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    Minecraft When killed by an invisible player, it wont show his name

    Minecraft When killed by an invisible player, it wont show his name

    When killed by an invisible player, it wont show his name

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 02:31 AM PDT

    Right now invisiblity isnt the most useful effect, lately it has been improved as mobs dont see you but apart from players still able to see you while wearing armor, once you die or kill them, it will show who did it in chat, by changing the death msg to maybe "X was killed by an unknown murderer" or something like that we can add a bit more functionality to it.

    submitted by /u/Glamouriran
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    Piglin Beasts shouldn't like ravagers

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 02:05 PM PDT

    When these 2 meet they should ram eachother with their horns and tusks till one dies. Its natural for 2 large agressive animals not to like eachother. I think this just makes sense and would be a cool addition.

    submitted by /u/Ian_McCreary_12
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    Blue campfires

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 01:13 PM PDT

    When campfires are placed on top of soul sand they should turn blue to mimic fire on soul sand. The only thing changed would be the color and the smoke and light would stay the same.

    submitted by /u/Ian_McCreary_12
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    Jukeboxes put the disks in your hand instead of flinging them about.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 10:11 AM PDT

    Seriously. I've lost several disks in my time in MC from them flying off the void in skyblock or down holes and whatnot. Just have them put it into your hand, please. And plus, it makes sense too. Why would it just fling out? When I take out a music disk IRL I don't throw it as soon as I remove it, I take it out and keep holding it.

    Rant over, sorry.

    submitted by /u/AngooseTheC00t
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    Make the nether use all 256 blocks

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 02:26 PM PDT

    With the next update being the nether update, this would be the perfect time to update the nether to use the entire block height

    submitted by /u/Charlie3169
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    Nether crop: Netherpepper

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 07:11 AM PDT

    I thought that the Nether is a bit blank, so I'm introducing the Nether Pepper.

    It grows in the Nether on bushes on soulsand

    It can be taken off the bush, but in order to plant it you need to process 1 Netherpepper into 2 Netherpper seeds

    The bush sets whatever it touches on fire, but doesn't burn drops, cattle dying from it drops roasted meat which doesn't burn in the bush.

    Eating the raw Netherpepper gives 3 seconds of speed and jump boost 2, but deprives the player of half a heart.

    Roasting the Netherpepper makes a roasted Netherpepper that gives 6 seconds of speed and jump boost 2, but deprives the player of an entire heart.

    What do you guys think of that crop?

    submitted by /u/Katze10-0-10
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    A nether mob that is more aggressive the more you have died.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 11:42 AM PDT

    A mob that spawns in the soul sand desert, and hunts you down if you have more than 20 deaths, and the number that spawns. Or how aggressive they are towards you gets larger the more you die, counting up in 20s. They are neutral if you have never died, or have a totem of undying in your offhand. there might also be a potion you can use to lower your death count to them.

    submitted by /u/thewordofthenerd2
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    The Wandering Trader - Exclusive Music Disc

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 06:02 PM PDT

    I'm proposing the Wandering Trade should receive his own theme song in the form of a music disc.


    1. We've been insisting on having exclusive item trades for a while now. Keep in mind I didn't say "This should be the only exclusive item ever", so if you have your own idea for exclusive trades, ours can can coexist peacefully.

    2. It's been forever since we've had a new music disc.

    As for what to call it, let's settle with something cliché. Maybe "The Wanderer", or something about roads, or travelers. I don't think Mojang can get the rights to "Country Roads", but I will support them no matter what.

    I can't begin to think of a composition for the song (I have the musical talent of a sack of dirt), but maybe something involving wood instruments would be nice I think.

    As a plus, I'm thinking that a few notes of the song should play whenever the Wandering Trader appears to the player, similar to how the Mysterious Stranger functions in Fallout if you need help envisioning it, just with less extreme violence and 1950s mobsters.

    Anyways, I'm thinking it should have a 1/30 chance of appearing in the Trader's sixth trade slot.

    No, playing the music in a jukebox would not summon the Wandering Trader. He's busy, and he probably doesn't like you as much as you think he does.

