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    Minecraft Tameable/Helpful mobs (Tamed wolves, Iron golems, etc:) should be affected by beacons:

    Minecraft Tameable/Helpful mobs (Tamed wolves, Iron golems, etc:) should be affected by beacons:

    Tameable/Helpful mobs (Tamed wolves, Iron golems, etc:) should be affected by beacons:

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 05:00 AM PST

    Self explanatory. Mobs that the player have tamed, or neutral mobs/golems that would be seen as helpful to the player should be affected by beacons.

    These mobs would be affected when in the beacon's range (the same range as the one that players need to be in to be affected by the beacon), and would recieve the status effect(s) that the player has told the beacon to emit.

    Regeneration, speed, jump boost, resistance, and strength will have the same effect on the mob as it normally would if the effect was applied with a potion or command.

    Haste however, which would normally unaffect most mobs, could potentially increase the attack speed of these mobs when applied by a beacom, however, this change might not want to be implemented to encourage players to pick the other effects for their beacon, as haste is the most common choice for a beacon.

    The following mobs would be affected by beacons:

    Tamed wolfs Tamed cats Tamed parrots Horses Donkeys Mules Skeleton Horses Zombie Horses Villagers (Maybe) Wandering Traders (Maybe) Iron Golems (Both naturally spawned in villages and by the player) Snow Golems Llamas (Maybe) Trader Llamas (Maybe)

    Feel free to leave a comment suggesting anything i may have failed to address in this post, or if you think a mob should be removed/added to the list of mobs that should be affected by beacons.

    At the time of posting this post, I am about to head to sleep (I live in Australia), so any comments not posted in the next 30 minutes probably wont be seen by me until about 10 hours later, when i wake up. Sorry for any inconveniences.

    submitted by /u/XavierIsGod47
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    New Boss: A Giant Slime

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 03:56 PM PST

    With 1.9 Mojang updated the end, and with 1.16 they're updating the nether. Considering the End and Nether have their respective bosses (Dragon and Wither), I think it's time we get a boss for the Overworld.

    In Java edition, they have the capability to adjust the scale of slimes to ridiculous sizes. To take advantage of this, I think they should implement a post-ender dragon boss. This boss would be summoned by building a structure out of slime and honey blocks, and lighting a piece of soulsand on top of it (1.16 blue fire).

    If done before defeating the ender dragon it would would probably explode into fire, but after the fight if you tried, it would start to thunder, lightning would strike and the fog would turn green, then a giant slime would spawn. That's my idea of how it would work anyway

    TLDR: Add a giant slime boss

    submitted by /u/Scerrybug
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    Minecraft Update Suggestion

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 06:35 AM PST

    Minecrft New Update

    This is my idea, it occurred to me for several reasons, of which I will say

    the theme is "The Beach Update"

    which consists of the 4 essential things of a good update

    -new mobs

    -new biomes

    -new mechanics

    -new decorative blocks

    It consists of the update of the 3 existing beaches ... putting more content, which will make them much more interesting for new players, veterans, and more who loved the update of the sea


    The first thing I will say is the new generation of the world that takes to make this update, since the beaches, in real life are quite flat and wide, and those that I have found in the latest versions are not so much, being higher and short

    Having said that, I will first talk about the snowy beach, and what changes it has

    the snowy beach is no longer covered with snow, as it was before, and the floor is not made of sand, now it is gravel, like cold oceans, in the gravel there are usually patches of snow and ice, but not any ice , is the new ice called "PermaFrost"

    PermaFrost: permafrost is a new block Only generated on snowy beaches, its appearance is like ice, but it is not blue, it has whiter color tones, it is not slippery to walk on it (since having more blocks like ice already It is repetitive) and is crafteable, with a 4x4 of packed ice, it is still transparent, permafrost has a very important special mechanic, the spawn of a new creature the "Icy Fish" (I don't have a good name yet)

