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    Minecraft Illagers actually do stuff in their homes (mansions)

    Minecraft Illagers actually do stuff in their homes (mansions)

    Illagers actually do stuff in their homes (mansions)

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 02:58 AM PST

    Currently, villagers are (kind of) living, they have time schedules in their daily lives. And every noon they go to the bell to talk and trade with each other.

    But illagers in their homes? They just, err, lounge around and wait for people to kill them, such amazing scheming!

    This post would be talking about the illagers in woodland mansions, not the outposts cause then that would be against rule 5

    Utility rooms

    Utility rooms are rooms that have actually functions (for the illagers)

    Grand bedroom

    the evoker rests here, always at the top floor

    Planning room
    This room is where illagers scheme and stuff (prob would need to be marked with a special block similar to job blocks)


    Just a place with a large concentration of bookshelves (always near grand bedroom)

    brewing room

    a room with brewing stands


    *I also suggest they add witches to the mansions

    Evoker Vindicator Witch pillagers
    sunrise wander in the grand bedroom wander halls N/A N/A
    morning practice (wave arms around and particles will appear, only visually though) watching for threats(walks in a set pattern around the building) arrive at the mansion (witches only come to the mansion once every few days), wander halls arrive at the mansion*
    noon reading (heads to the library) watching for threats go to potion room, practices potion brewing guard witch
    afternoon watching for threats watching for threats studying (heads to the library) guard witch
    sunset practice (wave arms around and particles will appear, only visually though) watching for threats leave building leave building
    night rests (heads to grand bedroom) wander halls N/A N/A

    *the pillagers are only here to be the witches' bodyguard. However, not all witches have pillagers guarding them

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    Fish should nibble on kelp to keep it from getting too tall

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:57 AM PST

    Basically what the title says. In real life, some species of fish eat kelp, and it's an important part of their ecosystem. In Minecraft, kelp just looks ugly after a while when it gets all the way to the top of the water.

    So! I feel it would be a good thing for fish to nibble on kelp. To prevent them from eating it all, they'll only sometimes eat the top bit off, so you can still see the kelp, it won't be entirely gone.

    submitted by /u/ShadowCammy
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    Acacia trees

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:00 AM PST

    In real life acacia trees put nutrients into the ground and make the ground more fertile.

    Maybe having an acacia tree (in minecraft) next to farmland, it acts as bone meal but has a delay between when it fertilised the crops. Maybe every 2 minutes.

    submitted by /u/i_am_mes
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    Allow wells a small chance to spawn a chest at the bottom with some random nuggets, ingots, etc.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 02:28 PM PST

    We're thinking wishing wells here. Ordinarily I would suggest to have the items spawn naked at the bottom of the well but there is the risk of despawn, is there not?

    So there would be a chest with items inside which villagers have thrown in for wishes or what-have-you.

    If silver existed in the game I'd suggest that be added as the most common item on the table. But iron nuggets, gold nuggets, lapis lazuli, redstone, maybe even an emerald or a diamond might be found.

    submitted by /u/aqua_zesty_man
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    Reapers - A Soul Sand Valley Mob(Not what you'd think they'd be, despite the name)(Comes with a badly drawn artist's rendition)(Batteries not included)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:31 PM PST

    okay so guys i came up with a really really cool minecraft mob idea and its gonna be a reaper and its gonna be a big skeleton man with a scythe and a cloak and hell drop the scythe and it you can use it to attack multiple people and itll be really cool so yeah thats my idea

    I'm Kidding

    So, I've been seeing lots of ideas for Soul Sand Valley mobs, and a very popular idea I see is reapers. You know, big scary cloaked guy with a scythe. Now, personally, I don't actually agree with adding something like that. That traditional reaper sort of thing is very uninspired and boring, in my opinion. So far, Minecraft has mainly stayed away from such things, especially in the nether. If Minecraft had just used traditional fantasy monsters, we wouldn't have blazes, ghasts, magma cubes, zombie pigmen(well, piglins now, I guess), etc. Instead, we'd be stuck with boring things like ghosts, demons, and fire elementals. So, I'm here to present a unique take on the idea of the reaper.

