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    Minecraft Bells should match their pitch to noteblocks that they get placed on top of

    Minecraft Bells should match their pitch to noteblocks that they get placed on top of

    Bells should match their pitch to noteblocks that they get placed on top of

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 04:34 AM PDT

    Not sure if this has been suggested before, but his would make for some epic cathedral bells

    submitted by /u/_TheMightyQuin_
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    Passive mobs follow you at 150% speed when you hold their desired item in both hands.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 06:54 AM PDT

    Self-explanatory, if you hold wheat in both hands a sheep/cow would follow you 1.5x faster, same goes for pigs and carrots, chickens and seeds, etc.

    submitted by /u/Fraycon
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    A new item - "Dream Catcher", that when activated gives the player a temporary buff, that prevents Phantoms from spawning.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 04:41 AM PDT

    It will be crafted with sticks, slime balls and phantom membranes.
    Its durability will go down by 1 each times its used and will break when depleted.

    The player can activate it by right clicking while holding it and will receive a 7 minute buff that prevents Phantoms from spawning, no matter how long the player hasnt slept in a bed.


    the middle item should be a Phantom Membrane, but the list of item sprites in reddit isnt updated for 1.14, so i used white dye as a placeholder for the example.

    submitted by /u/InfiniteNexus
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    Ravager Tusks, Ravager Hide, and Ravager Meat!

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 08:21 AM PDT

    Ravagers, one of the more difficult and intimidating mobs in the game...don't drop anything. What am I supposed to do with a Saddle?

    That's why I suggest Ravagers have their own set of unique drops. This would not only make Ravagers feel more complete and implemented into the game but would also make killing them more rewarding.



    • When killed, Ravagers drop 1 Ravager Tusk.
    • Ravager Tusks can be used as a trophy for conquering a Ravager. You can place them on floors, walls, and ceilings.
    • Ravager Tusks can be used as a weapon. While sprinting, the Ravager Tusk is held in front of you. It deals 3 damage and does 7-8 blocks of knockback. It cannot be enchanted and has 150 durability.
    • Ravager Tusks can be crafted into 8 Bonemeal.


    • When killed, Ravagers drop 2-4 Ravager Hide.
    • Ravager Hide can be crafted into 4 Leather.


    • When killed, Ravagers drop 1-4 Ravager Meat.
    • Ravager Meat takes 4 seconds to eat, longer than other foods in the game. It restores 5 hunger bars and 13 saturation. Ravager Meat also gives you 3 seconds of Nausea and 30 seconds of Resistance. It can be fed to your dog for the same effects.
    • After eating the Ravager Meat, you receive a bone. If you are eating from a stack, the Bone goes in your inventory. If you have a full inventory, the bone is dropped on the ground.
    • Ravager Meat can be cooked into Scorched Ravager Meat. It restores 6 hunger bears and 14 saturation. Scorched Ravager Meat gives you 5 seconds of Nausea and 1 minute of Fire Resistance. It can be fed to your dog for the same effects.
    submitted by /u/AlexSteckline
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    Golden Item Frame

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 03:17 PM PDT

    An item frame surrounded by gold nuggets in a crafting table creates a golden item frame. It looks the same as an item frame but with a golden frame.

    submitted by /u/lifetaker123
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    Unlit Torches for decoration and atmosphere

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 07:21 AM PDT

    Like how campfires don't extinguish over time, it wouldn't break existing torches, just add to then with an extra state. You'd be able to extinguish them by placing them in water, or stuff like that. Can be found naturally in old structures. Can be relit with flint and steel or flame bow.

    These would be great for decoration, and epic for adding atmosphere to abandon and aged structures like mineshafts and strongholds.

    plus this would be very interesting to see map makers and datapacks make use of, being a block state.

    submitted by /u/Planemaster3000
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    Crouch + right-clicking on an item frame with a full block in-hand changes the background or border. (+Pic!)

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 04:24 AM PDT


    Mock-up screenshot!


    Crouch + right-clicking on an item frame's background with a full block in-hand would change the background, and doing the same on the border would change the border. With nothing in-hand, it would revert to default.

    For blocks that use multiple textures for the top/sides, it could either just take the top texture or rotate through them with each click.