    Icy Fish: it is a fish similar to cod but blue, something bigger, it only appears in the permafrost of the snowy beaches, and you can swim in it as if it were water, you can move to blocks of ice but only that, you can reach fall from the ice if there is nothing below, drop a (blue generic fish) and you can cook, it does not give any special effect, raw regenerates 1 of hunger and gives 1 of saturation, cooked gives 3 of hunger and 3 of saturation

    well, now the snowy beach (almost) we reach the second part of the update (there is still a third part that adds a little more things to the game)


    the stone shore, most people don't even know that this is a biome, they think it's just one more part of the mountain, and let's be honest, it's just that yes, it's just another part of the mountain

    The new stone shore is full of stone mounds (stone, andesite, granite, diorite), which vary in height but without going over height 64, it would be a somewhat undulating terrain within what fits, among all those rocks very There are usually water lakes with seaweed and allow to generate fish (not squid)

    but in all those rocks there are not only lakes with fish, among the rocks are also found, The crabs!

    crabs: these arthropods appear in the 3 beach biomes, but their favorite is the rocky one, since it is full of hiding places, it would be like a generic crab, and it would have 3 biome variations, on the snowy beach they would be blue, on the beach Rocky oranges, and on the normal beaches they are red, when you kill them drop the crab meat, a cookable white meat (it's the same as the icy fish) and they rarely give you a pincer, with which you can prick your enemies by making them stay a few seconds (does not affect bosses) the pliers would have durability and cooldown (if it would not be too much OP)

    (another thing, if there is a crab nearby and you play a record they would start dancing, take it from system Zee XD)

    the last and third part and for me the most important and why I started this idea


    The normal beach is totally forgettable! , and sadly, it only has turtles, sand and treasure chests, and I told myself, this is missing, emotion, beach style, it is missing a lot, and I prepared to think about what I could have.

    the new beaches will be much flatter, they go from flat areas from height 61 to height 62 and there are no higher, the beaches feel somewhat empty ... so I decided to make the Desert Update Palm Trees here, a tree that appears on the beach making it less empty.

    the palm: the palm is a new tree, which grows on the beaches (and in the future in the desert), with a new wood leads to all things of wood (planks, slab, stairs, leaves, sprouts, boats etc etc ) and I think that the perfect shade of the palm planks would be a white tone, not very yellow like birch, but not super white, it is a good tone as it reminds me of very white sandy beaches and combines quite well

    Coconut is a fruit that grows in natural palms, if you break it with an ax (its tool) it will give you 2 coconut slices which will give you 2 hunger and 1 saturation (1 coconut = 4 hunger and 2 saturation) , but if you take a coconut by hand (or something with silk touch) it will give you the coconut (not slice) which is an item that can be thrown away, such as snowballs or eggs which if it hurts (half heart) and it accumulates in 16 , and you can craft coconut seeds (they don't exist in real life) works like cocoa beans

    in addition to that vegetation, the beach would have sandy grass, which can only be placed in the sand and only grows naturally on the beach

    after all this I'll talk about the main mob of the whole update

    Seagulls! , which gave me the main idea of ​​the update

    the seagulls are the animal that would give the beaches an ambient sound, the seagulls appear on normal beaches, rarely in the others, it would have 2 variations one with the white tail and the other with the black tail, the seagull will be all white with wings black and the peak with the red tip

    this would only appear in the palm tree canopies, and when there is a nearby village they gather in it, the seagulls would hunt the nearest crabs, but it does not extinguish the species (xd), they would also hunt baby turtles (crabs also)

    the seagulls are animals that can make friends with you (not in real life) you just have to give them the crab meat (and don't expect them to kill one for you since the seagulls eat the crab meat on their own) you also have to approach the seagulls carefully, since they are shy

    tame a seagull is not simply to have them sitting there dancing (parrots) if you have a barrel (not closed) from time to time they will fly to leave the fish they take from the sea (also the seagulls here are better because they are not leaving their gifts everywhere as in real life ..)

    a small update to sea turtles, when two turtles love each other a lot .... they have eggs, and in minecraft they leave them there is same on the surface, so it occurred to me that in the Beach update add a new block (sand with egg ) the turtle passes over the sand block and leaves a somewhat dark stain, so it is better recognized, and inside they have the eggs (the thing that the turtles do in real life) but the crabs can get to dig up the eggs (not destroy)

    finally, the last thing that occurred to me, shallow water biome


    the shallow waters depend on the biome of the beaches, and they are 3, warm shallow waters, cold shallow waters, stony shallow waters

    warm = normal beach (water only - height 60 (sand floor))

    cold = snowy beach (everything is ice where there was water - height 60 (gravel floor))

    stony = stone shore (water with stone floor, suddenly cuts with the sea) (usually with rock peaks)