    Constructive criticism is welcome, but if you don't like my idea, you're dead to me.

    submitted by /u/RazeSpear
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    How 'snowier snow' should work

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 12:37 PM PDT

    Now that mountains has won - rip mangrove trees - I have an idea for snowier snow

    In the animated trailer for it, it showed Agnes falling into the snow, so what I'm thinking is that by crouching on snow, you can sink into it, thus it makes a fun way to hide from friends, and using it for couch cushions would feel a little more real

    I also think that snow layers shouldn't melt if placed on top of packed/blue ice, or they could just add packed snow (made a suggestion about this a while back)

    There it is! What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/yourgoodoldpal
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    Wartivore | Piglin Beast Name Suggestion

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 02:09 PM PDT

    My suggestion for the Piglin Beast name is "Wartivore". That's because of the following:

    • Based on the word "Warthog", which is the name for a wild pig
    • Also based on "wart", as in "Netherwart", since the mob can be found in the Netherwart Forests
    • "-vore" ending, like with "carnivore", "herbivore", "omnivore" - this creature must therefore eat Netherwart! (which is pretty likely)
    • Should hopefully be easy to translate, if necessary

    If you like it, vote for it on the Minecraft Feedback site.

    submitted by /u/Gleareal
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    Call the new nether pig enemy the Nether Warthog

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 01:47 PM PDT

    Since the Piglin Beast spawns around nether wart forests and is literally a warthog, such a name is only natural.

    submitted by /u/crisp2000
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    Snow shoes, keep your self from sinking into the snowier snow.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 01:34 PM PDT

    Crafted from sticks in the same shape as armour boots, these would provide half an armour point and most importantly keep you from sinking into the coming snowier snow. (Original post was ski's instead of snow shoes, thank you to u/Snake_slime for correcting me)

    If you like this suggestion the please consider voting for it on the official feedback site: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360052285691-Snow-shoes-keep-your-self-from-sinking-into-the-snowier-snow-

    submitted by /u/PolarMammoth3
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    Name/Mechanic for the “Piglin Beast”

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 12:55 PM PDT

    Call it the "Warthog" and add the mechanic that it can be "tamed" into being neutral using nether wart, and then bred with additional nether wart.

    submitted by /u/Funkybuns1194
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    Nether portal hint

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 03:11 PM PDT

    Right now in the game there's no way of telling the player how to build a Nether portal. They have to go use external means like the wiki or YouTube to figure out how to get to the Nether. Similar to the painting telling the player how to build a Wither or some igloos having a basement telling you how to heal a zombie villager, I think there should be an in game hint of how to construct a portal. Maybe a partially built nether portal could sometimes randomly spawn in the middle of a dark forest, cave system, or a village church's basement. If you can think of other ways a nether portal could be hinted at in the game let me know.

    submitted by /u/AvailableWrongdoer
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    Honey Blocks and Slime Blocks should NOT stick together

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 02:59 PM PDT


    Honey Blocks and Slime Blocks share a core piston mechanic: they can both move blocks (in this video, you can see the Honey Blocks moving the Oak Plank Stairs). Excluding the Slime Blocks jump-increasing abilities, and the Honey Block's contrasting jump-decreasing abilities, they are exactly the same.

    If we make them not stick to each other, it would become incredibly useful in redstone contraptions where you don't want adjacent blocks to stick to each other.

    As an example...

    Here is a video by Sethbling that showcases a Coloured Slime Blocks data pack, and the possibilities with them. Having Honey Blocks and Slime Blocks not stick together would be the same as having 2 colours of Slime Blocks.

    If you like this suggestion, vote for it on the Minecraft Feedback site.

    submitted by /u/Gleareal
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    Potion of Shrinking

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 09:36 AM PDT


    Potions of shrinking would be obtained by using cocoa beans. This is a reference to the myth that coffee stunts people's growth.


    When a potion of shrinking is drunk, it decreases the entity's hitbox and appearance to half its normal size, and it also moves the eye level down accordingly. Shrunk entities can still jump the same distance as they could before; however, they move half as fast.

    submitted by /u/Emperor-Nathan
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    Increase the height of the nether roof to 256 for the new update!

