• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers SOAR! [Semi-Vanilla] {Private Sky Islands}{Choose your Home Biome}{New Wilderness Daily}{Discord}{AutomaticInventory}

    Minecraft Servers SOAR! [Semi-Vanilla] {Private Sky Islands}{Choose your Home Biome}{New Wilderness Daily}{Discord}{AutomaticInventory}

    SOAR! [Semi-Vanilla] {Private Sky Islands}{Choose your Home Biome}{New Wilderness Daily}{Discord}{AutomaticInventory}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 08:11 AM PDT


    • Start on your private island in the sky!
    • Regenerate your island to your favorite biome.
    • Build without hassles like monsters, hunger, and fall damage.
    • Jump off your island to explore our wilderness world, which resets to a new seed every day.
    • Take building materials, animals, pets, and even villagers back to your island.
    • Use an elytra to soar among the islands and see what others are building.
    • Invite others to visit your island, and if you choose, to build with you!
    • Friendly, welcoming community of regular players.
    • Version 1.14.4.

    Connect to: Soar.BigScaryGames.com

    SOAR! Trailer (See what the islands look like!)

    SOAR! Website (Screenshots and server rules)

    submitted by /u/BigScaryGames
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    PerilousPeopleServer [SMP]{McMMO}{Lands}{JobsReborn}{Dynmap}{Quests}{Handmade Dungeons}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 04:48 AM PDT

    PPSPerilousPeopleServer is a friendly place to meet new people where everyone is generally very nice to each other.

    We try to keep that vanilla feeling by not restricting players and force them to use plugins. You play the game how you want and our server should compliment that!

    Jobs and quests are available if you want to earn some coins which can be used to create a personal land or buy / sell stuff from other players. Keep in mind that you don't need a land to protect your belongings as you can just use a sign to lock chests and other containers.

    If you choose to adventure out in the world or do some quests you might come across interesting places or dungeons. These are all hand-made and usually contain player instanced loot which resets after x amount of time, so you can loot it again! For this we also have custom made loot which come in different rarities similar to Borderlands or World of Warcraft.

    A full list of our plugins can be found under pinned messages on our Discord server We highly encourage our player-base to recommend plugins they think should be added and help us make the server better!

    The current world is from 2019/09/14. If you are curious what it might look like you can take a look on our Dynmap

    Our vision is a vast world with many towns run by players who has come together to socialize, build and generally have fun.

    We try to keep the server-wide rules to a minimum because we don't want to restrict players. You play how you want as long as it isn't on someone else expense.

    Finally our IP is: perilous.vgmc.us Hope to see you there!

    submitted by /u/TheDiscoLeaf
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    Memelands [Vanilla] {SMP} {Whitelist} {1.14.4} {Discord} {Friendly community} {No resets}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 09:00 AM PDT

    Make sure to read the full post before applying!


    The Memelands community originates from a small realm started in the summer of 2018. We wanted to create a survival world for friendly and active players. We eventually had to expand to a server as we grew in numbers. But we faced some problems, as the co-owner left the community suddenly and closed the server. So we decided we to take a break for a few months and come back with much motivation to play. We decided it would be a great idea to start a new server now that 1.14 has dropped and now we have so much motivation.

    Memelands is different to many other survival servers, in that there are no resets to the map. This is to create a long and interesting history with builds and events in the server. This is only the beginning. We feel like there will always be plenty of fun things to do in Minecraft, because of its endless possibilities. You just have to be creative and open to new ideas. The meme-factor of the server is also something quite unique. We love memes on the server, some more than others of course.

    Our goal is to create a larger community full of fun and active players. We want to create a fun environment for players like you. As said before, we have no plans on resetting our current map. We want to play on it for as long as possible! The world is completely vanilla except for a few essential datapacks, like one player sleep and such. It started 2019-05-05.

    Server IP: play.memelands.com

    Basic rules: (more detailed list in our Discord server)

    • No stealing, griefing or hacking. (We have plugins that will make it easy for admins to detect thieves and griefers. Will result in instant ban)
    • Pranking is allowed. But if the prank is too extreme there will be consequences.
    • Be mature and friendly. Respect other's builds.
    • No bullying, racism or attacking other players. (Will result in instant ban)
    • Be a loyal and dedicated member to the community.

