• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers Saga of Agaetis [PVE] {Roleplay} {Medieval} {Fantasy} {Whitelist}

    Minecraft Servers Saga of Agaetis [PVE] {Roleplay} {Medieval} {Fantasy} {Whitelist}

    Saga of Agaetis [PVE] {Roleplay} {Medieval} {Fantasy} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 03:56 AM PDT

    Welcome to the Saga of Agaetis

    Kingdoms <-

    Races <-

    Religions <-

    Extended Lore <-

    Mechanics <-

    Naming Schemes <-

    And as always don't forgot to the read the rules before applying!


    Many Have Come This Way Before...

    Agaetis is a vast world with many different cultures and races that can be explored in the respective Kingdoms and Races threads. We have a total of 15 cultures and nations and 6 races at our beginning so there really is something for everyone.

    submitted by /u/Hoskerrr
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    DOMINION [Semi-Vanilla] {whitelist} {1.14.4} {community focus} {16+} {events} {Discord}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 09:59 AM PDT

    Dominion is a curated Vanilla Minecraft experience, with a focus on building a community of like-minded players who want to enjoy Minecraft without crazy game-modes or plugins.

    We seek like-minded players who are looking to have fun together without the hindrance of game modes like Towny or Factions. Players who seek just to play Minecraft in an environment where they do not have to worry about "undesirable" players or hackers ruining their time.

    We use a whitelist to eliminate the majority of these players who only seek to ruin others fun or have an unfair advantage. If you would like to join, check out our philosophy below and fill out a whitelist application via our Discord or as a reply to this thread.


    Protected Experience

    Dominion is committed to protecting the Vanilla Minecraft experience. We will never add any game modes (Towny, Factions, Mini-games etc) and we will never add anything which will fundamentally make the game different, easier or harder (mcMMO, rankings).

    In addition, while Dominion does provide a Donator rank, this is purely for players who wish to give back and help fund the server. Donators do not and will not ever receive any benefits beyond priority access to a full server.


    Dominion will always share how much it makes in donations, as well as all associated costs with the running of the server. We think it is important for our players to know where their money is being spent and ensure that every penny goes toward running the server and not somebody's grubby back pocket.

    We are also transparent about any issues that may arise such as dismissal of staff, banning of influential players and integrity changes to how the server functions.

    Community Voice

    We always pride ourselves on listening to our community. We welcome feedback and honest opinions any time and use it to make changes for the betterment of the player experience and community.

    If we are ever going to make a change to dominion, be it a new plugin, a config change, or anything that would affect the vanilla or community dynamic, it will be polled. Polled content/changes only take effect if the community votes at a 75% approval rating. If a poll fails, we look at why it fails and then make changes until the vast majority of our player-base are content.

    Working Together

    The server was founded on this major principal: to create a space for players to come together and play Minecraft without limitations set by gamemodes. So to bring players together, we work on large projects such as shopping districts, minigames, mega builts… and also run exciting events such as Race for Wool and PvP tournaments. Above all else, Dominion is about playing with other people!

    New Content Now!

    Because of our server being mostly vanilla, it allows us to update our server almost right after a new major update is released. This means you will be able to play the newest official content right away without having to wait around.


    White list Application

    To join Dominion, please copy and complete the application below and post it on our Discord.

    Minecraft Username:



    How often are you likely to play Dominion?

    Why would you like to join Dominion?

    What is your favorite aspect of playing Minecraft with other people?

    Do you/will you use Discord & Voice Chat:

    Applications are approved at random times throughout the day as our team check the Discord channel.


    All players are welcome to join our Discord. This is where we host our rules, FAQ and run sign ups for events. All are welcome whether whitelisted or not. To join, click HERE.

    submitted by /u/WilvenMC
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    Social Play Vanilla+ [Semi-vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{1.14.4}{20+}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 08:35 AM PDT

    Are you looking for a server you can call home? A place where you can make new friends and participate in a drama-free community of honest, (usually) mature adults who like building awesome stuff?

    Social Play may be just the place for you, if that is the case. We are friendly nerds, mostly in our mid-20s and up.

    We are looking for some new blood to participate in the community to help shape the world and make it home. We are cool with those who like to keep to themselves too as long as they aren't actively working against the community atmosphere and/or causing drama.

