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    Minecraft Villagers' behavior change the more hurt they are.

    Minecraft Villagers' behavior change the more hurt they are.

    Villagers' behavior change the more hurt they are.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 03:38 AM PDT

    The more hurt they are, the less loud they are.

    Alternatively they could change their uh-huhs and hubs to sound like it hurts just to talk.

    For simplicity's sake I'd only have the pained speech clips play when a villager is "bloodied" (50% health or less), or at 75% health or less for baby villagers and nitwits.

    A visual cue might be helpful too--a mini-tornado might be constantly whirling above their heads, as if they were delirious from pain. Or their unibrow may be raised up in a human expression of sadness or crying.

    Hurt villagers might modify their trades to require a food item in addition to what they normally ask for.

    submitted by /u/aqua_zesty_man
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    A diamond plate.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 08:20 AM PDT

    There currently are golden plates and iron plates. These diamonds plates would detect if an entity is adult or not. It could make farms a little bit easier.

    submitted by /u/Skraftr
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    Illager Captains need more purpose

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 10:52 AM PDT

    Besides from giving the player the Bad_Omen effect Illager Captains doesn't really do anything else. If they were killed during a raid other Illagers would try to pick up the banner to become the new Captain but there's no reason for them to do that. I feel like an Illager Captain should have some sort of specialty for example:

    If a Pillager is the Captain they can command other Pillagers to stay separated so they don't shoot eachother as much.

    A Vindicator Captain would share it's target location with other Vindicators to attack it in groups.

    An Evoker Captain will command nearby Illagers to attack it's target if the Evoker is trying to summon Vexes or the Evoker feels threatened (running away).

    An Illusioner Captain (If they are added) would command every raiders to stay away from the Illusioner's target and only attack it once the target have been blinded.

    This would also give the player a reason to prevent other Illagers from becoming the Captain.

    submitted by /u/InferiorBlitz
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    You should be able to turn off the chat filter on Bedrock worlds.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 06:10 AM PDT

    Sometimes, a grown man just wants to curse after he falls in lava and loses his half-stack of diamonds. I get the reason behind having the filter there in the first place for the kids, and I agree it should be on by default, but there should be a world option or setting to toggle it off. Vote for it on the Minecraft Feedback site.

    submitted by /u/Mitchdawg27
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    Piglin Galleons

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 11:50 AM PDT

    This would be a large structure found out in the lava oceans in the Nether. It's a large ship which is inhabited by many Piglins. The structure would be classified as a mini-dungeon.

    On the galleon, there are many chests which contain different loot. And at the very bottom of the structure there would be a chest at the back of the vessel which would contain a special item which would be used to set your spawn.

    This seems fairly easy, but If you want to beat this structure, you will have to board the Galleon wearing full golden armour, and sneak your way around the boat to get to the special treasure chest found in the bottom of the vessel. This makes the dungeon into a little stealth mission since you have to be careful and strategic when opening the chests in the structure since there are many Piglins on board.

    You don't want to walk the plank to your fiery death, so being stealthy is key.

    If you like this idea, please vote for it on the official feedback site: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360054812232-Piglin-Galleons

    submitted by /u/RossTMK
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    New Totem: The Totem of Demise

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 08:39 PM PDT


    Deals 15HP to every hostile mob in a 15 block radius on use. Does not include mobs that fly.

    On activation, user is given Slowness IV for 4 seconds without any FOV change while the animation (like the Totem of Undying) plays. The totem is used as soon as the slowness is over.


    Unlike the Totem of Undying, this totem is activated on command (right click).


    Witch huts now contain a single chest with ocean ruin-like loot. Totem of Demise is found as uncommon witch hut loot.

    Witches also have a very rare chance of using this totem when lower than 6 HP (❤❤❤). The totem is dropped if held on death.


