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    Minecraft New armor enchantment - Impact protection

    Minecraft New armor enchantment - Impact protection

    New armor enchantment - Impact protection

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 04:23 AM PST

    Impact protection is an enchantment that protects players from kinetic energy, fall damage, enderpearl teleportation and falling anvils.

    Overall, it works like any other protection enchantment, you can check the wiki for extra information.

    This would be a great enchantment for flying and building, since it protects you from both kinetic energy and fall damage. The player would also be and immune to ender pearl damage and falling anvils. It's not a strong enchantment at all, I can only see this being used on secondary armor for flight only (and maybe building) but that's already more use than most protection enchantments get anyway.

    u/Aleximo27 and u/Soviet_Samuelson (nice name) suggested this could be an elytra enchantment. I personally love that idea because that way elytras would have their own exclusive enchantment.

    (EDIT) Added fall damage protection, it just makes sense.

    (EDIT) Added idea from the comments.

    submitted by /u/XxBom_diaxX
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    Rats in villages

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 01:03 PM PST

    Rats are small, neutral mobs spawn in villages.

    Rats spawn in all variants of villages except from snowy tundra, 12–32 blocks away from the player in groups of 3-5. When killed, they drop: 0-1 'rat tail', a new item that can be used to brew potion of dizziness, which cause dizziness for 5 second; And 0-1 'rat hide', a new item that is smiliar to rabbit hide.Rats have 4 HP(2 hearts) and AS of 1, are dealing poison damage and immune to it. Rats behavior like silverfish, but don't have the infested blocks ability and weakness to bane of arthropods, and they destroy crops seldom. Also, cats attack them.

    A new mini boss, The Rat King.

    Rarely(as rare as jungle), all the rats in a village will have red eyes(usually the eyes are black) and will be hostile, this means that this village is under The Rat King's reign!The Rat King is human-like rat with crown and cap, almost as tall as an enderman. He seeks to corrupt the life energy of everything in the village from deep down in his burrow under the village.The Rat King have 40 HP(20 hearts) and AS of 5 + poison with the attacks 'poison bite'(as it sounds) and 'tail thump'(as it sounds), also, he summons corrupted rats(red eyes) that attack the player. To arrive to The Rat King's burrow, if you don't want to try your luck digging, you need to drink potion of dizziness II in the village. Then, you will teleport to his burrow. When killed, The Rat King drops his crown, 'Crown of The Rat King', that gives immunity to poison, and swiftness. Also, the rats are free from the tyrant control and return to normal, giving you the status effect 'A new king', the rats walk around you, protect you and give you goods.

    Some of the ideas here are from or took inspiration from u/Dovahrt 's post .

    Please, tell me what you think, any ideas, questions, Thoughts etc.?

    submitted by /u/upalome
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    [Immersion] subtle changes to the Enderman's scream

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 08:23 AM PST

    Endermen are terrifying. Let's change that- AND MAKE THEM EVEN MORE TERRIFYING.

    The main "quirk" of Enderman is to not stare at them. When stared at, they will emit a scream that will stick with you, no matter where the Enderman is. As this appears to be some sort of psychic attack, this should have an effect on the player, such as:

    -applying a vignette to the screen -making things a bit blurrier -applying a transparent static filter -subtle screen shake

    This effect only lasts as long as the scream audio plays. This feature is meant to increase the player's fear.

    submitted by /u/dualitySimplifed
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    Mining blocks next to sand or gravel with silk touch should not trigger a fall (and maybe also prevent observers from firing).

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 11:14 AM PST

    I don't think it should prevent block updates in *all* situations, as there are some blocks (like crops or nether portals) where this wouldn't make sense. However, we currently have shears as an option for disabling tripwire hooks safely; it seems logical that the "care" used when mining with silk touch could extend to observers and falling blocks. It would be a nice, *intended* way to set sand/gravel traps instead of having to use the flower glitch (which has been patched, IIRC) or to exploit natural terrain generation.

    submitted by /u/SliceThePi
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    Potion of teleportation

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 06:31 AM PST

    A potion of teleportation and be brewed with a speed potion and a popped chorus fruit. They would have a durations of 10 - 20 seconds depending on how much redstone is added.