    I feel like this would give item frames that extra sparkle they've been missing. Builders could create table sets without needing pressure plates, storage labels could be color-coded, you could display items with a bit more oomf from the contrast.

    Edit: Highlighting special items, making various wall decor without having torch holsters mis-match the wall, matching textures for stuff you wanna put 'handles' on to turn into cupboards, the list goes on!


    The only downsides I can immediately think of are:

    • Depending on how the set textures are stored on the frame, maybe world save size if a lot of frames are used
    • Aiming at the border might be difficult on console or for players with coordination issues


    submitted by /u/TanzNukeTerror
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    Throwing water bottles at bees

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 09:23 AM PDT

    If you throw a water bottle at a bee, it will fall to the ground and will temporarily disable their wings.

    submitted by /u/DontStealMyPotato
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    Wandering Traders should be more common in deserts

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 07:26 AM PDT

    Seems like it makes sense. Maybe extreme hills too since that's where llamas spawn.

    submitted by /u/dumbarbozan
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    Making Phantoms even more interesting

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 08:09 AM PDT

    I see Phantoms more like hallucinations (due to lack of sleep) rather than mobs... So when you sleep in a bed or wait until sunrise you can get to see the phantoms generating a cloud of black smoke and disappearing only to come back the next night with even more phantoms... This would give the mob much more variety.

    Feel free to post your suggestions too :)

    submitted by /u/WizzyAnimates
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    Nether Overhaul (Mobs, Structures, etc.)

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 01:15 PM PDT


    Now as we all know, the Nether is quite the boring place. Sure it's got fire and lava and scary mobs but really think about it. Zombie pigman are actually friendly as long as you don't hit them. Ghasts have only 10 hp so you easily snipe them down with a bow. The Nether fortress are just bland walkways. So I propose a Nether Overhaul to make them actually dangerous and relevant again!


    •Nether fortress (Revamped): Like mentioned earlier, nether fortresses are really bland, being just one color and walkways. So let's make it an actual fortress!

    -Nether Wart Gardens: Found usually behind or around the fortresses floating above lava lakes with walkways connecting them to main fortress. There's a circular area with nether warts, a netherack tree (netherack as the wood and wart blocks as leavea), and a chest containing the regular nether fortress loot. There'll be 2 blazes and 1 wither skeleton patrolling the gardens

    -Nether Graveyard: Hidden somewhere under or behind the fortress. The tombstones are made out of Obsidian and a new block called Blaze Blocks (more on those later). There is one chest in the middle that contains soul sand, bones, rotten flesh, and quartz There will wither skeleton and a regular skeleton spawner hidden somewhere so you'll need to disable it or deal with a horde of cursed skeletons coming after you

    -Nether Prison: Hidden under the walkways and throne room. They have iron doors and bars for cells that contain zombie pigman, magma cubes, and even endermen sometimes. These rooms have a chest that contain diamonds, blaze rods, ender pearls, and gold ingots. Wither skeletons will be guarding the prisons

    -Throne Room: It's a large room that spawns in the center of the fortress which as you'd expect, has a throne made of 4 gold blocks, obsidian, 1 diamond block, and a blaze spawner sitting on the throne. There will be a secret chest that contains incredible loot being things like diamond tools, ender pearls, gold ingots, and blaze rods. Regular skeletons will also spawn in here too

    -Wither Statue Hall: This room would be completely sealed away and hidden in random places in the fortress. They don't always spawn in nether fortresses, only have a 1/64 chance of spawning. In the room, it contains a creepy statue of the Wither at the end with weird markings and patterns on the ground there's also paintings of the wither on the walls with redstone torches all in creepy and mysterious patterns. The only loot in this room are the iron blocks that make up the eyes of the wither and gold blocks inside their heads.

