• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers Timecraft [SMP] {Whitelist} {Content Creators}

    Minecraft Servers Timecraft [SMP] {Whitelist} {Content Creators}

    Timecraft [SMP] {Whitelist} {Content Creators}

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 09:44 AM PST

    Greetings Future Travelers! Timecraft is Recruiting and We Want You!

    We are a small group of players looking for more like-minded individuals who are interested in creating and helping create content together on Minecraft in a Seasonal, Semi-Vanilla Survival Multiplayer World with different themes and challenges every season. We are currently 3 months into Season 1 which is a 6 month trial season, but it is NOT too late to join.

    We strive to create a fun and entertaining platform for people to play and create on in a playful and collaborative community. This community is for those that want a sense of real community, friends to play with and have an interest in helping create content for different platforms. We aim to have a fully functional diamond economy and unique play experience around our story and content driven world, so we've also added a few tweaks to the game to aid our Travelers in their venture; similar to the popular series HermitCraft. Together, the "Travelers" will go through the seasons filling different themed regions together and creating their own masterpieces and stories, all while making content with fellow content creators, and competing for points to earn rewards in the community and in the next season if they decide to Travel with us again.

    If you're interested, he's the cut:

    • You must be 18+ years in age (with exceptions, of course)
    • You must have building and social etiquette and follow the server rules
    • You must try be the best builder you can be and take care of the world we live in
    • You must have the ability to help build and maintain an economy
    • You must have and use discord as actively as you can

    If you feel this server is for you, we would love to hear from you. To apply, reply here or send me a message on Reddit (or Discord at Toaster#7967) and I will link you to our Discord. There, you can read through our rules and introduction sections. And hey, even if the server isn't for you, join our community and see what it's all about!

    Hope to hear and see you all soon. Happy Traveling!

    ~ Team TimeCraft

    submitted by /u/Woodchuck7542
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    Solar SMP [PvE] [SMP] {1.14.4} {Survival} {Custom Crafting} {Custom Ores and Items} {VeinMiner} {McMMO} {Land-Claims} {Events}

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 03:40 AM PST

    Welcome to the Reddit server advertisement for Solar SMP, a Survival Minecraft server with many fun features!

    Version: 1.14.4

    Server IP: SolarSMP.net

    Discord: SolarNetwork


    Server Description:

    Solar SMP is a survival server with a huge twist to normal vanilla, adding many more features and things to do in-game, Solar has custom ores and custom items and armor that adds way more content to the game to make it more fun to play and enjoy, you can even drink coffee and ride around in go-carts! We use a texture pack to make the game seem like it's modded even though it's not, so you can enjoy a bunch of modded features without having to download anything, just press one button on joining and you have it all. Solar also has a lot of quality of life features to make your survival experience even better, like VeinMiner which allows you to break down entire trees and entire ore veins while only breaking one of the blocks, making mining way easier and satisfying, we also have McMMO which adds skills to minecraft, overtime you gain skills for doing certain tasks like super-breaker, which allows you to make your pickaxe go super fast for a certain amount of time, depending on your skill level.


    World Borders:

    Overworld: 80K

    Nether: 40k

    End: 40k

    Borders will change in size in the future.

    Difficulty: Hard

    All Features List:

    Custom Crafting

    Custom Items [Swords, Armor, Food, Hats, Wings, and many more!]

    Custom Ores

    Server Exclusive Items [Solar Armor and Tools, hardest to craft items in the game that you will have to grind for!]

    Semi-Modded [Texture pack that makes the game feel modded, even though it's not, to add many more features!]

    Community Towns

    Essentials [Basic commands like /home and /warp to get around]

    Harbor [Sleep plugin, only 25% of the server has to sleep to make it day, instead of 100%]

    Land Claims [Protect your items from griefers!]

    CoreProtect [If any of your items gets stolen or broken, a staff member can find out who did it, punish them and roll back all of the damage done.]

    Server Events [Staff hosted events for rewards in-game, like hide and seek or parkour.]

    Resource world [World that resets every week, made for finding ores or randomly generated structures if you cannot find them in the normal world.]


    Server Rules:

    Rule 1: Use common sense

    Rule 2: No spamming the chat or annoying others.

    Rule 3: No toxicity

    Rule 4: No cheating in any way, this includes all glitches except: 0 tick and any glitch to get on top of the nether

    Rule 5: No purposely harming the server in any way

    Rule 6: No IRL threats to other players

    Rule 7: No advertising

    Rule 8: No harming other players or their stuff without their consent.