    This makes more sense in the game, since how many times have you found a snowy beach with a warm sea? , with this the shallow waters have the mission of making more sense

    warm = warm ocean - warm ocean

    cold = cold ocean - frozen ocean

    stony = ocean - deep ocean

    that is ... all thanks for reading (if you did)

    submitted by /u/user11400
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    1.16 Nether Update idea: Thermite mob

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 09:27 AM PST

    Here's an idea for a new nether mob that they could add in 1.16.

    ( Image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Zxz_jOVCWz84Utx9xRlP_eInfb7vzzve/view?usp=drivesdk )

    The overworld has silverfish and the end has endermites, so why not add a new small insect mob for the nether?

    Appearance: small teardrop shape, obsidian color, they have three eyes, Fangs/jaws ( similar to those of spiders ) and three spikes on the back.

    They can be found spawning around areas with lots of magma and lava. When idle, they'll make faint chirping sounds and will wonder around, they'll also produce small amounts of smoke particles ( those that flames produce )

    Once they see a player, they will become 'activated', in this state their body will change from an obsidian color to something that looks like magma. They will make a High-pitched insect screech while running towards the player at high speeds. while running they will shake and spark-like particles will violently rush out from their backs.

    They will explode on impact with the player, dealing as much damage as a firework explosion. This explosion won't destroy blocks, but it will set all entities ( including the player ) that are in close proximity on fire.

    They're immune to anything fire related and can swim in lava. They're pretty week and can be killed easily.

    Killing the mob will give the player 0-3 blaze powder ( and maybe another item related to the Nether? )

    Tell me what you think!

    submitted by /u/Foxerbit
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    double fence gates should connect to become one big gate

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 09:47 AM PST

    it's annoyingly hard for my fat body to get through a single gate and two gates beside each other just looks a tad wack

    submitted by /u/carnsolus
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    New advancement: "the other way"

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 03:39 PM PST

    Description: get 10 full armour points without diamond armour

    submitted by /u/GameCreeper
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    A Slight Pets Edit

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 08:45 AM PST

    So, with the new addition of Foxes in this lovely game, came the fact that foxes will carry dropped items. But what about the original, even tamable Quadruped? The Wolf. A trusted companion for years and years. The player should be able to be given the ability to share a bone with Man's best friend, or even "pet" them to increase affection or boost health a little bit.

    Personally, I feel like these little additions would be quite appealing considering how many people choose to have a four legged friend to accompany them on their journey. Why not let the Wolf/Dog feel some love other than when they get frisky over a piece of meat?

    Now to the Cats, no matter how "Useless" they may seem, we still tame them because they're cute. But they don't get to do very much either other than, of course, getting up and at it over a fish. Let them play with some string, or a pile of clay. Something to let the kitty be busy. Not to the level of real cats where they can bounce around the house over that little piece of string stuck to their claw, but just toy with it around a room or something like that.

    All I'm trying to say is.. Give the pets a little more to do. They deserve a treat now and again too. After all, we get cake, and they only get to watch us munch on it.

    submitted by /u/ManyOfCakes
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    Craftable soul sand

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 03:02 PM PST

    Soul sand is pretty hard to come by, but with the new 1.16 Nether Update that will all change, and I think it would be the perfect time to add a crafting recipe for soul sand in the game, because it's actually really useful and quite rare.

    You'd craft it by placing 5 regular sand in an x-for in the crafting grid and than filling up the remaining slots with wither roses. You get 5 soul sand out of 5 sand and 4 wither roses

    This way you can't get soul sand before you've gone to the nether because you need wither skulls to get wither roses, but you don't need to travel 150 000 blocks to find 3 soul sand.

    submitted by /u/dries125
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    Mini games (from the Legacy Versions) should be readied as a free feature on all Bedrock Platforms

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 02:29 PM PST

    Pretty simple, Tumble (shovel and snowball) along with Battle and Glide should be free to download on the Minecraft Store. They were one of the things that made me love my Xbox360 and I still play them on it to this day. Unfortunately I have to carry it around if I want to do it with people. I think that reading them would make minecraft a more enjoyable experience!

    submitted by /u/Aquatax69
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    Bellia-The Well Monster

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 10:34 AM PST

    In my country, Malta, we have this folklore creature called the Bellia. This creature lives in a well and was said to abduct children and steal items that are close to wells. It was probably created to keep children from going next to wells and fall in.

