• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers TheHermitChunks [Vanilla]{Whitelisted}{Hermitcraft-like}

    Minecraft Servers TheHermitChunks [Vanilla]{Whitelisted}{Hermitcraft-like}

    TheHermitChunks [Vanilla]{Whitelisted}{Hermitcraft-like}

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 02:15 AM PDT

    Welcome to TheHermitChunks

    This is a hermitcraft themed 1.14.4 vanilla survival server. we are searching for around 20 people that want to join this server. If you know hermitcraft you already know how this works but if not I'll explain:

    on this server, you can build whatever you want wherever you want. we're looking to create a friendly and mature community, that will work together to build awesome things and to have fun with.

    The spawn will be the center of the shopping district, so you can build your shops there. We have also planned on opening other districts as well, like a minigame district or a medieval district, but we will decide this as a community.

    We will add datapacks to the server like NoEndermanGrief and MoreMobheads

    Rules: -be nice to other people -do not destroy or ad anything to other players building except if you have the permission to do so -don't cause to much lag. big Redstone contraptions and farms are allowed but have to be turned off if they cause to much lag. You can turn them back on when there are no players online. -don't go into the bases of other people if they don't want you to -have fun

    Requirements: -a discord account -a headset -you need to be able to talk English

    Application: you can apply to the server here: https://forms.gle/Sgra7UWYppdeZth6A

    Questions: if you have questions about the server you can ask me at thehermitchunks@gmail.com or in the comments

    I'm sorry for any mistakes I made while writing this. I am from Germany so my written English isn't the best (my speech is better though)

    submitted by /u/thicc_noodlesalad
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    In the Heart of the Lab[Semi-vanilla]{SMP}{Greylist}{Java-1.14.4}{17+}

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 07:10 AM PDT

    Hello everybody!! We are In the Heart of the Lab and we are a vanilla Minecraft SMP community! We are looking for some more faces in our community to enhance the community atmosphere, therefore we invite you to apply to our community!

    About us
    Our player base contains players from all over the world. We are a mature community and we interact with each other respectfully. In our community we love to have an occasional chat about whatever we feel like chatting about. Voice chat is also encouraged! Besides Minecraft, we also organize a weekly event during which we come together on Discord and play minigames together. As stated in the title, our community is 17+, but don't hesitate to apply if you're older than that. Most of us are at least 20. :P

    About the server
    Our server runs CraftBukkit with a few plugins, mostly for administrative/utility purposes. A list of all the plugins can be provided upon request. The world got reset with the release of 1.14 and we have beaten the ender dragon. As playing together is a lot more fun, we encourage players to team up with others. Creating little towns and perhaps we can introduce some roleplaying in the future as well. However, for those who rather play by themselves, that is also fine.

    I hope I've managed to catch your attention with this advertisement! To apply to our server, you can join our Discord server. Have a chat with us if you like and if you think our community is the right one for you, you can write an application! With our greylist, you can even join our world to have a look at what we've done so far. The application format, as well as other information, can be found on our Discord. I hope to see you in our discord soon!!


    Summary of our rules:

    • Be kind and considerate.
    • Be yourself and have fun.
    • More in-depth rules are in our discord server.
    submitted by /u/D_Inventor
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    StarQuest [PvP]{Factions}{MCMMO}{1.14.4}

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 06:23 AM PDT

    Hello, I am a Jr. Developer and player of a server called StarQuest, and I am here to tell you about it. I did get permission from the owner to post this, so don't worry. This server allows the creating of custom spaceships without mods. Most of the plugins are custom made here.


    StarQuest includes player built space ships that can be any shape, but there is a size limit depending on your rank (ranks are gained by doing missions or contracts) to make sure the server doesn't get too laggy. With spaceships, there is a whole new element to Minecraft, space fights, or more commonly known as SvS. We have multiple weapon types, machines, and modules to help you on your journeys, from cannons and turrets to slip drives and speed boosters. From cargo bays and miners to jammers and EMPs. There are multiple uses of these ships. Go out pirating for loot, carry cargo to sell to stations or players, mine asteroids you find, discover anomalies, anything you want!


    On SQ we have a custom plugin called SQTech, which adds machines to Minecraft and allows you to create things like miners, builders, harvesters, etc. The plugin is built in such a way that you can create your own inventions, so let your imagination go wild!