    (Now onto new Structures :D)

    -Ghast Hive: Grian actually came up with original idea of the ghast hive but I'm gonna change it to fit how I see it. The ghast hive is a gross looking nether themed heart/stalagmite hanging from the ceiling. The only way to get there is by either bridging out or elytra flight. This is the only place where you can get guarantee ghast spawns. Inside the actual hive, there should be a block of gold and some quartz as your reward

    -Nether ruins: Scattered across near where magma blocks spawn, nether ruins are basically the equivalent to the underwater ruins but with better loot. They'd also have flint and steel, buckets of lava, and name tags as loot


    •Asher: talked about in a past post so I won't go into to much detail. They're huge black rock monsters with quartz spikes that can create tornados of ash to protect itself. They're hostile and have 30 hp. Spawns on the shore of lava oceans. They drop 1 onyx shard, 1-4 quartz, and 1-2 coal

    •Wyvern Gargoyles: Spawns inside of nether fortresses and on top of the nether towers. They look like small statues of the ender dragon (but red of course) until you get close to them. They'll let out an ear piercing screech and start to fly towards the player and slash at them with their claws. Getting hurt but one inflicts slowness. They're hostile, have 15 hp, and do 6 and half hearts damage. Their gimmick is that they take more damage from pickaxes then swords do and that they can turn back into a statue to get an armor bonus. They drop 3-4 cobblestone and 1-2 iron ingots

    •Lava Crawler: a small neutral mob that spawns relatively close to nether portals and ruins. They look like orange and black scorpions that have fire coming out of their back at all times. They only have 5 hp and do 2 damage when provoked so they aren't that big of a threat. Their main thing is that it can infect certain mobs. If they see an infectable mob, they'll scurry towards it and bite it. If a pig is bitten, it turns into a zombie pigman. If a slime is bitten it turns into a magma cube. If a skeleton is bitten, it turns into a wither skeleton. Lastly, if an enderman is bitten, it doesn't turn into anything else but the enderman will become passive and lose its teleportation ability for 10 seconds. To balance this out because it seems op for making farms, the lava crawlers are extremely rare and can only infect up to 3 mobs before dying off itself. As the name suggests, they can climb walls and ceilings. If you scoop one up in a bucket, you can keep it as a pet. They don't drop anything upon death.

    Blocks and items

    •Blaze blocks: does the same thing as magma blocks but it looks much much prettier (like the old gold block texture but with orange sprinkled in). Crafted from 4 blaze rods

    •Wither soul: can be crafted from 1 wither skeleton head, 1 eye of ender, and 6 blaze powder. What it does is that it can make beacon effects last way longer by inserting it. You can use it up to 10 times before breaking

    •Nether amulet: crafted from 4 onyx shards (it's what the ashers drop), a potion of fire resistance, 2 ender pearls, and a magma cream. It gives you infinite fire resistance and jump boost for as long as you wear it. Once it breaks, you get the wither effect for 10 seconds

    •Onyx block: Crafted from 4 onyx shards. Basically the coal block and obsidian together but shiny

    •Nether gold ore: Gold ore but instead of stone it's netherack. It would have the same spawn rate as gold in Mesa biomes

    •Nether coal ore: Coal ore but instead of stone it's netherack

    •Nether reactor core: but with 4 gold blocks, 1 diamond, and 4 obsidian. To activate it, it needs to be surrounded with some gold blocks, blaze blocks, and obsidian in a cross shape. Unlike what it used to do, this time it would be basically a Nether conduit, giving you fire resistance and increasing your resistance and blast resistance very high

    Edit: spelling mistakes

    submitted by /u/DarkNix975
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    Thoughts on a Nether Update

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 12:16 PM PDT

    While the Nether already has many uses for exploration, building, and crafting, these are a few suggestions that could add greater depth to those elements.

    New Biome: SombraThe Nether lacks the biome diversity of the overworld, and maybe that's intentional, but I think a biome where no light exists would be in theme with the aesthetic of the Nether as a hellish world

    • Torches and other light sources would not function. The only way to see in this biome would be by using Night Vision potions.
    • The terrain would consist of the usual blocks found in the Nether, but would introduce a new block. Similar to how a sponge soaks up water, this block would soak up light.

    New Hostile Mobs: Nether Mouse and Shade

    • The Nether Mouse would be about the size of a Silverfish. It would run towards the player at the speed of a Baby Zombie. Like other Nether mobs it would be immune to fire and lava, and would fear water. Suggest drops in the comments.
    • The Shade would be found only in the Sombra biome. It could phase through blocks without suffocating, would be slow moving, and would inflict the player with Slowness when attacking. To differentiate it from a Zombie, a Shade could levitate or maybe even fly. Suggest drops in the comments.

