• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers [Announcement] Reminder About Asking for Upvotes

    Minecraft Servers [Announcement] Reminder About Asking for Upvotes

    [Announcement] Reminder About Asking for Upvotes

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 09:42 PM PDT

    Hello! :)

    I wanted to take the opportunity to remind the subreddit about our rules about asking for upvotes. Simply put, it's not allowed. Reddit has always relied on users upvoting content they like without posts circumventing the normal process of upvoting and downvoting, and this subreddit is no different.

    Asking your users to upvote your posts breaks reddit's global rules, and will not be tolerated past this point. Our goal with stricter enforcement surrounding this issue is to ensure we're in full compliance with site guidelines. Servers can still share their ads with their users, but they cannot (in any way) ask for their users to upvote their posts.

    Have a nice Fourth of July!

    submitted by /u/AvadaKedavra03
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    SurviveWithUs [SMP] {100% Custom Server} {Never Resets} {Active Community} {1.12.2}

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 08:15 AM PDT

    Website: https://survivewith.us

    Forums: https://forums.survivewith.us/

    IP: Play.SurviveWith.Us

    Server Rules: https://forums.survivewith.us/threads/official-server-rules.3/

    Quick-Start Guide: https://forums.survivewith.us/threads/quick-start-guide.7/

    SurviveWithUs is a relatively new server that started in August of 2018. Our goal is to provide players with a unique place to play survival on with their friends. I'm sure you don't want to read a whole novel about the server, so here are some important bits:

    Key Features:

    • Weekly Events
    • Proprietary, fully customizable chunk-based land claiming system (no golden shovel nonsense!)
    • Random Teleportation
    • Player driven economy
    • Keep Inventory
    • The overworld will never reset
    • The End will reset frequently
    • Custom boss
    • Quests
    • Trading
    • Non-Pay-To-Win Crates

    If this sounds like something you could be into, then hop on over and Survive With Us!

    submitted by /u/SurviveWithUs
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    CivClassic [Semi-Vanilla] [PVP] {Civilization building} {1.12.2}

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 10:55 AM PDT

    Hello /r/MCServers! I'm here to share CivClassic, which is a great civilization building server. It is semi-vanilla with most main features the same, save a couple key plugins I'll explain below. I included PVP in the tag but the server doesn't have a PvP emphasis, it just doesn't restrict it so not quite SMP. Most nations have laws protecting against attacks and police action to get justice.

    The central idea of the server is player-led nation building. Groups of friends get together and form their own nation, often picking a name, flag, set of laws and government. These nations interact with each other in the form of trade, war, building, etc. The most populous nation is a dense city state with unique democratic politics, or you can find many other nations which have lots of room to build and less emphasis on politics. You can explore and find what you like, and play how you want to!

    Some core plugins:

    Citadel - Allows users to reinforce blocks to be harder to break PrisonPearl - Allows you to inflict justice--or vengeance, by killing a player while holding an ender pearl on your hotbar. Use mana (earned through daily logins) to fuel the pearl, either exiling the player (they cannot start a fight, or grief, etc) or imprison them in The End (they cannot escape and are trapped until you free them) Bastion - Allows players to protect against grief by placing bastion fields that restrict block placement JukeAlert - uses Jukeboxes and Noteblocks to alert you of anybody breaking your blocks or using your doors FactoryMod - allows large scale production of many materials and high investment, but greater rewards for vanilla actions like smelting ores 

    This server definitely benefits from teamwork and playing with others, so I always recommend joining a nation or coming with a group of friends to help learn the ropes. The admins are hands-off, and no hacking or cheating is allowed. There are resources on the subreddit information about the server, and most nations have their own Discord servers. There's also a Mumble server.

    Come check us out! Here are our Rules. Find us on Reddit at /r/civclassics or join the Minecraft server at mc.civclassic.com. To prevent future takedowns, here is approval from the server owner/ administrators to advertise the server.

    submitted by /u/Oli_Bear
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    AleCraft [SMP][Vanilla]{Build}{RolePlay}{Whitelist}{Discord}{18+}{1.14.2}

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 11:18 AM PDT


    Background: Come Ye, come All! Alecraft is a community building server that has a collective goal of creating a fine series of kingdoms spread throughout the world. Spend time in survival mode with other skilled builders to create a fantastic Village, town, city, or kingdom across the land of Ale! We like to role play and give life to the structures we make by creating a backstory. Create a character to role play as you find out who are your friends, and who are your enemies. Explore the map and become a legend. Build your fantasies here on AleCraft today!

    Who are we looking for?

    Currently we are looking for dedicated players. people who will put time and effort into the server and help it grow into what we dream for it to be. We are also looking for story tellers to help us with the role playing elements to the server. If you have a strong imagination we are looking for you! We are also looking for people who can plan and build a spectacular spectacle. If any of these sound like you, consider submitting an application.


