• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers CubedMC [SMP] [PVE] {Towny} {Economy} {No PVP} {1.14.4}

    Minecraft Servers CubedMC [SMP] [PVE] {Towny} {Economy} {No PVP} {1.14.4}

    CubedMC [SMP] [PVE] {Towny} {Economy} {No PVP} {1.14.4}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 07:56 AM PDT

    ✨ CubedMC.us - Dedicated Minecraft Survival Server

    Server IP: CubedMC.org

    ✨ CubedMC.us is a survival minecraft server built on making a tight knit community around all members. Join today and come hang out, explore, and build with us!


    How to lead a successful life on CubedMC:

    💢 💸 Earn money:

    • 🌿 Farm Crops: Grow crops and sell them to the server for some in-game money.
    • 📜 Do Jobs and Quests: Select from jobs like Lumberjack, Miner, Builder, Digger, Farmer, Hunter, Adventurer, Fisherman, Armorsmith, Wizard, Bountyhunter, Archaeologist, Butcher, Technician, Cook and Librarian. Eachjob has its own daily quests!
    • 💰 Set up Shops: Make your own chest shops to sell goods to other players
    • 🏛️ Run Towns: Become the Mayor of a community, or join and help expand an existing community!

    💢 🌎 Explore a fully rendered world 🗺️

    💢 🛡️ Get reputation/tiers:

    • Purchase ranks and reputation with in-game money
    • Each reputation rank/tier gives you extra commands and abilities to use on CubedMC
    • Each rank/tier also comes with a unique chat tag to show off your reputation!
    • Level up to 12 in-game ranks/tiers to unlock abilities like marriage, nametags, particle trails, sethomes, /fix, /heal, spawner conversions, drills, land claims, and much much more!

    💢 📚 Improve your skills:

    • Increase your McMMO power level to unlock special abilities by performing tasks!
    • Level up abilities like Acrobatics, Alchemy, Archery, Axes, Excavation, Fishing, Herbalism, Mining, Repair, Salvage, Smelting, Swords, Taming, Unarmed and Woodcutting!
    • Unlock skills like Dodge, Roll, Catalysis, SkillShot, Daze, Retrieve, AxeMastery, CriticalHit, GreaterImpact, ArmorImpact, SkullSplitter, Fishing, FarmersDiet, GreenThumb, DoubleDrops, HylianLuck, ShroomThumb, DoubleDrops, BlastMining, RepairMastery, SuperRepair, ArcaneForging, AdvancedSalvage, ArcaneSalvage, FuelEfficiency, SecondSmelt, FluxMining, Bleed, Counter, SerratedStrikes, Gore, FastFood, ThickFur, HolyHound, ShockProof, SharpenedClaws, CallOfTheWild, Disarm, Deflect, IronGrip, IronArm, LeafBlower and DoubleDrops!

    💢 ➕ Do more things:

    • 💍 Marriages with partner perks like heal, gifting, marriage homes and marriage chat!
    • 🎆 Custom armor, tool and weapon enchantments with special abilities that go beyond Minecraft enchantments!

    💢 💳 Buy ranks that take your gameplay to the next level by giving you even more abilities, while also supporting the server! More details are in-game by typing /buy and online on our shop page!

    Features, but not limited to:

    • Towny
    • Free Ranks
    • MCMMO
    • Player Shops
    • Jobs
    • Economy
    • Pets
    • And so much more!


    1. No griefing
    2. No cheating
    3. No macros/automated scripts
    4. Be respectful to other players
    5. Keep the server appropriate
    6. No player traps
    submitted by /u/tquo
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    Asparagon [Semi-vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.14.4}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 08:11 AM PDT

    Welcome to Asparagon, A coop survival player experienceAsparagon is a Completely New server that has been made yesterday and with an active playerbase of 20+ players, We're Primarily Focusing on making this server long lasting so the main thing that we need is Activity

    We're have a team system which includes 4 groups, joining them is completely optional

    Asunder - A Kingdom Built In The Desert Biome With A Main Focus Centered Around Building

    Greentop - A Dirt Area For The Coolest Kids

    Winter Pact - An Ice Spikes Civilization With The Goal Of Gaining Power

    Capica - A Team Based On The Technical Side Of Minecraft, With it's Priority Of Genarating Recources


    Griefing and Stealing is not allowed, it's really mean.

    Cheating or Using Hacks is Wack

    Be Nice, And Don't Be An Uncool Person

    Racism and NSFW is not allowed, We Think That's Wack

    If You Would Like To Join, Dm me Your Discord And I Can Set up A Meeting As Soon As I Can

    If You Want To Join, DM Cowslayer89#5570 on Discord

    submitted by /u/dashm64
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    Lasagn [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Fresh Map}{Whitelisted}{1.14.4}{16+}{Weekly Events}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 07:57 AM PDT

    *Join us today for our Ender Dragon fight and opening of the End at 2pm EST!\*

    Map has been reset as of a few weeks ago! Join now for a fresh new 1.14.4 experience!


    Lasagn is a whitelisted, semi-vanilla SMP server established June 8, 2018. Our friendly and welcoming community focuses on having fun playing the game with others and constructing big projects together. You'll always find something interesting to do--whether its participating in weekly events, joining a town, helping with a community build or stocking your shop in the shopping mall!

