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    Minecraft If horses run through an entity, they should inflict damage

    Minecraft If horses run through an entity, they should inflict damage

    If horses run through an entity, they should inflict damage

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 04:24 AM PDT

    Its in the title. When a horse charges through any entity, it should deal 2 hearts of damage. It also makes sense since horses can weigh more than 500kg irl.

    Example: A zombie/player will receive 3 hearts of damage, which also applies to villagers.

    Smaller mobs like rabbits receive greater damage because of smaller body sizes.

    Iron Golems will not take any damage, and snow golems take only 0.5-1 hearts of damage due to the fact that snow is very soft in Minecraft.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Nether Coal

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 05:45 AM PDT

    Currently, Wither Skeletons drop coal. I think it would be interesting if they dropped a special resource: NETHER COAL. This Nether Coal would have interesting uses: it could be used as fuel for furnaces and smokers, lasting for longer than regular coal. Additionally, this could also be turned into blocks with their unique texture: a coal block with some blue spots.

    Why blue? Because of the upcoming blue flames! Indeed, combining Nether Coal and a stick, we'd also be able to craft a blue torch!

    Before you say it doesn't make sense because Wither Skeletons aren't blue in the slightest, I'll specify it would only reveal its blue-ish spots when burned (torches and furnaces) or when condensed in blocks—it would still be a mostly black resource.

    EDIT: Another idea that came to my mind is that blue torches could also have different properties regarding mobs: maybe it could attract nether mobs, or only keep Phantoms at a distance. Maybe could it only prevent—or only allow—the spawn of undead creatures… Many things are possible.

    OTHER EDIT: We could also see Nether Quartz ORE generating in soul sand valleys, which would also be great. Comes courtesy of the wonderful ladies and gentlemen below.

    DIFFERENT EDIT: Thank you for the 100 upvotes, I never reached that before ☺️

    submitted by /u/Nouche_
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    Hang Banners from Sides of Horses’/Llamas’ Gear (Personalization, Easy Identification)

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 07:56 AM PDT

    Horses and Llamas have proven to be great additions and excellent mobs to travel with. However, there aren't a whole lot of ways to personalize them to your liking. Horses only get a couple of various armors, and Llamas get different color decorative pieces. Not only would banners give these mobs more attention, but they would be far more identifiable. As an owner of a realm with roughly two dozen players, this addition would greatly help ensure that we no longer mix up our animals!

    submitted by /u/Nyodex
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    Berry jam on bread!

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 09:44 AM PDT

    Put a Berry and bread on a crafting grid and you get Berry jam on bread. It's simple, it's delicious, it gives more hunger replenishment than normal bread and berries separated, it reminds you of a simpler time. Berry jam on bread!!

    Also additionally to create a bit of diversity mojang could had different Berry types which could give some status effects when combined with bread (exp a blue Berry jam on bread = 20 seconds of speed, a red Berry 5 sec of regeneration, a black Berry = 15 seconds of fire resistance but additionally with every effect given by jam on the bread there's a 15% chance of slowness could occur with equal duration to the positive effect)

    submitted by /u/MaskDev
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    Don't limit Leads to fences! Let us tie Leads to nearly ANY thin block!

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 07:30 AM PDT

    Here is a list of blocks you should be able to attach Leads to:

    • Chorus Stems
    • End Rods
    • Banners
    • Glass Panes(singular)
    • Iron Bars(singular)
    • Anvils
    • Bells
    • Lecterns
    • Brewing Stands
    • Walls(singular)
    • Signs
    • Bamboo

    This would be a very convenient feature that would add more versatility to Leads.

    submitted by /u/AlexSteckline
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    Make magma blocks fuel.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 10:20 AM PDT

    This has probably already been posted but I'm not sure. Basically I feel like magma blocks should be useable as fuel for a furnace, since they are blocks of lava. Maybe they could be around half the efficiency of a lava bucket. With the upcoming nether update I feel a reliable fuel source besides lava would be very nice.

    submitted by /u/SpookySquid19
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    The Soul Sand Worm- a tunneling hostile mob for the Soul Sand Valley!

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 02:35 PM PDT

    Soul Sand Worms would be a new type of hostile mob that would be found only in the Soul Sand Valley biome in the Nether.

