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    Minecraft Curse of lurking

    Minecraft Curse of lurking

    Curse of lurking

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 07:38 AM PST

    When you have this curse on a helmet you will start hearing the voices of hostile mobs,

    Attempting to sleep will give you the comment "You can't sleep yet, there might be monsters nearby",

    And phantoms spawn after only one night of not sleeping (cause God knows hearing creepers behind my back will give me insomnia).

    submitted by /u/Yanive_amaznive
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    Beetroot Overhaul

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 09:11 AM PST

    Ever since they were introduced to the game, Beetroots have always taken the last place metal in the crop race. However from today forwards, people are likely to say that Beetroots are one of the best crops in the game. This post will critique and modify the current Beetroot; making it simple to implement on Mojang's part. With these suggestions in mind, people will now realize the potential of the powerful super-food that is the Beetroot.

    So, Why are Beetroots so horrible?

    • Beetroots are difficult to find, since they only generate as rare chest loot.

    • Beetroot Seeds flood your inventory just like Wheat Seeds.

    • The payoff is too low. They fill little to no hunger and saturation, and are easily outclassed by Carrots and Potatoes.

    • They serve little to no purpose. They lack a certain niche or role that make other crops so great. They're nothing except a lame, off-brand of other crops.

    • All their crafting recipes suck. Why would you spend six Beetroots on an unstackable, mediocre food that is comparable to a Baked Potato?


    • Beetroots no longer drop or require seeds to plant. In reality, beets have their seeds inside them right?

    • Existing Beetroot Seeds in worlds will be replaced with Beetroots. We don't need another case of Alpha Leaves now do we?

    • Beetroot can be Smelted into sugar. Sugarcane might be too useful to turn into Sugar, so now there are more ways of getting it!

    • Beetroot Soup recipe only requires 3 Beetroots to craft. More Soup for everyone!

    • And now the most important of all: Beetroot crops drop 3-6 Beetroots.

    • The Quantity will compensate for its low-hunger, low-saturation, and rarity.

    • This high yield makes it the best crop to breed Villagers with.

    • This high yield makes it the best crop to trade with.

    With all these suggestions considered, Beetroot will gain the respect of others and be more comparable to other crops. Without implementing much, Beetroot now has large trading value, and is ideal for a quickly growing Village.

    submitted by /u/PeakedComedy
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    Alpha Wolves (Lupines)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 07:41 AM PST

    The Alpha Wolf is a wolf variant that spawns only during the full moon, quite rarely. An Alpha Wolf is different from its other brethren as it is notably bigger, has darker fur, and is more aggressive. I understand that Alpha Wolf may be a mouthful, so I'll call them Lupines.

    Lupines will attack any nearby mobs (except Creepers), including the player, and each Lupine will lead a pack of up to three normal wolves. Lupines will fight to the death with one another, and the victorious one will get to keep the pack. Once a Lupine has a full crew, it will attack any other nearby wolves.

    Normal wolves will not attack a Lupine under any circumstance, even if its pack leader is being attacked by another Lupine. It is priority to a Lupine that it kills the opposing Lupine first, even if other enemies are attacking it.

    Lupines cannot be tamed and will have a 1% chance of dropping its head as a trophy. They also have 30 hearts and cannot be outran. They have the same speed as a player walking, but they will sprint (slightly faster than the player) when the player also starts sprinting.

    submitted by /u/ZephyrFlewAway
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    In Extreme Hills biomes, snow should turn into rain at Y level 95

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 04:06 AM PST

    Right now, snow falls in extreme hills above Y level 95, but rain falls at lower levels. Even in the sky, you can see the rain and snow separated. I think only snow should fall above Y level 95, and, if it didn't hit the ground yet, should turn into rain at Y level 95.

    submitted by /u/CoolnessJuice
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    Jungle Temples should be updated to look like Aztec pyramids

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 11:43 AM PST

    With the new /locate command, Mojang has addressed the fact that jungle temples are, in fact, supposed to be pyramids. But in their current state, they don't look like pyramids, nor are they a very interesting structure. I think jungle temples should be redone in the form of an Aztec pyramid. You would walk up the stairs to enter, and there would be a staircase inside to go down and claim your loot. But you would need to be careful, because there would be new and improved arrow traps in the pyramid!

    For those of you who don't know what an Aztec pyramid looks like, here you go.

    submitted by /u/dankmemer_69_420
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    There needs to be more Paintings added.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 12:32 PM PST

    I think there should be more paintings, with different dimensions, like 2x4, 3x3 etc. There should be a Mona Lisa with an Alex head or something like that. Just a thought.

    submitted by /u/TinyAKid
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    Golems Can Climb Over Fences

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 03:08 PM PST

    So I'v noticed that some of the Golems that spawn in my village spawn inside some of my fenced areas. Unfortunately this keeps them from patrolling my village or worse reaching mobs using range. Now instead of always getting them out personally would it not just be easier to give them the ability to climb or hop over a singe fence block?

    submitted by /u/Ronnie-R15
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    Right clicking buttons in java.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 11:18 PM PST

    For example, the world type button cycles through a set of options like this: Default>Superflat>Larger Biomes>Amplified>Buffet/Custom.

    Let's say you click one too many times, and instead of amplified (in this case) you go to buffet, it would be way easier to just right click to go back than to click another 5 times.

    I might just be lazy, this might be a small idea, but it'd make the game feel more complete. (also it's driving me insane)

    submitted by /u/F5nn
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    Rotten flesh can be used to make potions of decay

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 03:30 PM PST

    This is something I have been thinking about for a while. I think rotten flesh should have more of a role except for just being junk.

    submitted by /u/TwizZy_ToOn
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    Jack-in-the-Box (New Dungeon Loot)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 02:50 PM PST

    Basically there'd be a small percentage that a Jack-in-the-Box would spawn in place of a Dungeon's chest.

