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    Minecraft A “realistic cloud system”

    Minecraft A “realistic cloud system”

    A “realistic cloud system”

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:10 PM PST

    How about before it rains, we can tel that its gonna rain from the clouds forming in the sky, and it wont be over the entire world, but just under a huge cloud so if you arent standing under it, you're not standing in the rain, and the cloud moves so you can tell that a storm is coming your way, then it despawns after a certain time or distance traveled. This might help when u wanna go out exploring and dont wanna use your flame enchanted bow for example cuz itll be useless in the rain, or a fire aspect enchanted sword. Its a small detail but i feel like the concept of being able to predict the weather is kinda cool. What do you think? :)

    Edit: i also just got an idea to make it a bit more extreme, maybe during thunderstorms, you can (if you figure out a way to get up there) walk on clouds with a pair of boots enchanted with "feather walking" which basically allows you to walk on water and on clouds as long as you dont stop, but it causes the shoes to wear out quicker, anyways on top of the thunderstorm cloud there could be like some kinda mini boss, a lightning wizard, who when killed drops an "eye of the storm" that lets you summon a thunderstorm when placed in a specific way (idk how but something other than just placing it on dirt).

    submitted by /u/A_H_S
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    Reaper enchantment for swords

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 10:32 PM PST

    Swords with this enchant get stronger when you kill an enemy. The enchantment could max out at 500 kills, granting an maximum of 5 attack damage, gaining 1 additional damage per hundred killed. This reap would have a 0.3 second cooldown on the gaining kills, not the damage bonus. The kills go down for every minute you're not getting kills, losing 1 kill per second while you're not getting kills. Killing an enemy resets the losing kills timer and gives you a another seconds before kills start going down again. This additional second does not stack but can be refreshed

    Alternatively, it could heal you for a fixed amount per hit, the heal increasing when you kill an enemy until you die, maxing out at 200, gaining 0.1 hearts per 20 kills maxing out at 1 heart healed per hit. There would be a 1 second cooldown on the heal

    Bonus effect: Reaper can be put on hoes and the heal would be stronger, with a maximum of 400 kills, with a maximum of 2 hearts healed per hit, gaining 0.5 hearts per 100 kills, with a 0.75 second cooldown

    It could also be a treasure enchant for additional balancing. Sweeping edge would be mutually exclusive with Reaper. For both reaper concepts, you can only gain kills from hostile mobs

    Edit 1: added most suggestions from comments

    submitted by /u/Claw262
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    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:50 AM PST

    A new enchant for crossbows, basically turns your crossbow into an absolute B E A M

    I think a 25 block range or longer depending on what level you have (increase by 25 blocks till level 5)

    It will travel 25* L (level) without dropping, straight shot, can be paired with piercing to make a beast of a weapon

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/ReactionRD
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    Crouching while holding a loaded crossbow slightly zooms the FOV

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 05:02 AM PST

    This would act sort of like how your FOV "zooms in" while aiming a bow.

    submitted by /u/k00ji
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    Endermans Head

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:01 PM PST

    Endermans have a 5% of dropping their heads. Placing one down has interesting mechanics. If a player stares at the head for 1.5 seconds the head will emit a redstone signal.

    submitted by /u/Everedeck
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    Bamboo Forest Temples

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 07:10 AM PST

    I know we already have jungle temples, but I thought it would be interesting if they had like an ancient Chinese temple in there, with terracotta warriors and new loot you could get out of it. Maybe even new mobs. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/daddyslawdawg
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    Implementing the Luck Potion

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 12:20 PM PST

    The luck potion effect is made by finding a four leaf clover and brewing it into a potion. The clover is found in loot chests and is as rare as enchanted golden apples. The luck effect lasts 15 minutes to make it worth it. It can be made into an unlucky potion wit a spider eye and it lasts 10 minutes.