    Full disclosure: We do have a few minor datapacks and Fabric mods, but nothing too crazy. If you are looking for a 100% pure vanilla experience, this is not it...but if you are ok with a few QOL extras that keep with the spirit of Vanilla, we're waiting to welcome you home. (A full list of packs and mods can be found in our Discord.)

    Our loose age requirement is 20+, but feel free to apply if you think you would fit in anyway (no younger than 16 please).

    General Server Rules

    1. Wheaton's Law: Don't be a dick.
    2. DO NOT MINE UNDER SPAWN or within 300 blocks of spawn. This is your ONLY warning. You will be banned.
    3. No Cheating, Griefing, or Stealing...I shouldn't have to elaborate here, but this means no hacking or abusing glitches, no making messes and not cleaning up after yourself and no touching anything/or mining/building somewhere that isn't yours or that you have not been given permission to use.
    4. Be mindful of your and/or your team's personal server load. This means turning off farms you aren't actively using, keeping your entities (animals/mobs/minecarts/etc) at a reasonable amount, and installing plenty of overflow storage to prevent the dreaded #ItemOverflowServerDeath (of Doom).
    5. When looking for a new place to start a base or project, try to keep at least 200-300 blocks between you and the nearest base/project unless you have a prior agreement to build closer.
    6. Respect the Overworld map, and any obvious player builds in the Nether/End. This means things like replanting trees, harvesting blocks in a natural way as much as possible and similar behaviors.
    7. We respectfully ask that you keep political and religious chat to a minimum. Hate speech, slurs, intolerance, and shaming or harassment of any kind are not welcome here.
    8. Swearing and adult chat topics are allowed, within reason and as long as they follow the other rules.

    If interested:

    1. Copy the application below and reply with your answers. Remember that this is our only insight into who you are, and we are very protective of our little slice of heaven, so try to inject a little personality into your answers so we can get to know you better! :)
    2. Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/S37k8hd
    3. In the #get-whitelisted channel, @Aliysium stating you have applied.
    4. Be patient! We'll need up to 24 hours to review your application. In the mean time, feel free to chat with the community in the channels you can see, so we can get to know you!

    Discord Tag: Minecraft username: Name/Nickname: Age: Pronouns: Are you applying with someone else or know someone who's already here?: Have you ever been banned? If so, why? Do you play regularly? (at least 2-3 times a week for longer than an hour at a time): Do you like voice chatting?: How long have you played Minecraft?: What is your favorite in-game activity: What is your favorite out-of-game activity: Do you have any staff experience? If so, please tell us a little about it: Do you enjoy playing and building with others or are you a hermit?: Are you a streamer or content-creator?: Do you watch any popular Minecraft streamers or Youtubers? If so, which ones?: Do you play on any other servers? If so, which ones...if you don't mind sharing?: Share a couple of your favorite builds if you have any screenshots. 
    submitted by /u/xAlicatt
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    The_Covenant [PVE] [Modded] {18+} {SMP} {Community} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 02:31 AM PDT

    The_Covenant is a Community based SMP seeking more members who would like to be apart of something fun. Building our city together, making shops, exploring, and just having fun.

    Super laid back, fun, mature group.

    Custom ModPack


    18+ only

    RULES— 1. No griefing/stealing, repair creeper blasts.

    1. Swearing is allowed, but no racial/sexist slurs.

    2. Be respectful to everyone.

    3. No PVP unless agreed upon by both parties (PVP arena? Lol)

    4. No hacks, including X-ray texture packs.

    5. HAVE FUN! :D




    Country and Timezone:

    Tell me a little about yourself:


    DM me your applications or for any questions!

    submitted by /u/Angel_Fyre
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    MagicValor [SMP] {Magic Spells} {Quests} {Custom Mobs}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 07:03 AM PDT

    Wanna try something new? Magic spells, quests and monsters in a fantasy world. IP: magicvalor.live

    - Choose an element: Flame, Aqua, Terra, Electric, Blood, Air
    - Fight monsters and custom bosses with unique abilities
    - Get materials with different abilities
    - Craft powerful spells and wands with those materials
    - Create a town and rule a nation (Towny)

    IP: magicvalor.live

    Discord: https://discord.gg/jRxtCAa

    submitted by /u/TofPlays
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    Dawn MC [Vanilla] {Fresh Map} {Datapacks} {Whitelist} {Hermitcraft playstyle} {18+} {1.14.4}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 05:41 PM PDT

    Dawn MC

    Dawn MC is a new Vanilla server featuring some datapacks to add some quality of life. All the datapacks are inspired by Hermitcraft. We are looking for some very active players to help us build a spawn, netherhub, community farms, shopping district and much more! Looking for players who'd like to join our growing tight-knit community.



