• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers [WANTED][SMP]{WHITELIST} Looking for friendly group

    Minecraft Servers [WANTED][SMP]{WHITELIST} Looking for friendly group

    [WANTED][SMP]{WHITELIST} Looking for friendly group

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 05:54 AM PDT

    looking for active server with friendly group of accepting mature players.

    im 28, been playing since 2013, like to adventure, grind for mats, and build a few redstone projects.

    mostly been playing solo with a few lan games with friends and family.

    hermitcraft fan, inspired to finally get out there and play on a server.

    with my work schedule i usually play in the early mornings around 12am-9am EST.

    biggest things looking for are community project, no greifing or stealing, and active players around the same time frames.

    bonus if server has tweaks like hermitcraft i.e sleep tweak.

    let me know if you think i would be a good fit for your community! thanks!

    submitted by /u/belgranite
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    BOIS SMP [SMP] [Vanilla] {1.14.4}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 09:47 AM PDT

    I have an aternos smp server with 6 people on it and I'm looking to get more people on it. If you want to join, here's the discord link https://discord.gg/ydyZRGZ Since aternos servers turn off when there's nobody on I'll give access to start the server to everyone by friend access. Rules/info: No x-ray No killing unless you get paid to (minimum 20 diamonds) Don't grief or steal or anything stupid Don't build random ugly stuff There will be a spawn area similar to smp live And please don't be annoying

    submitted by /u/im_dropshotz
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    Minetopia! {Whitelist} {1.14.4} {McMMO} {18+}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 11:00 AM PDT


    Survival Minecraft [SMP] {Whitelist}{1.14.4}{MCMMO}{18+}We are looking for more dedicated players to join our survival adventure server in the blocky world of Minecraft. Veterans and new players alike are welcome on our server. We're a bunch of friendly players from all around the world, who just recently decided to start up a server running on the 1.14.4 update. This server is really fresh with just a few weeks of gameplay. We're looking for people that value the community aspect of the server and prefer quality over quantity.To join the server, you would need to be over the age of 18.

    We are using an active discord which we would like for you to join.To make the survival experience a bit better we're running a few plugins such as:- McMMO (Modified to take a bit longer to level up, and for the powers to not be abused.)- One player sleep

    -Server difficulty is set to Hard

    -We do not use TPA, to encourage world exploration

    -We intend to build a kingdom/city to promote large group projects- DiscordSRV (Discord to Minecraft chat and vice versa)

    -JavaServer rules are pretty straight forward and basic such as, no griefing, stealing, cheating, or duping, etc. We also have rules against afk farming. A complete list of rules will be available to you on discord.**Would you be interested in joining us?**In order to be whitelisted, join our discord, answer the questionnaire the bot will send you, then send the answers to an Admin (in purple).

    https://discord.gg/kBdrN6BLooking forward to seeing you in game!

    submitted by /u/Kayyne
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    Opportunity SMP [Semi-Vanilla]{Whitelist}{1.14.4}{17+}{Survival}{Hard}{Discord}{EUW}{NA}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 10:53 AM PDT

    OPPORTUNITY [season 2] Newly started Friday 13th



    With arguably the best community on the internet, Opportunity is the perfect place to chill back, relax and play some minecraft. With a diverse group of people, and a player-base formed from people all over the world. no matter who you are, we would love to have you!


    we believe its extremely important to keep everyone updated on the running and development of the server. therefore we give regular announcements about events, and weekly updates about the running of the server with any plans or development.

    Recent developments

    bellow lists recent developments that we have implemented within the last week

    1. Map reset Friday 13th
    2. Border expand Friday
    3. Spooktober events


    • Be respectful
    • Do not argue in side/discord chat.
    • Users must be 17 or over ( unless discussed with admin staff)
    • If there is an issue contact an Admin or moderator


    • No hacking, hacked clients, x-ray, or unauthorised mods/resource packs that give you an unfair advantage.
    • Be respectful - NO GRIEVING OR STEALING
    • No killing other players/pvp without player's consent or malicious pranks
    • No duping or bug exploits/manipulation [ 1 ]
    • No main bases built in the end or in the nether as this will decrease spawn rates for the entire server.

