• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers Project Nebula [SMP] {1.14.4} {Whitelist} {Datapacks} {Discord} {Community} {Dynmap} {Paper MC} {Hermitcraft-Like}

    Minecraft Servers Project Nebula [SMP] {1.14.4} {Whitelist} {Datapacks} {Discord} {Community} {Dynmap} {Paper MC} {Hermitcraft-Like}

    Project Nebula [SMP] {1.14.4} {Whitelist} {Datapacks} {Discord} {Community} {Dynmap} {Paper MC} {Hermitcraft-Like}

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 09:29 AM PST

    Project Nebula

    Project Nebula is a Hermitcraft-style SMP started by /u/Colinator007 and I. We love playing as a community and generally interacting with new people, which is why we started a server. Our community is tight, and very welcoming! We are full of personable, interesting people, and I hope you give our server a shot. You'll meet lots of new people!

    We are currently running a server-wide Secret Santa! It is open to everyone, and we hope you join us for it!

    About Us

    Colin and I are college students looking to play with new people! We're both engineering students and love to fiddle with redstone and farms. But we also love building beautiful structures and planning a nice base, and just generally hanging out and relaxing with some games. We encourage all playstyles and love to see the creative ways you guys play this game! We have experience hosting multiple servers in the past, such as Colincraft and Nebula Network, and have joined/played on many servers, too.

    Our goal is to not only create an active Minecraft server, but an active community and group of friends as well. While our community has a solid base, we are always looking to expand our group and we'd love to get to know you! We'd love to play other games with you in addition to Minecraft, such as Terraria, GTA V, Smash Ultimate, or whatever else you may have on Steam (or other consoles, like Switch)! We've found that many of our players tend to be college students majoring in engineering.

    You can reach our Discord by clicking this link. You will initially only see the #rules channel. You must agree to our rules using !agree and will then be able to apply for whitelist, with a special message DM'd to you with instructions. Upon acceptance you will be granted access to the rest of the Discord!

    Our Dynmap can be found here!


    We are hosting the following servers:

    • Minecraft 1.14.4 Vanilla (Running Paper MC with no major plugins. Our map started June 8th 2019 :))

      -This server uses quality-of-life datapacks, which are designed to aid the experience and efficiency of the game without altering the Vanilla feel. Examples include one-player sleep, logical uncrafting, and Ender Dragon dropping elytra. A full list of datapacks can be found here! To improve server performance we've been running the latest builds of Paper MC because it has better chunk loading and is generally more stable than Vanilla. No game-changing plugins are used, we only use a couple plugins to optimize villagers and pillagers, as well as core protect for admin purposes. We run Paper just for the better performance. Full Vanilla experience!

    • Minecraft 1.14 Creative

      -Flatworld for our community to test their builds and other creations. Uses same datapacks as main server for consistency.

    • Terraria Server

      -We currently do not have a Terraria server running, but we can start a run soon if there is enough community interest!

    • Hytale server (Upon release)

      -We're hyped!!

    • Modded Minecraft server

      -We have a modded server with the All the Mods 3 modpack! Come check it out.

    • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

      -Not a dedicated server, but we'll have arenas open pretty often for you guys to play, and even tournaments if we have enough interest in that. Send us your friend codes if you'd like to play with us! You already know we're playing as Sans Undertale.

    • Other Minecraft gamemodes & community events

      -We currently have our next UHC slated for December 7th at 1 PM PDT! We'd love to have you join us! It'll be a "Double Dates" game, meaning you come with a chosen teammate and are randomized with another pair to make a team of 4. The UHC's we host are great ways to get to meet people in our community and we hope to see you there!


    The obvious rules with whitelisted servers, such as:

    • Don't be a dick (aka: the Golden Rule ™)

    • No griefing or stealing. Even if it's a small thing, at least notify the person with a sign or DM.

    • PvP is allowed only with consent from BOTH PARTIES. If you keep pestering someone into PvP, that isn't consent; it's peer pressure.

    • No hacked clients or client-side mods that provide an unfair advantage. Things like inventory tweaks, minimaps. and litematica are perfectly acceptable. Ask an admin if you are unsure.

    • No slurs or offensive statements that attack someone's religion, gender, or other beliefs. This includes building hateful monuments as well.

    • Discord and a working microphone are required. We obviously don't expect you to always hop into a voice channel whenever you play, but we value speaking to our players and getting to know them through voice chat!