    We like the atmosphere to be a laid-back, low stress, fun environment. If you enjoying hanging out, joking around and having fun playing Minecraft, this server is perfect for you. We typically have ~30 people online at any given time and host fun events each week! Our server is vanilla with a few plugins to help with moderation, and we always welcome feedback and ideas about how we can improve the server.

    Server Settings: Hard Mode Survival, 1.14.4

    What We Offer:

    • Soft Border - You will be able to explore to your heart's content, but everything outside the 6K soft border may be deleted for future content.
    • Semi-Vanilla - This server is running Spigot and we have only added plugins that have NO effect on the vanilla feel. This means no TPA, land protecting or any plugins that alter vanilla mechanics.
    • Dedicated Server - This server is hosted by a reliable hosting company, meaning that we should have 100% up-time and multiple servers on our box for a creative server, etc.
    • Other Features - Including a dynmap, datapacks, and many more.
    • Whitelisted - Filtered out griefers and trolls.
    • Tight-Knit Community - We aren't like those servers that accept you and never talk to you again. We love the community on the server and are very welcoming to new people!
    • Weekly Server Events - Each week we host fun events ranging from UHC to brand-new games!
    • Community Builds - Including a shopping mall, campground, farms and more.


    1. Respect one another and don't ruin others' experience. If you have any problems with a player, contact staff.
    2. Don't grief. Innocent pranks are fine, but destruction of property and non-consensual PVP are not. If you break it, you fix it.
    3. Don't steal. If the chest isn't marked free, or you don't have explicit permission from the owner, don't take from it.
    4. The answer to the last question on the application is "Penguin" :)
    5. No game-changing mods. Things like JourneyMap, BetterVillagerTrading and most QOL mods are fine, but anything that'll give you an unfair advantage (X-ray, PVP hacks, etc.) server-side is not allowed.

    Want to Join?

    We are looking for players who enjoy building and playing the game and want to become a part of our community. We are currently accepting ages 16+, but also expect a high level of maturity from everyone. To apply, simply join our Discord and click the application prompt.


    Administrators: Hilltest, Omgtrees, Jun

    Moderators: PurpleValkyrie, Aoriis, Taramisu, Bacterias, Lazykiwi, TrashPanda314, Beansi, Nature_Grandma, EggMister

    IP: mc.lasagnmc.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/v5Psken

    Dynmap: http://mc.lasagnmc.com:1337/

    Specs for the Curious:

    CPU: Intel i7-7700K 4.2 - 4.5 GHzRAM: 64GB DDR4 2400MHz

    Disks: Hybrid Soft RAID 2x450GB NVMe + 4TB SATA

    Network Connection: 1 GBPS

    Location: Eastern Canada

    If you have any further questions, check us out on the discord!

    submitted by /u/nature_grandma
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    TheSettlers Minecraft [Semi-vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.14.4}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 12:33 AM PDT

    TheSettlers Minecraft [Semi-vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.14.4}

    TheSettlers Minecraft [Semi-vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.14.4}


    TheSettlers Minecraft

    • newest version 1.14.4
    • Fully vanila gameplay
    • seeking mature and friendly people
    • Anti-cheat
    • Log and restoring plugins
    • Marketplace
    • Ender dragon saturday
    • Future events
    • Mature players 16+
    • Server located in the EU
    • Building competitions


    Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/0OY365K

    Discord: https://discord.gg/ExMBg6Y

    Description: A small active community seeking new active players to play with and have fun with currently we have had 88 unique logins and a peak player base of 14 people at a time.

    Are you a teamplayer and you want to play actively in our community then we are in search of you!. Our discord is our social hub made for sharing moments and stuff like Coords,Builds, ideas and any other real life stuff.


    Easy.. no cheating, griefing and stealing. Don't build things that harm server performance (Meaning fast redstone clocks) and just simply have a good time with others. Take a distance from the spawn or apply for builder role.




    Country + Timezone:

    Tell us a bit about yourself: How much do you play: Have you ever been kicked or banned and why?:

    For joining enter the discord and message me your application format to RedYssel#5021

    submitted by /u/RedYssel
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    Kingdoms of Bandera RELAUNCHED [Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{Discord}{1.14.4}{18+}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 06:11 AM PDT

    Bandera SMP - (Relaunched)

    The Experience

    Bandera SMP is a Minecraft server that focuses on creating a real community. We're trying to make a small, tight-knit group of players. If you're familiar with Hermitcraft, that's the kind of vibe we're going for.

    It's a place with a high level of trust and camaraderie where you can build and chat together. People are always happy to help you out if you're new or work collaboratively with you on builds. We also have a Discord server to stay in touch.

    The vision of the server is to have several towns and settlements around the world. Players are encouraged to team up and build up towns. Towns and settlements should be spread apart by a fair distance. The distance should be around 500+ blocks (recommended).

    We also don't plan to reset the map (Unless made necessary due to updates). We want to see the map evolve over time with other people's builds - you can be a part of that history!

    We are running VanillaTweaks datapacks for increased quality of life (Multiplayer Sleeping etc).

    This is an 18+ server, but exceptions can be made if you have a member to vouch for you or a near birthday, or if you come across as mature. Honesty is appreciated!