    They spawn underneath the Soul Sand, tunneling through it in search of its next meal- you! Players can get a hint of where a worm is by looking for the dirt particles that show up as they tunnel underneath. Unlike the Ender Dragon, Soul Sand Worms do not destroy the blocks they tunnel through. However, they can only tunnel through Soul Sand- if they're spawned anywhere else, they'll move a lot slower. They move faster on Soul Sand than any other mob, not being affected by its slowing properties. They're also immune to fire damage. Soul Sand Worms are about 1 block tall, and about 6 blocks long.

    When a player gets within its sight range (around the average range for hostile mobs), it'll burrow towards them and surface a few blocks in front of them. When they surface, the Soul Sand they are touching ignites for a brief moment, and they lunge at the player. They don't have much control over the angle of their lunge once they surface, so a fast player can sidestep their attacks and counter them. Their bites have a chance to ignite the player in blue flames. Despite being difficult to strike, they don't have a lot of health, making it so the player only has to hit them a few times to kill them.

    When killed, they drop Soul Sand, and a new item, Worm Ribs. Worm Ribs can be used to make Bone tools and armor, which are between iron and diamond in strength but have the durability of stone tools. Since the Nether doesn't have any resources as of now to make tools out of, and Mojang has said they want the Nether to be difficult to live in, this would fit perfectly. Plus, armor that makes you look like a skeleton would be rad! Their ribs would give players an incentive to travel to the Soul Sand Valleys, as right now, it seems like they're largely empty (not even Zombie Pigmen or Ghasts spawn there!) The giant rib cages in the Soul Sand Valley could be explained as the ribs of giant Soul Sand Worms that died (but they wouldn't drop Worm Ribs, making it so players would have to fight the worms).

    Here's some sketches I did of the Soul Sand Worm in action!

    In summary- Soul Sand Worms are a tunneling hostile mob exclusive to Soul Sand Valleys. Their unique method of movement and attacking players is something no other mob has, and would be exciting (and terrifying) to discover. The Worm Ribs they drop and the tools/armor they make would add some challenge to players willing to risk their lives for strong materials- fitting right in with the idea behind the new Nether biomes. Their existence would also give players a reason to travel to a Soul Sand Valley.

    Let me know what you guys think, any suggestions to improve this base idea would be great!

    EDIT: Here's some specifics for stats.

    Health: 15 (7.5 hearts)

    Attack Strength:

    • Easy: 5 (2.5 hearts)
    • Normal: 10 (5 hearts)
    • Hard: 16 (8 hearts)
    • Fire Damage (35% chance for fire damage per hit): 1 (0.5 hearts) per 1.25 sec for 3 sec

    EXP: 15

    Size: 1m tall, 1m wide, ~6m long (when laying flat).

    submitted by /u/B217
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    Make "Sprinting only" an auto jump option.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 02:23 AM PDT

    When you click on autojump it should go {off, on, sprinting only.}

    submitted by /u/F5nn
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    These specific terrain generation variables greatly improve the quality of default terrain

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 11:34 AM PDT

    Using 1.12.2's Customized world generation feature and various online sources, I have found some world generation variables that I believe are a perfect improvement to Minecraft's existing default world generation. Even though Customized was removed in 1.13, it is my understanding that the same variables still work behind-the-scenes to generate terrain.

    One of the most common complaints about Minecraft's terrain that I read about is that it's too flat and too repetitive. The terrain that these settings create is very much still normal Minecraft terrain, but with far more engaging and substantial terrain features. While some biomes such as plains and savannas still look the same, hillier biomes such as forests, taigas, etc. now have much more consistent, substantial and full-bodied rolling hills. The "hills" variants of these biomes are now more exciting to explore and, again, really feel like they have substance. The most dramatic change is with extreme hills, which are breathtakingly majestic! The mountains are now massive, monumental peaks that rise dramatically above lowland valleys. Climbing them feels like an achievement, like you're really conquering the mountain.

    Here are the modified variables (if it isn't mentioned here, it isn't changed from default):

    • Main Noise Scale X: 2887.746
    • Main Noise Scale Y: 5000.000
    • Main Noise Scale Z: 2887.746
    • Depth Base Size: 9.275
    • Coordinate Scale: 450.000
    • Height Scale: 1.000
    • Height Stretch: 4.005
    • Upper Limit Scale: 1450.000
    • Lower Limit Scale: 1450.000
    • Biome Depth Weight: 1.105
    • Biome Depth Offset: 0.010
    • Biome Scale Weight: 4.000
    • Biome Scale Offset: 0.010

    Increasing biome size to 5 or 6 would also be an improvement, as it gives the biomes more substance and more of a feeling that each one is its own region.