    (If you see someone breaking a rule you should immediately report the player to an admin)

    After a few incidents with players breaking some rules in the last world, we are now much more careful when accepting players. We want this server to be as clean as possible from griefers and such. We advice you to think twice about you application before sending it. Would you accept your own application if you were a server owner? We have a Discord server where you will be able access all the info about the server, so a Discord account is required! (If you don't have Discord, just download it. It costs nothing!).

    Application: CLICK HERE

    We are currently looking for dedicated YouTubers/streamers to join our server. This is because we feel like it would be fun and interesting if we had someone documenting and showcasing the progress of our server. There are a few YouTubers on the server already, and here is a link to the playlist of a let's play made by our player Kanvice. You can watch it to get a feel for our server and its players!

    If you want to have a look at some images from the server, you can do that by clicking the link here!

    Thanks for reading the post. We hope to see you on the server soon! If you have got any questions about the server drop them down below!

    /The Memelands Server admins

    submitted by /u/MemelandsServer
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    Barty Realms [SMP] {Towny} {McMMO} {Custom Enchants} {Economy} {Jobs} {PlayerShops} {MobArena} {Auctions} {1.14.4}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 09:01 AM PDT

    IP Address: mc.bartyrealms.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/QVGXy7b

    Website: https://bartyrealms.com/

    Towny 1.14.4 has launched! Play now on the new world and new server!

    BartyRealms is uniquely designed, full of content and has an amazing community!

    Are you tired of searching for the right server for you? Do you want to play on a server that is reliable, fun and has a strong community? Then you've come to the right place. BartyRealms is designed around fair and balanced gameplay, and values having fun more than anything else. The server is configured around what the player wants, with polling new features and making sure no changes are made that would inhibit player's ability to have fun.

    Features, but not limited to:

    • Custom Enchants
    • Towny
    • PlayerVaults
    • mcMMO 2.0
    • Player Shops
    • Auctions
    • Cosmetics
    • Jobs
    • Economy
    • Lottery
    • Mob Arena
    • ChatReaction
    • Custom Plugins
    • And so much more!


    1. No griefing within 256 blocks of a town.
    2. No cheating
    3. No scamming
    4. No advertising other servers or websites
    5. No arguments, insults, or toxicity in chat
    6. No evasion of the AFK kick
    7. Nicknames must be readable and cannot impersonate others
    8. No alternate accounts
    9. Do not argue with staff
    submitted by /u/BartyRealms
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    Craftial [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {1.14.4}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 04:50 AM PDT

    Craftial - A cosy community


    Hi there, adventurer! My name is Fred and I'm the owner of Craftial. Craftial is a Minecraft community that focus on core gameplay (with very few conveniences) and is hosted on a dedicated machine in Germany. Once you join Craftial you're greeted by staff and players and you receive a small introduction of the features before getting teleported to a random fresh location. We do also have some areas where you can sell your own hard worked items, however it's all based on item trade so no virtual currency is added.


    • CoreProtect - logs all actions in-game, in order to prevent misuse.
    • Craftial - custom made plugin, adds features such as channels, discord integration etc.


    • Do not grief
    • Do not cheat
    • Do not beg to staff
    • Do not raid
    • Do not be sexist/racist etc
    • PVP is allowed on agreed terms
    • Use common sense!

    Game rules

    • keepInventory: false
    • doFireTick: false
    • difficulty: normal

    Rest is default.


    • Gate access (12H playtime) - each player has the ability to create one warp at a preferred location, cooldowns and restrictions are added to make sure it's not misused.
    • Plaza access (12H playtime) - access to teleport to a shared area where people can trade and have their own shop, cooldowns and similar are added.
    • Kick access (24H playtime) - ability to kick players with less than 24H playtime, once kicked the whitelist is turned on and staff is notified.


    • IP: craftial.net
    • Port: 25565
    • Version: 1.14.4 (or latest)
    submitted by /u/craftial
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    Super Happy Friends [Semi-Vanilla]{Whitelist}{1.14.4}{Discord}{Hermitcraft}{Dynmap}{18+}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 06:51 AM PDT

    Hey there! :D

    Super Happy Friends is a tight-knit community with a focus on trust, respect, and friendship. If you're familiar with Hermitcraft, that's the kind of vibe we're going for. We also have an active Discord server to stay in touch.