    The effects of the potion would be simple, you'd teleport out of the way of projectiles like an enderman. The distance would be 3 - 4 blocks and will not teleport you into an area that drops you down 3 blocks or more. The effect would also refuse to teleport you in the direction the projectile is going.

    submitted by /u/The-Most-Sour-Lemon
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    Shield ramming attacks

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 03:59 PM PST

    Sprinting for a second or two then activating your shield shouldn't slow you down immediately but slowly, and crashing into a mob or player would deal damage to them depending on how fast you're going like an arrow. Like normal attacks, while falling you can do a critical hit. It would also deal durability to the shield

    submitted by /u/The-Real-Radar
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    More snow

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 02:54 PM PST

    snow on stairs and half blocks would look great on roofs.

    submitted by /u/Budwg
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    Dropped items or blocks wont be picked up while crouching

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 09:56 AM PST

    This would make it easier to clear your inventory, or to avoid picking up unwanted drops. Maybe this mechanic could be toggled on/off in the settings for the player's convenience.

    submitted by /u/connordaq-tip
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    Potion of mining fatigue

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 12:40 PM PST

    Brewing a sponge into an awkward potion would create mining fatigue potion that lasts for 1 minute 30 seconds and for 4 minutes if extended.

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    New structure: Cottage

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 01:40 AM PST

    Can be found in taigas, forests, dark forests, snowy taigas, & jungles.

    Dimension of 5*4*4, consists of cobblestone & type of wood in that biome (e.g if it's a taiga, then it's spruce wood),an observer trap, & cobwebs.

    Contains a double chest, furnace, crafting table, & bed, but it's tendency is quite rare.

    The double chest contains 1 enchanted book (random enchantment), stone tools, rotten fleshes, bones, coal, & 0,1% chance of an enchanted golden apple.

    The double chest will also trigger the observer under that opens a sticky piston right in front of the double chest which is a 1*1*5 hole filled with lava.

    Has no torches, but the entire floor (except in front of the double chest) consists of bottom-half cobblestone slabs. The only torch is right above the block that will be pulled by the sticky piston, indicating the trap.

    submitted by /u/8bit95
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    Clocks should make a ticking sound.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 04:28 AM PST

    I don't know, a little feature indeed, but it can increase the ambience and is actually logic :)

    submitted by /u/Tekstar_XD
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    Dog sleigh

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 12:33 PM PST

    Most of the time dogs become useless in the game mainly because of the fact that they die pretty easily, so dog sleigh would be a way to not only make them useful but also be a mode of transportation

    submitted by /u/Nuka_Everything
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    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 03:43 AM PST

    Grapes are new plants growing in villages on their plantations.

    The grapes are climbing and therefore must lean on the blocks to grow. After eating the grapes will give 4 hunger points.

    Trellis is a new item that allows you to grow grapes efficiently. It is made of three sticks. Grapes can grow on it and, by the way, grow twice as fast.

    In the villages are found in the villages on plantations, as I said before. These plantations are 9-12 sticks arranged in rows. Farmers will collect grapes. You can also trade with villagers.

    If the grapes are harvested from the bush, the seeds also fall out. They can be sown and then new grapes can grow.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Neonek675
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    Shield Bashing. Small Implementation, incredible potential.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 07:49 AM PST

    Hello Reddit! Inspired by u/The-Real-Radar´s Shield Ramming idea, I wanted to propose yet another change to combat with shields to make PvP a bit more tactical and fun. I present to you Shield Bashing.

    How would it work?