    • 18+
    • Have Discord
    • The spawn is a big island, you can build a house there but don't build a massive base (future plans), cross the ocean and start your adventure there.
    • Be mature, treat each other with respect.
    • No duping/cheating of any kind
    • Must be active (let one of the Admins know if you are away for a long period)
    • No stealing, PVP-ing without consent of both parties.
    • Have fun!

    Use this template if you are interested in joining Dawn Vanilla (post below or send a pm, I will add you on Discord):


    Discord IGN#:

    Date of Birth:

    Location (Timezone):

    How often will you play on the server?:

    What is unique about your playstyle?:

    Why should you be whitelisted?:

    Tell us about yourself:

    Looking forward to seeing you on Dawn MC!

    submitted by /u/juris-my-dick-tion
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    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 05:36 PM PDT

    IP: minetopia.pro


    Okay, people don't like posts that say what you can't do straight off the bat, so we'll talk about good rules first :)

    1. Have fun (yes, obvious).
    2. Don't be toxic and be respectful to the player community.
    3. Follow these rules.
    4. No cheating, (xray, aura, autoclicker, etc.)


    Our staff are very helpful, and know what they are doing. If you have a question, feel free to ask

    craftking2, Kimberzina, StarPlayZ05, Error_454, gothost, sonicawesomeness, rutledge19, or me, the owner, big_papi325

    Our plugins include but are not limited to:

    AreaShop, BedHome, BetterRTP, Essentials, Grief Prevention, GUISHOP, and OldPVP.


    Reddit calls this a description but I'm only starting on the actual description part now? Huh? Okay, anyways, I've had this server for about 1.5 months now, and so I'm still trying to build a player community. So far, I've had about 60 players join the server (including me and staff). Not too shabby. However, there are never more than about 3 players on at once, which makes this server less fun than it should be. The saying is, as you know, the more the merrier. And that is true and applies perfectly to a new Minecraft server.

    This new server has many items to offer. First, did I mention that you get 15 FREE diamonds when you join for the first time? Spawn is nice, nearby we have a house I made but that you can't touch because I'm mean. Other than that, we have a hotel in spawn, which using areashop, we have setup as $1 a day to rent a space in that hotel. We only have 3 rooms so far, but it will continue to expand. Next, we have a city, which is also very new, Then again, so is this whole server. But we have a few houses that are available to buy there. Right click the signs and boom! You can now open the door, and the house is yours. We are also giving away VIP ranks, which allows you to /nick yourself. This is a lot I just wrote, so please, for the sake of my hands and keyboard, just try out the server. You won't be disappointed.

    submitted by /u/Minecrafter125
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    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 03:50 AM PDT

    Iperios is a small growing server that search new players. We are a whitelist server that want to create a geopolitics and diplomatic atmosphere around the server. we also have a towny plugin to create your own town and nation and,if you don't want to create your nation you can also join one that other players created aswell.We also have ressources camp in-game that you can accumulate ressource for geopolitical purposes.If you like survival too you can also exchange farmed ressources for geopolitical ressource(Iron,leather,wool,dyes,wheat,horses and much more!). We also have a in-depth geopolitical book with lots of buildings and military units variety!

    If you ever wanted to know more about us and the server you click on the link below:

    -https://www.facebook.com/groups/203761273381878/?multi_permalinks=594741630950505&notif_id=1548597978086046&notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic (Our facebook page)

    -https://discord.gg/3KT7w2P(Our discord page)

    Rules of the server:

    1.Be polite and friendly with all the players aswell as the staff.

    2.No griefing or raiding will be tolerated.

    3.Respect the rp and geopolitics scene at all time.

    4.Respect the geopolitical system and don't try to abuse it.

    submitted by /u/Dazandran
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    Kallisti's Krafthouse [Semi-vanilla][SMP][Anarchy] {1.14.4}{Discord}{Dynmap}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 07:21 AM PDT

    A server that tries to stay as vanilla as possible while still giving you a few key elements that make your minecraft life a bit more convenient. This server is focused on builds, exploration, community involvement and overall aesthetic.