    We try to strike the perfect balance between a vanilla gameplay experience, plus some added quality-of-life improvements.

    About The Server:

    Paper 1.14.4

    Online 24/7. Server is located in NA. Just upgraded to 6 GB of RAM. TPS = 20, average ping is around ~50ms.

    Plugins: Dynmap, DiscordSRV, EssentialsX, LaggRemover, PermissionsEx, Coreprotect

    Data Packs: One person sleep, disable hostile mob griefing, more mob heads, dragon drops elytra, customizable armor stands

    Our current world has been going since April. We have a basic spawn area, a larger town including shops and a huge mall, mob farms (gold farm, guardian farm, skeleton farm, etc), community crop farm, minigames, and more.

    We are planning a full reset once a stable version of 1.15 is released. But based on what we saw at Minecon yesterday, we don't expect that to happen until at least late December. So you have several months to get to know everyone, prove yourself as a trusted member of the community, and try out some epic builds! After the 1.15 update, we will be closing our membership to new people. So now is your chance to get in!

    Here are some images of different places around the server

    Here's a screenshot of our Dynmap so you can see the general layout of the main spawn/town area


    • This is an 18+ server

    • We don't use any plot or chest protections, so trust and respect is super important to us.

    • No drama. A few people on the server have social anxiety, so we also try to keep things as friendly and un-intimidating as possible. This is our happy place!

    • The common sense stuff... no xray, hacks, stealing, griefing, PvP without permission, etc etc.

    Our mods silently monitor the activity of new players to make sure they aren't cheating or stealing. If you're planning to cheat, don't bother joining. (Last time we made a post here, we had a huge influx of users who were using xray for some reason.)

    How To Apply:

    Send me a private message with the following information to be considered. If you're approved I'll send you the IP address and a link to our Discord. The more information you can provide the better, to make sure you'll be a good fit!:

    Your in-game name:

    Country / Time Zone:



    What are you looking for in a community?:

    What stuff do you enjoy doing in-game?: (Mining, farming, combat, exploring, terraforming, building, etc.)

    What would your ideal server look like?: (What building style, features, community events, etc are you looking for?)

    Tell me a bit about yourself: (Hobbies, interests, etc.)

    submitted by /u/sentokoo
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    Gavin's Anarchy [Semi-Vanilla] [Anarchy] [PvP] [PvE] [SMP] {1.14.4} {Some Hacks}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 08:14 AM PDT

    This is a very small server and I wanted to get some players on it, so I thought this would be a good place to promote my server. This server is mostly played by me and my friends, but I am open to having more players. I am not hosting this to make money; I am hosting it to have fun. If you join, please continue to play.

    Thank You! :)

    Most cheats are allowed.

    -no movement hacks

    -no baritone/AI

    IP: GavinsAnarchy.ggs.onl


    submitted by /u/Gdies
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    Illager Net [Semi-vanilla] [Hardcore] [SMP] {1.14.4} {Semi-anarchy} {Discord} {Sorcery}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 10:03 AM PDT

    Illager Net


    Enhanced Vanilla Hardcore


    • 72-hour ban on death
    • New players start with a free Totem of Undying
    • Randomized spawn in a 10,000 block square radius
    • No teleport commands, period!
    • Discord chat integration. Invite
    • [WIP] Custom sorcery plugin to augment late-gameplay. Designed to minimize impact to existing vanilla features while adding new functionality. Only a few select features of this plugin are currently live. More information available on Discord


    • Don't abuse client hacks
    • Don't use scripts or bots maliciously
    • Be respectful in chat
    • Raiding, Griefing, and PvP are permitted
    submitted by /u/martyrboy
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    ToastCraft [PvP] {1.14.4} {Survival} {ChestShop} {GriefPrevention} {No Resets}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 07:50 AM PDT

    Server IP: play.toastmc.net (on 1.14.4)

    Some Info:

    • Map is over a year old. No reset plans.

    • Spawn is safe. No PVP or damage there.

    • You start off with 3 /sethomes

    • Economy: Shopping District with items sold by players at spawn

    • Normal Difficulty

    • 50,000 x 50,000 overworld

    • PVP is on, but disable it in your claims if you choose.