    There is no actual depiction of this creature most seem to have their own interpretation of it. I always believed it was some kind of water lizard or a huge worm (and yes my parents used to scare me with it when I was very young).

    I got the idea to suggest after stumbling upon to a desert well while playing on my singleplayer world and thinking how uneventful it is to stumble upon one.

    My Idea for this creature is the following:

    1. If you throw diamonds in the well the monster has a chance of throwing a valuable item.
    2. If you throw anything else the creature extends its tongue and takes you to its dimension. This dimension is a hollow sphere made out of bedrock. Here a boss fight starts against the Bellia.

    The monster will attack:

    1. With acid that it shoots on the ground.
    2. By using its tongue to grab you towards it so it can bite you. If it grabs you you can free yourself by swinging your weapon and doing enough damage. If you're blocking during this attack the shield plops out of your inventory and is eaten by the monster but you remain safe. There is a chance the shield will drop after you kill the Bellia. Using more than one shield will only drop one shield at the end of the fight.

    This Monster can only be hurt with the following enchantments. Impaling, Piercing, Power, Sharpness, Smite, Bane of Arthropods, and Thorns. Unenchanted weapons won't deal damage unless he grabs you with the second attack and start damaging his tongue.

    If you kill it the monster will drop some valuables and its hide, that can be used to upgrade the durability, damage reduction, and effectiveness of a shield. If you die, you can go back to the well. This time if you defeat it, it might drop some of the items you had in your previous battle along with the hide.

    I mostly wanted to give the Idea for a mob that lives in the well. The rest of my Ideas are there to make a potential starting point more helpful.

    I hope you like this mob.

    submitted by /u/CGC_MT
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    Iron grates & iron chains

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 11:49 AM PST

    I know this has been a suggestion for a while across different users but --- iron grate flooring.

    Like iron bars you can throw items through them, but you can't fall through. They would place like slabs; top or bottom of a block. It would make it nice for item waste management. You could throw your items down. Could also have some redstone use for using comparators and pressure plates below by throwing items down, but just walking on the grates wouldn't activate it. Would be really nice for secret doors and such.

    I would love to have chains in general as a block made from iron. They would be how you craft this, chains (for minecarts, so they will finally be useful!), and obviously, for crafting your own chainmail armor.

    submitted by /u/Giea_Prince16
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    Fix the texture of lecterns

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 03:02 PM PST

    Lecterns have a little shadow effect on the edges, it's not much, but it's slightly annoying.

    submitted by /u/Tylo_Ren23
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    Drowned become normal zombies or even Husks when taken to the Nether

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 06:11 PM PST

    It makes sense. Water in the Nether evaporates, and the Drowned are full of the stuff. It would be a fun detail that sort of goes with the upcoming Nether update.

    submitted by /u/TheRocketBush
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    Trees Decay in nether (+plus a few extras)

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 02:15 PM PST

    So basically If you plant a sapling in the nether, the sapling will take twice as long to grow, and when it does grow, the wood will slowly turn into powdered wood and powdered leaves(basically if you shot something with a cartoon laser), and eventually decay entirely. If you break powdered wood or leaves, it drops nether powder(5% drop) its very easy to break, and doesn't require any tools.

    Nether powder is gunpowder but better, makes a stronger tnt with a larger explosion radius and what not.

