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    Minecraft When a campfire does not have a block directly below it, the coal isn’t there.

    Minecraft When a campfire does not have a block directly below it, the coal isn’t there.

    When a campfire does not have a block directly below it, the coal isn’t there.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 06:43 AM PDT

    There's a little bit of charcoal in the middle of campfires. I keep seeing people use them for bridges and rafts, which looks very rusting and nice, but there's still coal just floating there and it's kind of annoying. Why not make it so the charcoal only appears when the campfire in on the ground, if it's over water of over air the coal disappears.

    submitted by /u/CouldBeSteve
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    Regardless of the biome, please consider investment in Discovery Mechanics

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 01:36 PM PDT

    Regardless of the biome that folks vote for, I believe the investment needs to be less in terrain/mob development, and more in discovery mechanics. Sure, you can make a biome prettier and more diverse, but if there is no increased interest in the biome over time, the value of the investment will decrease. Therefore, I highly encourage folks to push for discovery mechanics in any biome that they promote. For example:

    • Mountain Biome
      • Deep, deep snow, with hidden treasure that can be found underneath either in chests, or buried caves
      • Packed snow that requires more effort to dig, with snow that causes items to SINK into it, that keeps the items from despawning. (This allows for creative ways for games and survival, as well as discovery of items others have dropped). I picture games in survival where people can get killed and not worry about losing items if they don't go back fast enough. I picture games where you dig/melt snow in areas to "clear" that area and see if anyone mysterious died climbing that mountain in the past. A whole litany of function could come from having a block versus bubble column that causes items to sink, and prevents them from despawning. Heck, hide and seek would be pretty darn amusing. Melt mechanics could introduce time-delay traps. The options are pretty enticing...
      • Digging through packed snow can happen, but the deeper you go, the more likely a column will collapse on you causing suffocation.
      • The potential for snow on the mountainside to collapse HORIZONTALLY (avalanche) pushing you backwards and potentially covering you, but unveiling buried items/features/treasure. I picture an avalanche triggering, pushing someone near the edge of a cliff, but upon recovery, they discover that an enchanting book has spawned where the avalanche started.
      • Snow that lets you walk on the surface, but if you run, you sink into it and causes you to slow
      • Hail storms in certain areas could be added to Hard and Hardcore mode, where you're driven into cover or take damage, and less-durable materials (wool) are more likely to take damage or get broken. And yet, running out in the storm allows you to collect packed ice without harvesting
    • Swamp
      • Traps in the swamp like quicksand that pulls you down like a bubble column
      • Increased variety and density of swamp trees and swamp cover (like dark oak covered forest) with temples that can only be discovered if you are walking (not flying), and are half sunken into the water. (Have above, half under water temples) with a size more akin to the underwater temple versus the tiny jungle temples.
      • Increased darkness under the cover, especially at night
      • Increased sound/noise/mob sounds, especially at night
      • Mobs that are not only spawning on the ground, but trees are configured so they can have mobs spawn in them and drop down on players
      • Flowers that, if bumped or touched, don't cause damage, but cause disorientation, which increases as you get closer to a sunken ruin.
    • Mesa/Badlands
      • We get gold in these areas...a lot of it.
      • We also get above ground mines, with treasure (which are the same as below ground mines, where both could be improved)
      • I picture a new type of village, either complete, or abandoned, full of traps and potential buried treasure. This would be like an abandoned mining town where folks left in a hurry and you can either loot it, or repopulate it.
      • I picture a new type of red sand that's perhaps "trapped" red sand, where it stays in place, but you slowly fall through it unless you're using feather falling boots, an elytra with rockets, or use sticks on the sand to slow your sinking and perhaps a lead to pull yourself out. Pouring water on the area would reveal the trapped sand, and pouring lava on the area would change it to regular red sand.
      • UNDER the trapped red sand, though, you would find a treasure chest or items that represent the inventories of other less fortunate adventurers.
      • In the badlands, you also see things on the horizon that may or may not be there. You get Mirages, and therefore, as you're walking you may find that thing you're running towards doesn't exist, or that it's bigger than you imagined. (This would only work walk on the ground). This could lead to a need to CARRY WATER with you, to mitigate seeing these illusions, or give new enchantments to chest/leg armor of "'camelback" where you can take water with you.
      • I also see this introducing a new "water" mechanic with the food mechanic, where you simply need to come in contact with "non-deep ocean" water once every 5-10 days (fewer in more difficult/hardcore modes) to prevent you from slow walking or losing health. The advantage? Perhaps a 5-10% speed boost for half a day each time you "drink". This would increase the rationale for putting water in/on/near your base.