    So basically, what I am suggesting is that making these numbers the defaults would greatly improve the quality of Minecraft's terrain and the user experience of playing on the terrain.

    I wrote a blog post about these variables, in which I provide screenshots of many biomes, on Planet Minecraft. https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/more-majestic-terrain-could-be-hugely-improved-with-these-better-variables

    submitted by /u/zaxophone_bswv
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    Lava islands in the nether

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 10:24 AM PDT

    It'd be cool if you had small islands surrounded by lava in the nether. They wouldn't do much, they'd just be atmospheric. What do you think about this idea? Btw, yes, nether HAS islands, but they are probably a side effect of the generation code and aren't that intentional nor common

    submitted by /u/Chobane_Chobane
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    Pet Respawning

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 09:23 AM PDT

    Tired of losing your pets? So am I (RIP Tim). I propose an idea to fix this but in a balanced way. In a similar way to how villagers claim beds, pets should be able to do the same. When a pet dies they will respawn in the bed they claimed, but they won't instantly jump up and go, instead, they should stay there for a little while as if recovering. Perhaps this could be sped up by feeding them..?

    If a pet is named, the name is shown above the bed when hovering above it.

    *I understand it may be annoying to have your bed taken by a pet, so another idea is that a new item is added called pet beds. This works exactly the same except with pet beds and not player beds as not to interfere with already existing systems and such, and also to make things easier in general. They would be 1 block instead of two.

    *When I say pet I mean just about anything you can tame excluding mounts

    submitted by /u/Lunaticular
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    Ideas for nitwits!

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 10:19 AM PDT

    • When a zombie is nearby or a player hit them, instead of running they start spinning around.

    -They jump on farmers' crops. (Inspired from the Villager News bit from Minecon Live)

    -They chase stray cats around the village.

    submitted by /u/keith43895
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    Loot from chests should have unknown enchantments

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 06:33 AM PDT

    The title says it all. When you get loot from a chest that's enchanted, it should have a line of "???????" for every enchantment. The enchantments could be discovered either by using the item over time, functionality of another block, or by means of a villager in the future (possibly a wandering enchanter).

    When enchanting a piece of gear, the same thing should apply. If you enchant a pickaxe with Silk Touch, it should say Silk Touch and then "???????" for every additional enchantment. The additional enchantments would be revealed in the ways listed above.

    I really like the idea of curses, but you already know what gear is cursed so it's easy to avoid. Even if just curses were invisible until the item was worn or curse takes effect, that would be a cool feature that gives curses some sort of "Oh crap. What do I do now?" aspect. Right now, curses don't do much just because it's easy to toss the item away in favor of a piece of gear without it.

    submitted by /u/TheRustyCookie
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    Horned horse armor

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 01:50 PM PDT

    u/snowballearth43 had an idea that horses deal damage when they run into things, while a good idea I think it has a few problems

    1. Any considerable amount of damage would be OP because horses obviously have infinite durability, and are fast enough to avoid being countered. So really a horse user can just ride into you over and over

    2. Neutral mobs like farm animals or villagers would frequently die on accident

    Instead of this

    Rather I believe the mechanic is a better fit for a new form of horse armor. The armor would be found in deserts, it has a few changes to it but it is otherwise very similar to iron horse armor, in addition to having a horn on the head like a unicorn

    Originally my idea was that in desert biomes it could be found because it's like cactus thorns but I change my mind on that. I think it should be unique loot from woodland mansions because when I google Austria, it pulls up lots of houses along trees.

    This is Austrian horse armor that it would be based on


    By holding the sprint key, the jump bar will slowly fill up, turn blue, and then slowly go down. During this time a horse equipped with this armor will put down their head and charge, dealing damage for the period where the bar is going down.

    It will deal 7 damage and changing directions too quickly, stopping, etc. will cause this ability to need to recharge

    submitted by /u/steakandwater
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    Dispenser enchantments/crossbow dispensers

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 11:25 AM PDT

    Currently to craft a dispenser, you need to use a bow. If you accidentally crafted it with an enchanted bow, then nothing special happens.