    • This community leans towards applicants that are 18+. However, this is not a strict rule, and we encourage everyone to apply, no matter their age. We base our whitelist decisions based on maturity rather than age, but simply prefer applicants that are a closer age to ourselves (which means 18 years and up). To put it in perspective, most of us are college students around our 2nd-3rd years.

    • Just be nice and friendly, we're all here to have a good time! :)

    • A full list of rules can be found on our Discord.

    Server Specifications

    Colin and I recently purchased a physical server, which is pretty cool to have! Here are the specs:

    • Intel i7 4770k - 3.5GHz

    • 32 GB RAM

    • 2x1 TB SSD's

    • XUbuntu Linux Distro

    • Hosted in Los Angeles, California

    We seriously value input from all our applicants and members, so if you have any suggestions at all to alter rules or host other games, we'd love to hear them! Feel free to message us on Discord or Reddit with any questions you may have.

    We hope you consider applying to our server!!!

    submitted by /u/RavingPlatypi
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    SimpleCraft [SMP] {Economy} {1.14.4}

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 04:57 AM PST

    Server Name: SimpleCraft

    Server IP: play.simplecraft.org

    Version: Java 1.14.4

    Discord: https://discord.gg/AGWy6Kv

    Hello there!

    We are looking for friendly players to join our community. The server provides a unique semi-vanilla experience and a great atmosphere for new and older players. Feel free to hop on and test our atmosphere. :)

    SimpleCraft is a free-to-play (meaning no purchasable ranks available), semi-vanilla Minecraft server with a friendly and welcoming community. The server allows you to claim large amounts of land, set as many homes as you like, pick up spawners and create shops to trade with others. The map is really big (75.000 blocks in all directions), only a small portion of the terrain has been explored as of yet. If you rather live near others, there are some players towns on the server, you can even build your own!

    As the name suggest, we like to keep things simple and as true to the game as possible. Our few rules include: No giefing, no stealing, no cheating and please be mature, respectful and use your common sense! We are not very fond of toxicity, so those players get removed to sustain the peaceful environment on the server.

    If you would like to see more of us and our server, check out our Instagram

    We are always looking forward to new players and we hope to see you soon!


    submitted by /u/DaCapitall
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    Dusty-Kingdom [Semi-Vanilla] {18+}

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 06:27 AM PST

    Dusty kingdom:


    You'll be able to join from any device: xbox, pc, ios, android, and the switch.

    If you want to join you must be 18+

    This is a survival server, don't expect anything else.

    This is to be a chill server where you can come in relax and be part of the community.

    To join you must be in our discord and follow the steps there.

    Here are some of the server rules:

    - Be respectful

    - No duping

    - No griefing

    - No hacking

    - No stealing

    - No PVP without consent

    Discord: https://discord.gg/CqheANU

    If you have any questions ask them in the comments.

    some past server pics:













    submitted by /u/SurvivalGuy52
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    FantasyRealm Survival [SMP] {1.14.4} {McMMO} {Economy} {Slimefun}

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 12:03 AM PST

    You like casual Minecraft?

    Fantasy Realm Survival 1.14.4 IP: FantasyRealmMC.com:25565

    • Survival

      • Unique Semi-Vanilla
      • Friendly Community
      • Time Ranks
      • Economy
      • Crates
      • Vote Rewards
      • 24/7 uptime
      • No Lag
      • Helpful staff
      • Easy to play


    1.Respect All Players

    1. No hacks or Exploits

    2. No Griefing

    3. Pvp is not allowed unless consent is given

    4. No Chat Spam

    This is a brand new survival server. If you were looking for a survival server with an unlimited amount of fun and joy, Fantasy Realm is the right place for you! Here, we have a friendly and helpful staff group, a stunning and beautiful world for you to explore as well as a wide range of features listed above.

    submitted by /u/Piinkwrath
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    IronCraft 3 [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{18+Only}{1.14.4}{Dynmap}{Buffed Mobs}{Fresh Reset}

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 08:00 AM PST

    No Ranks/No Teleports/No One Player Sleep/No Pay to Win/No Land Claim

    We recently started Season 3 on a brand new map. (11/18/19) The dragon has not been killed yet.

    Long term players are encouraged.