    [1] The use of autominers in the form of TNT duping is allowed, however duping of items is strictly forbidden



    Want to join or have questions? please contact me directly @Nicholas#9253 or join the OPPORTUNITY DISCORD bellow:

    Discord: https://discord.gg/QsN3fn7

    Application link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfQTiTufjxm5ZYSIthP6uFFLupYc9YR2JKUDNWu093bXzBiHg/viewform?usp=sf_link

    submitted by /u/G0d_of_destruction
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    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 11:47 AM PDT

    Hey all! Who wants a chill vanilla server? Here is one for you!

    TLDR: Go to https://discord.gg/Q79uvMT and read the rules then chat with members until you get whitelisted

    as of right now our server consists of a few close friends and a few friends of friends. We are a new server, so we have not set out to find the end portal yet, nor even fought the wither. If you are interested in joining the server please go to this discord link: https://discord.gg/Q79uvMT Once in the server stay a while and chat with others until we whitelist you. Also, even though we are pretty laid back people and like to have fun in this adventure, we still have rules, but they are pretty easy to follow. You can find them in the #rules chat in discord, but here are a few basic ones so you know what you can't do before you even join.

    1.No Griefing

    2.No Stealing

    3.No Pvp Unless The Other Person Allows

    4.No Hacked Clients

    5.No Exploiting

    Normal rules right, we are a pretty chill community so far, and we want more like that, you may die a few times to pranks, but let's hope nothing is permanent. You can always tell the staff if you have a problem, and we will get it sorted out as quickly as possible.

    For plugins, we have a few that are designed to make your vanilla playthrough a little more enjoyable, one of which is a /home plugin, so if you are stuck in the end, nether, or a polar bears den, you can get back home quickly and safely. Most of our other plugins are designed to keep the server running smoothly, and keep you from getting blown up from a creeper because the server stops functioning. Lastly, the server is hosted out of Pheonix Arizona but for most of the people who are already on the server from the east coast, there are no complaints about ping issues.

    We hope you found interest in the server and wish to join, we will be happy to have you come and make a thriving community that will grow and becomes something bigger than we can imagine. See you there!

    submitted by /u/Tan2019
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    Monarchy style civilization [Semi-vanilla]

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 07:25 PM PDT

    Hello. As an extremely small, new community, we are looking for players to join our Minecraft monarchy server. We would like players who want to participate in a nice community ruled by a fair king who will collect taxes and help construct the town(s). This will be classified as a regular monarchy, but not like the one's throughout history. The king cannot abuse his power, but there is no legislature. There are laws that protect the citizens' rights, but also the king's. The citizens have the right to dethrone or execute the king under fair cause or if they do not like the king they can rebel and dethrone him if everyone decides to overthrow. The king can step down if he feels like everyone doesn't want him there peacefully or stay in power until someone kicks him out, assassinates him, or his term ends. The king's term lasts one week, but this can be amended in the constitution. The king can run as many terms as he wants as long as he gets majority vote or popular sovereignty. The king can change taxes greatly based on majority rule or slightly to adjust kingdom needs. The king will have guards hired to protect them. They, as citizens, must be chosen wisely because if they wish to overthrow they can. There are no rules on killing the king other than the fact that this will be considered treason and illegal. The guards, if chosen wisely, will protect the king under any circumstances and they can temporarily jail any direct threat or conspirer to murdering the king. If this interests you and you would like to help mold the constitution further (we literally just started so it's no where near done) or just participate in the community, please join this

    discord. https://discord.gg/CuCNytc

    submitted by /u/BestOfDays32
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    Unknown [Semi-Vanilla][SMP] {Whitelist}{Discord}{1.14.4}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 08:50 AM PDT

    Welcome! We would like to introduce you to Unknown SMP!

    What is Unknown?