    With the luck effect, the following will occur;

    -Improved fishing loot

    -Weapons have a 5% chance of dealing a critical hit without jumping

    -Killing a pillager leader wont give you Bad Omen

    -Negative potions have a 5% chance of not doing anything to you

    -Mending tools get repaired faster

    -And maybe more, make suggestions below.

    Here are the effects of Unlucky:

    -Mobs can see you from twice as far

    -Killing ANY pillager will give you bad omen

    -Worse fishing loot

    -Phantoms spawn regardless of insomnia

    -And maybe more.

    submitted by /u/-DCPT-
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    Dungeon Overhaul

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:31 PM PST

    Note: I know this has been posted before a couple times, but I plan on elaborating more than most dungeon overhaul posts. Also, if you are planning to skim, I have bolded important details. I also have a google doc for this here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y8RyrJF8_tiknCBW34lAEG2np5voDPlN6Etn-oohRbY/edit?usp=sharing

    TL;DR: Dungeons are now connected hallways/rooms with tiers and amulets/runes for rewards. You need to beat a Tier 1 dungeon to get to a Tier 2 dungeon, a Tier 2 to get to a Tier 3, etc.

    Currently, dungeons suck. They are the smallest structure in the game and you can plow through them in 20 seconds with just a few torches and get some mediocre loot. NOT ANYMORE!

    First things first, while in a dungeon, you will constantly be applied with a mining fatigue effect, which stops you from simply using milk to avoid it, and forces you to actually explore the dungeon.

    Tiered System/Generation

    Dungeons would be tiered on a scale of 1-5; for a Tier 1 dungeon, all you would need is full iron armor, a sword, and some food to survive. For a Tier 2, you might additionally need a bow and a shield. For a Tier 3 dugneon, full diamond armor, at least an iron sword. Tier 4: full enchanted diamond armor, preferably enchanted diamond tools. And, for a Tier 5 dungeon, you would require some amulets from dungeons. Also, you would have to get dungeon keys to enter the dungeons. Tier 1 dungeon keys can just be crafted from a tripwire hook and an iron block, but the other dungeon keys would be rewards from the dungeons (a Tier 1 dungeon would give you a Tier 2 dungeon key, a Tier 2 dungeon -> Tier 3 dungeon key, etc). That way, newbies can't just plow through the dungeons immediately.

    The higher the tier, the larger the dungeon. However, two dungeons would seldom be the same. Dungeons would basically be a group of connected rooms and hallways randomly generated within the alloted space of the dungeon tier, and would generate underground, though top parts of the dungeon might sometimes poke out on the surface, to give a mysterious feel.

    Enter the Behemoth: The Dungeon Itself

    Monster spawners would appear in dungeons many times, and some spawners would also spawn dungeon-exclusive mobs, if you are in a Tier 2 or higher dungeon, which I will elaborate on in "The Monsters" section. Dungeons would be organized somewhat like a labyrinth, but with multiple paths to the final room, the boss room, where you can reap your rewards: keys to higher dungeons and amulets, but I will expand on that in the rewards section. Dungeons will also be multi-floored, with you starting at the top floor and going further down (T1 dungeon=2 floors, T2 dungeon=3 floors, T3 dungeon=5 floors, T4 dungeon=7 floors, T5 Dungeon=10 floors).

    For every dungeon tier above 1, there would be some extra obstacle to make your journey just a little bit harder, which would start to stack up in very-high tier dungeons. Tier 2+ Dungeons would have jumping disabled, meaning you can only move upwards through stairways, which would be starting to become seldom, and you could not simply tower up to kill the mobs. Tier 3+ Dungeons would not have every room open to one another, like in Tier 1 and 2 Dungeons, but would have mostly obsidian doors* that would have to be opened by keys you would find elsewhere in the dungeon. Tier 4+ Dungeons will constantly apply you with the blindness effect, in addition to mining fatigue. In Tier 5 dungeons, natural regeneration would be disabled. Yep, this one is going to be difficult.

