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    Minecraft Totems of undying and emeralds don't damage villagers

    Minecraft Totems of undying and emeralds don't damage villagers

    Totems of undying and emeralds don't damage villagers

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 12:32 PM PST

    Remember the last time you were trading with a villager and accidentally punched him? The iron golem was coming your way and the trade prices went up absolutely crazy! A simple way to fix this, is when you are holding a totem of undying or an emerald, you are unable to hit villagers, not only is it useful, but it makes sense, totems of undying are raid trophies, the villagers respect you by having them, and they also trust emeralds.

    submitted by /u/Everedeck
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    Remove ponds or make them look better.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 10:53 PM PST

    It would be nice if we had grass plains or forests without ugly ponds everywhere. To be honest they look more like creeper holes than ponds, and mostly exist for players to accidentally fall into.

    While just removing them is easy, I think it would be better if they were improved, because if done right they could look much better.

    Firstly, they should be less common, and only be generated near vegetation such as trees. The shape of the pond should be more bowl shaped.

    Since they are ponds, there should be a small chance for a few fish to spawn inside them. Lily pads could generate on the surface depending on biome, and seagrass would grow on the bottom. These would make them feel like actual ponds and not like a big hole with some water in it.

    submitted by /u/k00ji
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    The Eel (Update Aquatic+ Pt 2)

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:04 AM PST

    *This post is part two of my "Update Aquatic+," which I'm doing because I felt like, while Update Aquatic was great, there were a few features it is missing*

    I feel like Update Aquatic was missing the danger element of the ocean. Sure, we got drowned, which are dangerous when they have tridents, but those honestly aren't interesting. They're just an underwater zombie that can swim and, frankly, come off as a little bit lazy on Mojang's part. Mojang already has declined adding sharks (although this, imo, would be a great way to make the oceans harder), so I'll be adding three mobs: one that is more of a nuisance than anything, but can spawn anywhere from shallow oceans to deep oceans, one that spawns in deep oceans and can kill unprepared players, and one that is a boss mob, which you can summon.

    Mob 1: The Eel

    You can kind of think of the eel like a hostile fish. Eels will have 8 HP and spawn in groups of 2 or 3. Eels' behavior is a little strange. Eels are naturally hostile, but have an extreme short follow range of let's say, five to ten blocks. When you attack your first eel, the rest of the group and the eel you attacked will all try to attack. Once you finish killing that group of eels, all eels in a fifty block radius will become hostile towards you, so you better be careful, because things might get out of hand. Eels don't have any electric or poisonous properties, just to keep things simple. They would do ~2-3 damage.

    The real danger is eels' unique "flopping" mechanic. Hostile eels within a radius of 3 or so blocks of you, if you are in a boat, will flop out of the water, into your boat. Only one eel can be on your boat at a time. What does this do? It both slows done your boat, and deals one damage to your boat per second (boats have just over 4 HP, so it will take them four seconds). I would also remove boats regenerating 1/10 HP per tick, because this makes absolutely no sense and outheals the eels' damage. Note: Even if your boat is full or you have no boat but your head is on top of the surface of the water, eels will still flop out of the water, attacking you instead of your boat. You either want to avoid eels entirely, or not deal with them. So what are some ways you can prepare for them?

    Well, long-ranged weapons are a good way of taking care of them. Or, if you have good armor and don't have to worry about their damage, you could just bring something else along in your boat.

    submitted by /u/33333333333339
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    Villager roles

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:52 AM PST

    So a lot of these ideas have been posted before, this is kind of a summary.

    As of now, they only villagers that do anything are farmers. Perhaps some professions could get some more depth?

    Clerics: Act like witches, throwing instant health potions at hurt villagers and zombies.

    Fletchers: should zombies or pillagers appear appear, will shoot them with a bow.

    Toolsmiths or Masons: will heal iron golems.

    Butchers: Will be able to breed and kill passive mobs. After breeding two mobs, it will immediately kill one of the parents, to ensure a stable number of animals.

    Fishermen: they fish.