    Server Rules

    1. Griefing is strictly banned. This includes stealing, raiding, and pillaging other player creations.
    2. Hacked clients are strictly banned. This includes x-ray hacking, combat-related hacks, and flying hacks. Minimaps are allowed.
    3. Preserve the natural landscape! This means players should keep the nature looking good. Do not build 1x1 "noob" towers. Do not carve out a side of a mountain and do nothing with it. Replant trees after you cut them down. Keep things looking good!
    4. PvP is turned on, however, both players must consent before fighting. You are not allowed to kill players in order to take inventory items.
    5. Towns and settlements should be spread out. Do not start building around another player if they do not want you to be there. Please respect all players.

    Meet the Owner

    Hey there, I'm CJ. Having run countless game servers in the past including a couple of whitelisted community Minecraft servers, I am very experienced when it comes to server management; to ensure everyone has the smoothest experience possible. I started as a technical minecrafter, taking interest in redstone and command blocks above anything else, but have come to develop a love for building over the years. I started with Minecraft 1.7, so have been an active member of the community for quite a while now. My schedule is fairly busy, however, I will be more than capable of running the server with the utmost care and confidence. I would love to be able to bring players together to create some wonderful moments and structures, and I hope through this server I can achieve just that.


    1. Fill out the application form through the link below:
    2. Make sure to join our discord:
    3. Reply to this post saying that you have done so, and leave your IGN.
    submitted by /u/C4_55
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    Loka [PvP] {1.13.2}{Territory Conquest}{Best-In-Class Market}{Custom World/Items}{Region-Specific Resources}{Legendary Towns}{US}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 09:15 AM PDT


    - - -

    Conquest Fight Logs and Player Statistics: A site custom-written by one of our very own that tracks Conquest Fights and Player Statistics! http://eldritchbot.com

    Curious what a fight looks like? Watch a Conquest Fight!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caHpsvXmyzU

    - - -


    Loka is a Semi-Vanilla, PvP Survival Server that uses custom plugins to create a one of a kind Minecraft experience. Loka features a custom-written Territorial Conquest System, a very rich story, unique, talent-based Battlegrounds, Rated Kit Arenas, a custom Market, Thievery, and World Events.

    Territorial Conquest

    Conquest Explanation Video: https://youtu.be/50PrFyMma_E

    Loka's biggest feature, Territories, is custom system wherein Towns vie for control of static Territory Nodes throughout our three Continents. The strongest Town or Alliance at the end of each month becomes the Capital of Loka and gets to implement global policies. Alliances, Enemies, Friends, and Mortal Enemies have been forged and destroyed through our Territory System. Additionally, we have a Territory Control Map that dynamically updates to show the real-time changes of territory control.

    Custom World

    Loka's world is 100% custom sculpted for the server. Loka's map features 3 unique continents (Frozen North, Temperate West, and Hot/Humid South) each with a set of unique resources. These resources can be found and farmed on their respective continents, but cannot be re-grown on other continents. Paired with our Market and Conquest systems, this makes for truly rare resources with great value. You can no longer farm every thing in the world within the comfort of your protected town. You must get out there, explore, and trade!


    The second-most significant aspect of Loka is our 100% custom Town system. With two of your friends, you can claim a Territory as your Home TownNode that gives you a large area with build protection and a variety of features. Our town system includes progression, advanced zoning, custom ranks/titles, lordship, and more! Almost everything you do contributes to your town's level, unlocking Town Perks, adding to the town building experience. Further, towns can integrate with our Discord server for a variety of extra features!

    Town Industries

    Reaching level 20/40 or more in certain Town Masteries gives your town the ability to spawn an Industry Building. These buildings excel in their craft and include buildings like a Lumber Mill, Mine, Windmill, Arcanum, and Tavern! Each of our 18 masteries will have Industry buildings.


    By using our own custom Jobs system, players can create live, dynamic Job Boards that dispense jobs of your own creation to players. Job-types include Gathering, Travel-Jobs, Hunting Jobs, and of course, Player Bounties.


    Loka has custom-built PvP systems that we've been running for three seasons, including Warcraft-Themed Arenas, Epic Battlegrounds, and a custom PvP Talent system. Additionally, we recently released a Town vs Town Battleground in which any number of towns can queue in order to fight. Depending on your score at the end of the match, your Town can earn perks that last for a short while until the next BG begins.

    Strong Economy

    Like our Towns and PvP, Loka runs a custom-built and powerful Market system that allows anyone to buy and sell things with our custom currency of Shards. Prove your economics skills and use the power of our one-of-a-kind Market to make yourself rich!


    Loka allows thievery and murder, but griefing and mass block damage are forbidden. Loka's thieving community is one of the most skilled in Minecraft. Do you challenge them, join them, or ignore them? Some have thrived through conflict, others have fallen. How will your story on Loka be told?


    Since the founding of the server, Lokans have been no strangers to evil, catastrophe, and mystery. From the feared World-Ender Preksak to the seemingly benevolent god of Asgard, Freyjia, a small host of characters appear from time to time to alter the course of Loka's History. Some players have even chosen to participate and have their roles locked in lore for eternity!


    Our rules are basic in that we do not allow griefing, we moderate chat to keep things as close to PG as we can given the general audience of Minecraft, and we strive to keep the atmosphere as friendly as possible. Be warned though that thievery and subterfuge is commonplace on Loka. It is as much of an element as Town Building, PvP, and RP are.