    So, let's start with the traditional reaper. A big, scary, cloaked skeleton guy with a scythe that reaps souls. I want to keep the same basic idea, but change it around. So, here's an idea. What if the reaper, rather than reaping as a job, something it is bound to do, being death incarnate, does it out of necessity? What if it actually feeds on lifeforce? Now, furthering the idea, what if, rather than being a single big spooky boi, reapers are actually more mosquito-like, and are actually sort of common pests? Now, let's take the reaper and reshape it into something more appropriate for this new creature.

    The reaper's look has a few key parts. The skeleton...ness, the cloak, and the scythe. Now, let me see. I want to make this thing small, and I feel like it should fly, rather than walk about. I also want to give it some method of attacking and feeding off of a creature's soul. So, I want to keep the skull and the spine, but let's remove everything else. Next, I need a place for the cloak. What if I give the reaper black, tattered wings, which look sort of like a billowing cloak? Finally, the scythe. I'll stick that at the end of the tail, so the reaper can use it as a sort of stinger. Also, how about making them burn with blue fire, because blue fire is awesome.

    Alright, after all that, the reaper ends up looking a little more like this(Sorry for awful drawing, I am clearly not an artist).

    Now, onto the reaper's behavior. The obvious place for this creature to hang out is the Soul Sand Valley. It can draw enough lifeforce from the souls trapped in the soul sand to keep it alive(well, not alive, exactly, just... you know what I mean), but it still won't pass up a tasty player if it passes into its territory(or a piglin, as they will also attack piglins, as well as any non undead mob(perhaps including ghasts too, as they're technically not undead)). Also, they just fit the theme of the biome. When idle, these things will just curl up and hang from the ceiling from their scythe-tail, just like a bat. In fact, they would probably actually use adapted bat AI. Whenever something with powerful enough lifeforce approaches, however, they will attack.

    But what is lifeforce? I believe that the best equivalent would be xp. So, if you have very little xp, the reapers will merely follow you, not attacking(unless you attacked them, of course). However, the higher xp you have, the more likely they will be to attack, and the higher the spawn rate. They would have a very unique attack, not really found anywhere else in Minecraft. They would swoop down and stab you with their scythe-tail, sticking it in you. This would deal very little damage, but it would apply the wither effect for as long as it's stuck in. But that's not the worst part. For every second its tail is in you, it drains a bit of xp, with a distorted xp 'ding' sound. Every bit of xp it drains, its fiery glow gets brighter and brighter, until it's a bright emerald green. They will then fly away and despawn if they get far enough, taking your precious xp with them. They will also detach and begin to fly away(if they've drained a good bit of xp). if you hit them while they're stuck in you. You can interrupt their attack by hitting them while they swoop down at you.

    Now, this may seem incredibly unbalanced and unfair, but fear not! These creatures are incredibly weak, with only 10 health(5 hearts), and you can regain every drop of stolen xp by killing them. This actually means they can be used as a(slightly risky) method of xp transportation between players!

    Onto drops! We had to think a bit about this, but now I think know what it might be. The reaper would drop a fragment of its spine-tail, which could be brewed up into a potion of reaping. The new reaping effect would increase the amount of xp you receive from killing mobs. This effect, while powerful, would incentivize going to a place which otherwise is kinda awful and horrible, what with the soul sand and the reaping and the doom and the gloom, oh my!

    Anyhoo, that's just about all I've got for now, remember to comment, like, and subscribe, and don't forget to hit that bell!


    Wrong platform, sorry. What I meant to say was, upvote if you liked it, don't downvote it even if you don't because... uh... let's see here... um...


    k a r m a

    and please reply if you have any feedback or questions!

