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    Minecraft Upgrading Snow Golems in a Ice Golems (cold biomes only)

    Minecraft Upgrading Snow Golems in a Ice Golems (cold biomes only)

    Upgrading Snow Golems in a Ice Golems (cold biomes only)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 04:35 AM PST

    Use a bucket of water on any snow golem in cold biome to transform snow golem in an ice golem over few minutes (similar to zombie villager cure)

    Ice golems have 2 passive armor and their attacks deal 2 damage, but attack speed is halved. Ice Golems will always move in slide mode and that can accidently kill them (sliding from a cliff or in hostile mobs)

    Pouring water bucket on snow golems in non-cold biomes will result in golem death

    Ice Golems will drop nothing upon death

    submitted by /u/HellFireBro
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    Force the player to take off his diamond gear in certain situations/places

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 10:46 PM PST

    INTRODUCTION(skip if you want) I think it's boring like you find diamonds and you are happy(obivously) but then you just find more and more of them and you keep ONE set of armour for the rest of your playing(ender dragon fight, wither fight, woodland mansion) which makes it boring and after a certain point you don't even need to worry about armour. And diamond armour is a bit too universal in my opinion.

    MY IDEAS - I think a new type of armour that is better than diamond but only in a certain situation(example: being in the nether, being in cold biomes) would be awesome. Something like an armour that makes you immune to lava for a certain time, an armour that makes endermen not aggro at you without obscuring vision or one that could protect you from other sources of damage more than from another ones. That would make minecraft much more exciting. Maybe there could be even tools for that.

    Show me your ideas in the comments!

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    The amount of damage your critical hit does is determined by the height at which your jumped from.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 07:29 AM PST

    In Minecraft, jumping and then hitting your target does something called a "critical hit". What is weird is that no matter the height you jumped from, the damage your critical hit does stays the same. It will make sense that jumping from 5 blocks and hitting your enemy will deal more damage than jumping from just 2.

    submitted by /u/creprobrin
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    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 12:30 PM PST

    What if we would have a enchantment that repeats a attack but a little weaker. Level 1 have one repeat and the higher level the higher number of repeats is increased by one but it still deals less damage after per reapeat.

    submitted by /u/NEXTpepe
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    Stalking [enchantment]

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 11:03 AM PST

    This enchantment is exclusive on chainmail armour giving it an unique property. If the wearer of the armour piece is invisible then the armour piece is invisible too. Max level is 1.

    Thanks to u/solar_powered_noob42 for helping with creating the idea

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    New Shield Enchantments

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 12:29 PM PST

    I will suggest shield enchantments that I haven't seen before on this subreddit. Previously I've seen enchantments that do knockback, lets you deal damage by charging in, let you collect arrows, deflect more etc.

    Extension (I - III)

    Extends the angle in which the shield can defend you. (if changes in Combat Snapshot 3 go ahead)

    Level I: 130 degrees

    Level II: 160 degrees

    Level III: 190 degrees


    Rotates 360 degrees when used, helping when you are swarmed by attackers. However it is slightly slower than the normal shield. Mutually exclusive with Extension.

    Avoidance (I - II)

    Pushes the attacker to the right or left (depending on the side they attacked from) when used upon so they might miss the attack. Only works when attack is melee.

    Level I: Push 0.5 blocks horizontally

    Level II: Push 1 block horizontally

    Portability (I - II)

    Makes movement faster when using the shield. With Level II you can move at a walking speed even when it is activated.

    Detection (I - III)

    There is a chance for the shield to auto-activate. Mutually exclusive with Rotation.

    Level I: 20% chance

    Level II: 25% chance

    Level III: 30% chance


    Will cause thrown potions to be destroyed on impact if shield is used


    Causes projectiles to pass through you and the shield without damaging you

    Contagiousness (I - II)

    Blocking while having an effect causes you to pass on the effect, lasting like its suspicious stew counterpart with level I. With level II the length will be 1.5 times longer than its stew counterpart

    Thanks for reading; what's your opinions?

    submitted by /u/solar_powered_noob42
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    Crafting a paper and a chest adds a label to the chest

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 09:47 AM PST

    I just thought this would help me when I'm organising stuff in different chests.

    The "labelled" chest displays a blank paper when viewed from outside (to prevent it from looking cluttered), but displays the name on top when you open the chest.

    A labelled large chest, however, could display the name from outside. So, perhaps, this idea has more application with large chests.

    By "outside", I mean when the chest UI is not displayed, i.e., when viewed as a normal block.

    Thanks for reading :)

    submitted by /u/WhiteLantern_Flash
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    Creepers riding phantoms; aka dive bombers. And Skeletons riding phantoms too that shoot arrows at you and everything.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 03:51 PM PST

    Illager call

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 09:24 AM PST

    Placing an illager banner in a village will lure the illager patrols closer to the village to get raids faster

    submitted by /u/MMakarov
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    Skeleton conversion to Wither Skeleton

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 03:01 PM PST

    Like how zombies can be converted to drowned, what if skeletons, upon dying in lava had a chance of becoming wither skeletons?

    submitted by /u/bolobread
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    Witches have a rare chance to drop an ingredient for a random potion when killed

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 09:03 AM PST

    Witches are not that easy to find and they are hard to beat. Also their drops are one of the worst drops a mod can drop when killed. That might at least make players more excited to see a witch

    submitted by /u/iawdpskm
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    Making all bosses more fluid

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 03:24 PM PST

    The ender dragon is composed of many joints for example in the tail. Unlike other mobs which are very blocky and move in set ways, the dragon is very fluid in comparison. I think this should apply to all bosses such as the wither, elder guardian, and Ravager as well. They are given more movements such as the wither being able to twist or bend its "neck" (where the heads are attached". The ender guardian could tilt and wiggle its spines along with retracting them. The Ravager could tilt upwards similar to the polar bear.