    Space & Planets

    The main map is a giant space worlds full of star systems and anomalies such as Wormholes, asteroid fields, and storms. There is so much to discover in space, and it's always changing. There are 8 star systems with 22 planets overall currently.


    We use a public faction plugin, but we have our own additions to it outposts, power boosts, and more. You can settle a faction on any planet and build up your base.


    In space you can find multiple types of anomalies that do different things. There are wormholes that take you to its opposite side, and the distance is depending on the size. There's even a wormhole that can put you anywhere in space! There's asteroid fields you can mine, storms you can hide from radars and dynmap in, and storms that can disable your modules. Just watch out for the nano minefields, you might find yourself in pieces if you wander in! All the anomalies have durations, so they don't stay in the same place forever and more are created as time goes on.


    The economy on SQ is mainly based on a contract (missions) system, where you do different tasks to get money and reputations for different corporations. When you do a contract, you will acquire reputation as well as your money. Reputation is used to dictate what rank you are in the corporation. There are also chest shops you can setup in your faction to make your own stores.


    Corporations are groups of skills and attributes that define the group. You don't join a corporation, but come pledge tasks for them and they give you money and reputation. As you rank up in a corporation, you unlock abilities specific to the corporation like ships classes, module boosts, and stuff like increased ore drops and such. Some examples of corporations are Defalos; the mining corporation, so you can buy mining materials and complete mining contracts for them, Yisheng; the farming corporation where you can buy plants and turn in plants for money, and Skydogs, where you get contracts to kill people and become wanted.

    So what are you waiting for, come join us!

    Rules: starquest.spacebeaverstudios.com:81/mediawiki/index.php/Rules

    Website: http://www.spacebeaverstudios.com

    Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/0tUluUyNrchydOIb

    IP: starquest.spacebeaverstudios.com

    Trailer (made before server released): https://youtu.be/e_ZPEOV4ySA

    It is encouraged that you join the discord to receive more in-depth help, get questions answered, and interact with our community!

    submitted by /u/Jarkyc
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    NopeCraft OCE [Semi-Vanilla]{Community-Focused}{Dedicated}{Discord}

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 04:21 AM PDT


    NopeCraft OCE is a fairly new server designed to offer players from Australia and the Oceanic region a place to build and hang out with low ping.

    We are primarily a Vanilla Experience, offering only a few basic plugins to enhance the player experience.

    Server Name: NopeCraft OCE

    Server Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia




    **Server Specs:**

    Dedicated Rack Server

    CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1230 v2

    RAM: 64GB

    Network: 1Gbit Uplink

    **Server Rules:**

    No Griefing

    No Stealing

    No Cheating

    PVP is toggle-able in your Faction

    Please build at least 500 blocks away from Spawn.

    Discord: discord.gg/pz2N8B

    submitted by /u/nopecraftAUS
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    Unity [Vanilla] [SMP] {1.14.4} {Whitelist} {Discord} {18+}

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 08:20 AM PDT

    The Unity Server is in 1.14.4 (server auto-updates) and is looking for more active players! We're a long-term focused server, so we would like to see people working towards larger projects and dedicating a fair amount of game time to the community and economy!

    DISCLAIMER: We are looking for ACTIVE PLAYERS. We are a casual server, but we are consistently online and interacting with each other both in discord and on the server.

    1. Respect other player's builds and personal property, generally just don't be a dick

    2. We're hoping to keep people close to spawn, so in and around the 100-500 block radius from spawn is strongly suggested for a base.

    3. You have agreed to become part of a server, so make sure you are willing to participate and work with others.

    4. Spawn is reserved for shops and community projects/services, so please don't set up base there.

    5. As this is a community based server...be friendly! Reach out to other players if you need help with something, and pitch in if you see another player who could use help. Ultimately, we are hoping this server concept will allow for incredible builds and an especially enjoyable player experience.

    Send me a PM, and I'll send that Discord link right back at you. When you join, go to #read-me-first and fill out the application and post in in #general-chat. We hope you choose to join our family!

    submitted by /u/theleftlobe
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    Dawn MC [Vanilla] {Fresh Map} {Datapacks} {Whitelist} {Hermitcraft playstyle} {18+} {1.14.4}

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 05:04 AM PDT

    Dawn MC

    Dawn MC is a new Vanilla server featuring some datapacks to add some quality of life. All the datapacks are inspired by Hermitcraft. We are looking for some very active players to help us build a spawn, netherhub, community farms, shopping district and much more! Looking for players who'd like to join our growing tight-knit community.