    EDIT: Huge thanks to u/WhyIsThereAPotato for helping me with brainstorming the reaper, as well as giving the initial idea of a reaper(which we then both built on to make it what it is now).

    submitted by /u/Awryl
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    Cats sleep on haybales at midday or nighttime

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 01:50 PM PST

    Cats already have a sleeping animation, but they only sleep when they are tamed and when their master goes to rest.

    Perhaps they can also gain a type of ai where they occasionally nap like foxes, but on haybales or beds, or even under tree leaves!

    It would be a neat little ambient feature, and this way they can also be pushed onto blocks to lock them, like when they rest kn chests.

    submitted by /u/GameSeeker040411
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    Serious Question: are handheld lanterns on the fps list?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 01:40 PM PST

    Crimson Widow

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:53 AM PST

    In appreciation of the Nether Update, a new, very dangerous mob. The Crimson Widow would be a larger variant of the standard spider with spindlier legs and a bulbous abdomen, a crimson-red body with a black hourglass shape on the underside of the abdomen (sort of an inverted black widow), bright green eyes, and the ability to breathe fire (no base damage, but 5 second burn) at the player and leave behind flaming "crimson cobwebs" (explained below). Their standard bite would inflict a 5 second burn on top of 6 damage worth of bite strength on normal difficulty (2 damage less than a Zombie Pigman base). They would drop Crimson Eyes (an item which could be crafted with sticks in the same way as coal to produce 4 "sickly torches" per eye which would look much like standard torches but with a purely emerald green color and a luminescence of 15) and Crimson String (which could be used in the place of string to craft a bow and automatically give it the "flame" enchantment, formed into "crimson wool" which would act like regular wool blocks only eternally burning without burning up as netherrack, or crafted in a 5 item plus shape in a crafting table to produce a crimson web, which acts as cobwebs in slowing players but also sets them on fire and is destroyed/harvested with swords or shears).

    submitted by /u/cuddleskunk
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    Herding animals with horses (+ some other fun things)

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 09:30 AM PST

    I don't know if this has been suggested but I couldn't find one about this.

    In real life, most farm animals run away from horses. I always feel a little disappointed when I charge at a group of cows or pigs or chickens and they just stare at me with no reaction.

    I think it would be fun to be able to chase cows while riding a horse. Kind of like how they run from you if you hit them, but they all run the same way you are to make it easier to guide them. This way you can play cowboy and corral livestock into pens more easily.

    And in the spirit of being a cowboy, I think it would also be fun to be able to use leads like a lasso. Maybe if you're not close enough to attach a lead, you instead throw it out like a fishing rod and can catch things from a further distance. It could maybe be its own separate item instead.

    Someone also suggested that dogs could help you herd cows, which could also be nice.

    Basically, I wanna be a cowboy.

    submitted by /u/ethanicus
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    Villager interactive signs.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 04:17 AM PST

    Red cross sign - any sign + red dye shapeless craft. Putting Red cross sign near door or bed will prevent villagers from using it unless they in danger (for doors). Putting red cross sign near farmland will prevent Farmer Villagers from working on these fields. Green Check mark sign - any sign + green dye shapeless craft. Putting Green Check mark sign near door or farmland will prioritize them to all villagers. They will choose them if possible. Villagers will not follow player signs if his reputation drops below 0

    submitted by /u/HellFireBro
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    Sword enchantments can go on items that also deal extra melee damag

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 01:42 PM PST

    Why do tools do damage, yet only the axe can recieve sword buffs (enchants)? The other tools that deal more damage when used in main hand should be able to recieve the enchantments that axes can, or general ones like knockback or maybe sharpness.

    submitted by /u/GameSeeker040411
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    Chickens laying eggs if you breed them

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 02:43 AM PST

    I mean... Turtles can already do this but instead of laying eggs depending on the biome, they'd depend on grass...

