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    Minecraft Picaxes should do more damge against iron golems than swords

    Minecraft Picaxes should do more damge against iron golems than swords

    Picaxes should do more damge against iron golems than swords

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 06:50 AM PST

    Seeing as a golem is made of... well iron, it seems reasonable to suggest picaxes do more damage on them than swords. Maybe add a chance to get more iron than usual as well

    submitted by /u/UndeadBandit96
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    The Errant Isles

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 11:34 AM PST

    The Errant Isles

    Welcome to the Errant Isles, the newest biome of the End Realm! A biome that, in the past, was a place of extreme chaos where entire islands would collide, creating extremely energetic explosions that resulted in the creation of several resources exclusive to this biome, such as a fluid that harnesses the power of the void, and an ore as dark as the sky with properties beyond human comprehension.

    New island formations

    This biome had a chaotic past, and this past is visible in the formations found in this biome.

    1. Cracked Islands - Islands with cracks so big you can fall into them!
    2. Fragmented Islands - The future of Cracked Islands, these islands used to be a single island, but fragmented into smaller islands that are still together in a cluster of small islands, which can sometimes be very big vertically despite being small horizontally.
    3. Collided Islands - Two islands that collided and merged together, being surrounded by flying endstone near where the collision happened.
    4. Dusty Islands - Islands with beaches of unstable endstone, a variant of endstone that will begin to crack once a player walks on it. Unstable endstone can also be found in veins across the Dusty Island and surrounding the edges of the island. Better watch your step!

    Natural formations

    Not all islands are made equally, some might be hiding riches such as the mysterious Enveric ore, others might be hiding dangers...

    1. Enverium Pockets - Underground pockets of Enverium found deep within islands.
    2. Enverium Geyser - A pocket of enverium that bursts into the surface and creates a whole new sub-biome called The Geyser Islands, unless it has been taken over by the parasitic Rotus Plant, creating the terrible Rotus Organism, which can actually happen anywhere with Enverium.
    3. Enveric Ore Vein - A vein of Enveric ore containing up to 10 ore blocks.
    4. Enveric Ore - A vein of Enveric ore containing up to 4 ore blocks.
    5. Ravines - A ravine.
    6. Dry Rivers - A dry river.
    7. Crater - Craters with varying radius.

    New Biomes

    1. The Errant Isles - The biome that gives name to this post!
    2. The Geyser Islands - Thriving with life!
    3. The Organism Islands - Rotus gone wrong!

    New Vegetation

    New Mobs

    New Fluid: The Enverium Fluid

    A brand new fluid exclusive to the End Realm!

    New Ore: The Enveric Ore

    A brand new Ore with a few uses for you!

    submitted by /u/_L2_
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    You should have a higher chance of getting better loot if you give a piglin a gold block instead of an ingot

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 11:24 PM PST

    Title. This would let wealthy players with no obsidian get home easier, and maybe there would be a super rare chance of getting netherite scrap.

    submitted by /u/Emble12
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    "Soul Sand Valley" should be renamed to just "Soul Valley".

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 08:40 AM PST

    "Soul Sand Valley" makes it sound like it's an uncreative biome full of soul sand. But it has unique blocks like soul soil, soul fire, and basalt, and soul soil is just as common as soul sand. Soul sand may be the original block, but it's far from being the entire theme of the biome, it's only one part of a larger "soul" theme. "Soul Valley" would be a cooler and more appropriate name.

    submitted by /u/BrickenBlock
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    The Salamander - a new hostile mob for the Lava

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 10:36 AM PST

    The Salamander

    Concept by netherex mod

    The Salamander is a mob which lives in the lava and on ground at the same time, which has a very robust skin and spits fire when it attacks.

    Spawning :

    The Salamander is a large hostile mob in the Nether that naturally appears in a group of 2-3 maximum in lava near sources of lava, or sunk but they appear more in large lava lakes in the Nether.

    Fight Mechanic :

    - When he sees the player he will spit fire like a breath of fire with a good range, similar to the blaze which will inflict burns to the player.

    - If you block the fire with a shield it should eventually be disabled as if it were an axe hit.

    - His HP is like the Hoglin, his damage are more high than a blaze and he is immune to the Knockback effect.

    Loot :

    When the player kill him he has 40 % to obtain 2-3 "Salamander Scales" which can be used on the iron armor for an evolution of the iron armor, who is the dragon armor.

    Dragon Armor Craft :

    The player will need 4 salamander scales for each piece of iron armor.

    Dragon Armor Mechanic :

    - The Dragon armor will have + 1 Toughness Point with 50% reduced fire and lava damage and +1 Knockback Resistance.

    - The armor will be above the iron armor but below the diamond armor and unlike gold had bad enchantment.