    Lets take a look at my inspiration for this post, TES V: Skyrim. In Skyrim, bashing is performed by blocking then pressing the attack button. This causes your character to bash their shield into the enemy, stunning them, blocking their attack, and knocking them back. A similar idea could be implemented easily in Minecraft. Just put your shield up and click attack to bash with similar effects. Bashing would cause the opponent to lose their weapon charge, meaning they can´t instantly retaliate, and would be pushed a few units back. This push could be improved by the Knockback enchantment.

    Wouldn´t this make shields (and defensive play) too strong?

    Oh dont worry buddy, I got you covered. Firstly, bashing on itself does not deal damage (and if it does, it should be a minimal amount), meaning that you can´t simply sit while shielding waiting for the enemy to attack you. Secondly, bashes can be missed. Think of it like a parry window, during the start of it you can block the enemy and perform a succesful bash, but missing would lead to you being unprotected for a second. This also leads to mindgames (do I attack now, or bait a bash, then punish?) Bashing does stop arrows just like if your shield was up as usual, unless you miss, that is.

    All in all, I think bashing would be a really good adition to the game that would spice up Minecraft´s combat and make it much more enjoyable without breaking it or introducing super big changes, a simple mechanic with lots of possible applications and potential.

    submitted by /u/DeusExPez
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    New potion effect: Longhand

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 09:31 AM PST

    This potion effect will allow you to build from further away.

    If brewed with glowstone dust, will become level 2, but with the duration only of 1,5 minutes. If brewed with redstone dust, will lengthen the duration to 8 minutes. The default duration is 3 minutes.

    At level 1 will allow the drinker to build with the reach of 7 blocks (the default is 4), and level 2 will give the reach of 10 blocks.

    This potion is brewed with a piece of arrow.

    submitted by /u/8bit95
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    Potion of Blinking

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 12:03 PM PST

    This would be a potion that, when drunk, it would give you the new "blink" status. This would have the effect of giving you a chance to teleport away from projectiles like endermen do. The teleportation would be essentially the same as chorus fruit teleportation, and as such is brewed using a chorus fruit (or popped chorus fruit, idk). The chance for the teleportation to activate would be 40% for level one, 60% for two, and increasing by another 20% for each level after that (effectively maxing out at level four with 100%, though this is not obtainable).

    submitted by /u/MerlinGrandCaster
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    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 12:10 PM PST

    I have a feeling that this might be viewed as too similar to the 'modular boats' concept in the FPS list, but I believe that my idea is different enough.

    A raft is a 3x4 floating platform, that can be placed onto water like lily-pads and boats. It shall be crafted using logs and string, perhaps with string in the centre and logs all around.

    Like boats, it can be pushed around by entities and water currents, but takes a few more hits to destroy. Unlike boats, there is no 'seat' and no built-in method of propulsion. This means that they rely on water currents, or have to be pushed or pulled by players (in boats) ,or mobs, using leads.

    The main advantage over boats is that blocks can be placed on them. This means that they can be small, mobile bases, but to limit things, the raft cannot be more than four blocks tall above the waterline and two blocks below, and neither can it be made wider or longer. If shift-clicked on with a block, or if the block is placed outside the aforementioned area, the block is placed normally, and is not attached to the raft, so building out at sea can be done easily. Destroying the raft with blocks placed on it risks losing a few. Sleeping in a raft skips the night, and saves the spawn point until the raft has moved more than 10 blocks from its original position, and has not returned within a minute.