    For a more detailed explanation of the rules, join our Discord.


    submitted by /u/DataNull_
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    The Silence of the Yams [Vanilla] {Whitelist} {1.15.1}

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 09:01 AM PST

    After the success of the Spud Valley server we are starting a fresh new server for 2020!

    "The silence of the yams" is a 'almost' vanilla server with just a few datapacks loaded to make the game more playable on as a server.

    We are looking for a few new players to join us before we launch the server this Sunday (5th of Jan)

    Contact me here or on twitter https://twitter.com/MrPotatoPlays to get an invite to the discord and to be added to the whitelist.


    - No building within a 100 block radius of spawn - will be the planned central town once we have all settled and start group projects

    - Players are encouraged to spread out enough to give everyone building room, we are aiming for about 20 active players.

    - Standard 'Dont be a dick', any trolling etc will not be tolerated. We take 12 hourly backups of the server. There really is no point.

    - NO FLOATING TREEEEES CUT THEM ALL DOWN. At the request of some of the members PLEASE completely cut a tree down!

    - Diamonds used as currency - everyone is encouraged to build shops/minegames/service selling!

    - Use discord to communicate and plan builds/locations

    - London based server but world wide players welcome

    - 18+ server - We allow swearing on the server and discord.

    - Streamers welcome to stream from the server, all players should be aware streaming may be taking place.

    submitted by /u/MrPotatoPlays
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    EcoSMP [SMP] {1.14.4-1.15.1} {Economy} {Discord} {Claims} {tpa} {RTP} {UK} {No Chat Filter} {Ranks} {GriefPrevention}

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 03:15 AM PST

    Server Name: EcoSMP

    Location: UK (Server based in Germany)

    Discord: EcoSMP Discord

    Server IP: play.ecosmp.com

    Website: Website | Store

    Version: Java 1.14.4 (Can connect on any version 1.14.4+)

    Marketing Material

    1.14.4-Based SMP server with /tpa, /home, /rtp (/wild) and claims/grief protection. UK based, but ping from US is ~100 or less so totally playable. Not PVP oriented, but as an SMP server that aspect totally exists. No chat filter. Anyone can join, and we highly encourage you all to share the IP with whoever you want. Feel free to talk to owners/admins if you have any questions or problems :)

    For the economy, you can sell emeralds, diamonds, gold and iron for money.

    Gameplay Plugins: Essentials, GriefPrevention, AuctionHouse, SimpleRTP, Buycraft/Tebex


    [1] No Hacking

    [2] No X-Ray

    [3] Be respectful in chat

    [4] No spamming

    [5] Don't use excessive caps

    [6] No advertising

    [7] Griefing is fair game outside of claims

    [8] No abuse, especially not at staff

    [9] Use your common sense

    [10] Keep chat related to the game

    [11] No harassment

    [12] No begging

    [13] No exploiting/duping

    [14] No scamming

    [15] No lag machines

    [16] No using alts to gain money

    [17] No more than 3 accounts per person

    [18] No asking for the seed, trying to find the seed, or using the seed

    Owners/Admins: Auxilor, Jpuf, Hazaroonie, Mr_Naegi

    submitted by /u/Auxilor
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    Ba Sing Se Remastered [Creative] {Greylist} {Dynmap} {1.15.1}

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 07:46 PM PST

    Welcome to the Ba Sing Se Remastered Project!

    Server IP:

    Version: 1.15.1


    We are back and better than ever! Ba Sing Se, now with a much larger, custom made map, armed with much more accurate information about the city of Ba Sing Se we are striving to build a large active community around the project. Ba Sing Se Remastered is a project that is a long time coming. The original project began in November of 2012 when we first tried our hand this monster of a project, but the server's life was cut short after the rig we were running on decided to burn up, along with all the files with it. The memory lives on however, this time around we will do even better!

    Master Plan:

    Phase 1

    • Construct the City of Ba Sing Se to high detail
    • Construct transportation system (rail)
    • Construct underground Ancient City of Ba Sing Se

    Phase 2

    • Design new player RPG roles.
    • Design economy system consisting of coin "items" with specific worth that can be traded alongside other goods in a trade and bartering system.
    • The economy would include a city treasury and multiple small lender banks to help players start their own business.
    • Design job system that will allow players to run their own shop or other business as well as hire real player employees
    • Design plugin that would allow a player to have NPC employees who can trade with players (ei, Skyrim style shops)
    • Design a system that allows players ownership or rental of property within Ba Sing Se

    Phase 3

    • Reopen the server as an RPG community!