    • 18+
    • Have Discord
    • The spawn is a big island, you can build a house there but don't build a massive base (future plans), cross the ocean and start your adventure there.
    • Be mature, treat each other with respect.
    • No duping/cheating of any kind
    • Must be active (let one of the Admins know if you are away for a long period)
    • No stealing, PVP-ing without consent of both parties.
    • Have fun!

    Use this template if you are interested in joining Dawn Vanilla (post below or send a pm, I will add you on Discord):


    Discord IGN#:

    Date of Birth:

    Location (Timezone):

    How often will you play on the server?:

    What is unique about your playstyle?:

    Why should you be whitelisted?:

    Tell us about yourself:

    Looking forward to seeing you on Dawn MC!

    submitted by /u/juris-my-dick-tion
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    LectCraft [Vanilla] {1.14}

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 10:09 AM PDT

    Our server is almost 2 weeks old, we have made a small group and have began to build our spawn town up. Spawn is where we are planning to build a shoping district as well as the start village. we have farms popping up all over as well as many houses. We hope to build a hermitcraft style server. If you are dedicated and are looking for a fairly fresh server feel free to join our only rule is dont steal from other players. you can build anywhere but ask if you are going to build close to somebody incase they want to build there.

    join our discord at https://discord.gg/2S5YvE the server ip is post your ign in the discord to be added to the whitelist.

    Any inactive players or those who go dont play well with others will be removed to allow space for new players.

    submitted by /u/Connor0009
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    [Wanted] [SMP] {mcMMO} 14.4.4

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 10:09 AM PDT


    I'm looking for a friendly server to play on, especially one that's pure survival. I'm thinking about a place where nobody is using creative mode to build or create items. Not even the admins. Not because it's forbidden, but because that's their preferred way of playing the game (this last bit is the most important). That includes OP items as well, unless they are actually crafted/acquired by players from resources gathered in the world.

    mcMMO is not an absolute must, buuuut it would be very nice to have it. I like the whole gameplay experience better when it's available. If there is an economy involving in-game, vanilla items as well, that's a huge bonus.

    18/21+ servers are fine. Pay-to-anything features are not. (except simple donations that are in no way connected with the game). I don't mind hard difficulty, unless you get banned, or cannot continue to play when you die. I don't mind if tp, sethome, etc is available for players, but it's also fine if they are not.

    Please message me if you have/know of a Java server like this. I'm in the EU.

    submitted by /u/mysecondme
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    BLOCKS N BEERS [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP]{Whitelist}{1.14.4}{Dynmap}{21+}{newish map}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 04:26 PM PDT

    Server Name: Blocks N Beers

    Server Location: Atlanta GA, United States

    IP: blocksnbeers.com


    Version: 1.14.4

    Server Stats:

    Custom built server private data center housed and controlled by me!

    Server's Rules:

    • You must be 21+ to apply (No exceptions)
    • No griefing
    • No stealing
    • No hacks/modded clients (mini maps, shaders, optifine are GOOD)
    • No cheating
    • PVP is dependent on both players agreeing
    • Do not built on spawn island, build at least 200 blocks from spawn island and no further than 12k overworld. We will have a reset outside of the 12k border when 1.15 comes out, as to not destroy our progress.

    These rules are most important:

    • Be excellent to each other!
    • Homophobia, sexism, bigotry, and bullying are absolutely 0 tolerance. You're an adult and this is a game, leave your stupid opinions and beliefs at the door or don't even bother.


    This server is the love child and master development of only the finest people from several servers over the years. A group of friends, both in real life and internet based (and some spouses!) have come together to devote their time and creative super juices to host, supervise, and play on the ultimate adult non-BS and community driven server we could possibly form. Professionals and students, we understand that sometimes life grabs you by the ... uh... and you might not be able to log on every day all day but you are still looking for a place to unwind and decompress. If you're looking for a new group of friends or a discord of friendly people who like to joke, like to meme, but also like to respect boundaries- you've found it here. You don't have to drink beer or drink at all to join us.

