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    Minecraft They should add hail.

    Minecraft They should add hail.

    They should add hail.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2019 07:51 AM PDT

    Hail will only happen in snowy areas. it will do 1 damage and will also make strays more powerful. Hail will happen rarely.

    submitted by /u/NecroPlus
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    Adding more life to the End! Introducing Void Dew and Rift Coral!

    Posted: 14 Aug 2019 06:15 AM PDT


    Void Dew is a liquid native to the End. It is similar to water, but with its own special properties.

    - Void Dew flows much faster than water and disappears much quicker when the source block is removed. Since it's so light, you can swim through it much faster as well. Void Dew depletes your breath bar MUCH slower than regular water.

    - Bubble Columns are 2x as powerful in Void Dew than in water. Wee!

    - Sponges can soak up Void Dew as they can with water.

    - In extremely cold biomes, Void Dew can freeze into Void Frost. Void Frost is extremely fragile and will break underneath your feet, similar to Frosted Ice. However, you must keep Void Frost away from any light source or it will evaporate. You can craft a Packed variant that doesn't melt or break, however.

    - When Water and Void Dew collide, the water dilutes the Void Dew and effectively cancels it out. When Lava and Void Dew collide, they evaporate into a bunch of "depth_suspend" particles, otherwise known as void fog. It will also make a distorted hissing sound.

    - Droplets of Void Dew will constantly fall from the bottom of end islands and from the branches of Chorus Trees.

    - Void Dew forms tide pools, rivers, and lakes in the End. You can occasionally find streams of Void Dew running off the edges of end islands and into the void.


    Rift Coral is a special type of coral that only grows in the End, specifically in pools, lakes, and rivers of Void Dew.

    - It forms in the shape of "nodes" attached to the End Islands by a small stem.

    - You can find dead Rift Coral at the edges of Void Dew or mixed in with the other nodes. Rift Coral Fans and Plants grow on the nodes themselves and on the bottom of Void Dew lakes.

    - If placed in water, the coral gains a more overworld-ish grass green color.

    submitted by /u/AlexSteckline
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    If rain can damage snowmen, snow should heal them.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2019 01:12 PM PDT

    More undead variations

    Posted: 14 Aug 2019 01:02 AM PDT

    So husks, strays and drowned are pretty cool. They add a bit of an extra challenge to their respective biomes and spice up exploration. So what if we expanded upon the concept and added a zombie/ skeleton variant to other biomes? Here are some ideas of mine:


    Shooting arrows from afar and swinging blades up close, these boney brutes are a force to be reckoned with!

    Drops: bones, arrow, bow(rare), iron sword(rare)

    Appearance: A hardened, battle scarred skeleton wearing a withered iron helm

    Forest/Roofed forest/Birch forest: BANDIT

    Lurking from behind trees and other shady places, these stealthy skellies will remain out of sight and attempt to shoot poison arrows at you from cover.

    Drops: bones, poison arrows

    Appearance: A skeleton covered in mud and leaves to blend in

    Taiga/Mega taiga/Snowy taiga: BUSHBOUND

    A lumbering zombie, overgrown by the prickly berry bushes. Spiky to the touch!

    Drops: rotten flesh, sweet berries

    Appearance: A slightly greyed zombie, with small patches of berries on him


    These moist skeletons will roam the swamp's shallows and fling balls of swamp mud at the player. They don't do much damage, but knock you back quite a bit!

    Drops: bones, vines, dirt, clay balls

    Appearance: A muddy skeleton covered in vines and weeds


    Once a miner, this sun scorched zombie now roams the abandoned goldmines, his dead hand still clutching a trusty iron pick...

    Drops: rotten flesh, gold nugget, iron pickaxe(rare)

    Jungle: LEAPER

    These jolly jumping zombies will pounce at you from treetops. Taking no fall damage and leaping to high heights, these fellows are sure to keep you on your toes!

    Drops: rotten flesh, vines, jungle leaves

    Appearance: A mossy green zombie covered in vines

    Extreme hills: SHARPSHOOTER

    This crossbow wielding sniper will pluck you with blinding arrows from far away. Stay out of his sights!

    Drops: bones, blindness arrows

    Appearance: A cloaked skeleton with a crossbow

    Savannah: LURKER

    This dried up zombie lies in the tall savannah grass, waiting for prey. Once you approach, they will leap out and strike!

    Drops: rotten flesh, tall grass

    Appearance: A husk like zombie with grass growing on his back.