    Visit us at

    Our current status is 'Phase 1' and need a skilled build team. If you are interested in more information about the server or team applications, please visit our website at the following link.

    Website: https://basingsemc.enjin.com/

    Server Rules: link below


    submitted by /u/Tim10ery
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    HearthCwaft [SMP] {1.14.4} {Custom Achievements} {Land Claiming} {Level-up System} {mcMMO}

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 06:22 AM PST

    In HearthCraft, we adhere to one motto said by an amazing random British guy:

    Listen here Hagrid, ye fat öaf, I'm not a FUCKING WIZARD.

    Server Details



    Why should I join ye server, fellow human?

    Let me start of by saying why not?

    Now let me give you this boring list of our features, which I highly recommend you skip.

    • Crates
    • Custom Achievements
    • Duels
    • Level System
    • Marriage
    • MCMMO
    • Mob Arena
    • Land Claiming
    • Pets
    • Player Shops
    • Player Vaults
    • Player Warps
    • Tags

    Okay, seriously why?

    Well, just to give you some background, HearthCraft is a friendly [people can confirm, ;)] SMP server for basically anyone who's not a total arschloch. We've been giving people smiles, fun times, memories, and fwiends OwO since October 2018. We're (kinda) experts at this.

    If you're a Minecraft veteran, I assume you've been in these kinds of servers:

    1) One that when you join, there's literally a hundred people, and everyone is just minding their own business, not even welcoming you.

    2) One that when you kinda get used to it, there's this feeling where the staff are so tight that they're literally just waiting to ban someone. One that enforces its rules so much that it basically feels like a school with a principal that looks like this

    3) A hub server that's just... y'know, soulless.

    HearthCraft is the polar opposite of those servers. When you join, assuming there's people online, you'll be welcomed. Everyone's cool, and it's... warm.

    The feature we're very proud about is our leveling system. Do you know how in some servers, it's either you're a regular or a donator? Like when you don't have a rank, your name is just gray... and ugly. And you can't fly D:

    We have a leveling system where you can level up and access extra perks at the price of playtime, mcMMO power, and in-game currency.

    Basically, when you try enough, you'll eventually be able to --shove your level 50 up people's faces-- fly, get kits, color your chat,



    shove your level 50 up people's faces.

    submitted by /u/MarisimIsTaken
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    Summers Survival [Semi-Vanilla] {1.15.1} {HermitCraft-Style} {Whitelist} {Internationally-Friendly}

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 07:55 PM PST


    Hello! I am potatoguiness here on Reddit, summersdude101 in-game and I would like to introduce you to Summers Survival. It is a very chill and cozy Hermitcraft like server. The server version is currently 1.15.1 and was moved into season 2 on December 10, 2019. It is pure vanilla with little to no plugins except some things like multiplayer sleep and anti-grief stuff. The server is up 24/7 and supports lots of redstone farms. The only rules are:

    Do not grief.

    Do not steal other players' items.

    Do not PVP without consent of yourself and the other player.

    Ask before building close to someone.

    Respect everyone, and use common sense.

    Why should you join?

    The server is the perfect place for wanting to be able to log on for a couple of hours and put in some work and then leave. No full time commitments, no need to focus super hard on the game. It is always up and we have players from multiple regions and a Discord server with great social channels to show off your work and help your fellow players. Want to make public farms for other people? Do it! Want to build your own castle and stay inside it and keep everyone out? Do it! The server is designed to make everyone happy. You won't regret joining!

