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    Minecraft Diamond Pressure Plates

    Minecraft Diamond Pressure Plates

    Diamond Pressure Plates

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 10:49 AM PST

    The Diamond Pressure Plate is the next tier in Pressure Plates(wood, stone, iron, and gold). Like the Stone Pressure Plate, it cannot be trigged by dropped items. However, it can only be triggered by players, not mobs. This is a feature that has been asked for for a long time, and I think this would be a perfect way to implement it. Also, it would give more use for Diamonds besides tools, weapons, and armor.

    submitted by /u/AlexSteckline
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    Water-tipped arrows (read till the end)

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 04:21 AM PST

    I didn't know what to flair this so yea...

    So, you know all those annoying times when you need to climb up to the surface from like a really deep mine? You could use ladders or a water bucket, but I CAME UP (see what I did there?) with a better, faster way.

    The basic idea is that crafting an arrow with a water bottle makes it a water-tipped arrow. It's that simple.

    When it hits a solid block, it creates one block of water, allowing you to climb up through the water.

    EDIT: This is better than a bucket or ladder, because with an arrow, you can shoot much higher, producing a stream of water closer to the top, thus helping you climb faster and more efficiently. For example, if you need 30 ladders to reach the top, you could instead do it with just 2 or 3 arrows.

    This could also have applications in the Nether. I guess.


    Q- Why doesn't it do anything special to mobs?

    A- I just couldn't think of anything useful that could come of surrounding a mob with water (apart from Endermen, but they would teleport anyway). Open to suggestions though.

    Q- How is this different from using a bucket?

    A- At present, my preferred method is a water bucket personally. However, there is a maximum limit for the distance within which you can place and break stuff. The range of an arrow is much larger than that and helps you get out of the darned hole in the ground faster.


    Thanks for reading :)

    submitted by /u/GustoBoy
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    [Immersion] Falling leaves

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 01:07 PM PST

    A very simple addition. On occasion, leaves (block) will emit a emit a leaf particle. This particle will slowly drift down and decay, similar to a lava bubble.

    Each tree has their own unique leaf shape. During thunderstorms, more leaves may fall.

    submitted by /u/dualitySimplifed
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    What if the Wither’s Nether Star could be used to access a new dimension?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 09:44 AM PST

    Right now, the Wither doesn't have much purpose in my opinion. It's a completely optional boss you could defeat, and even if you do defeat it, it just drops a Nether Star. You could use it to craft a beacon, but for what? You most likely defeated the Ender Dragon before you defeated the Wither, and you're most likely going to use a Conduit instead of a Beacon to conquer an Ocean Monument. And you're also most likely not going to carry an entire beacon just for a Woodland Mansion. So the beacon can give nice powers, but for what? Sure, it's useful for building and mining, but that's about it. And even then, they're pretty small buffs in my opinion (Except haste).

    How about the Nether Star gains a new purpose? What if you can use it to craft a new item, or you can place it in a new rare structure that's maybe found in the Nether or some place? That new dimension could lead to a whole bunch of opportunities. What do you guys think? If this was planned to be added, what would you want in it?

    submitted by /u/Captainfour4
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    Enchanted apples can be made, with a catch.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 11:27 AM PST

    You can make an enchanted golden apple by putting a golden apple in an enchanting table, but there's a catch.

    There's a chance of it instead corrupting and turning into a poison apple.

    The poison apple, like the poison potato, would have no use other than to poison yourself. This is to balance the game. Also, the poison from these apples would be more severe. The only way to tell them from the enchanted apple is to look at color changes in their texture or to look at the item code. (F3+H thing)

    At different levels, you'd have different chances of corruption. 90% at the lowest level, and 50% at the highest.

    submitted by /u/Wixardboy1
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    Bookcase variation

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 02:06 AM PST

    Sightly alternating textures to make libraries feel more real rather than the same image tiled. Plants already have random rotation in placement. I wasn't able to find a similar suggestion.

    submitted by /u/fireswan7
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    Stone tools should be craftable with diorite, andersite, and graphite

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 05:41 PM PST

    This QoL change would help give these three blocks a bit more use in the early game, and allow for slightly quicker progression.