    Most of the time the server will be set to build mode. This means that during this phase you can collect resource and work on a project with your friends to expand the land of Ale. Build a kingdom, a village, a hidden den; whatever your mind can think of!


    Roleplay mode/ Roleplay weekend is when the server switches from the general build mode to a roleplay setting. explore the world as your character as you progress around villages. Will you become a hero? A villain? Will you sacrifice yourself for the greater good, or sacrifice others to get where you want. The choice is yours. Who are we looking for? We are looking for players who are either well versed in redstone contraptions/farms, but most importantly we are looking for people who can build grand structures and have the time in the day to do so. We are looking for Minecraft players who are at least the age of 18 or older (16 bare minimum must go through a probation period.). We would prefer people within our time zone but are willing to make exceptions (I am a night owl).


    We will be looking for players who have experience in moderating a server. We will be looking for someone with previous experience and who are well trained with discord.

    Game Master:

    We are looking for both a game master to focus around a central plot for each of the characters on the server. Preferably you must be proficient with Discord and if you know Minecraft data packs, it's a plus.

    Server Details:

    Host: Mcprohost Server

    Location: Dallas, Tx

    Server Type: Survival 1.14.2 Vanilla

    Seed: -3296849517835634679 IP:

    Difficulty: Normal

    Discord: https://discord.gg/7zHTSx


    -No griefing

    -Rude behavior is intolerable

    -Jesting is expected

    -Fighting outside of roleplay will result in a case

    -No advertising

    -No Client Mods


    When you spawn you will find yourself on spawn island. We are using it for all of the world farms that help us earn materials to make the amazing builds we have in vision. Our nether has a hub (WIP) that has a mass block storage room in the center for easy access across the map. Tunnels will currently lead to the End and to the region of Amnia.


    Q: Can I Start my own kingdom project on the server?

    A: Yes, but I would recommend recruiting some help!

    Q: Can I invite a friend to the server?

    A: Send them this link and I can bring them in if they fit well with the server.

    Q: How many people are on the server?

    A: Currently we have 11 members, all of whom are active

    ***APPLY: Message the discord link and a moderator will be with you shortly!

    submitted by /u/sly_fox97
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    Darkwood Forest [Vanilla] [SMP] {No Whitelist}

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 02:47 AM PDT

    Darkwood Forest

    We have this nice and stable community and server running strong, and we are looking for couple more people to build a working and beautiful world together with us.

    Server ip: darkwoodforest.my-serv.com

    The rules are as follows:

    1. Common sense
    2. Common sense
    3. Common sense
    4. Common sense

    How to join the community:

    Add me on discord for the discord community invite-link, my discord name:


    submitted by /u/pete5835
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    AzertuMC [SMP][PvE] {Towny}{Economy}{MCMMO}{Jobs}{Ranks}{1.12.2}{1.14.3}

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 06:26 AM PDT


    IP: play.azertumc.com

    Website: https://azertumc.com/

    Discord Link: https://azertumc.com/discord

    Server Version: 1.12.2 / 1.14.3


    General Information:

    When we created this server, our goal was to create a unique and well balanced "custom" Towny experience. With our current team having over 3 years of Towny experience we aim to give players the best possible survival experience possible. With frequent updates and actively adding new features to the server, we can ensure you that this server has a lot to offer. Whilst our server is mostly based around Towny we have added a lot of game-play features that will enhance your experience, such as:

    • Jobs: Without having an admin shop on the server, your main income of money will be by using a job. Players are able to choose from 11 different and unique jobs that will give you money for executing various different things. While you level up your job, you will unlock unique perks that will help you along the way.
    • Rankup: With 25 possible in-game ranks, which you can purchase with in-game money. You will be able to unlock various different skills and perks.
    • McMMO: well-known plugin that will add skill leveling inside Minecraft.
    • Auctions: Sell your precious items to other people on the server inside a fancy looking GUI menu to make life easy for you.
    • Runestones: Very similar to custom enchants. Apply runestones to your armor and/or tools to gain massive buffs such as permanent night vision, speed and fire resistance. But also stuff like dealing more damage and giving your enemies magical potion effects such as darkness, slowness and even wither effects!
    • Custom GUI menu's
    • Crates
    • Lockable chests
    • Custom items
    • Epic particle & sound effects
    • And much much more



    To us the community is very important. With a basic set of rules that are listed on our website, we strive to keep the environment a fun and happy place for everyone! We can handle a few jokes here and there as long as they are not inappropriate. With lots of frequent both small and big events we try to keep this community together.

