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    Minecraft Background music immediately stops when you play a music disc

    Minecraft Background music immediately stops when you play a music disc

    Background music immediately stops when you play a music disc

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 02:08 AM PST

    A small quality of life change. It's annoying when the background music keeps on playing at the same time as your music disc, and you shouldn't have to then turn music off every time you want to listen to one in your Minecraft world.

    Edit: Alternatively, the background music could fade out while the disc music starts playing. This was suggested by a few people and I agree it would make for a more natural transition than just having an immediate change of music.

    submitted by /u/Theverylowkey666
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    Netherite Elytra

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 12:48 PM PST

    Elytra seem far too valuable and rare to be lost in a fire or lava, and they could use some durability. I propose a solution: netherite elytra. They last much longer than normal elytra, cannot be burned in lava or fire, offer some protection (about as much as leather armor), and have a cool, dark texture that complement other netherite armor.

    submitted by /u/Careless_Corey
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    An upside down forest in the Nether.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 03:56 AM PST

    In the new snapshot we have seen that Minecraft is now able to generate different biomes in the y axis; well, wouldn't it be great if a new kind of forest spawned upside down on the roof of the Nether? This new type of forest will be much more difficult and risky to explore because of its peculiar generation.


    Purple version

    Yellow version

    submitted by /u/LibaneseCasaFabri
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    Add rare challenging dark biome in nether, as nether equivalent to caves

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 03:07 AM PST

    Nether lacks any kind of cave system, which will eliminate any excitement when mining for ancient debree. If you look with spectator mode into "the walls" of nether it is literary full of nothing, millions of blocks of netherrack without anything to look for. It would be lovely to see something like dark biome added into these "walls" more or less like a caves. With really heavy fog, with open cavy-like generation, wither roses and other vegetation, with wither skeletons and some other new "dark" mobs (perhaps "withered" versions of other nether mobs), creepy sound effects, etc... I think this would be great, relatively rare, challenging biome, with good loot and e.g. higher density of ancient debree. I literally have endless ideas for this biome..

    submitted by /u/madmansimon
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    Setting 0 as time value in /effect give makes the effect last indefinitely

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 09:11 AM PST

    I'm tired of always having to write '999999' for things like night vision in Creative mode.

    submitted by /u/misterblue28
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    Soul Campfires

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 03:54 AM PST

    They'd function similarly to regular campfires, but the flame would be blue, cooking time would be slightly shorter, less light gets emitted and more damage is taken when standing on it. The crafting recipe would be the same as a regular campfire but with the addition of soul soil in the top corners.

    submitted by /u/AndeanRock
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    A Zombified Piglin named "XaPhobia" has its model and texture changed to that of the original Zombie Pigman.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 11:46 AM PST

    Plain and simple. Just to keep them in the original game in some form -- they're fairly iconic and recognizable, and have existed in the game for ages. It'd be a shame to see them completely removed.

    submitted by /u/Swiftphantom
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    Hitting liquids will cause splashing effects

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 09:19 AM PST

    Hitting water with anything besides blocks will create splashing particles going towards the opposite of where you hit it from. Hitting lava will do the same, but there won't be as much particles Hitting both liquids with arrows will do the same

    The amount of particles depends on how charged the weapon or bow is, if you use something that's not a weapon, it will create 4 splashing particles

    submitted by /u/The-Real-Radar
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    "Flash shot" a new Enchant for the Crossbow

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 12:36 PM PST

    When a crossbow is enchanted by flash shot the speed of the arrow is 25% faster for each level. This would increase the range of the crossbow knowing that it's more an accurate weapon than the bow.

    Flash Shot I = + 25% Speed

    Flash Shot II = + 50% Speed

    Flash Shot III = + 75% Speed

    Flash Shot IV = + 100% Speed

    Knowing that the crossbow range is almost the same as the bow, I thought of this enchantment which would make it more unique and useful than the bow for long distance fight .This enchantment would be useful for the PVP for large ranged fight.

    submitted by /u/survivor98xx
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    Bonemealing dirt should create grass blocks

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 10:29 PM PST

    Like bonemealing netherrack to become one of two types of nylium, dirt should have the same functionality in which you can only convert dirt to a grass block if there is an adjacent grass block.

    submitted by /u/RealOmniv
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    Crossbows need to be changed

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 02:43 AM PST

    I love the idea of a crossbow weapon, but the whole concept needs some refinement in my opinion.