    Try to survive and roam the wilderness, create a village, and work with other villages to improve your lifestyle and explore! Friendly, potentially hostile, and watch for traps!

    There will be an economy, and protect your builds with Factions. Server is definitely made for exploration and travelling great distances using conventional methods.

    There is no teleportation (./tpa etc, there is /home and certain warps) you must roam the land to come across anything.

    It is anarchy but there is an overseeing rule upon the world. Griefing with no purpose is highly frowned upon and may result in a ban depending on significance. War is war but blatant defacing of the land is intolerable. Griefers get sent to Gulag. No Trial.

    Pretty much your run of the mill single player minecraft experience but with other people being able to stumble across your land, and being able to warp to your bed.

    Server is not fully developed, help us become an active community! We're open to Feedback!

    Server Address: Kallisti.io -- Preferably 13+, yes we have a discord if you would like to join!

    If you have any questions or otherwise, PM me!

    Map: http://kallisti.io:8123/

    submitted by /u/Deathcube18
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    Castaways [Vanilla] {ChromaHills} {Bedrock} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 07:09 AM PDT

    I'm looking to play survival with a female character preferably. I know that sounds a bit odd but I've played MC for about 9 years and I only seem to find male players. I'd like to expand my build ideas and I think a different perspective would help. Im 22, so 18+ please. Looking for a friendly survival realm. I'd be more than happy to start one.

    Looking for a highly active player that has some experience in building. I play weekdays around 4am EST when I get off work. Message me if interested :)

    PC players only

    Rules: Be relatively active No stealing No griefing Must be friendly

    submitted by /u/Chris6457
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    Wirenut Network [Hub]{Java 1.14.4}{Land Claims}{Chest Protection}{Long term Community}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 07:01 AM PDT

    Modded & Vanilla Minecraft Network.

    Our aim is to create the best of both worlds with the traditional vanilla plugin style server and the extreme modded experience.

    Our staff have nearly 10 years experience running Modded and Vanilla servers, 5 of which have been with Wirenut.

    With our recent addition of the vanilla server we would like to invite some mature people to join, help stress test and most importantly have fun.

    To join visit our website at https://wnut.org and join us on Discord. All IP's are listed in the respective channels.

    Some features include

    • Region Protection
    • In Game Economy
    • Permissions
    • Sleep Vote
    • Set Homes
    • Lag Prevention
    • Referral System
    • Earn in game money for play time.

    Some basic and obvious rules

    • No Griefing
    • No Spamming
    • No Abuse/Bullying
    • Listen to Staff
    submitted by /u/Siriuo
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    Carcosa [Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{1.14.4}{Hermitcraft}{18+}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 01:47 AM PDT

    Carcosa is a completely new survival server, with a fresh new world, starting today! (October 2nd!)

    For the first 24 or so hours after starting up, the whitelist will be disabled so people can have a look around: carcosa.havocdns.com. Afterwards, just shoot me a message if you care to join.

    After not playing for a few years, I decided to step back into the game by starting this server. My hope is to find a couple of fairly active players, new or old, to come together for a Hermitcraft-like experience.

    The server is located in France (Strasbourg).


    The server will run the vanilla minecraft .jar, with some extra datapacks inspired by Hermitcract:

    • No enderman griefing
    • Shulkers drop two shells.
    • The ender-dragon drops an elytra.
    • Random mob heads.
    • Single-player sleep.
    • Craft dispensers from droppers
    • Custom armor stands
    • Universal dyeing


    The rules are simple

    1. Be respectfull. This means: no griefing, no stealing, no cheating, no x-ray packs and no hacked clients.
    2. Let's try and keep our bases within 1000 or so blocks from spawn.
    3. Give eachother a few hundred blocks of building and mining space around where we settle.
    4. Don't run zero-tick farms, or otherwise laggy farms for extended periods.

    I hope to see you around!

    submitted by /u/carcosaserver
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    ANARCHYSERVER -dot- COM [Vanilla] [Anarchy] {1.14.4}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 07:07 AM PDT

    ANARCHYSERVER.COM [Vanilla] [Anarchy] {1.14.4}

    Title says it all. This might be the youngest anarchy server in the internet. Join now, and get an advancement on all the other players.

    Anything goes on this server, grief, raid, destroy, flee, fail, hoard... go nuts and place your make in this fresh new world before it goes to hell.