    New Boss: Heart of the Nether (inspired from another post but I couldn't find it, comment if anyone knows the original post)

    • This boss would be located in the center of the Nether (x=0 z=0), making it a trip to get to.
    • Unlike the Enderdragon which is an actual mob, this creature would be something in between a mob and a structure. Let me explain:
      • The Heart would be made out of a new block, Heart Tissue. This allows the player to place blocks on it or mine it. At the center of it would be an entity that does not move, this would be the mob part of the nether heart.
    • It would hang from the roof of the Nether over a lava lake, making the player traverse over it to reach the boss.
    • Defending the Heart outside would be Ghasts whose fireballs would have no effect on the Heart. Inside the player would find other hostile mobs like Nether Mice, Magma Cubes, and Blazes. The player would have to find--or dig--their way through the maze inside while fighting off mobs.
    • Mining, or otherwise breaking, Heart Tissue would slightly hurt the Heart, making the final fight at the center that much faster.
    • As for the entity/mob, the Heart's Soul, if you will, resting at the end of the maze, the player would have to fight it as the last obstacle in defeating the Heart. It would retaliate with fireballs, spawning lava source blocks (that would despawn after a few seconds), and other fire related attacks. If the player gets too close to it, they would immediately catch on fire. The Heart's Soul would get smaller and smaller the more damage it takes until eventually dying, dropping itself. It could then be used to respawn it somehow.
    • After defeating the Heart, the player will be rewarded with two, for lack of a better term, command blocks. These cannot be mined and would have a texture change. They would spawn in with buttons on them and each would serve a different purpose:
      • One would turn fire spreading on or off.
      • And the other would turn Netherrack spreading on or off-- yes this implies that prior to defeating the Heart, Netherrack would spread similar to Mycelium in non-Nether related blocks

    That's all, thank you for reading and commenting your own ideas :)

    submitted by /u/DrMagicMcNasty
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    Baked bread

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 12:03 PM PDT

    Let's be honest, the bread in minecraft isn't the best food source for how much is put into getting it. If you bake bread, then it could do a whole lot more for your hunger. iOf course you could bake it in a smoker or furnace. This wasn't on the frequently asked list and I have always hated how bread does so little for your hunger for how much work you have to put in to get it. Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/sambaltzley
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    Focus on detailing biomes.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 11:13 AM PDT

    While the idea of adding new features and aspects to minecraft excite me, I think the biomes are slightly simple. By detailing the biomes, and making forests denser with already added features (Leaves, logs, ect.) It could make them a lot more aesthetically pleasing than just a few trees scattered around. Add some fallen trees, more bushes, river beds or variations of dirt. Volume is also needed, add hills (and big ones too) now, forests and other biomes just seem plain and empty.

    submitted by /u/MttroTesslar
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    Make beetroot less bad in every way

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 09:40 AM PDT

    Beetroot is the most useless crop. It has no benefits/important uses. It is worse in nearly every way to carrots, potatoes, and wheat. Let's start with farming.


    Carrots, potatoes, and wheat all take a relatively small amount of bone meal to grow (an average of 2-3). Beetroot, on the other hand, averages in at 5 bone meal. At times, I've even used 8-9 bone meal just to grow one beetroot crop. This would be fine if the crop was actually useful and worth the effort, but it is not, especially as a food source. A suggestion would be to make beetroot use less bone meal, and take less time to grow.


    Carrots, potatoes, and wheat, all can be made into some of the best food sources in the game (potatoes/baked potato, carrot/golden carrot, wheat/bread). For beetroot, which gives 1 hunger on it's own, as bad as melon, it has to be combined with five more beetroot, and a bowl to make beetroot soup, which is only gives 1 more saturation than baked potatoes. So instead of spending 2 bonemeal to get a baked potato, you would use half a stack of bonemeal to make beetroot soup, with the same outcome. In addition, beetroot soup can't be stacked. A suggestion would be to make beetroot worth as much as carrots, and/or make their soup worth four hunger bars instead of 3, and make the saturation of beetroot soup higher, around 10-11 as opposed to the 7.2 saturation it is at right now.


    Beetroot can be used to make red dye, and even this can be done more cost effectively. If you bonemeal a rose bush, you can get an infinite supply of red dye. There is no excuse to wasting any time on getting beetroot for dye either. Rosebushes give you 2 dye as opposed to 1 from beetroot.


    one of the only things that are good about beetroot is that growing it will let you be able to breed 3 different mobs (pig, chicken, and villagers). This still isn't as much as growing wheat (cow, sheep, mooshrooms, llamas, villagers, chickens) but I still can see this feature of beetroot being used.