    The problem with crossbow :

    Every weapon in minecraft so far (mostly) is useful in some way. Not because of a flashy gimmick or cool effect, but actually useful in a specific combat situation. For example, the sword is better than the bow for short ranges, and the bow is better for longer distances - always. However as you progress in the game, either through obtaining new enchantments or fighting more difficult mobs, each weapon still has its own place. The crossbow however, is just objectively worse than the bow once they're both maxed out.

    A Power V bow with flame can one-shot most common mobs, while the crossbow takes 3 hits. The crossbow is specifically incompatible with Infinity and has less durability for the exact reason that it's meant to be a sniper weapon! It was made to be slower, use less arrows, but do more damage. Early game, it achieves this. But while a bow can be enchanted to do a ton more damage, the crossbow is only able to try to catch up with the bow's drawspeed! Once you've maxed out both weapons, the firerate of the crossbow is actually not much higher than that of a bow and the damage is significantly lower- meaning you'll need to spam 3 arrows to kill the average mob- costing you more arrows (because of no infinity) and using up a ton of durability! At this point, it's just objectively worse, and has no real use.

    That said, it does have some neat gimmicks. For example, it can have Multishot, which shoots a ridiculously wide spread which you can't kill anything with (even at close range!) or Piercing, which allows a bolt fired from the weapon to travel through multiple mobs. (How is this even useful? I've never seen a horde of mobs just line up to all get shot, especially while shooting from a distance!) This is following a trend I've seen Mojang start to follow: adding shallow features. That is, features that seem cool at first but then you can just forget about. Like the polar bears; sure, they're cool, but after you've seen them once, they have no more use. This is the update that I hoped would turn some of the gimmicky- ness around, so I hope the crossbow gets an overhaul at some point.

    Some fixes, in my opinion could be:

    Piercing, being an enchant that goes to a high level like Power or Sharpness, and probably makes the arrows more powerful or sharper so that they can go through mobs, logically this should increase the damage as well. A maxed out crossbow should be more than a one-hit kill for ordinary mobs, because the bow is. If the Piercing enchant increases the damage of the crossbow, it would balance out.

    To go with the above change, the Quick-Charge enchant should be nerfed to balance with the faster-firing bows.

    Finally, to make the firework-launching feature more useful, the rockets should explode on impact, doing damage to nearby mobs. It would finally be the explosive bows Minecraft has needed for so long!

    Thanks to jhiggins3145

    Repeating Bow a new enchantment for the crossbow.

    How it will work :

    The idea is that this enchantment allows the player to have an repeating crossbow where the player shoots one more arrows for each level of enchantment. Knowing that the bow is more powerful than the crossbow and that it is more suitable for a 1vs1 unlike the crossbow, the enchantment would make the crossbow more useful in combat and especially in 1vs1 but with this new good ability he has a cost of a much lower range and lower damage like between 5 ❤ and 8 ❤ instead of 9 ❤ and 11❤ . The weapon would be ideal for short range and finally good for a 1vs1 but useless in long range against bow.

    Level of enchantment:

    Repeating Bow I = 2 arrows can be shot each time before reloading

    Repeating Bow II = 3 arrows can be shot each time before reloading

    Repeating Bow III = 4 arrows can be shot each time before reloading

    Enchantment Mechanic :

    The enchantment would not be compatible with Quick charge and Percing.

    The player can have this enchantment at level 30 and it's difficult to have it with other enchantments.

    submitted by /u/Soft-Rent
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    Nether Portal Animations

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 11:19 AM PST

    I feel like lighting up the nether portal can be quite not as satisfying, so I think it'd be really cool if they added some sort of swirling animation or maybe something that warps your screen a tiny bit. Something like this would be a great addition to the nether update.

    submitted by /u/owenorange
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    Enchanted glint color depends on the material (i.e. iron = Turquoise)

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 04:56 AM PST

    It's just a simple visual change bcuz I think purple glint doesn't always fit with other colors too well.

