• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers EagleCraft [SMP] {1.15.2} {mcMMO} {Jobs} {Grief Prevention}

    Minecraft Servers EagleCraft [SMP] {1.15.2} {mcMMO} {Jobs} {Grief Prevention}

    EagleCraft [SMP] {1.15.2} {mcMMO} {Jobs} {Grief Prevention}

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 05:28 AM PST

    EagleCraft is a recently started Minecraft server and an active community. I have received a lot of positive responses and kind words about the server, people really do enjoy it.

    Server address: mc.eaglecraft.net

    Discord server: discord.gg/s5Y2sWY

    The main reason to join us is because there is something for everyone here, we have mcMMO as mentioned in the title, which is overall a great plugin for an improved multiplayer experience. Land claim is of course also a thing, so you do not have to worry about getting griefed. We have an economy featuring a shop at spawn, chest shops, voting, jobs and auctions.

    If you like the server, please consider upvoting this post, it means a lot!

    The rules are as following:

    1. Be respectful.
    2. Do not cheat.
    3. No griefing.

    We are all looking forward to seeing you on the server!

    submitted by /u/ZapShadow
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    TooOldForThis [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {1.15.2} {18+}

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 07:47 AM PST

    The Server TooOldForThis is currently looking for new additions to its active core of players!

    We are an active group of around 20+ people who want to have a few more guys on the server. Our target is not a specific number but rather just having enough people that there is quite some activity at basically any time. The Server is hosted in the EU, but we do have a lot of US players as well. We are currently mainly (not exclusively) looking for EU players, if you like what you see please apply below!

    We value the community aspect of the game (therefore having discord is a must) and are all mature enough to know that real life is something that exists. So, if you are offline for a time you don't have to have a fear of getting kicked immediately. I took a few screenshots of some builds we currently have on the server to give you an idea: https://imgur.com/a/AQijKXJ

    The server has been around for a few months already and we are not planning on a reset currently. We are set up in a way that we will also not need a reset for 1.16 (thanks to worldborder and chunk pruning).

    We are a mainly vanilla server with a small number of data packs and plug-ins to make life a little more enjoyable:

    - AFK Display

    - Customizable Armor Stands

    - Double Shulker Shells

    - Dragon drops Elytra

    - More Mob heads

    - Multiplayer Sleep

    - Pillager Tools

    - Player Head Drops

    - Dynmap

    - Blast Furnace Extended

    - Double Doors

    - World Border

    General rules:

    - Common sense rules (no hacking, griefing, stealing, xraying etc.)

    - Don't build massive farms in a radius of 300 blocks around spawn (you know…lag…)

    - Owning discord is a must

    - You have to be 18+ (this is not a suggestion)

    - Don't be a d*** / don't cheat or use X-Ray (come on...play creative mode!)

    Plans for the server: The main reason to take the server in the current direction is to keep it around for a long time. Using a world border means that we can easily adapt in the future when changes to terrain creation roll around (looking at you, 1.16 nether update!). We are all friendly and just looking to keep growing our small community.

    Application (message darksemmel#7082 on discord)

    ♦ In-Game Name (IGN):

    ♦ Age (you need to be atleast 18):

    ♦ Country:

    ♦ On average, how often will you be able to play?:

    ♦ Why would you like to join TooOldForThis?:

    ♦ Tell us a little bit about yourself (personality, hobbies, etc):

    ♦ How can you impact the community? (building, redstone farms, etc):

    ♦ Do you have any screenshots of your builds/creations?(optional):

    ♦ Do you have any further questions in relation to the server? (optional):

    submitted by /u/darksemmel
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    24/7 Anarchy [Anarchy] {1.15.1}

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 07:26 AM PST

    NO RULES! Anything is possible. Some things have already been built. Build, Exploit, Destroy! We have no anti-cheats or any plugins at all installed, just you, us and the world so you can literally do anything you want. Tell your friends, the Max Player amount is 50 so we have plenty of space. Make sure to come check some of it out!