    Our Rules and guidelines can be found at: https://azertumc.com/rules/


    What are you waiting for? Join today!

    submitted by /u/SirKillianMC
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    Server of Disarray [Vanilla] [Anarchy] {1.14.3} {No Whitelist} {Discord}

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 06:35 AM PDT

    We started an anarchy server yesterday and we're looking for new players who may be interested in joining. There are very few rules, PVP and griefing is allowed, and players either team up or go solo. We are looking for some competition on the server (and players to loot). The server IP is '' and you can PM me for the discord link.

    submitted by /u/ThatRandomPerson649
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    RichCraft Economy and Survival MC [SMP] {1.14.3}

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 09:02 PM PDT

    Minecraft has entered the Modernist era, where entrepreneurship and corporate entities now host a land of opportunity for anyone in it's grasp. Anyone has the opportunity to make it to the top. Whether you're mining, building, or even planning a new product.

    You have the chance to rise to the top in a business-focused world where innovation meets success!

    Or... completely abandon the idea of building a business, go into the wilderness, and battle to the death for the resources you know you need to survive. Only the fittest will survive the catacombs of the wilderness!

    The server is hosted by a small group of well-seasoned minecraft fanatics who purely love the idea of an economy server.

    Freshly updated to 1.14.3 and ready for players to join in on the fun, with a community discord to join and plan to your heart's desire!

    Join us at: play.richcraft.org

    Join our community at: https://discord.gg/cCvmcV7

    1. No griefing within protected areas, cities, and estates.
    2. No teleporting in combat or you will be jailed.
    3. No advertising of your own personal website/server.
    4. Keep politics out of discussion.
    5. Be nice to others, we're all stuck on this earth together.
    6. No hacking, cheating, abusing bugs, using X-ray packs, etc.
    7. Do not beg for staff, OP, money, items etc. Work for it.
    8. Do not log in or out constantly. Same with using our AFK feature.
    submitted by /u/GetRichCraft
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    OpenMC [Semi-vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 11:05 AM PDT

    Dear Minecraft Community, recently I have been playing a lot of good old survival Minecarft, but most of my friends quit years ago, so it's been kind of boring. This is why I'm currently setting up a brand new fully survival hard mode whitelisted server. I'm planning on letting probably around 30 players into the server, so that it'll just be a nice small community where we can collaborate together. However, there will be a few rules to make this server great. 1: Absolutely no xp, iron, gold, afk fish, or any other kind of farm that could be considered over powered. If you are caught using one of these, you'll get a few warnings before you're permanently banned. Other than that, it'll just be a nice community to enjoy. To apply, just message me with your age (over 18 perferred), IGN, reason you're wanting to join, how often you think you'll play, and what you think you might want to do on the server.

    submitted by /u/jrtz4
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    MineTheft [Hub] {SkyBlock} {1.8-1.12.2}

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 07:03 AM PDT

    I.P Address: minetheft.net

    Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/DqazjBu

    Come join us on MineTheft and help kick off a new season of Skyblock!

    Welcome to MineTheft! We are looking for new and active players to join us on our server. We have a couple of custom plugins that offer a new and unique Skyblock experience such as;

    Resource generators: These generators will passively create resources while you play and work on your island, you start with basic cobblestone and can work your way to diamonds!

    Stardust: Stardust falls from the night sky in spawn! You can use stardust to buy spawners and rarer items. Every now and then you can get extra stardust from special events, so be sure to keep an eye on chat.

    Please take a moment to read the rules before joining: https://prnt.sc/o92kem

    We hope to see you online soon!

    submitted by /u/PhysicalArcher
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    The ARK [Anarchy] [Modded] {Custom Modpack} {18+}

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 10:47 AM PDT

    First off, if you REALLY want to know what our server is all about, please join our Discord where all of your questions and concerns will be answered.

    Discord: https://discord.gg/PpT9ZPH

    IP: N/A (Runs off a custom modpack via the Technic launcher)

    Modpack: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/cdmc-pixelmon.883482

    What is The ARK?

    The ARK is a modded, Minecraft anarchy server, similar to that of 2b2t except here on the ARK our goal is to be much more civilized. 2b2t has it's place in the history of Minecraft servers and we will never knock that, however we feel as though the rules on 2b2t are slightly too loose. Yes, this is an anarchy server, yes you can kill anyone whenever you feel like it, yes you can grief, yes you can build swastikas and curse in chat, but our overall goal here is to truly form a community. Join to build relationships, get to know people, join armies or towns. If you're joining just to kill and grief, then you will be met with the same forces in return. The players are in charge of shaping and building the ARK, don't let us down.


    1) Use Common Sense

    2) Do not be Racist, Sexist, or abusive to anybody.

    3) Do not impersonate staff.

    4) NO HACKED CLIENTS (This isn't 2b2t)

    5) Make an impact, be productive, add to the community and storyline of the ARK.

    6) Loose rules allow for loose leadership...staff may act accordingly.