    My suggestion is that if you craft a dispenser with a flame bow, or an infinity bow, or any bow enchantment, that the dispenser gets the enchantment. It would only matter when shooting arrows, however.

    Another suggestion is crafting dispensers with crossbows. The dispenser would be exactly the same but crafted with a crossbow. However this would have uses, as you can get crossbow enchantments on the dispensers as well. This would be useful for piercing and multishot.

    Enchantments like unbreaking/mending wouldn't do anything, so they wouldn't get transferred to the dispenser while crafting.

    Also, you wouldn't be able to enchant a dispenser at the enchantment table. You just have to craft it with a bow or crossbow that has already been enchanted.

    submitted by /u/_jubb
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    Resource Packs should be able to edit the sky (night and day)

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 02:02 PM PDT

    I was making a resource pack that edited the assets of the sky and I spent at least 5 minutes looking for the textures for the stars until I realized it was an Optifine-only feature. Why shouldn't this be in the game? I mean, there's support for weather, clouds, the sun, and the moon, so it would make sense to be able to edit the sky itself. There are probably some other things that aren't the sky that would make sense to be able to be put in a resource pack but I wouldn't know what's missing just by looking at what's there.

    TL;DR: Resource packs can't edit everything and there are some things they should be able to.

    submitted by /u/ShockMicro
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    I've thought about goat behaviour

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 11:56 AM PDT

    Let's start with what they will eat, crops in a mountain village, favourite crop is beetroot, least favourite is carrot. They'll still eat crops even if they are carrots. They could jump 2.5 blocks high and can slowly climb by jumping and standing on the wall. You can ride them with a saddle and a beetroot on a stick. Even breed them with beetroot. They'll be often found in villages and near non-desert neighbouring biomes occasionally.

    submitted by /u/generalmemes127
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    Ad more chicken breeds

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 06:05 AM PDT

    So what I mean by this is that all chickens will start off with small differences, and you can selectively breed them to make for example silkie chickens, or Rhode island reds.

    submitted by /u/mudkipboy7
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    schorching dessert

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 09:36 AM PDT

    the schorching dessert is a biome that generates surrounded by dessert on at least 3 sides in the schorching dessert the only source of water is wells or underground water if you place water without any cover above it it will evaporate in the time it takes water to freeze flamable blocks will set on fire during the day most mobs set on fire during the day unless they are under some kind of cover from the sun fossils will spawn on the surface random chests under a cover containing food(cooked) and empty buckets and other loot with a chance for an enchanted golden apple as well as this there is a chance to find an abandoned house with basic supplys as well as a couple of chests with a variety of items it can contain the abandoned house is a cobblestone frame with a couple of glass blocks on the floor with if you're fast a couple of logs and planks i dont know what else to add to this probably bad idea so this is the end of the post.

    submitted by /u/demonater5
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    Turbo building and deleting in Creative

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 04:15 AM PDT

    Its a cheat that turns on/off turbo building functionality. When on, blocks will be placed much faster than they are usually done, which would be helpful for map makers. You can also turbo delete by enabling this cheat as well, which will allow you to delete blocks at a much faster rate than normal.

    You can adjust the turbo building speed using the /turbospeed command which goes like this:

    /turbospeed speed, multiplier:float

    Where speed is how fast you can build/destroy blocks, and float is the multiplier, i.e, the rate of how fast you are going. For example add 2x to the multiplier while your speed is set to 2.0 and it will become 6.0

    To turn on/off turbo building/deleting, simply type in this command:

    /gamerule turbobuild true:false

    True - Build very fast

    False - Normal building speed

    Speed cannot be negative.

    This is really what Minecraft needs in Creative. When building huge structures, I always get tired placing block after block. This gamerule would help ease the process a lot.

    Turbo building is only available in Creative to prevent players from cheating in survival/adventure modes.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    How you mine a block should influence which direction it drops.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 01:13 PM PDT

    Let's say you have a block directly overhead by a few blocks, and depending on which direction the drop goes, it might fall all the way down to you or it might get caught on a ledge.

    If you could mine a block off-set from its center, such as the furthest corner from any ledge, this could influence which direction the block will drop.

    submitted by /u/aqua_zesty_man
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    Mob head immunities

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 03:36 PM PDT

    So, like carved pumpkins with enderman, that happens with any mob that can drop a head, but only with that species of mob. I mean, it would make sense, right?

    submitted by /u/iwastoldnottogohere
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