    Cartographers and Librarians are probably the most useful villagers in terms of trades, so if these don't do anything special thats fine

    For the other roles, I'm not sure what they could do, so any suggestions are welcome

    submitted by /u/Sim-Jong-Un
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    A New Ocean Monument Reward (Part 1 of Update Aquatic+)

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 08:13 AM PST

    *This post is part one of my "Update Aquatic+," which I'm doing because I felt like, while Update Aquatic was great, there were a few features it is missing*

    Since I believe Mojang has already rejected some sort of reward relating to tridents or materials to craft tridents being dropped from Elder Guardians, I am coming up with a new item: the Binding Helm. Here is how you would craft it (D=Diamond Helmet, A=Ancient Fragment (this would be a 100% drop from elder guardians, and you get one per elder guardian, or three per ocean monument), and P=Prismarine Crystals

    [P] [A] [P]
    [A] [D] [A]
    [ ] [ ] [ ]

    This helmet would have a laser that would point at any mobs within 8 blocks, dealing 2 damage per second with a guardian laser (tell me if I should debuff). However, it would not give any armor points. It would also have three exclusive enchantments: Breaking Point, which goes up to level 1, Mob Finder, which goes up to level 1, and Range, which goes up to level 5. They are not mutually exclusive.

    Breaking Point allows the laser to go through blocks, and Mob Finder would inflict any mobs hit by the laser with the glowing effect (the thing that the spectral arrow gives). Range would increase the range of the laser by two blocks per level. So, if you are exploring caves and looking for a dungeon, mineshaft, or similar structure, this could come in useful, because, at max enchants, if you were within eight blocks of the structure, you could find mobs exclusive to the structure and find the structure.

    submitted by /u/33333333333339
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    Non-stackable Item Filters

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:14 AM PST

    In Minecraft currently there is no way to make a sorting system that sorts non-stackable items on either java or bedrock. But what if in a hopper you make a standard 64 stack filter; the twist is that if you name the filter blocks something like "[Saddle]" it would only take saddles. It would be extremely complex to make but it would be cool. For enchanted items I have no idea maybe just a general tag like"[EnchantedIronSword]"?

    submitted by /u/vanvandercornellius
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    Minecraft Needs Wind and Other Subtle Ambiences

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 01:21 AM PST

    Now, these aren't my ideas, but I think they would make for great additions to the game.

    One thing wind will improve is the smoke from fireplaces (and torches), which go straight up. Adding wind to snow and rain will also liven them up as they fall pretty linearly. Sometimes it will be heavily windy, other times not, while the direction subtly changes over time. This doesn't have to be a drastic change.

    Now for things I wish they'd add for ambience are:
    -Leafier leaves (and grassier grass, added depth, perhaps affected by wind)
    -Seasons within certain biomes (that go along with moon cycles)
    -Reverb in caves (echos) and damped sound underwater and near snow

    What are your ideas? Minecraft needs more ambience!

    submitted by /u/cr3p1tus
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    Redstone wires

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 01:14 PM PST

    If you combine a piece of string and a piece of redstone you can get a redstone wire. These can be put in the air using a tripwire hook. The signal can go through 1 block so you can make telephone pole like things. It also should have a much longer reach than regular redstone and stops when it attaches to another tripwire hook. Idk what practical uses this could have but I thought it would be cool.

    submitted by /u/smallgirrafe8273
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    We always talk about the cave update, but what would actually be in it?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:54 AM PST

    An idea i had was a skeleton zombie (in terms of behavior) mob, an overly aggressive seemingly intellegent enemy who would be carrying melee weapons and a pickaxe, they would act similar to pilligars, meaning that if you keep your distance they'll just look at you but if you get too close they start attacking. Another thing they would do is collect ores when they are left alone and drop most of them when they are killed. Perhaps they could also fight off zombies but i don't know about that.

    submitted by /u/The-Most-Sour-Lemon
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    Troll Villages

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 10:05 PM PST

    As you wander through a dark cave, you see a light at the other end of the cave. Sword in hand, you slowly walk to towards the light. When you turn the corner, you see a large cavern with primitive hutts scattered around a campfire. You find a group of odd looking individuals. Similar to villagers, but a greyish green color, and larger, with larger arms and a hunched back.