    • Mobs have a rare chance to drop mob eggs

    • Ender Dragon and Wither has chance to drop currency

    • Explorable Structures

    • F'ed up terrain

    Useful plugins:

    • ChestShop (for buying and selling items)

    • GriefPrevention (protect your land)

    • Craftbook (Make OP farms)


    1. No griefing.

    2. No spamming.

    3. No cheating or exploits. (This is a way to quickly get a ban)

    4. Do not impede staff.

    5. Chat is pretty lenient and you may say most things. In the case of harassment or personal attacks, it is strongly encouraged to use /ignore, mute, block, etc. Please ping a mod or admin if you need further assistance.

    submitted by /u/CrescentBread
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    Steamcraft [PVP] {Custom movecraft} {Dynmap} {Mypets} {Shopkeepers} {1.12.2}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 08:34 AM PDT

    Imagine a place of wonder, where magick and technology hold equal sway, and an adventurer might just as easily wield a flintlock pistol as a flaming sword. A place where great industrial cities house castle keeps and factories, home to dwarves, humans, orcs and elves alike. A place of ancient runes and steamworks, of magic and machines, of sorcery and science.

    Still in very early stages of development.


    A ton of custom plugins. Airships, cannons, griefprevention (configured to support raiding), rudimentary magic system. Player/server shops

    NEW: the ability to purchase claim blocks using gold

    IP: steamcraft.io

    When in hub do /server server


    Rules: No cheating/hacking

    submitted by /u/eagle832
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    plaincraft [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{No Whitelist}{Dynmap}{Coreprotect}{1.14}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 03:39 PM PDT

    Hi there!

    We are hosting a mostly vanilla - non whitelisted Minecraft survival server. The server has very few rules and restrictions, except for the obvious no griefing or stealing. The only plug-ins that are installed on the server do not alter the vanilla game play very much and only make things a little bit more convenient. We love player interaction and doing community builds, but none of that is required! We pride ourselves in our welcoming community and love working together to make the game enjoyable for everyone and to help support every play style.

    Server features:

    • Popular shopping area that is completely run by players
    • Dynmap
    • Small tightknit community
    • Completely vanilla outside of the few none game altering plug - ins
    • No whitelist, the server is open for anyone who is willing to follow the rules
    • Active staff who will always be there to help you
    • Community Island

    Plug ins:

    * Dynmap * Coreprotect (reverse griefing damage) * EssentialsX * LuckPerms (staff permissions) * PhantomsSMP (Doesn't require you to sleep to make phantoms vanish, just click on your bed) * Modern LWC (lets you lock your chests) * Shopkeeper * Petmaster 


    * Afk display * Taskbar coordinates * Custom armorstands * Dragon drops elytra * Double shulker shells * Mob and player heads * Multiplayer sleep 


    * No slurs * No stealing/griefing * No attacking/killing other players without them consenting to fight * Do not spam chat * No x-raying or any 3rd party exploits * No 0 tick farms 


    We will have weekly events ranging from pvp tournaments to Ender dragon fights!

    Discord link: https://discord.gg/zfuGjY8

    Dynmap link:

    Server ip: mc.plaincraft.online

    submitted by /u/plainsurvivalmc
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    Raawwwrr's Survival [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 08:03 AM PDT

    We are new new community with only a few members. The world is just getting started it was made 3 days ago. We are looking for more members to expand the world. I really don't care what age you are asking as you are mature. You are allowed to build what you want and where you want to a extent. Join the discord if you have a question or want a whitelist. https://discord.gg/TtJAmwg


    No Cheating,Hacking,etc. You will be banned

    No Griefing,Trolling,Stealing

    No Disrespecting,Annoying,Harassing players.

    Pvp is allowed with both parties consent.

    submitted by /u/xxDiscoduckxx
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    PlagueMC [Semi-vanilla] [PVE] {Hard} {1.14.4} {EU} {Economy} {Quests}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 07:19 AM PDT

    PlagueMC is a Enhanced Vanilla Minecraft Server, with a small but growing community

    Built on top of a lightning fast server, PlagueMC offers a vanilla Minecraft experience with great multiplayer features. The difficulty of the server is hard mode and Players should be aware of the challenge when joining for the first time, this is to keep the game interesting for veterans and newbies alike, even during end-game.