    If regular mobs just are too easy for you.... Our mobs rule the nights. No Multiplayer Sleep. The Long Night is dark and full of Terrors. Come cower behind walls with us. No ranks. No teleports. No pay to win. No Land Claim. You just play Hard+ Survival Minecraft.

    This is A Mature Adult Server. Only 18 year+ will be considered. 30 year+ Players Encouraged. We prefer quality players over quantity.

    Join now!

    Quality Builders will find a good, long-term home here. Dynmap

    Please fill out and post application below.

    This is unlike most servers. If you are looking for a more punishing Minecraft experience, this might be for you. We play on Hard settings with buffs added to some mobs. You will die. Often. This is for Crafters made of the True Steel.

    -Zombies have 160% HP , 200% attack, are faster, will hunt you from 200 blocks 10x standard range + will call for backup when attacked 20% of the time.

    -Skeletons have 200% HP

    -Phantoms Have 225% Attack.

    -Enderman Have 200% HP

    Here are the rules of the World

    1. No AFK fish farming. NO Mods, NO Cheats, No Cheat Glitches. Do not duplicate.
    2. No Redstone Pulse Water Flushing Farms/No Sky Mob Farms. Only reasonable sized lag-free farms are allowed.
    3. Only overworld non AFK XP farms. No Nether/End based XP farms
    4. All players are given a town plot. You may build in town or set out into the wilds. Please no Redstone in town. Player Shops have a separate district in the City.
    5. No griefing or stealing. Do not duplicate. Do not go into other players' houses without permission.
    6. Only engage in PvP if you have the other player's permission.
    7. No floating trees. Please don't take surface terracotta or destroy deserts. Please try to clean up creeper blasts.
    8. When finished reading these rules we ask that you write !stark in the Discord #general text channel.
    9. When spawning a Wither please let a mod know prior to doing so and the approx location. Please refrain from doing so near populated/built up areas.
    10. Please build bases a minimum of 750 blocks away from the Spawn/Town area. (see map)

    Friendly, Mature Community. Open 24/7. Hi-Res DynMap (view the server map in your browser)

    CoreProtect (anti-greiifing and anti-cheating plugin)

    DiscordSRV (to connect Discord & in-game chat)

    Requirements:-Discord-Must be 18+ (30+ preferred)

    Application (submit your answers by replying to this post):

    1. IGN:
    2. Age:
    3. Favorite Minecraft Activity (mining,building,exploring, etc.)?:
    4. Favorite Movie?:
    submitted by /u/MajorSnow
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    The Lab SMP [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {1.14.4}

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 09:30 AM PST

    Hello! We're looking for great people to play on our survival minecraft server! This server is just about having fun in minecraft how you like, whether its farms, building cool things, or just hanging around and chatting, this is a good server with a nice community! We use some datapacks to make the experience a bit more enjoyable, making it easier to get certain things and whatnot.

    Our rules and full datapack list can be found here: https://telegra.ph/Labcraft-Rules-and-Datapack-list-07-25

    Please do read the rules before applying.


    all you need to do is go into our discord server and leave a message in the "Player Application" channel, make sure it includes the following: Your IGN (most important) age, this doesn't effect whether i'll let you in the server or not, i just like to know the demographic of the server. Where you're from, or at least your Time zone, so we can organize group events a bit easier. something interesting about yourself! Do you fight bears in your spare time? I wanna know! Really good at redstone? Tell me! are you an awesome builder? Lets see something you made!

    Having discord and being able to keep up in the server there is a requirement, or you might miss out on things and possibly get unwhitelisted. Discord link: https://discord.gg/rx3VV4X make sure you at least send a message so you dont get kicked!

    Hope to see you there! and welcome to The Lab! :)

    submitted by /u/gyropaw
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    ShellCraft [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] {Discord} {1.14}

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 08:02 AM PST

    Is community your thing? Then join ours!
    Hello! Bit of an update, now that we have a couple people playing on our server, I thought it was time to update this thread! So, for anyone interested, what do you need to know?

    We have new Worldgeneration, so no vanilla biomes. Everything is new and interesting. Even caves arent what they used to be! Using the Doglamoo worlds mod, the world looks as beautiful as ever. And no, you dont need anything to join, no mods, no forge. You can connect with a normal Vanilla client!

