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    Minecraft Villagers frozen in ice / lost in the jungle

    Minecraft Villagers frozen in ice / lost in the jungle

    Villagers frozen in ice / lost in the jungle

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 07:25 AM PDT

    Villagers can get frozen in ice in ice biomes, and get lost in the jungle. Helping them back to a village will give you discounts (maybe some other effect as well).

    Jungle: Some wild ocelots have a random chance to be "tamed" by a villager lost in the jungle, and as it is running away from a player it will run back to the lost villager (effectively leading you to them).

    Lost villagers can have 2 types.

    One is where they have built their own little treehouse (another way to spot a lost villager).

    However, there is also the one who is basically a lost civilization (a prehistoric village in the jungle that is now in ruins with only a few survivors left)

    Frozen villagers: They will be frozen in ice (like the cavemen you see in movies), and by playing with a polar besr baby, they might lead you to a frozen villager.

    This might give some usage to these 2, mostly ambient, mobs. Not sure which category to use, so I'm going with gameplay.

    submitted by /u/Lolthatssoyou
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    If the Iron Golem of a village gets slain by a hostile mob or the player, the villagers should hide in their houses for a while until they meet to share the gossip

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 03:30 AM PDT

    Because they would have no protector left, they are scared and hide. Killing the golem via lava etc. wouldn't count. [EDIT]: Since 1.14.3pre1 just dropped, remove the gossip part [EDIT 2]: Here is the link to the Minecraft Feedback Page

    submitted by /u/JustCrits
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    When lightning strikes sand it should turn into glass.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 03:04 PM PDT

    Color of sand->Color of Glass

    submitted by /u/Palico22
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    Editable Dimensions for the purpose of creating maps or other creations

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 05:55 AM PDT

    Ever since the additions of Structure Blocks in J1.10, I think having more tools for map makers and other content creators would be awesome. The dimensions would have modifyable properties such as giving certain potion effects to players, allowing only specific blocks, having beds/compasses/clocks work, specific difficulties, damage modifiers, allowing specific gamerules, and many other customization options.

    submitted by /u/FourteenCoast
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    Undead slaying crossbow enchant

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 10:12 AM PDT

    an enchant for crossbows that would increase damage to undead like smite does for melee

    it would pair well with piercing for fighting zombie hordes. it would also give the crossbow a bit more use as the bow pretty much outclasses the crossbow.

    It would be cool to be like van helsing

    submitted by /u/LeJasooon
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    Make wearing a jack o’ lantern less infuriating

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 06:17 PM PDT

    Oops I meant carved pumpkins

    Unless Steve's eyes are halfway to the back of his skull, his eyes should be lined up with the eye holes of the pumpkin. So the most obstruction to our vision should be a dark border on the edges of our vision.

    Now to rant on how stupid wearing it is right now.

    Who makes a mask for themself that they can't wear? Why even have the obstruction, it's not like it helps keep the game balanced, since endermen ignore you most of time, anyway. The only time it's useful is in the end and by then you have gear that drastically outcompetes it.

    submitted by /u/Canned_Refried_Beans
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    New redstone components

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 09:29 AM PDT

    Redstone photometer - crafted with some combination of a daylight sensor, comparator, redstone, quartz, and cobblestone - gives a redstone signal output equal to the amount of light in front of it

    Dynamic redstone lamp - crafted from a redstone lamp, comparator, glowstone, redstone, and glass - gives a light output equal to the redstone signal provided

    Redstone builder - crafted from a piston, dispenser, redstone dust, and cobblestone - places a single block in front of where it says when powered.

    Redstone odometer - just a silly little component that counts how many blocks it's been pushed by pistons or slime blocks. Doesn't seem to have any uses, except for just knowing how far a flying machine went.

