• Breaking News

    Minecraft Golden doors and trapdoors: can be opened normally by hand, except when powered by a redstone signal

    Minecraft Golden doors and trapdoors: can be opened normally by hand, except when powered by a redstone signal

    Golden doors and trapdoors: can be opened normally by hand, except when powered by a redstone signal

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 11:38 AM PST

    Simple! Adds a fun new option to have doors that can be locked but are otherwise normally usable. Obviously iron doors can be locked too but it's often inconvenient that you need to use a redstone input to open them. And some nice new building blocks won't hurt anyone.

    If they are opened and they get powered, they should return to the closed state.

    submitted by /u/N1cknamed
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    Right-clicking a 'shaved' Snowman with a Carrot will consume the Carrot and have it appear as the Snowman's nose.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 12:56 PM PST

    Using a Golden Carrot achieves the same effect, but also gives the Snowman a stat boost: it will have more HP, move faster and will not melt regardless of biome, the Nether biomes being the only exception.


    submitted by /u/pamafa3
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    Slower the breaking time for crops that are not ready yet.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 11:28 PM PST

    Mostly self explanatory. For any crops harvestable with one click (wheat, carrots, potatoes, etc) change it so you have to hold it down for a little bit of time (<.5 seconds) for crops that aren't ripe yet.

    This makes it easier to harvest large fields of a crop that isn't all fully grown yet, because you can just hold down mouse1 instead of clicking each individual ripe crop. Also, I don't see it as entirely unrealistic, as crops ready for harvest are usually weaker than their still-growing counterparts. I find that in newer versions, the crops break so fast that I always accidentally break some that arnt ripe yet.

    submitted by /u/3x3x3x3
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    Allow players to add beacons to maps like banners

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 01:20 PM PST

    On java edition, you can right click a banner with a map to add a marker on the map to that location. Beacons should have the same ability but with a different icon, maybe a star or a round dot. The color of the icon would simply be the beacon color.

    submitted by /u/MrGurt
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    Different fruit from different tree and leaf types.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 07:58 PM PST


    Currently, the only item you can get from leaves is apples and this is from every tree type, from oak to jungle. I think adding more fruit to the game for more variety to leaf drops would be helpful and give exploration an added bonus. Not to mention it makes more sense. Even if these drops don't correlate to their trees in real life. It'd be a worthy addition in my opinion. If not all of them. Green apples at the very least.

    Oak Trees - Apple

    Birch Trees - Green Apple

    Dark Oak Trees - Dark Apple

    Acacia Trees - Orange

    Spruce Trees - Lemon

    Jungle Trees - Mango

    The different fruits could either have the exact same stats as apples (4 hunger and 2.4 saturation) or different. Here's what I came up with:

    Green Apple
    5 Hunger - 2 Saturation

    Dark Apple
    3 Hunger - 4.2 Saturation

    6 Hunger - 1.5 Saturation

    3 Hunger - 4.2 Saturation

    7 Hunger - 1 Saturation

    Let me know what you guys think. (Food sprites edited and made by me.

    submitted by /u/Napstascott
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    I present to you magma swamp

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 06:57 AM PST

    magma blocks all scatered in the lava lakes. Just how it looks in the overworld counterpart. But instead of grassblocks its magma blocks.

    https://imgur.com/gallery/3eRrDUt here is a picture!

    magma cubes spawn more often here!


    submitted by /u/UriealedX
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    We Need a Nether Fortress Update! (Long)

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 04:58 AM PST

    With the Nether update (1.16) Being right around the corner everyone has gotten very excited for the new changes to hell-like dimension in Minecraft. One of the most famous and important parts of the Nether is the Nether Fortress which have remained the exact same for years and while we won't be getting an update to them in 1.16. I'd like to propose a few changes for a future update which will not only expand upon Nether fortress but Piglins and Wither Skeletons.

    Piglin Camps
    The first addition is Piglin camps. These small camps appear in Nether wastes, warped forests and soul sand valley. They contain bits of crimson Nylium and netherrack scattered throughout as well as crimson fences, crimson Fungi and chests that contain loot. 2 to 4 piglins also spawn here.

    The piglins have begun enlarging their territory, beginning with these camps. Placing them all over the nether in different biomes to heighten their control over it with the crimson Nylium spreading like a fungus. Up to 3 chests can spawn here and they can be one of the following: a treasure chest, a loot chest or a supply chest. The Piglins that spawn here behave just like normal piglins.