    We're not claiming to be 100% lag free, but our server is pretty darn responsive, even for our American players!

    Some of the features included on the server are:

    Region Protection - Prevent others from building on, or destroying your claimed land!

    Container Protection - Prevent people from taking from your containers automatically!

    Community Warps - Teleport instantly to useful server buildings!

    Server & Player Shops - Earn money by selling, trading or buying items from/with server or other players!

    Enhanced Multiplayer Sleeping - Better multiplayer sleeping mechanics allowing for a better experience!

    ** Enhanced Tree Felling ** - Easier Tree Felling and Replanting!

    Server IP Address: play.plaguemc.xyz


    Common sense is our main driving factor in the rules. In general, respect each others and do not ruin the atmosphere for others just so you can have fun.

    • Do not harass players or attempt to bully them off the server
    • Do not "Doxx" players, or reveal private information on the server.
    • Do not use cheats, glitches, hacks, or modified clients to your advantage
    • Anything that is seen to cause lag on the server is not allowed, and will be removed by staff
    • Do not use Alternate accounts to artificially increase mob spawns in your area or use them to mass-farm rewards or other server rewards.
    • Do not destroy other people's builds, even if it is not claimed by a player.
    • We do not force you to respect our staff, but we ask that you are patient and cordial with our Staff.
    • No Promotions or Spam

    A more thorough breakdown of our community rules can be found on our discord server: discord.plaguemc.xyz

    submitted by /u/funkiecrunch
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    RLChaos Server [Modded] [PVP][Chaos]{1.12.2}{Factions}{RLCRAFT}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 10:13 AM PDT

    I have a server up and running using the RLCRAFT modpack, you are welcome to check it out. But I modified the modpack with one additional mod you will have to add manually to connect.


    [EDIT] The server has been updated to RLCraft 2.6.3. Link to modpack has been updated.

    Other than that, it is the exact modpack you can find on https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/rlcraft/files/2791782

    Server address:

    Rules... There are no rules... There are no authorities... Outlaws run this server.

    Good luck, have fun! Maybe we will go on an adventure together some time... Or destroy each other's lives, whichever seems good at the time.

    submitted by /u/TheFaxFox
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    [Wanted] [Creative] Looking for a creative 1.14+ server with build tools.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 10:03 AM PDT

    Hey there,

    I'm looking for a somewhat small creative server that has World Edit or Voxel Sniper or both available to the players.

    Preferably without a ranked system that locks players out of certain features until they have admitted a build or anything like that.

    Whitelisted or not doesn't matter. I would love to here from you if you know or admin any!

    submitted by /u/-Captain-
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    FMC [Anarchy] [PVP] [Vanilla] {Java} {1.13.2} {Hacks}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 09:57 AM PDT


    We are starting up a small anarchy server to play on. We will never reset the map and it will be up most of the time. There are no rules. Whatever you are able to do it your allowed. No admins or moderators. The only commands we have are /kill, /msg and /help. We have highways starting and need a community to grow the server. The player limit will be 100 but we don't expect to be anywhere near that. Getting some 10 or 20 people who would check in daily would be nice.

    Join in today: fmc.serveminecraft.net:25570
    Minecraft Java 1.13.2

    submitted by /u/voizdev
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    HollowSeas:Civs [SMP] {1.14.4} {Civs} {Dynamic-Economy} {Survive -> War -> Build}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 09:33 AM PDT

    Welcome player to HollowSeas: Civs! On HollowSeas, we offer an experience like no other with unique plugins and our dedicated community, you are sure to fit right in! We offer you to play your old fashion Vanilla or do some unique, building and start your own little settlement, with the ability to expand into massive fully functioning cities filled with populations, productions, and declaring wars!

    On the server, you will find yourself in our Desert Oasis, with a town and shops waiting for you. Feel free to explore this small urban city before you head out to start your adventure through the roads connecting the entire map!

    On your adventure, you may just opt to play Vanilla Minecraft! Or, if you want to try something new, you may have to try Civs! Civs allows a unique experience from Towny and Factions by focuses on the building rather than the chunks, allowing you to make more diverse and creative towns!