    7) No DOS or similar threats/actions of any kind.

    8) No exploiting in any way.

    9) No duping of items.

    10) Treat the server as a roleplay area, what happens on the ARK stays on the ARK.

    11) Although griefing and killing are allowed, don't join and play for those sole reasons. Join a community, interact with people, etc.

    12) It is not REQUIRED for you to be in a Discord voice channel while playing on the server, however we highly ENCOURAGE it as it allows for the community to be more connected.


    - Anarchy

    - Never Resets

    - No Ranks

    - Mods such as TC, Iron Chest, Chisel, and many more to be added in the future (Based on player suggestions)

    - Economy Plugin that uses gold nugs, ingots, and blocks as currency.

    - Simple UI player to player trading system making scamming a thing of the past.

    - Server dedicated Discord where the whole community can interact.

    - VERY open community, welcome to ALL suggestions, questions, and concerns

    If you're still debating whether or not to join, join our discord and ask for Dirt, he'll be more than happy to show you around. We can't wait to welcome you to the ARK!

    submitted by /u/dirtydabs710
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    [Wanted] [Semi-Vanilla] [PvE] {Check list of interests} Looking for Minecraft home

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 06:48 AM PDT

    I can't seem to decide on a new Minecraft home, so y'all tell me what's out there.

    My dream is to build a server wide Dolphin's Grace Highway, but I realize this is a massive long-shot.

    Other things of interest: - Enderman farm - Economy - Dynmap - McMMO - Resource World - Extra Advancements - Not too many people, but enough that there's a few on regularly

    submitted by /u/Zodiarch
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    Darkwood Forest [Vanilla] [SMP] {No Whitelist}

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 10:33 AM PDT

    Darkwood Forest

    We have this nice and stable community and server running strong, and we are looking for couple more people to build a working and beautiful world together with us.

    Server ip: darkwoodforest.my-serv.com

    The rules are as follows:

    1. Common sense
    2. Common sense
    3. Common sense
    4. Common sense

    How to join the community:

    Add me on discord for the discord community invite-link, my discord name:


    submitted by /u/pete5835
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    LockCraft [Modded] [SMP] {New server as of 6/14/19} } {1.12.2} {Greylisted} {Direwolf20} {Survival}

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 09:15 AM PDT

    Hey me and a few friends were thinking about starting a server hosted in Buffalo NY. If you are interested in playing let me know and Ill give you the IP. No whitelist and there is a discord required for people joining the server. There are a few additional mods added to the pack which can be found in the discord in the mod download tab. If you're interested let me know in the comments. Also come say hey: https://discord.gg/YmwkjEB

    Server Rules:

    The obvious rules are in place like no griefing, stealing, and unnecessary mischief that has no place in any server.

    You're not required to play a certain amount or contribute to community builds. Just have a positive attitude and play Minecraft how you want to, but have the community in mind from time to time.

    Make sure to have the additional mods added into the pack before trying to join the server.

    submitted by /u/harrylockwood
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    SandBox [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Carpet Mod 1.12} {10 Member slots} {Discord} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 08:49 AM PDT

    The title more or less says it all. I have made an application formular where i describe the server in its entirety within the post it self. Here is the link for the application to fill out. https://forms.gle/kQ4NTXQzPWx8eZoY7

    if you are interested you may join our discord https://discord.gg/B9gXt5p and remember to fill out the application :)

    Server Rules: https://forms.gle/kQ4NTXQzPWx8eZoY7

    submitted by /u/AlfphaLIVE
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    Multi Realm [SMP] {always online} {resets yearly} {whitelist} {recently made}

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 08:44 AM PDT

    Hello People cool enough to read my post.

    Your about to read about "Multi Realm". we are a whitelist server with active staff and our server was only made 1 month ago and we want more players to play with us. if you are kind, play like an hour a day, don't greif, don't hack, don't steal, and don't make crazy large lag machines, then you could be a good player on our server. Apply Here


    DM me on Discord when you are done your application and I will review it and you may be in the server!!!

    Dis: rowdypowdy6 #1159

    (and yes there are NO CAPS)

    The Rules are

    1. No Greifing

    1. No Stealing

    2. No Killing other players without permission


    4. No big TNT farms above peoples bases (I know you will do it "JOHN")

    submitted by /u/rowdypowdy6
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    /r/NoRules MC [Chaos] {1.14.3}

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 08:14 AM PDT

    Tired of rules? Tired of servers asking for donations, plugins galore, and other nuisances? Well /r/NoRules sure has the server for you. Introducing the brand spanking new /r/NoRules MC server. Ever wanted to get in on a fresh map/server? This is your chance.