    These are just a few ideas off the top of my head. The primary point is that Aquatic, and V&P updates were so well received because they introduced significant opportunities for discovery. In the water, I can find pretty fish and coral, a shipwreck with a chest, a ruin, multiple ruins, chests leading to treasure maps, leading to treasure. It made the water a trove of valuable stuff, rather than just a place to swim. V&P made villages even more valuable, gives reason to trade and modify trades/careers, adds a new potential structure with treasure (pillager tower), and treasure, and the ability to trigger a raid with dropped treasure.

    Minecraft fans love the game, and the look and feel of the world is obviously important. I just wanted to highlight the area that DRIVES fans to keep playing, and keep creating new worlds, and starting all over again after having a "finished" world. It's that feeling of adventure and discovery that makes a particular area/world/biome special. I love finding a ravine. I love finding a mine. And yet I took a picture of a stupid underground skeleton structure because I discovered it. I have more bone blocks than I know what to do with...but I found myself taking a screenshot of a cool fossil structure.

    Make the biomes cool, pretty, and functional...but the more you add to adventure and discovery in that particular biome...the more you give your fans a reason to get excited to explore that biome, the greater the inherent value of the introduced change.

    submitted by /u/ap1msch
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    Let us collect Chorus Plant stems with Silk Touch.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 07:49 AM PDT

    Title. Would be good for consistency and decoration/building.

    submitted by /u/AlexSteckline
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    Better insomnia.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 07:00 AM PDT

    Insomnia should be a debuff. Like one that shows up as an icon, not one like saturations. Another post, not mine, suggested auditor hallucinations were the player hears random sounds when tired. Everybody suggests that phantoms should not be visible to players not experiencing insomnia, I agree with that. Insomnia also causes slowness and mining fatigue.

    submitted by /u/CouldBeSteve
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    New idea for maps!

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 12:25 PM PDT

    If you where to put a map on the ground on an item frame, it should make a 3D model type thing... I don't really know, if you have anymore ideas to expand upon this, please comment!

    submitted by /u/Charlie_Cubes
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    Vultures can indicate a nearby zombie or skeleton is holding valuable loot

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 01:29 PM PDT

    This was an idea I had that I think would be a missed opportunity for the mob if it wasn't added. To make sure they aren't completely useless or anything, an idea I had is that circling vultures can at times indicate an undead mob holding valuable loot.

    I had a little numbering system in mind, the more vultures, the better loot the zombie or skeleton has on it. Here's how it works:

    1-2 vultures circling: weak loot, usually this would indicate the mob is wearing something like a leather cap or gold helmet, and/or may be holding a weak tool or weapon like a stone pickaxe or wood sword.

    3-4 vultures circling: ok loot. Half a set of leather, gold or chainmail (rare) armor, and/or holding a relatively good item, like a very damaged iron pick, or half broken stone sword.

    5-7 vultures circling: good loot. May be wearing something like half a set of iron, full set of gold or leather armor. Weapons, armor and/or tools may be enchanted.

    8-10 vultures circling: very good loot. This is very rare. Perhaps wearing a full suit of sturdy iron armor, or may have sturdy diamond and iron tools and weapons. Everything has a high chance of being enchanted.

    To sum it up: more vultures = better loot. This little thing imo is interesting because the vulture is to be attracted to valuable loot and necessities. And it would actually give vultures a relatively good use. As to if the circling vultures are flocking from far away to get to them or if they just naturally generate is beyond me, but my main focus here is to give a little idea on how to give the vulture some use.

    submitted by /u/MrCraftyCola99
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    If you have spare enchanted items, you can sell them to wandering traders

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 03:36 PM PDT

    This trade could replace the completely useless "fish in the bucket - 5 emeralds".