    Treasure Chest:
    Gold Ingots (common) 0-6
    Gold Nuggets (common) 0-3
    Gold tools, pickaxes, hoes, axes, shovels (uncommon) 0-2
    gold sword (rare) 0-1
    crossbow (rare) -01
    quartz (rare) 0-3

    Supply Chest:
    Crimson Nylium (Common) 5-10
    Crimson Fungi (Common) 3-6
    Crimson Logs / Planks (Uncommon) 0-5
    Shroom Light (Uncommon) 0-3

    Loot Chest:
    Bone (Common) 0-6
    Coal (Common) 0-3

    Nether Towers
    Nether Towers come in two varieties, destroyed and not destroyed. They spawn in every biome except crimson forests.

    Not Destroyed Towers are 30 to 50 blocks tall and 7 x 7 blocks wide Near the top of the tower it gets wider to 9 x 9 blocks with the pattern of nether brick fences and blocks similar to that of actual nether fortresses. Nether Towers are like outposts for wither skeletons and blazes. Not destroyed towers also contain a blaze spawner at the top of the tower. Inside the tower, there is an incomplete nether portal for if yours breaks.

    Destroyed towers have nether brick blocks, stairs, slabs and fences scattered around as well as chunks of the tower taken out as if it was hit by cannonballs or explosives. Destroyed towers will also likely have a Piglin camp near or right next to them and have the blaze spawner destroyed with no wither skeletons insight. There are no chests in Nether towers. The blaze spawner is the loot itself and if it is destroyed then their will be chests in the piglin camp near it.

    I have added nether towers as a way to make finding blazes easier, a way of making up for a change that I will talk about in a little bit when I get to the main nether fortresses.

    Piglin Ships
    Piglin ships are very similar to the shipwrecks found in the overworld. Basically just a reskin using the new wood blocks. (Crimson planks and Warped Planks) These ships are often found not too far from destroyed nether towers or nether fortresses and can be found in every biome in the nether. 2 - 4 Piglins can spawn in these ships and 2 - 3 chests. Treasure chests, Supply chests and Map chests.

    Treasure Chest:
    Gold Ingots (common) 0-6
    Gold Nuggets (common) 0-3
    Gold tools, pickaxes, hoes, axes, shovels (uncommon) 0-2
    gold sword (rare) 0-1
    crossbow (rare) -01
    quartz (rare) 0-3

    Supply Chest:
    Crimson Nylium (Common) 5-10
    Crimson Fungi (Common) 3-6
    Crimson Logs / Planks (Uncommon) 0-5
    Warped Logs / Planks (Uncommon) 0-4
    Soul Fire torch (Rare) 0-3
    Soul Fire lantern (Rare) 0-2

    Map Chest:
    Paper (Common) 0-10
    Empty Map (Uncommon) 0-1
    Book (Rare 0-2
    Buried Treasure Map (Rare) 0-1

    Buried Treasure (Nether):
    Gold Nuggets (Common) 5-10
    Gold Ingots (Common) 5-10
    Blaze Powder (Uncommon) 1-4
    Ghast tears (Uncommon) 1-3
    Gold Sword (Uncommon) 0-1
    Gold Tools, pickaxes, hoes, axes, shovels (Uncommon) 0-3
    Gold Armor (Rare) 0-2
    Wither Skull (Very Rare) 0-1

    Nether Fortresses
    here is the main meat of this suggestion. As I said earlier, Nether fortresses have barely been changed since they were first added in the beta. What I'm suggesting isn't a total recall of fortresses but some light changes to make them more challenging and more rewarding.

    The first change is that Nether fortresses should be larger on average but less common. It is pretty standard for a player to spawn less than 100 blocks away from a fortress and it used to make sense. There wasn't much else to do in the nether so just get right to the important part. But thanks to the nether update (and my suggestions) there is much more to do and see in the Nether. So Fortresses should be harder to find than before. But they should also be larger, more rooms, more blaze spawners and more Wither Skeletons.

