pieces such as gauntlets, greaves, and pauldrons could protect the arms and perhaps have enchantments of their own
    • More unique treasure weapons along the same line as the trident could be added, perhaps to the End and Nether. Wither scythe anyone?
    • The trident should be made a reward in Ocean Monuments. Each Elder Guardian would drop a single Trident Prong, three of which could be crafted with prismarine crystals to make a trident. I imagine a pickaxe-shaped recipe would work, with prismarine crystals replacing sticks and prongs replacing the head material
    • Tridents should have increased reach, comparable to the spear, as well as a shorter melee cooldown
    • By using diamonds / quartz / emeralds / dyes, weapons could be decorated and adorned on the smithing table
    • New arrow materials / types could be incorporated with fletching table functionality
    • Bows should be more accurate (less random noise in the trajectory algorithm) and have a longer range than crossbows to give them the role of a long-range sniper
    • Crossbows should be more powerful but have a somewhat shorter range and less accuracy, and should also be able to take every bow enchantment to give them the role of a short ranged battlefield weapon
    • Horses could be given the ability to trample enemies to increase their combat viability, perhaps by making a short jump to trigger the trample attack
    • More mobs would spawn with varied weapons and would be able to use them for an increased singleplayer challenge
    • Fixed ballistae, perhaps dropped from the Ravager, could return as a unique siege weapon, capable of firing flaming arrows that can actually set blocks on fire
    submitted by /u/Fission_Fragment
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    Fish should have more horizontal velocity than vertical velocity.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 08:17 AM PDT

    Fish are built to move quickly forward. Yet the fish in Minecraft tend to quickly move up and down. It looks odd when building fish tanks.

    submitted by /u/Takama12
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    Putting Wool under a campfire changes the smoke to the color of the Wool

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 11:54 PM PDT

    Would be cool to have different smoke colors for different things.

    submitted by /u/TheDerpofYork
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    Adding some uniqueness to Wither Skeletons.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 12:36 PM PDT

    Something always felt off that Wither Skeletons use stone swords when stone is unobtainable in the Nether. So, to add a bit of flair to the charred and elongated cousins of the walking bone piles, I present:

    The Charred Sickle. The Charred Sickle would resemble a burnt wooden hoe, but slightly sharper. It would deal the same damage as a stone sword but have the new reach implemented for hoes. But this is not a mere reskin for their weapon, no it is not.

    The Charred Sickle has the benefit of being able to "taint" dirt. The problem with making a Nether Wart farm is that you have to go get more Soul Sand whenever you want to expand. However, when the Sickle taints dirt, it changes to look like a burnt tilled soil, which can grow nether wart on it like Soul Sand.

    This would create a farming implement that is genuinely helpful and can be used as a decent weapon when fighting Wither Skeletons so the reach is balanced.

    submitted by /u/PJDemigod85
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    Mountable banners

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 11:37 AM PDT

    I think you should be able to mount a banner or maybe even attach a shield to the side of your horse so that you can easily identify your horses. For instance if you bred 3 identical horses 1 might have more health so you give it a golden Apple banner, or one might have more speed so you give it an arrow like it's moving

    submitted by /u/steakandwater
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    Fragmentation TNT

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 07:07 AM PDT

    A new variant of TNT that is covered with shrapnel. The crafting recipe is one TNT in the middle with 8 iron nuggets or gold nuggets surrounding it. When detonated, the TNT explodes and launches the shrapnel in every direction. The max range of the shrapnel is 20 blocks.

    Iron shrapnel is more effective against armored targets. Gold shrapnel does more damage to unarmored targets. In real life, gold is an easily malleable material, and some projectiles are designed to easily deform or have air bubbles to create nasty wounds. This allows gold to have a greater wounding potential.

    A shield will block gold and iron shrapnel, but the iron has a chance to penetrate the shield and create spalling.

    submitted by /u/wheremacht35
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    Animals should behave like animals

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 01:17 AM PDT

    I believe animals in Minecraft are kinda weird at times. Every animal survives on it's own, no herds anywhere. In my opinion, cows, for example, should be walking towards a common goal, which realistically would be food. If you were to attack an animal, either in a herd or on it's own, instead of randomly running around headlessly, it would automatically run away from the player, to a "safe distance" of ~10-20 blocks. The sound it makes when hit but not killed would warn animals in the area which would also move slightly away, but shorter and slower. This would reward critical and fatal hits.

    submitted by /u/ShinyStache
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    Item frames on chests should open the chest when right clicked

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 01:21 AM PDT

    If you wanted to rotate the item frame you could shift click. This would massively improve storage systems, as it would making aiming correctly from the right angle no longer necessary

    submitted by /u/ShinyStache
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    Smoked food

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 06:50 AM PDT

    The smoker can cook at twice the speed using double the amount of fuel. And even do that's very useful, it's not that interesting at all. I think that smokers should do what their names suggests and actually smoke food.