    Unlock the advancement [Supernatural] upon your first kill with the Totem of Demise.


    submitted by /u/S5Z7
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    Molded arrows(made in fletching table)

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 11:53 AM PDT

    Molded Arrows, an idea I thought would be the first step in making the fletching table useful. There would also be diamond, emerald and gold variants, and a slime one explained later. What would separate these from normal arrows in there extreme precision allowing it to travel practically straight, no curving, and deal massive damage in a instant. These would have many uses in PvP scenarios, acting like a sniper, allowing for intense moments, while also in PvE, because it would allow you to deal massive damage to creatures like enderman, without attracting attention when getting up close. The one downside is the longer pull-back time, being more prominent on the bow and lees on the crossbow, where this would be at its max potential. This would be used in many situations , mostly in PvP. but a still good amount in PvE.The damage would be 10 damage on iron(on crossbow), and gold doing 12(this would be the fastest arrow, meaning there would be very little time to react to it) and diamond doing 16. There would also be a slime variant which does little damage like 1 damage or so, and would knock them back, and along with that is the new emerald one, which would go extremely farther than other one, but deals 10 damage(iron is slower). These numbers may change, but they are just meant to be the standard of their rough power. They would be crafted like this- in a 3 by 3 grid, place a ore, anyone of the shown above, and surround it with arrows like you would with tipped arrows. Now I will go over some weird wacky ones I came up with-

    Blaze Arrow- Would put you on fire on hit, and deals arrow damage equivalent to the variant you are using, like this example: your surround arrows of gold onto a blaze powder, then surround those with ender arrows.)The fiery sneak attacker! It also shows a visual blast of fire

    Ender Arrow- After teleporting you to where it lands, if it hits an player or creature, it deals damage to how hard you hit them(involves a velocity mechanic I will make post on later.). You can make variants of these using all other variants, allowing for cool interesting combos.

    Firework usage- Fireworks would be placed in the middle and surrounded with arrows( can be one of any variants or variant combinations) dealing damage of firework normally and adding a special firework blast according to what you used to them on hit. Also blows if it hits the ground or any surface, excluding cobwebs or dangling vines, or any grass like entity.

    Thank you for reading, and have a good day! ;)

    submitted by /u/Red-itttt
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    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:18 PM PDT

    I think butterflies would be a cool addition to minecraft. They would behave like a land version of tropical fish, where one can spawn numerous patterns and shapes and be captured in a net as opposed to a water bucket. This alongside bees could make the grasslands more beautiful

    submitted by /u/SilverBubble1
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    Villager pets.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 01:13 PM PDT

    Currently, a villagers only defense is the Iron Golem. The thing is, while iron golems are pretty good at their job, they're expense, get stuck in water, easily distracted, and can be killed by a skeleton on a roof pretty easily.

    So villagers need an alternative defense mechanism, and since villagers are too pacifistic to defend themselves, why not give them pets?

    Any spawned villager would have a 35% chance of spawning with a pet. The pet could be either a dog, cat, parrot (if in jungle), or a fox (if in taiga).

    Dogs - Villagers' dogs would be naturally aggressive to skeletons and zombies. They would follow their owners to their workplaces, periodically sit down, and in turn villagers would care for them and wait for them to come into houses with them. A villager's dog would alert all other dogs and foxes in a nearby area if it, any other pet, or any villager, have been attacked. Dogs in houses would not help but rather the pace around their owners. Thus would require some AI tweaking, but would definitely be worth it.

    Cats - Villagers' cats would be the favorite of the fisherman (fishermen could still have other pets but would be more likely to have a cat.) Cats would follow their owners around like dogs and periodically sit down. Cats don't defend their owners but would rather bring them gifts. A cat's gift would make such villager "willing" adding a boost to breeding. Pet cats would also explain why cats spawn in villages.

    Parrots - Villagers' parrots would do the same things as other pets, follow their owners, periodically sit down, etc. But parrots would indirectly defend their owners by alerting all villagers in a certain radius of nearby mobs. These calls would also alert the iron golem. Parrots would sometimes perch on their owners shoulders.

    Foxes - Villagers' foxes would behave similar to wolves, but would be much more cowardly, often fleeing when weak. Foxes would also bring their owners gifts depending on their profession, I.e. blacksmith - iron ingot, making them "willing" in the process.

    If a pet's owner is killed, it will seek out a new owner. If none are available it will revert back to its wild state.