    Once you get going, there is no turning back! With endless fun ahead of you, what will you make of it?

    Join the community at!

    Civs.HollowSeas.com (1.14.4)



    1. No Spam
    2. No Hacked Clients
    3. Have fun :D!

      Welcome to the next generation of servers.

    Follow us on Social Media:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hollowseas_...

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HollowSeasMi...

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/hollow_seas

    Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/HollowSeas/


    Email: LoJoSho@HollowSeas.com

    Discord: @LoJoSho#0001

    submitted by /u/LoJoSho
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    Deep Lands 1.0 [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {14.4.4} {18+}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 01:21 AM PDT

    Welcome to The Deep Lands, a brand new Survival server with a few plugins to help improve the game.

    Get Started Today: [](

    Discord: https://discord.gg/q5KYAK9

    This is a completely brand new server with some nice features that make the game more enjoyable while sticking close to the vanilla feel. We are about a week old and have made the server public!

    Server is based in North America but everyone is welcome.


    - Portal System for the Overworld

    - Better Farming and Harvesting

    - Sort inventory/chests using Middle Click

    - Tablist that displays Ping and TPS

    - Discord integrated chat

    - Plus a few more


    - No Griefing.

    - No Hacked clients are allowed.

    - No Hate Speech.

    - No Advertising.

    - No Trolling/Flaming.

    - No PvP unless agreed to.

    submitted by /u/NIKONIKO_ttv
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    Nogard [Hub] {Skyblock} {Survival} {Prison} {Creative} {Parkour} {1.12 - 1.14.4}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 08:40 AM PDT

    Hello, and welcome to Nogard.

    A Brief Introduction

    Nogard is a small Minecraft server that features Skyblock, Survival, Prison Mines, Creative Plots, & Parkour. It's been around for over four years now, and although it's still fairly small, it has matured quite a bit since it first started. Besides these five gamemodes, Nogard also features a ranking system, hub gadgets, currency, and so much more. Join today and bring some friends as well to become part of a small yet growing community of players!

    Where to Begin

    When you first join, you first spawn in our lobby, which is home to the teleportation portals, the Vote Crate, the latest server news, and more general information. After exploring around a bit, you'll want to choose a section of the server to play on. To get to a different part of the server, you can either use the compass in your hotbar in the lobby, or walk to a portal in the lobby. When you travel between the different sections of the server, your rank, your in-game money, the chat, and many other things will stay the same same across all parts of the server, but your inventory, your xp, your health, etc won't. This makes for a more fun environment on the server while still allowing everyone to do their own thing, since it is a small community.

    About Each Gamemode


    Play the classic Vanilla Minecraft survival, but with some added perks, such as land claiming, player shops, and more!


    Have your own personal island to survive on! You start out with a few resources, and you build your island from there. There is a Skyblock Store (/warp skyblockstore), multiple island presets, many challenges to complete, and you can even invite your friends to play with you!

    Prison Mines

    Whack away at blocks, purchase awesome kits, rank-up for access to better mines, and get lots of loot! Sell blocks you collect at the shop to get money, or show off your skills in the PVP arena.

    Creative Plots

    Let your creativity shine by building anything you want in creative mode on your very own plot of land! You can also build maps for Parkour courses or participate in contests to earn some money.


    There are currently 6 different categories of difficulty of parkour courses on Nogard. Jump from block to block to get to the end! The parkours feature cash prizes, high scores, checkpoints, and so much more.

    Ranks and Money

    There are a lot of ranks on Nogard, but it's easy to get the hang of. The primary ranks consist of the roman numerals I through X, and you can rank-up to the next rank by typing /rankup in-game. Each rank costs increasingly more in-game money, however the ranks are consistent across the whole server and unlock access to new things everywhere. You can earn money to rank-up at any of the five gamemodes that the server has to offer (for example, beating parkour courses, selling bulk items in Skyblock or Survival, or selling in Prison), voting up to 8 times each day, or petting "Toby the Wolf" in the lobby for a daily prize. After you reach rank X, typing /rankup again will allow you to "Prestige" to the first Prestige on the server, which is called Alpha (α). Prestiging doesn't cost anything, but it will set you back to rank I and you will have to work your way back up to X again, but now the ranks cost twice as much as before. Besides these ranks and the first Prestige, there are also secondary ranks, which are the donator ranks (Wyrm, Wyvern, and Hydra) and the staff ranks (Moderator, Builder, and Owner). To view the perks of each rank, type /ranks in-game!