    They stare at you cautiously. You decide it best to sheath your sword. One of the trollish beings points at the raw porc in your bag. When you hand a piece to him, he offers a gold ingot in exchange. If you're lucky, one might offer a precious gem, or some equipment of an unlucky miner who must have angered them. You're about to leave, treasure in hand, when you notice a chest in one of the huts. You open it to see what could be inside, and you hear an angry roar before feeling a painful blow to the head.

    I see the story presentation got some good feedback for the pillager pirate idea, so I though I'd try it again. Anyway:

    The troll villages spawn underground. When a player approaches a troll, he must be careful not to anger them, as the trolls are suspicious people. Having a weapon draw near them will make them voice a threatening grunt. Should the player approach them too much, they will become hostile. Breaking blocks around them or looting chests will aggro them aswell.

    Should a player hold a piece of raw meat in their hand, the trolls will hold out an object. This could range immensely, from nuggets, to any of the mineable ressources (lapis iron etc), so some gesr or enchanted gear left behind by miners. Rightclicking the troll will exchange a piece of meat for the item.

    Trolls have a good amount of health somewhere between 25 and 30 They fight a lot like iron golems but much weaker. They hit you with a melee attack that deals equal or slightly more damage than a zombie, and knock you back a bit in the air. Should a troll find himself above ground, the sun will burn him. (ideally it would turn him to stone, but we'll settle for burning) The trolls are indifferent to hostile mobs, but will attack some passive mobs for their meat.

    Their village spawns in a large round cave, with cobble hutts around a central fire. some chests are present in some of the hutts, with some basic loot in them (nothing fancy, some iron/gold ingots/nuggets, a lot of bones, string and rotten flesh). Should ores spawn in the cave, mining could be a risk, as trolls don't like people stealing the shiny parts of their walls.

    Please tell me what you think! I think this could really give an interest to caving, and not just boring ol strip mining whenever you need resources.

    Additional suggestions: Troll villages spawn in swamps. They stay inside during the day, and walk around at night. This could make swamps interesting without making just another village variant where the houses are a little different. Also Shrek.

    submitted by /u/Sim-Jong-Un
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    Slowed pistons and sticky pistons

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 07:47 AM PST

    These would be crafted using a normal piston/sticky piston and wool. These would have a lot of redstone potential, because they could be used to make more compact machines based on piston timing, and would also make piston doors look much more dramatic!

    submitted by /u/dankmemer_69_420
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    When holding light blocks they should show other light blocks

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 12:18 PM PST

    This would work exactly the same as barrier blocks do and would really help with annoying misplacements or trying to locate one specific block you now want to remove. It'd just be a small QOL tweak. Although I don't propose that like barrier blocks they would have a hitbox.

    submitted by /u/david_this_isnt_weed
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    Villager interaction points.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 11:42 AM PST

    Currently, we have jobsites, and meeting points. We have plenty of jobsites for every villager, and one meeting point: the bell. My suggestion are the interaction points.

    Here's how it works; it's simple, but can really change villager mechanics for better.

    Each villager profession has a different interaction point.

    Farmer: Harvest and plant crops in a 20 block radius of it's composter.

    Cleric: Harvest and plant nether wart in a 10 block radius of it's potion brewer.

    Fisherman: Will find a water source that's in a 30 blocks radius from it's barrel 1 time a day, having a 50% chance of throwing a fishing rod at it, after 30-60 seconds it will caught a fish.

    Librarian: It will stare at a random bookshelves that is in a 20 block radius from it's lectern 2 times a day.

    Shepherd: Has a 50% chance of shearing a sheep that is 30 blocks next to it's loom once a day. It will also collect the wool.

    Mason: Has a 10% chance of breaking one of the stone variants (stone, andesite, granite, diorite). That is 10 blocks next to it's stonecutter every 2 days.