    Speaking of Wither Skeletons, I want them to be changed, as you may have seen in the screenshots I provided on the Nether towers. The wither Skeletons have iron swords, shields and iron helmets. Wither Skeletons should be much tougher for a reason I will mention soon. They should also not only sawn in Fortresses but also around them, protecting it. Stopping players or Piglins from getting in. With the exception being if the fortress is entirely over lava. Which would be uncommon.

    Fortresses should be like actual fortresses in the real world. The toughest part about them should be getting in, hence why Wither Skeletons have been made to be more challenging. But the way we accommodate for this change is by adding Piglin raids.

    If you give a totem of undying or 5 blocks of gold to a piglin, green particles will appear above its head, signifying it has become an ally. For every Piglin you do this too, three piglins will join you when you enter a nether fortress (If you bribe 2 Piglins, you get 6 piglins) With a max of 30 Piglins joining you (10 Bribed) Similar to that of Pillager raids though instead of defending the village, you are attacking a fortress. Once you're inside the main goal is to destroy all of the Wither Skeleton Spawners which can be found hidden in rooms throughout the fortress. You can come back to raid the fortress at any time and once the Wither skeleton spawners are destroyed the fortress will now only spawn regular wither Skeletons (naturally, without spawners) and blazes if there are any blaze spawners left.

    as well as this, there are now more rooms to be found in Nether fortresses, as well as with skeleton spawners which are found inside of fortresses rather than above them on the roofs. There are now: Treasuries, Armories and supply rooms. (Armories and supply rooms are easily accessible if you find them but treasuries are blocked behind nether fences, requiring a pickaxe)

    Armouries will spawn random armour (iron, gold or chainmail) on armour stands and have 1-2 random tools (gold or iron) on item frames. Supply rooms contain a lot of barrels which include (at random), nether bricks, nether brick, nether brick fences and nether warts) with one chest that contains 5-10 quartz and 1-2 netherite scraps.

    There would be multiple of these rooms in the fortresses, but they would still be quite hard to find without getting lost. The netherite scrap was added to make it so fortresses are used for more than just blaze spawners and wither skeleton farms, allowing you to potentially get a single netherite ingot from one fortress is quite enticing and sure to make players search for these rooms.

    I think all of these changes are overall positive. They provide new things to find and do in the nether and make it less barren. It also adds a new challenge to Nether fortresses for players and a new way to approach taking them on and even gives gold more of a use and gives more options to the player. Despite how long this post is I don't think any of these changes are too drastic. I haven't added a new item or anything. Just a few new structures and some adjustments to an existing one.

    This was a super long post so I'll wrap it up here. I still have a tonne of ideas so let me know what you guys think and I may expand on this idea.

    submitted by /u/Napstascott
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    Locate Biome Range Criteria (let us choose how far out to search)

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 12:03 PM PST

    Currently, in the latest snapshot, the /locatebiome only looks as far as predetermined by Mojang. The majority of biomes can be found in this limited range. However, this is a severe limitation when looking for more rare biomes such as mutated_jungle_edge or similar.

    A simple addition of criteria (how many blocks radiating from 0,0 would the player like to search for a biome?) would do wonders.

    It would look something akin to:

    /locatebiome <biome> <search range>

    Ex. There are 128 strong holds in each world, the outer most strong holds can be found between X:-25,000 Y:-25,000 and X:25,000, Y:25,000. It would be reasonable to permit mapmakers/players to search for biomes at least within the range of already generated structures in game.

    Source - 10 year server owner & admin - Been asking for this feature since 2011, our group has yet to located every biome within a 50k x 50k range, and we sure would LOVE to do so!

    submitted by /u/DahWizEh
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    Nether Truffles and Nether Golem

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 04:25 PM PST

    I think there should be a potion ingredient "truffles" found in the Nether.

    • The potions gives fire resistance and fire aspect to all attacks for a period of time. Even punch.
    • Potion effect repels creepers.
    • They should spawn rarely in Crimson nylium and found by digging with shovel.
    • Can be a rare trade with piglins
    • Hoglins can lead you to one by feeding them a golden carrot like dolphins with treasure chests.
    • You can create a truffle block that can be carved like a pumpkin with a face.

    Nether Golems.

    • The truffle head can be placed on 4 golden blocks in a t shape to make a nether Golem
    • Nether Golems attack zombie pigs and scare them away.
    • Nether Golems protect their creator.
    • Nether Golems frighten off creepers.
    submitted by /u/Immanent-me
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    Cooked Chicken In The Nether

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 01:17 PM PST

    So occasionally a chicken jockey will spawn in the nether. If that chicken is killed in the nether, it will become cooked chicken, regardless of if it was on fire when it died or not.

