Minecraft Servers JeNePas [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.14.4} |
- JeNePas [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.14.4}
- Freebuild [Creative] {Voxelsniper} {Worldedit} {200x200 plots}
- Static: Survival Multiplayer [Semi-vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {14+}
- 3b9t [Anarchy] [Vanilla] {1.12.2}
- SOAR! [PVE] {1.14.4}{Private Sky Islands}{Choose your Home Biome}{New Wilderness Daily}{mcMMO}{MyPet}{Discord}{AutomaticInventory}{GriefPrevention}
- HundPercentNoobs Modded Survival [Modded] {Forge}
- Vanilla³ [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{1.14.4}{16+}
- BearCraft [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{1.14.4}
- Venture Survival [SMP]{1.14.4}{Quests}{Economy}
- HellMist Network [Creative]
- AynGi Gaming's Minecraft Server! [Semi-Vanilla] {1.14.4} {Towny} {US}
- 69b69t [Anarchy] {1.14.4} {No rules}
- Dawn MC [Vanilla] {4 week old map} {Datapacks} {Whitelist} {Hermitcraft playstyle} {18+} {1.14.4}
- Govindas Limework[Hub][Creative][Minigames][PVE]{1.12.2}{Survival}{Custom}
- Ascendancy[Vanilla][SMP]{YES-Whitelist}{Coreprotect}{1.14}
- Bleeding Pixels Survival [PvE][SMP] {McMMO} {Economy} {+Resource World} {Server Events} {1.14.4}
- Tortuga Pirate Network [HUB] {1.9-1.14x}{Towny} {Creative} {PIRACY™}
- Piracy [Modded] {Semi-Hardcore} {Earth-Map} {Guns & Vehicles}
- Audax - Casual Minecraft [Semi-vanilla] [Creative] {North America} {1.14.4}
- Eureka Minecraft [Semi-Vanilla][PvE][SMP]{1.14.4}{16+}{Discord}
- Skyblocking {1.8 - 1.14} {Friendly and Growing Community} {Discord} {Website} {Contests and Competitions} {NO WHITELIST!}
JeNePas [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.14.4} Posted: 24 Oct 2019 06:35 AM PDT JeNePas is a new Minecraft SMP server. I created this server because i love Minecraft and i've always wanted to have a server. But mostly because i want to have a place for people to relax and chill. For example from work or school. I also created this server because i want to create an awesome community! This server is mainly a community server for people who likes to chill and play Minecraft with eachother or by themselves. You can invite your friends and play with them whenever you want. The server is online 24/7. Our goal with the server is to have a nice community and never reset the world. For example, if you get bored of a place/city you can find a now spot to build on. Server rules: No griefing. No hacking/cheating. No chat abuse, be nice. Have some common sense. Do not spam or advertise. Do not steal items. Do not randomly kill other players. To get whitelisted on the server you can join the discord server and type in your ign. ---> https://discord.gg/CDAdrsv <--- [link] [comments] |
Freebuild [Creative] {Voxelsniper} {Worldedit} {200x200 plots} Posted: 24 Oct 2019 12:53 PM PDT Welcome to Freebuild.us We are a fairly new Creative server. We want to make an awesome community where people can relax, build and perhaps make builds to earn money. You can easily use our server with unlimited worldedit, voxelsniper, heads and more to make awesome builds. After that you can submit your plot. Get ranked up or maybe just download the plot into a schematic file and sell it. Do whatever you want! We made this so everyone has a platform where we can relax and enjoy the game Server Features:
Rules: (Other rules can be found ingame with /rules) [link] [comments] |
Static: Survival Multiplayer [Semi-vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {14+} Posted: 24 Oct 2019 07:51 AM PDT Static SMP Current Spawn Hub, Ready to Build on! Previous Spawn Hub Discord Link What We Offer: Why Do We Want You to Join? How Do I Join? Discord Link: *FAQ\* [link] [comments] |