    Our beautiful and brand new server boasts a unique spawn island curated by hand to welcome and embrace you as soon as you land. Further, we plan to work as a community on a shop area, spawn houses, spawn landscaping, and many other communal farms. We have just started entering the end and this should tell you how new and excited we are! We have a cute little marketplace started and a really great solid group of people! We have a senior developer donating his time and expertise as the server admin to both run and maintain the backend as well as create and configure java based custom plugins for the servers needs- you might not find this type of attention to detail anywhere else! A truly deep understanding of all things minecraft, our core team is here to give you a custom SMP experience like you've never had. GREAT BUILDERS WANTED!

    I am looking for players who are looking for a permanent place to play. Fleeting and flaky individuals need not apply. Short term users aren't what we're looking for, we want people to grow with the server, indulge in conversation, make friendships, and have a good time. If you plan to play for a short amount of time and never come back, please don't bother. No pressure for extensive gameplay- casual players with limited free time welcome of course- but those who really want to be involved are most appreciated. We have an active discord which we're still navigating, please bare with us.

    Server is on Hard mode!

    Discord: https://discord.gg/ssYq6C6

    You will be directed to a room in which an interview process will take place in the order which you have arrived. Bare with us, as again we are busy adults with a ton of junk going on. You will need a mic and discord to join our server, just a heads up.


    • Can you touch things that you didn't build? No.
    • Are players frequently loaded while playing late at night? Almost religiously.
    • Can I expect sexual and explicit conversation? Of course but we will dedicate a discord channel to NSFW (this does not mean gross) links and the like for your work browsing safety.

    I am pleased to offer a place for you to play and make new and lasting friendships, welcome to the team!

    Please comment discord name below to be contacted or follow the discord link to join directly: https://discord.gg/zjjaFuK

    submitted by /u/WaffleMC
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    GOODTIMES [Vanilla] {Mature community} {Whitelist} {Limited spots left} {1.14.4}

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 08:13 AM PDT

    • Back to the real deal Minecraft experience!
    • We like minecraft just the way it is, no plugins.
    • New server = fresh world !
    • Server Location: London
    • Only 20 slots! quality instead of quantity
    • Apply here**:** Application Form
    • More about the server: WebsiteMC
    • Rules: ReadMe
    submitted by /u/MrYundaz
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    Meadow Creek [Semi-Vanilla] {1.14.4} {17+} {Whitelisted}

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 08:01 AM PDT

    Welcome to Meadow Creek!

    Meadow Creek is a brand new survival smp server.

    This server was created to be a small, tight knit and friendly community. Our goal is to get 10-15 regular players, and just have fun! There is no required amount of time to play, just whenever you have the time. We also have a discord server, with in game discord chat.

    The world border is currently set to 10000, but will be widened after some time of gameplay, there is also a shoping district at spawn.

    This is basically meant to be a fun survival server, where friends can build together, trade together, and fight together. Every game is better with some friends :)


    1. This is a 17+ server, no exceptions.
    2. No griefing. This will be an immediate ban. We want this to be a trusting community.
    3. No building close to someone else's build without permission. Don't be a dick, basically.
    4. Respect everyone.
    5. No negativity. This is supposed to be a chill, friendly community.


    To join, post a comment with the following:

    Ign, Age, Why you want to join, Have you read the rules

    We will reply as soon as possible, and will dm you if you are accepted!

    Thank you for considering our server :)

    submitted by /u/Plantaeess
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    [Wanted] [Vanilla] [SMP] New-ish Mature Server

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 07:30 AM PDT

    Hello! I am looking for a new-ish (possibly created within the last 6 months or so) PVE Vanilla server with adult / older players. I play 10-15 hours a week, enjoy breaking blocks and gathering resources. I'm not a prolific builder by any means, but have played the game long enough to know how to detail and have decent scale. I'm open to helping a server build big things or be left to contribute my own creations. Basically I want a normal survival world that I can share with others, learn from their minecrafting, have adventures with and build a fun world to escape in.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/KotWmike
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    Freebuild [Creative] {Voxelsniper} {Worldedit} {200x200 plots}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 05:10 PM PDT

    Welcome to Freebuild.us

    We are a fairly new Creative server. We want to make an awesome community where people can relax, build and perhaps make builds to earn money. You can easily use our server with unlimited worldedit, voxelsniper, heads and more to make awesome builds. After that you can submit your plot. Get ranked up or maybe just download the plot into a schematic file and sell it. Do whatever you want! We made this so everyone has a platform where we can relax and enjoy the game

    Server Features:

    • Rankups (in tiers) based on your building skills
    • 200x200 Plots
    • Freebuild natural terrain world
    • Free Worldedit voting not required
    • VoxelSniper
    • ArmorStand Editor
    • Builders utilities
    • 20.000 Heads
    • Cosmetics
    • Merge Plots
    • Colored Signs
    • Magic Carpets
    • Disco Armor

    Rules: (Other rules can be found ingame with /rules)

    submitted by /u/freebuildermc
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    WinDooM SMP [PvP] {mcMMO} {Clans} {AreaShop}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 10:16 PM PDT

    WinDooM SMP: windoom.vsmc.co

    Newest version of Minecraft 1.14.4

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9YpBBm62BU Welcome to WinDooM SMP! We are a survival multiplayer server centered around PvP, clans, and economy. The spawn area is a massive medieval city with hundreds of unique homes and other properties that you can buy with a single click! The server is made to be streamlined for players of all skill levels and focuses. There are no complicated plugins, no overcrowded GUI, and no spammy messages. It is not pay to win nor are there overbearing admins. There are a number of unique features on the server.


    • Anti-Hack, xRay, and PvP logging protections
    • PvP: Throw ghastballs/fireballs in combat, use grappling hooks to climb, place bounties on wanted players, use compasses to track players!
    • Economy: Virtual currency based on gold standard
    • Clans: Instantly create, join, ally, or rival other clans for control of the server!
    • Land Protection: Buy and sell any property you want in the city with 1 click or command! Self protect land outside of the city walls using Residence
    • ChestShop: Buy your own shop stalls in the city market to sell items and make money while you are offline!
    • mcMMO leveling system


    1. No hacking or xray
    submitted by /u/WinDooMSMP
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    [Wanted] [Creative] 1.14+ server with World Edit

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 01:53 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I want to get back into building with the latest Minecraft version, but sadly cannot find a good 1.14 creative server with world edit. There are some bigger servers that are 1.14 compatible, but do not support the new features (and thus blocks) and I really want to toy around with all the new blocks and items.

    Anyone know of any? Would appreciate it very much.


    submitted by /u/-Captain-
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    [Wanted][Semi-vanilla][SMP]{Roleplay} Looking for Medieval Server.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 01:48 AM PDT

    I'm looking for a quite unique Minecraft server. Each time I try to find it I end up upset. Still, attempt #15125..

    I like Medieval History. Swords, Knights, Kings all that fun stuff. I want to find a Minecraft server where I can Rolplay this out. The more medieval the better. Maybe build towns... fight in wars y'know... Medieval stuff.

    I'm not against fantasy but I find the more fantastic it is the less I'm interested. Game of Thrones level fantasy (at least in terms of the early books/seasons) is my limit.

    If there are any servers out there with this kind of thing going on, please let me know. If someone is making a server like this, please let me know. If you're interested in making a server like this, please let me know.

    I'd also be interested in a Medieval/Fantasy (more fantasy on this one), creative server where we all work together to build something neat.

    Please don't make me type out attempt #15126

    submitted by /u/shaun056
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    ANARCHYSERVER [Vanilla] [Anarchy] {1.14.4}

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 01:05 AM PDT

    ANARCHYSERVER.COM [Vanilla] [Anarchy] {1.14.4}

    Title says it all. This might be the youngest anarchy server in the internet. Join now, and get an advancement on all the other players.

    Anything goes on this server, grief, raid, destroy, flee, fail, hoard... go nuts and place your make in this fresh new world before it goes to hell.

    No website currently, but expect to see one soon (with live map of the 1000x1000 region!

    AnarchyServer.com [running 1.14.4, and updates constantly to the latest stable server version]

    submitted by /u/PlazzmiK
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    LumaCraft [Vanilla] {1.14.4} {whitelist} {18+}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 05:33 PM PDT

    Hello, and welcome to LumaCraft!

    What is Lumacraft?

    LumaCraft is a 1.14.4, 24/7 Minecraft vanilla server focused on creating a relaxing Minecraft experience. Members here are not required to play a specific time or amount a week and LumaCraft's whole philosophy is allowing it's members to play whenever it is convenient for them.

    What are the rules of the server?

    For the most part we have 3 golden rules:

    1: You must be 18+ years of age to join.

    2: No griefing.

    3: Treat everyone with respect.

    Failing to follow any of these rules will result in a permanent ban that will not be undone.

    How do I join?

    To join the server please leave a comment with your age, Discord username, and why you would like to be apart of LumaCraft, if chosen I will add you via Discord.