    Lossless hoppers - crafted like a hopper, but with 2 more iron - a hopper that always goes in the direction it's pointed, instead of trying to go down first

    Redstone display - crafted with quarts, a bunch of dynamic redstone lamps, and glass - when placed, displays the number zero. Every time it receives a signal, it ticks up by one. When it reaches 9 and receives another signal, it goes back to zero and lets a redstone signal out its side

    Redstone logic gates - crafted from different recipes of redstone torches, repeaters, comparators, and smooth stone slabs - compares one to three inputs to give an output based on what the logic gate was through the front of the block. Examples are: OR NOR XOR XNOR AND NAND, and NOT. All of the logic gates starting with an N can be replaced with a redstone torch on the side of a block, though

    And lastly, my ridiculous idea:

    Redstone Golem: a special mob that has powers based on how it was built. It's made like an iron golem, except the parts of the body can be replaced by redstone components. For example:

    Pistons give the golem the ability to punch hostile mobs

    Dispensers let the golem fire as many arrows as you put in the golems inventory

    Redstone lamps let the golem light up nearby areas

    Sticky pistons let the golem pull enemies towards itself

    Hoppers let the golem collect items from the mobs it killed for you

    Redstone blocks let the golem run faster

    Observers give it a greater detection range

    Droppers give the golem more inventory space

    And lastly, redstone ore gives the golem more health.

    Keep in mind that the golem can only get 4 of those special effects, since it's made of four blocks and a carved pumpkin.

    submitted by /u/YoshiDude64
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    Post Game music

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 10:03 PM PDT

    While there is a Dragon Egg, Lots of Experience, and Access to End Cities which have Elytras and Shulkers, I feel like the game is missing something when you beat the Ender Dragon. There should be some new music tracks that play in survival mode after you beat the Dragon that will play. They won't replace the other tracks, but will play in addition to the existing tracks. Just a simple idea that I believe could improve the game alot if done right.

    submitted by /u/GeoThePoly
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    End portal frames craftable after beating the ender dragon

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 11:16 AM PDT

    Finding the dungeon is awesome, but it becomes less and less awesome as you have to travel thousands of blocks over and over to get to your enderman farm.

    Once you've beaten the ender dragon, there isn't really any reason to keep forcing the player to travel for ages just to get to a place they've already conquered. I feel like it would be cool if you could craft end portal frames out of end stone and (maybe) chorus fruit.

    Not only would this let you have your portal right in your base, making it much faster to get to the End, it would also let you incorporate the starry end portal into your survival builds, leading to awesome outer-space designs.

    submitted by /u/1strategist1
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    More multi-effect potions

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 10:33 AM PDT

    Potion of the Drunk Boxer (Nausea + Strength IV); brewed from a Zombie Head

    Potion of the Glass Cannon (New effect called Frailty which is the opposite of Resistance; Frailty IV + Strength IV); brewed from a Skeleton Skull

    Potion of the Cursed One (Blindness + Hunger + Poison + Weakness; completely negative potion); brewed from a Wither Rose

    submitted by /u/The-Myth-Of-Legends
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    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 12:07 PM PDT

    I'm not saying it should be called a telegram or resemble it in form, but the idea still has some merit.

    How about a redstone item you can get in survival that when activated sends a pre-programmed message into chat? It wouldn't be too OP, and I could see it easy to implement. It could help with maps, traps, and PvP

    submitted by /u/AllergictoCake
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    Improved Villager and Iron Golem A.I. (with details!)

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 10:15 AM PDT

    TL;DR: Iron Golems patrol around bell's when not protecting the village and villagers run home when attacked by a zombie.

    While the main Idea of the 1.14 update is that villagers are helpless against raids and need your help to defend the village, I think that they're too helpless against zombies.

    Even though every village has an Iron golem, he always ends up too far away from the village eventually, because he is programmed to attack the nearest undead mob or attacking mob.

    I don't like having to run for my bed every time the sun starts to set, in fear that a few zombies would come and wreck my whole village.

    So, here's how I think the problem should be fixed: • Iron golem A.I. : when spawned, the Iron Golem will look for the nearest bell, go to it, and wander around a 15-20 block radius(values can be tweaked). If there is no bell near by, he'll stay around where he was spawned.