    Mushroom islands: FUNGIFIED

    These gloomy shroomy rattlebones will peacefully roam the islands planting a mushroom here and there. If you bonemeal them, they'll turn nearby soil blocks into mycelium! With only 5 hearts, they're a pushover!

    Drops: bones, red/brown mushroom

    Appearance: A cracked skeleton covered in mushrooms and mycelium.

    Flower forest: NOXIOUS

    A zombie overgrown by corrupt flowers. Has a sickly aura around him that might make you lose your lunch!

    Drops: rotten flesh, random flower

    Appearance: A zombie with yellowish-green flowers growing on his body

    Aaaand that's it! I hope I wasn't boring. Anyhow let me know if you like the suggestion or if I missed any biomes in the comments!

    submitted by /u/CyrusDaSquid
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    You should be able to put multiple flowers & mushrooms on the same block

    Posted: 14 Aug 2019 04:13 AM PDT

    Flowers and mushrooms should work like turtle eggs & sea pickles, and you should be able to put multiple ones on the same block.

    This way you can make better flower beds, if you can put 4 flowers on the same block. It would also improve the world generation, and make flower forests and mushroom forests look better.

    Vote on feedback.minecraft.net

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    New “Preservation” enchantment.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2019 01:07 PM PDT

    This would be a brand new enchantment where losing your items wouldn't be a big deal. If the item with the enchantment is dropped, things that normally would destroy the item (lava, cacti) wouldn't do anything. If the item fell into lava, it would just float at the surface, and the player could go out and get it. The item wouldn't despawn either. If the player wanted to destroy the item, they could either throw it in the void, or disenchant it then destroy it.

    submitted by /u/Kalvin4444
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    Biome specific spider skins

    Posted: 14 Aug 2019 11:51 AM PDT

    Just an aesthetic thing. Jungle could have tropical, tarantula looking ones, while the desert has brownish-yellow sandy spideys. Again, this is purely visual and none of these would have special abilities or anything

    submitted by /u/CyrusDaSquid
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    Minor ideas for village and villager improvements/enhancements

    Posted: 14 Aug 2019 11:48 AM PDT

    1) Farmers will retill farmland that either got stomped on by themselves or by Ravagers. This is to combat the fact that farmers seem to love to stand on top of composters, and when they walk off they can land on farmland blocks and accidentally turn them into dirt.

    2) Fishermen will seek out nearby bodies of water and use fishing rods to fish. They have the same chance of reeling in items that a player with a regular fishing rod does; if they reel in a fish, they'll place it in their inventory, but if they reel in "junk" (anything that's not fish) they'll grumble and toss it aside where the player can pick it up. Fishermen will then share the fish with other villagers just like with existing villager food (wheat, bread, carrots, potatoes, beetroot). Fishermen also occasionally offer stray cats around the village fish, much in the same way that Iron Golems offer baby villagers poppies.

    3) When a villager is killed, there is a chance that they'll drop items from their inventory (up to 3 items).

    4) When villagers are being chased or attacked by a hostile mob, they will call for help. Village-spawned Iron Golems within the village boundaries will race towards the cry for help nearest to them and go after any mobs that are chasing those villagers. This way you don't have cases where villagers are being chased around and killed by mobs and meanwhile the Iron Golem is on the complete opposite side of the village being useless.

    5) Villagers prefer walking on paths most of the time instead of just walking around wherever when they're doing scheduled tasks. This includes heading to the meeting points, going to workstations, and heading home at night. The rest of the time they'll still walk around like normal.

    submitted by /u/KaleidescopicSorbet
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    Cave Dwellers

    Posted: 14 Aug 2019 10:31 AM PDT

    Name is open to change and didn't want to call them golems. Anyways...

    So as part of expanding caves what if we brought in a mob that was like a big rock monster. 3 blocks tall like Enderman and bulky these mobs would be found in new cave generations I'll talk about in a sec.

    Cave Dweller:

    Has 10-15 hearts since they are covered in stone as natural armor (think like a bulette in D&D)


    Punch: Deals 3 hearts damage and knockback II

    Rock Throw: grabs a block from the wall and throws it at the player dealing 4 hearts damage (drops the block as if it were mined on impact).

    Drops: Has a chance to drop various ingots and iron/gold nuggets, has a rare chance to drop diamond or emerald

    New Cave Formation:

    Cavern: Appears as a wide, rounded tunnel of varying lengths connected by a large chamber or chambers at the ends. These are found deeper down around redstone-diamond level and have a higher chance of having rare ores and larger veins of more common ores while sporting the cave dweller mobs. Can connect to ravines, other caves, mineshafts, etc.

    submitted by /u/Godric_Lorandian
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    Music disks change behavior on mobs

    Posted: 14 Aug 2019 12:56 PM PDT

    Well, Parrots dance when you put music, i think other animals and creatures should do something like this.