    If you would like to join, please send me a message either here on Reddit or on Discord, my Discord tag is: summersdude101#6080

    If you would like to invite a family member or friend to the server, simply message me and we can get them in aswell. Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/potatoguiness
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    minecraft realms series [realms] {whitelist}

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:37 AM PST

    hey everyone!

    im looking for a group of people who would want to join me on my realm. This would be on Java, and i would prefer if you are in the europe region, then we would sorta play the same times. The server would be on survival. And of course the basic rules like no grieving and stealing. otherwise i will just kick you off the server

    if you are interested. either message me or comment here with your username (minecraft username).

    submitted by /u/Riannanas98
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    The Oasis {Survival} {Multiverse} {space station world for space adventure missions} {community OP Farm world} {PVP Arena world} {skyblock world} {1.14.4-1.15} {open to ideas}

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:27 AM PST

    If anyone is interested in joining/helping with some community builds and fun ! Dm or post here for an invite ! we have about 20 members and are looking to expand our community ! Get in now before its to late ! Server Economy coming soon !!! How will you win your money ! adventuring? or in the OnSlaught of the Roman Colosseum ! Join now for your input and design ideas to be apart of this growing multiverse !

    Upgrading to 1.15 upon plugin updates !!! main 1.14.4 world will still be connected via the portal hub ! no loss of builds. Also being discussed is a /home teleport once every 24hrs ! get your opinion in now before its to late !

    IP: TheOasis.com

    Server Rules Incl. but are not limited to:

    No Griefing (Grief Prevention in Place) !
    Respect Others !
    No Chat Filter !
    Have Fun !

    submitted by /u/Th3_DoC
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    Volcanic Tech [Semi-Vanilla] {1.12.2} {Slimefun 4} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 02:46 AM PST

    Volcanic Tech is a new server that focuses on creating large structures and machines, but with a small twist. On the server we have an amazing plugin called Slimefun 4, a plugin that adds a lot of amazing content, such as jet-packs, or super storage, and more weapons, Ore crushers, Smelteries, more Armour, and magical gadgets, all while being within the realm of a 1.12.2 vanilla server.

    We are going to be white-listed because if we are making large machinery and builds, we do not want random people joining and blowing everything up, ruining tons of work.

    The world is limited to a 50000x50000 area, but will be expanded if found need be. this is simply to help the server running well with lots of redstone machines.

    The rules I've decided on for now are:

    No hacks (xray, hack clients, "xray" resource packs)

    No PvP unless agreed on my both parties (wars are allowed if everyone wants to participate in a group)

    Do not ask for OP obviously, this just makes me wanna kick you tbh

    No extreme racism, jokes are fine. (No 2b2t style stuff)

    Be nice to others, have fun!

    I just started this server, and would love for other people to join!

    Discord for white-listing process: https://discord.gg/8cWGuCa

    submitted by /u/Piknotluigi
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    Mira's Party [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {18+}

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:06 AM PST

    Mira's Party is a server focused on the Vanilla Survival experience, along with a few tweaks.

    We are looking for players who enjoy multiplayer survival, and who can be trusted without guidance. This is a very casual server, so it is your choice of the style of play. If you feel like you are a good fit, feel free to apply.

    Discord is required - You can apply through discord (user: Chhat#2206) or through the forums. Your application will be marked in less than 24 hours.

    Application format:
    Previous Builds / Recommendations:

    - Respect Other Players
    - Use common sense (I trust you guys to not try to twist my words, stuff like no stealing, no hacking; feel free to ask if you don't know about something)
    - AFK Fishing IS allowed. AFK Fish Farms have to be below ground or in your base (out of view)

    - Fire spread is off.
    - One Player Sleep
    - Player Head Drops
    - Mob Head Drops
    - Silence Mobs (Use a nametag on them with the name "silence me" or "silence_me")
    - AFK Display (Greyed out after five minutes)
    - Custom Armor Stand Positions (https://pastebin.com/xFAw268i)
    - Coordinate HUD (Type '/trigger ch_toggle' to trigger coordinated HUD)
    - Shulker Preview (Hovering over a shulker box allows the player to preview the contents)
    - TAG (The game: People can be tagged!)

    submitted by /u/Chhat
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    [WANTED] [SMP] {Bedrock} {21+ preferred or 18+} {LGBTQ friendly}

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 09:55 AM PST

    Heyo!! So it's been more'n a hot minute since I've seriously played MC or really touched it at all and SO MUCH has changed and been added! With the new year I think it's a good time to look into playing again and I've never had the attention span for solo play much.

    I like to think I'm not overly picky so consider each point debatable with the exception of version accessibility!