    A player - spawned Iron Golem would attack the nearest undead mob/attacking mob like it used to.

    A village Iron Golem would look for the nearest Villager, and attack the nearest undead mob to them.

    When outside of the bell's radius, if he's not in a fight and no Villager is in danger, the Iron Golem would go back to the bell.

    A player - spawned Iron Golem would go to what's nearest: the bell or an undead mob.(the calculations will be made with the distance to the bell block itself, but the Iron Golem would only have to enter it's radius, not get to the block)

    • Villager A.I. : First of all, villagers will now be able to see zombies from further away, because currently they stop running from them when they're like 5 blocks from them.

    Second, instead of just running in the opposite direction of the nearest zombie to them, they would run to they're house and hide there until the zombies give up, or they can't see it anymore.

    Bonus - slight zombie A.I change: if a zombie is unable to reach a Villager (can't knock down a door, Villager is too high) it'll give up after a while and walk away.

    I know that villagers are pretty safe when they're asleep in they're homes, and that if I don't have beds for everyone that's my fault, but in desert and taiga villages the zombies don't burn in the morning because of the trees and the husks, and I don't think this change is too OP because there's still only one Iron golem and a lot of villagers, and villagers are still programmed to only care about one zombie, so two or even three can easily flank them.

    But what do you think? I'd love to read your ideas and opinions about this.

    submitted by /u/GGCyclops
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    Parrots, parrots and PARROTS

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 03:28 PM PDT

    1.12 was a pretty good update. The most unique feature were of course parrots. These cute little birds are very colorful and cool, but I think Mojang missed some HUGEEEEEE POTENTIAL. There are hundreds, if not thousands species of parrots, many of them have different colors, from black and white, to pink and orange. But we only got 5. That was very disappointing for me. I think that they could make something similar to fishes, that they would be random colors when spawned. That could be very nice way to make everything easy and also variative. P. S: I don't actually know why am I writing this. I of course know that nothing will be changed, I just wanted to share with somebody my loss. I had 2 parrots, who were my good friends since first day. And not that much time ago, they died. They died just because they were old, but I still don't want to forget them. I even made a texture pack in memory of them, and that's then my idea came to my head. I don't think that I should write this here, as I said, I just wanted to drop this weight off my shoulders.

    submitted by /u/bakbak14
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    New target selector argument "effect"

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 11:20 AM PDT

    The effect selector argument would simplify the use of testing if players have a certain effect.

    Example commands:

    • /title @a[effect=minecraft;invisibility] actionbar ["",{"text":"You are now invisible to other players.","color":"gray"}]
    • /execute at @a[effect=minecraft:regeneration] run particle minecraft:heart ~ ~ ~ 0.5 0 0.5 1 1 normal
    • /execute if entity @a[effect=!minecraft:levitation] run say Mission failed! Not everybody has got the levitation effect in time!

    It is easy to use: You just have to write the effect= part and tell the game for which effect you want to test for. You can also use ! to tell the game if you want to test for players that don't have the effect.

    You may say that this is completely possible with the nbt={...} tag, and you would be entirely correct. Yes, there are a few workarounds, but it would simplify the testing and make it easier for players that are not that experienced with commands.

    For example, you could replace the nbt selector argument 'tag' with nbt={Tags:[""]}. So instead of typing the nbt workaround (nbt={Tags:["cow"]}), you can use the tag selector argument (tag=cow). The tag selector argument is just a lot easier to understand for the average player than the one where the nbt selector argument is used.