    Stone tools could be crafted out of any combination of cobblestone, graphite, diorite,andersite, and hey, why not normal stone for good measure? This would work just like crafting a crafting table out of two different types of wood.

    submitted by /u/E_D_G_Y_B_O_I
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    If you throw a splash potion at the side of a honey block, the honey block will catch the potion and the potion will slowly fall and will break when it touches the ground.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 02:29 PM PST

    The potion will fall just like if a player were to fall on the side of a honey block.

    submitted by /u/DontStealMyPotato
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    The screen vignette should turn redder the closer you are to death. (Similar to getting closer to the world border)

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 10:46 AM PST

    It'll start if you only have 3 hearts then get redder until it reaches 0 hearts and honestly, this is the most implementable dying-indicator.

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
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    Taxidermist or trapper villager

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 07:38 AM PST

    I think this villager could function best as a wandering trader variant, HOWEVER, it could also work as a dedicated villager, as a villager it would not have a block, it would have a preplaced taxidermy that it interacts with, and interacting with the taxidermy will destroy the villagers ability to restock. This is to stop you from making them, you NEED to find them.

    I know this isn't quite what a taxidermist does but I'm not sure what is a better fit. I also think trapper is a good name because that's what they call a similar profession in red dead redemption


    Heads are hard to obtain and basically useless, a trapper or taxidermist (name still in the works but for the rest of the post I'll say taxidermist) would not give you the ability to purchase them but instead gives extreme amounts of emeralds for rare heads.

    Let's add, after your first time seeing all biomes you have much less reason to go out and explore. Finding heads incentivizes exploration.


    Trappers are most common in forest villages, as in the trader would spawn there more often or the villages there are more likely to have one.

    How it works

    Normal heads have 2 trades, so you can trade until it's out of stock and then restock 2x before they are permanently done accepting the trade.

    Wither heads can be traded 3x because that just makes sense. No restocks you just trade 3x

    Ender dragon heads are accepted once per every time the ender dragon is killed, they yield the most emeralds

    Unique trades

    Some things are only obtainable through taxidermists. You can grab animal pelts for various prices, they're the same as leather functionally but their durability and appearance is unique.

    For instance you can get a grey fur clothing that has a wolf helmet, a grey chest piece, etc

    You could trade for heads that aren't normally obtainable like sheep heads or cow heads

    Or you can buy actual taxidermied mobs, like you can get "taxidermy creeper" and when you right click an armor stand with it, the armor stand looks like a creeper.


    I say it looks a bit like a pillager with a safari hat and with light brown instead of dark brown colors

    submitted by /u/steakandwater
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    Better Offhand in UIs

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 02:32 PM PST

    idea: you should be able to see your offhand while in a UI where your player model and personal crafting table aren't visible (furnace, crafting table etc). it would be in the same spot as it is when you're not in your inventory but it would have a thicker outline to match the UI graphics.

    submitted by /u/_phoenixblaze
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    Parachute from Ghast Skin for slow descent and rising in hot air

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 02:04 PM PST

    Ties into the Nether Update in a very obvious way.

    Ghasts float in hot air of the Nether thanks to their skin, which you can now pick up after they die. If you combine 4-6 of this item, you will get a Parachute.

    The Parachute is an item that works sort of like a baby version of Elytra: you put it in your chestplate slot and activate by jumping in mid-air. When active, it will slow your descent to a constant speed, low enough for the player to never take fall damage or experience kinetic energy. It will also maintain user's horizontal speed, and their ability to turn will be minimal or non-existent (though maybe they could enchant the Parachute to let them turn easier/at all). So, the Parachute will let players safely rescue themselves from any fall and hover over moderately large gaps, differentiating it from Elytra, which is an unwieldy but all-around great aerial transport.