    \This is a type of door I made specifically for the dungeon. It cannot be opened through a redstone signal, which stops the player from cheating the system, but only using the corressponding dungeon key. I decided to make them mineable with a diamond pickaxe (they would take just as long as obsidian) for a fun new door that you can open more quickly than an iron door. Tell me if a different material would be better.*

    The Monsters

    Currently WIP; feel free to give suggestions

    Rewards: Amulets & More!

    The final rewards for killing the dungeon boss would mainly be amulets. Amulets' effects will be active as long as they are in your inventory (they will not work if they are in shulker boxes, though, and the same amulets' effects cannot stack) I will list the current amulets I have thought of so far and their effects below (feel free to suggest new amulets or changes to existing ones):

    • Amulet of Blood: Increases damage dealt by 5% (T1+ Dungeons)
    • Amulet of Livelihood: Increases natural regeneration by 10% (T3+ Dungeons)
    • Mysterious Amulet: Increases the effects of all active amulets by 2% (rare; T5 Dungeons)
    • Amulet of Quickstride: Increases movement speed by 20% (T1+ Dungeons)
    • Amulet of Terror: Negates all negative effects except for mining fatigue (T3+ Dungeons; might want to get that to remove the blindness, eh)

    I also have added runes, which can be found in Tier 3+ dungeons. How runes work is, you can add one type of each rune to your sword on a rune pedestal, as long as they are not the same type, for minor effects that stack up, and runes can be leveled up by combining them on rune pedestal (found in T5+ Dungeons; can be mined with a diamond pickaxe) up to level 3. Higher level runes added to a sword will replace existing runes that are lower level (Inspiration: Hypixel Skyblock). Here is a list of the current runes I have that you can add to a sword (again, feel free to suggest changes/additions):

    • Crtitical Rune: Increases critical hit damage by 10% per level (T3+ Dungeons)
    • Extermination Rune: Increases attack damage to arthropods by 5% per level (T1+ Dungeons)
    • Healing Rune: Increases attack damage to the undead by 5% per level (T1+ Dungeons)
    • Shiny Rune: Increases attack damage by 5% per level (T2+ Dungeons)
    • Starter Rune: Increases attack damage to End mobs by 10% per level (T4+ Dungeons; if you're wondering why the requirement is so high, a lot of mobs in the dungeon are End-type :O)
    • Sweeping Rune: Decreases the attack recharge meter percenatage required for a sweep attack (which is currently 84.6%) by 5% per level

    Aaaaaaand the google doc link again: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y8RyrJF8_tiknCBW34lAEG2np5voDPlN6Etn-oohRbY/edit?usp=sharing

    submitted by /u/33333333333339
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    New Enchantment: Accuracy

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 11:44 AM PST

    This enchantment is for bows and is not compatible with flame or mending. It causes the bow's shots to be more accurate. The bow varies the shot by a little and with every level this is minimized. There are 5 levels and it becomes 10% more accurate with every level.

    There is a curse that is the opposite of this called Inaccuracy. It causes the bow to be 10% less accurate with every level. It goes up to level 5.

    submitted by /u/-DCPT-
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    Saturation as a secondary beacon effect

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 03:24 PM PST

    By the time you have enough material to make a tier 4 beacon, you almost certainly have no trouble with food acquisition, making this a relatively minor thing. This would not eliminate the need for for food overall, as you would still need to bring some whenever you venture outside of your beacon's radius. And as a secondary effect, you cannot have both this and regeneration on the same beacon, and IIRC you cannot get it at level 2.

    submitted by /u/MerlinGrandCaster
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    Make villagers have different emotions

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 03:01 PM PST

    If a villager sees a pillager,zombie,or something like that it should have a scared look on the face and scream like a girl or something.

    If you wake up a villager or hit them they should have a angry look on their face.

    If a villager sees a dog die or sees its friend die it would have a sad look on their faces.

    If a villager gets traded with a bunch or a raid has ended it will have a happy look on their face.