    Try us out. No moderators, no ranks, nothing. Almost vanilla, with the exception of our anti-cheat plugin. That's it, seriously. We have a COLOSSAL world border (the limit is a secret). Map will never be reset starting with 1.14.3. Server funding will never be an issue.

    What will you make of it? Will you create or destroy?


    submitted by /u/JETFIRE007
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    HatCaft [Vanilla] {whitelist} {Disocrd} {1.14}

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 08:07 AM PDT

    Hatcraft is a vanilla server that is currently 2 months old! We currently have 20 active players so you'll always see someone online. We are currently building spawn! We will soon be hosting server wide events and activities. We encourage all to apply if they meet the rules!


    18+ some exceptions will be made

    Have a Discord

    Live at least 1000 blocks away from spawn

    Be considerate of other players

    No cheating

    Must be active on the server. Please let one of the admins know if you will be away for an extended period of time.

    If you are interested in joining our community, apply here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/17fjV9SFSKU09FDLlCU0yJo_kajRqY-B8FWx1aKZfML8/edit

    We are trying to keep the server a little exclusive so the more information you can provide and pictures of builds that you have completed the better.

    submitted by /u/I8AllTheStrawberries
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    Big Sister [Semi-Vanilla] {1.14.3} {Whitelist} {Dynmap} {SMP} {Family Friendly}

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 07:47 AM PDT

    Welcome to the Big Sister Community! The server began as an alternate mirror server (or "sister" server) for Gunia's Gulliver server circa October 2013. It ran the latest Gulliver for Minecraft v1.6.4 prior to 3rd of July 2017, which was when we decided to make a major decision to update the server to the latest vanilla Minecraft version. Our community is comprised of two servers:


    o The stable, builder/survival-centric Big Sister server, which permanently runs the latest stable Spigot version, has a Dynmap at http://bigsister.mcserver.ws:8123/, a special plugin that shares the server chat with our Discord server, and can be accessed with the IP: bigsister.mcserver.ws


    o The experimental Little Brother server, which changes mod flavors every month or two, it can be accessed at: littlebrother.mcserver.ws


    Being whitelisted for one server automatically allows you to be whitelisted for the other server! If you wish to join us, please head down to the "How to join" section.


    o Discord Link: https://discord.gg/4fFhv3f


    About the Server:

    The Big Sister Server's main world has been built up by countless players throughout its years in operation. From the biggest of mansions to the smallest of homes, you can find it all by exploring our vast world. We also have several minigames that players have built up for people to enjoy such as Spleef, Boat Racing, Jousting, and many more. We also have somewhat of an economy on our server with Cheese. Cheese currency comes in three denominations: green cheese (emeralds), cheese (sponge), and blue cheese (lapis blocks). Cheese can be traded to villagers in the spawn mall to buy blocks for building. We host many events throughout the year on both servers. Many of these celebrate holidays, both from real life and ones that were created on the server. we also host UHC (Ultra HardCore) events occasionally in which players have a chance to fight for prizes.


    How to join

    So you want to join our community? Great! First make sure to read our welcoming document! It contains all kinds of information about our servers, rules, and much more! Definitely a must see:




    Then make sure that you have joined our Discord group! We find communication between our members super important! This way you won't miss out on news, events, and more! Joining our Discord is a requirement, since we review applications there, and it is the hub for community announcements. Here are the current ways to join us:

    • Submit a Whitelisting application in our Discord group
    • Request a live Whitelisting interview in our Discord group


    Questions? Ready for the whitelisting process? Or do you just want to take a peek at our Discord group? You can join us at: https://discord.gg/4fFhv3f



    The application for option one should answer the following questions and be submitted to staff in the Discord group's application channel when ready.

    1) What is your Minecraft username (or "IGN")?

    2) Why you would like to join our Server?

    3) How can you help to improve our server? Please be detailed, but write what you feel is necessary.

    4) Please list several (at least 3) unique and memorable facts or traits about yourself that help you to stand out from other players.

    5) What player responsibility do you feel is most important to a server?

    6) In your opinion, what three qualities contribute to a good community member?

    7) And finally, to confirm that you can read, please write down the date of when Big Sister went vanilla.

    submitted by /u/BigSisterTeam
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    IonoMC [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {1.14.3} {No-Whitelist} {Dynmap}

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 03:18 AM PDT

    Welcome to IonoMC SMP!

    - Quick Information -

    Server IP:

    Server Dynmap:

    Server Version: 1.14.3

    Server Location: London, UK

    IonoMC is a middle-aged Mostly Vanilla SMP Survival Multiplayer server, hosted in the UK. We are community focused with a professional, friendly staff team.