    Now, you also need to join our discord. There you can find the rules, how to apply and of course everyone else!
    For now we are mostly american, and since I am in Europe I find it hard to play with them... so if you come from Europe please, dont hesitate to join : D I need some people who can play with me at regular times too haha!
    Server is of course always online and whitelisted. Once you joined the Discord, you have to fill out a little form, and we'll see from there : )

    I hope to get to meet you soon!

    oh and btw, if you have any questions, you can always @Snailtan me on discord, or just pm me. If you write me here, it may take quite a while for me to answer... so try not to ;).

    submitted by /u/WhyWhyIdontKnow
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    BadWolfMC [SMP]{18+}{Greylist}{1.14.4}{SkyBlock}{Magic}{PlotWorld}{Paintball}

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 10:10 AM PST


    BadWolfMC is a long-running, laid-back, semi-vanilla server network for adults (18+) with lots of room to build and a few plugins to add a little fun and to keep your builds safe. In addition to the Minecraft worlds we all love our Beta server features SkyBlock, AcidIsland, & SkyGrid and a creative PlotWorld, and find our Magical Worlds on our Gamma server! Members also enjoy Paintball & Parkour arenas, Elytra Challenges, mazes, a public end grinder, public tree farm, an expansive vanilla gaming park where members can build, regularly reset resource worlds, a massive shopping center that houses space for over 80 player and server shops, and we hold regular holiday events and build contests. Get chatting on our Discord server with in-game chat integration, and we have a very helpful wiki, useful for n00bs and veterans alike. Join us and become a part of our growing community with members from all over the globe!

    Our mission is to be a place to unwind and have a little fun, and our philosophy is to add to the game, not take away from it. We are very laid-back and won't get on your case about language, but still request that everyone be respectful. We also do our best to be EULA compliant, and we encourage and welcome feedback from all of our users.

    Membership Application Required: if you like the place and the rules fit your style, feel free to apply for permissions at BadWolfMC.com!

    General Server Rules (full rules here)

    • All players must be 18 years of age or older - that's the whole "Adult Minecraft Server" bit.

    • No Griefing - Breaking or placing blocks within another player's clearly defined area is strictly prohibited. This is true even in PvP and for seemingly abandoned builds - if it's not yours, don't touch it.

    • No Client Mods/Exploits - Client modifications (other than Optifine) or exploits to the game are not allowed. (forge, lightloader, flying, speed, x-ray, item duplication etc.)

    • No Advertising/Spam - No advertising servers/websites/mods in the chat or filling the chat with repeated messages.

    • Common Sense/Maturity - This is a game, be respectful, have fun, don't rage, don't participate in drama, don't harass people, mind the server conventions, etc.

    Come take a look around as our guest at IP: play.badwolfmc.com We hope you'll be as excited about this place as we are!

    We look forward to seeing you in game!

    submitted by /u/BadWolfMC
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    World Of Atlantida [Semi-Vanilla] {1.14.4}

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 10:07 AM PST

    World Of Atlantida is a new survival server that aims to bring you the original Minecraft experience. The goal is to provide gameplay most true to minecraft at its core, with little to no modifications or plugins. Ontop of that, the server has very few rules and staff to truly give players freedom. There are no guidelines, no expectations, and no limits to what you can do. The world is yours.

    We preserve your survival experience, and do not allow raiding or griefing, which means all your builds are completely safe. If you like pure survival, this is the server for you!

    Server IP address mc.worldofatlantida.com

    One of our player still build a spawn in survival and making YouTube videos for our project about minecraft, don't pay attention about spawn is not finish yet, we have a lot big players builds projects such as towns, cities, shopping district etc., planned projects such as better nether hub, the end dragon spawn area, events area, minigames on survival server and minigames servers.

    Website and forum coming soon.


    1) Respect everyone

    2) Do not cheat or exploit

    3) Do not abuse artistic

    4) License maintain player and account safety

    submitted by /u/WorldOfAtlantida
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    Vanillacraft [Vanilla] [SMP] {Season 1} {1.14.4} {EU} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 12:08 PM PST

    Hello all! The server has just started season 1 last week (November 2019) and we have a big journey ahead. We are looking for long-term , mature players with creative build ideas. We hope to build a small active community within the server where we can help each other on group projects such as; netherlink tunnels, monument excavations, minigames and other big builds. Or feel free to work solo without the risk of worrying about map resets deleting your build progress. The minimal quality of life datapacks used in the server are listed below.