    IP and Links

    IP Address: nogard.us

    Minecraft Version: Anywhere between 1.12 and 1.14.4

    Website: https://nogard.us

    New Player Guide: https://nogard.us/forum/topic/12-new-player-guide

    Rules: https://nogard.us/forum/topic/3-server--site-rules

    Discord: https://nogard.us/discord

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask the community on Discord or make a post on our Forum. Thanks so much for stopping by!

    submitted by /u/meowsom3
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 04:03 AM PDT


    First off you are beautiful for checking out my post:

    I just started a Vanilla server so we only got about 5 active players. All use discord.

    This server is very much Vanilla so no commands. The players we have so far are calm and we are working together apposed to a free for all.

    I would love to get more die-hard Vanilla fans in here.

    Also don't worry about getting Greifed or Stolen from. I can roll back and see who did it.

    White-list is active for your safety - Join the discord! - IP in Discord

    https://discord.gg/xB2WTrM - RULES - First channel is the rules

    USA - WEST


    submitted by /u/ELGohanBlanco
    [link] [comments]

    FroobWorld [Semi-Vanilla] {Greylist} {1.14.4}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 07:28 AM PDT

    IP: s.froobworld.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/mMu7xaX

    Website: https://froobworld.com/

    Dynmap: http://s.froobworld.com:8124/

    FroobWorld is a (mostly) vanilla survival server that's been around since 2011. Our gameplay is simple: do anything you like, as long as it's constructive. Absolutely everything is done in survival mode. No matter what you see, no matter how impressive it is, it was done is survival. There are no diamonds for voting, we don't even take donations, and admins can't spawn items.

    Our only real game changer is teleportation. We have /home, /back, /spawn and /tpa for example. Some people don't like these features, which is understandable, but we find that they help make the world feel more connected. If you plan on playing with friends you can add each other to your friends list using the /friend command. This will allow you to teleport to each other using the /tp command.

    Our current map was created in 1.13. For the 1.14 update we expanded eastwards, doubling the size of our map to 14,000 by 28,000 blocks. We like to keep our maps for a reasonable amount of time. For reference, our last map we had from March 2016 to July 2018. We are hoping to keep our current map until at least mid 2021. In any case, all old maps are available for download after a reset.

    We are a greylisted server. This means anyone can join and walk around, but are not able to modify the world until they have been removed from the greylist. To be removed is very simple: you just need to read the rules, type a command and wait for someone to remove you. There is no written application process.

    Small album of screenshots on the server: https://imgur.com/a/Xzxk4BT


    • Don't grief.
    • Don't steal, lure or scam.
    • Don't use hacks or abuse glitches.
    • Don't advertise.
    • Respect others.
    • Don't use profanity anywhere.
    • Have fun!
    • (If you read these rules just type '/apply' in game to request removal from the greylist)
    submitted by /u/froobynooby
    [link] [comments]

    A Zombie Pigman Broke My Door [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {1.12.2}

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 08:19 PM PDT


    This is a laid back server focused on players interacting with each other, that's why the worldborder is set to 1000 until there is a very good reason to expand it. We are running 1.12.2 so that people with shitty computers can play the game. I hope everyone has fun on the server. There are regular backups in case we are griefed, so no worries there :-D

    Server info:


    Discord: https://discord.gg/nQKWu3

    Running: Vanilla PaperMC 1.12.2 There are and never will be any plugins, we use papermc just so the server runs much faster.

    Location: Montreal, Canada

    Difficulty: Hard


    1. No Cheating
    2. No Griefing
    3. No Harassment
    submitted by /u/wilderop
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 05:18 AM PDT

    the ip is :
    there are no rules what so ever
    the server is pretty new so i hope you will join
    the world will never be resetted
    you are allowed to use hacks or cheating or any sort of exploits in the game
    feel free to do whatever you want
    as i said it is pure anarchy
    here is a link to the discord server
    and here is my personal
    discord if you want to contact me
    I hope that you guys will join
    and finally again the ip is :

    submitted by /u/Rudyon
    [link] [comments]

    Hermitcraft like Server. {Whitelist}{1.14.4}{Semi-Vanilla}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 04:42 AM PDT

    Hi Guys,

    Server has literally been up for less than 2 hours. I want to build a community based server to the likes of hermitcraft with like minded people. I want there to be a town, market place and various types of builds going up and about around the server.