    However, any mob transported from the overworld into the nether will still drop raw meat.

    submitted by /u/BradenStew
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    Making the Penguin Suggestion New and Useful

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 03:23 AM PST

    (This is a repost of a post I made on r/minecraft)

    Hi there! So, as most of us know - Mojang have been adding several animals for the sake of them being endangered. Most of them being useless, (E.g Polar Bears, Pandas, Parrots etc.). Plus, they've refused to add Mobs like Sharks for stupid reasons.

    However, it appears Mojang are becoming better at giving Endangered Animals-Mobs uses (Turtles,Dolphins,Bees). And with Penguins being wanted by Jeb in 1.13 and mentioned in the last Minecon live; I thought I'd put my suggestion on the table. How to add Penguins, AND make them useful/fair.

    (I won't be going into design, there's plenty of those in Mods, Google or sites like this!)

    Behaviour And Usage

    There will be 2 variations of Penguins (1 Mob, just 2 depending on the biome like Foxes). One type of penguin will spawn in Iceberg Biomes, near the coast. These ones spawn in groups - known as Huddles - of 20-50. When a player enters the Huddle of Penguins, they will be granted a passive Regeneration affect. Nothing extreme, when they leave it lasts for 5 seconds before fading away.

    When there is a huddle of Iceberg Penguins, Polar Bears will be scared away (This is one reason why Penguins do this in real life. Afterall, Strength in Numbers).

    However, Penguins are extremely curious - so occasionally one wonders off. Polar Bears will kill penguins then and only then. (This is unrealistic, but polar bears don't really do anything. So..) Normally, penguins waddle about; but they can slide around on the ice, propelling them forwards.

    Now penguins will swim in seas, slightly slower than dolphins - they "ram" into fish killing it. The fish will then stack in the Penguin's Beak (Just like a Fox!).Three fish can stack at a time. They can hold Cod and Salmon in their mouths while underwater. They then hop back onto the Iceberg, dropping the fish and eating it with a penguin on land. This is similar to what penguins do to their mates in real life, but I imagine partners would be to difficult to add - so this is the next best thing. Penguins not have babies in the wild, but they do have a nest. Nests often have 1-2 penguins which live there (Representing the Penguin's mate)

    Penguins ignore Tropical Fish, and if they touch a pufferfish; it will enter their beak. The penguin will spit it out, launching it away.

    If a penguin is attacked alone, they will slide away (only on ice/snow) - however if they aren't on those blocks, they clumsily walk away. If a penguin is attacked near others, they form a defensive huddle. If you approach, they can slap you (2 Damage) or peck you (4 damage).

    The other variant of penguin spawns in Snowy areas like Snowy Tundra. They're smaller and spawn in smaller huddles - but overwall are the same. They do however tend to steal items from Igloos, and hide in them.

    Both variants have 15 HP, with the regen affect if in a huddle. You can put them in boats, and put leads on them.


    Penguins in real life, are extremely sociable and curious creatures. They attempt to talk to humans and show a unique interest in them. Due to this, taming wouldn't cause many problems Mojang should worry about.

    When tamed, a Penguin will gain a red bowtie (Reminiscent of the 1.5.2 Penguin Mod). They do follow the player around like normal pets and sit on demand, but don't attack mobs like dogs. They will only attempt to fight a mob if they're hit, if they're low they attempt to hide behind the player who has tamed them.

    Tamed Penguins have 20 HP and have two unique uses.

    Firstly, they will quack a penguin call - which grants the Player a minor resistance buff for a few seconds. While Penguins do this when you're under 10 HP, they also do it when you toss them a fish. This would be Minecraft's first Support pet.

    Secondly, you can place a barrel (Facing upwards) and make them sit on it. They will then go and seak for fish to place in the barrel. The speed continuously becomes slower the longer they are gone fishing, they bring back up to 8 items back into the barrel. You should probably let your penguin rest! Penguin's rest time can be decreased by feeding them fish.

    (Also, they hold 8 items in their beaks when tamed)

    This is an automatic farm - what makes it different and an advantage over AFK Fish farming is the loot.