    • Bedrock or Realms -- I'm playing on a Nintendo Switch and I admittedly am unfamiliar w the different ways of hosting and managing servers or realms. So long as I can access it from my console, I'm good!
    • 21+ or 18+ -- I'm turning 27 in a few months and I want a space and group I don't need to be overly cautious with
    • SMP -- I'm godawful at combat but I'm down for some friendly fighting if asking
    • Vanilla or Semi-Vanilla -- I'm not pro or con mods as other people enjoy them, but I'm personally not a fan of utilizing ones that heavily change mechanics (I used to go for additional content mods like crops way back). I'd prefer one slightly less modded but so long as I'm given the ability to avoid them as I please I'm not going to rain on anyone else's fun time
    • Greylist or Whitelist -- as much fun as absolute anarchy is it'd be nice to know there's some sort of process involved in filtering who joins, which would likely be a given with any kind of age-restricted server

    Hopefully I got everything I needed into that! I think I checked the rules and tags p well... If there's maybe anyone that's been thinking of starting something like this, too, I'd be glad to join and help with the process!! I'm not specifically looking for something that's already been around ages 😊

    Hope everyone's had a lovely start to 2020 as well! Happy playing!

    submitted by /u/batwixt
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    NRule [Semi-Vanilla] [Anarchy]

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 09:16 AM PST

    Survival Server


    Old Combat Mechanics >1.9

    What can I expect?

    When you join the Server you will spawn at a random location within an radius of 500 blocks around 0,0.

    At the beginning you can use your Starterkit with /kit starter this should held you to get away from spawn (only can be used once!)

    Atfer that you are on your own!

    There are no rules how you interact with others!

    You can grief, destroy and kill everyone and everything!

    Admins won't interact into player actions!

    submitted by /u/ChriZ1811
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    Venture Vanilla [PvP] {Survival} {Anarchy} {Trading} {PlayerHeads} {Teams} {1.13.2 - 1.15.1}

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 08:41 AM PST

    Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3f-nuWuZHu4

    This is not your average Vanilla server!

    Take a venture with us into Venture Vanilla. Whether you are looking for competitive PvP, cooperative play, or just to be creative, we promise there is something you'll enjoy here. There are no gameplay altering plugins, no staff, and no rules! You are free to explore the world and build your own creations, or be the downfall of others, griefing and destroying anything in your path. This server will keep you on your toes, fighting foes and making friends along the way. The goal is to provide gameplay true to Minecraft at its core, with little to no modifications or plugins. There are no guidelines, no expectations, and no limits to what you can do. The world is yours!

    A few features we've added to make this server unique are:

    /Trade - Allows you to trade items with anyone no matter how far away you are. This prevents any sort of item scamming and creates a global economy.

    Player heads - Heads will drop from your enemies! Whenever you kill another player, you have a 50% chance to receive their skull.

    Fixed phantoms - Unlike most servers, we have fixed phantoms to work online. When you go to sleep, they will leave you alone for 3 days.

    /Backpack - Allows you to bring items with you on the go. But be warned... being killed in any way will make you lose all of the contents in your backpack.

    Good ranks - Ranks here aren't exclusive to donators and don't break gameplay. They are entirely cosemetic and can be obtained by anyone by voting for the server. Guests can also verify themselves and become a member once they have at least 2 hours of playtime.

    No sethomes, warps, or tpas - All forms of travel are completely vanilla. This makes the world feel much bigger and gets players more immersed in the environment. Various highways and portal tunnels have been built around the server to make traveling as efficient as possible.

    The map will never reset - As of writing this, our map is 7 months old and the goal is to never reset it as long as the server lasts!

    Unique player count: 40,138

    Join us now at: venturevanilla.com

    Our subreddit: reddit.com/r/venturevanilla


    #1 To not intentionally lag the server by any means.

    #2 Don't forget rule 1

    Again, the server address is: venturevanilla.com

    Also feel free to connect with our community on discord for server updates: https://discord.gg/kFNjCaF

    submitted by /u/ItsFressh
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    ObamaSex [Vanilla] {1.15} {Anarchy} {Map Size: 369GB} {Cities}

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 11:59 AM PST

    IP: obamasex.com (main IP: echoes.fun)

    Our Website - useful for finding donation info, a catalogue of all players who've joined ObamaSex, and basic information on the server.

    Our Discord - join our Discord to meet our amazing community!


    1. Don't intentionally lag/crash the server;
    2. Don't doxx anybody.

    That's literally all you have to do to play here. Bans reset on a bi-monthly basis.


    If you're struggling to find a server where you fit in, ObamaSex is the place for you.