    I think that the raft will allow players to travel across oceans with small amounts of animals, chests, furnaces and would make exploring the sea a lot more convenient. They could also be used as transporter bridges, park rides and or even naval mines. The lack of a propulsion system means that they are not simply larger boats, and require some creativity in moving around. I'd like to see a day where a trident-wielding player is riding upon a chariot pulled along the sea by dolphins...in Minecraft of course.

    submitted by /u/General-Dragonfly
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    Crossbow Enchantment - Rectitude

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 08:22 AM PST

    What I've noticed is that every weapon has kind of a "basic" enchantment that deals more damage, and goes up to 5 levels. Except for the crossbow. So, here's Rectitude (righteousness of principle or conduct). I was kind of going for it to be "for the crossbow as impaling is for tridents). Tridents are from the water, and impaling deals more damage to aquatic mobs. Crossbows are most associated with illagers & raids, so Rectitude would make the crossbow deal more damage to illager mobs. Now, the crossbow can be used more effectively for raids or woodland mansions.

    submitted by /u/VoltMan261R
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    Arrow trail particles covering screen.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 03:58 PM PST

    I think the arrow trail particles shouldn't be visible to the player until the arrow is far enough. They block the player's vision.

    submitted by /u/Tatsoman2
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    Add an Easter egg every easter

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 03:26 PM PST

    This may have already been posted before so apologies if it has

    I feel like adding a new Easter egg every easter could be a fun community event where people would try to find said Easter egg and if we did it would stay in the game (to clarify when I'm talking about Easter eggs I'm referring to behaviour such as the "dinnerbone" nametag)

    submitted by /u/clemdemort
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    Horses should have the ability to lie down

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 09:26 PM PST

    If dogs and cats can sit, why can't the horses chill, too? It's so annoying having to trap a horse in a hole just so you can have your little mining adventures. Ugh.

    submitted by /u/Pxdddy
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    Potion of Hyperactivity

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 02:56 AM PST


    This is basically an alternative to the potion of swiftness. It replaces the sprint function with a fast dash for the duration of the potion. It would last for 4 minutes and the duration could be upgraded to 8 minutes. Alternatively, the effects could be upgraded to allow longer range while dashing.


    When the sprint button is pressed, the player dashes forward ~10 blocks (20 if upgraded). While dashing, the player retains any previous momentum, potentially allowing for increased distance. Momentum from the dash is also conserved upon the dash finishing. The player dashes in the direction they are moving, but if they are not moving they will dash in the direction they're facing. This can potentially grant vertical movement. If the player collides with another player while dashing, the player hit will be knocked back a short distance (around 2 blocks).


    Crafted by brewing a potion of swiftness with a piece of honeycomb.


    Its primary use is to gain a quick dodge while facing an opponent, whether it's a mob or another player, allowing the player to escape an attack and disorient their opponent. It can also rarely be used to knock an opponent off a cliff or into a pit and can grant an escape if this happens to the player under the potion's effect. It makes a nice alternative to sprinting as dashing doesn't consume hunger points. It can also be of use in building to enable the player to reach a higher point from which to place blocks they otherwise wouldn't have been able to place without using up ladders.

    Thank you for reading!! :)

    submitted by /u/Urbain19
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    A revamp of /weather

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 09:59 PM PST

    I saw a post about /weather snow, and was inspired to make this one.

    First up, /weather would be changed around a little. Now it has two subcommands.

    /weather [global/player] <players> [weather] 

    Global would set the weather for all players, and would place snow layers in snowy biomes, summon thunder, rain would put out fire, allow riptide to be used while raining, fill cauldrons etc.

    Player would be per-player weather, giving mapmakers an opportunity to control the visuals of a player. This weather would not effect any blocks or entites, and would be purely visual.

    [weather] would have a few more things added to it.

    • rain - vanilla rain, snows in snowy biomes
    • clear - vanilla
    • thunder - vanilla thunder
    • snow - snowy weather everywhere
    • heavy - faster and more intense versions of weather, if set to global snow will pile up faster, cauldrons fill quicker etc

    Leave any idea or criticisms in the comments!

    submitted by /u/4P5mc
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    Creative players will get "hyper break" if they hold left click long enough

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 06:15 PM PST

    If a player in creative holds down left click for a specific amount of time (maybe customized in settings or gamerule?) they will get the hyper break similar to what a player in survival would get if they were breaking dirt with efficiency V.

    submitted by /u/BiC_MC
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