    This is a brainstorm suggestion, some of the villager professions are missing. If you could give plus suggestions of the missing ones in the comments, it'd be nice!

    submitted by /u/Everedeck
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    Toolsmiths should be able to heal Iron Golems

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 07:05 PM PST

    Golems are supposedly automatons, and also classed as a utility mob. Each morning, toolsmiths or weaponsmiths (dunno whichever one is suitable) they can check on a nearby golem as part of their "profession goals". Seems rough, but this may allow villagers to further protect themselves w o needing player aid or more golems.

    submitted by /u/GameSeeker040411
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    The Magma Coil: a new weapon for the Nether Update.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 07:08 PM PST

    In 1.13 the Trident was added to the oceans of Minecraft as a new weapon for players to get in the Aquatics Update, and it seems only fitting that there would be a new Nether based weapon to match in the Nether Update. That new weapon would be the Magma Coil, a new weapon which could very rarely be received via bartering with piglins. It has 228 uses in total, and is used as a new combat weapon. When you right-click with the magma coil, you slowly begin to charge it up, winding it to throw forward. When you release, the coil flies out of your hand in a straight line, striking the first mob it hits. Note that the Magma Coil is not affected by gravity.

    There are 3 stages in total to the Magma Coil when thrown, depending on how much it was charged up for. Charging it for less than .7 seconds won't result in a throw at all. Charging for .5-.7 seconds will result in a stage 1 throw, which will deal 3 damage and light enemies on fire for 1 second, and will travel up to 5 blocks away from the player. Charging for .7-1 seconds will result in a stage 2 throw, which will deal 4 damage and light enemies on fire for 1.3 seconds, and will travel for up to 7 blocks. Charging for more than 1 second will result in a stage 3 throw, which will deal 5 damage and light enemies on fire for 1.8 seconds, and will travel for up to 9 blocks.

    For texture, the Magma Coil looks like a bright orange, flaming whip. The texture of the thrown magma whip looks like a straight line of magma.

    The Magma Coil also comes with unique enchantments as well:

    Ghast's Fury: A magma coil with this enchantment has a stage 4 throw that is achieved by charging for at least 1.5 seconds. Whenever a magma coil with ghast's fury hits a mob or block at stage 4, it will cause an explosion the size of a ghast's explosion to occur where it hit. As a nice detail, a stage 4 throw will also produce the noise a ghast makes when it shoots a fireball. A stage 4 throw is also 50% faster than a throw of stages 1, 2, or 3.

    Grappling: Doubles the maximum reach of the magma coil, but decreases damage dealt by 2 hp. If a magma coil with Grappling hits a block, it will pull it's owner towards the block it hit, instead of returning back to the owner like a normal magma coil. This enchantment is incompatible with Ghast's Fury.

    And that's the Magma Coil! Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/WhyIsThereAPotato
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    Golem Prioritization (hear me out)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 07:21 PM PST

    Say you have your village, but 2 or three houses serve as mass dormitories of about 20 villagers. You want these places safe, but golems tend to patrol the entire village.

    I have two ideas.

    The first is that golems should tend to stick around the places where there are higher population densities,

    And the other is that golems in a village notify each other when they detect an aggressor, as they do when you accidentally hurt a villager..

    submitted by /u/GameSeeker040411
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    Ancient Cobblestone Golem - structure unique hostile mob with Defensive AI behaviour.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 07:58 PM PST

    In cave update we should definitely get more underground dungeons. This new mob can possibly be new treat to treasure hunters. This iron golem variant with cobblestone texture will have no AI behaviour until player tries to open dungeon chest or attack golem himself. Upon awakening he will get angry iron golem AI and will try to attack intruders. Golem will attack any mob until treasures safe again - if no enemies nearby golem will return to its resting place and lose ability to do anything again. Chests with golem nearby cannot be opened or destroyed until golem dies. Big dungeons will have additional golems for most valuable chests. Rooms without chests but with golem will always contain golem-activating traps.

    Upon death cobblestone golems will drop redstone, buttons, levers and other mechanisms.

    submitted by /u/HellFireBro
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    Charged Creeper

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 10:06 PM PST

    Charged creepers are currently used to get mob heads (skeleton, zombie, creeper, wither skeleton). I think if a charged creeper kills the Wither(last hit), the Wither should drop his 3 heads (still wither skeleton heads so we don't need to add new items). This is not easier than hunting wither skeletons (though the drop rate is really low) because you need to get a Channeling Trident, trap a creeper, wait for a thunderstorm, charge him, get him to blow the Wither up. The last part is very difficult because Wither always tries to kill any mobs around it and the creeper also tries to blow you up. It's really hard when you think about the process but it's more interesting than wandering around hunting like 150 wither skeletons to spawn the wither once.

    submitted by /u/Roguecanroll
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