    Our specific datapacks include:

    • Decapitation (aka Mobheads) - Mobs killed by the player has a chance of dropping mobheads.
    • Colored Dyeing - Adds the ability to redye dyeable blocks via Crafting Table.
    • Sawblade - More Stonecutter Recipes
    • Multiplayer Sleep - Reduces the amount of players that needs to sleep down to 50%
    • Blacksmithing - No "Too Expensive" in Anvils


    • No Cheating
    • No Stealing

    If you wish to join the server and want more info please comment your discord below, DM me via reddit or add me direct; TheDiamondPlayables#2591 Alternatively, click here to fill out the server application form. We look forward to hearing from you!

    submitted by /u/Voiq
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    PalmCraft [SMP] {Economy} {Plots} {1.13}

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 09:02 AM PST

    PalmCraft [SMP] {Economy} {Plots} {1.13}

    Realm Name: PalmCraft

    Version: Bedrock 1.13

    Realm Code: https://realms.gg/TOEDO74Ggl8

    Discord: https://discord.gg/Hpmdffb

    Hello there!

    We are looking for people to join our realm! We just made it, and I would like to extend our community!

    PalmCraft is a fun, vanilla realm with plots, economy, and more coming soon! We allow our community to vote on all updates and changes, and everyone is very nice, not toxic!

    There are very few rules to follow! No griefing, no hacking, duping is allowed (for now, until our community decides on whether that should be allowed or not), and that's about it!

    If you would like to receive updates, please join the discord, and have fun!

    We look forward to meeting you!

    -The PalmCraft team

    submitted by /u/PalmsCafeMCPE
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    Near Vanilla [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Mature 18+} {Whitelisted} {Community} {1.14.4} {Survival}

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 07:03 AM PST

    Hey all, thanks for your interest in the Near Vanilla Server.

    If you're 18+ and looking for a fun, relaxed, and community driven server, then Near Vanilla is the place for you! We offer a Multiplayer experience in a Vanilla Minecraft world, where you can create and make whatever you like in a safe and positive environment.

    About the server:

    Oftentimes the multiplayer experience can negatively impact the vanilla minecraft experience, or vice versa. Therefore, the only plugins we have aid grief prevention, administration, and those that enhance the vanilla multiplayer experience. With a dedicated discord and an admin team, we're sure that you'll enjoy a great multiplayer experience on our server without issue. With the game difficulty set to hard, and PVP enabled (although only used for consensual purposes) you'll for sure need to make a friend or two to keep the zombies at bay!

    Who we are:

    We're a bunch of 18+ from all walks of life that have come together to play Minecraft to create, build, collect and explore. Near Vanilla provides that perfect place for us because we have an emphasis on putting real life first and so our server is kept as a place for fun and relaxation with friends. We act and communicate in a responsible manner and therefore expect that others do the same; and as such we are a server free from bullying, griefing, stealing, and general negative attitudes that can unfortunately be found in SMPs often.

    What you can expect:

    The moment you log on to Near Vanilla you can be sure you'll receive a warm welcome, instant offers of help and support, and a server that is really happy to have made an additional friend. Often we run community events and work on projects together, however playing more solo is fine too - there is no pressure! As a group we are extremely interested in your views and opinions, and so generally any changes made to the server are voted on first because we always put our community ahead. Expect to have a say and be heard!

    Lightweight add-ons:

    Deathlog : Let's you know where you died (coordinates)

    Kickafk: Kicks players that afk more than 3 hours

    Criteria for being accepted:

    • 18+
    • Being a nice person

    Zero tolerance policy:

    No hacking, glitching or duping allowed. If we see a player do one of these three things there will be no mercy. This will result in a permanent ban.

    No griefing, bullying, insulting or being prejudice to others. Be mindful of the community that you're joining or expect to face disciplinary action.

    Server Specs:

    • CPU reaching up to 5.0 Ghz
    • Fast NVME SSD storage in raid 1 with automatic backups
    • 8 GB of dedicated DDR4 ram
    • Gigabit internet connection
    • DDOS protection
    • Dedicated server - not shared hosting!

    To apply fill in the following and post it below or use form on our website:

    1. Age:
    2. IGN:
    3. What brings you to our community?
    4. What are some of your goals for this server?
    5. Tell us a little about yourself!

    Our IP is: play.nearvanilla.com

    Our website: https://nearvanilla.com

    Finally, be sure you get yourself on discord and join us here so that you can really get the full Near Vanilla experience. We're friendly, fun and keen to meet you!

