• Breaking News

    Minecraft There is a small chance after eating a chorus fruit that you get a potion effect called “Chorus fruit sickness” that causes you to randomly and uncontrollably teleport for the length of the effect.

    Minecraft There is a small chance after eating a chorus fruit that you get a potion effect called “Chorus fruit sickness” that causes you to randomly and uncontrollably teleport for the length of the effect.

    There is a small chance after eating a chorus fruit that you get a potion effect called “Chorus fruit sickness” that causes you to randomly and uncontrollably teleport for the length of the effect.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2019 05:24 AM PDT

    If you eat a chorus fruit you teleport to a random location nearby. If you ate too much, the effect would start affecting you after you've already finished eating. After every 10 seconds you would teleport to a random location in the same way a chorus fruit would. The more chorus fruit you eat, the higher the potency of the effect, and the more often you would teleport, maxing at once every 2.5 seconds.

    This would be a good way to add danger to the end and possibly explain why endermen teleport, along with adding a lot of options for map makers and RNG machines.

    submitted by /u/-C4-
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    A tropical biome to spice things up.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2019 11:07 AM PDT

    There should be a new biome called the tropical biome. It has new plants like palm trees and tropical berries. It can have new mobs like crabs and sand crawlers. It could even have a new rare ore like a ruby or sapphire. There can also be tropical villages with villagers in flower necklaces and vacation shirts. I would also like to see villager reclining in beach chairs. Just an idea, but well worth it.

    submitted by /u/Timekeeper33
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    Abandoned Villager Heads

    Posted: 24 Jul 2019 02:01 PM PDT

    Similar to Easter island, i think it would be cool to see a new structure that resembles the head of a villager. The eyes would be made of iron blocks, gold block, diamond blocks, or emerald blocks. There would be varying loot depending on the eye. They can spawn in jungles, oceans, deserts, snowy hills, and in mountains (maybe in plains too). There would be traps though like the ones in the jungle and desert temple, but a lot harder to deactivate as it would be so rare. this could be a really fun concept to add to the game.

    submitted by /u/Timekeeper33
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    New Enchantment - Spider Legs ( Placeholder Name )

    Posted: 23 Jul 2019 06:11 PM PDT

    We have enchantments that let you breath underwater, lessen fall damage, even let you walk on water, But I feel like there's room for more, I suggest the Enchantment, Spider Legs.

    Spider Legs I - When hugging a wall, Your descent will be slower, like walking down vines. However at this level, You wouldn't be able to climb upwards.

    Spider Legs II - Same effect as level one, But now just like a spider you can climb walls like ladders or vines. Sneaking will keep your position.

    Spider Legs III - The third and final level will have the same effect as the second level, but faster. I'd say 1.5x faster than Spider Legs II.

    Thanks for reading! If you have any ideas for this, Leave them in the comments

    submitted by /u/tatertotcraft
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    [BRAINSTORM] Ideas To Address The Problems Presented In "A Serious Critique Of Minecraft"

    Posted: 24 Jul 2019 08:00 AM PDT

    I'm sure the youv'e seen the video I'm referring to, but if you haven't, go watch it first here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ha1rO0btVLU,

    If you don't feel like watching it, here's a summary

    1. Minecraft Survival should include mechanics and conditions that encourage, rather than just enable, creativity.

    2. The current gameplay doesn't present the threats necessary to stimulate that creativity.

    3. The threats that used to do this, (mobs), are easy to circumvent as soon as you find three wool, which, in and of itself, is easy.

    4. To make the gameplay more stimulating, threats should be added to the Overworld during the day

    The last point is up for debate, and so I present to you some alternative solutions, If you have any other solutions, I want to hear them.

    Solution 1. Make beds rarer.