    Penguins will search Shipwrecks and steal any loot from them, this includes iron or diamonds. Maps, hearts of seas whatever! Any items are placed into the barrel by the penguin. The texture of the barrel changing depending on the items inside.

    This gives usage to the "Fish Barrel" Texture unused within Minecraft.

    If a Penguin is killed, they drop 1-3 feathers and 1-2 fish. 50% Chance of that fish being Cod/Salmon. The penguin also drops the items in their mouth-tamed penguins are the same.

    You can also add a Third Penguin variant for tropical biomes. This penguins would have huddles on warm beaches - and would eat Tropical fish, but no longer consume salmon.

    Hope ya'll like my suggestion! I'm Rexfury485! Thanks for reading (Sorry for any typos)

    submitted by /u/Rexfury485
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    Zombie Villagers keep certain parts of their past lives.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 05:38 AM PST

    Basically the idea here is to make zombie villagers remember parts of their past lives based on what jobs they used to have. I'll be listing what each type of villager will carry over into being a zombie. (TL;DR At the end)

    Nitwits (If there even are nitwit zombies) would trample crops and be able to open doors (same goes for all the others so i just won't mention it)

    Farmers would carry hoes around and attempt to harvest crops, but just end up destroying them. They would have the chance to drop their hoes and a rare chance of dropping any type of seed/crop.

    Butchers would carry axes and attack livestock if there weren't players or other villagers to attack. They would have the chance to drop their axe and a very rare chance to drop raw meat.

    Sheperds would carry shears and attempt to shear sheep but just end up hurting them. They would have the chance to drop their shears.

    Fletchers would carry flint sticks string or feathers but not much else other then that. They would have the chance to drop all the holdable components, a slightly rare chance of dropping arrows and a very rare chance to drop bows.

    Clerics would hold potions of weakness, basically a failed attempt at curing himself/other villagers. They would have a chance to drop their potion and rare chance to drop a golden apples.

    Fishermen would carry fishing rods and sometimes fish. They would have the chance to drop their fishing rods and rarely any type of fish.

    Masons would carry stone, and all it's varients including cobblestone varients as well, they'll also smash through glass that blocks their way to a target. They would have a chance to drop what they're holding.

    Weaponsmiths would carry swords and not much else. They would have the chance to drop them.

    Toolsmiths would hold pickaxes, axes and shovels and would break through blocks blocking their way to a target if it matches their tool. They would have a chance to drop their tools.

    Armorer would hold random pieces of armor and not much else. They would drop pieces of iron, gold and pieces of held armor.

    Librerians would hold books and bookshelves aswell as be attracted to bookshelves and dropped books of any kind, including enchanted. They would drop books and bookshelves, and rarely enchanted books.

    Leatherworkers would hold leather, dye of any kind and water bottles and not do much else. They would drop whatever they can hold.

    Carthographers would hold maps, treasure maps, woodland explorer maps and ocean explorer maps along with paper. They would a chance to drop a map or paper, and very rarely one of the special maps.

    TL;DR: Zombie villagers have special traits, abilities and behaviours based on what job they had while they were alive. Also they can now open doors.

    submitted by /u/The-Most-Sour-Lemon
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    Skeleton Warriors: Shield-Bearing Mobs!

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 07:54 PM PST

    Currently, all the melee-centric hostile mobs in Minecraft act in basically the same manner: they rush you outright and attack, attack, attack. Spiders can pounce, and Vindicators can run, but for the most part it's the same story for them all- hit them until they go down. But what if there was a melee mob that wasn't like this?

    Skeleton Warriors would be well-armed, with an Iron Sword, Iron Helmet, and Shield. They would also get the chance to spawn various pieces of chainmail armor, or an Iron Axe instead of their sword. They would spawn deep underground, in Dungeons and Strongholds, and rarely on the surface at high regional difficulty.