    Additional Information:

    The server uses a server wide resource pack, that contains mature themes, if you are uncomfortable with this, you can turn it off in the settings though most of our users use it especially in builds and is highly recommended.

    submitted by /u/MikuFan221
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    Hexicast SMP [Modded] [SMP] {Whitelist} {Hermitcraft-like} {Mature} {1.7.10}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 07:33 PM PDT

    Hello! Welcome to the post for the Hexicast SMP!

    Hexicast SMP is meant to be a Hermitcraft-like, mature that is based on cooperation, community, and creativity. We use Discord for our main communication source, and use the voice and text chats in our server almost every day.

    We just have some simple server rules:

    1. Don't steal, grief, etc. This is meant to be a trustworthy and fun community, it doesn't let anyone enjoy the game if you steal, grief, etc.

    2. Treat others as you would have them treat you. Don't be a douche! Simple concept.

    3. Don't be too childish. We have a fun-loving group of people. There are plenty of jokes going around through all of us, so just an FYI: If you get offended easily, this won't be the best experience for you. No one on the server aims to offend anyone, but swearing, vulgarity, etc. happens from time to time.

    We're currently running a heavily modded world, attempting to find enjoyment with many of the classic mods from years ago.

    List of mods:

    Applied Exchange

    Mo Villages

    Tree Capitator

    Ars Magica 2

    Actually Additions

    Additional Compression

    Additional Pipes

    Advanced Rocketry

    Animation API

    Applied Energistics


    Arcane Engineering

    Archimedes Ships Plus

    Atomic Science

    Back in Slime



    Baubles Stuff




    Big Reactors

    Binnie Mods

    Biomes O Plenty

    Blood Arsenal

    Blood Magic



    Bow Infinity Fix


    Carpenter's Blocks

    Chicken Chunks


    Chisel Tones






    Cooking for Blockheads


    Craftable Saddles


    Dummy Core

    Enchanting Plus

    Ender Crop

    Extra Cells

    Extra TiC

    Extra Utilities

    Flans Mod

    Forbidden Magic





    Guide API



    Hat Stand


    ICBM Classic

    iChun Util

    Immersive Engineering

    Immersive Integration

    Intelligent Energistics

    Inventory Tweaks

    Iron Backpacks

    Iron Chest


    Magical Crops

    Magic Bees

    Malisis Core

    Malisis Doors




    MineFactory Reloaded

    Modular Force Field System

    Modular Flower Pots

    Modular Powersuits


    Moving World

    Mr. Crayfish's Furniture Mod


    NEI Addons

    Nodal Mechanics

    Not Enough Items



    Ocean Floor

    Open Computers

    Open Modular Turrets

    Open Security


    p455w0rds lib

    Pam's DesertCraft

    Pam's Harvest the Nether

    Pam's HarvestCraft

    Pam's Random Plants

    Placeable Items

    Portal Gun

    Project E

    Project Red

    Random Things

    Redstone Paste

    Rope Bridge


    Simply Jetpacks

    Steve's Carts 2

    Steve's Workshop

    Storage Drawers

    Tainted Magic

    TC Inventory Scan

    TC Node Tracker

    Tinker's Construct


    Thaumcraft Gates

    Thaumcraft NEI Plugin

    Thaumic Fixer

    Thaumic Bases

    Thaumic Energistics

    Thaumic Equivalence

    Thaumic Exploration

    Thaumic Horizons

    Thaumic Infusion

    Thaumic Tinkerer

    Thermal Dynamics

    Thermal Expansion

    Thermal Foundation

    Thermal Tinkering

    Tinker IO

    Tinker's Defense

    Tinker's Mechworks


    Traveller's Gear


    Tinker's Steelworks

    Twilight Forest

    Voltz Engine


    Balkon's Weapons

    Wireless Crafting Terminal


    Witchery Patch

    Wireless Redstone


    Upon acceptance into the server, I will send a download link to the required mods and the IP.

    Apply with these questions:




    Short summary about you:

    What you enjoy most in Minecraft/Minecraft servers:

    Discord username, if you have one. (Include the #'s at the end):

    Most of our server is made up of players in their teens and 20s, so that gives an idea of the age range of the community. Discord is a main priority of the server and the application process, as that is what I will be using to keep in contact and continue the whitelisting process.

    submitted by /u/YaBoiRoi
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    Peaceful Vanilla Club [Semi-vanilla] {No warps/tp/home} {No PvP} {PvE} {Claim blocks} {Player shops}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 03:18 PM PDT

    Peaceful Vanilla Club

    Enjoy a peaceful vanilla experience, with no grief, no vip ranks and no PvP outside arenas.Play like you do on single player, but with friends! With no worries.