    No reddit account? Apply here!

    submitted by /u/OfficialNearVanilla
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    ELEVATING Minecraft Server [Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.14.4} {Hermitcraft Datapacks} {18+}

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 06:45 PM PST

    Elevating Minecraft is a Java Vanilla 1.14.4 Minecraft survival server looking to recruit exciting new players that would best fit our continuously growing community. We have around 30+ whitelisted players. 15+ of those who are active everyday.

    The server is just reaching towards a month old, so we do have much more to do. As we continue to grow, finding players that would bring benefit to our server is a must, and of course-- to have fun. We do have an age restriction of 18+. But have in mind that we do have players that are 16-17 years of age. A major portion of our age restriction is due to maturity and being able to be comfortable around mature adults, and also having topics to talk about that are in common is very important for us as well! If you are 16+ and feel that you are mature, try applying!

    We are currently fairly built around our spawn consisting of a shopping district, commercial district, nether hub (currently under construction), and so much more. We try to focus our big builds for community use, as well as building them together as a community. Our currency runs on diamonds and trust between the players.

    Our server offers the following datapacks:

    AFK Name Changer - Displays a persons' name slightly lighter in the tab menu when they are AFK.
    Multiplayer Sleep - Allows the progression to day with only one person sleeping
    More Mob Heads - Monsters have a rare chance of dropping heads.
    Custom Armor Stands - An obtainable book that allows you to modify the actions of your Armor Stand. (Check by the top floor of our Townhall for more information).
    Anti-Enderman Grief - Enderman are not able to pick up blocks.
    Silence Mobs - Annoying mob sounds are mutable.
    Double Shulker Shells - Upon killing a Shulker, they WILL drop two Shulker Shells.
    Player Head Drop - Able to collect the heads of players you kill, but do have in mind that PVP is for appropriate occasions.
    Dragon Drops Elytra - The death of the Ender Dragon will drop an Elytra + dragon egg.

    Our server is a trust and honesty system. We run off these core rules that every player must understand and follow:

    1. No griefing. Griefing is the intentional destruction or deletion of others property.
    2. No stealing/ PvP (unless special event).
    3. No duplicating items, x-raying, or anything else that can give you an advantage that other players do not have. This also includes the use of third party programs that create unfair advantage illegal. (This rule has an exception for TNT for approved purpose of use only)
    4. Language Policy - Keep it pleasant, but we will not police the server, have fun but do not cross the boundary nor harass anyone.
    5. You break it, you fix it. Return all things back to normal such as crops, items, etc
    6. Must join discord as that is how we keep organized running our server.

    If this is something that is of interest to you, please fill out the following form. Note that this is really the only way for us to get a glimpse of who you are, so please take it seriously.


    Please join our discord server and wait for approval, please have IGN in your nickname. Feel free to ask any questions you may have as you wait. Our team will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.


    Thank you in advance for your interest. We will only be selecting a handful of new members, so if you do not get picked, stick around for the next recruiting day!

    Please wait until one of the moderators to message you privately regarding your approval. Looking forward to play with you!

    submitted by /u/DoubleVVS
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    The Four Corners [Vanilla] [PVP] {Factions} {1.15} {No Whitelist} {Discord}

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 04:38 PM PST

    With the release of 1.15 (December 10th) I'm starting a new vanilla factions server. There are four teams (blue, green, red and yellow) and only 6 basic rules (griefing, PVP and looting is allowed). There isn't a whitelist so invite whoever you like. PM me for the discord link as the old IP ( is likely to change before the server goes online.

    submitted by /u/ThatOtherDude872
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    EvilBits[Hub]{Skyblock}{Factions}{Earth SMP}{Bedwars}{HideNSeek}

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 11:23 PM PST

    Come check out our new Minecraft server, releasing soon.

    Join our discord for exclusive perks and details on the releasing!

    Click here to join the discord!

    The server will include…

    • Skyblock
    • Factions
    • Earth SMP
    • Bedwars
    • HideNSeek
    • And more to come!

    Rules: stated in the discord under the rules chat.