    We are a whitelisted, semi-vanilla, 1.14 survival server updating as updates roll out. The server is relatively new being up for only a couple months. The server is hosted in Montreal, Canada. We hope to find some dedicated players. We are looking for some more advanced players, who are decent at Redstone or building, someone who can be a good addition to the server. Although we would prefer this level of skill it is not a mandatory requirement. How do you join? Since we are a whitelisted server there will be an interview process involving a few questions. This is to get to know the type of person you are. We preferably want you to be in voice, since this is an easy way to communicate and also a good way to get to know each other. If you can't talk because you don't have a mic or for some other reason it's no problem, just let us know!

    To get an interview you'll need to join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/4j3Q9BE. The rules are also stated in the server, but are mainly the generic SMP rules. When you join please D.M. one of our interviewers and we will get to you as soon as one of us has time. Hope to see you soon! P.S. If you don't get an instant msg please just wait around, most of our Interviewers are on E.S.T. time and it could be very late for them.

    submitted by /u/Starweaverr
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    Bleeding Pixels [PvE][SMP] {McMMO} {Economy} {+Resource World} {Server Events} {1.14.4}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 11:35 AM PDT

    💠Server Name💠Bleeding Pixels

    💠Server Locale💠United States

    💠Discord💠Triforce Gaming (Also featuring other game servers) - https://discord.gg/SderDPP

    💠Server Address/IP💠play.bleedingpixels.org

    💠Game Play Types💠[PvE][SMP][PvE Arena]

    💠 Description 💠This is a newer simple MCMMO powered Minecraft 1.14.4 SMP server with a fresh new world, mature, friendly Admins who are always willing to lend a helping hand for our new players. We allow silk touch of spawners as well as offer spawners you can't get in vanilla. There is also a monthly reset resource world which you can travel to for mining, harvesting resources, and leveling up your jobs or MCMMO. We have an excellent, user friendly 💰 player economy 💰 where you can build and open your own shops for a living. Not into being a shopkeeper? No worries, we also have Jobs in addition to passive income just for being online. Our rules are few, and mostly common sense so you don't have to worry about doing something wrong when you join as long as you read them. We hope to see you there!

    About Triforce Gaming Community: Our Discord Community also features game servers for an Ark Cluster, Rust, and 7 Days to Die on top of our Minecraft servers. We're all very friendly and welcome new people to play with!

    🚫 Rules 🚫No Griefing or theft; No hacked clients or x-ray; No spam/offensive chat/ Advertising/ Caps; No scamming; Respect everyone, including staff

    💠Server Host💠Private Dedicated box running i9 9900k on NVME

    💠Plugins💠Essentials, MCMMO, ChestShop, Jobs, RTP, GriefPrevention, Discord, Lottery, Silk Touch Spawners, MyPet, Rankup

    💠Owner/Admins/Moderators💠Elle87x, BDubs911, skoerber69, IIIBRADYIII, Appleseed909, KingBayler, JennaRaenee

    submitted by /u/BleedingPixelsMC
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    Vanilla Chinchilla [Vanilla] [SMP] {1.14.4} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 05:13 AM PDT

    I struggled with finding a vanilla server without any plugins which reduces the people needed to sleep etc, or that didn't have admins that would teleport to your base etc. This server just started yesterday, but I'm looking for people to play with that would enjoy having the same map through updates and that would enjoy having a community going. The server is currently on 1.14.4 with a whitelist, but I don't have any specific number for max players allowed. There isn't many rules, just please be kind, and preferrably don't cheat as I don't think you'd enjoy playing for an extended period of time cheating. Server is located in Europe, but any region of the world is welcome! We are currently 4 people playing.

    If you're interested, please pm me with your age and in game name. I can reply with either the server IP or a link to the server Discord where we could share screenshots/trade/give other important info.

    submitted by /u/lappalappa
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    [Wanted] [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] Looking for a technical server

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 07:24 PM PDT

    I'm looking for a technical server with a mature community, preferably NA-hosted. I'm more or less familiar with 1.14+ technical side (you can check my post history), but down to learn 1.12 as it's more technical-friendly.

    If the sever is 1.14, can contribute a few patches to carpet mod, which make chunk loading, remote chunk loading, items transporting possible.