    Claim land placing a Protection Stone

    Then you can invite your friends and make plots for them! Build a small house, a big base or an entire city! In the future you will be able to rent claims, sell or buy them!

    You can use portals to explore the map

    Because there are no /warp or /tp or /spawn we decided to build some portals.You can find them in the dynamic map. There will me many interesting places to visit!In the future we will build roads for horses and railroads!

    Make your shop, or trade with players

    Buy a villager egg at the spawn shop and then set up your own shop! We love to engage the community, if you plan to do a great shopwe will help your activity connecting it with roads or portals! If you want to safely trade you can do shift + right click on a player to open the trading menu.

    IP: mc.peacefulvanilla.club (Java Edition 1.14.4)

    Dynamic map to see claims, portals and places to visit: map.peacefulvanilla.club

    Discord server for chat, purposes and hack reports: discord.gg/2TzW4xD


    1. No Grief (also outside claims!)
    2. No Hacks
    3. Be friendly
    4. No PvP outside arenas
    5. Remember that intensive farms are nerfed, consider donating to help us buy better hardware
    6. Do not ruin the wilderness
    7. Do not build nasty or offensive things
    8. Remember that blocks outside claims will be regenerated
    9. Grief is not allowed even outside claims, but don't cry if someone steals things of little value from your unclaimed chests
    submitted by /u/leonardofiori
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    SCrafts [semi-vanilla] {whitelist}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 04:04 PM PDT

    So I recently started a server through minehut, and I would like to have a lot of people from different time zones to join my server so that it is up 24/7. I also need people I can trust and make op's out of for constant policing on the server. As an op, you may not enter crearove mode without my explcicit permssion to keep it a survival server. Comment below with your discord info so that I can contact you if you are interested. No griefing, trolling, or theft. Also, I have another oddly specific rule. If you harvest crops, REPLANT THEM. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/DeityofFire
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    The Tavern [Semi-vanilla][SMP]{1.14.4}{Whitelist}{18+}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 12:38 PM PDT

    Welcome to The Tavern, a whitelisted age 18+ JAVA Minecraft Server.

    🔔 Applications are OPEN! 🔔

    What does The Tavern Bring to you?

    *Now 1.14.4! & Expanded World Border.

    🔞 18+ members, A lot of us are 20+ 🔞

    1. A Whitelisted server experience. No loss of all your hard work from random people.
    2. A long term map and community, We don't plan on resetting our map at all unless something changed drastically in the game where we have to. We will be updating to the next official game versions however when they come out. E.g 1.15
      *Newbies are welcomed, new to minecraft or been gone a long time? We're here to help answer any of your questions about the game.
    3. We use discord, voice chat isn't required but we use it to chat.
    4. A Semi-Vanilla Experience. We try to keep the game vanilla as possible, We run on spigot, meaning we do have plugins, but mostly for staff to help manage the server. However, we do have a few plugins that add a little extra flair to the vanilla experience. We aren't like those servers that have /ranks /baltop etc. We keep it simple as possible.

    5. No confusing and messy landclaim plugin.

    6. The map started as of September 11th 2018. Roughly 75% land, and 25% water/ocean. With a good variety of biomes, and lots of space!

    7. We're still growing our community, Majority of members are users we've gotten through forums who then invited all their friends to the server. 2-10 users online throughout the day.

    8. A 100% survival built spawn and nether hub, where anyone is welcomed to build something at spawn! The spawn theme is Medieval, but of course, if you choose to build anything out in the world, you can build it in anything theme you'd like.

    9. We try to have server events, themed spawn around holidays .

    What are we looking for?

    • Politeness and Consideration of others.
    • Enjoys chatting and working with others. We love working together and overall just friendliness.
    • See something, Say something. Communicate with our community.