    Pigs, Cows and Sheeps would move their heads a bit

    Villagers would temporarily increase gossip or release particles

    Silverfish would change their places

    Domesticated dogs would wag their tails

    Cats would run around mobs and not escape from players when the song "Cat" is on

    Undead enemies would have glowy white or red eyes or maybe just be slightly more aggresive when 11 or 13 are on

    These are just some examples but there are a lot of possible interactions between different mobs and disks and it would be the kind of fun situations where you say something like "oh i have been 9 years playing minecraft and just noticed this"

    submitted by /u/ComplexDespacito
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    Enchanting a compass with different enchantments will cause it to point toward different things.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2019 08:36 AM PDT

    Like treasures. Mobs. Biomes Plants. So many enchantments so many options

    submitted by /u/joebyron
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    Iron golems should offer us poppies like they do villagers and we should be able to take the poppy from the Iron golem.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2019 07:18 AM PDT

    Iron golems already offer villagers and baby villagers Poppies, but only the baby villagers apparently take them, so can we be allowed to take his beautiful flower?

    It'd just be a cool addition, not useful but nice to have.

    submitted by /u/Willy_Donka
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    Cow variants (Musk Ox and Bison)

    Posted: 14 Aug 2019 01:36 PM PDT

    Cows should have two new variants in Minecraft: A musk ox and a Bison.

    MUSK OX: Musk oxen are shaggy, hairy, large-horned cattle variants that spawn only in the Snowy Tundra/Ice Plains. These can be farmed by villagers in the area. Unlike cows, Musk Oxen travel and spawn in herds of 3-8. They drop more leather than the average cow. They cannot be milked.

    BISON: Bison are much larger, fiercer variants of the Cow that could spawn in the Plains biome rarely, or they could spawn in some new kind of grassland/prairie biome. Bison are larger and have more health than the regular cow, and have larger horns as well. Unlike cows they are territorial and will attack nearby players, dealing moderate-to-small damage. They spawn in groups of 4-6, and like Pillagers are always on the move. They can be bred but with Hay Bales only, making them harder to breed. They drop more beef than the average cow, about 3-5 beef per bison. Baby bison, when fully grown, are never hostile to the player. Bison can be ridden, but can not be "tamed" and will always just buck the player off, like a bucking bull.

    submitted by /u/TheSilverRalph
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    You should be able to dye end rods.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2019 08:51 AM PDT

    It might even change the color of the light, but just changing the color of them would be cool too.

    submitted by /u/DoesToastToastToast
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    Molten Mining

    Posted: 14 Aug 2019 04:22 PM PDT

    Molten Mining is a WIP name but an enchantment that has 1 level. It automatically smelts iron and gold ore. It also adds +1 damage to pickaxes (just for fun). It can't be combined with Fortune though.

    submitted by /u/sgtpepper2001
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    Flint & Steel Rework

    Posted: 14 Aug 2019 03:29 PM PDT

    The Flint & Steel doesn't have many uses other for griefing & lighting nether portals so I've decided to make a suggestion to make it more viable for PVP & a rework.


    The Rework for Flint & Steel will keep the same functions as before, lighting nether portals & such, but this will add some newer features.


    Giving some Combat Features to Flint & Steel can help it out so here are some ideas for it.


    When the Flint & Steel is in your main hand it can deal 4 damage, about as much as a gold & wood sword. But what makes it shine is some new features!


    We can already right click a creeper to explode it, right clicking on other mobs could light them on fire for three seconds! You can't use this ability on a mob thats on fire or one that has been on fire for a delay of 5 seconds though, but it will help flint & steel become a viable weapon!


    Because why not!?! Here are my proposals for enchantments.

    • Ignition - adds +1 second to how long a mob burns, can go up to V for a total of 8 seconds!
    • Burning Pains - adds +1 heart of damage to each damage fire does, can only go up to II.
    • Everburn - prevents water from putting out fire, can only go up to I.

    Thats all my suggestions for a PVP upgrade!

    submitted by /u/wazzuper25
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    The Potion of Decay and Hell-hounds

    Posted: 14 Aug 2019 06:10 AM PDT

    Wither Skeletons should drop Charred Bones rather than Coal and normal Bones. These Charred Bones would be used in brewing the Potion of Decay. (Which can then obviously be brewed into a splash potion decay or a lingering potion of decay) And maybe a secondary use would be to tame a Nether variant of the wolf called 'Hell-hounds' that can be tamed using these Charred Bones.