    Server IP/Host: strnge.ddns.net:27859 Minecraft Build Version: 1.15.1

    submitted by /u/THulse01
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    Betachy [Anarchy] {survival} {griefing} {old_beta1.8}

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 03:27 AM PST

    Betachy - always not on the latest version! Betachy is a beta 1.8.1 server without rules. The server was founded in may of 2019 in beta 1.5_01. The world is infinite and has never been reset. The entire area around spawn (over 20000 blocks) was generated in beta 1.7.3, so even if you don't like the newer terrain, there is still a large area to build and explore. There is also a plugin to show your playtime on the server. Just run the command "/timetracker" on the server. You can check /help for more commands.

    Join the server's discord if you want to know how to install a hacked client or a skinfix with HD texture patch.

    IP: betachy.cf

    version: beta 1.8.1

    Discord: https://discord.gg/vjHsv8J

    submitted by /u/Catcrafter_03
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    FXGaming [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {1.15} {Survival} {Skyblock} {Creative} {Parkour} {Discord} {Chill Staff Team}

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 03:12 PM PST

    FXGaming is an online community, originally known as Nugget Mix Gaming, which started off as a server on Garry's Mod, it is a popular community with many players both past and present. I created this server originally for people to play on Minecraft within the community but also opened it to the public for more players.

    The server opened up at the end of August so we're still pretty new and are looking for active players and staff to help build a welcoming Minecraft community.

    Main Features:

    • Discord Server (Chat with people in game from Discord)
    • Our Forums (Fully Programmed by Owner)
    • Survival World, Skyblock World, Creative World, Parkour World and more features coming soon!
    • Donator Rank
    • Votifier Rewards (Lootboxes!)
    • Amazing Spawn Area
    • Shop + Economy
    • Many Plugins and Helpful Commands

    Our Rules:

    • No Racism
    • No Offensive Player Skins / Usernames
    • No Hacking / Exploits
    • No DDoS Threats
    • Don't Ask For Ranks
    • No Spamming
    • No Advertising
    • No Staff Disrespect
    • Please Speak English in Public Chat
    • Be Respectful in General

    Server Info:

    • Server Name: FXGaming
    • Server IP: fxgaming.my.pebble.host or
    • Location: France (Our server is in France but we are from the UK)
    • Version: 1.15.2
    • Started: August 25th 2019

    The server is constantly being updated and we are adding ideas to improve the server, feedback is welcome via our forums! Come join us if you wish and if you enjoy the server don't forget to upvote this post, it really helps us grow!

    Here's some pictures of our spawn area:




    submitted by /u/SnoopDizzle360x420
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    Mystic Skies SMP [SMP] {1.15.2} {Grief Prevention} {Essentials}

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 08:23 AM PST

    About: Hello everyone! today I am here to plug a SMP I've created with my friends. We have a few plugins to spice things up and a anti-grief plugin to make sure your creations go un trolled and whatnot. The server runs in 1.15.2 and we may update if the nether update comes out anytime soon. It is a collaborative SMP with everyone living in the same town and working together to grow and help each other out! We also have a economy plugin and you can spend your hard earned money to buy roulette crates, rare items, or just spend them at player made shops!


    1. Be nice to each other and do not grief/steal
    2. Build around spawn as close as possible
    3. Protect your builds with the grief protection plugin
    4. No racial slurs

    How to join: There will be a link to a Youtube Video with further info on what the server is about and how to join it, basically all you need to do is fill out a google docs and join a discord server.

    Ip: You will obtain it if you are accepted into the SMP

    Link to Application video and Discord: https://youtu.be/RX4szwbXzUk

    submitted by /u/Sullivannephew
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    Gold Ghetto [Semi-Vanilla] {1.15.1} {No Hacks} {No Map Resets}

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 10:44 AM PST

    Server is: gold.ghetto.rocks

    Rules: No hackers or destructive players.

    Our goal is to build a beautiful world. There will be no server resets. Looking for friendly neighbours and explorers who love this game as it's meant to be played.

    The gameplay is almost 100% vanilla. We've only installed a few plugins to help identify hackers.

    Fire spread is turned off. Build anywhere but be respectful of existing builds.

    Most of us are adults. All time zones and languages welcome - some of us are multilingual. No rules in chat.

    submitted by /u/docmlz
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    MONUMENTA [Semi-Vanilla] [PVE] {MMO} {RPG} {CTM} {1.13.2} {Dungeons} {Classes} {Quests} {Bosses} {Survival}

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 10:31 AM PST

    Monumenta is a free, Minecraft-based "Complete the Monument" MMORPG.