    I have a full time job so active usually only evenings PST.

    submitted by /u/sllh
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    Patriam [Semi-Vanilla] {Geopolitical} {Whitelist} {Under-Development} {Custom Map} {Recruiting}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 02:19 AM PDT

    ==What is Patriam?==
    Patriam is a fictional world with a multitude of diverse environments, civilisations, cultures and peoples. Patriam, the server, will be a geopolitical Minecraft RP server set in the world of Patriam. Players may either join an existing nation, such as one of the four original civilisations above, or (if space is available) forge their own destiny and create their own civilisation and culture.

    ==How will rules work?==
    Rules on Patriam will work differently than most other servers. The server has some basic rules such as no hacking, exploiting etc. etc. However, when it comes to more in-depth things such as RP rules, things change. We have decided to instead of trying molding the community to the rules, we will mold the rules around the community.

    ==What does this mean?==
    It means that the community will suggest rules in the discord server and use reactions to vote on which rules they think would benefit, or not benefit the server. Each rule will have a voting period of 24 hours until the vote is closed. If the rule passes then it will have one final review by staff before becoming an official rule. Staff reserve the right to veto any rule if they deem it necessary, however it is unlikely this power will be exercised.

    ==What are the rules already in place?==
    These are the current basic rules in place, all are subject to change

    1. No Hacking
    2. No Exploiting/Glitching (dupe glitch etc.)
    3. No lag machines
    4. Buildings must be in the style of the nation you are in
    5. Unrealistic buildings such as a modern mansion or a dirt square are not allowed and are subject to be removed by staff.
    6. No Griefing
    7. No racism/hate-speech outside of RP (rascism/hate speech must be in character for you to do so)
    8. A player must have an approved character application before they can RP
    9. Failrp objects and structures (such as dirt bridges across oceans) are strictly prohibited and are subject to be removed by staff
    10. Player-made nations must have RP appropriate names, e.g. Kingdom of Andor, Republic of Sakria. Not funland, Kingdom of shitville etc. Staff reserve the right to rename or disband the nation if they deem the name inappropriate.

    ==What time period is Patriam set in?==
    Patriam is set in a mix of a classical, medieval and enlightenment era styled time period, featuring civilisations that take inspiration from one or multiple of those eras. Buildings, structures, farms etc. must be relative to this time period as to not be fail RP, as mentioned above.

    If this sounds interesting to you then join the discord server at https://discord.gg/ay2Rnks
    Currently we are in the early stages of voting for plugins.
    The server is not currently up as it is under development, however we are looking for staff, builders and developers. You can apply on our forums at https://patriam.enjin.com/forum/m/52322664
    Once the server is out of this phase it will enter into a beta-testing phase where testers will get 5 days to trial the server and give feedback before it is released to the public.

    I hope to see you there.
    Lt. Col Alex

    submitted by /u/nzalex321
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    RainyRealms [SMP] {English} {12+} {Events} {Economy} {Friendly}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 07:53 AM PDT

    Server IP: RainyRealms.com

    Forums: RainyRealms.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/AsXZsYG

    💧 RainyRealms is a 1.13.2 SMP Economy server with a tight-knit community! We're looking to welcome some more members. :) We just reset as of (9/9/19), for a fresh start. We will also be updating to 1.14 soon. :)

    💧 Some of our players deal with complex medical needs and we use the server as a place to chill out and have some fun with other people. If you're looking to bring drama onto the server, that's really not what we're looking for, however, if you wanna have some fun in peace, feel free to join us. <3

    💧 We are based in England, however, we welcome anyone from anywhere.

    💧 A lot of our players work together to build towns and bases. We're here to make friends, and meet some other people with similar interests. :)

    💧 Our game difficulty is set to normal, however, this is occasionally changed for events that we run.

    💧 We have a 12+ tag, however, anyone who is able to control themselves and be mature is welcome. :) We aim to be as peaceful as possible and do not want any kind of chaos on the server.