    To even up the ante the bosses could be the only mobs in the game with curves. For example giving the ender dragon a solid blocky tail but allowing it to twist and bend.

    submitted by /u/-DCPT-
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    Dimension-Specific Tools

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:32 PM PST

    Something I always appreciated about the Aether mod was that in order to efficiently fight/collect resources in this new dimension, even your most powerful Overworld tools would only get you so far. You'd need to find brand-new ores and materials in order to craft new tools specifically intended for this dimensions's blocks and mobs. It helps to give more identity to this new and very different setting, as well as providing more of a challenge that entering a whole new world should logically present.

    I suggest something similar for the Nether. This Minecraft dimension is already in dire need of more ores, and this would give them a reason to exist and not feel superfluous. Heck, why not make Quartz tools as the lowest Nether tier? With how common the ore is throughout the Nether, it'd be nice if there was a practical use for it outside of a somewhat arbitrary inclusion in a few redstone components.

    These tools and armor would theoretically have their own unique design rather than using the same template as Overworld armor. I don't have the means of creating an example myself but I'd be happy to hear ideas on this, as well as other unique ores that would fit the Nether. I do imagine Nether armor having its own effects, a la the turtle shell- perhaps you could get a few seconds of fire resistance similar to the breathing mechanic.

    I'm honestly not certain what I would do for the End, given that it's an endgame area and in my opinion needs a full revamp of its own, one that may include its own tools and armor. Still happy to hear ideas on that.

    submitted by /u/Ryanious
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    Duengon defender/Grave guard.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 12:14 PM PST

    Health: 20. Weapond: Iron sword, Iron axe or none. Behavior: aggresive. Desctiption: A skeleton you can find deep in the duengon. It is a skeleton but it have a chestplate and chains around the hip. The chains hold a big gold box with a keyhole in the middle. The box is on the right side of the skeleton. When it dies it will turn in to a regular skeleton with a chestplate and a sword.

    submitted by /u/NEXTpepe
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    A save and load function on the pause menu

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 10:23 AM PST

    Im pretty sure this already exist on the console editions except for the load part

    It could be like the save and load feature in Breath of the wild

    This function would be useful when building tnt duping machines as making a backup and reloading it whenever something fails gets tedious and annoying

    submitted by /u/IronRyan2807
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    Water in cold biomes harms you.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 09:34 AM PST

    The only way around being harmed is to wear warm equipment, such as leather armor, or use a potion of water breathing. Alternatively standing over magna blocks will hit you up and keep you from taking damage. Damage is roughly as fast as poison, however unlike Poison it is capable of killing you.

    This is distinctly different from the frequently suggested idea that called biomes should have some sort of a temperature meter and critical temperatures can harm you. This is not what I'm suggesting. What I am saying is that naturally generated waters, such as if you are in an ice lake, these will hurt you. And you will either need leather, just swim across. Or boats, to row across.

    submitted by /u/steakandwater
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    Rammed Earth Walls

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 09:22 PM PST

    Also known as a Rammed Earth Block, this item has a mixed appearance of stone/dirt/concrete. Rammed Earth blocks have the same blast resistance as a stone brick block, and also is as hard as bricks. It will not drop itself without a pickaxe of iron+ tiers (gold does not count, as gold is just too soft). The crafting recipe is of follows:

    • DT ST CR
    • DT ST CR
    • DT ST CR

    Where DT stands for Dirt, ST stands for Stone, and CR stands for Concrete. Dyed concrete will create a coloured earth wall of the concretes respective dye colouring.

    The rammed earth walls comes from real life. Rammed Earth walls also are lovely to look at, and are natural at the same time. This addition would actually help spice up Minecraft and help with aesthetical building and also maybe villages made out of earth walls could follow.

    If there's dirt and concrete and stone in the Overworld, why not also have a Rammed Earth block? It would look lovely, and better than the depressing grey stone blocks. Ugh, that grey...

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Bandits (outcasts)

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 07:05 PM PST

    These mobs look almost identical to the pillagers but with a bit of an appearance change, they wear bandannas and are equipped with bows, and are able to ride horses. They would live in the badlands biome with a new structure called the outcast hideout. They would come with a cowboy and would be the leader of the pack. They would give a similar effect to bad omen but what's different as they are much quicker and way more dangerous. And would use a lot of gold weapons. The one thing you need to be careful of is they will spawn ONLY in Mesa and badlands biome and would travel to villages and player homes and try to steal loot and would trigger the event called the wild war.

    submitted by /u/151406
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