    Villagers will also occasionally tame and breed pets.

    Feedback link - Soon to come!

    submitted by /u/WolfishWarrior
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    Corals shouldn‘t die on cactus

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 07:19 AM PDT

    Turtle Shell Shields

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 04:45 PM PDT

    So, the Turtle Shell Shield would be a mid-game upgrade to the normal shield that is in the game now. It would be crafted at a crafting table with a normal shield in the middle of the grid with scutes all around it. It would look the normal shield but instead of a wooden texture, it would have a segmented turtle shell texture that looks exactly like the top of the current turtles. It would have higher durability and defense and you would be slower when crouching. It would also not be able to deflect arrows, BUT it wouldn't flinch when hit with arrows. In PVP, a pickaxe would flinch it for 1/2 a second.

    submitted by /u/BlaytMaster420
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    End display(new way to display items)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:24 PM PDT

    When crafting together an item frame and an end rod, you would receive a new item: the end display. This item looks like an end rod, but has a base on both sides. When right clicking the base that is not attached to a surface, an item will be suspended a small distance away from it in item form, bobbing and spinning, but never despawning.

    submitted by /u/Awryl
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    Llama villager transportation

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:05 PM PDT

    Self explanetory, the reason you can't attach leads to villagers is becouse it is not humane.

    Giving a villager an emerald block to go on a llama is a small price to pay to make your trading hall, so this is how it will work:

    Villagers given emerald blocks will go into "i want to ride something" mode, afterwords if your tamed llama is near the villager he will attempt to ride it and most likely succeed.

    This will be very slow becouse in reality llamas can only carry small wegits, so the llama will become 3× more slower but can still be better than a boat.

    After that, just leash up the llama and hope mr llama doesn't get angry.

    Great opertunity to have wandering traders riding some too.

    Pillagers llamas?

    submitted by /u/Yisrael_Pinto
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    The Shooter, an item transport block

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:30 PM PDT

    Most people have been using ice, water and sometimes hoppers for long distance item transport for a long time now, but, what if there was a more compact and easy way to move items. Well, that's where the Shooter comes in. as the name implies, it shoots items based on the power of the redstone signal, with a max of 15 Blocks! it can shoot in any direction. It has 9 inventory slots like a dispenser and dropper, and can have items drawn and placed in it via hopper. The Shooter can only shoot items, but can shoot any. It can be crafted like a dispenser, but with a dropper in the middle instead of a bow.

    Here's the face of the block!

    submitted by /u/Enragementgamming101
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    Cooking rotten flesh results in a lingering poison potion effect

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:21 PM PDT

    It would be pretty much useless in a fight, as the potion happens around the furnace you use. It'd also have to go through the cooking time. Poison splash potions would be a better choice as a weapon.

    I think this would still have some uses, probably as much as a rainbow jeb sheep or toast bunny, so mostly just a neat feature. The reason cooking rotten flesh would do the effect is probably obvious, it would smell horrible, probably bad for your lungs. Maybe it'd add a nausea effect too.

    submitted by /u/Tactical-Kitten-117
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    Mansions need an update

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 05:38 PM PDT

    Sorry for layout, on mobile Mansions are big eyesores, have pretty bad loot and don't serve a purpose due to raids. I suggest they either have a room spawning the Elder Evoker (not perfect name) or are replaced with the Evoker lair. These would be a lot smaller, have better loot and spawn with a Elder Evoker room at the top or middle. This would have two Evokers in it and have also evoker/magic type loot in it and some other good loot.

    The elder Evoker is a larger Evoker with a wand. His attacks would include larger Evoker fangs, some sort of small, fast minion he can summon and explosive magic spells. He would also drop the Evoker wand, which I will explain later.

    The whole reason for going to these places would be for totems of undying, good loot and the Evoker wand which would have the ability to use Evoker fangs.

    submitted by /u/ilikedankmemes0
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    Sandstone redstone components

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 05:27 PM PDT

    Could include Sandstone pressure plates, red sandstone pressure plates, sandstone buttons and red sandstone buttons

    submitted by /u/BricksAreForKids
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