    Now for the cooler part: the Parachute will rise when powered by hot air. How it works is that if any part of the Parachute is physically above a source of hot air (lava, fire, etc.) and there's a direct line of air between the Parachute and the source of hot air, the Parachute will have an upwards thrust, ideally dependant on how much of the Parachute has an access to hot air. The Parachute would maintain its other movement restrictions, and also drain its durability faster under the influence of hot air. I don't think I have to explain how cool or useful that would be, but some of you may think that this will start to clash with Elytra. Well, considering the fact that the Parachute still won't be able to turn, or its ability to turn will be much more limited than Elytra's, it will still be different enough and more unwieldy for the purpose of flying up. The Parachute also needs hot air to fly, which requires presence of dangerous blocks at all times, making it riskier to use and also requiring the player to have built special structures before, both standing in contrast to Elytra.

    One of the main purposes of this item is to provide a safety net for early game players. The whole game is spent playing in risks of falling down, and the Potion of Slow Falling comes in too late to negate any of them. Elytra is also a late-game item and has a different intended purpose. Killing Ghasts isn't a particularly hard task with the proper gear but still a proper challenge for early game players, so I'd say the Parachute is a worthy reward that comes in a good time.

    The other main purpose, flying around in the Nether, still is executed less competently by the Parachute than by the Elytra, due to terrain variation and lack of control being issues when using the Parachute for longer distances, balancing it out. However it makes sense that an item related to Ghasts would give people this ability, and is still a fun mechanic that would be great for Nether bases with treacherous design.

    submitted by /u/Buster_therealone
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    New achievement: Handyman

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 04:12 PM PST

    This achievement requires a player to craft every single villager profession block and place them all side by side. This achievement will encourage players to get more familiar with these new blocks, because they can get a little confusing at times.

    What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Ctef2015
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    Fire/Blast resistant Wood from the new Nether trees

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 09:19 AM PST

    What if the trees in the Nether were to give you fire proof wood to build items, chests and wooden planks resistent to lava, fire, and maybe even explosions from Ghasts! This would be very helpful and would make living in the Nether more easy and fun, because we've all been in the Nether when you're chilling in you're base and suddenly one of your chests light on fire or a Ghast explodes you're base or something like that. I'm just saying that it would make the Nether experience much more fun, and with the new Nether update coming next year, it would be a great addition to the game, but that's for you to decide!

    submitted by /u/dgpzdlt
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    If you have two beds and you go to sleep near your pet, your pet should hop on the other bed.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:25 PM PST

    Just a cute suggestion with tamed wolves and cats.

    submitted by /u/The_Moldy_Baguette
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    Villagers need to walk to a jobsite block to claim it.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:11 PM PST

    It just doesn't make sense how a villager can claim a job site block from 20 blocks away, even though they cannot see the block, nor reach it. It would even simplify compacted, large trade farms, not to the point where they would be too easy to make, but less frustrating because villagers never tend to take the jobsite in front of them when there are many others around.

    So, villagers walk to the jobsite, and claim it, that simple. Also, if the jobsite block has already been claimed by a villager, no other villager can claim it. I have seen instances where villagers 'steal' jobsites from their colleagues, making the other villager, almost always the master level one, unable to restock. At the same time, only 1 villager may claim a single job site, and any other villagers who claim it later lose their jobs.

    submitted by /u/reedit1332
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    Bedrock: Telegraphed Excellence and Efficiency Combat Update

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 08:47 AM PST

    It would be an update in which combat is overhauled to be more challenging but rewarding. Enemies now have a small period of time in which they telegraph (begin to swing) their attack, allowing the player to react, by using right click with a sword. Upon right click, the animation is interrupted, and you lunge forward, stabbing the enemy, dealing double damage while negating the damage done to you. However, this would not be abusable, due to a new combat-exclusive stamina bar.

    A single parry costs a quarter of your STAM, and if you parry 5 times, draining 5 charges, the STAM bar loses a quarter of its total length, and you must sleep to recharge.

    The STAM bar has 1000 units, and things such as parries take 250 STAM. Blocks take 50, attacks take 100, and charged attacks take 150.

    A well timed attack will riposte the enemies attack, and only take 100 STAM, however you will still take the normal amount of damage, while dealing double to them, so parries are a better idea for survival.

    Shields are still usable, and now block 100% damage, however they can no longer be used with a sword. Enemies can now only attack you from a direction, such as back, front, left, or right. Keeping direct contact with the enemy is key to survival.