    If a villager sees something like a enchanted golden apple, a nether star, or a dragon egg or something like that it will look shocked.

    submitted by /u/fishycoper
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    Add a Red Sand/Sandstone biome to the Nether, and lava rivers

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:34 PM PST

    I was thinking of a biome called "Nether Canyon", it would be a hilly, desert area with red sand and red sandstone, and maybe some netherrack boulders here and there. It would have lava rivers cutting through it. It would go with the hot, dry, red theme of the Nether, and it would give us another way to get red sand/sandstone.

    Also, there are lava falls and lava oceans in the Nether as of now, so another type of lava flow would look great.

    submitted by /u/tseries_will_fail
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    Change how Glyphs work.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 12:20 AM PST

    Currently, glyphs travelling from boomshelves are halted by levers, carpets, and even torches. This proposal is simple- Make glyphs able to go through these types of blocks, so that enchantment levels work properly. Enchantment rooms are very limited in decoration without even being able to add a torch near a table without negative consequences. I can't even tell if this is intended behavior, since it doesn't make sense to have in the first place. This change shouldn't affect slabs.

    submitted by /u/1blitzer1
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    Potion of Mining

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 03:48 AM PST

    A new potion that can be brewed using a diamond and a potion of night vision as its base. When used, all ores within a 10 (not sure about the distance) radius would glow through walls. I find it super strong so I would probably make the timer shorter then other potions. Maybe 2:30 and 5 minutes for the normal and refined one using redstone.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/positivedown
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    Adding a Dedicated Functional Item or "Trinket" Slot

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 01:18 PM PST

    This is an updated and extended version of a Post I made a few days ago that I have since deleted.

    As far as all things go, having a slot for a few various items that may (or may not) otherwise see very little use in game would be invariably beneficial.

    >TL;WR - The idea of this post is to improve players' ability to choose how they play, give some older or less used items more meaning, give new ways to view information, and improve on a few general inconveniences of how certain items disallow simultaneous use of themselves others while (ideally) not going overboard either.

    Having a single slot designated to holding and/or just displaying a compass or watch so that it removes it from the hot bar and places it outside in its own visible slot similar to the offhand slot placed on the opposite side. For example, having the top right slot of the player inventory be displayed when items like the compass or clock are placed in it. This would promote the use of the compass and watch if it were to have a dedicated slot.

    I also acknowledge that the map, compass, and clock are the only items in the game that provide information about the overworld. Something should also be said about the Elytra and Totem of Undying taking up the torso slot and off-hand slot respectively, disallowing armor or shields to be equipped to make use of the items; this is where the following sections come in.

    #####From here on is extensive and relatively in depth.

    With what I wrote in the previous section, the only function a separate, dedicated inventory trinket slot (like a secondary off-hand slot) would serve would be too minor to implement as its own slot in sincerity unless new items and functions were to be added.

    The first Idea I propose is a rather large ask. It is not necessary, but I think it would add a new dynamic to the game as a whole if it were to be implemented.

    Modify the current function of maps.

    The new function would require removing locator maps and allowing the combined use of a compass (in the dedicated trinket slot or the hotbar) and maps (in hand) to be filled in when exploring or updating maps. When maps are not accompanied by a compass, mapped geography remains unchanged when players move within the boundaries of a map; players still appear on the map regardless of whether they hold a compass or not. In addition, having a map available to view at all times would be crowding on the screen as an overlay if it were to remain on screen. In either case of modifying or not modifying the map system, and with regards to the current aesthetic of the HUD and the fact that players hold maps to view them, maps should not be allowed in the Functional Item slot.

    The second Idea I propose, which I touched on, would be to make more items with different purposes and functions. Adding items like specialized compasses to expand upon what is available to enhance gameplay how players like. It is also important that players have to choose between worthwhile items. For the reason of balance, this idea only grants one single Functional Item slot to players. Too many items would allow players to become too powerful and eliminate most challenges they face. Only one functional item being available for use at a time Creates a sense of importance in choosing what gets equipped.

