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    Minecraft To be honest, I’m not the biggest fan of live discussions and the new brainstorming flair.

    Minecraft To be honest, I’m not the biggest fan of live discussions and the new brainstorming flair.

    To be honest, I’m not the biggest fan of live discussions and the new brainstorming flair.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:40 AM PST

    I think that on paper they're a cool idea, but in execution they just don't feel very good. Since they were added, I've been seeing a lot of posts with them, which has been kind of annoying.

    I prefer the regular comments system for a few reasons. I'm a fairly busy person, so I like having the ability to drop some feedback or an idea, return to what I was doing, then come back later to have a response.

    It was also easier for moderators to moderate. I think so far of all the subs that got the privilege of Live Chat testing, this one has probably been the best about it at this point, after the nightmare that occurred when they were first introduced. There's been little spam all things considered, which is really saying something.

    Live chat does provide a more 1:1 experience, and I can see why people like it. I can appreciate what it's trying to accomplish, but it just feels like it falls short for this sub in particular.

    It also gives people an excuse to post half-assed ideas on here and get away with it. I have no problem with having a great idea and posting it here for feedback and additional brainstorming because you've reached a writers block of sorts, but as I said previously, there have been a large number of posts tagged Brainstorming over the past five days or so. This has resulted in a lot of ideas that don't feel as well-thought through as some ideas from just a week or two ago. I feel like the brainstorming and feedback that the tag is meant for usually occurs in regular comment sections with feedback on the idea. Before the brainstorming tag, I remember seeing lots of ideas, some good, some awful, some amazing, and being able to understand what the idea was about because the flair was related to the idea, and the title was somewhat related.

    On the contrary, I've seen some really good, really well thought out ideas that were amazing, but were tagged brainstorming. Because of that tag, that post won't show up in the monthly top posts, which I know a lot of people (including myself) enjoy looking through to see any great ideas they missed. The main idea I'm talking about it the Volcano Biome and Basalt post, which I believe reached r/all, a rare occurrence for basically any post on this subreddit. While it was probably there to market Live Chat, it was also a legitimately awesome idea, and one that I think a lot of people have had for a long time, but just weren't able to put into words.

    Am I just being a blind and stubborn mule, or do other people feel like this too? From what I can tell the community consensus is basically 50/50, after a few jumps into chatrooms, but I could be wrong about that. Are there any reasons why you like live chat? Please share them!

    submitted by /u/HairClippingJesus
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    Hoe overhaul

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 10:54 AM PST

    Time: As it currently stands, any hoe above a wooden one is entirely useless and wasteful, simply put, making hoes take time to till can fix that. Every tier of material tills faster, and efficiency could be placed on a hoe to increase it's speed even further

    Harvesting: Hoes automatically increase your crop yield when using them to harvest, take only ome durability per harvest, decrease the chances of a poisonous potato, and can be enchanted with fortune for even further increase in yield.

    Other enchants: Mending and Unbreaking

    Gilded I-III: allows a small chance for carrots to harvest as golden carrots as follows: 1% at I, 5% at II, and 10% at III

    Planting: Autoplants crops with the same crop harvested, upon harvest I.E. Harvesting a carrot would plant a new carrot in it's place automagically.

    Material speed rank:

    Wood Stone Iron Diamond Gold

    This is based on the in game tools that already exist.

    If you have any other ideas, please post them below!

    Edit: fixed a math error, sorry about that!

    submitted by /u/Lui_Le_Diamond
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    Hoe's don't break not fully grown crops

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 08:26 PM PST

    This is a pretty small thing but I think it'd give the hoe a little bit more purpose and utility, this way you can replant a lot faster too :)

    submitted by /u/Frostblade1012
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    Plants placed on podzol should grow faster

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:13 AM PST

    Podzol is fallen leafs that decompose and turn into nutrients

    submitted by /u/sizaar
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    Lost Soul

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 05:08 AM PST

    An ambient mob that has a chance to spawn when soul sand is mined, It is transparent and has the body shape of a player but with no details.

    They would be passive and not be able to be damaged, To counter-act this immunity to damage becoming annoying to the player, They would purposefully avoid players and other mobs.

    After a short while they would disappear.

    submitted by /u/galaxy3004
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    Music Discs in the nether

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 05:34 PM PST

    Here's my suggestion: When music discs are played in the nether, a distorted version of that disc should play. With the exception of disc 11, which would be a continuation of the original disc 11.

    submitted by /u/DrSerr
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    Familiar: an animal companion for the Witch

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 02:51 PM PST

    Familiars are somewhat rare cat-like or bat-like mobs that hang around their owner Witches helping them with magic by throwing positive potions at them (and ideally also Illagers and Pillagers) and negative potions at their enemies, that is whatever their owner Witch attacks.

    Familiars are intended to be more intelligent than average animal-type mobs. If something they consider hostile looks at them, the Familiars will run away out of their sight and hide. The frequency with which they throw potions and their effectiveness is affected by their level, which can be raised by their owner. They will also travel through dimensions to follow their owner.