    I think this is the best and quickest way to reinvigorate creativity, an example of how this would work:

    Sheep no longer spawn in in plains or forests, only in villages

    instead, Goats spawn in plains and forests, and they behave much like sheep, except they do not drop meat and they can be milked

    The Goat wool can be used to make a sleeping bag, which functions like a bed, except occasionally you have "Restless Nights", where you cannot sleep(because you are sleeping "on the ground" technically).

    These Restless nights force you to deal with mobs, or hide in a hole throughout the night

    From here, you have Four options,

    1. Properly fortify your base , (encouraging creativity), or
    2. Find rams, which are skidish, high mountain dwelling animals, which can be tamed into sheep, and only then sheared for proper wool
    3. Find a village, which will take a while to gain the trust of(encouraging creative defenses against zombie hoards on your restless nights), but once you have their trust, you can shear or buy their sheep
    4. Find some spiders or webs, and get a bunch of string for a bunch of wool for a bed

    All of these methods encourage recourse gathering, building, and patience

    Solution 2. Progressive difficulty

    1. The First night on normal difficulty produces no mobs
    2. The Second night produces a few
    3. The Third night produces more
    4. So on... Until you have ones that can penetrate minimal defenses

    This solution lulls the player into a false sense of security, and eventually forces the player to get creative

    Solution 3. 1/2 + More Interesting Caves

    1. A way to augment the other two suggestions would be to make the world deeper, and add levels of structures and civilizations that affect the overworld (basically the cave suggestions in the video but the enderman cult comes to your door)

    Solutions 4. Daytime threats

    1. Simple as it sounds, more creaturs like cave and grizzly bear, scorpions as a spider varient, good stuff like that to make the player fear the day

    These are just some suggestions I have for ways to deal with this, I know I'm only supposed to include one suggestion per post, but I suggesting less a specific feature, and more a way to return Surviving to "survival mode"

    Any alternative suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Rabbitdragon3
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    New Biome Idea: Volcanic

    Posted: 24 Jul 2019 12:54 PM PDT

    This new Volcanic biome would be kind of as you expect, it will have a volcano. This could add new stone brick varient of instead Cooled Magma. This can be made from right clicking a magma block with a water bucket. It can also be found as the base of the volcano. When placed near Lava, it slowly becomes a heated Magma block again. Trees can be found and present a new wood type: Scorched Wood. This would not have any leaves for the tree and instead has more wood to make up for it. This can also be made into Scorched planks. Scorched Plank Slabs, and you get the idea. Instead of water lakes there are Lava lakes too. You can add on some more ideas for this, but that's all that I can think of.

    submitted by /u/FosseBossJr
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    Dual wielding swords should attack with the other sword if you attack when your attack meter isn't yet full.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2019 01:04 PM PDT

    It makes sense and I think this would make a good offensive alternative to the defensive sword + shield. This might need some adjusting to make it not overpowered though. Maybe make the second sword do less damage than it normally would or something?

    submitted by /u/sup3p
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    Posted: 24 Jul 2019 01:01 PM PDT

    Not sure about the name. Basically, hobo Villagers.

    They come in most of the different kind of Villagers except for unemployed and nitwits. You just kind of find them by themselves, living life alone. They look old and have wrinkles, patched clothes, maybe even beards. I think they would add something nice. They can't breed with regular Villagers (as they're too old it would be weird) except other Hillagers. They can and will join villages if they are brought to one and will mostly act like regular Villagers when in a village.

    Farmer: Found tending small fields near their small hut alone.

    Fishermen: Sit in a boat fishing. Their huts spawn near oceans. They row their boats towards shore to go to sleep at night.

    Weaponsmiths: Just kinda work like they do in Villages. They have a small shelter over their grindstones outside their huts.