    Basic Rules of The Tavern:

    -Staff's word is final. Don't argue with us.
    -The required age for The Tavern is 18+.
    -exceptions: friend, family, close birthday, grandfathered.
    -NSFW/Graphic Content/Swearing policy:
    -Swearing is allowed, racial slurs and targeted comments are not.
    -No inappropriate sexual comments towards anyone in the community
    -No racial slurs
    -No harassment
    -No R rated images or links in the discord
    -No baiting of any of the above
    -See detailed list for extended examples and rules
    -Do NOT discuss politics/controversial topics in this group.
    -Do NOT spam the group text channels or voice channels.
    -Please use bot commands in the bot-spam channel.
    -Do NOT advertise anything without permission from an Admin/Mod.
    -Do NOT advertise your own minecraft servers.

    The following are in addition to the above and are specific to in-game activities:
    -Absolutely No:

    -Or exploitation of any kind


    -Don't lag the server.
    -AFK farms are fine, within reason
    -AFK fishing is ok
    -No Farms on top/above of bedrock in the nether.
    -Please confirm with village owners before starting a raid. Use milk to cancel Bad Omen and avoid raids.
    -Don't completely destroy wilderness terrain. (This does not apply to areas that you claim as yours)
    -When mass collecting, such as sand, flatten from the top and attempt to leave the area natural looking
    -No floating trees
    -Fix creeper holes
    -When collecting end stone, please visit other islands to collect
    -Strongholds in overworld/nether are fair game, except the main one linked from spawn.
    -Do not build within 300 blocks of other players /spawn without their permission, most are cool with neighbors if asked.
    -Spawn is considered the entire taiga biome.
    -See detailed sheet for spawn build requirements.
    -Please no mining at spawn.
    -No breaking or intentionally glitching through bedrock. (If you end up there by accident let us know and we will fix it)
    -Pvp must be agreed upon.
    -Please when killing a wither boss, have a proper location to kill him, Don't use the bedrock under the end portal, or kill near spawns.


    • Mob grief is enabled (except ghast)
    • Fire spread is off
    • Inventory drops upon death
    • Difficulty: Hard
    • Map is 16k x 16k, we will expand when needed during updates.
    • Data packs :
      HeadChanger,OnePlayerSleep,TPA Datapack,Chest Locking,BAC Advancements,XP Bottling,Double Shulker Shells,Customizable Armorstands, More Mob Heads(hermitcraft mob head datapack/decoration heads), Sethome Datapack,Timber Datapack (diamond axes one hit chop down trees),
    • Multiplayer sleep-friendly, the more users in a bed sleeping a faster night will progress.
    • Hosted by : TitanNodes

    How to Apply:

    Please allow up to 24 hours for a reply.
    Apply in this thread, please do not private message me the applications.

    Once approved, i'll quote you back that you've been approved and send a private message with discord link.
    If you are not approved, then you won't hear back from us after 24 hours.

    ⛔️ No joint applications, for you and another person. Please apply separately. ⛔️

    Staff members you may hear from about your application:



    • Minecraft Username:
    • What time zone are you in?:
    • Have you had name changes? : Y/N*if you did, please state the old names.
    • Age:
    • Have you been banned before?(on any server)If so, why?
    • tell us about yourself! (favorite blocks, pastimes, hobbies, etc. )
    • Why are you interested in this community?
    • Did you actually read the rules/server info?
    • Do you understand if you grief and or steal you will be banned on sight without word from staff?
    submitted by /u/TheTavernMC
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    MinedHype [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {GriefPrevention} {DynMap} {RandomTeleport} {1.14.4}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 05:32 PM PDT

    Connect IP: play.minedhype.com
    Website: https://minedhype.com
    Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA Central
    Server Info/Rules: https://minedhype.com/minecraft/
    Live Server Map: http://dynmap.minedhype.com -- Surface zoom!
    Our own custom built & water-cooled dedicated game server (i7 4.9GHz cpu, 32GB ram, PCIE nvme ssd) co-located in a secure data center always online 24/7!

    Public server & anyone friendly is welcome! No white-list, No P2W, & No donations!

    For anyone who wants to play Minecraft Java 1.14.4 in peace; alone or with others who are friendly. The GriefPrevention plugin we use has proven unbreakable with no issues after you claim land, so you never have to worry! We are a fully public 100% free community; we do not sell, you cannot buy, & there is no voting of any kind! No P2W! A few plugins that make playing more convenient; /sethome & /tpa & /claim & /wild. PvP disabled by default, use /pvp on to toggle. Check us out on discord!

    We also have another server that is hardcore survival. You will be banned for 24 hours if you die! Connect IP: hardcore.minedhype.com

    submitted by /u/beez0r
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