    • We run a few light plugins:
      • WorldGuard to allow for protections
      • Shopkeepers for shops
      • Essentials for warps and cosmetic changes
      • Luckperms for ranks
      • Dynmap for navigation
      • Harbor for sleep
    • Mob Griefing is on, difficulty is set to Hard

    - Basic Rules -

    1. Show respect to other players
    2. Do not Grief of Troll other players
    3. Do not hack or abuse exploits
    4. Do not Spam, Advertise or otherwise cause meaningless annoyance to other players
    5. Look after the world and community provisions

    We also run the larger Iono streaming and gaming community. We highly encourage community content creation and hope to feed this with community events, collaboration and centralised community building.

    To find out more, join us on discord at https://discord.gg/5D7UCBZ !

    Owner: SBMous

    Admin: JPMac9

    Moderators: Motojaguar, Haffgrim

    submitted by /u/SBMous
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    Friendship City Unlimited [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.14.3} {18+}

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 03:06 PM PDT

    About us

    We are a group of about 10 players who have been playing on a new 1.14 server for the last few weeks. Over this time we have built a friendly, inclusive, and collaborative community consisting of people from all walks of life looking to build and adventure together. We are looking for new dedicated, chill, and mature members who want to become part of our community. We are mostly from America with a small number of us from Europe. We frequently hang out in Discord voice chat while we play, tell jokes, and have fun together. We are also very active in discord and in game text chat.


    Our goals

    We are aiming to create a close-to-vanilla server with a rich history that is full of community and solo building projects. We plan to keep the same map into all future Minecraft updates. At the end of the day, we want the server to feel like you build and contributed to it, not that you were simply allowed to occupy within it.

    We are currently planning to build up spawn island and the nether hub as our first large scale and long term community project.

    Together, the community will forge an awe-inspiring Minecraft map that will last for years.


    About the server

    We run the server with minimal plugins in order to preserve the sense of vanilla gameplay. We currently have plugins for sleep, colored names, and mob heads, as well as general anti-cheat and anti-grief plugins. We run on the latest version of Paper to ensure a lag free and smooth experience.

    The server is hosted in New York on an i7-9700k with 10gb of high speed ram.

    Difficulty is set to hard.

    Mob griefing is on.

    Inventory drops on death.

    Map is 16,000 x 16,000.

    Render distance: 8.



    18+ players only.

    No racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, or any other form of hurtful speech.

    Must have Discord for communication.

    Must be generally active within the community. Give us a heads up if you're taking a break.

    No griefing, cheating, hacking, or stealing.

    Don't lag the server (excessive redstone, hundreds of mobs, etc).

    No PVP without consent.

    Respect other players builds, the spawn, aesthetics, and the environment. More detailed rules can be found in our Discord.



    Please allow me 24 hours to process new applicants. We reserve the right to deny applications. Apply in this thread for our fastest response. Also, it is not required, but it would be nice if you could add a few photos of your previous builds in your application. We will PM you with our discord information and whitelist you if your application is accepted!


    What time zone are you in?:

    What is your age / are you 18 or older?:

    Why are you interested in this community?:

    What are some of your interests outside of Minecraft?:

    How active do you plan to be?:

    Is there anything else we should know about you?:


    Our world is still fresh and has plenty of room for neighbors and big projects for everyone to join in on!


    Last of all, here is a small album just to give you a taste of what our friends have been working on: https://imgur.com/a/fqxqthT

    submitted by /u/Kt5turtle
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    NRG-MC [Semi-vanilla] [Hub] [PVE] {survival} {creative} {1.14.3}

    Posted: 01 Jul 2019 05:29 AM PDT

    Hii welcome to ... well the post about my server xD

    First of all hello i´m Ame the Co-Owner of NRG-Mc a 1.14 minecraft server for Java players. One of our players asked me today if theres no way for us to let more people know about our server, when they suggested this subreddit i decided to create an account and... well.. post this xD hope you enjoy it and maybe even decide to check our server out ;P

    What can you do on our server?

    we currently have three servers but we´re planning on adding a few more in the near future. Right now we have...

    • Retronix - a 1.14.3 survival server with an awesome community. we have a few nice add ons like quests, an economy, crates, server events like mob partys and boss fights and many more fun things!
    • Creative - creative server that currently runs 1.14.3

    What will we be adding in the Future?

    • Skyblock - we actually had skyblock prepared before we opened the creative server so yeah... skyblock will be the a thing soon
    • Factions - we want to add a factions server but we´re not sure when
    • basically anything you´d like us to add - we´re always open for new ideas and both I and the other owner try to stay in touch with our players, so if you´d like to see a certain server in the future just let us know and we´ll try to make your dreams come true

    Server Rules

    1. Respect other users.
    2. All language and content must be friendly. (No NSFW content)
    3. Keep your profile clean. Make sure you use your In game name. Do not use inappropriate names, game displays or profile pictures.
    4. No discussion of politics, religion, race, mental illness, or other serious issues.
    5. No spamming, EXCESSIVE CAPS, or aLtErNaTiNg CaPs
    6. No griefing or building inappropriate stuff
    7. Do not argue with staff.
    8. Do not ask about the punishments of other users.
    9. You are allowed to show your work in our discord channels #media and #builds. However, shameless advertisements are not allowed.