    Anyway here are the colors for the materials:

    Wood (Including Bows) = Pale Green

    Leather = Orange

    Stone = White

    Chainmail = Blue

    Iron (Also shield) = Turquoise

    Gold = Purplish Red

    Diamond = Purple (the current one)

    Netherite = Fiery Red (/slightly orangish tint)

    Trident = Teal

    Turtle Helmet = Lime

    Others (Like end crystal, debug stick and creative-only enchanted things) = Purple (the current one)

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
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    Rename Basalt into Basalt Pillars and then add a new Basalt (this new basalt will natural generate)

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 03:51 AM PST

    The current will be renamed but overall, no change and the new basalt will use the top block texture for every sides.

    Few more suggestions I wanted to make is that this new basalt will generate at the bottom end of a basalt speleotherm and I think it'd be cool to see occasional patches of basalt under the nether, especially soul sand valley which can make nether mining a bit more interesting.

    Thnx for reading. :)

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
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    Enchantment colors (16 colors instead of always purple)

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 10:26 PM PST

    The purple glow on enchantments should be customizable, and players should be able to use 16 colors when enchanting something. Benefits are:

    1. Customizability of how gear looks from player to player. Stand out from the rest, instead of everyone wearing the same armor with the same purple enchant effects

    2. Be able to differentiate similar tools. Eg: enchant your silk touch pick with a blue glow, and your fortune pick with a green glow

    3. Some colors look way better with certain gear. I think a cyan glow (like the new 'blue fire') would look amazing on enchanted netherite gear.

    4. It would open up so much RP potential. The "bad guy" could have a black glow on all his enchantments, making him look evil or corrupt

    5. Team pvp. One team/guild could use a certain enchantment glow to stand out from the other team(s)

    I would even be OK with the color being randomly chosen when the item is enchanted. It would create a time-sink for when we've done everything else. Or let us choose the color during enchantment.

    submitted by /u/GrugCrood
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    Let advancements run a command when clicked.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 01:21 PM PST

    What I mean by this, is the advancements menu (defaults to L). These could run a command when clicked on, for example a function or a trigger, that could make stuff happen.

    From simple things like claiming a reward for a quest, to amazing creations such as entire menus for spells, I can see this being a great change!

    It would be a simple line of text in the JSON file for an advancement.

    submitted by /u/4P5mc
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    New Enderman variant for the Nether: "Warpedman"

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 04:01 PM PST

    Since Endermen spawn very frecuently in the Warped Forest in the Nether, I think they should have their own variant exclusive to this biome, the "Warpedmen", the same way Strays and Husks spawn only in snowy and desert biomes, respectively, as variants of Skeletons and Zombies. Plus, it fits the theme of a "Warped" Forest, since Endermen are known to teleport and have a somewhat otherwordly lore.

    "Warpedmen" as this variant might be called, have a teal skin to match the Warped Forest color scheme and, unlike normal Endermen, have green glowing eyes (similar to Phantoms and Endermen from old versions of the game) to symbolize a different type of "influence" over them...

    Here are some examples of what they might look like:

    submitted by /u/Marcc_Zuccman
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    Basalt crafting recipe

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 12:14 PM PST

    Fun fact: Andesite, diorite, and granite can be crafted!

    andesite = cobblestone + diorite

    diorite = 2 cobblestone + 2 quartz

    granite = diorite + quartz

    I think it'd be cool for the new stone block to follow suit, being crafted with an andesite block and an iron ingot. This is because in real life basalt is similar to andesite, but formed from iron-rich lava. This basalt would have the cellular top texture on all sides (see also).

    I think this crafting recipe is nice because it's consistent with the other stone blocks but also doesn't discourage going to the nether, because it's kinda costly to get in large quantities and doesn't have the columnal texture that you might need for a build, whereas it's cheaper in the nether and it's all got that column texture (maybe the speleothems could include both textures as said in the post i linked?).


    submitted by /u/Bonhomhongon
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    Ladders for each wood type

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 12:54 PM PST

    You'd be able to change the ladder type by adding a plank of the type you'd want while crafting the ladder

    The normal ladder is nice, but if you want to build something with the new warped or crimson blocks, you'd find it very difficult for a ladder to fit in

    submitted by /u/DeadPieGamer
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    Being in spectator mode still plays the creative music

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 06:30 AM PST

    Switching from creative to spectator stops the music that's playing abruptly, and no further music will play when on spectator. Switching into spectator should keep the same music playing

    submitted by /u/loler4332
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    Soul soil, soul fire torches, and soul fire lamps burn underwater

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 01:26 PM PST

    You should be able to burn soul soil underwater, because underwater fire would be cool. Soul fire shouldn't follow the same rules as normal fire. Soul fire torches and lanterns should work underwater as well.