    "but I like to cook my food fast!"

    I know, me too. That's why the smoker will only smoke if the fuel is wood, logs or striped logs. It will still be able to normally cook food if you use any other fuel.

    "but what does smoked food have that makes it any different?"

    These new food items are similar to their cooked counterparts, with the difference of restoring more hunger and less saturation

    This example should give you a better idea:

    food food points saturation restored
    raw beef 3 1.8
    steak 8 12.8
    smoked beef 10 10.8

    That's all, thank you for reading!

    submitted by /u/XxBom_diaxX
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    Piercing should (have a chance to) bypass shields.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 12:43 PM PDT

    As mentioned in the title, this idea could work in two different ways.

    1) Piercing could entirely bypass shields but deal a percentage of the original damage (rounded to the nearest whole),
    dealing 25% of the original damage with Piercing I, 50% with Piercing II, and so on until 100% at level IV.

    2) Piercing could have a chance to completely ignore shields, with the same increments as above. (probably worse than
    the other, rng attacks are slightly weird)

    submitted by /u/terralexisdumb
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    Monuments in Minecraft (based on player creations!)

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 10:27 AM PDT

    Between updates, contests should be held to determine the top 3 "monument" submissions from players. The 3 winning monuments are added into the game during the next patch and will have a chance of generating similar to temples or villages. Every new patch, monuments are cycled out for new ones. There can be three categories: Small medium and large monuments, thus giving people with less time on their hands more of a chance to create a small refined monument as opposed to having 3 megastructures.

    Thematically, it would make sense if creators added loot rooms/opportunities to make it worth your while to check out other than cosmetic beauty.

    This is yet another fantastic way to bring the creative and survival communities closer together and a way to breathe new life into the overworld withhold going crazy. What are your thoughts? Critique is very welcome

    submitted by /u/TheDerpofYork
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    Changes to haste and morning fatigue

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 12:43 PM PDT

    Both haste an mining fatigue should effect loading time for bows and crossbows, as well as charging time for the trident.

    submitted by /u/TheRobotics5
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    Elytra and Chestplate

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 09:25 AM PDT

    Having both would make the player overpowered, but if I don't have a chestplate I look like an idiot with big pants if I have full armor. So I propose that when wearing an Elytra, the chestplate functions deactivate (and it won't take damage if you get hit) and we can still look cool.

    submitted by /u/CommanderSputnik
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    Ability to choose what songs can play

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 08:19 AM PDT

    The minecraft soundtrack includes 13 songs I think? At least a couple of different ones. And I'm sure we all have different songs we like more than others. Therefore it would make sense if we had a setting where we could check boxes for which songs would play and which wouldn't.

    submitted by /u/ShinyStache
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    Cartographers trade more types of empty maps

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 02:41 AM PDT

    Cartographers trade more types of maps

    Elevation map/Miner map

    When creating a miner map, the game would take your y elevation and use that layer to create the map you see. Basically, you can create a map in your underground base and have it show the rooms in your base, the branch mining sectors, etc

    Nether maps

    This type of map would work in the Nether, would show your y level of when the map is created

    however, if you try and create this map in the overworld/end, it would show a map that is filled with blackness

    Mob tracker

    As one of the last trades of a cartographer, this type of map can track the closest 30 mobs in loaded chunks. The mobs would show up a mob head. zombies will be shown with zombie faces etc

    The map updates every few ticks

    Regional map

    if you right click with the map in your hand, a GUI will open.