3b9t [Anarchy] [Vanilla] {1.12.2} Posted: 24 Oct 2019 12:18 PM PDT IP: 3b9t.net 3b9t is a brand new server that offers one of the most vanilla experiences available on multiplayer. The server was started on September 17th 2019. - No specific rules. Do whatever you want. - The map is permanent and the main focus of the server. It will never be reset. - No spawn protection. - The spawn-point is at coordinates 0,0, the world's center. - World goes to 30 million blocks out (by default). - No extra modifications or customization, everything is plain and default. - No extra commands, use /help for all available commands. - No kits or teleportation, no server hub. Re-experience Minecraft in its truest form. - HACKING IS ALLOWED. - GRIEFING IS ALLOWED. - DUPING IS ALLOWED - The server runs on 1.12.2 and will most likely stay on this update permanently. - It is hosted in the eastern US, currently running on a Xeon processor at 3.4 GHz with 10 GB RAM. We hope to be an alternative experience for anyone who is looking for a fresh start or a new home. If you need a brand new server with no rules, you've come to the right place. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 23 Oct 2019 06:34 PM PDT
Connect to: Soar.BigScaryGames.comSOAR! Trailer (See what the islands look like!) SOAR! Website (Screenshots and server rules) [link] [comments] |
HundPercentNoobs Modded Survival [Modded] {Forge} Posted: 24 Oct 2019 11:31 AM PDT Lots of new swords and mobs. No very complex mods with crafting that takes a while to learn. https://noobsserver.wordpress.com/ https://discord.gg/B6Msv8 (Feel free to ask for help on discord) How to install mods
[link] [comments] |
Vanilla³ [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{1.14.4}{16+} Posted: 24 Oct 2019 11:34 AM PDT **Server Info** Website: https://vanillacubed.com Stats Page: https://vanillacubed.com/stats/stats.html Map: http://map.vanillacubed.com/ IP: VanillaCubed.com Discord: https://discord.gg/JPkMdEb Server Location: Quebec, Canada Version: 1.14.4 Map Start Date: September 23, 2019 **Description** Vanilla³ is a vanilla server that has been around, on and off, for approximately 2.5 years. We intend to deliver an almost entirely vanilla experience with slight datapack tweaks for convenience. We put emphasis on community built farms for the benefit of the server, and several collaborative builds. We're aimed at a more mature playerbase with the majority of our members being in their 20s/30s though we have made a few exceptions for friends of members. If you have any questions feel free to direct them to Vacant#0001 on discord or post them in the #general channel of our discord server. *As of September 28th we've switched to Paper for improved performance. **Datapacks** -Tempest - Hold a trident with this enchantment to make it rain. 1/125 chance for a drowned to spawn with a tempest trident. 7% + 1% per looting level chance to drop on death. -Levitation - Shift with this enchantment to make yourself float upwards. 1/100 chance for a pigman to spawn with levitation boots. 66% Leather, 20% gold, 11% iron, 3% diamond. 1% + 0.5% per looting level chance to drop on death. -End Above Overworld - Players that reach y:500 in the overworld will be teleported to the end at y:-30. Players that reach y:-40 in the end will be teleported to y:450 in the overworld. Items that reach y:0 in the end will be teleported to y:450 in the overworld. -Sleep System - Sleeping requires 33% of the current active online players to sleep to pass the night. -Anti-Enderman Grief - Enderman can't pick up blocks. -Double Shulker Shells - Shulkers always drop 2 shells. -Mob Heads - Small chance for mobs to drop their heads when killed by a player. And a few statistics/tracking datapacks. **Rules** - No Hacks/Cheats - No mods that provide an unfair advantage - No PvP unless both parties consent to it - Do not steal or grief - No racism/excessive harassment - Respect others in general - Ask before building close to someone. Use your own judgement on proper distance and please leave them plenty of space for future projects and expansions. You are free to exploit any glitches within Minecraft itself as long as it is within reason and does not ruin the experience for others. Use common sense and if you're unsure don't be afraid to ask. That being said we've added a few restrictions on duping. Any item on this list is fine, I just urge you not to go overboard. - Rails - Carpet - Gravity Blocks (Sand, Concrete, Gravel, Anvils, Dragon Eggs) - TNT **How to Join** If the server has garnered your interest and you want to apply submit an application below, via pm, or join our discord server and post in the #applications channel for review. - IGN: - Discord: - Age: - Location/Timezone: - A little about yourself: - How you got interested in Minecraft: - What can you bring to the server: - Pictures(Optional): [link] [comments] |