    Soul soil should also create an upward bubble column when underwater like soul sand. However, it should create a downward bubble column when burning underwater like magma blocks. This would allow us to create switchable one block elevators that are stylish as frick.

    submitted by /u/CombustSean
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    Concept: Abandoned Nether Mineshaft

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 06:14 AM PST

    These mineshafts are similar to the overworld ones, but with the rarity of the Antient Scrap ore, the mineshaft could increase the chances of them spawning in its walls, making it easier to find. The oak wood in the overworld can be replaced with warped equivalent to make it unique.

    submitted by /u/Fad3in
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    New Nether Biome Ideas: The "Fungal Caverns" and "Basalt Spires"

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 11:43 AM PST

    The current biomes are cool and all but imagine more. I've seen some more in this sub but I think I've got a couple to add to the pile

    The Fungal Caverns

    These would generate kinda like caves in the overworld, but much more interconnecting and claustrophobic. Inside, you'd find these caves with the new fungi litter all over; overgrown roots that cut through the caves, Nylium all over the floor with flora on top of it, usually the stuff you find in the warped and crimson forests (usnure if they'd have their own or it would just be one big cavern of both red and blue.

    Within these caverns could also be infected Piglins, with fungi growing all over them. They'd be hostile and drop Crimson or Warped Fungi, making them renewable and farmable.

    The Basalt Spires

    The Basalt Spires would mostly be large basalt spires (who would've guessed) that stretch from the roof of the nether down the its lavery depths. The would hold small exposes platforms that you tower between, with the biomes fog being a near pitch black. Inside the biome, blazes could spawn, attacking the player in his/her already exposed state, making them think quickly before they're knocked off the platforms and killed. This make for an interesting alternative to finding a nether fortress, with it although being harder to farm, it would be more common.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/LuxitherX
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    piglings should trade special potion effect enchantment to your golden armor

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 08:20 AM PST

    As of now the gold armor is completely useless, they already have an enchantment buff, but it's definitely not enough to make it interesting. But now it seems the new piglings are gonna be very interested by the golden armor, so maybe they can share some of their secrets if we gain their trust. This is why I propose that we should be able to apply permanent potion effect to gold armor with the help of piglings.

    You could only get it from piglings is a similar way as trade with villager but in exchange for gold ingots instead (lots of it since it is a lot less rare than emeralds). Prehaps you would need to gain their trust first by defending them against something similarly to how you gain the "hero of the village" effect, or maybe you could accomplish "quest" on their behalf to unlock their trade.

    So it does not become op I think it shouldn't be stackable and should be capped at 2 armor piece per effect. You could for example get speed 1 on 2 pieces thus giving you speed 2 but you couldn't get multiple effect on a single piece of armor or a single effect more than 2 times (so best you could get is 4 different effects or 2 of the same twice, or 2 of the same plus 2 different ones). It sounds op but remember that you are still relatively unprotected compared to diamond or netherite. I think it should still be stackable with normal potion effect so you could have some crazy effect like strength 4 or speed 4 etc.

    Of course some effects are a bit weird to implement like instant health/instant damage who maybe could be applied to a weapon instead of an armor (making an "healing sword" possible??). As for invisibility maybe it should be applied to the armor itself instead of the player so you could combine it with an actual potion and be invisible with an armor on.

    Overall i think it opens up a whole new world of possibility if balanced correctly. In pvp for exemple maybe someone could find it beneficial to sacrifice some of the protection of an iron/diamond/netherite armor piece for a gold piece with speed or strength on it or even go full berserk with a double strength armor. Outside pvp you could also have other practial like night vision, slow falling, leaping (combined with potion you could get lvl 4 of those) etc. and even some prank worthy items like a curse of binding/poison combination...

    submitted by /u/monsieurdescavernes
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