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 02:51 PM PDT

    Lets put all that space truely to use in the nether update, heck, use that new code to perhaps add layered biomes to the nether!

    submitted by /u/Deadmanbantan
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    The Dust Plains, a new nether biome

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 03:48 PM PDT

    The Dust Plains are a nether biome that is the plains of the nether. Dust Grass grows there, a reddish brown grass block that grows Dust Tall-grass, Blood Flowers, Red Bulbs and Weeping Trees

    Dust Tall-grass

    -A red grass that slows you down a bit

    -When sneaking in them you get invisiblity\

    Blood Flowers

    -A beatiful red flower with the shape of a rafflesia

    -If mixed with suspicious stew you get Fire Resistance for 3 mins

    Red Bulbs

    -A common garlic like vegetable

    -Gives the playher normal speed when walking in Dust Tall-grass

    Reaping Trees

    -A Reddish Willow Tree

    -Slightly Smaller than Jungle Trees

    -Planks are dark red.

    5 Mobs will be present in this biome, 2 unique to it and 3 that can spawn here but can spawn in other places.


    -A deer like hog that has antler like tusks

    -They spawn in groups of 3-5

    -Drops 2-4 Pork Chops

    -It is docile and when hit it and its herd flee away when hit, has 6 hp

    -Its exclusive to the dust plains


    -Fiery red bears that have 30 hp

    -Deals 5 hearts of damage on normal mode

    -Randomly stands up and roars

    -Drops 1-4 Teeth which can used to craft bear-traps

    -Aggressive to Grunts, Brändöds, Feral Llamas, Piglin Beasts, and Players

    -Exclusive to The Dust Plains


    -Vulture like mobs that wander the nether for prey

    -Red and Black with a huge underbite

    -Aggressive to Grunts, Piglin Beast, Feral Llamas and you

    -It has 15 hp and deals 2 hearts of damage

    -Drops Black Feathers that can used to make Black Feathered Arrows which are more damaging than regular arrows

    -Not Exclusive

    Feral Llamas

    -Wandering Trader Llamas with worn carpets

    -Neutral to players and aggressive to Stalkers and Brändöds


    -Not Exclusive but higher spawn rate.

    submitted by /u/Zachay4
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    A Biome/Mob Update

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 01:58 PM PDT

    Since we already have 4 biomes that are currently planned to have updates, why don't we release all 4 in a single update to Minecraft? This could be a Wilderness update and could bring not only updated biomes, but new mobs, plants, biomes, and structures not previously mentioned in the game?

    Honestly since 1.15 is just a tiny update with bees and nothing else, why not switch things around and make that the Biome update? That way we could have Savanna, Desert, Swamp, and Badlands features in the game super soon.

    submitted by /u/TheSilverRalph
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    New villager profession: Forcaster.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 01:08 PM PDT

    This villager would sell an item that would resemble a clock, but would count down until the next rain or thunderstorm.

    The villager would decide wether it was set to the next rain or thunder storm.

    The item itself would look like a clock, but when the gold indicator hit the top, it would begin to rain/thunder. After this the indicator would remain where it is and the item would become useless.

    submitted by /u/AneurysmicKidney
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    Scarecrows (and crows?)

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 08:05 AM PDT

    I think scarecrows would be a nice addition to the game.

    They would look nice with wheat fields and would definitely fit in with the game's aesthetic.

    In terms of use, I would propose that they keep mobs (of all sorts) from spawning within a certain radius or drive hostile mobs away. I have always wanted a block/object that would keep mobs from spawning in a given area in a vanilla non-peaceful survival world so that I could make good looking dungeons without having to worry about creepers blowing them up from spawning in the dim lighting, and this could work for that.

    Also the addition of crows that go after and destroy crops might make the game a bit more dynamic - or perhaps make chickens or other animals go after the crops and be effected by the scarecrow. I understand that this would make farming a bit more of a challenge, but I don't think that is (necessarily) a bad thing.

    The crafting recipe could be a leather chest plate with a pumpkin on the top, a stick on either side, and a hay bail on the bottom.

    For the record, I know there is already a method of making a decent-looking scarecrow for aesthetic purposes using fences, wheat and a jack-o-lantern. I just think that a scarecrow object would be neat and certainly wouldn't take away from the game in any capacity.

    submitted by /u/Zeewild
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    Crying obsidian should be what sets your spawn in the Nether.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 01:40 PM PDT

    Crying obsidian was intended to be the way the player would set their spawn point before beds were added to the game , and since in the future update you'll be able to set your spawn in the Nether, I think it's the perfect occasion for it to be added back.

    submitted by /u/DropTheBombuMan
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    Piglin camps

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 02:02 PM PDT

    A camp where piglins live.