BearCraft [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{1.14.4} Posted: 24 Oct 2019 10:21 AM PDT BearCraft is another HermitCraft inspired server, but we're a bit more put together than many others. We're looking for ACTIVE members and more good builders! SERVER RULES, pretty straight forward:
Check out Discord for more info and server details: https://discord.gg/rF4syRC [link] [comments] |
Venture Survival [SMP]{1.14.4}{Quests}{Economy} Posted: 24 Oct 2019 07:43 AM PDT QUESTS - RANKUP - ECONOMY - 1.14 Don't miss out, join us today at: play.venturesurvival.org The server started December 17th, 2017 and now boasts a growing community of active members. We strive to bring you the best possible experience without taking away minecraft's core components. Join us today and find what you've been missing out on! Main server features: - Rank ladder that unlocks new commands and perks (/rankup) - Quests to challenge yourself with and earn big rewards - Grief-prevention system to protect your builds - Jobs to earn extra money - Shop plugin, so players can create their own markets - Contests and events - Loot crates - Wild teleportation Find them all when you join! Join our discord server to interact with the community and get notified of new updates (700+ Members):https://discord.gg/VfE2Sxh Rules: 1: Hacking and exploiting malicious glitches is strictly forbidden. 2: Racism, discrimination, vilification etc. is not allowed. Be respectful to other players. 3: Keep swearing and spamming to a minimum. 4: Scamming is not allowed. If you promise something, follow through with it. 5: Do not build and/or grief within 100 blocks of someone else's build unless granted permission. 6: Items can be stolen from unclaimed containers or during pvp with another player. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 23 Oct 2019 11:53 PM PDT IP: hellmistcreative.eternitymc.com (1.8-1.14.4) Hello everyone! Are you after - A Friendly Community? - A Fun, Lagless Experience? - A Fair, Unique Server? If so then join us. We have a Creative server with the best features utilising custom plugins to provide the ultimate building and roleplaying experience. We're looking for active Minecraft players who just want to enjoy building on a relaxed creative server. There's large plots and free worldedit. We have custom plugins as well as a variety of amazing features not seen elsewhere. It is currently only creative but we will soon expand to other servers including a Prison and Survival, both of which are currently being worked on. The creative server runs on 1.14.4 so all new blocks can be used to build with! You can also join our Discord server and introduce yourself to our wonderful community. We also do giveaways quite often. Click here to join! I hope that I have convinced you so here is our IP. The server is currently in beta for 2-3 more days but is always open and public during this time. IP: hellmistcreative.eternitymc.com (Domain coming soon) Here are our rules.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. [link] [comments] |
AynGi Gaming's Minecraft Server! [Semi-Vanilla] {1.14.4} {Towny} {US} Posted: 23 Oct 2019 03:00 PM PDT AynGi Gaming is a Discord Community that has many games, and now a Minecraft Server! This server is a 1.14.4, Towny, Survival Experience, with random extra features/plugins that add Quality of Life. Major Gameplay Plugins will be noted if needed or ever added. Community streams every Wednesday at 7 pm EST! Rules
[link] [comments] |
69b69t [Anarchy] {1.14.4} {No rules} Posted: 24 Oct 2019 04:13 AM PDT 69b69t is a 1.14.4 Minecraft Anarchy server. Hacking is allowed, griefing is allowed and you can say whatever you want in chat. There are no rules, no repercussions and no consequences for anything you do. The server has fun plugins in place to make the server a bit more interesting and just less serious. There are currently no established bases, no groups or any well-known players. This server is in its early stages and you or you and a group of players could become the most well known on the server. Try it out today! The servers IP address is (not my actual ip address) There is a subreddit which you can find at r/69b69t There isn't a discord server set up yet, check the subreddit if thats something you want. I hope to see you guys online! [link] [comments] |