    Come join us on Loka. It's an experience you will find nowhere else!

    submitted by /u/Cryptite
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    PrestigiousMC [SMP] {1.14.4} {Jobs} {McMMO} {Towny} {Epic Spawn} {Holiday Events!} {Anti-grief} {Parkour Maps} {Upgradable Tier Gear} {Custom Achievements} {Collectable items}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 09:02 AM PDT

    ✩ Towny, Survival and Creative! ✩ Anti-grief ✩ Custom mobs and bosses! ✩ 200+ Name tags to earn! ✩ Earn & upgrade your own Tiered gear/weapons! ✩ Holiday Events! ✩ Lovely community! ✩ McMMO & Jobs! ✩ Easy, Medium, Hard & Insane Parkour Maps ✩ World Livemap! ✩ & lots more! ✩

    Server IP: pgmc.net

    Website: http://prestigiousmc.enjin.com/home

    Livemap: http://pgmc.net:8122/#


    We have a lot to offer, Have a look below:

    - Towny OR Survival: You can either join a town or wander off into the survival world and setup a home somewhere! If you don't feel like being adventurous then you can claim a plot outside of spawn.

    - Self-serve protection and anti-grief: You get a Protection block when you join, this can be used to claim land to prevent players interacting with your area. Futhermore, you can lock your doors and chests! If you forget to protect land and do get griefed, Keep calm, One of our friendly and trained staff members will fix everything!

    - Custom mobs and bosses: Take on a new challenge with our 10 unique mobs and 4 new bosses for you to kill. Each boss has unique drops such as Speed boost gear, shield that grants bonus health, Collectable pets and chat tags!

    - Keep items on death: You will no longer lose your hours worth of mining by falling in lava or losing your items from a sneaky creeper. You keep all of your items on death.

    - Good Economy with player shops: Choose a job and earn money from doing tasks or earn money by setting up your own store!

    - Chat Tags/Titles: Earn unique tags by reaching max level on jobs, Killing bosses, Buy with in-game money and taking part in annual events, there is over 100 different chat tags to be collected!

    - McMMO: Level up skills to gain extra powers or Become #1 on skills leaderboard. Your total level appears below your name so you can show off your skills.

    - Earn and upgrade your own Tiered gear/weapons: Mobs in the spawn Mobarena & custom bosses around the world may drop tokens, These are used to buy powerful gear and weapons. There are 3 tiers of gear/weapons!. This gear has a unique feature called Sockets which are filled using Socket gems. Gems are found randomly when killing monsters and range from level 1 to 5.

    - Very friendly community: We strongly believe that the community is the heart of a server, Our community members come first and we will make sure everybody feels like they are part of it! We have built up a strong community over the past 3-4 years and we're always looking for mature and friendly players to join us!

    Server Rules:

    • Rule 1: No Griefing!
    • Rule 2: No Stealing/raiding
    • Rule 3: Respect other players
    • Rule 4: No profanity in chat

    Server IP: pgmc.net

    Website: http://prestigiousmc.enjin.com/home

    Discord: https://discord.gg/fyySGmc

    submitted by /u/PgmcServer
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    Vanilla Hype [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Greylist} {1.14.4} {16+} {Discord}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 08:22 AM PDT

    Vanilla Hype is a recently started whitelist vanilla server. The aim of the server is to build up a friendly and mature community while keeping the gameplay vanilla so we're always looking for people to join our little community :D

    Server Rules:

    • No griefing
    • No stealing
    • Keep chat respectful
    • No xray or other game modifications (exceptions: optifine, minimap etc)
    • No alt accounts
    • Full list of the rules can be found here: https://vanillahype.enjin.com/rules

    Application: https://vanillahype.enjin.com/login/do/register

    Server IP: vanillahype.mcpro.co

    Version: Java 1.14.4

    submitted by /u/VanillaHype
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    Kindred Legacy [Anarchy] {Vanilla Gameplay} {Friendly} {No Permabans}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 08:20 AM PDT


    Server IP : kindred-legacy.com


    Server Discord : https://discordapp.com/invite/HFmWN6


    The howling of the wind abates a moment. Through the thick swirl of snow, I can see the flat ice of a shoreline spread before me. I have reached the new land in the north. A new beginning.

    A new server, old players. We have come from various places, for a fresh start, with the intention of building something that lasts. We are a friendly community that likes to build towns, and prefer not to grief, even though it is allowed.

    • Server runs Paper. No game changing plugins. Pure vanilla experience.
    • Dedicated server
    • World will never be reset
    • No coordinates
    • Large biomes
    • Hard mode
    • No TP, help or protection
    • No OPs or creative players
    • No donator privileges or perks
    • 40 slots

    Server Rules

    • No hacking (6 month temp ban)
    • No doxxing, death threats, hate speech etc (doxxing is especially bad ok)
    • If you keep getting banned, it's longer every time.

    Addendum : Yes, it is Anarchy. You can do whatever you want, whilst also playing on the same fair ground as everyone else. A server with that allows hacking is a 'Chaos' server. Search for those if you want to speedfly and killaura people.

    submitted by /u/bubble_chase
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    MC-Rebels [PVE] {1.14} {Survival} {Guilds} {Discord}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 09:39 AM PDT

    Looking for a 1.14 survival server with a friendly and awesome community? you've come to the right place!


    We are a semi-vanilla survival server, offering the authentic experience a survival server should offer with lots of friendly players and some great features. Got some items you want to sell to some other players? Sell them on the black market! Want to compete to be the highest leveled MCMMO player? You will have to battle with a lot of competitive players for the number 1 spot!

