• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers Project Nebula [SMP] {1.15.2} {Hermitcraft-like} {Whitelist} {Discord} {Datapacks} {Community} {Dynmap} {Paper MC} {UHC/Community Events}

    Minecraft Servers Project Nebula [SMP] {1.15.2} {Hermitcraft-like} {Whitelist} {Discord} {Datapacks} {Community} {Dynmap} {Paper MC} {UHC/Community Events}

    Project Nebula [SMP] {1.15.2} {Hermitcraft-like} {Whitelist} {Discord} {Datapacks} {Community} {Dynmap} {Paper MC} {UHC/Community Events}

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 04:58 AM PST

    Project Nebula

    Our server has updated to 1.15.2! That means we got beeeeeeeeeees!! We're happy to have FINALLY updated, and we hope that can attract some new players! In addition to updating to 1.15, we have increased the world border from 10k to 12.5k, revealing new land that players haven't explored yet! We also reset our End dimension, so make sure you join quickly to go raid the End before other players do!

    Project Nebula is a Hermitcraft-style SMP started by /u/Colinator007 and I. We love playing as a community and generally interacting with new people, which is why we started a server. Our community is tight and very welcoming! We are full of personable, interesting people, and I hope you give our server a shot. You'll meet lots of new, friendly people!

    About Us

    Colin and I are college students looking to play with new people! We're both engineering students and love to fiddle with redstone and farms; but we also love building beautiful structures and planning a nice base, and just generally hanging out and relaxing with some games. We encourage all playstyles and love to see the creative ways you guys play this game! We have experience hosting multiple servers in the past, such as Colincraft and Nebula Network, and have joined/played on many servers, too.

    Our goal is to not only create an active Minecraft server, but an active community and group of friends as well. While our community has a solid base, we are always looking to expand our group and we'd love to get to know you! We'd love to play other games with you in addition to Minecraft, such as Terraria, GTA V, Smash Ultimate, or whatever else you may have on Steam (or other consoles, like Switch). We've found that many of our players tend to be college students majoring in engineering, but of course, anyone is welcome and will feel at-home with us!

    You can reach our Discord by clicking this link. You will initially only see the #rules channel. You must agree to our rules using !agree and will then be able to apply for whitelist, with a special message DM'd to you with instructions. Upon acceptance you will be granted access to the rest of the Discord!

    Our Dynmap is still finishing the complete rendering, but it can be found here!


    We are hosting the following servers:

    • Minecraft 1.15.2 Vanilla (Running Paper MC with no major plugins. Our map started June 8th 2019 :))

      -This server uses quality-of-life datapacks, which are designed to aid the experience and efficiency of the game without altering the Vanilla feel. Examples include one-player sleep, logical uncrafting, and Ender Dragon dropping elytra. A full list of datapacks can be found here! To improve server performance we've been running the latest builds of Paper MC because it has better chunk loading and is generally more stable than Vanilla. No game-changing plugins are used; we only use a couple plugins to optimize villagers and pillagers, as well as core protect for admin purposes. We know that Paper/Spigot can mess with redstone timings, so please message me (RavingPlatypi) before you build large-scale redstone projects so we can put it on a test server and troubleshoot any possible issues. I'd hate for you to build a giant machine only for it to not work!

    We run Paper just for the better performance. Full Vanilla experience!

    • Minecraft 1.15 Creative

      -Flatworld for our community to test their builds and other creations. Uses same datapacks as main server for consistency.

    • Terraria Server

      -We currently do not have a Terraria server running, but we can start a run soon if there is enough community interest!

    • Hytale server (Upon release)

      -We're hyped!!

    • Modded Minecraft server

      -We have a modded server running Lapitos Galacticraft! The world is fresh (less than a week since we started), and the modpack is light enough that most computers can run it.

    • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

      -Not a dedicated server, but we'll have arenas open pretty often for you guys to play, and even tournaments if we have enough interest in that. Send us your friend codes if you'd like to play with us!

    • Other Minecraft gamemodes & community events

      -We've hosted numerous UHC events in the past and they always go down really well! They're a great way to socialize with people on our server that you would've otherwise never spoken to before. We've also hosted other community events, like build battles on the Vanilla server. Let us know what you're interested in and we'll see what we can do!


    The obvious rules with whitelisted servers, such as:

    • Don't be a dick (aka: the Golden Rule ™)

    • No griefing or stealing. Even if it's a small thing, at least notify the person with a sign or DM.

    • PvP is allowed only with consent from BOTH PARTIES. If you keep pestering someone into PvP, that isn't consent; it's peer pressure.

    • No hacked clients or client-side mods that provide an unfair advantage. Things like inventory tweaks, minimaps. and litematica are perfectly acceptable. Ask an admin if you are unsure.

    • No slurs or offensive statements that attack someone's religion, gender, or other beliefs. This includes building hateful monuments as well.

    • Discord and a working microphone are required. We obviously don't expect you to always hop into a voice channel whenever you play, but we value speaking to our players and getting to know them through voice chat!

    • This community leans towards applicants that are 18+. However, this is not a strict rule, and we encourage everyone to apply, no matter their age. We base our whitelist decisions based on maturity rather than age, but simply prefer applicants that are a closer age to ourselves (which means 18 years and up). To put it in perspective, most of us are college students around our 2nd-3rd years.

    • Just be nice and friendly, we're all here to have a good time! :)

    • A full list of rules can be found on our Discord.