Dawn MC [Vanilla] {4 week old map} {Datapacks} {Whitelist} {Hermitcraft playstyle} {18+} {1.14.4} Posted: 23 Oct 2019 12:47 PM PDT Dawn MC is a new Vanilla server featuring some datapacks to add some quality of life. All the datapacks are inspired by Hermitcraft. We are looking for some very active players to help us build a spawn, netherhub, community farms, shopping district and much more! Looking for players who'd like to join our growing tight-knit community. Rules:
Use this template if you are interested in joining Dawn Vanilla (post below or send a pm, I will add you on Discord): IGN: Discord IGN#: Date of Birth: Location (Timezone): How often will you play on the server?: What is unique about your playstyle?: Why should you be whitelisted?: Tell us about yourself: Looking forward to seeing you on Dawn MC! [link] [comments] |
Govindas Limework[Hub][Creative][Minigames][PVE]{1.12.2}{Survival}{Custom} Posted: 24 Oct 2019 12:58 AM PDT
11+ minigames, 6+ permanent games and frequent updates! We started our server in January 2015 and it has been under development ever since! Nearly everything is custom-coded. We focus on enjoyment of low player count, so just 4 players can experience the full fun of the server! There are also many games which can be played alone. GAMEMODES Castle Wars: Train and command your own AI army and battle other players AI armies! The first Real Time Strategy game in Minecraft! Snowball: Shoot other players with snowballs in even 6 different modes, ranging from Juggernaut to CTF! Friendly Survival: 10+ dimensions, realistic water mechanics, realistic gravity, realistic weathers, custom trees (leaves drop in autumn, re-grow in spring!), slimefun and much more! Old-school Survival: Survival based on older versions of Minecraft. Nostalgia is a certainty. (1.7.3 BETA) Bomberman: Minecraft minigame based on an old arcade with the same name. Use bombs to trap and destroy your opponents. Elemental Archers: Play using various different classes, from Nature Archer to Ender Archer! Many modes and a big variety of playstyles. Creative World: Build using free worldedit, furniture (fridges, lamps, beds, chairs and many other new blocks in minecraft!) and various other tools, THE BEST CREATIVE WORLD! Parkour: Complete parkour courses and compete with others for the best timing! Checkers: Play the ancient strategy game in Minecraft! 1v1: Test your fighting skills and modify your duels with many modifiers! Spleent: Explode other players into the void! Super fast paced game! (some gamemodes have been cut from list to reduce text) A lot of other awesome features await you on the server! Feel free to join now! Server IP: mc.limework.net Version: 1.12.2+ Discord: https://limework.net/discord Rules: https://limework.net/rules Website: https://limework.net/ [link] [comments] |
Ascendancy[Vanilla][SMP]{YES-Whitelist}{Coreprotect}{1.14} Posted: 23 Oct 2019 02:31 PM PDT Hey, First off you are beautiful for checking out my post: I just started a Vanilla server so we only got about 5 active players. All use discord. This server is very much Vanilla so no commands. The players we have so far are calm and we are working together apposed to a free for all. I would love to get more die-hard Vanilla fans in here. Also don't worry about getting Greifed or Stolen from. I can roll back and see who did it. White-list is active for your safety - Join the discord! - IP in Discord https://discord.gg/xB2WTrM - RULES - First channel is the rules USA - WEST DON'T BE ALONE IN SURVIVAL!! [link] [comments] |