    Hiring staff so hurry and join the discord while positions are still open!!!

    submitted by /u/chrisanater34
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    KPVP [PvP] {Factions} {Events} {Crates} {Votifier}

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 10:06 PM PST

    KPVP Factions

    Factions Server by 7+ Year Faction Veterans

    IP: KPVP.Net

    Discord: https://discord.gg/Na3Y5kB

    Store: http://kpvp.tebex.io

    Forums: https://kpvpserver.enjin.com

    Some Server Features

    • Factions
    • Skulls
    • McMmo
    • WildStacker
    • PlayerVaults
    • Rankups & Prestiges
    • BountyHunters
    • Votifier
    • Duels
    • Crates
    • Events
    • Paychecks
    • Capture Mobs
    • More to come!

    Server Info

    • IP : KPVP.Net
    • Version: 1.14.4
    • GameType: Factions
    • GameMode: Survival
    • Build & Staff Team
    • 99.9% Uptime
    • 100 Slots
    • 1,000,000 Block World Border from Spawn


    1. Hacked clients, texture packs, or mods that give you an unfair advantage over vanilla players is unallowed.

    2. Excessive use of racism, or spamming will get you muted.

    3. Use common sense and be respectful of the Staff team.

    4. Exploiting bugs, glitches or economy will get you in jail and your balance reset.

    5. Griefing, Raiding and PVP is allowed.

    6. Anything illegal in your country, state, province, etc is not permitted here.

    7. Impersonating staff will get you muted.

    8. DDoS, DoX, Malware or anything of that nature to another player will result in an IP-Ban.

    9. Advertising another server will get you banned with no appeal.

    10. Abusing permissions that were intentionally or accidentally set is not allowed.

    Server Specs/Hardware

    Slots: 100

    CPU: Intel Xeon E5 1650 v2/v3

    RAM: 4 x 16384 MB sticks

    Storage: 2 x 240GB SSD in RAID

    NIC: 500Mb/s / 1Gb/s

    Hosted in: Canada

    IP: KPVP.Net


    New Players may type /New to receive a free welcome gift!

    We seriously value input from all our members, so if you have any suggestions, we'd enjoy hearing them and your feedback in general! Feel free to message us on our Discord with any questions you may have.


    KPVP Staff Team.

    submitted by /u/AMSapphire
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    [WANTED] [PVP] Two nations battling against each other for supremacy vanilla server

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 05:37 PM PST

    My name is Demos77 and I have been looking for a server where two sides battle each other in Minecraft. Currently the closest server I know of to this is Empire War. Sadly Empire War is only sometimes active on the weekend, plus it is not regular vanilla. As a side note I am very interested in history. Any kind of server where you have less than 11 teams against each other I am interested in. I realize this style may not be popular but it is worth looking for at least. Many thanks for the help, much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Prestigious_Cheese
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    NeatoBuilds [semi-vanilla] {survival} {amplified}

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 03:12 PM PST

    We just added a Sky Islands world!

    • Small, friendly, committed, long-term community.
    • Play like it was single player survival.
    • No land claim, build wherever and as big as you want.
    • No ranks, there is no pay to win, everyone helps with decision making, and can choose their own name color.
    • no /home or /tp, this helps build a closer community.
    • We use coreprotect for protection, we are able to undo griefing done per-player, so we do not have to roll back the entire server. Everyone has access to the /co i command so you can check your own items for trespass or grief and report as needed.
    • No world resets, ever. We are here for the long-term builders who like to build huge projects, or like to move and start new after some time, but keeping the history of our world since 2015. We change spawn every year or so to unlock new generated areas and make room for new players without deleting the work of previous players.

    We like the vanilla mechanics of Minecraft and try our best to keep our plugins light, We are just looking for mature players who don't steal and can work either with us or on their own.

    When you first join you will have to go through a quiz which usually keeps out the impatient players who just want to grief.

    After that you will see two portals where you can choose Vanilla or Amplified. You can always go between worlds later by returning to the world's spawn point and going into the hub portal.

    Most of us are on the west coast so we usually get online around 5pm PST


    1. Don't build too close to someone else, 500 blocks distance preferred
    2. Do not steal, do not grief, PVP only with consent
    3. No over exploitative builds, please ask a mod before building something you think is an exploit
    4. No vulgar or demeaning language

    Server IP: mc.neatobuilds.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neatobuilds/

    submitted by /u/NeatoBuilds
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    No Coords [Semi-Vanilla] [anarchy]

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 04:00 PM PST




    I. Description


    At nocoords.com we strive to offer you an unadultered experience of the Game, as it was intended to be played by our almighty father Notch.

    The server has been up since March of the VIIth year of our Lord Notch, so there are plenty of interesting places to explore.