    Their trades are cheaper then regular Villagers but they sell very basic things.

    submitted by /u/AmISteve
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    New Villager Type: The Ambassador

    Posted: 24 Jul 2019 08:41 AM PDT

    Alright, so this villager will always be there but not really do much...until after a raid which destroyed crops or brought down the population by more than 75%. Then it will trade with the people in these villages. It will complete a few trades, effectively "establishing itself", before talking to villagers and the golem, and bringing back some villagers of the now unfilled profession from that village.

    submitted by /u/ConsumeSyrup
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    Feeding any animal its breeding food will heal it.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2019 03:28 PM PDT

    This feature shouldn't be restricted to Wolves, Cats, Horses and such. You should be able to heal ANY animal by feeding it its breeding food.

    submitted by /u/AlexSteckline
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    Posted: 24 Jul 2019 01:39 PM PDT

    A straw-yellow coloured block wit slab and stair variants that looks like tightly woven thatch roof. made of 9 wheat (hay bales should be made of 4 wheat). Then we won't need to use hay bales with their straps anymore, because I'd like to keep the straps to be honest as it looks nice for straw fences. Thatch may also be crafted with 4 bamboo or 4 sugarcane or 9 leaves of any kind.

    submitted by /u/AmISteve
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    Rebalancing dogs

    Posted: 24 Jul 2019 01:28 PM PDT

    I find there to be alot of issues with dogs currently, and that they are far too weak, to the point of being a liability. I'm not going to suggest a buff across the board, but rather some buffs as well as some drawbacks to keep them from being overpowered.

    1. Wolf taming should be more challenging: right now, if you find a pack of wolves and have a decent amount of bones on you, you will generally be able to come out of it with several dogs. if we are to buff dogs, we will first need to make wolf taming harder. first, i suggest that when dogs breed, the baby shouldnt be pre tamed, because currently, if you have 2 tamed wolves you basically have a ticket to as big a dog army as you could ever want. second, untamed adult wolves should have a mechanic that causes them to either run away from you like cats and ocelots, or to attack you. fight or flight basically. they cannot be tamed while in fight mode, but can be lured in with bones or meat when in flight mode. all wolves within a radius of a wolf who has entered fight mode will also enter fight mode, meaning it will be more of a risk to try to tame multiple wolves at the same time. baby wolves will stick by their parents until they grow up, at which point they will go out on their own and act like any other untamed wolf. baby wolves are passive but cant be tamed.
    2. add wolf armour: this has always made sense to me, and i know it has been suggested before, and i still dont understand why it hasnt been added yet. it could be the same as horse armour, to were it cant be crafted, but can be found in dungeons and strongholds, etc. to prevent you from having a huge army of unkillable dogs.
    3. buff wolves attack wise, but keep them the same defensively. if armour is already a thing then making them tougher by default is unbalanced. however, if armour is not added then they should be given more health. armour seems more fitting to me though.

    sorry if the ideas about buffing arent that fresh, i know alot of people have already suggested buffing them, but i want to make clear that my intent is to have them balanced, not buffed, which is not something ive seen as many people suggest.

    submitted by /u/falcondiorf
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    A more interesting and filled night sky

    Posted: 24 Jul 2019 01:25 PM PDT


    Make a colorful and more dense new night sky for Minecraft that includes nebulas, galaxies, and a band like the Milky Way, all in a pixelated render. This would be pretty easy to implement and would dramatically enhance the nighttime beauty of Minecraft. (While mc isn't the most scientific, it's to point out that with so little artificial light, the shy should be filled with much more visible stars unless Minecraft's in an empty universe)

    What I am NOT saying: add auroras (that's an FPS), go overboard and make the whole night sky a flurry of color (as that would make it less dark and scary). Instead just add bursts here and there of clusters of color and stars, and definitely make stars more bright and more numerous.

    The current night sky is pretty boring. It has the moon, stars, and clouds. That's it. While it does its job, it's not very pretty.

    TL;DR: Minecraft added moon phases cosmetically, so why can't they make the night sky actually look nicer?

    submitted by /u/integralpython
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    Dyed Clay to Make Different Colored Bricks

    Posted: 24 Jul 2019 01:15 PM PDT

    I love the brick block for that downtown city build. Sometimes it really works, and sometimes I wish I had a slightly different colored brick block. In the real world bricks typically are colorized by the type of clay that was used in making them.