    (feedback: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360056053131-Trees-Decay-in-the-nether )

    submitted by /u/ImpulsiveLeaks
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    When a water source block is exposed to lava, if it has coal/iron/lapis/redstone/emerald/diamond floating in it, it should turn into ore instead of stone

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 07:05 AM PST


    1. You can put ores in your buildings (especially puzzles that involve mining) in survival mode without using commands or Silk Touch

    2. It makes sense in-universe

    3. You can make an automatic iron ore farm if you want it. There's no way to make one now.


    A. Making ore this way and mining it with a Fortune pickaxe would make duping possible. Solutions:

    1. Ore created this way only drops 1 of the item when mined (or however many you used when making it)

    2. Creating the ore takes a whole block of the item instead of just 1. This way you never get more back than you used.

    B. Nether quartz ore is in netherrack, not stone. Solutions:

    1. This mechanic won't work with nether quartz

    2. Rename nether quartz "quartz" and have 2 different ore blocks for it. "Nether quartz ore" is the same as it is now - netherrack with quartz in it, naturally occurring in the Nether - and "overworld quartz ore" is stone with quartz in it, not naturally occurring but you can make it with this method.

    EDIT: I guess there's been a misunderstanding. I'm saying duping with a Fortune pickaxe won't be possible because ores created this way will drop a maximum of 1 item when mined, whether you use a Fortune pickaxe or not. Or maybe making the ore should take a whole block of the item (which is 9, or 4 if it's quartz), so even if Fortune did work on it, you'd only get 2 or 3 back. Either way, duping won't work. Sorry for the confusion. I agree that would be way too OP.

    And yeah, I can see how creating iron or gold ores with this method might not make sense since you don't get those just from mining. Just coal, lapis, redstone, emerald, diamond, and maybe quartz then.

    Also, about it being a nerf to Silk Touch... why? If you have it, it would be a lot simpler and faster to mine ores that way and place them where you want them, than to set up the lava and water with an item in it every time. This is just an alternative for if you don't. Plus there's plenty of other blocks that you can only pick up and move with Silk Touch (leaves, bee nests, ender chests, etc.), so it's not like there wouldn't still be an incentive to get it.

    submitted by /u/truth14ful
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    Pet interactions (petting and hugging)

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 09:56 PM PST

    When clicking on a pet, you will pet them. Right clicking a pet without holding anything lets you pick up cats and puppies. It is also possible to hug large pets by simply walking into them and right clicking them. This does not work for horses. Small pets can also be hugged too when carried in the players arms.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 02:57 AM PST

    Moltens are the Husk-variant of Zombie Pigmen (Zombified Piglins in the 1.16 update). Like Zombie Pigmen, they won't attack you unless you attack them first.

    Moltens will spawn on the new Soul Sand Valley biome (of course after 1.16 came out, or maybe add this to 1.16). They wield golden swords and have 10 hearts (20 HP), and when they hit you, you will get Poison I for 10 seconds. They are immune to fire and does not drown. They drop 1-2 gold nuggets, 0-1 golden sword, 0-1 gold ingot, & 1-3 rotten flesh when killed.

    submitted by /u/8bit95
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    Upon killing a creeper that is about to explode, it drops "ignited" gunpowder.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 05:28 PM PST

    So basically, ignited gunpowder should be dropped when a creeper is killed when it is about to explode. Ignited gunpowder can be used to create an immediate exploding TNT. You might be saying, "that's useless! you'll just die!" But, what I mean is that the TNT has no delay in exploding. If it is ignited, it will immediately explode.

    submitted by /u/who_likes_fridays
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    Tomes, Imbuing Items, and Changing Enchantment Colour

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 11:23 PM PST

    Tomes would be magical books that can be added to tools, weapons, and/or armour within an anvil, that add a stat buff, changing the enchantment colour with it.

    Some examples could be...

    • Armour:
    1. Speed enhancement
    2. Health boost
    3. Fire resistance
    • Weapons:
    1. Cripple enemies (add slowness)
    2. Poison/wither
    3. Improved swing/draw speed (but lower damage)
    • Tools
    1. Improved durability
    2. Auto-smelt

    Some enchantments which would become tomes...

    1. Fire Aspect and Flame
    2. Mending
    3. Thorns

    Similar to curses, imbuing an item is permanent. Tomes could be found through the Minecraft world in dungeons, temples, etc. Perhaps the tome may be dependent on the type of dungeon.

    Minecraft needs more magic. Any suggestion or improvement upon this is encouraged.

    submitted by /u/cr3p1tus
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