    These 'Hell-hounds' would act like normal wolves, except they would be immune to fire/lava damage and would inflict fire damage when attacking.

    Other feature: Wolves that get struck by lightning would turn into Hell-hounds. (Like pigs and zombie pigmen)

    submitted by /u/FiestyMemes
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    Freezing rain

    Posted: 14 Aug 2019 01:17 PM PDT

    When it rains there's a chance that it's freezing rain and it can only happen in temperate biomes and it slowly covers all exposed blocks with a thin layer of ice about as thick as a snow layer. The ice layer can be mined with a silk touch pickaxe the ice layer is just as slippery as regular ice

    submitted by /u/leafeonfan321
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    Village Statistics Book

    Posted: 14 Aug 2019 06:56 AM PDT

    Village Statistics Book The Village Statistics book is an item that tracks all the important information about your Village, like your Popularity, how many villagers are alive, which professions those villagers are, and their ranks, how many houses (and doors and beds) etc.

    It updates automatically every time something changes.

    Every village library generates with a copy of the book on a Lectern, but it can also be crafted by combining 1 Book and Quill and 1 Emerald.

    When you first craft it, it's called "Empty Village Book", and it won't open unless you are inside a village. The moment you open it, it decides which Village's stats its going to track, and it never changes even if you leave the village area.

    There's also a blank space in the book where you can write your Village's name for to tell the books apart, if you have multiple villages.

    Vote this on feedback.minecraft.net

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Goats (sheep variant) and Cheese

    Posted: 14 Aug 2019 01:48 PM PDT

    Goats are a sheep variant that spawns in all Extreme Hills/Mountain biomes and all M biome variants, They have large horns (like a bighorn sheep) but have no wool and cannot be sheared. They can be milked.

    Cheese would be a new food item and block. Cheese can be made by smelting Milk, leaving the bucket, and cheese can be eaten restoring moderate health. 9 Cheese can wield a Block of Cheese (like a wheel of parmesan cheese). Goat's milk can be made into cheese.

    submitted by /u/TheSilverRalph
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    They should add a follow option to villagers

    Posted: 14 Aug 2019 03:45 PM PDT

    After trading with a villager and making them a master you should be able to get them to follow you in their UI on one of the corners. After hitting them they can no longer follow you until their prices go back to normal and you trade with them again.

    Edit: spelling

    submitted by /u/PixlDix
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    Make Bedrock edition censoring toggleable in parental settings.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2019 03:34 PM PDT

    Right now it's really annoying not being able to write words like strip, even when it's used in the context of mining. I can understand it being implemented for servers, but on my private realm it gets really annoying. Making it able to be turned off and on would easily solve this issue.

    submitted by /u/DadBod800
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    Treasure items sold by Villagers should always be a final trade.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2019 12:46 PM PDT

    This change specifically applies to Librarian Villagers.

    It's kinda broken that the first thing players roll for are mending books. Mending is supposed to be rare, a privilege by the game world. And rolling for certain trades can be done very quickly.

    Admittedly, this is an opinion that makes Villager investment more unpredictable and disappointingly slower.

    submitted by /u/Takama12
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    California Fan Palms

    Posted: 14 Aug 2019 02:29 PM PDT

    (Feedback: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360047933212--California-Fan-Palms)

    Since Palm Trees are being added in presumably 1.15, a new tree variant should be added to increase diversity and could also allow for potential new biomes in the future.

    Coconut palms and Date palms, which are presumably the type that Minecraft's palm trees will be based on, are not the only type of palm tree in the world, and Fan Palms are arguably more common in everyday life.

    Fan Palms would simply be a different variant of palm tree, like Oaks and "Large" Oaks (not talking about the 2x2 Dark Oak trees), that can spawn in Minecraft. Fan Palms would be based on the California Fan Palm, and contain the same type of leaves and wood as in regular Palm Trees, except their leaves would be more bunched up like a California Fan Palm. They also could have much more palm fronds/husks than a regular palm tree. It's up to the developers.

    Anyways, they would just be a really cool addition to Minecraft since they are so common in everyday life if you live in the United States' West and even East coasts, or if you live in coastal Mexico or Latin and South America. They are just extremely common. Fan Palms could also potentially spawn in different biomes, but of course these are just ideas.

    submitted by /u/TheSilverRalph
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