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    Minecraft Give all armor ranks their own unique properties

    Minecraft Give all armor ranks their own unique properties

    Give all armor ranks their own unique properties

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 05:18 AM PST

    I love the new netherite armor and I think it's very nice that it's something not too easy to obtain in the first hour of playing. But I always find it sorta sad that there's no incentive to use the lower ranks of materials, people maybe use one set of iron before they gather enough diamonds, but I know plenty of people who even skip that step and go straight to endgame gear...Now the intended secondary functionallity of gold armor, in that it will be needed to mingle with piglins, and the inherent knockback resistence of the new netherite gave me the idea that it would be cool for every armor tier to have some unique property that makes them valuable in specific situations...These are some ideas I came up with, but feel free to suggest others:

    • Leather:
      • higher movement speed (or place a slight speed reduction on all higher armor tiers, making the leather feel like you're wearing... nothing at all)
      • Prevents trampling of farmland (no need to get your diamond boots all muddy, would be a nice effect for farmer villagers too btw)
      • a chance to resist/dodge arrows (by u/CouldBeSteve)
      • have no diminishing effect on invisibility effect, like elytra (by u/parishiIt0n)
    • Chainmail:
      • increase in attack speed (mail gives you more mobility at the cost of defense compared to plate, making this the more offensive iron option and an interesting choice for players confident in their ability to dodge attacks)
      • a chance to deflect/dodge sword strikes (by u/daks_7)
    • Iron:
      • increased efficiency of iron tools (before they have access to the best enchantments and beacons, lets reward the humble, hardworking miners who invest in a full iron set of tools and gear and make it interesting to linger there a bit, at least for the grindy parts of the game)
    • Gold:
      • Piglin respect (to be implemented)
      • Highest enchantability (implemented)
      • Gold is very heavy! makes you sink in water faster/walk along the bottom like it were land in combination with depth strider 3; also improved critical damage from jump attacks, or falling damage (like you'd be a living anvil) (by u/Tactical-Kitten-117)
    • Diamond:
      • increased visibility (walking around in such extravagant shiny armour should draw the eyes of mobs from quite far, increasing the range at which mobs aggro to you, for better or worse)
      • High enchantability (implemented)
    • Netherite:
      • knockback resistence (implemented)
      • Higher enchantability (implemented)
      • Piglin respect, because of it being part gold (by u/CLtheman1)

    While the armors would still be ranked in defense, it would be nice to have an incentive to keep a couple of different sets around for different purposes.Perhaps more of these ideas could be implemented to make the new combat update more interesting too, if there's more of a trade-off between defense and offense or mobility...

    Feel free to suggest other fitting effects!

    Edit: added some suggestions from the comments

    submitted by /u/Pixel-1606
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    A Beacon surrounded by Netherite Blocks should prevent all items within the area from burning.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 11:22 AM PST

    This would be a really useful functionality for endgame since Netherite is rare and hard to get, so to have such a powerful function as a beacon just makes sense.

    submitted by /u/TheCookieFiles
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    If you throw a splash potion on a bee and that bee stings an entity, said entity will recieve the remaining effects

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 11:25 AM PST

    Falling Anvils should destroy glass when falling more then 3 blocks

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 02:53 PM PST

    As stated in the title.

    submitted by /u/jamescoolcrafter15
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    More non-combat activities should give experience to encourage a wider variety of playstyles.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 03:08 PM PST

    The current activities that really give a worthwhile amount of XP is mining and mob grinding. Mining's worthwhile as not only are you getting XP, but you're getting ores, and mob grinders are just insanely fast for XP gain. I propose the following activities should give XP:

    • Harvesting grown crops: Growing and harvesting wheat, carrots, potatoes, and beetroot should give the player a small amount of XP. Not a huge amount, as crops are very easy to mass-produce.
    • Crafting items for the first time: Crafting an item for the first time in that Minecraft world should give XP depending on the difficulty of the recipe. Craft a wood pickaxe? 1 XP point. Craft a beacon? 1,000 XP.
    • Sleeping: Sleeping giving XP I feel would've been a better incentive to sleep than Phantoms, but that's a topic for another day. Every consecutive night you sleep should give you more and more XP, until maxxing out after a week. From then on sleeping every night should give the max amount of XP. XP bonus is reset if you die, or fail to sleep through 1 night.
    • Brewing: Making a set of potions should give a little XP, just like smelting/cooking in furnaces.
    • Campfire cooking: Cooking food on a campfire should give as much XP as normally cooking food in a furnace.