    You spawn in the middle of an ocean: swim, find land, start your adventure. No one is gonna tell you how to play.

    It's up to you to create a brilliant civilization or to turn the world into clusters of smoking cobblestone ruins.

    Will you be respected and admired for your creativity, feared as a merciless lord of war, or despised and hated as a vulgar, useless, good for nothing, sexually frustrated, degenerate and illiterate random griefer?

    Indeed, on nocoords.com, griefing and raiding do not constitute a bannable offence, but are considered a petty behaviour when done randomly and without any reason.

    Our server nocoords.com is not a summer camp for lazy casual gamers, it's an immersive journey in a tough environment, a new era, a fertile field for emergent gameplay...

    Notch willing, the world shall never reset and shall last two thousand years, before Notch, Gabe Newell and Steve Jobs come in glory to judge the geeks and the gamers.

    As much as we struggle against the plague of cheaters, there is no certain way to detect them.
    This ineffable heresy, this abomination, this monstruous crime against the Holy Game and our almighty lord Notch may he be praised for his holy blessings, this crime exists for every game and will probably keep existing for a long time. Thus we have to deal with the fact that they exist, and just consider them as natural disasters.

    If you want to participate to the Holy Crusade we lead against the cheaters, those shameless miscreants, worshipers of Herobrine and Thomas le sheep, living in the filth of casual gaming, report them.

    If you stumble upon a cheater -may they burn in the pits of Hell- ignore it and log out.

    Do not try to fight it or to convince it to do good, for a cheater has no soul, and it could kill you with its bare hands, even if you had a diamond armour.

    Verily I say unto you, he that zealously and piously reports those heretic piles of crap shall be rewarded in the day of Judgement with Minecon goodies.

    My brothers and sisters fanatic survivalists, I hope to see you on nocoords.com, and may our lord Notch be with you!


    Our IP address is : nocoords.com


    II. Rules


    • Thou shalt not cheat
    • Thou shalt not use mods (especially mini maps)
    • Thou shalt not express prejudice slurs
    • Thou shalt not spam


    III. Characteristics


    • No coords
    • Spigot is used for optimization. There are no plugins.
    • No world resets
    • No borders
    • No help
    • Large biomes
    • No protection
    • Hard mode
    • No TP
    • No donator privileges or perks
    • Reliable dedicated hardware


    VI About donations

    Running a server is expensive. You can support nocoords.com with donations by clicking on the "donate" link in game. Donations are entirely dedicated to paying the host. Donations do not grant any sort of privileges or perks. Donations do not prevent one from being banned if one cheats. Donations are meant to support the server, they are not a payment for a service. The owner runs the server for the sake of fun and love for Minecraft. He does not intend to make profit out of it.

    Cheaters are banned permanently without warning, no matter how long they have played or how much they have built. We do not pardon cheaters, even if they have all their friends playing on the server, or even if they know the owner. We would ban our own parents if they were caught cheating.

    submitted by /u/LegitYarik
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    Mining Machine Broke [SMP] [Modded] {Discord} {Small Community} {Age 15+} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 06:55 PM PST

    I'm looking for people to join our modded minecraft server and discord group.

    Mining Machine Broke

    The discord group is so we can get a group of people together to play minecraft with. Even if it's not on the modpack server, we will have people who might want to join you for a skyblock map or a creative build. It's becoming harder to get people together for these worlds so this discord is going to try to fix that.

    The current world is FTB Ultimate 1.9.0 with Project E 1.4.1 added.

    You can message Poppymelt#6815 on discord or just reply with.

    1. Your MC Name

    2. Your Discord username (Example: Poppymelt#6815)


    1. Be Mature

    2. No stealing, griefing or duping

    3. No Abusing major exploits, if you find an exploit in the mods contact an admin

    submitted by /u/fastballmachinebroke
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    Tardigradia [SMP] {latest version - 1.15} {semi-vanilla} {whitelist} {discord}

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 06:17 PM PST

    • casual server populated by a group of friends and redditors
    • Hosted on east coast of US
    • simple QOL and protective plugins that do not affect gameplay (backup, player shops, chest sorter, etc.)
    • play as often as you'd like whenever you like
    • a few rules about conduct, basically be a decent person and don't interfere with other players' experience
    • dedicated discord available to join but not required

    Message me for more information.

    submitted by /u/rangerguy4
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