    We offer some great survival enhancing plugins like: MCMMO, Guilds, GriefPrevention and QuickShop.

    Server Rules:

    1. Respect everyone; discrimination for any reason is not allowed.
    2. Swearing with no malicious intent is allowed. Slurs and derogatory language are not allowed.
    3. Do not discuss controversial or inappropriate topics.
    4. English only! We cannot moderate other languages.
    5. Please do not discuss bans or punishments.
    6. Do not cheat or hack in any way. Do not abuse bugs or glitches.
    7. Do not AFK near auto farms.


    Join us here: play.mc-rebels.com

    Join the discord here: https://discord.gg/ZkGsdCC

    We hope to see you soon!

    submitted by /u/MC-Rebels
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    Blueshift [PVE] {1.14.4} {Survival} {No-Grief}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 06:04 AM PDT

    IP: play.blueshiftmc.com

    Website: https://www.blueshiftmc.com

    Rules: https://www.blueshiftmc.com/rules

    Description: Blueshift is a new Minecraft survival server. Our goal is to provide a high quality survival server for Minecraft 1.14.4.


    - Claims - We use a system similar to GriefPrevention for claiming land, but with more advanced features like buying and selling claims.

    - Jobs - Jobs is the primary way of making money. We are always working to ensure greater balance between the Jobs.

    - Ranks - As you earn money, you will be able to purchase ranks which unlock perks! Examples of these perks include commands, extra homes, auction slots, purchasing a market plot, a permanent extra heart, and increased walk speed.

    - ArtMap - This is a really cool plugin that allows you to create paintings in game. Best way to understand it is by checking it out in game!

    - Auction House & ChestShop - There is no admin shops, as our economy is player-driven. These plugins make it easier for players to sell their goods to each other.

    - mcMMO - We use the Overhaul Era version of mcMMO. It adds RPG skills and abilities to Minecraft.

    - Discord - Community is a very important part of our server. Be sure to join our Discord to get the full experience.

    submitted by /u/rn150896
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    Pikas Modpack Server [Modded] {1.12.2}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 04:39 AM PDT

    This is our small private server. No whitelist. Help us build a lit city. To find out how to join, come on to our Discord server: https://discord.gg/xYjEchB

    Rules: 1) No client hacks 2) No griefing 3) No cursing in chat 4) Be nice and build and have fun!

    Current Mods 21/09/2019: Forge 2826 - AppleSkin - BiblioCraft - Biomes O Plenty - Ultimate Car Mod - Good Ol' Currency - Doggy Talents - Flan's Mods - Fossils & Archeology - Furniture Mod - Galacticraft - IndustrialCraft - Inventory Tweaks - Just Enough Items - JourneyMap - Open Computers - Pam's HarvestCraft - Railcraft - RFTools - Thermal Expansion - Tropicraft - Web Displays - Zoo and Wild Animals - Buildcraft - AromaCore Backup - Thermal Dynamics

    submitted by /u/BlazeRod
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    Esoteric [Semi-Vanilla] [PvP]

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 09:07 AM PDT

    Esoteric was created in March of 2018 and was a small private server, recently the server has been made public and reset for 1.14. Having only started with a few friends, Esoteric has been quickly growing a consistent player base.

    Server IP: esoteric-mc.com

    ---Esoteric Features---

    -Player run economy (/trade enabled)

    -PVP in wild

    -Land claiming

    -hard mode

    -Keepinv off

    -TPA enabled



    -no chat spam / advertisement

    -duplication bugs / exploits are not allowed

    -no hacked clients or x-ray resource packs

    -no lag machines

    -keep toxicity in public chat to a minimum and don't go out of your way to harass others

    We hope to see you on Esoteric!

    submitted by /u/9341330557
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    KugoCraft looking for new players! [Semi-vanilla] {1.14.4} {SMP} {Whitelist} {discord}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 08:15 AM PDT

    Server details

    IP: Server is whitelisted.

    Server location: Europe

    Gamemode: Survival

    Minimum age: No minimum age, we encourage maturity tho.


    We at KugoCraft are looking for new active players, the server is SMP based and is whitelisted with a small active community already playing. Due to some recent setbacks we are open for applications again. We look for any active players who would like to join and extend our community. World-saves are on and we create daily backups. Cheating is not allowed so is hacking. We operate 4 plugins in a total of which 2 are inaccessible and for maintenance only and 2 are stated down here. We have irregular events like build off and a small market place.

    We operate 2 plugins to keep it simple:

    • Essentials X (Mostly for /back and /nick.)
    • SinglePlayeSleep


    No Griefing

    No Cheating/hacking

    If you can act mature so any age is allowed.

    Discord is a must-have.


    If you´re interested, fill out the google form provided down here or contact me on discord (Eppich207/Martin#7553) and we´ll contact you ASAP so we can start selecting our candidates.


    Yours sincerely KugoCraft.

    You may also respond to the thread and we´ll contact you directly.

    submitted by /u/martinsmartinis
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    CAGR Freebuild [Creative] {1.14.4} {World Edit} {Freebuild} {Head Database} {No Plots} {No Whitelist}

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 01:57 PM PDT

    Minecraft Server IP: play.cagr.xyz Discord: https://discord.gg/wFbBA8P Dynmap: http://play.cagr.xyz:8130 

    Freebuild Server

    • The map doesn't have plots. You can build anywhere claims don't exist at present.
    • If you want to use World Edit, you need to make a /modreq wherever you want to build, and a moderator will create a region for you. World Edit only works in World Guard regions you're the owner of.
    • Building without World Edit can be done without making a modreq.