    Various items that could be implemented or moved to the functional item slot are, in no particular order, things like:

    • -[Nether compass]\1*
    • -[Lava Charm]\2*
    • -[Mob Charm]\3 (with possible variations for hostile, neutral, or peaceful mobs)*
    • -[Death Compass] \4*
    • -[Backpack]\5*
    • -[Shulker Pack]\6*
    • -[Elytra!]\7*
    • -[End Compass]\8*
    • -[Totem of Undying]\9*
    • -[Turtle Shell or a new turtle based item]\10*
    • -[Items enchanted with Mending]\11*
    • -[Arrow Quiver]\12*
    • -[Charm of Devouring]\13*
    • -[Ender Totem]\14*
    • -[Emerald Badge]\15*
    • -[Feather Charm]\16*
    • -[Tool sharpener]\17*
    • -[Sword Gloves]\18*
    • -[Compass and {color} Marker]\19*

    Functional Items that provide information (compasses, clock,) would not have durability and could be utilized outside of the functional item slot. Most other Functional Items would have durability and need to be equipped in the Functional Item slot to active or activated. Depending on the value of some Functional Items, they could act like the Elytra in that it can't break when durability is depleted, rendering them unusable but repairable.


    • \1* [Nether Compass always points toward the location of the nether portal the player last came through when in the nether, becomes dysfunctional in non-applicable dimensions.](Note: this allows players to navigate further from their nether portal without getting hopelessly lost. This item would be ideal for players who don't want to spend more time in the nether than they reasonably have to and also removes the necessity to leave a "bread crumb trail" of cobblestone for one-time nether-venturers.){Crafting: centered Compass surrounded by Quartz and a single Blaze Rod in the top middle at a crafting table}
    • \2* [Lava Charm: glows brighter the closer you come in proximity to lava.](Note: this can help players locate lava or be more aware or it when mining deep underground and in the nether){Crafting; shapeless; Lava bucket + 1 Diamond/Quartz or Obtained from loot chests in the world}
    • \3* [Mob Charm: proximity based mob tracker that shows warning signal of some sort to allow players to be more aware of mobs around them, especially hostile mobs at night or in dark caves](Note: this idea also helps locate mobs that players happen to be passively hunting, or whatever they may intend to be doing.){Crafting/Obtaining: ???/ Obtained from loot chests in the world}
    • \4* [Death compass: always stays in the player inventory if equipped and points in the direction of the last place the player has died](Note: ideal for nomadic players; if the player has not died or If death occurred in alternate dimension, this compass is or becomes dysfunctional.){Crafting: centered Compass surrounded by Soul Sand at a crafting table}
    • \5* [Backpack: You guessed it, extra player-inventory space!… But not broken!... I think! - An extra two columns of inventory slots (6 spaces) appear in a detached window in the player's inventory when equipped and is removed when the item leaves the trinket slot. Items in the extra columns of inventory drop from the player when the backpack is removed from the trinket slot](Note: to avoid abuse of mass player-inventory storage, this item would not provide any bonus storage when not equipped in the trinket slot. In addition, it would not provide more storage than 6 slots, as even just 6 slots of storage can be invaluably beneficial.){Crafting/locating: leather centered in a crafting table with 3 string on both sides; alternatively if it provides too much benefit for the relatively low cost defined and another solution cannot be made, this could have the option of only spawning in loot chests around the world, similarly to how saddles spawn}
    • \6* [Shulker Pack: just like the backpack item in that an extra window of inventory spaces appears in player inventories when equipped, however, the Shulker Pack has 9 spaces instead of 6 and Items in the extra window of inventory space stay stored in the Shulker Pack until re-equipped. This item wouldn't allow item pickup when not equipped.](Note: as an alternative to carrying around shulker boxes, these would be less costly to make and could be equipped in players' inventories instead of going through the hassle of placing down and picking up Shulker Boxes repeatedly. However, while they would not be as expensive to make as shulker box, they are not as efficient in how much they carry when compared to a shulker box. Another point to be made is that Shulker Packs would not hold Shulker Boxes or other Shulker Packs outside of the player inventory, and as a result any Shulker items occupying the extra inventory slots provided would drop to the ground as if the player had unequipped a regular Backpack.){Shapeless Crafting: Backpack + shulker shell. Great for that one last shell that you may have leftover from an end city raid!}