    Ever since the server's inception in mid-2017, we've been committed to providing a community for those without community. The ObamaSex staff have a hands-off moderation style that appeals to players who dislike servers with gameplay too heavily modified from normal vanilla Minecraft. With that said, ObamaSex servers feature many commands found on Spigot or Bukkit worlds, implemented entirely in vanilla, with the help of our unique bots, _saltshaker and DiscordRelay. You can view all of _saltshaker's commands by clicking here.

    _saltshaker and DiscordRelay are updated constantly to bring in new features. Try out the brand new !melon and !unmelon commands when you login! Additionally, a third bot called RoamingChatBot is in development. This bot will, when summoned, join a random Minecraft server and establish a two-way chat between ObamaSex and that server, similar in principle to the Yggdrasil Discord bot's userphone command.

    After the last backup we took, the ObamaSex map was 369GB in size. There's a lot of history to explore on this server, from the rise and fall of empires to railways that loop around the world to enormous cities 1,000 blocks across. We have an extensive nether highway system and over two years of history to explore.


    The ObamaSex server's real name is Echoes: Anarchy. We brand ourselves as a network of different servers. New concepts for multiplayer worlds are always on our minds, but Echoes: Anarchy is our core server, and will never close. Some other servers of ours are listed below:

    • We have a Skyblock world (echoes.pw),
    • a Hardcore-mode server (echoes.red),
    • We're working on recreating Galacticraft, The Aether, and the Twilight Forest in Vanilla minecraft on our fourth server, Echoes: Modded (echoes.fyi),
    • And for a long time now, we've been working on recreating the Fallout video game series within Minecraft on a fifth server (echoes.icu), but this is currently incomplete and is closed to the public.


    We host competitions where the reward is some prize of monetary value (a month of Discord Nitro, an Amazon gift card, etc) on a regular basis, approximately once every other month. Anyone is welcome to participate, but you are required to sign up on our Discord beforehand, as the competition servers are whitelisted.


    Our Discord is where most of the action happens. We're a tight-knit community yet we remain warm and friendly to newcomers. A sense of humor goes a long way. Our voice chats are used occasionally (typically during events or competitions), and we have a Discord-based movie club wherein we watch a movie or TV series a few times a week. No sign-up is required for this. We have an extensive treasure trove of copypastas archived in our #copypastas channel, and a Discord version of _saltshaker to mirror all of his in-game commands.


    We may be an anarchy server, but we're not about being mean or destroying other players' builds. If you would like the freedom to do as you please, and yet harbor respect for others even when you're not required to do so, Echoes: Anarchy is definitely the server for you.

    - The Echoes Staff

    submitted by /u/EchoesNetwork
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    VanillaIceCreamMC [Vanilla] [PVP] [PVE]

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 07:35 AM PST

    VanillaIceCreamMC [Vanilla] [PVP] [PVE] IP for all intents and purposes is Rules: No Grief/Theft!; No cussing; No advertising,No Trolling, Owner/Admins/Moderators: Me(BostinTeaParty) The First 3 people will for the most part become an admin The first 5 people will for all intents and purposes become a moderator Location: US Midwest Hope to see you there :D

    submitted by /u/CDFFFF
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    ResurrectedSMP [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {18+} {1.15.1}

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 05:26 AM PST

    ResurrectedSMP is a small survival multiplayer server run by players just like you. We are currently working towards getting a nice central spawn area set, but after that, the world's your oyster! Our goal is simple, create a fun world, fun community, and a fun time. All of us currently on the server met on others and we want to give that same experience to others!

    Join our Discord here to apply: https://discord.gg/gsUZSxF


    -4 Admins who all live in different time zones, someone should almost always be available

    -Carefree survival

    -Enderdragon drops Eyltra

    -Double shulker shells

    -One person sleep

    -Player heads

    -More mob heads

    -AFK name indicator

    -Anti-Enderman grief

    -Running 1.15.1

    -White list

    -Central spawn area with basic crop/ animal farms as well as enchantment and crafting stations for those who need and/or want to use it.

    General Rules*:

    (Breaking these rules will result in an immediate and permanent ban)

    -All players must be 18 years of age or older unless an exception has been made)

    -No Griefing

    -No Client Mods/Exploits

    -No Advertising/Spam

    -Maintain Common Sense/ Maturity

    -Consent is Required for PvP

    -Do not ask to be added to the staff, op, admin, builder, or any other role and do not impersonate them.