    These blocks would resemble an antique box with a crank on the side. You right click to turn the crank, producing a different note each time, which all contribute to a melody. Similar to the Note Block, the block underneath affects the sound output.

    At the end of the melody, the box flips open and a mob head pops out on a spring. The player then right-clicks to close, or sneaks and right-clicks to grab the mob head.

    Right-clicking on an empty Jack-in-the-Box with a mob head would place the head inside. This could likewise work with helmets as a novel alternative to armor stands.

    They would include Creeper heads, Zombie heads, Skeleton heads, but not Wither Skeleton skulls (unless you place one inside yourself).

    Like a Shulker Box, you can pick up the Jack-in-the-Box without losing the displayed item (at least if it's closed).

    If there's any worries this would make mob heads too common, the rarity of these boxes can always be adjusted.

    Vote on the Feedback Site

    submitted by /u/RazeSpear
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    Mine shaft comes to the surface.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 05:10 PM PST

    It makes no sense that there are mine shafts but they arent connected to the surface. How were they mined out? I think there should be a chance that one has a ladder to the surface with a small structure. Then with a big chance of it being caved in with cobblestone/etc.

    submitted by /u/Rogocraft
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    Baby Villagers vs Bees.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 05:32 PM PST

    Baby villagers should be scared of bees and bee nests. If a bee goes near a baby villager it should run away. Baby villagers should also try to stay away from bee nests.

    submitted by /u/sockzkan
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    "Bigger on the inside" enchantments

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 10:36 PM PST

    Since moving in the Nether is like moving 8x farther in the overworld, I consider myself to be 8x larger in the Nether.

    What if you could harness that magical element of growth and return it to the overworld?

    Perhaps there were a way to enchant a book with "Expansion" using quartz, allowing a chest to hold an extra layer of space. Two enchanted chests making a double chest with a collective two extra layers.

    But an enchanted block that, when used to build an entirely enclosed structure (minus a doorframe), can be struck with flint at the entrance and create a room 8x bigger on the inside. Breaking a "new" block of quartz would result in the destruction of the room, maybe even an explosion as a deterrent?

    I just genuinely enjoy the idea of harnessing that weird aspect of the Nether that makes it "bigger on the inside."

    submitted by /u/107bees
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    A map in the stronghold!

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 05:37 PM PST

    In zelda games, you always have to find a map of the dungeon before you go and fight the boss.

    Why not store a map of the stronghold in the library? This will help in navigation through the stronghold and makes finding the portal more epic i guess

    submitted by /u/dillon418
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    Sneaking better

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 04:43 PM PST

    Sneaking is helpful - in PVP because it hides your nametag.

    It's not so helpful in singleplayer Minecraft outside of building.

    My proposal is that the sneak function allows you to hide in grass, leaf or bush blocks on the ground, letting you hide from mobs. There would be some exceptions - the ocelot and the wolf both have great hearing, and the endermen are tall and can look over the grass.

    This would add a touch more immersion into Minecraft because currently sneaking seems to do almost nothing to combat whatsoever.

    submitted by /u/RedstoneNovice64
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    Floor/ceiling signs

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 07:02 PM PST

    It would be nice if signs could be placed on the floor/ceiling

    maybe a better way to mark storage that's on the floor or under a block

    maybe as a makeshift welcome mat

    or as a joke sign for when you look up it says to look forward

    would just be nice

    submitted by /u/Intellectual-Potato
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    Be able to convert a Wandering Trader to a villager

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 09:28 PM PST

    You should be able to place the workbench of your choosing to convert it into the profession of your choosing. This would make them much more useful as they seem to spawn all the time, and you wouldn't have to go to a village to get villagers for your base

    submitted by /u/Darth_Ewok14
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    A Fiery Update (not necessarily Nether)

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 10:26 PM PST

    • Magma blocks should have three variants: Nether Magma (same as current magma blocks) and Ground Magma (just like Nether Magma but with stone texture instead of netherrack). Nether Magma hurts more than Ground Magma by half a heart. Blue Magma in the Nether will set the player on fire when not crouching.

    • Lava pools should be connected to magma chambers (a small cave-dungeon flooded with lava) beneath them, where only one vein of rare ore, Ignium spawns at the end. The magma chamber will be enclosed by Rhyolite and Ground Magma. Ignium is used to spawn a new boss in the Nether.

    • Ashgrubs and Singed spawn in the magma chamber. Ashgrubs are a dark gray Silverfish variant that shoots ash at you, giving you blindness for 2 seconds. Singed are a burning red zombie variant that gives you Blast effect when it hits you for 20 seconds. Blast effect makes burning, lava, and magma blocks hurt more.

    • If you stay long enough unmoving in lava, it will eventually float you as lava is three times more dense than the human body.

    Farfetched Part - When in contact with rain, water, or in a cold biome (exposed to the sky), lava sources form a layer of pegmatite that breaks when the player stands on it. Breaking the pegmatite with a pickaxe gives Volcanic Crystals, which in 3x3 form Pegmatite blocks that don't break when stood on. Said Pegmatite blocks will then form Obsidian in a 2x2 crafting.

    • Ignium can be used to craft tools generally better than Diamond. The full armor allows the player to swim in lava like in water. However, integrity is wasted 1/s when in water. It also makes you immune to Blast and anything fiery in general. Pickaxes immediately (or has a chance to) smelt ores. Sword kills drop (or has a chance to) cooked meat.
    submitted by /u/ZephyrFlewAway
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