    Some cool features we have:

    🌊 Rentable houses in a city warp,

    🌊 Player controlled economy,

    🌊 Player-owned tradeshops,

    🌊 Griefprevention claims plugin,

    🌊 Affordable ranks ($5) with fun perks,

    🌊 Regular end and nether resets,


    1. No griefing
    2. No hacks of any kind
    3. No stealing, scamming or trolling
    4. Be kind
    5. Minimal swearing is allowed, anything else is not
    6. Be appropriate, no offensive conversations
    7. No huge redstone farms

    We hope to meet some of you! PM me if you have any questions.

    submitted by /u/RainyRealms
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    Good ol' Survival [Semi-vanilla] {1.14.4}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 07:31 AM PDT

    In the 8 years I've been playing Minecraft I have joined and played hundreds of server. Some great and some bad, but I never felt any were perfect. There's 2 different types of survival servers in my opinion. On one side you have the pure anarchy servers with no plugins or rules, then on the other side you have those servers with a ton of rules and plugins along with a lot of changes made to the game itself, an example would be having a world border.

    RusticMC I feel like is a good balance between both ends of the spectrum. On RusticMC there is no world border and no vanilla features have been changed in anyway but we still have some simple commands such as /sethome and /tpa but that's pretty much it. When it comes to rules, we have a small amount of common sense rules such as not being allowed to intentionally lag the server and not being allowed to hack/X-ray but that's it. Many servers I feel like are to strict when it comes to rules which makes players feel like they're walking on egg shells but that's not the case on RusticMC.

    What makes Minecraft such a great game? To me I think it's because of the freedom the game gives to the players. On RusticMC as long as you aren't purposely crashing the server or hacking you have the complete freedom to do whatever you want without having to worry about staff interfering in the gameplay. The map started in June and will never reset. The only person with staff perms is me, so you do not have to worry about abusive staff. I have never and will never spawn in any items so you do not have to worry about that either.

    RusticMC is focused on providing a simple and pure survival experience where players are free to survive and conquer without having to worry about staff interference. We have a small but friendly community of players and are looking to grow. This is a server where you can relax and play some good old survival just like we all used to do back in the good old days. I hope you give our server a try, thank you for reading!


    Discord: https://discord.gg/g2dr74b

    submitted by /u/MikeTheRunner
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    Wetfjord [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.14.4}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 01:13 AM PDT

    Are you looking for:

    A chill server that has been online for 6 years with no resets ever?

    A nice community with no bullshit, just awesome friends like in the beginning of minecraft?

    A stable server, with minimal downtime and doing its best to keep up-to-date with plugin & server updates?

    Are you:

    A cool guy/girl/whatever who isnt a dick

    Over 16 years old and can take it that we make immature jokes from time to time?

    Then you are welcome to apply to our server, we are a whitelist enabled as-vanilla-as-possible server with no bullshit, just a bunch of people that like to play minecraft together. Around christmas we were about 20 people online most of the day. Most often it's around 4 - 5 people on.

    Anyway, welcome to apply through our discord server found on this link https://discord.gg/4JxZJXa . The rules are simple: dont be a jerk to people, no griefing, stealing, or xraying. It's OK to take from farms as long as you replant. Common sense is important.

    Feel free to check out our website to get a better look: https://wetfjord.eu

    And if you want to see the map check our dynmap at https://wetfjord.eu/render

    See y'all around!

    submitted by /u/Uggleklockan
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    Anarcringe [Anarchy]

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 08:14 PM PDT

    I know this is what so many posts already say. And I know that I am basically begging people to join our server, but please give this one a chance. It is an anarchy server with no rules. You are encouraged to hack on it. (I prefer using Impact as my client). You can literally do whatever you want! (The server IP is Anarcringe.hopto.net) If you want, you can vote for it here: https://minecraft-server-list.com/server/447148/vote/ . Also, the discord server is https://discord.gg/JjbSqCm . The actual Minecraft server does not have an icon, but I might take any icon that you make for the server! The server admin is also my friend, (He gave me permission to advertise it here), His username is L___O___L. Contact him on the discord server, or on the MC server for any questions or comments. My name is FlashbangT on the server too if you wanna get in contact with me. There are not many members on the server currently, but we would like to get that number up, so dont be surprised if there are little to no players on at the time. If there are no players on, wait until most likely 3pm Central Daylight Time. Thank you all so much for supporting us!

    submitted by /u/FlashbangT
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    [WANTED][Vanilla] Survival server with grief protection/rollback and decent render distance {18+}

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 06:46 AM PDT

    Hey guys!