    Server IP (1.13.2) - server.playmonumenta.com

    Website - playmonumenta.com

    Trailer - https://youtu.be/nr-V4Ie5Dq8

    Discord - discord.gg/eep9qcu

    Centered around difficult, Survival-mode adventure and enhanced "Vanilla+" combat mechanics, Monumenta provides a unique experience to those looking for a cooperative extension to their vanilla experience.

    • Multiple vast, totally custom overworlds populated by scores of respawning mini-dungeons.
    • 16 huge, unique dungeons, each with their own theme, mobs, and loot
    • Seven player classes, each with special abilities, gear and playstyles to augment vanilla combat mechanics.
    • Dozens of quests, with puzzles, interactable dialogue, and a grand story connecting it all
    • Hundreds of named, custom gear pieces
    • Bosses, races, parkour, daily quests, periodic events, and more!

    Server Rules

    Join today!

    submitted by /u/MonumentaMMO
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    NostalgicCraft [Vanilla] {Whitelist} {Minecraft 1.0} {18+}

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 10:24 AM PST

    Hi, I'm evermine18, and with some friends I bring you a minecraft 1.0 server. This server will go through all versions of minecraft until it reaches the current one. The server is open 24/7. Do you want to come in? Perfect, you just have to answer some questions in the comments with the following format:


    Your experience in Minecraft:

    Why do you want to join this server?

    Server IP:

    submitted by /u/evermine18
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    Studiocraft[Semi-Vanilla]{1.15}{White-listed}{Discord}{Builders Needed}{Short Questionnaire}

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 06:36 AM PST

    Hello, so this is actually a white-listed server, but I'm looking for some more people to join as I have got a huge project that needs builders. I have a short questionnaire for you to fill out if you'd like to be a part of the project.

    There is two parts to the server, one in which you can make up base in survival and another where the project is getting built. There will be times in which we would be doing the project as it will be needing team efforts.

    Questionnaire - https://forms.gle/WVJdeiHrhQpqTc8QA

    Discord - https://discord.gg/DYpZyca

    MC Server - studiocraft.apexmc.co

    Server rules:

    1. No greifing
    2. Be nice to both admins and other players
    3. No using mods or X-Ray, if caught doing so will result in a permanent ban
    4. Lastly have fun
    submitted by /u/BluewireTV
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    SteamCraftMC [PVE] [Minigames] {Guilds} {MoveCraft} {MCMMO} {1.15} {Economy} {MyPets} {Claims} {Grief Prevention} {DynaMap}

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 06:29 AM PST

    IP: mc.steamcraftmc.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/BNjcRFj

    Website: www.steamcraftmc.com

    Hosted: United States

    SteamCraftMC is a mature server that has been upgraded to Minecraft 1.15. SteamCraftMC is a great place to come and play we offer a great survival experience with a twist, all the worlds are custom generated using a software to generate worlds no one has ever seen. We have new bioms types along with landscapes and trees. All worlds are cross server so your chat, claims, homes, everything works like you are in 1 server, come check it out and have some great building with friends. We also are one of the first servers to now have the original MoveCraft up and running on 1.15, create working Airships and Boats and travel the lands and explore the world around you. We also offer some fun and exciting things to do on the server with your friends many plugins and mini-games. We have a total of 5 worlds including a event world and Dungeon worlds. Come and join a guild or create one of your own and work to be the most powerful guild.

    • MoveCraft, Create working Airships and fly the sky's add guns and battle your friends. Dont like airships create some world class pirate ships and sail the seas.

    • Guilds, Create a guild or join a existing one. Work to level you guild up to unlock perks for your guild.

    • We offer custom generated main worlds along with custom generated worlds for resource mining, these worlds have higher spawn rates of ores but also with a higher risk. Mobs have a 2x health and damage the rain gives you hunter and lighting is all over the place. The risk to reward is high selling ores is the server is a great way to make $ we have ore selling shops in place for this.

    • PVP arena with custom games at the ready.

    • Custom built shopping villages for player run shops running a great shopping system with full tracking of sales and inventory.