    No website currently, but expect to see one soon (with live map of the 1000x1000 region!

    AnarchyServer.com [running 1.14.4, and updates constantly to the latest stable server version]

    submitted by /u/PlazzmiK
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    The VOID[Vanilla][SMP]{1.14.3}{Whitelist}{18+}{Mature}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 12:32 AM PDT


    We are a small group of friends who have been playing a variety of games together over the past few years. We hope to get a few people that not only stay to play Minecraft but join our community where we play games, watch movies, hang out, and more.


    Server Location: United States

    Version: 1.14.3 Vanilla

    Server Host: CubedHost 4GB

    Data packs: Anti Enderman-Grief, Shulkers 2 Shell Drop, Tridents O' Plenty, AFK Detection, Mob Statues, Trader Notify, More Mob Heads, and 1 Person Sleep


    - No griefing and/or stealing

    - No mods/cheating (mini maps and optifine are ok)

    - PVP only if the other person agrees

    - Must use discord


    Please copy the questions below and reply to this thread or message us directly with your application. You will be invited to the discord if accepted.

    Name (that you want to go by):
    Minecraft IGN:
    Age (18+ only):
    Discord username (Ex. UserName#0000) :
    Tell us about yourself:
    What's your favorite thing to do on a Minecraft server/world (Ex. Building/Redstone):
    Please insert screenshots of your best build/s

    Here are some screenshots from around the server.


    submitted by /u/joem8_98
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    Archaia [SMP] {1.14.4} {Challenge} {Whitelist} {CrazyEnchantments} {GriefPrevention} {mcEXP}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 06:39 PM PDT

    Archaia is a relatively new server that aims to add a steeper and lengthier progression of power to the base game of Minecraft.

    Regular survival, with some tweaks:
    -Monsters are much more dangerous thanks to the SM Extra Hard Mode datapack by Myutuality!
    -Your gear can become much stronger and unique through the Crazy Enchantments plugin by BadBones69!
    -Your character can become much stronger because of the mcEXP datapack by Idiot Club (with balance and bugfixes by me)!
    -Find or purchase ancient, powerful relics scattered around the world... can you find them all?

    Also uses Worldguard by sk89q, Worldedit by sk89q, Vault by Sleakes, EssentialsX by drtshock, PermissionsEx by zmlaoeu, GriefPrevention by RoboMWM, Worldborder by Brettflan, and Vanilla Tweaks (player head drops and thunder shrine) by the Vanilla Tweaks team.

    Votifier rewards made with NuVotifier by Ichbinjoe and SuperbVote by Tux.
    Discord integrated via the Discord SRV plugin by Scarsz!

    -Above all, don't be a dinkhole, and use common sense.
    -Using vanilla-possible exploits is okay; no mod exploits, no scripts, no cheats are allowed. Use of macros are normally fine, like for fishing. Macros are not okay in activities like AFK evasion.
    -Griefing is allowed in non-protected areas. Protect your stuff! Ask a staff member if you aren't sure that your build(s) are covered.
    -Have a question? Please ask a staff member before you do something questionable! Ignorance is not an excuse.
    -Depending on severity, all offenses may be bannable. Kicks, tempbans, and mutes are issued as warnings.
    -Punishments may be appealed by direct messaging Ravioli (me) on Discord. Appeals in chat or the comments will be ignored.

    To request to be whitelisted, join the Discord server and DM me (Ravioli) with some quick details, or comment down below:
    -Your in-game name, without any typos
    -How you heard about the server (unless requesting by comment)
    -How you might know me or another player (unless requesting by comment)
    -(Optional) Other details if you'd like to share!
    Discord server: https://discord.gg/yuDMXK9

    Server IP+Port:
    Make sure to apply for the whitelist first!

    I'm looking forward to new players! Welcome to Archaia, may your journey be unique.

    submitted by /u/MrMcAwesumz
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    World Of Atlantida [SMP] {1.14.4}

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 03:38 AM PDT

    We are looking for people who are friendly and willing to play often.

    Server IP mc.worldofatlantida.com:25860

    Discord https://discord.gg/NzkCyjQ


    No hacked clients/x-ray/cheating.

    Absolutely NO racist, homophobic, ableist, or derogatory terms.

    Hate speech is not tolerated.