    I've been looking around to find a vanilla server to play on, and there's many options for a vanilla server with grief protection, however all of them have absolute terrible maximum render distance. I completely understand why this is the case, but I'd like to play on a server that doesn't make me claustrophobic. Any sugggestions are appreciated. :)

    I'm from the EU, doesn't really matter much in terms of connectivity, but it's nice to not be on a server where none is online during daytime for me.

    submitted by /u/Leeysa
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    PolyCraft [Semi-Vanilla]{Greylist}{1.14.4}

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 12:23 PM PDT

    Poly-Craft (Semi-Vanilla, Greylisted, Mature, EVENTS!) New Map on 06/06/2019!

    Looking for a fun friendly active Minecraft community to be apart of? Look no further! Poly-Craft is a greylisted, semi-vanilla survival server that focuses on having a tight-knit community. We offer the following:

    Server Specs:

    • 6 3.5ghz Intel Xion e5 – 1650v3 • Hard Drives : 1TB SSD, 1TB HDD • 100gb DDR4 Ram • 1Gbit/s Port

    Server Settings:

    • Hard Mode • Survival • 1.14.4 • 10,000 x 10,000 map size.

    Server Info:

    • All-Inclusive server. No Racist, homophobic, or any hate allowed! We love having people from all different walks of life. • Staff monitored Greif and Theft Plugins • Greylisted – We keep out the trolls. • Weekly PvP Events with Awesome Prizes! : We have a whole section of spawn dedicated to these weekly events! Every Saturday, twice a day we go at it! • Daily Voting Rewards • Discord and Websites: See below for the information. • Supporter Perks: Cosmetic non-game altering. Heads DB, Trails, etc. • Active Staff!!! • Much, much more!!!

    So come check us out, fill out a quick application, and get greylisted today!

    Rules: Our rules are found on our applications.

    You can apply to join here: http://www.polycraftmc.com/

    Join our server IP: mc.polycraftmc.com

    Chat with us via Discord: https://discord.gg/2mzdFgm

    submitted by /u/Jethro702
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    3b9t [Anarchy] [Vanilla] {1.12.2}

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 10:19 PM PDT

    IP: 3b9t.net

    Website: web.3b9t.net

    3b9t is a young anarchy server, offering one of the most vanilla experiences available on multiplayer. The server was started on September 17.

    - No specific rules. Do whatever you want.

    - The map is permanent and the main focus of the server. It will never be reset.

    - No spawn protection.

    - The spawn-point is at coordinates 0,0, the world's center.

    - World goes to 30 million blocks out (by default).

    - No extra modifications or customization, everything is plain and default.

    - No extra commands, use /help for all available commands.

    - No kits or teleportation, no server hub. Re-experience Minecraft in its truest form.



    - The server runs on 1.12.2 and will most likely stay on this update permanently.

    - It is hosted in the eastern US, currently running on a Xeon processor at 3.4 GHz with 10 GB RAM.

    We hope to be an alternative experience for anyone who is looking for a fresh start or a new home. If you need a brand new server with no rules, you've come to the right place.

    submitted by /u/3b9t
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    XCRAFT [Vanilla] {Whitelist} {SMP} {1.14.4}

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 01:12 PM PDT

    Hello, You like SMP? We like SMP! Everyone Likes SMP, wait actually maybe not everyo-Hey Join XRCAFT SMP It's a Group of Happy Individuals Who Want To Come Together and Have Fun On a 3D Blocky World Game- Minecraft Server lol. We are using a whitelist system to try to prevent griefers so if you want to join, join the discord for instructions. ok join i took 10 years to write this

    Discord https://discord.gg/MhDVQ6J

    Discord https://discord.gg/MhDVQ6J yes i purposly put it twice

    Please Join


    1. No griefing! If we find out you are you will be Banned!
    2. No swearing in chat or in the discord!
    3. No posting innapropriate links in Discord or chat.
    4. If you are having issues with another player, contact an admin on discord.