    Conclusion :

    There is no mob in the lava or who live near the sources of lava in the Nether, this is why the salamander would be an alternative to make the Nether more alive and the dragon armor would allow the player to live more in the Nether and knowing that the Netherite is more rare and hard to find than the diamond, it would be a less difficult armor to obtain before the Netherite armor.

    submitted by /u/Soft-Rent
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    Add Piglin Ships to the Nether

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 01:14 PM PST

    Similar to the ships found in the End, there should be a Nether equivalent. They could generate on top of lava oceans, but would generate very rarely.

    Lore-wise, they would come from Piglin bastions as some sort of scouting mission.

    2-4 Piglins could spawn on these ships.

    2-3 chests generate in these ships, and could have the following:

    • Gold Nuggets (Common)
    • Iron Nuggets (Common)
    • Golden Armor/Tools (Uncommon)
    • Leather (Uncommon)
    • Obsidian (Rare)
    • Golden Ingots (Rare)
    • Iron Ingots (Rare)
    • Enchanted Books [These books would have at least Lv 3 enchants] (Rare)
    • Skeleton/Wither Skeleton Skull (Very Rare)
    • Ancient Debris (Very, Very Rare)

    Also similar to End Ships, instead of a dragon head as the figure head, a wither skeleton skull could be fitting (or maybe just a skeleton skull if that's too overpowered).

    submitted by /u/iCheezyNinja
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    Nether Update Blocks under Note Blocks create new sounds

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 07:58 AM PST

    Currently there aren't a whole lot of options for deep "spooky" or "creepy" instruments from note blocks. The closest we have is the Didgeridoo with pumpkins and sounds more like an alarm. I was thinking that with the nether update, it would be nice to get some new nether themed sounds from the new blocks so we could create spooky sound effects. Some suggestions are:

    Netherite Block: Pipe Organ


    Soul Soil: Chorus Singing "Ahhh"

    Shroomlight: Theremin

    Ancient Debris: Harpsicord

    submitted by /u/Evadson
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    Hanging cage of the nether.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 09:02 AM PST

    A structure that spawn in the nether, always just above lava. It contain a chest full of really interesting loots (ancient debris, gold blocks and diamond armor). It would look like this : http://imgur.com/a/4zs4u8o To make it harder, there could be filled with lava so, when you break it, the lava flows. It could also be designed in a way that you need to break at least one obsidian block to access to the loot. Some cages with the most interesting loots could even be under the lava so it is difficult to see them and to access them.

    submitted by /u/Skraftr
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    Achievements based on trading with villagers

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 06:56 AM PST

    Jack of all trades: Trade with a villager from every profession.

    Master of all trades: Trade with a villager from each profession till they reach master level.

    Global citizen (better name, anyone?): Trade with a villager from every biome.

    I would suggest an achievement where you trade with villagers till they reach master level, but I can't think of any names. It also feels like way too much work.

    Nothing I say is going to makes the ideas seem better (since they're achievements lol), so I'm going to skip explaining exactly why these are good ideas just this once.

    Thanks for reading and remember never give a villager your bank details! :)

    submitted by /u/RazorNemesis
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    Nether Biome Variant: Crimson Grassland

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 01:54 PM PST

    The Nether needs more variety than simply these 3 new biomes we are getting. How about a Crimson Grassland?

    Images: https://imgur.com/a/S9ikDdW

    The Crimson Grassland is a variant of the Crimson Forest, with the main feature being the roots rather than the crimson trees. This biome generates with fewer trees and lots of roots and tall roots!

    A two block high variant of the Crimson Roots generates here to fill the biome better. This variant does nothing more than simply be taller. This gives this biome a lively, fluffy appearance that I rather like.

    Because there is no need to clear massive amounts of nether trees, trees that do not burn or degenerate their leaves btw, this place would be the optimal place for building houses that require any amount of space. Every player who settles in the nether would want a place like this to settle.

    Feedback Link: Not yet available. Please return to vote on it once it is.

    submitted by /u/NethyIsTrue
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    Spread grass using bonemeal

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 06:50 AM PST

    You can make grass and mycelium spread faster using bonemeal, in the same way as nylium.

    submitted by /u/Skraftr
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    Soul Raven With image

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 07:53 AM PST

    So With skeletons being common in the soulsand biome, i got thinking...
    How did they get their arrows? like ok sticks from the new tree's in the nether,
    Flint from the already existing gravel in the nether...
    But what about feathers? in the past you could randomly get zombie pig babies riding a chicken, But there are loads of skeletons.... this made me think there should be a new bird-like mob in the soulsand valley..

    The soul raven. they perch themselves on bone block structures in the biome or on will fly around basalt columns,
    They are neutral unless the player is very low on health, or if a player extinguishes blue flames near them.