Bleeding Pixels Survival [PvE][SMP] {McMMO} {Economy} {+Resource World} {Server Events} {1.14.4} Posted: 23 Oct 2019 03:38 PM PDT 💠Server Name💠Bleeding Pixels Survival 💠Server Locale💠United States 💠Discord💠Triforce Gaming (Also featuring other game servers) - [https://discord.gg/SderDPP](https://discord.gg/SderDPP) 💠Server Address/IP💠play.bleedingpixels.org 💠Game Play Types💠\[PvE\]\[SMP\]\[PvE Arena\] 💠 Description 💠This is a newer simple MCMMO powered Minecraft 1.14.4 SMP server with a fresh new world, mature, friendly Admins who are always willing to lend a helping hand for our new players. We allow silk touch of spawners as well as offer spawners you can't get in vanilla. There is also a monthly reset resource world which you can travel to for mining, harvesting resources, and leveling up your jobs or MCMMO. We have an excellent, user friendly 💰 player economy 💰 where you can build and open your own shops for a living. Not into being a shopkeeper? No worries, we also have Jobs in addition to passive income just for being online. Our rules are few, and mostly common sense so you don't have to worry about doing something wrong when you join as long as you read them. We hope to see you there! About Triforce Gaming Community: Our Discord Community also features game servers for an Ark Cluster, Rust, and 7 Days to Die on top of our Minecraft servers. We're all very friendly and welcome new people to play with! 🚫 Rules 🚫No Griefing or theft; No hacked clients or x-ray; No spam/offensive chat/ Advertising/ Caps; No scamming; Respect everyone, including staff 💠Server Host💠Private Dedicated box running i9 9900k on NVME 💠Plugins💠Essentials, MCMMO, ChestShop, Jobs, RTP, GriefPrevention, Discord, Lottery, Silk Touch Spawners, MyPet, Rankup 💠Owner/Admins/Moderators💠Elle87x, BDubs911, skoerber69, IIIBRADYIII, Appleseed909, KingBayler, JennaRaenee [link] [comments] |
Tortuga Pirate Network [HUB] {1.9-1.14x}{Towny} {Creative} {PIRACY™} Posted: 23 Oct 2019 03:34 PM PDT - Tortuga Pirate Network™ - TPNET.GQ - 1.9 - 1.14.x - 3 servers! -=TPNET.GQ=-1 Towny - Slimefun, Movecraft, & lots more fun stuff!2 Creative - download your plot to save or share!3 Piracy™ - Earth Map, Towny with Elections & War, MODERN VEHICLES & WEAPONSPiracy™ OPENED OCTOBER 16 - FRESH EARTH MAP Our Discord: https://discord.gg/fe8hA2w TPNet Rules: -=Respect Everyone=- Respect all members as well as all staff decisions. Respect includes talking to people with decency, not harassing users, and being polite as well as not arguing back to decisions made. We are pretty lenient, but use common sense. -=Griefing & Piracy=- The game will regulate theft and griefing, so if you don't want it stolen or griefed, claim it and set town and plot perms. Or lock it with provided commands. Extreme Griefing includes using lava, water, or any other items\blocks to damage someone's build and usually results in BAN HAMMER. Piracy is legal, this includes attacking piloted ships, stealing ships, stealing from towns, and pvp. However, extreme damage to the surroundings of a town based on a staff's judgement is punishable. -=Pollution / Ugliness=- Don't damage the terrain unless you plan to build there. If you use a pillar to climb up, clean it up when you are done. Some floating wreckage left over after an airship fight is ok. You will not be punished for this, but do clean it up when you can. This is just to ensure longevity of the map(s). -=Legal Client side mods=- Minimap mods are allowed (and highly recommended). Schematica is allowed. Armor HUD and damage indicators are allowed. Most mods that do not affect major gameplay elements are ok. Xray is NOT OK, and will be punished with ban. Flying is not allowed (except on the Creative server) and will be punished with ban. Any PVP hacks will be punished with ban. Most other "hacked client" options are considered illegal as well, and can be punished at staff's discretion. -=R-Movie Language=-
-=No Asking For Staff or Ranks=- Apply for staff by DMing AJFire14 on our Discord server. To donate, go on tpnet.enjin.com to get a donor rank. -=Duping / Exploiting=- We do not allow duping, glitching or exploits of any kind. If it seems wrong, it probably is. In addition, abusing the Towny "Outlaw" feature is punishable. -=Loss of Inventory=- We do not offer any types of refunds at all. The only exceptions to this rule are provided broken SlimeFun items that you need to have replaced, or in certain server situations determined by the management. Staff Reserve the Right to take action based on their judgement. The rules are subject to change at any time! Please check back regularly @ /rules. Follow the rules, use common sense, play nice & let's have some fun! :) [link] [comments] |