    NOTE: These rules apply on all of our platforms.

    Why should you choose our server over other survival servers?

    Ofc its up to you what server you play on but when i asked our players they came up with the following reasons

    • On our server you can actually sleep to avoid phantoms - MrPranklez, the other Owner, put his heart and soul in configurating our plugins. He created a system that lets players speed up the night by sleeping. If there are 4 players online and 1 sleeps the night will go by 25% faster
    • Even if you dont donate you can still enjoy cosmetic features like /hat and /pets
    • We don´t tolerate bullying or being rude - doesn´t matter if a players i best friends with the owners and staff, they´ll be treated just like every other player. If they break rules they get punished. We keep a close eye on Players that break our rules and even if they don´t actually break a rule but they bother another player we´ll always try to resolve things and ensure they leave you alone if you want
    • The backend isn´t something just admins+ know about - Our developers update our players whenever they change something (even if its just the colour of a rank) players get the chance to talk to the devs and ask questions or suggest things
    • We´re a young, growing community - that means playing never gets boring, we´re constantly looking for new stuff to add (not just for our donators) we try to reward our community for playing on our server

    Here are the links and stuff for you to join the community!!

    Server Ip: play.nrg-mc.com


    Forums: https://nrg-mc.enjin.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nrg.minecraft/?hl=de

    Thank you for reading this, have a wonderful day <3

    now just some general info about our server and how it all came together...

    Originally this Project started out together with another member called Grims. Mr Pranklez and him both started this joint venture as main sponsors and agreed that they would both be active owners/members of this community that we were trying to create. Although he was present throughout the entire process of starting up this project, he no longer has the will/time to dedicate to this amazing community/project. This brought us to the point where we had to bid him farewell as owner of Retronix Network.

    Mr Pranklez soon realized that running a server alone is very hard so he offered me (an admin with the Staff Manager role at the time) to join him in managing the community and keeping the server open as his partner. We then decided to spilt the work in two parts. While i take care of the frontend and do such things as promoting the server, taking care of players and asking for suggestions to improve the server, he takes care of the backend as our main developer.

    We´ve been open for just three months but already have a small community that supports us and helps fulfill our dreams.

    Thank you again for reading this post and i hope to see you online at some point. If you have questions feel free to ask me here or Mr Pranklez and our staff using our discord server!!

    submitted by /u/AmethystMallow
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    NerdNu [PvE][Creative][Chaos]{1.12.2/1.14.3}

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 02:39 PM PDT


    • Lobby: lobby.nerd.nu (1.12.2/1.13.2)
    • PvE: p.nerd.nu (1.13.2)
    • Creative: c.nerd.nu (1.12.2)
    • Chaos: x.nerd.nu (1.14.3)

    We are a medium sized server, looking for players who like mostly vanilla gameplay and have a strong sense of community.

    If you've tried many servers, and can't find that sense of belonging that you felt when you first played Minecraft, come and visit us - we'd love to have you!

    Thinking of joining us? Watch the intro video and check out our introductory post for useful info!

    More information can also be found through our subreddit /r/mcpublic.

    PvE - This is our non-PvP server - come along and join us! Players build in survival mode, but only need to worry about mobs! A lot of people collaborate to build towns and cities as for example seen here. Our PvE map will be resetting on July 26th!

    Creative - Our creative server is mostly open world, and a mixture of naturally generated and world painted terrain. Protection is available for your builds, and WorldEdit is free for you to use, if you want to. Community events on Creative include Spleef and Speed Build on alternating Saturdays, Weekly Build, and the recently returned Group Build each Friday!

    Chaos - Our Chaos server is in survival mode where griefing and PvP are allowed; there are no protections of builds, chests, mobs etc. You can come here to play out and test 1.14.3. You'll have to connect directly with a 1.14.3 client as Chaos is not currently hooked up to the lobby. More detailed information on Chaos can be found here: https://redd.it/bqq0zu

    Website || Rules || NerdNu Wiki || Creative Livemap || PvE Livemap || YouTube || Instagram

    submitted by /u/defiex
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    Craft Town [SMP] [PvE] {Towny} {McMMO} {Custom Terrain} {Dynamic Map} {Economy} {Jobs} {PlayerShops} {Ranks} {Auction House} {1.13.2 to 1.14.2}

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 03:09 PM PDT

    IP address: play.craft-town.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/uVDYdEF

    Website: https://www.craft-town.com/

    Hello, Reddit!