    Instead of fish bucket, Wandering Trader's penultimate trade would look like, for example, "5 emeralds - enchanted iron shovel". You would be able to sell enchanted iron shovel if you have it (no matter what enchantment is on it, matters only the fact that it is enchanted) to the trader and get emeralds. Item which trader would willing to buy, would be chosen randomly, but it would always be iron/golden weapon/tool/armor.

    submitted by /u/Arventur1996
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    Food source for caves

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 02:34 PM PDT

    I thinks that if there were foods you could find underground Minecraft would be much better. Bats could drop meat, there could be mushroom patches, and maybe fish in underground ponds. These would also add more atmosphere to the caves.

    submitted by /u/alesso27
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    Chicken nuggets

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 01:02 PM PDT

    I know that you might have seen a few cursed images based on this, but hear me out it sounds pretty good once you start to think about it.

    recipe- chicken in crafting grid gives you 9 nuggets.

    only stackable up to 16

    can be eaten to restore half a shank. similar to dried kelp, but its eaten instantly. (maybe a cooldown like the combat one?)

    However since chicken gives you 8 shanks, and since chicken nuggets give you 9 shanks in total, and since you can eat it instantly. There is a 20% chance that the nugget will not restore a shank, otherwise that would be too overpowered. Personally, I think it would make a great addition to the game.

    Let me know down in the comments if you have any ideas/changes I should make to it.

    submitted by /u/MR_GUNTHER13
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    Bees should be reworked to more closely resemble real bees

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 07:13 AM PDT

    Seeing how the social structure and life cycle of bees is so unique compared to other animals, it doesn't feel right to have Minecraft bees be bred like all other animals. With these changes, Minecraft bees will have a more realistic life cycle and serve more use to the player.

    When a bee nest is first discovered, it will contain one queen bee and two worker bees. Queen bees will be size of adult bees now, have twice the hit points of current bees, and will not die after stinging. However, queen bees will only come out of the nest for 2 reasons: to fight other queen bees and to fight those who disturb their nest. Worker bees will be the size of baby bees now, have the same number of hit points, and cannot breed.

    Found in plains, sunflower plains, and flower forests, a new flower can be found: the bee orchid. They resemble real life bee orchids and can be crafted into purple dye. More importantly, when a bee brings pollen back to the nest, instead of making honey, it'll make royal jelly.

    Bee nests and hives will now have a menu that can be accessed by right clicking it. However, if there is no campfire under the hive, the bees will come out and sting you. The menu will show ten hexagonal slots showing occupants of the hive and two meters showing honey and royal jelly amounts. The honey and royal jelly can either be put into a bottle to use as food, with a few honey combs as well, or fed to the bees for various effects. If honey is fed to a worker, it will fully heal the bee. If royal jelly is fed to the bee, it will become a queen bee. However, if two or more queens are in the same hive, they'll come out and fight each other to the death, with the winning queen returning to the hive. If honey is fed to a queen bee, it will appear to a more swollen abdomen. After 5 minutes, it will lay an egg. If there is an empty slot in the hive, the egg will fill the empty slot. If the hive has no empty slots, the egg will be dropped out of the hive, which you can then place into another hive. Once the egg is placed, after 5 minutes, the egg will hatch into a larva. After 5 more minutes, the larva will become pupa. Finally, after 5 more minutes, the pups will mature into an adult worker bee. Lastly, if royal jelly is fed to a queen bee, it will restore all of its health.

    submitted by /u/Gamerbry
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    A few Snow Golem buffs

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 06:57 PM PDT

    TL;DR Snow golems are pretty useless, so they should get a bunch of small buffs that make them more useful.

    Snow golems are not that useful right now. They can provide infinite snow, attract mobs, and maybe even annoy blazes, but other than that they don't do much. They need at least a few buffs to make them slightly more useful.

    One common argument against buffing snow golems is that they generate infinite snow. Though this may seem useful at first, equivalents snowballs and snow blocks can be infinitely generated in other ways. Eggs are just as good as snowballs, and you don't sacrifice durability from your shovel to get them. There are also plenty of ways to generate blocks (cobblestone generators, sheep, trees) other than snow. This means that snow golems need at least a small buff to be useful.

    However, I don't think these buffs should include things like giving them 50 health, or letting their snowballs do damage. These are some of the features that are special about our snowy friends, and things that can be worked around instead of directly changed.

    So without further ado, here are some of the buffs I'd like to see with for snow golems.