    • Cannons, We offer canons for great PVP battles.

    • Custom Bows, We have a custom built plugin that offers some of the funnest bows around from the lightning bow to the fire bow we have plenty options to have a good time with bows.

    • Looking for a great place to build a village with your friends and show off your work we offer claims and grief prevention, protect your builds and items no need to worrie about theft or griefing.

    • Pets, We offer the Mypets plugin looking to have some fury friends on the server well catch them all, train them with different sets of skills.

    • Vote crate with custom Lore items. And custom enchants going past vanilla enhancements

    • Bounties - This is a plugin we use to place a bounty on a players head. view the bounty list and go after the player for the kill to collect the cash on his head.

    • MCMMO

    • Auction House for selling bidding and selling custom crafted items..


    • No Hacked Clients

    • Mods Allowed - Optifine/optifabric , MiniMap.

    • No intentional lag machines, as well as too many entities for no given reason.

    • Role Playing is Highly advocated!

    • No griefing for no given reason

    • No Cheating. Examples are xraying with texturepacks, Using mods that alter gameplay and gameplay mechanics other than what has beenstated as allowed, duping items that are not approved for duplication etc.

    • Be reasonable and mature

    We have a lot more planned for later on and look forward to seeing you on the server soon.

    submitted by /u/souldin111
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    Ultamine [Anarchy] {1.15.2}

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 10:11 AM PST


    Start building your legacy at UltaMine today.

    Fresh new server with uptime of 98.3% at the time of posting.

    Hacking cheating lieing stealing griefing is all allowed.
    Intentionally crashing the server is the only way you can be banned, if you get caught.

    Votifier features and possibly Economy features will be added at a later date.
    Full website will be up as soon as possible.

    If you have any questions comments concerns or requests just let us know here.

    submitted by /u/bgoode2006
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    Corona Craft [Hub] {1.8-1.15.2}

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 09:41 AM PST

    Server IP mc.coronacraft.net

    Discord https://discord.gg/8EWAzny

    1. Survival server
    2. Vanilla server
    3. Anarchy server

    1. Factions coming soon
    2. BedWars coming soon


    1) Respect everyone

    2) Do not cheat or exploit

    3) Do not abuse artistic license

    4) Maintain player and account safety

    submitted by /u/CoronaCraft
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    MineralCrack Factions [SMP] {1.15.2} {Factions} {MCMMO} {Economy}

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:42 PM PST

    IP: play.MineralCrack.xyz

    Discord: https://discord.gg/vuMG7Hr

    Why choose to play with us?

    This is a Factions based server with a few goodies.

    I remember first playing the game back in early 2012, The feeling of nostalgia motivated me to share what I loved about factions with others.

    The server was founded on principal that everything that is unlockable with hard work. I have noticed that some servers require players to throw real money in order to unlock kits, and that is something I am against... I have never been a fan of P2W..

    Some key features of the server is Factions with upgrades, MCMMO, Custom Enchants, and Quests. I have always been a fan of an RPG-Like experience, and wanted to provide to those who think similar.

    Core Features:

    Factions: We have factions that you can upgrade your land claims, how many players, you have, or even spawner rates :)

    Quests: We have quests! Quests currently pay out XP or In-Game currency, which you can exchange for ranks at our Crusader, or Custom Enchantment Books ;)

    MCMMO: MCMMO is fully implemented, but Disarmed is removed for balancing .

    Custom Enchants: The enchantments offered provides an enhanced experience for tools, and armor. Meet our enchanter @spawn in order to trade XP for books :)

    Other Goodies:

    Tags: You can unlock tags when ranking up!

    Crates: Yes we do have crates, you can unlock them via voting, or via random supply drops on the mapComing Soon!

    There are a few things that I did have to change to make the game balanced for all, Elytra's are disabled in the Nether and over-world, while being enabled in the end.

    For what reason? Faction fly is enabled with /f fly within your faction claim!

    Server and Discord Rules:

    1: Use Common Sense! It's something we take for granted.

    2: Treat others with respect! You may not have to like someone, but be respectful.

    3: Advertising within the server is not allowed! Feel free to DM your friends on Discord Tho :)

    4: Spamming is not allowed! If you want to post your copy pasta, feel free to join our Discord and post within the #dank-memes chat.