    1 Player sleep

    Double shulker shells

    Dragon drops elytra

    More mob heads

    Customizable Armor Stand

    submitted by /u/WorldOfAtlantida
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    AltarSMP [Vanilla] {1.14.4} {Fresh World} {18+}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 02:48 PM PDT

    Welcome to AltarSMP!

    This server is inspired by the YouTube series Hermitcraft. While we aim to replicate ourselves as close as possible to them, there may be a few key differences we decide to make (as a community) along the way. All major changes will be decided on by both players and staff alike. To ensure smooth sailing of this community, there are a few rules we ask you to follow.

    We have a fresh world, established a week ago today!

    Zero Tolerance Policies:

    1. Absolutely no griefing.
    2. Absolutely no stealing; we can track if you take things from shops without paying, or from another player.
    3. No harassment of another player, or discrimination.
    4. No hacking. This includes X-ray.

    If you are caught breaking any of our Zero Tolerance Policies, you may be removed from the community without notice at staff discretion.

    Rules & Guidelines:

    1. The spawn area is intended to be a shopping district; anybody may setup shop there, but please do not base within 200 blocks of spawn!
    2. If you are setting up a shop, put some effort into the design and detail work. This is your livelihood, remember.
    3. If you wish to build a mega farm, please consider other players on the server, and ensure it is only running as neccessary.

    If you are interested in joining, please join our Discord!:



    submitted by /u/NeverDoubtLife
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    Allium [SMP] {Dynmap} {Community}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 02:40 PM PDT

    Allium is a medium sized community of dedicated and friendly players from around the world (: we have over 50 members and continue to grow! We have players from the US, Canada, the UK, the Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Mexico, Hungary, the Bahamas, Czech Republic, and Australia. With over 100 applications per month, the server continues to grow. All build styles are welcome here. Glitches are frowned apon but some certain glitches are allowed (bedrock removal, tnt and carpet duping) (: All of us speak semi-decent english and like to voice chat in our moderated discord server. ✨

    Age range: 14-35 Difficulty: Normal Plugins: Dynmap, anti-grief, coreprotect(anti-grief) Datapacks: one player sleep, afk display, mob heads, player heads Administration: Owner, two admins, three moderators Max render distance is 13, world generation is unlimited, server runs on paper 1.14.4 and will always be up to date We peak at 14 players so lag is never an issue. There are always at least 5 people online as it is a worldwide server (: At least one our 5 server staff should be online to help you at any time. We are always looking for new server staff as well! ✨

    We would love to have you on the server whoever you are (: There are a few rules to keep in mind 1. Just don't steal or grief lmao that's it Members tend to make jokes about mature topics but it doesn't both most people too much (: ✨

    If you aren't convinced that the server is something you'd like to be apart of, check out our server instagram or our dynmap! ✨ dynmap: Instagram: allium.server

    If you're interested we would love to have you! Apply at the following link. Make sure to include your full Discord name and tag as this is the only way to contact you. https://forms.gle/sebLbLjLZn4uiMdn8

    A discord friend request and chat will be send from Devoid. Expect a response within the day (: Can't wait to see you on the server!

    submitted by /u/branthebon
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    Dark Nebula Gaming Network [SMP]{1.14.4}{McMMO}{Discord}{Land Claiming}{Loot Keys} {Trading}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 05:30 PM PDT


    Dark Nebula Gaming Network is a Spigot 1.14.4 SMP server that opened on May 24,2019. We are hosted in the United States and are an English speaking server. We here at DNGN are attempting a more basic Minecraft gaming experience that caters towards the casual players. Our plugins enhance the vanilla experience while adding more to the game-play. Come and build to your hearts content with DNGN and lets have a great time!

    We currently have a discord server so you can chat, hang out, contact staff and give feedback. We are always looking to grow and we even encourage feedback, all to make this one of the best Minecraft server experiences for players. We will be opening staff applications soon so stay tuned!


    1. No griefing.
    2. Don't be toxic in chat.
    3. Respect Staff.
    4. Dropped items are fair game (Nether and End).
    5. No cheating/hacking/exploiting.
    6. No advertising, period.

    A comprehensive (and very detailed) rule list is available on the discord server.

    Owner, Community Manager: LaundrySauceBoss, Chewyrodreiguez (That's Me!)

