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    Minecraft Golems are loyal to the endermen that made it.

    Minecraft Golems are loyal to the endermen that made it.

    Golems are loyal to the endermen that made it.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 05:44 AM PST

    Did you know endermen can pick up pumpkins? If they put it down atop some iron blocks or snowblocks they can create a golem even! But right away the golem attacks its creator. The tragedy.

    I suggest a very tiny feature where iron- and snow golems made by an endermen are loyal to said endermen. The only thing that changes is that the golem is by default hostile to players that look them or an endermen in the eye, or who attack the golem or an endermen.

    It's a very small suggestion like I said, and it's so very niche that I am not sure if you could consider it an easter egg or not, and I'd be breaking the rules. If I am, my apologies. I just think it'd be a neat detail that adds more mob interactions and depth to the game.

    submitted by /u/Martijndebakker
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    The Endersheep

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 02:07 PM PST

    An Endersheep is the End equivalent to the regular Sheep. They will only spawn on End City Islands. Upon shearing, the Endersheep will die, and (rarely) drops Chorus Fruit (use to breed, lead, and regrow wool) and this special Ender Wool. When you sleep in a bed made from this special Wool, you can wake up in another.

    Ender Wool cannot be crafted.

    The Endersheep and Bed can be dyed only with Nether Wart & Crushed Ender Pearls (made like Blaze Powder) here is why:

    When you sleep in a bed in the dimension that corresponds with the dye (Nether - Wart, & End - Crushed Pearls) you can safely return to the Overworld in your Ender Bed, which destroys the Ender Bed in the other dimension.

    Ender Beds cannot be used during the Ender Dragon fight, as the Dragon will immediately shoot an acid charge at the Bed, destroying it.

    (Edit: Tweaks)

    submitted by /u/oof-a-loompa
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    Mansions and ocean monuments with boss bars

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 10:42 PM PST

    There are 2 boss mobs in the game: the ender dragon and the wither. However raids have their boss bar too so they are considered a "boss" challenge. Because woodland mansions and ocean monuments both have their dedicated maps and are difficult, I think they should have a boss bar too.

    (raid bar is orange for comparing) Ocean monument boss bar is cyan colour and decreases as elder guardians die and woodland mansion boss bar is brown and decreases as vindicators and evokers die. I know that raids have a boss bar because there could be that 1 dude and you dont know if its 1 left or 10 left, but in woodland mansions you often can skip that one evoker and not get your totem of undying, so it would be an excellent improvement

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    Jellyfish and glowsticks!

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 06:22 PM PST

    I was thinking about how cool it would be to have a glowsticks in the game that could be a cheap light source underwater.

    What if we had a jellyfish mob that glows in the dark. It only spawns on the bottom of oceans, and it never despawns because jellyfish never die of old age. If you touch it, it'll poison you. When killed it could drop 0-2 items of "Jelly".

    To craft a glowstick it would be 8 glass panes around a "Jelly." When you right-click with a glow stick, it is thrown a couple of blocks and stays where it lands until you pick it up. Could be a cool cave and undersea exploration item.

    (This was my first post here, what're your thoughts?)

    submitted by /u/doctorbanjoboy
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    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 03:12 PM PST

    Combining a paper, and ink sac, and a feather makes a letter. It's just the same as a book and quill except that it only has a page. This is useful for slightly cheaper alternatives for book and quill and so we can actually have proper letters to send, instead of the aforementioned book and quill.

    submitted by /u/HJTheObserver
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    There should be more civilised mobs in the game

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 12:26 PM PST

    Piglins being added is so exciting to me.

    They spawn in bastions, which will be like their bases/villages, we can barter which is like trading, and their culture is based around gold. Piglins and gold is like villagers and emeralds, it's their currency. I also love how to barter with them, you have to have gold armour on. It's like we have to wear gold to show our respect to their culture (They wield golden swords and use gold as currency) which I think is really cool.

    When illagers (pillagers, vindicators, etc) were added I also loved that. They have outposts as bases, patrols as scouting parties and woodland mansions as their villages (I suppose as a scanvenger civilisation with no sense of jobs, economy or self-sustainability it just makes sense for the entire clan to live inside one massive building which consists of inside crop farms and loads of bedrooms).