    -You must be active at least once a week. If you know you will not be, please let an admin know and give us an estimate so that we can know when to expect you back.

    Chat Rules*:

    -No spamming

    -No racism

    -No all caps talk aka yelling

    -No inappropriate or NSFW links

    -No harassing players and/or begging for items

    Other Rules*:

    -No building within 300 blocks of spawn

    -No building further than 10,000 blocks from spawn, this is so we can reset chunks for updates

    -No 1x1 tall towers or holes

    -No redstone clocks or devices that run 24/7 without approval

    -No death traps where other users will definitely die unless inside your own house and with admin permission

    -No scamming players

    -English only in public chat

    -Respect private property, if a player asks you to leave, leave

    -Do not take any item that is not clearly marked as free or public, even if the build looks abandoned

    -Public builds are granted all the same restrictions as a private residence unless otherwise stated in writing either on a sign or in-game/discord

    *Further expansions on the rules may be found on our Discord

    submitted by /u/EMxNxEM
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    AnvilCraft [SMP] {1.14.4} {Survival} {Economy} {Land Claims} {Friendly Community} {McMMO} {Grief-Prevention} {Cosmetics} {Disable/Enable PVP}

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 01:03 AM PST

    Server Name: AnvilCraft

    Server Address/IP: anvilcraft.xyz

    Server Version: 1.14.4

    Server photos: Click

    World size: 25,000 x 25,000 (rendered)

    Discord: Click

    Welcome to AnvilCraft. A survival server featuring a friendly community, a lot of plugins, a lag free experience and much more!

    AnvilCraft is a survival server that includes all the features you may need to give you the best survival experience possible. Our server features:

    • Zero lag, provided to you by one of the best hosting providing services in the world
    • Anti Cheat and Grief Prevention systems to claim land and keep you safe from griefers and hackers
    • 1.8 Combat Mechanics
    • Only 30% of the players sleeping required to skip the night
    • The McMMO and Quest plugins to always keep you entertained
    • A very friendly community of both staff and players
    • 50+ plugins and 200+ unique players joined the last month

    AnvilCraft also features plugins like a Trading System, Shop, Auction House, Crates, GadgetsMenu and even a casino! Everything done just to make your day a little bit better. If you wish to take your standard Minecraft survival experience to a new level, join the AnvilCraft community today!

    Adventure Here, Never Ends!

    Server Rules:

    1. No Griefing

    2. No Spamming

    3. No Advertising

    4. No Cursing

    5. No Trolling/Flaming

    6. No Banned Items

    7. No Asking for OP, Ranks, or Items

    8. Respect all Players

    9. Obey Staff There the Law

    10. No Racist or Sexist Remarks

    11. No Mods/Hacks

    12. No 1x1 Towers

    13. Staff DO NOT replace lost in-game items

    submitted by /u/xBrendyyy
    [link] [comments]

    The Burgerlands [SMP] {SolveForMinecraft} {StuffThatsAllKindsOfDifferent} {ChillPeopleCauseWeBanAllOthers}

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 09:12 PM PST

    Plain Vanilla has been done, and is just too easy.

    Custom mobs have been done, but usually not well.

    Saplings that grow custom trees?

    Mob drops that give status effects?

    A reason for rabbits and pigs to exist?

    A player buildable teleportation system?

    Meat Armor?

    What... is all this?









    Our 2 plugins… (yes, only 2)


    The Burgerlands: This plugin is not publicly released, it has been written entirely by the server owner over the course of the past 3 years. Its main focus is to add mobs that are actually difficult and drop loot more reminiscent of Diablo than of Vanilla Minecraft. It also adds many custom recipes, some just for silly and fun, others for combat and survival.

    The mobs near spawn are 'only' slightly more difficult than vanilla, but the further out you wander the meaner they get. Be ready to die and lose everything, and please, don't cry to an admin about it when you do.




    Grief Prevention: You get 625 claim blocks only. This provides little safe space to stash your things and make a cool build, but I don't want to encourage afking at a cactus farm to own a continent. No currency for the same reason.




    The commands list is short,



    /sethome (just one)

    /tpa (but it aint free, somebody gonna pay them nuggets)

    just a few others, but let's leave some things a mystery for now.