    I will be setting up a discord soon for the server but feel free to add me and dm me for the time being. Luqi#0109

    Server features:

    • Small tightknit community
    • Whitelist, (I am going to leave the server whitelist off for a couple of hours and will add the players on server to whitelist and then whitelist the server later)
    • Community Island
    • Community based projects


    * Afk display * Dragon drops elytra * Double shulker shells * Mob and player heads * Multiplayer sleep * Player Graves * More Enchants 


    * No slurs * No stealing/griefing * No attacking/killing other players without them consenting to fight * No x-raying or any 3rd party exploits * Please don't build 0 tick farms and leave them running forever 

    Server IP:

    submitted by /u/LuqiGG
    [link] [comments]

    RoastedToast [SMP] {Survival} {RPG} {custom-recipes} {bosses} {wands}

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 04:21 AM PDT

    <━━> 𝓡𝓸𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓭𝓣𝓸𝓪𝓼𝓽 <━━>

    What makes us so different from other servers?

    Admit it, normal Minecraft can be pretty boring sometimes. So that's why we made custom-recipes, bosses, new mobs and craftable wands! Feel free to join!

    What kind of server are we?

    We are a survival server with a bit of a RPG styled experience. There is a warp to the boss battle arena where you can fight the Zombie King and The Skeleton King. Both king's have rare drops! As I mentioned we made Custom-recipes like: Emerald armor and Tools, Herobrine armor and tools and much more! And besides that we also have a active and social community! Come take a look!

    <━━> 𝓑𝓪𝓼𝓲𝓬 𝓢𝓮𝓻𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓘𝓷𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 <━━>

    · IP: RoastedToast.ml

    · Discord: discord.gg/TbxuEKd

    · Minecraft Version: 1.14.4

    · Website: https://sites.google.com/view/roastedtoastserver/home?authuser=4

    · Server Location: UK

    · Language: English

    · E-mail: [RoastedToastServer@gmail.com](mailto:RoastedToastServer@gmail.com)

    <━━> 𝓡𝓪𝓷𝓴𝓼 <━━>

    · Zombie Rank - € 2

    · Skeleton Rank - € 5

    · Creeper Rank - € 10

    · Vindicator Rank - € 15

    · Toast Rank – Must be earned.

    More information about our ranks can be found on our buycraft website: http://roastedtoasts.buycraft.net/buy/2tXjq


    No swearing and racism!

    Swearing is allowed but not directed towards someone. And of course racism is absolutely NOT allowed!

    Be respectfull!

    Don't bully or make a shame of someone no-one likes bullies.

    Don't grief!

    Griefing is NOT allowed on our server since it is a survival/rpg server. Not a factions server, but just a normal survival server. This also means that you can't set a home on someones claimed land without permission. We really hate people that grief. Griefing means --> insta ban!

    Don't advertise without permission!

    Don't go spamming your insta account or minecraft server in chat. If you want to advertise something you can just ask us. Just don't go spamming around in chat or our discord!

    Kill system:

    As it says in the title, our server is a SMP server. That means you can only kill someone if they say they can kill/1v1 them!

    Don't ask staff for items or staff!

    If you want to be staff you can just visit our website(or e-mail us) and make a staff appeal. Don't ask owners or other staff for ranks!

    No scamming!

    Don't scam, make fair trades. And if someone does scam you please report it to a staff member.

    Speak English

    Our server is a English server with an English speaking community. So don't start chatting in Spanish or French!


    · Owners: TWBoom, TiagoYOLOBOY and Altude

    · Admins: Elitewatermeloen

    · Builders: robinisvis12, PolarBearRealm and TigerCrafter2

    · Helpers: Burtanius and Z0mbi3W4lk3r

    submitted by /u/RoastedToastserver
    [link] [comments]


