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    Minecraft Flooded villages

    Minecraft Flooded villages

    Flooded villages

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 04:54 AM PST

    Flooded villages would be destroyed villages with bridges connecting the buildings, along with support beams right underneath the bridges, that spawn underwater. They can spawn in any body of water thats 20 or more blocks deep, and is either an ocean or connected to one. These villages would have chests with fish of all variety other than tropical fish, and fishing rods. Drowned would also spawn more often in these villages.

    submitted by /u/The-Most-Sour-Lemon
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    Mojang, please add a dark UI to Minecraft

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 02:36 PM PST

    Ever played at night and felt that searing eyestrain? Someone made a Night Mode UI pack, and I wouldn't mind that coming into MC as an option. Maybe there could be an "exposure" slider which lowers the amount of vibrancy and darkens the white colours so your eyes don't get so strained in dim conditions? Its a very simple change.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Snails and/or Slugs

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 07:46 AM PST

    Basically, another purely cosmetic mob to make your vanilla world feel more alive. There could be both land and sea versions, but they all share the same traits of being passive mobs that don't drop anything on death, much like bats. However, they'd move slowly along the ground and be able to climb up walls (and maybe along ceilings) and would actually rotate to be parallel with whatever surface they're climbing (and if it doesn't look like crap, the same should go for spiders). Their AI would make them like to go towards "food" blocks of their appropriate type. This would be things like leaves, tall grass and flowers for land snails and slugs, and things like Kelp, Coral, the underwater grass and such added in 1.13 for sea snails and slugs. They'd just tend towards these kinds of things, and would mostly just wander around, being sluggish.

    Obviously, sea slugs and/or snails would be able to be picked up in a bucket if you wanted to keep them as pets, but if one wanted to keep a land snail and/or slug as a pet, just simply right clicking on them would pick them up and put them in your inventory. You could breed sea slugs/snails with kelp and land slugs/snails with slices of melon. Sea slugs would be just as colourful as their real life counterparts.

    submitted by /u/erasedisknow
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    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 01:17 PM PST

    So the Badlands are getting tumbleweeds which seem to be entities that just sprint-jump in a straight line and despawn when far away. So I thought of a fake tumbleweed. Inrroducting the Tumbler.

    The Tumbler looks exactly like tumbleweeds, only instead of moving in a line, it'll head towards husks and players. Instead of dealing damage zombie type style upon touch, it deals damage Berry Bush type style. If it has the speed effect or the nametag "Shifty", then it won't be able to change direction mid-run and will have to stop once missing it's target to retarget. Upon death, the Tumbler drops 0-6 sticks, 0-2 dead bushes, and/or 0-2 rotten flesh. The Tumbler, of course, spawns in Mesas.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    A thing to note about ideas that are modern

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 03:54 PM PST

    Solidifying Blocks

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 01:10 PM PST

    A solidifyer is crafted using cobblestone, redstone, sponge, and a bucket. It resembles a mix of a furnace and crafting table. It has a single slot like a furnace, fuel is normally sand or gravel. Putting a bucket of liquid will result in a Solid Lava, Solid Milk, or Solid Water. They are blocks that resemble a source of the liquid but are solid. Solid milk resembles white water. Solid Lava will set mobs that touch it on fire, solid milk will grant slowness, and speed is increased on solid water if the entity has Conduit Power, Dolphin's Grace, or Depth Strider. If a snowball is used as a power source instead of sand or gravel, water can be turned into ice, and another snowball to packed ice. A snowball or water bucket can turn a lava bucket to obsidian. A fire charge or flint will turn milk into bread. Solid Water will be destroyed (not dropped) by sponges, solid Lava will set fire to blocks, and solid milk can be eaten by animals or bees (bees will work like flowers and it'll be destroyed; animals will mimic the sheep animation and it'll be destroyed).

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Curse Of Mystery

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 04:51 PM PST

    The curse of mystery is a real simple curse that. It will say Curse Of Mystery, but instead apply a random curse and you don't know which it is. Do I risk putting on this diamond chestplate? Do I risk carrying this sword with me?

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 07:34 PM PST

    My idea for a new mob is a small, imp-like creature known as a Nabber. Nabbers are, as I said, small, being only a block tall. They are quite fast, and the one thing they love more than anything is items that come from somebody else. Doesn't matter whether it's dirt or diamond, or if it's dull or shiny. If it doesn't belong to a Nabber, it wants them.

    Nabbers would be found all over Minecraft, not having a specific biome to call home. They are initially very quiet, sneaking up on the player without making a peep, and then running away and laughing once its stolen something from your inventory. If you're lucky, it'll take something useless or easily repaceable, like a piece of food or junk blocks. If luck isn't going your way, it may steal something of great value, such as your tools or even a piece of armour. They can even be seen nabbing equipment from other hostile mobs. Not to worry however; they're only as fast as a baby zombie, and and have a low amount of health.

    The second feature of Nabbers is while you're mining, if you're lucky, you may stumble upon a "room" (more like a hodgepodge of random items and decorations) filled with Nabbers. Upon seeing you, they'll freeze, and then scamper away, leaving you to explore the treasure they've amassed. It's a luck game all throughout, though; Nabbers aren't picky about what they steal, so don't be surpised to see dirt blocks and poisonous potatoes in place of actual treasure.

    Lastly, but certainly not least, Nabbers can be..., well let's say, persuaded. If you see a lone Nabber, and slowly approach it (by sneaking), you can toss it an item. If your gift is not to the Nabber's liking, it will blow a raspberry (or at least make a sound indicating it, and scamper off.). If the Nabber does appreciate the gift, it will circle around you, giving you the Snitch effect, which gives Nabber hideouts a glow. That's right, these fiendish little rapscallions are greedy to the point that they won't hesistate to rat on their brothers-in-thievery.

    submitted by /u/TheDominantSpecies
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    Queen Bee

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 02:50 AM PST

    • Rare mob you can tame and ride.
    • Slightly bigger than a normal bee.
    • Flies
    • The higher you go the slower it becomes. There will be a certain height where you will not be able to move at all and will be forced to get down. (above ground not sea level)
    • Fair speed, not faster than horse, but faster than a pig.
    • Bees will still aggro when you're riding it, but will only deal damage to the player.
    • Any bees around the UNTAMED queen bee will be hostile.
    • You can't tame it if you've killed any bees around the queen.
    • Every queen bee has a favorite flower which will be randomized, such flower will be the one to be able to successfully tame it.
    • Depending on the chosen flower the Queen will have different color design.

    The idea can definitely be polished, I just thought there could be a rideable flying mob.

    submitted by /u/ASIByC_
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