    I also really like how villages are independent to each other, for instance you could be unpopular in one village and they charge you extra and the iron golems naturally go after you and in another village you can get discounts for doing things like stopping illager raids.

    I think illagers should work similarly, in the sense that some woodland mansions can like you and others can dislike you. I think all outposts and patrols should be hostile. But I think if you wear iron armour (I say iron as vexes and vindicates wield iron swords and axes respectively) in a woodland mansion it should be like wearing gold armour in a piglin bastion, making trading/bartering possible.

    Also I think snow golem villages in snowy biomes would be good, or at least making snow golems spawn naturally in snowy villages alongside iron golems. They don't spawn naturally so it would be nice to have them spawn naturally. I think they should be a primitive mob, and shouldn't be as organised or civilised as villagers, illagers or piglins.

    I think wandering traders shouldn't have settlements, I like how they spawn and despawn periodically. At the very most there should be wandering traders camps which are home to 2 or 3 wandering traders. I also think witches shouldn't have settlements and should stay as hermit outcasts.

    Other than the piglin race being added and being able to trade with the illagers, what new features/civilised mobs do you want to see?

    I think they could maybe make endermen like piglins, and perhaps you could barter with them using obsidian. They seem like a clever race and they have end cities and flying end ships after all. I'd also love some kind of underground civilisation. With the Piglins in the Nether, Endermen in the End, Villagers/Illagers/Wandering Traders/Witches in the overworked, I think having an underground race which like inside mountains and underground would be cool, after all the underground is sort of like the 4th dimension. Perhaps this race could be found in active mineshafts/dungeons which they have discovered and work in, and perhaps as part of their jobs they could have miners, toolsmiths and stonecutters (if they have jobs like villagers). I would also love an under water civilisation but with the water-based update already released and with the drowned swarming the ocean it would be pretty unlikely.

    submitted by /u/VillageAndPillage
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    Dispenser arrows shoot with the effect of the bow that was used to make the dispenser

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 01:21 PM PST

    Tamed Dogs Herd Sheep

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 02:26 PM PST

    Just a simple little change, but it would make the world a little bit more interesting, and mob interactions are always nice to have. Sheep would be scared of dogs, and keep a distance of a few blocks at all times. Additionally, if a dog is right clicked with a pair of shears, it will chase down the nearest sheep(if a sheep is close by) and guide towards the player. This is, of course, mostly a nod to irl sheepdogs, but it might also be useful for keeping sheep in line.

    submitted by /u/Awryl
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    Piglin jobs and new villager jobs

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 02:09 PM PST

    Villager job ideas:

    Beekeeper - sells honey, beehives, bees (in a bottle which can be released near a hive) dyes and buys flowers. Workstation is a beehive.

    Lumberjack - Sells saplings and logs of all trees, allows saplings/logs from other biomes to become available. Workstation is a sawmill.

    Miner - Buys iron, gold, diamonds, coal, redstone and lapis. Basically exchanges mining goods for emeralds which is the currency of a village.

    Breeder - sells horses, llamas, parrots, dogs and cats (after spending a heap of emeralds the animal you bought will spawn nearby, in the case of a wolf/dog, ocelot/cat and parrot it will already be tamed and in the case of a horse, donkey, llama or mule it will spawn on a lead and will be rideable. Will buy food that animals need for taming/healing/breeding. Workstation... idk tbh.

    Shipmaker - sells boats, tridents, turtle shells, nautilus shells, heart of the sea, anything sea related to do with ocean exploring which the fisherman doesn't sell. Workstation, again idk for now.

    Piglin Job Ideas:

    All Piglins should barter the same things, there isn't enough in the nether for independent unique jobs which offer different products imo, but they could dress/attack differently for jobs:

    Warlock - Attacks with potions and heals other piglins using potions

    Warrior - Attacks with swords

    Archer - Attacks with crossbow

    Hoglin Jockey - Rare but occasionally piglin patrols outside a bastion will include a hoglin ridden by a Piglin, they will fill the same role as ravagers. They are specially tamed and loyal to piglins, like how wandering llamas are specially tamed and loyal to wandering traders.