    • \7* [Elytra can be moved to the trinket slot to allow its usage while still wearing chest armor in the torso slot](Note: I understand the design choice for it to be equipped in place of armor because there is no trinket-like slot and that there is a tradeoff of armor, but it seems with the addition of a functional item slot that keeping the Elytra function as it currently is would be fundamentally flawed given that the exact use of this new slot is all about trading off benefits.)
    • \8* [End compass: Always points toward the last End Gateway node used when in the End Dimension](Note: this has the same basic intended use as the nether compass){Crafting: centered Compass surrounded by Ender Pearls or another End dimension resource}
    • \9* [Totem of undying: Instead of always having to carry it in the off-hand slot, this could be used to prevent death while not interfering with your ability to use your off-hand slot. This item would otherwise work as it usually does and it would be destroyed on player revival.](Note: for the sake of balance, this item would only be able to activate in the functional item slot.)
    • \10* [Turtle Shell or a new turtle based item: Turtle Shells currently provide armor and a bit of extra water breathing when equipped in the head slot.](Note: if this item were to be put into the trinket slot for the water breathing effect, it should be mentioned that armor should not be applied to this item and that the durability should be based on how long or often the water breathing effect is active. If a new item is implemented, it would generally follow the same rules as the turtle shell being in the trinket slot.)
    • \11* [Mending tools: these could be placed in the Functional Item slot to keep the off-hand slot free to use other items as needed. It gives the new slot another use, but costs the availability of the slot for any other purpose.](Note: Mending-enchanted tools being placed in the Functional Item slot was mainly an idea for reworking the potential infinite and constant usage of Mending-enchanted equipment, forcing them to be retired temporarily for passive repair.)
    • \12* [Arrow Quiver: basically a Shulker Pack specifically for arrows, 3-6 slots in total.](Note: the Infinity enchantment could be moved to the quiver from the bow; arrows would not be retrievable.]
    • \13* [Charm of Devouring: this charm significantly reduces, the action time of eating food or drinking water, milk, or potions.]
    • \14* [Ender Totem: an Ender Pearl-based trinket that teleports you randomly to any nearby unobstructed solid block when you get hit by an enemy](Note: status effects like burning, poisoning, or withering would not trigger this effect after initial cause of damage. This trinket would have a cooldown (debuff? teleportation fatigue?) before it could activate again and activations of this trinket would wear down this trinket's durability)
    • \15* [Emerald Badge: a trinket based around trading that is obtained a bit later in gameplay, this trinket lowers the cost of general trading on par with that of the Hero of the Village buff.](Note: this trinket may or may not stack with the Hero of the Village buff, this choice is something I would leave to others to decide.){Obtaining: this trinket would become available to obtain from any max level villager, while the Hero of the Village buff is active, after individual players complete a set number of pillager raids. After earning the initial ability to obtain this trinket, it will be available in intervals after a reduced number of raids.}
    • \16* [The Feather Charm that gives the same effect as feather falling I]
    • \17* [a trinket that gives an Efficiency enchantment effect as a small, general speed boost to mining with low-tier (wood/stone) pickaxes and shovels]
    • \18* [This trinket that grants the Sweeping Edge I enchantment effect for any unenchanted sword](Note: base trinket effects of *16, *17, & *18 would not stack with enchanted tools, weapons, or armor and the trinkets would effectively be disabled, regardless of enchantments. Possible allowance of these Functional Items to be enchanted with their respective enchantments would allow stacking with non-similar enchantments. Similar and identical enchantments would not stack; higher enchantment levels would take priority.)
    • \19* [Compass and {color} Marker: set custom Tracking Points with individual compasses, color code them for item identification. Right click/activate a block with an empty hand to set a Tracking Point with a marker/mini flag/banner, twice to remove it. Activating other blocks moves the tracking point. Alternatively there could be marked icons on filled out maps that disappear and appear on de/activation of Tracking Points. Tracking compasses would have to be equipped in the Functional item slot for marked icons to appear on maps].{Crafting, Shapeless: Compass + Banner (any color)}


    Thank you to everyone who took time to read any amount of this.