    When approaching you, the Skeleton Warrior doesn't charge pell-mell. He'll slowly, deliberately advance with his shield raised, blocking your arrows and initial attacks. Only when he's close enough will he lower the shield to swing his weapon. For a moment afterwards, it'll stay lowered, giving you an opportunity to land a hit. Alternatively, anti-shield weapons like axes or Piercing crossbows work well. If his shield is destroyed, the Skeleton Warrior will attack like a Zombie, moving at normal pace.

    submitted by /u/steam50
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    Motion sensors

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 10:31 AM PST

    (IDK if it's a mod or if it's already been suggested) A motion sensor would be a fantastic thing to be added, it could make it easier to make a redstone lighting system in the ceiling by just entering a room without all the problems with wiring from a pressure plate. I think it would be crafted with an observer and a comparator

    submitted by /u/memepork
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    Beacons control the weather

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:26 AM PST

    (now flaired)

    It seems to me that beacons currently serve no purpose other than providing slight mining speed and jump buffs in a pitiful area. Combine that with the hassle of grinding wither skellies, killing a wither, and amassing materials for the pyramid and the beacon becomes a disappointing reward.

    I know there have been a million suggestions for actually interesting things to with a beacon, and I'm not sure this is the best solution, but I think the ability to toggle downfall (rain, thunderstorms, maybe even snow?) in survival would be a dope way to make them feel powerful, and more like an endgame, gameplay-changing item (like the conduit and other key items). Plus this shouldn't be massively complicated to implement on Mojang's part.


    - Would let players farm skeleton horses and charged creepers at will

    - Would let players control when they can use riptide/elytra flight

    - Lore friendly. Beacons shoot into the sky therefore they should do sky stuff?

    - Beacons could be used to force rain in biomes like deserts and savannas where rain doesn't naturally fall

    - If snow is allowed (which it probably shouldn't be) players could completely change the face of a biome by blanketing it in snow, meaning infinite snow farming anywhere, and lots of fun griefing!

    Cons (and solutions):

    - Constant rain or shine, or toggle spamming, could be disruptive to other players and used for not-fun griefing.

    Solution: weather only affects a limited area (like conduits) and there's a limit to how fast you can change the weather within a given area e.g. twice a day.

    - Skeleton horses would be too common and op. Solution: I see no problem. I think that would be a reasonable late-game benefit.

    - Players being able to riptide anywhere anytime would be op. Solution: same thing with the limited area, and maybe maintaining the weather in a particular state consumes expensive resources over time.

    - Snow could be used for very not-fun griefing. Solution: make all snow and snow effects caused by the beacon non-permanent, require a higher maintenance cost for snow, or maybe just don't do snow.

    Maybe the weather could even be controlled in other ways, like allowing for super-powerful targeted lightning attacks (with heavy item costs and lengthy cool down times).

    Whatever Mojang decides to do with beacons, I hope they do something. As late game items I feel they should make the player feel more powerful and provide a meaningful change to gameplay, and I think my suggestion would go a long way towards making players really feel godlike; a worthy reward for all the work a beacon takes to make.

    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Joratto
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    MORE Nether Biomes

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 02:23 AM PST

    Recently we've had the 20w07a snapshot released, and with the word of the Devs: won't be seeing any other biomes. This has made me sadder, as the update was all about making the nether fun to explore. Don't get me wrong, the new biomes are dope! But I think we've seen too much of them.

    Number 1: The Mesmic Forest It is the rarest biome in the Nether. Its colour pallet is purple with little green spots. The second you enter the biome (which has a floor of mesmerized nylium), everything outside the biome seems to be covered in a purple fog, and only the biome is visible. In terms of plant life, there would be violet fungi ( which grow into purple variants of the crimson and warped version), a purply plant that kind of look like a palm tree, called the Lightshade. As it grows, more little baby lightshades start growing in the mesmerized nylium around it. There is also a rare flower which can only be spawned once per biome (if that). It is called the Neverlily, and it looks like a purple lollypop that produces a faint glow. However, the second that you pick it up, you will get the Mesmerized effect. If you are not standing in the forest (or on mesmerized nylium in general), you take damage for a period of time.

    Number 2: Steamed Plains This is a very flat biome, floored with netherrack, and covered in tall Red Weeds. However, the biome is full of geysers that are hidden by the biome's foggy atmosphere. They shoot out fire into the sky, and if you happen to be standing on it, you are thrown up and set on fire. In this biome, there would also be large crystal made of nether quartz. There is also a new mob called the wailer, who wails and attracts all mobs nearby.