    I proposed that clay balls can be dyed before they are baked into bricks. The resulting brick and crafted brick block then have a color based on the dye used.

    An example of this can be found on my suggestion post over at the official feedback site:


    submitted by /u/Redtopz85
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    4 new weapon ideas. Longbow, slingshot, spear, and dagger

    Posted: 24 Jul 2019 02:25 PM PDT

    Longbow - crafted like a normal bow, but with bamboo instead of sticks. Arrows have more arc, are more powerful, and do a tad more damage. Crafted at a fletching table (so it can have some use)

    Slingshot - crafted with 3 sticks and a piece of string. Uses flint or cobblestone as ammo. Again, crafted a fletching table

    Spear - like the shield, it can only be made of iron. Crafted with 2 sticks and an iron nugget on top. With a shield, you do less damage but attack faster while using it, without a shield, you do more damage but attack slower. Crafted at a smithing table so it gets some use.

    Dagger - crafted with one stick and one whatever material (iron, stone, gold, diamond). The dagger does about 60% as much damage as a sword but swings much faster. You can equip one in your offhand slot and duel wield them if you wish. Just like the spear, crafted at a smithing table.


    submitted by /u/WitnessMe015
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    New mob for the nether: the magmapod

    Posted: 24 Jul 2019 08:22 AM PDT

    At the moment the nether is very boring and not much of a challenge with the only things that can actually be threatening are ghasts which are more of a nuisance than anything else. I propose adding a new mob called the magmapod. The magmapod would be two blocks long and four blocks wide and would resemble a giant isopod but with a texture similar to magma. These mobs would spawn in or right next to lava cakes and will jump out to attack you. Luckily this mob is slow and easily outrun however its attacks which do 2-3 hearts of damage also inflict knockback. To make up for the fact that it is so slow it has 100 health is invulnerable to arrows but can be hit by a trident. While the health may seem high it really isn't that bad as this mobs main weapon is surprise. When killed this mob drops magma plates which are in between iron and diamond abd gives you 30 seconds of fire resistance for each piece of armor.

    Thank you for reading and feel free to offer suggestions of constructive criticism in the comments! :)

    submitted by /u/NAFTAmapper
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    I would love to see an update to dogs/wolves

    Posted: 24 Jul 2019 09:35 AM PDT

    I'd like to see dogs have more colors and be similar to the old cat system where you take a wolf and tame it, it changes to a random breed/color. I'd also like to see behavior changes where they can just be cuter. For example running around in circles, sitting on your bed etc. It would be nice if the bugs that the dogs have could also be fixed.

    submitted by /u/JoeJoeFlys2018
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    A new Nether mob that makes things more exciting.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2019 08:20 AM PDT

    There needs to be a new mob added to the nether called a lava hound (can be changed). It can path find to you from 15 blocks away and can break through blocks to get to you (only of a certain blast resistance and below though, it can't just break through obsidian). It can of course walk through lava and fire and when it attacks you, there is a chance of you catching fire. It could drop blaze powder (since it would be made of fire), magma cream, and a chance of dropping a fire resistance potion. There could also be a chance that when it dies it doesn't drop anything, just starts flowing lava from the spot you killed it. This would make the Nether a little more exciting and would introduce a new way to have to survive (plus we need more variations of mobs).

    submitted by /u/Timekeeper33
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    Temporarily Add Suggestions Involving the "A Serious Critique of Minecraft" Video to the FPS List

    Posted: 24 Jul 2019 12:28 PM PDT

    This goes with the meta post I made yesterday. People are not thinking for themselves & are only shouting out because someone bigger than them did, so they think it will get somewhere. Sure, the thoughts made in the video were really good, but since a lot of people have seen it, it's safe to assume we don't need more people following up on it.

    Think for ya dang selves

    Sincerely, the Spud

    submitted by /u/DylanTheSpud
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    Posted: 24 Jul 2019 07:48 AM PDT

    Have you ever wondered if there's someone else in the world? Well, not anymore.