    World Edit

    • Most World Edit commands are enabled by default.
    • To use World Edit, you must either have a region created for you wherever you're building, or be added by another user to use World Edit in their region. For more info about this, ask a moderator.
    • World Edit is currently capped at 20,000 block edits. This limit may be lowered or heightened depending on how the server handles World Edit.


    • We operate a Discord server to keep in touch with our community. If you want to come join us on Discord, click here!


    • Server moderation evolves with the needs of our players.
    • We all play the server just like the users do, so we're constantly coming up with new plugin ideas or suggestions ourselves. That said, we'd be super excited to hear your ideas too in #suggestions!

    Server Rules

    Don't be (or build) a dick. "Dickish" behavior includes, but is not limited to:

    • Griefing others
    • Any kind of hate-speech, discrimination, threats, or abuse.
    • Harassing or bullying people
    • Starting drama or stirring shit
    • Advertising or spamming
    • Intentionally lagging/crashing server
    • Finding exploits and not reporting them to staff

    If your behavior fits the "dickish" definition above (at staff discretion), then you may be asked to leave the server.

    Rules may change at our discretion, but we'll let you know if or when they do. Generally, our goal is for the server to be fun and lack the restrictions seen on other servers. With these rules, it's hoped the server can remain cool, cordial, and fun for everyone playing. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact a moderator.

    If you want to join, use your 1.14.4 client and log in with the IP address, play.cagr.xyz! Join us on Discord if you want to keep up with us! :)

    submitted by /u/thejadedeconomist
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    Merchant Villages [PVE] {Unlimited Land} {Land claim} {No Griefing} {Dynmap} {1.14.4}

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 06:20 PM PDT

    Address: mc.merchantvillages.com:25665

    Merchant Villages is a friendly non-pvp server looking for mature, well behaved players.

    Have you been enjoying Minecraft single player, but found the online community less than youd hoped for? Are you tired of being griefed by experienced players? Had enough of power hungry admins threatening to ban you every time you blink? Merchant Villages offers a friendly environment for players new to the scene and experienced players alike.

    Merchant Villages is well established having been online since January of 2013.

    In Merchant Villages you will find a unique economy because it is based off of the NPC villager trades created by Mojang. Villagers on this server have been designed to make trading easy and fun. With EssentialsEco, ChestShop, Floauction and others seamlessly integrating the vanilla trading with a full eco system, Merchant Villages offers a different approach to creating a full economy experience.

    You'll also find a rich gaming experience with:

    • Unlimited land starting with 100x100 plots and expanded as needed
    • Everything protected - No griefing, everything logged
    • Four home sets and more as you rank
    • No starting in overpopulated areas
    • Random tp designed with options to help you find the biome type of your choice
    • Enhanced minerals in the mines - Also optionally mine in a special world with enhanced loot tables
    • Fall damage off - Creeper and ghast block damage off
    • Craftbook which includes pipes, wireless redstone, and much more
    • Creative plot world
    • Minigames including parkour, spleef, hunger games and more!
    • Family friendly environment
    • No Inventory loss arenas
    • Friendly rules including (1) Respect other players, (2) No offensive language, (3) no hacks, and of course (4) No griefing.

    Come and join us for a full, friendly gaming experience.


    submitted by /u/FatherWh0
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    River City [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.14.4}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 09:22 AM PDT

    Hi, we are a small, basic smp.

    The server started about two weeks ago, and has a small and close community. We are looking for more players to play with and have fun with us.

    Some things about the server:

    • The world border is 10k by 10k and will expand on 1.15.
    • Dynmap
    • Player heads and mob heads have a chance of dropping.
    • Whitelisted
    • We have a Discord server.
    • We currently have one town-like area and other people are spread out.
    • Veinminer

    We currently have 8 members but are aiming to get around 15 active players. You can be as active as you want in the community or just hide far away. It's up to you.


    1. Be respectful towards other players and their property.
    2. Respect the spawn area.
    3. Don't build to close to another player without permission.
    4. No griefing.
    5. No stealing.
    6. No cheating.
    7. Otherwise, do whatever you want.

    To apply, please comment on this thread with the following information:

    In game name:


    What do you enjoy doing in-game?:

    Do you understand the rules?:

    submitted by /u/Aligayah
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    BidoCraft [SMP] {McMMO}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 05:27 AM PDT

    BidoCraft is a small, MCMMO server offering a simple survival experience: with plugins which help enhance this experience, and a friendly community.

    We operate 24/7, allow for Land Claims, PvP enabled, Hard Difficulty and an economy- where you can make money trading, and using the /sell command.

    We're looking for players to help grow our small community, and make it a more enjoyable and interesting place to play.

    -No Griefing
    -No Hacking/Cheating (such as using duplication glitches, etc)

    IP: bido.zapto.org

    submitted by /u/wecax49
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    World Of Atlantida [SMP] {1.14.4}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 09:09 AM PDT

    We are looking for people who are friendly and willing to play often.

    The vanilla style server with griefing prevention and nothing else. Forget about when people said CLAIM is bad, with land protection your work will be always safe and is best for multiplayer server. Without land claim with whitelist you can't be preventing from griefing. All players get 1,000 claim block for start and anytime can increase for big projects and builds 10,000+ claim blocks.