    I understand some ideas here are points of contention and others I'm sure are found to be rather mundane, but they are just ideas more so to start discussion rather than to be in the running for actual implementation despite how it some things may be written. This is all in my opinion on how I think things could be implemented if they were to be implemented.

    submitted by /u/GreyWastelander
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    Turtle shell buff

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 12:32 PM PST

    So I never liked the turtle shell because it is hard to get yet it doesn't even give you as much extra water breathing as a level of respiration so I have two ideas for it

    1.bring the water breathing extra time up to 30 seconds

    2.make it so that when wearing the turtle shell your water breathing reverts to 1.12 and below meaning that when you hit an air bubble your breath instantly goes to maximum

    I feel this would make people more tempted to choose the turtle shell as their main helmet than then a diamond helmet and would add some more strategy to the game

    submitted by /u/GorillaFace2
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    Serrated enchantment for elytra

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:12 PM PST

    Flying into mobs with an elytra with Serrated will damage them depending on the level of the enchant (and possibly the speed too). Damaging mobs with Serrated also slightly damages the elytra

    Level I: Deals 3 hearts damage Level II: Deals 4 hearts of damage Level III: Deals 5 hearts of damage

    submitted by /u/Claw262
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    Living Armor Stands

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:05 PM PST

    When an armor stand is struck by lightning, it is transformed into an aggressive mob that uses the items that are mounted on it. Living Armor Stands have AI that mirrors the combat style of player characters, providing players with a way to hone their pvp skills in single player.

    Living Armor Stands will pick up nearby items and use them. This includes food, potions, weapons, and arrows. It will even cycle between weapons and offhand items if it has more than one. Stands have the same inventory size as a player. They will drop everything hey are carrying on death.

    Living Armor Stands spawn naturally on the upper floors of Woodland Mansions. They are more commonly adorned in iron, gold, or chain, but sometimes carry one piece of diamond equipment. Their mounted equipment may be enchanted. Naturally spawned stands will still pick up and use items.

    Defeating a Living Armor Stand unlocks the "Stand By Me" advancement.

    submitted by /u/TheMysticMungus
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    Lockable doors with keys

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 11:49 PM PST

    Hey all.

    I'm new to posting and would like to suggest a new item and a new mechanism for doors.

    I wish that we could keep doors in a locked state without the use of command blocks.

    So what I was thinking is that a key could be added so you cant open or close doors when the key is used on it.

    Well, a default key can lock or unlock any default doors except iron doors. But if the door and the key is named as the same using nametags. You can only open or close that door using the given key.

    This could be useful in decorations as the doors used on those can be opened accidentally and can also be used in adventure maps for fetch quests and such.

    Trap doors can have the same effect too.

    submitted by /u/chocolater3
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    Box of Rejection

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 10:35 PM PST

    Rare dungeon chest reward, a container that prevents you from picking up anything that is placed inside it. So if all you want from chickens is their meat, add a feather and an egg to the box. If you don't want anymore rotten flesh, add that to the box.

    • The Box of Rejection has 9 inventory spaces, and can only hold 1x of any item. The unusually small capacity is a consideration made for balance.

    • Like a shulker box, it retains its inventory when broken, and it can not be placed inside a shulker.

    • Rejected items will not drop on the ground when a player carrying the BoR makes the kill. This does not effect loot-tables aside from voiding those items. This consideration is made for lag.

    • An empty Box of Rejection can be combined with a hopper to create a Magic Filter; a new hopper, with the same functionality as the BoR, but also acts as a redstone-free way of preventing items from passing through hopper systems.