    1. Snow golems get regeneration when standing on ice. This depends on the type of ice - normal ice being the weakest, packed in the middle, and blue the most powerful.
    2. When standing on packed ice or blue ice, any melting effects from warm biomes in the overworld are ignored. Nether melting can only be prevented with blue ice.
    3. Snow golems heal when it snows, and when hit by any snowballs. If one of their companions is low on health, they heal them with a snowball. This means that they are no longer knocked back by snowballs - if they don't have full health, they absorb it, and if they do the snowball just goes through.


    1. Snow golems put out fires by throwing snowballs at them. They only put out fires on blocks that can be burned away.
    2. Snow golems are able to block projectiles with snowballs. This includes blocking arrows, currently their biggest weakness, and even deflecting Ghast fire charges or ender dragon acid. The more powerful the projectile, the more unlikely that it would be deflected. However, they only block things that could damage them, so that they don't block beneficial splash potions or ender pearls. Keep in mind that they have a very slow fire rate, and bad aim, so this isn't that powerful.
    3. When they see a creeper "blinking" and about to explode, snow golems will hit it with snowballs, which has a 30% chance of stopping the explosion. They wouldn't attack creepers in any other situations.
    4. Snow golem's snowballs stun Vexes who are flying around in the sky, without dealing damage. This makes them stop moving and float in the sky, giving players a few seconds to hit them with an arrow . This also works with player thrown snowballs, though it's kinda pointless because you could just hit them with an arrow if you're gonna hit them.
    5. When they see a silverfish infested block, snow golems kick the silverfish out of the block by throwing snowballs at it. This makes them useful to bring with you to mountains.
    6. Snow golems do extra knock back to baby mobs. This would make dealing with baby zombies slightly less annoying.
    7. If they see any mob falling on them, they will throw a snowball at it, knocking it up, decreasing fall damage. This is just an interesting feature that could be useful every once in a while, since they don't take fall damage and can be sent down somewhere quickly.
    8. If they can't see an enemy mob but can see a fellow snow golem, they will fire in the same general direction as that companion. However, the accuracy would decrease so that this isn't not too powerful.


    1. Strength makes the snowballs have more knock back, and weakness does the opposite. This makes sense because the snowballs start out as part of the snow golem's body.
    2. Swiftness makes them fire snowballs faster, and slowness does the opposite.
    3. Leaping makes the snowballs "leap", giving them more range. The same goes for slow falling.
    4. Invisibility makes the snowballs and the golem invisible, which could be really fun for traps/pranks. It would also be useful for hitting endermen, who won't teleport away as they can't see the snowball (they would be damaged because it's water).
    5. Water breathing makes snow golems immune to rain/water.

    That's it.

    At first, this long list of buffs seems to make snow golems OP, given how cheap they are to make. However, they will still be that one mob with 2 hearts. They will still need protection from even the slightest bit of rain. They will still die from even one arrow they failed to deflect.

    But with all of these new uses, people will have many more reasons to build them.

    Thanks for reading!

    EDIT: Strength potion's extra knock back doesn't affect projectiles (u/AneurysmicKidney)

    submitted by /u/_spacedino_
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    Pillager mines

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 07:42 PM PDT

    Pillager mines would be structures with above ground coal or iron ores stacked in triangle formations. These would spawn in extreme hills. There would be 3 layers to these. The three layers are above ground, under ground and deep underground.

    Above ground: The above ground layer would have a about 5 by 3 by 1 block large chunk of dark oak wood. There would be 2 tall, but thin towers with pillagers. They would (as I said in the beginning) would have coal and iron stacked in triangle formations. The entrance would be block by a Pillager captain.

    Underground: This layer would be a large area of dark oak wood. There would be multiple chests with pickaxes, coal, bones and iron. There would be small pieces of stone missing from the walls (assuming there were ores here that the pillagers mined).

    Deep underground: Deep underground would have the same dark oak as the underground layer but with small holes with lava under them. There would be special types of pillagers with pickaxes called pitters. (They are pretty much weaker vindicators.)

    Pitters: these would be vindicators with pickaxes. They would have a miners helmet which can be worn to produce light. They have a small chance to drop these and pickaxes. They would do 2 attack damage but give you mining fatigue.

    submitted by /u/123ABCdeer
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