    Active community for 4 days about 400 new players, and all the time joining new. Make new friends, mine, build and more, never get bored. No whitelist.

    Server IP mc.worldofatlantida.com:25860

    Discord https://discord.gg/NzkCyjQ

    World border 20k, after 1.15 update, will be added more 20k, after every new minecraft update version will be added extra 20k. World will never reset.


    No hacked clients/x-ray/cheating.

    Absolutely NO racist, homophobic, ableist, or derogatory terms.

    Hate speech is not tolerated.


    1 Player sleep

    Double shulker shells

    Dragon drops elytra

    More mob heads

    Customizable Armor Stand

    submitted by /u/WorldOfAtlantida
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    Zuligen [SMP] [PVE] [Hub] {MCMMO} {1.14.4} {Economy} {Claims} {Grief Prevention} {Dynmap} {Datapacks} {Chestshop} {United States} {Discord} {Sethome} {Pixelmon} {Modded}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 09:05 AM PDT

    Come join us for friendly staff and players who you will get to know well. If you have any concerns, our staff is there to listen

    If you are a streamer who wants to stream a minecraft server and choses Zuligen to do so, contact Techuntr ❣#7852 and stw222#5641 on discord in a group DM

    Server IP: p.zuligen.com

    Discord: http://discord.gg/83xN5wn

    Website: http://zulgen.com/#

    Here is a small list of the features we have:

    (ALL SERVERS can be connected through our IP, p.zuligen.com)

    • Survival (1.14.4) - with earnable flight time, Easy and Hard difficulty worlds, McMMO, and Grief Prevention
    • Creative (1.14.4) - 100 x 100 plots, a Head Database that you can use to add detail to your builds, and //set and //cyl World Edit commands for all members to use
    • Pixelmon (1.12.2 using the mod) - Catch Pokemon, IV and EV checking commands, homes, catch challenges that change every few hours and more
    • All The Mods 3 Remix (1.12.2 using the mod pack)
    • Stoneblock 2 (1.12.2 with the modpack)
    • Servers that we plan to add:
    • Skyblock (1.14.4)
    • Tajlesnea (1.12.2)

    Server RULES:

    • No hacking/cheating
    • No advertising other servers
    • Limit trolling
    • No griefing
    • Obey staff
    • Be respectful
    • Only use English in public chat
    • Cursing is allowed, but not towards other people
    submitted by /u/Techuntr
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    Echoes Skyblock [Vanilla] {1.14.4} {Skyblock} {Small Community} {Cities}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 08:04 AM PDT

    IP: echoes.pw

    Echoes Website

    Echoes Discord

    About the Server

    If you're struggling to find a server where you fit in, Echoes is the place for you.

    Ever since the server's inception in mid-2017, we've been committed to providing a place for the disenfranchised Minecraft players who go from server to server searching for someplace that feels like home. A total of 9,879 players like you have logged into Echoes servers since we started began hosting them. This is the newest Echoes server (we also have a normal anarchy survival server). Come check us out! We'd love to see you on our server or even on our Discord.


    1. Dont threaten to lag/crash the Minecraft servers;

    2. Don't doxx anybody.

    If you're not doing either of these things, you can do whatever your heart desires. The rules on our discord are virtually the same (the only difference is that excessive spam isn't allowed). We're a fun-loving, lighthearted community.

    What Makes Us Different?

    If you read this far, great! We're glad to see you have an interest in Echoes. Below are listed some unique features of this server.

    • Let it be noted that every unique feature listed after this is done without plugins, mods, or server wrappers. Echoes is 100% vanilla. You can verify this by pressing F3 after you login. In the upper left corner of your screen, you'll see this, which indicates that you're playing on a vanilla world.
    • Though our staff login daily, all Echoes Network servers are (primarily) maintained by a bot named Saltshaker. In-game, this bot's name is saltshakerBOT. Saltshaker has a couple of features worth noting:
    • Saltshaker will teleport you to spawn via the !spawn command. We're working on a functioning (but nerfed) !back command, equivalent to /back on some other servers.
    • Saltshaker has functional !sethome, !delhome, and !home commands, equivocal to /home and its associated commands on spigot servers.
    • Saltshaker also has functional !tpa commands.
    • We've got a !leaderboard command, allowing you to display the highest-ranking players in a number of categories like time played, pvp kills, total kill count, blocks mined, and more novelty objectives like bells rung and steaks eaten. More information is available on saltshakerBOT's help website.
    • This command is a bit of a novelty; saltshakerBOT will place any block or item on your head that you desire (but the item will be enchanted with curse of vanishing and curse of binding) using the !hat command.
    • View a full list of saltshakerBOT's commands here.
    • Unlike most other anarchy worlds, pvp on Echoes is rare. Despite our lack of constraining rules, Echoes is a very community-centric server. For the most part, everyone you'll encounter is friendly and cooperative. Be warned, however, it's still anarchy, and there will always be people out to mess with you.
    • We also incorporate vote rewards into the server, courtesy of xMamo's vanilla votifier. In exchange for voting for the server (vote links are available on our Discord, and on the server by typing "!vote" into chat.), you receive 10XP levels, regeneration and health boost 4 for 10 minutes, and a random item.
    • We have a custom resource pack with sounds (mostly memes) activated by certain keywords in chat. For example, saying "bruh" will cause Bruh Sound Effect #2 to play.
    • We're working on a bot and a resource pack that'll play music in-game with news report-esque narration interspersed between the songs. This is inspired by Fallout: New Vegas' Radio New Vegas.
    • We have a custom Discord bot that streams songs and narration from Fallout: New Vegas' Radio New Vegas 24/7.
    • We've included some datapacks to enhance the survival experience on Echoes Skyblock. All datapacks included (except for Skyblock Traders and our !home and !tpa datapacks) are courtesy of http://mc.voodoobeard.com/. We use the following packs from this site: Item Magnet 2.0, PvP Player Heads 1.0, Possessive Pigmen 1.0, Mob Statues 1.1, Death Book 1.1, and Gravestones 2.0.