Piracy [Modded] {Semi-Hardcore} {Earth-Map} {Guns & Vehicles} Posted: 23 Oct 2019 05:48 PM PDT Piracy at TPNET.GQBRAND NEW EARTH MAP - JUST OPENED Oct. 16Piracy is a very difficult server based around the Earth map. Many other great features can be discovered and utilized! RULES:
Use common sense and show respect for other players and REMEMBER THIS IS ONLY A BLOCK GAME [link] [comments] |
Audax - Casual Minecraft [Semi-vanilla] [Creative] {North America} {1.14.4} Posted: 23 Oct 2019 01:56 PM PDT Audax - Casual Minecraft is a small but growing 24/7 Java 1.14.4 MC server of about 6 months, with lots of gamemodes including survival, creative and minigames, along with an upcoming SkyGrid! With a community oriented playstyle, keepInventory, land claiming, lots of sethomes and warps to facilitate gameplay, easy to use plot systems and fun minigames to play with friends, this server is perfect to join and get involved with our tightly-wound and laid back community and strive for glory and respect! Don't be afraid come check us out if you're bored, everyone is accepted! We listens to YOUR suggestions! Unique gamemodes (Creative, Survival, Minigames, SkyGrid) Land claiming is enabled! keepInventory is on, don't worry about losing stuff! Growing economy! Cool plugins! (doesn't affect the vanilla gameplay experience) (/sethome, /warp) Play with friends with commands to teleport to them! Pranks, trolling and PvP are allowed! Cosmetic VoteShop rewards and donator ranks with cool pets and trails! Active Discord server with 100+ members! Not online? Speak with friends on the server by typing in Discord by using our direct chat link! Extremely fast server! (99.99% uptime, 20 TPS, North America location, stable server that can hold up to 30 players at once) So much more! --------- Minor Offense (Spamming, advertising, disrespect, asking for staff) 1 hour mute All the rules:
--------- Sure, but you have to prove that you have what we need first! Builders, helpers/moderators, admins, and developers, there is a place for everyone! --------- The server ip is mc.audaxgames.net, and our site is audaxgames.net. [link] [comments] |
Eureka Minecraft [Semi-Vanilla][PvE][SMP]{1.14.4}{16+}{Discord} Posted: 23 Oct 2019 04:56 PM PDT Howdy /r/mcservers! But before you can play on the fresh world, we have a trial world called Noobland, where you must prove your worth with a fight to the death! Just kidding, all you have to do is build something nice, and prove you know the rules stated below. It is how this server has been running for over 6 years! You can take anything with you once you are done! We also have a large amount of new mods, so many people on at all times of the day now! The trial world isn't hard, all we ask is that you put effort in, and use a variety of materials and fill up the plot and all, nothing too too hard. plugins used are CoreProtect and other admin related plugins, game play for players is vanilla We have been running this server, Eureka and have been up and running for over 6 years, have a solid player and staff base, and are always looking for new players! I have posted here before on Reddit, and we found some nice folk. Thought I'd give it a shot again. We are a 16+ server by the way, sorry to anyone younger. We only have a few rules
Simple to follow, no? The only mods we allow here are OptiFine, and texture packs, as well as Shaders if you have a computer that can handle that! We are a vanilla gameplay server. We have a few helping plugins, that catch griefers, and thieves on Eureka. When you are done with your trial build in noobland, ask in chat for an admin, and they will come to you! If no one is on, ask in chat if someone can contact one or post on the website shout box that you're ready! Our discord server is here! IP: Eureka.beastmc.com [link] [comments] |
Posted: 23 Oct 2019 04:38 PM PDT Play.Skyblocking.comWebsite: http://www.skyblocking.com/ Store: http://store.skyblocking.com/ Discord: https://discord.gg/Vj3DTRy What's Skyblocking?
We've been working on Skyblocking for several months now with a small team of very talented people. Join the server and our Discord today to help build up an awesome community! Happy Crafting! [link] [comments] |
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