    If these activities even gave a small amount of XP, it would help many activities in-game feel much more productive, as well as help encourage a wider variety of ways to gain XP without killing off mob grinders or getting XP from mining. They don't have to be ultra-efficient ways to grind out XP, but just a nice alternative to spending hours at mob grinders or in mineshafts.

    submitted by /u/ManOnTheMesa
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    The Nether needs Dungeon

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 01:20 PM PST

    Why not red small castles made of red nether brick with a Wither Skeleton spawner which protects chests in the Nether and a big red castle made of red nether brick like the mansion with many rooms but with more interesting loots unique to the Nether.

    submitted by /u/Soft-Rent
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    Make Basalt Pillars extend into Lava instead of stopping on the surface.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 06:57 AM PST

    Right now when a Basalt Pillar hits a lava lake it makes the base on the surface and stops, leaving it floating very jankily. It should extend into the lava until it hits a SOLID block instead of leaving dumb looking floating platforms.

    submitted by /u/YogscastFiction
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    Netherite Scraps + Iron = Eldersteel

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 05:04 AM PST

    u/Banished_To_Lotus suggested to rename Netherite to Eldersteel so I thought to myself, why would something containing gold be named Eldersteel. So here's Eldersteel containing iron.

    It would be better than netherite but with an extremely low enchantability. Like almost nothing. It would take more than 30 levels maybe even 45 to enchant using an anvil. Maybe stuff made from Eldersteel could ignore the normal anvil rules due to its huge xp cost.

    Maybe it would take one more netherite scrap to make an Eldersteel ingot. The enchantment glint could be the same color as the new blue flames.

    Additionally I would like the netherite sword to do 10 damage instead of 9.

    Any other ideas and criticism are welcome.

    submitted by /u/StarLoad42
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    Rename the "crimson roots" and "warped roots" to "crimson hyphae" and "warped hyphae"

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 08:52 AM PST

    Hyphae, in real life, are strands of fungal cells that come together to make a "mycelium" (like the block), a tangled web of hyphae. It makes more sense than roots (since roots are typically underground, not above) and it has a neat real-world connection just like mycelium

    submitted by /u/-FireNH-
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    A beacon powered entirely by Netherite should unlock a hidden "Fire Resistance" option.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 12:20 PM PST

    Would be cool if this were a hidden effect that could only be unlocked with Netherite. Would be useful to put in a Nether base to prevent yourself from taking fire damage.

    submitted by /u/ligmaenigma
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    Gamerule to turn off earning Advancements in Creative mode

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 08:32 AM PST

    An option to turn off earning advancements while in Creative mode with something along the lines of:

    /gamerule preventcreativeadvancements true/false (just as an idea of wording)

    So that players in Survival aren't "cheated" in Advancements if creative is used by a member. Our community tracks Advancements in a scoreboard for example and would like to keep the scores fair.

    I've been told Pocket edition/bedrock has something similar but a toggleable option to do this in Java would be great.

    submitted by /u/Flawst
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    Different nether fortress for each new biome

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 02:37 PM PST

    I feel like nether fortresses have always been the same, and now with the new updates, now is a great time to make them more interesting.

    I'm not sure what these new fortresses would look like, but if anyone has any ideas let me know

    submitted by /u/EmperorBale
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    Rename Warped Fungi and Crimson Fungi

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 01:28 AM PST

    Because "fungi" is a plural form that's being applied to a single mushroom, which is just wrong. Call them Warped Fungus and Crimson Fungus, please. It just looks and feels so wrong with the plural form

    submitted by /u/Supersebi3
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    Combining a Diamond Pickaxe with Netherite in an Anvil should keep the tool's enchantments.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 11:25 AM PST

    Nether biome transitions

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 08:24 AM PST

    In the overworld, rivers and weather effects help most biome borders to have a natural-seeming transition.