    5: Griefing is allowed! This is a factions server, Please claim your land, in order to protect it.

    6: No asking for Op, Items, or Ranks! Hard work makes thing attainable.

    7: No Hacking or Exploits! Let's keep everything fair here!

    8: No Sharing or "Doxing" personal information, or pictures!

    * If there is any issue, feel free to DM me on discord!*

    submitted by /u/RandyKrittz
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    A Zombie Pigman Broke My Door [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {1.15.2} {Vanilla Gameplay} {Semi-Anarchy} {No Cheating} {No Map Resets}

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 01:13 PM PST

    Hello gamers,

    Thank you for taking the time to consider A Zombie Pigman Broke My Door. I consider the server a lawless server because there is only 1 rule concerning gameplay, No cheating. My goal as someone hosting a server is to create an environment where people can enjoy all the mechanics of vanilla minecraft, both pvp and pve.

    What really makes minecraft shine is when people work together and it is all the more impressive when people decide to work together on a lawless server. While I encourage cooperation, I also enjoy some chaos and that is why there is only 1 rule.

    Please note, there are minimal plugins on this server (to prevent lag during tps drops). And there is minimal intervention by admins. Everything built in the game is built in survival mode, creative mode is not permitted.

    Most people login to server and immediately die, over and over, then they rage quit. Be warned the server is set to hard mode and because there is very little lag the monsters will make your life difficult.

    Some people asked me, why the server has the name it does. Well, when I first started the server, a zombie pigman broke my door.

    Other things of note, the map will never be reset and the seed will never be given out.

    Server info:

    Host: lawlessmc.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/8tm9KzK We now have gamechat linked to our discord and if you donate a certain amount to the server we will allow you to talk in game chat from discord as a way of saying thanks.

    Running: 1.15.2 with antilag and some plugins to help staff administer the world. Plugins will always be configured to preserve vanilla gameplay and server performance as much as possible.

    Location: Montreal, Canada

    Difficulty: Hard.

    Rule(s): Cheating = Perma ban, spamming nonsense = muted chat, lag machine = fuck you.

    Clarification on no cheating. No cheating means using any client or code to give you an advantage or "hack" the game. This includes any kind of x-ray. Duping is a grey area because it's using an ingame mechanic or exploit to give you a benefit in the game. Since duping is almost impossible to reliably police we will not be banning people for duping, but it is frowned upon by the community. What this means is most of our players look very negatively upon it and will be less likely to work with you if you are a known duper and may be more likely to target you for griefs or pvp. AFK fishing is permitted if it is accomplished with windows 10 mouse keys or f3+t trick.

    submitted by /u/wilderop
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    StarFluxNetwork [Hub] {1.12.2-1.15.1} {Creative} {Discord}

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:06 PM PST

    Invite Some Friends!

    Want to invite some friends to the server? Have them do /refer <YourName> ! Both of you will receive 10 GCoins!

    Server Name StarFluxNetwork

    Website http://starfluxgames.com/

    Discord https://discord.gg/xFVvdKB

    Server Address starfluxgames.com

    Version 1.12.2 - 1.15.1

    Game Type(s) Creative, And more to come!

    Server Rules http://starfluxgames.com/rules.php

    Description The StarFluxNetwork is fairly new server with a small playerbase (Which we are looking to expand!). We currently support Creative and more to come!.

    submitted by /u/StarFluxGames
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    French Vanilla Server [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] {1.15.2} {Grief Protection}

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 08:19 PM PST

    Hey all- I just created a brand new almost-vanilla 1.15.2 server! That means brand new map and growing user base!

    It's "French Vanilla" because I tried to make it as vanilla as possible while still preventing griefers. The only plugin is for protection: everyone can craft 3 "protective campfires" that claim a 20 block radius around them.

    Since this is vanilla, there's no massive fancy spawn that takes forever to get out of. My long term goal is to build a small tight knit community where where everyone has their own house/base. Come check it out if you're interested in participating!