    I chose a raven because culturally they have connections with the soul world

    "As a carrion bird, ravens became associated with the dead and with lost souls. In Swedish folklore, they are the ghosts of murdered people without Christian burials and, in German stories, damned souls"

    It would make for more ambience in the somewhat empty soulsand valley, and add some lore as to where nether skeletons get the feathers for their arrows..

    Here is an image (re-textured raven from twilight forest mod)

    submitted by /u/bobcat1939
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    "Extra Super Duper Extreme Hardcore mode" and how we should be addressing Minecraft difficulty

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 09:02 AM PST

    TL;DR: Improving the difficulty of Minecraft shouldn't be based on making mobs less squishy, it should be based on making them smarter and making the world smarter.

    Let's think back to the last "Minecraft needs to be more difficult post" you saw. Maybe it was on this subreddit, or the Feedback site, or YouTube or something. What did it say? What did the presenter have to say about the game?

    If you've had the same experience as I do, it probably said: "Mobs should do more damage! All mobs spawn wearing armor!! They're faster!!! Knockback resistance!!!!" Everytime I see posts like these, I think of the Penguins of Madagascar meme. "We did it boys, Minecraft is harder". And of course, that isn't to say these posts are bad - Minecraft could definitely use a new difficulty setting for veterans who want a real challenge. These posts aren't bad, but they do miss the point. Here's my two cents on the topic.

    Any Minecraft veteran knows that the modern day zombie is a pushover. Any veteran can spend five minutes in a brand new Minecraft world and have themselves stone, maybe even iron tools. With these tools (honestly just with your hands), any one or two zombies becomes a pest rather than a problem. Run, jump, hit, backup, repeat. Sure, you might take a hit or two, but not difficult at all. Now a larger group? That's more of a problem. Once you get diamond tools it isn't really a problem, but if you're in the early game, five or six zombies becomes a big threat. I'm willing to bet all veterans know exactly that - but the game doesn't know that.

    Let's say, to address the issue of difficulty, we give every zombie full leather armor at minimum. Each zombie takes a longer time to kill. A lot of people see this as making the game harder, but the game isn't actually harder, killing zombies just takes longer. It's tedious more than it is skillful. We can see this effect in every mob. Creepers have higher health? It's just taking you longer to kill them, giving them more of a chance to explode. Skeletons shoot faster? Just prolonging the time it takes for the player to march over to the skelly boy and give his bones something to worry about. In my opinion, the answer to making Minecraft more difficult isn't in making the mobs beefier. So, how do we actually make Minecraft more difficult? My ideas? Mob AI and environmental features.

    This post is tagged meta, and I decided in the drafting of this post to not try and combine two tags. I've got my own grand concept for a new Hardcore mode, and I'm sure you do too - and that's what I want. That being said, I, like many humans, am just a bit conceitful, and really want to spread my ideas. I'll use one (we can go back to the zombie idea) to help push the community into motion. Here's how I think zombie AI could be improved:

    Remember how I said that veterans know that zombies are more difficult in packs, but the game doesn't? Well, let's give this game that crucial knowledge.

    Say a zombie spawns at night, and it just happens that a player wanders into its agro radius. The zombie has two options: crawl in for the kill, or go rally up some friends. Before making the decision, the zombie is going to consider a few things: what is the player wearing? Any armor, or none? What type of it? What pieces? Was it carrying a sword? The zombie is now going to evaluate what it has been given, and make a decision. Say the player has leather armor and an iron sword, and all of these things were equipped when the zombie noticed the player. Knowing this, the zombie decides to go recruit two or three more buddies, because it's likely the zombie isn't going to do much alone. This is the kind of thing I feel like the community should be considering: what would you prefer, the occasional, swagged out zombie, or a mob of undead playing their numbers to their advantage? What feels more difficult? What makes you second-guess your decision more?

    Again, I have many ideas for how mob AI, among other things, could be improved. This post, however, intends to incite some creativity into the community. The possibilities of dynamic difficulty are endless: if the zombie sees you with a bow, does he just get more zombies, or decide to bring a skeleton over? How can caves be changed to make progression more like a chess game than a task list?