    In the nether, this can feel a bit more jarring. My stance is that a more formalized, smoother transition would help this eerie landscape feel more unusual - your perspective may vary and I hope to hear it!

    Regardless, here are some ideas I have.

    • Speckled Biomes. Sub-biomes would be created that might best be defined as One-In-Another, where the recessive biome appears as splotches that "infest" or speckle the host biome near the border. An example transition would be progressing from Nether Wastes, to Twisted-speckled Wastes, to Waste-speckled Twisted, to Twisted Forest. All borders could be handled this way, and the sky fog within these transition zones would be an averaged (or hand-selected) color between both pure biomes.

    • Shattered Borders. Similar to the above, but with a floating-island feel to it and with deep cutting ravines down to the lava ocean at the borders. Spanning these gaps would be a feature of traversing the biomes.

    • Creeping Biomes. The nether is a terrible, hostile, enchanting place of constant change and destruction. Imagine how grass grows onto dirt, or farmland dries up when deprived of water. A zone/chunk between each biome would feature block types periodically but noticeably changing from one to the other in a randomized, never-ending process. Select block types would be chosen to morph between each other (like Soul Soil to Netherrack, etc). This would never be true of blocks the player has interacted with - much like how leaf-rot does not impact leaves placed by the player, only for naturally generating trees who lose their trunks.

    • Time-Delayed Fog. This could be true in any biome, but the fog color transitons seem too jarring. My suggestion is that changing Nether biomes initiates a 5-second (or whatever) progression from the old fog color to the new one, rather than having it be instant. It would be a faster change than the overworld's day-night cycle, but the experience might nonetheless be comparable.

    Additionally, I hope to see a biome added (Grand Caverns) that has a rare structure treated more like an Ocean Monument or an overworld Village: the Hanging Palace (!).

    • Grand Cavern. Do you yearn for wide open spaces, with just you and some ghasts to contend with? The Grand Cavern is defined by it's copious generation of air blocks to force away the intruding biomes around it. Lava falls from the Netherrack at the ceiling and the lava ocean below is mostly unmarred. Glowstone forms on smaller floating islands which dot the three dimensional scape, forcing hostile ground mobs to spawn there in dense clusters.

    • Hanging Palace. Nexus of souls which pass through the Nether, if you've played the once-upon-a-time game Overlord 2, you will quickly get a sense of what I mean - this Palace may be made from basalt, nether brick, and magma, and would be arranged like a stalagtite with its roots going all the way up to the bedrock ceiling. Since it would hopefully only spawn in the aforementioned Grand Cavern, it would offer a commanding view of the wide spaces between it and surrounding biomes. This beast would feature most of its "structure generation" in a vertical fashion, similar in a way to End Cities. Chambers, balconies, bridges, and treacherous drops would honeycomb this glorious capital which is built around some as-yet undefined treasured prize.

    submitted by /u/Morvick
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    Vexes appears in small group in the Nether

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 08:41 AM PST

    Knowing that they are invoked by the Evoker why not put them in the Nether for a wink for their origins.

    They don't die naturally like after 15 seconds in the Nether.

    submitted by /u/Soft-Rent
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    New mobs in Nether and augments using new biomes

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 01:49 PM PST


    • Ash Worm. Have you seen the old sci-fi Tremors? Read the book Dune? Let's add one of those in here. This beast would be multiple blocks long at first, and shortens or lengthens based on its health. The damage it can deal is directly proportional to its length. As it moves, it burrows/destroys a tunnel through soft (low blast resistance) Nether materials, being unable to move through cobblestone or tougher materials. It is naturally hostile to Zombie Pigmen, and each tries to hunt the other for food (a Worm grows and heals as it eats Pigmen). Is able to freely swim through lava as if it were water, sometimes breaching like a whale might do. While in the Nether, your screen will begin to "snow" with ash if an Ash Worm is nearby, and you can hear a rumbling not unlike far-off TNT as it digs through the hellish strata.