    Number 3: The Hanging Growth A biome that hangs on the very tops and ceilings of the nether. It is full of many plants, such as the Thorny vines (you can climb up them, but you take damage), weeping vines, hanging roots: yellow grass that can only grow on ceilings. There is also a plant the looks like normal weeping vines: but it actually gets you stuck in them and pulls you up to its mouth, where you take big amounts of damage. There are also little reddish bugs with lava cracks around them, called wall crawlers. They aren't hostile, but will damage you if you touch them. In this biome, you can find a yellowish nether ore called sulphur.

    submitted by /u/Tonosonic
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    Fungi Fields In The Nether

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 06:47 AM PST

    Since we all know fungi are common in the nether, including the original mushrooms. Maybe there could be a biome with numerous tall mushrooms (like the ones we have in the overworld), and new mushrooms? Maybe some of these mushrooms poison the player when they are walked over, and another type could ignite the player?

    submitted by /u/Werefie
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    Withers summoned with Soul Soil instead of Soul Sand should be stronger and look different.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 11:24 AM PST

    They could get the summon Wither Skeleton and ramming moves from PE.

    As for looks, they could look like they're half consumed by soul-fire, leaving blue flame particles and having blue cracks in their bodies.


    submitted by /u/pamafa3
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    Make some biome more susceptible to grow certain plants

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 05:03 AM PST

    You can still grow food everywhere but cactus have a growing bonus on desert biome, wheat grow faster/drop more seed in plains, since we will be able to have biome depending on the Y axis, mushroom grow faster underground, etc it would force you to expand and explore your world, village has more of the preferred product obviously

    submitted by /u/endertribe
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    Please click critique my idea for wireless redstone.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 01:00 PM PST

    The gist of the idea is that redstone is mixed with chorus fruit to craft purpur stone, an alternate piece of redstone, which sends a signal to a random piece of redstone dust or a "powerable" block , within a certain radius. The idea is pretty open to suggestion and I think an easier/alternative route for randomizers would be nice.


    submitted by /u/itsSteelGage
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    Flint Blocks

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 10:58 PM PST

    So now I know that charcoal blocks are on the FPS list, so I thought I would re-post this idea on it's own.

    Flint Blocks:

    Call me weird but I like keeping flint and I consider it an ore. Oddly enough, I would love to see flint blocks. They would have a black texture with a sharp, shiny edge, similar to the flint texture. And, when I posed this the first time, someone made a genius comment. landing on a flint block while wearing iron boots will start 4 fires around the block. That would be hilarious.

    Mining a flint block with an iron pickaxe would give fire particles, but breaking it with any other pickaxe would just create regular particles. Breaking it with anything iron actually would give off fire particles! What an Easter egg that would be.

    To craft it, It would be 9 flint in the crafting table, just like any other ore. And, the block can be turned back into 9 flint if the player chooses.

    Please let me know what you think about this!

    submitted by /u/BradenStew
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    Baby endermen

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 03:59 PM PST

    Endermites could grow into young endermen and then grow into fully grown endermen. Young endermen would be 3 blocks tall and have as much health as the player, their teleportation would only teleport them a few blocks away, they would be a purplish colour and would stand slightly hunched over, they carry items and not blocks as those are too heavy for them.

    submitted by /u/BallisticBlocker
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    Nether Biome: The Basalt Wastes

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 12:17 AM PST

    The Basalt Wastes are a flat, toxic, highly volcanic biome that is dangerous, even to the usual Nether organisms. Massive chasms of basalt variants and sulphur-stained netherack stretch across the biome, dotted by puffs of sickly greenish fire. Nylium and other nether flora is nonexistant, and mobs are few in number, but very dangerous. Many a blocks are incredibly toxic or can generate toxic effects, and traversing the biome is like walking through a minefield. Enter at your own risk.

    Basalt and variants: Different types of basalt with different properties and/or from different structures. Some are inert, whilst other can harm a player.

    Sulphuric Netherack: The only netherack block in the biome. Stained pale yellow from the sulphur and basalt

    Basalt magma: Volcanic magma with an ominous black and red tinge. Can sometimes flare up in a player's face, causing extra damage.

    Sulphur: Pure sulphur formations. Produces toxic smoke.


    Sulphuric fire: Fire tinged a sickly olive green. Putting sulphur with a stick will craft green torches.


    Wither Skeletons.

    Blast toads: a neutral mob that explodes when damaged.

    Revenant: A floating skeletal mob. Will chase players, throwing toxic projectiles at them.

    submitted by /u/Talenkauen
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