    It's not self-explanatory that grass part, basically they'd lay eggs surrounded by grass in places where... grass generate (especially tall grass) but if there's no grass, they'd depend on the light level (13)

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
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    Update all snowy biomes with snowier snow.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 01:14 AM PST

    In the 1.17 update, they have promised "snowier snow". I don't know what that means, but in any case, snow biomes in general could use a update. Right now, snowy plains and forests are like whiter, re-skinned grassy plains with a tiny layer of snow on top. The brown dirt shows through on the sides, and it doesn't look all that good.

    I propose that the snow in cold snowy biomes is changed to be more like actual snow.


    Snow would generate on top of dirt to be several blocks deep. The terrain would be completely covered up in the snow, and trees, small caves, and ponds could be buried under a few feet of snow. The snow would be less deep near tree trunks and areas that would be sheltered from the snow.

    Caves and mountains:

    Caves with water holes and flowing water could also have chunks of ice, like in rivers and oceans.

    Mountains peaks would be covered in a layer of snow blocks several blocks deep, like the plains. This would make the snow capped mountains look actually snow capped and not like they are covered in dandruff.


    The snowy villages would be slightly altered. Due to deeper snow, the wooden houses would be build on stilts. Churches and blacksmiths have raised cobblestone bases. The roads would be dug into the snow, as if the villagers had shoveled it out of the way.

    Overall, these changes would give these biomes a better appearance, and make them more unique.

    Note: The current generation would be used as a transition between snowy and non-snowy biomes.

    submitted by /u/k00ji
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    Tamed wolves should be able to pick up items.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 01:45 AM PST

    Since foxes are able to pick up and use items, wolves should be able to do something similar. They are both related species in real life, and allowing wolves to pick up food, use swords and consume totems of undying would be very useful for keeping dogs alive and making them stronger fighters.

    submitted by /u/RulerofallKumquats
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    New Wither changes for the Nether Update!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 06:31 PM PST

    With the upcoming Nether Update, it seems reasonable to add parity for the Wither Boss fight. Just like the Ender Dragon rework back in 1.9, the Wither would get a handful of new moves to utilize along with its fighting style changing to Bedrock editions:

    -The Wither no longer summons Wither Skeletons upon reaching half-HP. Instead, it can occasionally do a mortar-like skull attack that doesn't deal damage, but spawns Withlings, tiny black skulls that hop along the ground, spraying a black gas that creates Lingering clouds of Wither.

    -The Wither may be enraged at some times when dealing enough damage to it, causing it to screach loudly and spin in place, creating a vacuum to pull mobs in before launching them! Run as fast as you can to avoid the cyclone , but jumping will just make it easier for you to get sucked in. The Wither does this attack more often below half-HP.

    -One more thing, the Wither can only be created by Soul Soil now, and you have the light the skulls up blue in order to complete the summoning. Weird, but at least the Wither gets blue flame particles hovering around its body. Ehh?

    So, what are your thoughts? Is this a good way to improve the three-headed spookster? Yes, I know this may happen in the Nether Update, but can't we express our thoughts and ideas on a potentially upcoming feature here?

    submitted by /u/doctorlakiboss
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    Checklist for criteria-based Advancements

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 01:48 AM PST

    Lately, I've been focusing my in-game efforts on the Hardcore 100% challenge on Java, and it's bugged me for a while how there's no way to track the specific criteria on Advancements such as Adventuring Time, Complete Catalogue, etc. in-game. All you have is a number bar telling you you've seen 14/42 biomes or what have you.

    I've taken to tracking this information in a Google Doc, but occasionally my info gets separated from my in-game progress and I essentially have to restart the advancements to figure out what I'm missing. I don't know how realistic it is to see this one day implemented in-game but I imagine it could be very useful to a bunch of people.

    All I'm really suggesting is to have this same method of tracking I'm doing out of the game be implemented into the Advancements UI. The game is already tracking it, why can't I see it?

    P.S. If anyone has a datapack that gives me this functionality I will give you my undying adoration. For three days. Take it or leave it.

    submitted by /u/ReckzB
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