    Craft Town is a newly released survival/towny server with just over two days under our belts yet who despite that have formed a lovely, tight-knit and an amicable player base! We're a community that pride ourselves on our rewarding content, ranks with both fun and helpful rewards that eventually lead up to the final rank that'll give you access to /fly and a custom world with a dynamic map wherein you can establish your own town, build it and have it grow while you make new friends!

    Having worked hard on establishing the framework for a proper economy, we've made several faucets of where the player can make money on the server, primarily through either selling or buying materials through the shop or getting a job (at the beginning, you can have up to three jobs!) and start either brewing magical potions or eking out a living in the wilderness tending to your crops and expanding a vast farm.

    Seeking to reward grinding, we've implemented McMMO with tinkered configs in order to allow for the player's character to grow stronger and stronger with every level they take, while giving proper incentives to branch out into multiple fields such as mining, fishing, farming and excavation to rank up!

    We have multiple fun and engaging ranks with awesome rewards such as player vaults, extra homes and even /fly! The ranks aren't restricted by voting, as they're dependent on time played and your total McMMO stats!

    Tl;dr of our features, but not limited to:

    • Towny
    • PlayerVaults
    • Custom Terrain
    • Custom Enchants
    • McMMO
    • Player Shops
    • Auctions
    • Jobs
    • Economy
    • Dynamic Map
    • Separate Resource World
    • Bosses
    • Rewarding ranks!
    • ... And a tight-knit, neighbourly player base!


    1. No clients and mods except for OptiFine.
    2. No undermining the spirit of the game through for example continuous exploits in events.
    3. No uncouth language and behaviour.
    4. No nether portal trapping.
    5. No advertising and spam.
    6. No racist, sexist, homophobic, sexual or other discriminatory remarks.

    For an in-depth explanation of each one of the rules, then please click here!

    Hope you'll take the time out of your day to pay a visit to us. Say hello to me, moruun, if you do!

    Until then, have an awesome day.

    Best regards,

    moruun of Merryvale Woods

    submitted by /u/trollkarlshatt
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    EternalCraft [PVP] {Towny} {20+Ranks} {300+CustomQuests} {Jobs} {CustomizedShops} {Auctions} {1.14.3}

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 11:15 PM PDT

    Server IP: play.eternalcraft.net

    Welcome to EternalCraft! We are a brand spanking new Minecraft server located in Australia our first launch was on the 13th of June, 2019, 08:47 AM EST. We welcome all players from around the world! To all my fellow New Zealanders out there come join the whanau!

    Our aim is to create a community where players interact with one another on the basis of friendship and love the game as much as we do! We are a semi-vanilla/survival Minecraft server, however we have come up with some awesome plugins that will compliment the gaming experience.

    EternalCraft is a server that has been created by a group of friends that has spent the past 10 years playing and having fun on different minecraft servers. We want to bring what we have learned and put it all in one server to give all of you out there the best experience that any minecraft server can provide. Most of our players are a group of friends from another server and looking for more to join our community.


    Relaxed Survival, Great Economy!

    - 300+ Quests, 9 Unique Categories!!

    - Perfectly Balanced Custom Shop and Economy!

    - A Rank ladder that unlocks new commands and perks /rankup

    - SafariNet able to capture all kinds of mobs!

    - Towny build and manage a town you always wanted!

    - Jobs

    - McMMO

    - Auctions

    - And More!


    1. No griefing within protected areas, cities, and estates.
    2. No teleporting in combat or you will be jailed.
    3. No advertising of your own personal website/server.
    4. Keep politics out of discussion.
    5. Be nice to others, we're all stuck on this earth together.
    6. No hacking, cheating, abusing bugs, using X-ray packs, etc.
    7. Do not beg for staff, OP, money, items etc. Work for it.

    We look forward to seeing you soon!

    submitted by /u/WhisperJr
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    [Wanted] [Hardcore] [Vanilla] {Death Ban} {1.14.3}

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 07:54 PM PDT

    Hello, I am looking for quite a unique server.

    I've been playing lots of friendly, community based SMP servers and it has gotten pretty dull. The game itself is either not very challenging or there is just not much to lose when failing. I could easily just start up a single player world with hardcore mode enabled and try to survive as long as possible but even that has become too easy to me. What I need is a server in this mode where rules are minimal.


    1. The server is locked in hardcore where if you die you are banned permanently with no exceptions. (No spectator mode after dying.)
    2. Griefing, stealing and killing other players is allowed.
    3. Xraying, duping, and cheating is not allowed.
    4. No datapacks or other plugins, pure vanilla.

    That's pretty much it. That's just how I prefer it to be. I'd be okay with a death ban lasting a day or a week. Also, I know that spawn killing would be an issue so perhaps a 30 minute immunity for new players could be implemented. Hopefully I gave enough information. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/SupportThee
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