    Basically a small area with buildings made from bones and other materials found in the nether or maybe a cave. I'd like if it was given a prehistoric feel and look

    These camps would have chests.

    Remember piglins attack you when you open a chest even if your wearing golden armour.

    Thus the player would either raid the camp to get loot or sneak their way to the chest.

    The piglins should have their own professions that range from hunters to miners. Somthing on the lines of that.

    submitted by /u/madman642
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    Soulsand Bats!

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 02:23 PM PDT

    Appearance: These bats would look similar to regular bats, but much larger (the same height as a player) and would also have blank, brown eyes, a snout, and a gaping jaw. It would make noises that sound like a bat mixed with the wither or perhaps sound like a ghast.

    AI:They would spawn in the soulsand valleys

    They would have 20 HP and would be a hostile mob that deals 2.5 heart of damage per hit... but there's a twist! If you wear leather, iron, gold or diamond armor without any enchantments, it will still do it's full 2.5 hearts of damage. Thats why you need enchanted gear to nullify it's damage. Either just regular enchantments or a new enchantment all together to protect your soul.

    If you get by it at 10 hp, with will have the nausea effect for 5 seconds and it's damage will boost to 3 hearts and it's eyes will begin to glow blue. This effect isn't permanent on the bat. If you deal 5 damage to the glowing eyed bat, it will exit it's enhanced form, but re-enter it under the same circumstances. Also, if it doesnt despawn within a minute of achieving it's new form, it will return to normal, but heal all it's damage.

    To combat against it, you can have goats/sheep be around for it to eat (it will be distracted, much like a wolf). They will also be more aggressive to players with totems of undying. Using potions of health/healing will do damage to it. Amongst sheep and goats, it will be hostile to any non undead creature, including piglins (piglins will have a rivarly with them, similar to the piglin beast).

    Killing a Soulsand bat will cause it to drop 10 xp and a soul shard. Soul shards can be used to make an item called "orb of confusion" by placing 8 shards around 1 diamond. It will have 64 uses and grants the user a 2 minute long effect called "confusing aura" and causes the nausea effect to nearby players. When you have the effect "confusing aura" will cause 3 things:

    1. Piglins will be nuetral without use of gold armor
    2. Spiders wont attack unless its attacked first (even in the dark)
    3. You can stare at endermen without angering them

    Name: since "souldsand bat" isnt a catchy name, possible names could be...

    1. Sandpire (sand+vampire)
    2. Hellbat
    3. Ghoul
    4. Reaper
    5. Wrath
    6. Soul eater
    7. Nightmare
    submitted by /u/SolarSilencer
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    The Inbetweener Mob

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 01:39 PM PDT

    The inbetweener is a mob that is half zombie and half skeleton. The character model is like a zombie with random patches that are Skelton thin.

    These are the hardest normal mobs in the game and are much much more rare.

    Regular Inbetweener

    All Inbetweeners spawn with either an iron shovel, stone sword, or bow. They are as smart as a skeleton, they are social as in they call for backup by other zombies and skeletons. Randomly spawn with armor

    Any equipment can be enchanted

    Drowned Inbetweener

    These spawn with either a trident or a bow, both of which can be enchanted. They cannot have armor.

    The trident, unlike normal drowned, may have riptide or channeling rarely. Meaning that you could get drowned inbetweeners barrelling toward you or calling lightning upon your head

    The Nomad

    The Nomad is like a stray and a husky and spawns in either biome. Unlike the other inbetweener types they always spawn with the same weapon when spawning conditions are met.

    In winter biomes they always have bows but will melee your with the bow for slightly more than zombie damage if you get close

    In dry biomes they will melee you but if they feel they can't get close they will say "flesh" as they launch a sand colored stream from their mouth, implication being that they're spitting at you. This will deal 1/2 the damage of a bow

    All melee attacks will deal hunger, all ranged deal slowness

    Infected Piglin

    These are zombie pigmen with piglin crossbows, they can cause both pigmen and piglin to attack you.


    The reason these are so annoying is because drops are trash, all drops re half as rare. They've got less bones than a skeleton, less flesh than a zombie after all. They have 50% the combined drops of whichever sort of inbetweener they are

    submitted by /u/steakandwater
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