    Hermits have the same model as players and use a modified Steve or Alex skin, although it can be changed with this command.

     {PlayerSkin: (Player)} 

    They have 20 health points and can be damaged by the same things as the player; any mob that's hostile to players will also attack a hermit, and they'll attempt to engage the mobs unless they don't have a weapon. In that case, they'll run to the nearest door like a villager. They're typically neutral mobs, although they have a 5% chance of being hostile.

    Hermits have the same 37 inventory slots as the player and can equip armor and weapons if needed, and if low on health, they'll eat food and drink potions. They drop their entire inventory upon death and usually have: 0-15 dirt, 0-64 cobblestone, 0-5 rotten flesh, 0-5 logs, 0-12 sticks, 0-32 arrows, and 0-4 saplings, although they can pick up items from the ground and raid chests if needed. They also spawn with weapons and armor with the same rate as zombies.

    Hermits spawn in hermit huts (interiors look like this), which are 25 times as rare as villages. Each hut has a 70% chance of having a mine, which can range from a few blocks to reaching the lava level. These are only aesthetic, so no ores will be excavated. Huts also have a 70% chance of spawning with a farm and a 35% chance of spawning with a basement, which is accessible via trapdoor. While the chests don't have very good loot, 7% of huts have a secret chest in the ceiling, with such treasures as diamonds.

    Hermit huts spawn in the following biomes, although styles can vary

    • Forest
    • Savannah
    • Birch Forest
    • Taiga
    • Extreme Hills
    • Roofed Forest*
    • Swamp*
    • Jungle
    • Tundra
    • Desert
    • Ocean*
    • Mesa
    • Frozen Ocean*
    • Plains
    • Mushroom
    • Underground*
    • Lukewarm Ocean*
    • Warm Ocean*
    • Nether**
    • End**

    World download if you're interested

    submitted by /u/PixelJack79
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    Tree-house and rock huts

    Posted: 24 Jul 2019 04:09 PM PDT

    There should be abandoned tree-house and rock huts that have a little bit of loot inside of them. They can spawn in the jungle, desert (rock exclusive), forests, and plains. Possibly swamp biomes, but they already have the witch huts so not sure on that. I think that being able to find these every now and then would be a little fun and provide shelter, resources to those in need.

    submitted by /u/Timekeeper33
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    Battle axes, double ended sword, boomerang.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2019 04:01 PM PDT

    BATTLE AXES are double sided axes that are used for combat, and have a lot of damage, but slow hit speed. DOUBLE ENDED SWORDS ever watched starwars the Phantom menace? If so, Darth maul's light saber basicly, low damage and fast hit speed, good for defence against whordes of zombies, (and spins around like a helicopter! :D). BOOMERANGS a sword when thew, comes back to you (like trident+loyalty, but does damage on the way back too) travel distance depends on the ore it's made out of, [wood = 8 meters, iron = 16, gold = 24, diamond = 32] and of coruse, reliabilaty and damage depends on ore.

    submitted by /u/BIG_OOF_69
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    A beetle-like mob should spawn in the End and drop an elytron (their wing) which can be used to craft an elytra.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2019 05:13 AM PDT

    One of the best items in game, a method of reaching speeds never seen before, would be hard to acquire, right? Wrong.

    After finding like 3 or so end cities it is just lying in an item frame on a small ship somewhere, right there for you to grab with no hesitation. After defeating a dragon you'd expect this item to be harder to get, at least that's what I think.

    For an item with such OP abilities, you should have to fight a hard mob (that spawns only once in end city airships) that drops an elytron (The wing of a beetle irl) which when crafted with another one would make an elytra. With an elytra being a set of insect wings it makes no sense for it to spawn in the end where there are no beetles or insects at all, so a new mob should be made as a compromise for this error in logic.

    submitted by /u/-C4-
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