    Its appearance is that of an upside-down, badly cracked shulker box.

    submitted by /u/TheMysticMungus
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    Treasure enchants need tweaking

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:08 AM PST

    I believe treasure enchants such as mending are currently too easy to get due to villager lecturn replacing. A simple, easy change would be to remove treasure enchants from villagers. It makes these enchantments much harder to get, which may annoy some players but is better from a balancing viewpoint.

    submitted by /u/ilikedankmemes0
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    ���� Baby piglins ����

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 05:49 AM PST

    How come there are adult piglins but not babys are they just born that big I hope not so here is my comment for babies piglins and why they should be in minecraft.

    Piglins have to of been in the Nether for a while because they already know how to make tools,build structures,and know to stay in groups they must of been there for a while. So how come their are not baby piglins but their are baby zombified piglin or zombie pigmen for anybody who are still getting use to their new name. I don't think they would be as rare though cause their if thousands of piglins in the nether.

    Baby piglins would act like regular pigmen but would stay in groups of 2 to 6 baby piglins then they play games such as tag,archery,or hunting. The baby piglin would be mysterious and would sometimes break windows,jump on your crops, or try and scare you by putting on a mob head and jumping toward you or something. I like the fact that they like to pull pranks on the player and just be a all around minis.

    The baby piglins would hold little wooden swords or like slingshots instead of golden sword and crossbows to show they are more of a practice weapon.

    submitted by /u/fishycoper
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    Last Stand enchantment for armor

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 10:22 PM PST

    If you're wearing armor enchanted with Last Stand, an effect kicks in when you're on low health that's on a cooldown.

    Level I: When below or at 3 hearts, the armor enchanted with this gains 1.5x as much defense for 5 seconds on a 1 minute cooldown

    Level II: Effect last 10 seconds and is 1.75x rather than 1.5x with a 1 minute cooldown

    Level III: Effect lasts 15 seconds and is now 2x defense with a 1 minute cooldown. Effect also heals 5 hearts on a 3 minute cooldown seperate from the defense cooldown

    This could be a treasure enchant

    submitted by /u/Claw262
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    Amiibo support for Nintendo Switch

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:22 AM PST

    This post is for the Nintendo Switch version (not the discontinued one), but the current Bedrock platform. Something is missing, which is amiibo support. Scanning an amiibo once every few Minecraft days ingame could give you a random Nintendo skin (not duplicate). A lot of first-party games made for the Switch can actually use/import Amiibos, but third party games like Minecraft weirdly can't. When an amiibo has been scanned, a new skin should then be unlocked for the player for permanent usage, even without an Xbox account (Amiibo are different from xbox). Amiibo cannot be scanned if the player is in the Void, dead, taking damage, or sleeping.

    Midna's skin should also have the helmet look more 3D, I mean, you can get skins with hats on I think. Also should have the hair included (has no gameplay advantage and is just meant to look good. The markings should also have a faint glow (light level 1-2). This skin would be obtainable from a Midna amiibo, or randomly through a regular amiibo or amiibo card.

    Using an amiibo once could give you an achievement called "Amiibo Basics"

    Using an Amiibo 100 times could give you an achievement called "Amiibo Juniour"

    Using an amiibo 500 times could give you an achievement called "Amiibo Expert"

    But when Amiibo are used 1000 times, you should get the achievement called "Amiibo Master".

    This would be Nintendo Switch exclusive on Bedrock.

    Why amiibo? Well, Minecraft Bedrock has been on Switch for a while now, so why not for Nintendo Switch? Imagine a Creeper Amiibo or a Wolf Amiibo (not Wolf Link). Or even better, a Wither amiibo!

    Note that amiibo is not multiplayer or crossplay, so if you enable amiibo on your world, you will lose crossplay on your world. On multiplayer enabled worlds/servers, your skin will show as a default.

    Come to think of it, Ganon/Ganondorf should emit a shroud of darkness when equipped as a skin. This is just meant to look cool. It's not a strong darkness - just at light level -3

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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