    Other Servers

    Echoes Anarchy: echoes.fun

    Echoes Fallout (whitelisted until finished): echoes.icu

    Echoes Oceans: echoes.vip

    Echoes comes highly recommended from all of its regulars. Check us out!

    submitted by /u/EchoesNetwork
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    Snaketopia [Hub][SMP]{mcMMO}{SkyBlock}{MobArena}{Mature}{Canadian}{Greylist}{14.4}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 07:54 AM PDT

    IP: mc.snaketopia.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/8GH8c57

    Snaketopia was a medium sized survival server back in 2012/2013. After 3 years of an amazing community, I had to re-locate and didn't have time to rebuild once I got situated. That all being said, We're back, baby!

    We are a mature and chill server where you can play in whatever style you like. All separated by server.

    Like to help other players, build together, and play mini games like Mob Arena, Skyblock and more? We've got you covered. All mini-games and arenas are accessible from the Spawn Lobby.

    Is semi-vanilla survival more your style? Snaketopia Survival is tastefully modded with mcMMO, Grief Prevention, and Core Protect to ensure your amazing builds stay as you want them. mcMMO can be turned off for a real Semi-Vanilla playstyle.

    Do you like to be a hermit? We've got a chat channel just for you!

    Greylist is the Discord server and in-game chat is hooked in as well. Anyone can join - and enjoy the lobby or survival with limited permissions. If you think we're the right place for you, join discord and we'll make sure you get your addons.

    Oh, did I mention the pre-spawned world is 3000x3000 and there's only been about 4-5 serious players since I opened it up? We've got lots of free space for you to find and explore!

    Rules to live by:

    Maturity - I don't care you're age, race, or creed. Just be mature. Everyone should get to play, but I will mute you so hard if I have to.

    Grief - I've got it locked down so you don't have to worry about it. We can cross the asshat bridge when we get to it.

    Spam - I've got too many chat filters at the moment, so good luck I guess?

    Client Mods - Minimap, Optifine, game enhancers are fine by me. X-ray doesn't work, soooo have at it!

    That's about all she wrote. I'm on discord if I'm not on the server. Come check us out!

    submitted by /u/woodsnake420
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    ElevateSMP [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Dynmap}{New Server}{16+}{Whitelist}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 07:26 AM PDT

    About: ElevateSMP is a brand new (launched today this is the first post) 16+, whitelisted, semi-vanilla SMP server. The goal of the server is to create a small to medium sized community of regular players to play minecraft with.

    I've run several servers in the past. Hosting a server hoping to find a small group of friends to play the game. Open to making changes based on suggestions from the community.

    Semi-Vanilla The server is running papermc and is mostly vanilla other than a few admin/chat tools

    Whitelisted to filter out griefers and trolls.

    World Border: 10000 blocks

    Server Settings: Normal Mode Survival, 1.14.4, Vanilla/Semi-Vanilla


    -No hacking

    -No griefing/stealing

    -No lag machines

    -Be respectful of other members

    Additional rules will be added if necessary

    Want to Join? Please fill out an application with the discord link below with the following info:


    How long have you played minecraft?

    About you?


    submitted by /u/Aeros001
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    AnarchyMC [Vanilla] [Anarchy] {1.14.4}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 06:36 AM PDT


    Simply put, this server is anarchy in it's purest form. You can even lag the server if you want, but if you cause too much lag I will have no trouble making the coords public (if it's your base) or just removing the chunk all together.

    Modding, spamming, stealing, griefing, everything else is allowed.

    We aim to update the server as soon as possible once a new version of Minecraft comes out. However, we do have to test the new version to make sure it does not break the map before we do so. We also have to make sure that the version is any good, meaning neither broken nor laggy.

    Server IP: anarchymc.ddns.net

    Discord: https://discord.gg/zwf3upu

    submitted by /u/TheFloppyGaming
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    Artis [Semi-vanilla] {Vanilla Survival} {VoteToBan} {Anti-Grieving AI}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 06:35 AM PDT


    Description: Artis is an almost vanilla experimental server for a plugin in development that will auto-kick grievers based on certain behavior patterns. The server has a Vote-to-ban plugin for now so the members can vote to ban a certain player if found guilty of grieving. Griever's actions during their time on the server will be reverted after they get banned.

    We would like you to be on the server as the data we collect is crucial to us in configuring the AI. The system will get better as it learns and we hope this works to solve the long running problem of grievers on servers.

    We have a reward system in works that will be implemented soon (or not depending on the outcome from the players on the server)

    Rules: No cheating, No griefing and No stealing.

    submitted by /u/frikinJay1
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