    Rules: Don't destroy peoples builds and don't hassle people. As far as chests go though, if it ain't on claim, it's fair game. I really don't want to spend my time babysitting people on the internet. If you generally piss people off and cause problems I wont hesitate to ban you. The server is set to pvp but is more designed towards pve and may change to be that in the future, pvp respectfully and when agreed upon by the parties involved.




    As much as advertising the server, what I'm actually looking for is feedback about my plugin. I'm happy to provide the .jar directly to anyone wishing to use it, it does not currently have a public download link but is hosted in the discord. Much of my free time goes into writing this plugin, and I'm open to suggestions and requests from those who might be interested in alterations to what I've made so far.  

    I made this plugin because I was becoming increasingly disappointed with servers where plugins were grabbed by the handful and mashed together into a band-aided broken mess (albeit, likely with a good idea behind it). Often so often imbalanced and easy to exploit.  

    When I decided to write my own, a large part of my goal was to make a plugin that was more "all encompassing", thinking that that would work better, and be more cohesive than a bunch of separate plugins. This has allowed for some things I've never seen done in other plugins, like mobs that drop custom items, which are the ingredients for custom recipes. We have armors that give extra hearts and/or apply potion effects when worn, but offer less armor protection than full diamond. Is having 13 hearts and 1/2 armor with permanent Speed II and Regeneration better than standard full diamond? When new players ask, "What's the best armor?", I can honestly say, "I don't know." And I think that's pretty cool.


    submitted by /u/Millawub
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    KillOP [Creative] {1.12/1.13}

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 11:13 PM PST

    Hello Everyone!

    How's everyone day going? If you have nothing to do then why not blow up some stuff? then you are in the right place! KillOP allows people to join in the fun and let people to do whatever they want!

    Server IP: 33451

    The server ip does not work because its offline | Would move to different server to host it 24/7 but its just a beginning!

    Discord server: https://discord.gg/fNRtWKR

    This is a offical discord server!

    The chat bridge is disabled for now! So, join now!

    Rules: 1) do not spambot the server 2) do not stop the server 3) have fun!

    submitted by /u/awesomemc1
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    World Of Atlantida [Semi-vanilla] [SMP] {1.15.1}

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 10:40 PM PST

    World Of Atlantida Server is meant to provide a friendly, fun and welcoming environment for everyone to engage in Minecraft gameplay.

    Server IP address mc.worldofatlantida.com

    Rules https://www.worldofatlantida.com/rules


    All players have the right to be treated with decency, friendliness and respect, whether you personally like them or not. Even the rule-breakers have the same right and we, the owners and operators of World Of Atlantida Server and Platforms, will show them respect beyond what they deserve but that does not exclude penalizing or banning them.


    Cheats and exploits are not the same. Cheats involve using a third-party tool to gain an unfair advantage, such as using aimbots for perfect accuracy, wallhacks to see through walls and maphacks to have the map revealed. Exploits involve discovering a flaw in the game or the Server to pester or ruin the gaming experience of others.


    Creativity is an important part of the personality and creative expression helps a person mature. However, creative expression also need limits. The preceding two sections dealt with creating a safe and reliable environment where all players can explore their creativity and this section deals with outlining the limits of creative expression through what's known as "artistic license".


    As soon as you access the internet, you're in danger of being hacked and spied on. This includes having your personal information revealed to unknown parties on an ongoing basis or having your user account, game client or hardware hijacked. To minimize dangers to yourself and others, maintain your personal safety and the safety of your account.

    If you feel that someone has broken any of these rules, please report that player through any communication option on Server or Platforms, such as in-game chat or forums. Supply any evidence, such as screenshots, chat logs or video recordings.

    submitted by /u/Lilllliana
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    XEN-X [SMP] [PVP] [PVE] {RandomTP} {1.15.1} {VeinMiner} {CustomEnchants} {ViaVersion}

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 05:03 PM PST

    Welcome to XEN-X Minecraft

    • Phantoms disabled
    • Veinminer
    • 1.8 PvP
    • Flesh2Leather
    • Custom Enchants
    • Beast Withdrawl
    • RandomTP
    • DiscordSRV
    • ViaVersion

    Rules: [​1] Be respectful [​2] No ruining the experience [​3] Do not ask for staff [​4] No, The nether roof will never be enabled [​5] No hacking

    1.15.1 vanillixmc.com https://discord.gg/sbXEJMx

    submitted by /u/SirusMaximius
    [link] [comments]