    Familiars sound like something that players would enjoy having, but I think taming them should be the costliest of all mobs due to their power. A good idea would perhaps be a loyalty mechanic: Familiars could be attracted to emeralds or rare potion ingredients, and the more of that they're given, the less likely they are to attack the player that give them those items. Eventually the Familiar will stop giving the Pillagers or Illagers positive potions. At an even later stage the Familiar straight up leaves its owner Witch and considers the player their owner; then they can start leveling it up, perhaps by feeding it enchanted books.

    submitted by /u/Buster_therealone
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    Four new dyes!

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 11:44 PM PST

    I've been thinking about this for a while. The 16 existing colors already have a good range, but I feel they could be improved with a few more options. Obviously this would create new bed colors, glazed terracota, concrete, wool, etc.

    Coral Dye
    This is the one I want to push for the most. I'm not talking about the color of a coral block. Coral is a lovely, vibrant kind of patel-ish color in between orange and pink. To craft this one, you'd use either White Dye + Orange Dye, or Pink Dye + Orange Dye.

    Tan Dye
    A dye that I'm surprised isn't in the game, the only closest thing I can think of is White Terracota. Call it beige or light brown or whatever, it's still a very good color. You'd be able to make it with White Dye + Brown Dye.

    Maroon Dye
    A darker and rich shade of red. The red in-game is already great, but I can see this one being used in a lot of more elegant builds. You'd make it with Red Dye + Black Dye. And, just like with pink, there'd be a small chance you'd be able to find maroon sheep in the wild. You'd also be able to create maroon sheep by breeding red and black sheep.

    Lilac Dye
    I'm putting this one at the bottom because I'm not entirely sure how it'd be recieved. Sure, we have magenta, but it's its own specific color, and it's really rich. Lilac is a very pastel purple, so it'd go more hand-in-hand with in-game pink. You'd craft it with Purple Dye + White Dye.

    Let me know what you think!

    submitted by /u/Snail_Forever
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    A Very Slimy Idea...

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:04 AM PST

    My idea is simple...when you kill a slime,it comes tiny ones,but what if in some time..like 1 tiny slime jumps in another slime,making it more bigger? because i think slimes needs a buff

    submitted by /u/N3rdZone
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    Buff beetroot soup

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 01:33 AM PST

    Beetroot soup is a pretty terrible item right now. Here are two ideas how to buff it

    1. Making it cheaper to make. It should be 3 beets instead of 6. It would also be buffed a bit maybe from 3 hunger bars to 4 or 5?

    2. Keeping the craft the same but buffing the item to be 0.5 or 1 point better than mushroom stew.

    submitted by /u/luc58
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    New item: thermos flask

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 11:36 AM PST

    This could be an item in which you can store soups and stews. As things currently stand, non-stackable foods such as stews are kind of useless, so maybe this flask can store a certain amount of soup in it and have durability that depletes everytime you drink from it. I think a way of stacking stews would be a neat addition to the game.

    [Edit]: so a lot of people were saying that a thermos flask is too modern for minecraft and i kinda have to agree but i was more or less just making up the concept of stackable stew and couldn't think of anything better.

    submitted by /u/ChunkyMilk_77
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    New effect: echolocation

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:51 AM PST

    In caves if bats are flying around you sometimes, very rarely, bats will give you an effect called echolocation where it gives all mobs in a 10-40 block radius the glowing effect so you can see caves. I imagine it kind of like dolphins grace.

    submitted by /u/Noatee
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    Cake should be effected by gravity and splatter into particles

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 06:13 PM PST

    Just to add to the disappointment of ruining a perfectly good cake, but with the satisfactory of a mini-explosion, cake should fall if the block below it is removed and explode into a pile of particles. The sound of the cake hitting the ground could be a quiet wool-placement sound or a new "splatter" sound (could be created through the pulling/releasing of a rubber band/glove). Perhaps this could result in nearby dogs/cats rushing over to the mess.

    Please be sure to support this idea on the Feedback site!

    P.S. Before anyone mentions it, I know it's "affected" not "effected." I don't know how I messed that up.

    submitted by /u/Nyodex
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    Wandering traders only spawn on solid blocks with direct sunlight

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 06:24 PM PST

    So sometimes, the wandering trader has spawned in my mineshaft. It gets kinda annoying, so I was thinking perhaps he should only spawn on a solid block with direct sunlight. As well as this stopping him from spawning underground, making it purely solid blocks means that it's possible to stop him from spawning on the top of builds, assuming it's a transparent block (so not on stairs, slabs or tree leaves)

    submitted by /u/TJPrime_
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    Carrots have a rare chance of giving you night vision for 5 or 10 seconds

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 12:49 AM PST

    I feel like carrots are under used and could use a little bit of a buff? Or at the very least give people an incentive to carry some carrots around. Also it would be a cute little reference to the old saying that carrots make you see better

    submitted by /u/Jmack4275
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    Soulsand Valley needs one more Wither mob!