    Now, yes, this will affect all combat if implemented as is, but bosses should be ignored and as long as you're within 50 blocks of a boss enemy, the vanilla combat mode is activated, and called "Legacy Power".

    Below i will put the base (upgradable, yes) player health, as well as some mobs with their damage per attack.

    Player: 1500 HP - Attack: Basic Strike : TAKES 66 HP

    Creeper: 20 HP - Attack: Headbutt: TAKES 100 HP Attack: Detonate: TAKES 1000 HP

    SkeletonSWORDVARIANT: 250 HP - Attack: Basic Strike: TAKES 150 HP

    SkeletonARCHERVARIANT: 200 HP - Attack: Shove: TAKES (10STAM) Attack: Arrow Shot: TAKES 200 HP

    Zombie: 500 HP - Attack: Bite: APPLIES POISON - TAKES 10 HP per sec for (25% player HP) Attack: Punch: TAKES 100 HP

    Hope you guys like my idea.

    submitted by /u/Straitjackitu
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    New Name Tag UI

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:21 PM PST

    idea: you shouldn't need an anvil to edit a name tag's name. name tags are one of the most frequently named items and I don't know anyone who likes having to go to an anvil to name them. name tags seem like the one item in the game that shouldn't need an anvil to be named; they're name tags after all.

    if this was added, they would have a custom UI if you right-clicked on them (except over an animal; that would still apply the name to the animal). the UI would be a more detailed, bigger name tag where you could just write the name in the middle. it would be blank if it had never been named, and would have the previous name if it had. for extra detail, you could also add the date last edited at the top or bottom.

    submitted by /u/_phoenixblaze
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    A key and a lock

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:35 AM PST

    Those would be items used for locking things like doors and chests. A player that has the key can interact with the objects normally, while a player without a key will be met with "You don't have a key for that" message. This could also be used to stop villagers from entering your house.

    submitted by /u/BrightBoi128
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    Armored Boats - Resistant to Ranged Attacks

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 05:22 AM PST

    New Boats that would be resistant to Skeletons and the Drowned Tridents, so they dont get destroyed instantly when trying to make it to new lands, underwater temples, sunken ships and the like.

    They would be made with 3 wooden Slabs along the bottom of the workbench, with then two shields to make up the "main hull".

    the Texture for the new boat, should show iron plates along the side to signify the new design.

    The slabs must be the same kinda wood, as they would still make the "wood theme" boat. IE : Oak Slabs plus two shields = Oak Armored Boat

    The Armored Boat, as it would be better suited to combat and raiding, can also then be upgraded with a barrel or Chest in the rear seat. To do this, Armored Boat on bottom, plus barrel or Chest above it = Armored Cargo Boat

    Another interesting idea then also, if we were to go further, into the realm of Multiplayer, is to make an armored long boat. or armored cargo long boat.

    These would be quite expensive to produce, as you will need 3 armored boats, to produce. Each extra boat would add 2 extra seats for a total of 6. Then, when you have your armored long boat, it then can be upgraded enhanced with two barrels or chests, that will sit in the rear two seats of the boat. The Boats will be controlled by the "Middle" section of the boat, to make turning simple to do.

    The front of the long boat should look a bit more narrow then the main boat section to give it a more long boat feel.

    submitted by /u/Zeoinx
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    /action or /control to force an entity do do something

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 02:19 PM PST

    Syntaxe: /action target action

    This would allow you to control entity movement or force a player to interact with something

    Example command /action @p minecraft:action.rightclick

    submitted by /u/Breakmit
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    "momentum" command

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 01:01 PM PST

    A command that allows for the alteration of the momentum of a player, item, projectile, mob, etc. This would be useful for creating challenges or maps where the mapmaker wishes to alter gravity, such as a map that is intended to take place on the moon, or a dropper type map where gravity could be rotated sideways for longer distance falls; custom items that allow a player to dash forwards or walk on air like the hover boots, or to sink faster like the iron boots; the ability to create a wind effect; etc.

    I feel that this would be a simple addition that would give map makers an incredibly powerful tool that could greatly improve the possible variety of the game.

    submitted by /u/unknownaccount555
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