    These are questions I think the entire community should address, not just a 15 year old in his pajamas. Minecraft is a game that thrives on community: without the people, the game loses its charm. I don't mean to sound pretentious, but come on guys! We can do better. We're Minecrafters, yeah it sounds childish, but we play Minecraft, we love this game, it's our community, our game, and it's part of who we are. We've made anarchy servers with stories richer than the history of many real world countries! We've taken this blocky medium and made works of art through coding and building! We've come together to create amazing things before - let's do it one last time with this big topic concerning our game. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Fractured_Kneecap
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    Wet squishy sounds when in rain or shortly after exiting water

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 12:55 AM PST

    If we added this, water would feel more like actual water, because it would simulate the wetness you would have.

    submitted by /u/HJTheObserver
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    The Law Of Equivalent Exchange - To Barter With A Piglin

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 02:52 AM PST

    this advancement will be made when you barter with a Piglin

    submitted by /u/devonthecreator
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    Baby Piglins, Hoglins and Zombified Piglins should not have tusks.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 03:14 AM PST

    It'd be a subtle detail that adds a little realism and age difference imo. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/emercraft573
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    Slimes should absorb items if they happen to hop on top of them

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 02:30 PM PST

    I would love to see slimes with floating objects in there gelatinous structure. If you died to a slime it could hop away with your items, as you watch them bobble around inside. Just a cool detail I think

    submitted by /u/lilgick
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    A block like the hopper and dispenser, but instead it launches things really far.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 10:08 AM PST

    It could also have special properties for sand, gravel, and concrete powder, in which it shoots the entire block up because they have gravity. When these blocks are launched and hit a player they'll deal two hearts of damage (vertically) and 4 (horizontally) as long as you don't have armour.

    Another property occurs when it launches a water bucket or lava bucket. When it fires a water or lava bucket vertically, it will spray like a fountain and propel the player upwards, not as fast as a bubble stream, whereas if it sprays horizontally it will spray forwards and propel the player backwards. Lava doesn't spray as far unless you're in the nether.

    The launcher can be crafted with the same recipe as a dispenser, except with a crossbow instead of a bow.

    submitted by /u/BzzBzz-Im-A-Bee
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    Ember Particles for the Nether Wastes

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 02:08 PM PST

    When I first had a look at the new crimson forest biome the most pronounced thing I noticed were the new crimson_spore particles. I was blown away. I thought to myself "Wow! All those sparks and embers really sell the heat down here!". Now of course crimson spores do not in fact represent the embers I'd mistaken them for but they really made me think I had just stumbled into mount doom. And at this point with the update coming up it just seems like a missed opportunity to me not to add another particle especially for that effect.

    So I want to suggest the addition of ambient ember particles:

    • Where? In the nether wastes and/or globally in all lower regions of the nether (by the lava lakes)
    • What? Literally crimson_spore, but in orange. Even the animation could stay the same.
    • Why? To add atmosphere and especially to add a sense of heat

    After all the nether is a really hot and dangerous place. And it just looks nice.

    submitted by /u/notram_
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    IDEA: Try giving a totem of undying to a pigling...

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 04:25 AM PST

    Piglings are obsessed with gold, but why? Because they keep looking for totems of undying so they can Go back to the overworld.

    If you give a totem of undying to a piglin, he will then follow you, and he will be able to survive on the overworld withouth turning zombie but... in the moment you give a totem to a piglin, other piglings in the area will try to kill him. Once he is able to reach the overworld,he will start to make green particles of happiness, and then he will blow up... releasing 10 TO 20 GOLD INGOTS and nether stuff


    submitted by /u/Spadaingola
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    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 01:06 AM PST

    Stomping would be an Enchantment which would only be accessible on any kind of horse armor. With this you could ride over mobs on a horse with the enchantment armor, dealing damage to them corresponding to the level of enchantment (1-3). The enchantment won't affect the Ender Dragon, Wither, or any sea creature in water, but will otherwise harm any other mob. I'm not too sure on the name though. I'm caught between Stomping and Trampling

    submitted by /u/MattThePl3b
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    Enchanting revamp

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 11:25 AM PST

    Problem Generally you either don't have any enchantments on your items or you are fully decked out. The in between phase is quite short. This is because in order to make a complete enchanting setup you only need a couple of bookshelves which aren't that hard to craft.

    Solution My suggestion is that in order to reach 10+ level enchantments you would need to obtain some kind of special item from a woodland mansion. To enchant 20+ levels something from a jungle temple and 30+ an igloo.

    Notes The structures are of course completely up to debate The items could be placed on the bookshelves. This adds a use for some neglected structures and gives players a reason to explore and find them before killing bosses etc.

    submitted by /u/markoalex8
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    Loading Screen

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 12:29 AM PST

    Change the loading screen to look like grass spreading when you are loading into a world. When the grass fills all of the blocks, the game has actually finished loading.

    submitted by /u/styro2017
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    Ancient Treasure Map

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 01:47 PM PST

    This item can be found rarely within nether fortresses and when followed can lead to a chest underneath the lava. Inside there could be pieces of ancient debris, gold, quartz, diamonds, or even a wither skeleton skull. There could even be a special item similar to the heart of the sea.

    submitted by /u/thecamo6
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