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 02:51 PM PST

    I did this concept for a mob in Soulsand Valley a couple times ( I tried wandering souls and blue blazes), but a Wither Mob would fit perfectly: Undead Withered Scorpions (or, the Scoulpion)! Scoulpions are like spiders combined with Wither Skeletons, they can climb walls, but take no fall damage, allowing them to freely climb the cavern walls (and stick to the walls when idle). They possess 20 HP and 4 natural armor points, giving them a bit of durability. They attack with their claws, pinching you for 6 HP of damage. But their stingers arent meant for stinging, they are meant to jetstream black acid that inflicts the Wither Effect for 10 seconds to wittle you down from a distance. They also have the nasty habit of dropping down on you when they are on the ceiling (they have better vision when they are on the ceiling). Defeat these creepy undead arthropods to earn 0-1 Withered Exoskeletons, which can be used in place of wood planks when making a shield to make a shield that withers any enemy for 3 seconds whe they strike it. You can also use the stingers they may drop 20% of the time to make the ever-requested Wither Potion. Also, they are both undead and arthropods, so Smite and Bane of Arthropods will be your best friends, preferablly the latter. They will look like large, black scorpions with beady white eyes that glow.

    submitted by /u/doctorlakiboss
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    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 09:21 PM PST

    Graves will spawn in all biomes, with a uniqe design on each one, signaling that once there were other humans roaming the earth.

    Another way of showing that fact is to have a yellow&blue clothing on them, like a freind of the wandering trader and how many losses he had to suffer.

    submitted by /u/Clownfish_Marlin
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    The ability to use bones in place of sticks in crafting recipes.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 01:24 PM PST

    Simple idea, and self-explainatory.

    Why? Besides the 'cool' factor, weapons and tools have increased durability. Other items, such as ladders and torches just look different (maybe retextured, or theyre completely redone.)

    Maybe there will be an advantage to using bone swiches for redstone?

    Bone fences and gates would be nice!

    submitted by /u/PapasBlox
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    Hoes dont "break" crops

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 07:16 AM PST

    Hoes leave the seed portion of the crop, and you only get 0-1 seeds. You get the regular amount of plant though.

    submitted by /u/Tod_Brown
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    When you have an item in your hand, you should be seeing your hand holding the item

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:26 AM PST

    For example: when you hold a sword, you should see not only the sword, but the hand too. I think that'd be a little, but satisfying change.

    submitted by /u/giulgu17
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    Villager concept: instead of being a separate mob, wandering traders can be a type of villager.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 09:26 PM PST

    Now this does make sense, and I have a few special suggestions why.

    When villagers grow up, they should have a 5 percent chance of being a wandering trader, which should be a villager profession, but has no job site block. These wandering traders could just offer trades a normal wandering trader could do, but as their name suggests, 'wandering', when you let them wander around they will restock.

    So when they leave loaded chunks they will temporarily despawn, and maybe 2 to 3 in game days later, the same trader will wander back in roughly the same place they disappeared, offering fresh new trades. This could be an interesting feature in the game and shows how wandering traders actually get their goods. As for the current wandering traders, they could still spawn and stuff, but they keep coming back and are also a type of villager.

    submitted by /u/reedit1332
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    Non Shulkerable Silk Road Items for long distance Trade which makes Mules, Donkeys and Llamas relevant.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 12:19 AM PST

    These are ideas to make Mules, Donkeys and Llamas relevant. Which is the main idea of this post even though I realize it could be sub-categorized as multiple ideas.

    Idea 1 - Non shulker Box Items of large quantities of new ore/tradeables to drive long distance trade with Llamas, Donkeys, Mules etc so they are relevant. Silk Road type of trading system where it will work well with the large biome option and make certain non shulkerable tradeables only available in certain areas large distances away from eachother. There are many games that have this kind of system in use as a side thing to do. Only need one non shulker item for long distance trade but lots would be cool too... some ideas from history - Spices, Perfumes, Silk, Pottery, Bronze, Olive Oil, Textiles, Jewelry, Pearls, Ivory, Carnelian, Tea, Reeds, silver, tin, marble, armillary spheres, medical manuscripts, astronomical tomes and porcelain and I'm sure we could think of many more but I tried to list most of the appropriate ones. Also there could be SUPER rares that have no function other than cosmetic or trophy value… this could drive domestic trade among players besides foreign trade.

    Idea 2 - Something for a ball for Horse Soccer... like rocket league - I feel like there is a whole realm of genetics in the game that is unexplored by most players because horses and mules are not relevant without some non shulkerable items. Rocket league esque minecraft horse soccer would make finding and breeding a fast horse with lots of health and that could jump high a thing again. Most people don't know how impossible it is to breed a good horse. Perfect horse is near impossible.

    Idea 3 - War Horses, With an OP War Horse we may need a more difficult opponent to challenge us now.

    Idea 4 - There could also be some expansion on genetics in game too if we are just looking for cool things you could add to the game.

    Make Pack Mules, Donkeys, Llamas or Minecarts important again even as much as I do like shulker boxes. This is not an anti-shulker box post.

    Also I have considered long distance trade and map file size however I feel like I'm not the only one that wants really big maps and is willing to pay$ for a big server.

    Which idea do you think is good and which do you think is not as good?

    submitted by /u/THEPEZZZZ
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