    • Mantle Flea. These hungry carnivorous bugs may remind you of rabbits, silverfish, or baby zombies in their relentlessly small hitboxes. They mainly move by jumping on spring-loaded legs and can anchor to walls and ceilings between jumps, possibly setting up for ambushes. They carry a nasty bite, which is randomly able to inflict a (harmful) potion effect. They spawn in swarms and sniff out the player aggressively, behaving more like a Phantom in their pursuit.

    • Defective Golem. The netherite debris isn't the only thing left behind by whomever, or whatever, traveled to the Nether so long ago. These sparking, flaming iron golems roam the landscape in solitude, blindly attacking whatever they can stomp over to. Nearly every mob except the Ghast avoids them, and the golem can prevent itself from exploding (yes, exploding) for as long as it can keep moving. If held stationary or immobile for too long, such as falling into a hole or sinking beneath lava or by standing still and attacking the player a few times, their reactor will overheat and detonate them along with everything nearby.


    • Broken Portal. What's this, a half-complete Portal? Who was here, what were they doing, and what befell them? Obsidian stands in a partially-complete Portal that you can reconstruct with more obsidian and travel through, or break down for your own emergency resources.

    • Groaning Cyst, Petrified Bone. Emitting the sounds of a zombie pigman, this pink mound of breathing, quivering meat can be found as a rare "mineral" deposit, no larger than 6 blocks across at it's widest. It burns (while screaming) if lava or fire touches it, which destroys it like burning wood but at a slower rate. You can also carve away The flesh using a sword or axe, and it drops a number of Rotten Flesh, like how coal ore drops chunks of coal. The flesh will regrow forever where there is air, though, unless you can find and mine out the single block of Petrified Bone which is sheltered in the center. Removing this has the same effect as removing the trunk of a tree: the cyst blocks will begin to disappear and it's groans become quieter as it wilts away. Wherever you place the Petrified Bone, it will slowly begin to grow cyst blocks around itself. Making your own Petrified Bone block would involve advanced alchemy splash potions made from soul soil.

    • Dark Palace. Hanging from the ceiling and generating a large empty cavern around itself, a Dark Palace resembles a fortified stalagtite honeycombed with passages, balconies, and chambers. It has randomly generated rooms stacked atop each other, each with a small number of satellite rooms that could bud off it. It is composed of tough materials from the nether such as nether bricks, basalt, and traces of obsidian to go along with glowstone light sources. The central room is a throne that features treasure and guards. On rare occasions, a witch can be found exploring the halls as well. It always hangs over an open expanse of lava ocean, meaning that even if you survive the fall into lava you will have a moderately difficult time getting back into the structure since Ghasts will be able to spawn here in abundance.

    • Borehole. Once again capitalizing on the verticality of the Nether, this ceiling-to-lava mineshaft has catwalks and iron ladders anywhere it overlaps with the surrounding air of the environment it is tunneling through. This mostly serves as a way to expedite travel up and down, but the place is commonly infested with hostile Nether mobs.


    Netherite Augments would be a new way to customize and upgrade your gear, including defensive options for your utility mobs.

    • Warded Collars. Utilizing Netherite, this dark band can be set onto a tamed pet or mount or even Iron/Snow Golem, updating it's skin to show the collar. When the collared creature is struck, a translucent blue graphic surrounds them, indicating they have been protected from harm (a new sound will play instead of the cries of pain the creature would normally emit). The ward regenerates automatically and persistently at the pace the player's slow health regeneration happens, even as more damage strikes the creature. At full capacity, it can block 5 hearts of damage in one shot. The player can combine one of these Collars with a Shield to produce a Warded Shield that they can hold, which negates up to 5 hearts of unblocked damage (again playing the sound and displaying the new graphic). Similar to air bubbles, small UI lightning bolts will refill/deplete as their status changes and will fade from sight when you are safely warded. (Perhaps villagers could also be set with collars, but going that route we better find an item that doesn't denote slavery!!)