    Server: DNGN.ddns.net/

    Discord: https://discord.gg/dRHSwaz

    submitted by /u/Chewyrodreiguez
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    KPVP [PVP] [Semi-Vanilla] {Factions} {1.14.4}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 05:00 PM PDT

    KPVP Factions
    New faction server, made by 6+ Years Factions Veterans.



    Discord: https://discord.gg/wdCXucM

    Forums: https://kpvpserver.enjin.com/


    About KPVP


    KPVP Is a factions playground, made to stop Pay-2-win, by allowing players to get the best gear through chance, luck and skill. We have made many elements to Original, Fun factions, while still implementing cool new things also. We try to keep an "OG Factions" feel. Like the glory days. We try to constantly keep the server fun by adding new rewards, and fun things for players to do/use! Come join us today!


    KPVP/Plugin Outline:


    Factions: One of the oldest teammate plugins around, allowing you to make a team, set a home for your team and have a claim only your team can edit/use. Raid other claims and make your team stronger with their loot!

    Warzone: Power is not lost in Warzone and Flight is disabled in warzone!

    Mcmmo: Plugin used to make you stronger, Mine faster, Get more loot from mining and excavating. Swing your sword or axe harder and shoot farther! McMmo takes your PVP or SMP experience to the next level.

    Economy: Sell items to the server, Auction them off, or sell them to other players for money. Use that money u gain to make power plays on the server and become a Wolf among sheep!

    Combat Logger and Flight Control: Forget about PVP Loggers, if you hit them and they log out, they admit defeat and die! Also hitting someone who is flying will disable their flight and bring the battle to the ground! (Stay aware of your surroundings)

    Player Vaults: Player vaults is a virtual vault where you can store your items inside and they are safe! Everyone starts with /pv1 but with /rankup you can allocate more, or if you donate you automatically get more!

    PVP Rewards: Kill player, get money. Easy as that.

    Kits: Once every few days you can receive a kit used for obtaining cool loot, and getting some sweet items with a typing of a command!

    Rankup: Start at a low rank, gain money by selling items and /rankup will move you through the ranks quickly! Get better permissions like catching mobs with eggs and get better kits, not to mention way better prefixes.

    Buycraft: Donate to the server and the server rewards you with whatever you want to buy. Just type /Buy in game and it will send you to our store where you can check out cool things to purchase to enhance your KPVP experience.

    Crates: When you vote, attend a drop party, or maybe someone just gave you a "key", you have a chance to redeem it for a new item from the crates at spawn! (Or at /warp crates). Its all luck with the items you get, but none of them are bad!

    Voting: Help the server with voting for us! When you do you get Vote keys for a chance to get BETTER keys!! You can vote with a command "/Vote" or from our forums!

    Custom Bosses: At our server you'll experience the hardest bosses you've had to match up against. (And you thought the enderdragon was hard)

    Staff Team: Our staff team is run by a long friend of the owner and a veteran factions player who goes by Livingdead456 (Liv), he's a friendly guy and a great leader, who will always keep a close eye on the server, discord, and website to ensure your time spent here is good.

    Building Team: Our building team is run by a veteran builder: Abigor_8. Showcased for his builds on Hypixel now runs our building team and still blows our minds with his extreme talent!

    Discord: We have our own Discord server to allow you to talk to your factions in your own locked lobby, or talk with the Players in the main lobby!

    Player Particles: We want to eliminate P2W so we have cool donator perks which are mostly aesthetic! This is one of them!




    1. Hacked clients, texture packs, or mods that give you an unfair advantage over vanilla players is unallowed.

    2. Excessive use of racism will get you muted.

    3. Use common sense and be respectful of the Staff team.

    4. Exploiting bugs, glitches or economy will get you in jail and your balance reset.

    5. Griefing, Raiding, and PVP is allowed.

    6. Impersonating staff will get you muted or banned.

    7. Spam will get you muted.

    8. Advertising on our server will get you muted or banned.

    9. Abusing permissions that were intentionally or accidentally set is not allowed.

    10. Have fun! (Optional)


    We will strive to be the best community for the players, with an owner that talk and enjoys the players company so much that he will go in depth to help them out. Our staff team is awesome and our server will always be here to enjoy.

    No map resets, No Pay 2 Win, No unfair advantages.

    Just Factions.



    JUST TYPE: /Voucher Redeem KPVP


    KPVP Server Owner, Kentarin

    submitted by /u/AMSapphire
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