    To finish off, I think there are no downsides to this suggestion.

    submitted by /u/minecraftprank
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    Cross-Breeding Cats and Ocelots

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 01:34 AM PDT

    Since Ocelots have been made to be functionally as mundane as Polar bears, I was thinking to at least give them a bigger(albeit only slightly) purpose. Sure I don't think you could TAME Ocelots anytime soon, but even then you could still breed it with the Gray "British Shorthair" to create a Bengal(even though you'd need an ASIAN LEOPARD CAT, not an OCELOT but still). This Bengal Cat wouldn't just be like the other cats though; because it's half wild cat, I think it would be interesting if it had a Better/Alternate "Gift" loot table when it gives the player a gift in the morning. Breeding the Bengal further to create a Toyger would be nice too, but there's no "Striped Domestic Shorthair" cat breed to breed it with so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. It would be cute and stuff but the downside is that it defies genetics in a way.

    submitted by /u/IcyDragonRB
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    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 01:48 PM PDT

    Kind of like apples but you can also split them in 4 for 1 health point each.

    submitted by /u/Palico22
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    An Enchantment called Gatherer

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 01:37 PM PDT

    This enchantment will allow pickaxes such as a wooden pickaxe the ability to mine something one times greater than it can mine. E.x. Wooden mines iron, stone mines gold diamond etc, and iron mines obsidian.

    submitted by /u/5TEEL5KYD1VER20
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    A little pickaxes buff

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 02:56 AM PDT

    So uh, when you are falling down a mountain or something, when you left click a stone block, you will slow down and then hang under it.

    If you jump or sneak, you will stop hanging around and fall. It could save lives.

    submitted by /u/MrDerpApple
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    When skeletons are killed near zombies that pick up loot, the zombies will wield bones as clubs

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 05:04 PM PDT

    It looks like an enlarged version of the normal bone item in their hand, and does as much damage as a wooden sword

    Bones as weapons are unobtainable to the player and will simply drop as regular bones once zombies who picked them up are killed

    submitted by /u/OREOSTUFFER
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    Repeaters should have a GUI where you can choose a numeric value for the delay instead of it being maximum 4

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 12:42 PM PDT

    I'd like to rework Multishot's mechanics

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 06:18 PM PDT

    It just feels weak without rockets, since the spread is WAAAAAAY too wide to ever be useful at long range. I actually have two possible twerks to Multishot to make it more generally applicable.

    1. Rather than firing three arrows from one, three arrows are loaded and then fired in a quick burst. This would give the Crossbow more utility than the Bow in raw damage.

    2. Make the shots have a more shotgun-like spread, moving out in a semicircular pattern with some deviation.

    What do you guys think? Am I doing it wrong?

    submitted by /u/LordSaltious
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    New Mob: The Cetus (My First Idea, go easy on me!)

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 08:48 PM PDT

    Imagine if there was a way to get to an ocean monument without Drowning? well fear no more, because here comes the Cetus! a ferocious, loyal sea beast, to start off if you don't know, Cetus is a Sea Monster from greek mythology that the princess andromeda was sacrificed to and another one was featured in the myth of the trojan war, the minecraft take on it would be a Blue-colored sea-dragon like creature that shoots jets of water out of it's mouth that cause the poison effect it is a neutral mob that can be tamed if given a raw beef (referencing bull sacrifices to the god poseidon) or any type of raw fish, when tamed, you can ride it under the water without fear of losing air,

    Health: 40 points Drops: Cetus Scale, Raw Cod Height: 3 Blocks Length: 4 Blocks Width: 2 Blocks Attributes: Amphibious, Fast in water, average speed on land Attacks: Bite- 4 Damage, Poison Spit- 2 Damage + Poison II for 0:30 Ice Wall- creates defensive wall of ice around it if at low health that lasts for 10 seconds

    Behaviors: Cetuses will spawn near cold and warm seas, they are seen basking on sand sometimes on a beach, hostile mobs (including the wither) will not attack them, they will sometimes kiss (lick) dogs and cats near them (Aww!), if hurt untamed, they and other cetuses around them will attack you

    When swimming or riding with them, you can fire jets of the same toxic water at hostile mobs and create ice walls,

    so that is my idea for a new minecraft mob, do you like it

    submitted by /u/Koemoedoe-Drahgun
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