    • Gripping Kleats. Right click on your boots or a mob which you want to grant amazing spider powers to! The affected creature could climb walls as a spider does - the player may ascend a vertical surface as if it were a ladder by jumping at the wall in question, and holding their current altitude with the crouch command (allowing easy side to side movement). It's the exciting new way to give the middle finger to the enemy's fortifications.

    • Golem Nexus. Right click on a Redstone Block while holding this, and it will convert the block into a nexus that calls to nearby Golems allied to you and empowers them. Now functioning as if it were their Job Site Block, golems within an appropriate range will be able to access improved attacks. When outnumbered or being hit from range, a golem near a Nexus will move faster and attack more often, and from a slightly increased effective range. The Nexus depletes itself each time a supported golem uses one of these abilities, updating it's texture to reflect this. It becomes inoperable while empty, granting no bonus although golems will still prefer to hang out near it. Nearby villagers can refill the nexus by 1 fuel point once per day (weapon/tool/armorsmiths can refresh this ability by visiting their job site blocks, making several trips to the nexus per day). If two Nexi are placed within range of each other, they will share their fuel such that excess is granted to the one with less. The Nexus may also replenish with daylight and/or the player "burning" rare minerals in it (rarer ones replenish more power). Additionally, Iron and Snow Golems within range of both a Beacon and a powered Nexus could be able to benefit from beacon effects.

    submitted by /u/Morvick
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    Soul fire variant for Blazes.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 06:38 PM PST

    Blazes spawn only in nether fortresses. If a Nether fortress is located inside a Soulsand Valley the blazes will spawn with the Soul fire variant.

    submitted by /u/MasterCledon
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    Basalt should be an alternative for Stone in Crafting

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 12:07 AM PST

    Since they are aiming to make the Nether more survivable, it would make sense to make Basalt and alternative to stone so furnaces and other stone things could be made in the nether itself.

    Feedback Site Link.

    submitted by /u/SnappyDragon61151
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    Piglin Leaders

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 03:57 PM PST

    These Piglin Leaders are the leaders of a bastion, as the name implies. This piglin is the same as the other piglins but usually have full gold armor, a shield, and an enchanted sword. The piglin leader adds a whole new aspect of P v E fighting due to the shield, and will fit perfectly with the soon to come combat update 2.0. The piglin leader will add a little more challenge to the bastions that was previously announced.

    submitted by /u/Toshissocool
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    Had an idea for wither skeletons

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 12:08 PM PST

    I had this idea before the newest snapshot was even released, but I was thinking that wither skeletons should drop different bones than regular skeletons.

    Wither skeletons should drop "Waning Bones" that would be grey and black, that could be turned into "Darkmeal" or "Decaymeal" or something similar, and then it would be able to grow nether related plants... and maybe even decay normal plants as a special feature.

    submitted by /u/Teu_
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    Sand transformation + way of getting glass in the nether

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 09:38 AM PST

    When you decide you want to start a survival in the nether, you notice one thing. There are no transparent blocks in the nether so you need to use fences as windows and you can't make potions, but that may change! Because I present to you a new mechanic and a bit of alchemy. Credit to u/RazorNemesis

    When you throw a regular sand block in soul fire, it becomes soul sand, but it extinguishes the fire and when you throw soul sand into orange fire, it will also extinguish the fire, but it also turns into regular sand. That means you can make glass and bottles in the nether!

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    New Nether Blocks to replace the Bedrock in the nether the Black Magma

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 08:47 AM PST

    Black Magma is a Bedrock block which melted due to the temperature of the Nether.who is black with the lava blue.

    Black Magma is as tough and unbreakable as the Bedrock except that it does double the damage of a magma block to players if they are on it. I thought of a new block that would represent the Nether in my opinion.

    submitted by /u/Soft-Rent
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