    The GUI shows the regional difficulty, biome type, and biome temp when you hover your mouse over an area (or click on the spot in bedrock)

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    Barrels should be moveable objects

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 03:42 PM PDT

    This would add extra functionality to barrels, since currently they're mostly just chests that look cool, and can be opened under blocks. This would be great for late game players to make a moving storage system.

    submitted by /u/TheRobotics5
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    My take on 1.15 VOL.3 Shield Changes

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 03:36 PM PDT


    This post is my changes to shields. To briefly give a thumbnail, I want to add the round and heater shields to minecraft as well as reworked mechanics and other shield materials : hyde and obsidian. The materials indicate durablity and the type is blocking times.


    Note that I play on console so it might be different to your pc expirience. So there should be two ways to ctivate a shield in your off hand. One is to press LT with a tool the other is to crouch. When you crouch , you lower your shield to attack but when you press LT, you can only block for a certain amount of seconds.

    The Round shield

    This shield is your sort of viking round shield crafted with 4 leather/ wood/obsidian and one iron ingot/stick/diamond. It blocks for three seconds .

    The Heater shield

    This is the knight shield which is a sort of triangle. It blocks for 5 seconds and is made from 6 wood , hyde, obsidian and one diamond/iron,stick.

    The war shield

    This one is the already in the game . It is crafted with 8 obsidian, wood, hyde and one diamond,iron,stick. It blocks for 7 seconds when is pressed .

    submitted by /u/DANK_F0RTN1TER
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    We can fight with blaze rods.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 02:55 AM PDT

    I think the nether is a very creepy place and what can be good for a nether update is using blaze rods with a better thing.

    Not only we should still be able to use them for potion, but i also thought that we could use them as a weapon.

    My idea is this: When we take a blaze rod, we can punch with it right, and when we punch with it, it acts like a sword and make fire damages to the victim.

    So it would be cool also that the blaze rod doesn't have durability points, but to balance with that it should be EXTREMELY sensitive to water, jumping in water with a blaze rod in your hand should be enough to make it disapear.

    Of course this wouldn't cost anything, when you take a blaze rod on hand, you will recive a very very very little damage on your hand, wielding the blaze rod everytime would make this.

    For an example, like if you take a sword and switch to a blaze rod you will recive 0.5 damage, and if you switch to the sword again, and RE switch again to the blaze rod you will recive a damage, so holding to the blaze rod too long will make you instant damage until you remove it from your hand.

    It's not a very big deal honestly and it can be made in like 30 minutes, it's a little cool update that can change PvP and make the nether live a little more.

    PS: Yes i like light sabers.

    submitted by /u/Tekstar_XD
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    Nether block ideas

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 03:24 PM PDT

    To add variety to terrain, 3 new possible blocks are similar to granite, diorite, and andesite in terms of purpose and are called Pyrite, Emberstone, and Ragnarock.


    submitted by /u/howlinginkfires
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    The Guardian King

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 03:22 PM PDT

    A new boss which lies in the ocean monument. Replacing one of the elder guardians, this boss adds a new challenge to the ocean. With beams that take 1/2 as long to charge and are 3 times as strong, this boss is not easy. With the ability to also summon other guardian minions, who are as strong as guardians, with less health, he is not supposed to be easy. He drops "The King's Eye", an item which can be worn on your head giving you the same powers a conduit gives you wherever you go, or can be added to the conduit for extra abilities. He is a boss truly for the skilled late game player.

    submitted by /u/RetroactiveYT
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    Nether mob idea, Torched

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 03:14 PM PDT

    The Torched is a mob which charges the player and knocks them back 1-4 blocks and causes 3 hearts (or six points) of damage. To compensate for the deadliness, they have around 3 hearts (or 6 points) of health so they are easy to kill. They also have a 20% chance of it getting a speed debuff for 5 seconds. The Torched drop Gunpowder.


    submitted by /u/howlinginkfires
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    1.15 Ideas Vol.2 The Longsword

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 03:01 PM PDT

    The longsword is an idea I have had for a while now and there are no good mods which I have found that do the weapon justice. The weapon has a reach of 4 and deals 6-10 damage depending on the material. To craft one, you need a 5x5 grid and two sticks along with 3 of the material you want (diamond, iron ect).

    submitted by /u/DANK_F0RTN1TER
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    Sheep should stop burning quicker since wool is fire resistant

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 02:10 AM PDT

    This should also apply to wool blocks, note that sheep would still take damage from fire, but they would not burn for as long as other mobs. NOTE: Wool is NOT immune against fire, it's just harder for it to start burning.

    submitted by /u/malkratta
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