    Beetroot has potential as a crop, for it can make dye, and breed several animals, but when compared to their competition, beetroot is useless and needs something that makes it more valuable, because right now, I just throw it away after getting it.

    submitted by /u/Billy35084
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    Charcoal should have a secondary use as black dye

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 06:40 PM PDT

    In my opinion, black dye is very tedious to get, especially when you need stacks of it for map art, pixel art, or builds in general. In real life, special charcoal is used to dye all sorts of things, so it would make sense for it to dye things in MC too. I understand that MC is not supposed to be realistic, but I think this would be a great addition to the 1.15 update.

    submitted by /u/SnapWizaard
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    Better Swamp Generation

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 09:44 AM PDT

    Minecraft biomes have never been famed for their realism. In all fairness, they don't need to be realistic. With that being said, swamp biomes are notably less diverse than an actual wetland.

    A swamp is only a variation of a wetland. In reality, the other variations of a wetland include marshes, bogs, and fens. Now, I don't think these should all be separate biomes, or even sub-biomes in Minecraft, as they're all awfully specific. Also, the naming pattern of most biome variations typically have to do more with elevation. The solution I propose is adding a single Swamp variation to encompass the features of the other wetlands.

    The Swamp Flatland may consist of:

    • wide waterways
    • little to no trees
    • cattails (functioning similar to tall grass but in water)
    • occasional flowers

    Here's an image of how this may look in practice:


    If you like this idea, please support it on the Minecraft Feedback site here:


    Overall, this suggestion further develops the atmosphere of Swamps, as well as adding a more hospitable and pleasant variation. Tell me what you think.

    submitted by /u/Wintrius
    [link] [comments]

    Fortune should increase the amount of Exp earned from an ore mined.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 12:46 PM PDT

    Fortune increases the amount of material mined out of an ore. So why doesn't it increase the amount of Exp earned from an ore.

    submitted by /u/SketchNoteSky
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    Crossbows should have increased knockback

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 12:48 AM PDT

    Currently crossbows aren't that great.

    They do way less damage than a power 5 bow, and their main enchantments are basically just for crowd control. I do like the piercing and multishot enchantments but nothing about the crossbow itself suggests it would be used for groups of enemies as opposed to individuals.

    An unenchanted crossbow takes longer than a bow to load and does more damage than an unenchanted bow, but without its exclusive enchantments it cannot hit multiple enemies at once, which to me, at least, makes it seem like it should be a powerful weapon to use on individual mobs.

    I believe crossbows should have a higher base knockback (or alternatively, access to the punch enchantment). This would make crossbows great for when mobs get too close, as you can quickly switch to it and fire straight away, as long as it's preloaded.

    submitted by /u/PitsJizzle
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    Make more uses for the item frame

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 09:04 AM PDT

    Make it so that when wheat is framed in an item frame sheep will follow it. Also make it so that when you put torches in item frames they light up just like being put on a wall/floor.

    submitted by /u/11CNM
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 08:41 PM PDT

    Deserts, mesas ans badlands, instead of having rain and thunder, can have sandstorms. Sandstorms can reduce the view distance, as well as provide unique enemies only available in the sandstorm. Feel free to expand on this idea!

    submitted by /u/Tin_Of_Juice
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    You can tweak how fast a repater command block runs

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 05:15 PM PDT

    On the left side of the screen are two arrows. One turns up the speed to a max of 16 times per second. The other turns down the speed to a minimum of 1 time per second.

    submitted by /u/-DCPT-
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    Interesting use for bells

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 04:20 PM PDT

    Imagine if blocks could transmit vibrations so you could put a bell followed by a line of certain blocks (I'm thinking iron) and then another bell and the first one would make the second one ring but quieter than normal. It would work similar to redstone signal strength where the more blocks inbetween the quiter.

    submitted by /u/JojosBizarreMullets
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    Soul sand in water streams

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 04:00 PM PDT

    If runing water is over soul sand and if an item passes through the water it will stop at the soul sand & not go any further in the water stream.

    submitted by /u/crash-king123
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