    • PvP enabled
    • Difficulty easy
    • No whitelist
    • Grief Protection via ProtectionStones

    Rules are simple: - Be a decent human being - No hacking/cheating - Try to keep the map looking nice


    submitted by /u/LargeHard0nCollider
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    Kamacraft [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {1.15.2} {White-listed} {Dynmap} {Coreprotect} {Discord} {Events} {Europe}

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 02:02 PM PST

    About the Server

    KamaCraft is a several months old, long term server that has just moved to bigger hosting, with a friendly and respectful atmosphere. All server members are adults with adult jobs, meaning things get done but not everyone is online 24/7. We don't expect you to be either, so no pressure! :)

    So far we have a community housing for new players joining the server to use until they have their own home (you can choose not to use it of course), multiple plots ready for starter homes, a shopping district (new shops are welcomed), and a burgeoning minigame area. Player bases and community areas are generally linked with nether tunnels.

    Players are free to build their own stuff and/or help with the community areas. It is important to us to provide a place where all players can have a good experience. Player suggestions and bigger community decisions are welcome, and are often voted on in the discord chat.

    Discord is mainly used in text form. Joining discord is required, though active participation is not. It's the easiest way to get to know each other! It's also the best place for the latest info on player- and server-run events.

    Couple of pics from the server: Shopping district, Spawn and community housing, Community farms for the beginners and Dynmap of these areas.

    Server info:

    • Name: KamaCraft
    • Hosted: France
    • Type: Paper 1.15.2 (will update with new versions)
    • Many VanillaTweak datapacks and some QoL and admin plugins installed. Fairly similar experience as Hermitcraft, according to some players.
    • Difficulty: Normal
    • Server is explicitly LGBTQ+ friendly.

    Server Rules:

    • Disrespecting any other players, be it by griefing, inappropriate comments, etc, WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Period. The server is for having fun. Pranks, however, are allowed. The distinction between what is a prank and what is griefing lies in the intent and whether it seriously impairs anyone's enjoyment of the game.
    • While not all of our players are native English speakers, all are fluent in it, so it is the default server language.
    • Adults only. Not because our server has any age-limited content (well, aside from an occasional foul word), but because we would very much like to safeguard the mature, respectful, and relaxed atmosphere of our server.
    • No cheats (e.g. xray).
    • Respect other players building areas and resources. If in doubt, ask first.

    How to Join:

    If all that sounds interesting to you, please PM me with:

    • Your Minecraft name
    • Age
    • Location
    • A bit about your play style
    • (Optional) A bit about you and/or why you want to join
    submitted by /u/LocutusOfNord
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    AlphaPlace [Anarchy][Chaos][Semi-vanilla] {1.12-1.15}

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 03:21 PM PST



    • Anarchy Server [No Rules]

    • Server IP:

    • Host Location: Chicago, Illinois

    • Difficulty: Hard

    • Versions: 1.12 to 1.15

    • Main Version: 1.15.2

    • Why SemiVanilla? The server runs on Spigot.

    The server has just been created and the map is virgin. The versions are from 1.12 to 1.15, but the main version is 1.15.2. There are almost no plugins on the server. The list of plugins on the server is as follows:

    • BotSentry (AntiBot)

    • ChatCo (ColorChat)

    • eZProtector (Plugin/Command Hider)

    • MOTD (Server Message)

    • TAB (Tablist Plugin)

    • ViaVersion and ViaBackwards (Allows server versions 1.12-1.15)

    The server has 2GB of RAM at the moment. If the server shows growth, the server characteristics will be updated.

    I hope you guys like it!

    submitted by /u/OmegaByte01
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    [WANTED] [Anarchy] {No hacking} I'm looking for a populated anarchy server that bans hacking but nothing else.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 06:39 PM PST

    I've wanted to play on an anarchy server for a while now, but I'm too lazy to install a hack client.

    My only requirements are:

    - No hacking.

    - No dumb command pluggins, such as /sethome, /tpa, etc. Chat related commands are fine though.

    - Everything else is fine though. Griefing, swearing, killing other players, and other normal anarchy stuff.

    Every anarchy server I've looked at either has hacking, or some dumb command pluggins. If you own/know a server like this, suggesting it would be very appreciated.

    Sorry about my grammar, I'm a smoothbrain who doesn't know how to write.

    submitted by /u/BananaBattleBean
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