    If you do not have discord put your username down below in the comments and why you want to join.

    submitted by /u/Zapiogames
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    Friendotime [PVP] [Creative] {Towny} {1.14.4}

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 01:17 PM PDT

    IP: friendotime.net
    Discord: https://discord.gg/cj5cY3X
    24/7 Updtime!

    We're on the smaller side right now, but we're a community of strange personalities and fun events. Last weekend we did creative charades! Me and the other staff can get pretty personal with the players and everyone gets a say.
    - Towny
    - Survival Claims | Protect your builds from grief and grant friends permission
    - Survival Shop | Use /shop to purchase and sell certain items to aid your survival
    - Creative | Claim several plots and make your mark on the world. World edit enabled!
    - Ranks | Move up in ranks by winning ranks in from events, or buying ranks with fun perks!
    - KitPVP | (Coming Soon with some fun ideas thrown in)
    - Community Builds | Trusted players are allowed to help out with server builds like our pretty pretty damn good spawn. Players that help out are credited very visibly.

    Don't ask OPs for items
    Don't harass other players
    Do what makes sense

    submitted by /u/ArtfulSyntax
    [link] [comments]

    MinecraftTunnel [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {1.14.4} {Java}

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 02:55 PM PDT

    What is MinecraftTunnel? MinecraftTunnel is a new Semi-Vanilla Minecraft server focused on providing a great experience for a community of players looking to play plain old Minecraft. Similar to series like HermitCraft, we want our server to feel like a community and focus heavily on ensuring the server is taken care of and the players on it all have the same goal in mind. We plan on hosting seasons, with each season brings a new map and new potential additions to how users will play to make things more interesting.

    How do I join? Join our discord and submit an application. You should hear back from our staff in less than 24hours with an answer, if you are accepted you will be whitelisted and can connect to the IP below.

    Rules: * If you didn't build it, don't touch it. It's as simple as that - Our staff will handle it if it breaks one of the rules below. * No ugly buildings within a 1000 block radius of spawn. * No Pointless building. * No KOS. Rules are subject to change as needed and have a dedicated section on our discord as well

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/Xy33pMD

    IP: minecrafttunnel.serv.lol (Apply on our discord to connect)

    We hope to see you soon!

    submitted by /u/beemannn
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    Vanilla Chinchilla [Vanilla] [SMP] {1.14.4} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 12:52 PM PDT

    I struggled with finding a vanilla server without any plugins which reduces the people needed to sleep etc, or that didn't have admins that would teleport to your base etc. This server just started today, but I'm looking for people to play with that would enjoy having the same map through updates and that would enjoy having a community going. The server is currently on 1.14.4 with a whitelist, but I don't have any specific number for max players allowed. There isn't many rules, just please be kind, and preferrably don't cheat as I don't think you'd enjoy playing for an extended period of time cheating. Server is located in Europe, but any region of the world is welcome!

    If you're interested, please pm me with your age and in game name. I can reply with either the server IP or a link to the server Discord where we could share screenshots/trade/give other important info.

    submitted by /u/lappalappa
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    Broerserver [Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {18+} {1.14.4}

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 01:29 PM PDT

    Me and a couple of friends of mine started a minecraft server about 2 months ago, just recently we upgraded to a more high end server which can handle more players. We are currently with about 6 people at peak hour.

    We are all really interested in meeting new members and growing a social server with them.


    -Don't grief others

    -Be polite to each other (you will get warned about non acceptable behaviour in game or chat)

    -Don't use a third party program to cheat/exploit

    -Have fun!

    If you are interested in joining our nice little community feel free to PM me for further information.

    submitted by /u/Tom_Okp
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