    Chieftain - Wear full golden armour and wield a golden sword, only 1 per bastion. A piglin chieftain is like a pillager captain, and could have some kind of affect when killed.

    I like this idea for piglins as being a different species but being civilised they have the option to be traded with (bartering) and have currency (gold) similar to villagers but also are mostly barbaric and scavenger-based like illagers and inhabit large guarded structures rather than settlements.

    submitted by /u/VillageAndPillage
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    Wandering villagers and village reclaimation

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 08:36 PM PST

    Rarely a wandering villagers might spawn in the wild, if it wanders into a suitable place to live, it will stay there but react to anything until it despawns, like a wandering trader. However if you give the villager some resources (varies on the villager) it will accept it as an invitation to live there and become a normal villager. Wandering villagers have a higher chance to spawn at abandoned villages with the promise to give them very good trades in exchange for a home, giving players an insensitive to rebuild abandoned villages.

    submitted by /u/MrSuchomimus
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    More afraid passive mobs

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 01:54 PM PST

    Passive mobs should be much more afraid; they should avoid players when they see them (at long distance) and when they hear them (at short distance) there would be real hunting,we will have to sneak in order to approach mobs,or make traps to capture them

    submitted by /u/pwouik
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    Chests in woodland mansion beds

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 04:37 AM PST

    Hide a chest under the carpets of the mansion beds!

    One extra totem would spawn in every mansion under a random bed, waiting for you to uncover it.

    What other loot drops do you guys think should be hidden under the beds? I was thinking some cat plushie or smthg

    submitted by /u/dillon418
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    Regeneration enchantment for chestplates

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 11:21 AM PST

    It would be obtained by fishing only, much like frostwalker. Or perhaps chests in the End to balance it?

    It would triple your natural regeneration time. But that's definitely quite an enchantment, so it needs balancing. You should get hungry much faster when you wear a chestplate with this, because healing in real life takes energy from your body, so if you heal quicker then it probably requires more energy.

    So you should lose hunger maybe 4-6 times as fast as normal, which is quite a lot. During fights, you'll have to take a snack break pretty often.

    For the player who just loves to mess themselves over, there would be a level 2 to this enchantment. Level 2 makes you regenerate 10 times as fast as normal, but you get hungry 20 times as fast. You're probably gonna have a bad time with this one, but it could have uses even so.

    Edit: I forgot to add a name for the enchantment. Maybe you can help me find one, I'd say just regeneration but that'd be confusing with the effects. If I see a name I like, I'll credit you.

    submitted by /u/Tactical-Kitten-117
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    Enchantments Affect Enchantment Colour

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 10:06 PM PST

    It's self-explanatory. I would like to see more variety as for the enchantment colour myself, as I'm kind of getting sick of everything being purple. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/cr3p1tus
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    Honey Slimes

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 08:36 AM PST

    Honey Slimes act exactly like regular slimes, only they have a Dark Goldenrod shade colour. They spawn in the same areas as bees and bee nests. They drop Honeyballs when killed which are slimeballs with the dark Goldenrod colour. Also honey slime type stuff (like the spawn egg and the ball) can be acquired by regular slime type stuff plus sugar. The same can be done backwards to get slime type stuff by adding gunpowder. If a normal slime touches a Honey Block, the block will disappear and the slime will turn into a Honey Slime. If a Honey Slime touches a Slime Block, the block will disappear and the Honey Slime will turn to a regular slime.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    All types of mushrooms will group together

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 06:53 PM PST

    When mushrooms spawn they normally come single, just like real life they normally grow in groups and get bigger. Mushrooms can be grown and placed like pickles and will group up, that'll add a bit more realism and will make growing mushrooms a bit more compact and easier. in order to grow giant mushrooms, they will have to have to be singular. this change would fit well with the new mushrooms coming in 1.16

    submitted by /u/polarigina1
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    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 09:33 PM PST

    They have a bell and a church and rows of graves with signs as epitaphs. Cemeteries also rain too. Cemeteries have a chance of generating in villagers and a new villager type called a matron can trade you signs, stone slabs, lanterns, cobblestone fence posts, flowers, and wooden slabs. Villagers may occasionally mourn their dead here. Cemeteries have a tiny chance of having a skull or other head (except dragon and player heads).

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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