    Server Specifications

    Colin and I recently purchased a physical server, which is pretty cool to have! Here are the specs:

    • Intel i7 4770k - 3.5GHz

    • 32 GB RAM

    • 2x1 TB SSD's

    • XUbuntu Linux Distro

    • Hosted in Los Angeles, California

    We seriously value input from all our applicants and members, so if you have any suggestions at all to alter rules or host other games, we'd love to hear them! Feel free to message us on Discord or Reddit with any questions you may have.

    We hope you consider applying to our server!!!

    submitted by /u/princessviddi
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    E-Shack [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {Growing Fast} {1.15.2}

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 09:30 AM PST

    Hey, thanks for considering playing with us. We're a growing community only 3 weeks old and we have over 20 active players who get on almost every day. We are always looking for more people to add to our amazing community. Keep in mind, we have plugins. Things that are for mere convenience. We aren't going all out. We want to get as close to the vanilla feel as possible without anything in the way. We're going to remain on the 1.15.2 version for the moment. Keep in mind, we're all about working with one another to do amazing things. So, join the discord, fill in the form and play with us!

    Server Rules:

    1. No hacking/cheating

    2. No stealing

    3. No griefing

    4. No pvp

    5. No disrespect to others

    6. Just use common sense in everything you do.

    For more info, join our discord! https://discord.gg/ZkVDvkP


    submitted by /u/Azoki
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    MONUMENTA [PVE] {MMO} {RPG} {CTM} {1.13.2} {Dungeons} {Classes} {Quests} {Bosses} {Survival}

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:24 PM PST

    Monumenta is a free, Minecraft-based "Complete the Monument" MMORPG.

    Server IP (1.13.2) - server.playmonumenta.com

    Website - playmonumenta.com

    Trailer - https://youtu.be/nr-V4Ie5Dq8

    Discord - discord.gg/eep9qcu

    Centered around difficult, Survival-mode adventure and enhanced "Vanilla+" combat mechanics, Monumenta provides a unique experience to those looking for a cooperative extension to their vanilla experience.

    • Multiple vast, totally custom overworlds populated by scores of respawning mini-dungeons.
    • 16 huge, unique dungeons, each with their own theme, mobs, and loot
    • Seven player classes, each with special abilities, gear and playstyles to augment vanilla combat mechanics.
    • Dozens of quests, with puzzles, interactable dialogue, and a grand story connecting it all
    • Hundreds of named, custom gear pieces
    • Bosses, races, parkour, daily quests, periodic events, and more!

    Server Rules

    Join today!

    submitted by /u/MonumentaMMO
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    Simple Survival [Semi-Vanilla] {SMP} {1.15.1} {Events} {Whitelist} {16+}

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:10 PM PST

    Discord: https://discord.gg/se799tg
    About Us: We're a low-key, friendly server with a focus on community builds and collaboration. We try to stick to a vanilla experience. Our server is 24/7, running 1.15.1 on Java with minimal plugins. The Discord is consistently active, with almost a hundred members. You can usually find a handful of players online, and we can reach up to 10 during the weekends/evenings. Join the Discord to apply for whitelist! Please note that you must be 16 years old or over to join.


    • Community market and shopping district with purchasable stalls and empty plots
    • Lockable chests, doors, and trapdoors
    • Community resources at spawn (farms, storage, etc)
    • Pubic enderman xp grinder
    • Events and competitions. Recently we hosted a server-wide secret santa and opened the gifts during our New Years celebration
    • Enderman/creeper grief is disabled
    • An active and friendly community
    • AFK display


    1. Disrespect, harassment, racism, sexism, etc is not tolerated. We ask that you be respectful and mindful of other people's feelings. Depending on the severity, you may be given a strike or banned.
    2. Don't be annoying on purpose. This is extended to voice chat as well. Excessive voice modifiers, microphone blowing, screaming, etc is generally not allowed and you can be given a strike, depending on the context.
    3. PvP is only permitted with the consent of all parties involved.
    4. Spamming links, images, and text can result in a strike or ban depending on the severity. Please also be mindful of what channel you're in. If you want to post a couple of memes, go to #memes.
    5. Hacked clients are strictly forbidden. This includes X-Ray resource packs. This will result in an immediate ban.
    6. Theft is not allowed. Community resources are explicitly marked and can be used. Chests in other houses, bases, etc that weren't granted access to you shouldn't be taken from. Caution is encouraged. Depending on the severity of theft and your history, multiple strikes or a ban might be issued.
    7. Griefing is bannable and is defined as causing intentional damage to structures that don't belong to you. If you're unable to fix something, please let people know or leave a sign.
    8. Be mindful of where you build. Don't build too close to other people without asking; you don't know if someone has plans to expand somewhere. Additionally, when building in spawn, please try not to build too large. If you'd like to build a community resource, talk to the community first.
    9. Automatic farms are limited. Farms producing items must include an automatic off switch. This is to prevent entities from overflowing and causing lag. All automatic farm locations must be submitted to staff (for surveillance purposes only). You can do this by DMing an admin with coordinates and info about the farm.
    10. A one-hour AFKing limit is enforced. After this is over, the server automatically kicks you. You are allowed to reconnect. If you're caught using macros/auto clickers/etc. to avoid the limit, you'll be given a strike. You may AFK at farms up to a couple of hours per day. We trust you to moderate yourself, but please realize that this puts a strain on the server's performance and affects everyone.
    11. Punishment System: Warnings are given for behavioral offenses. These are usually dealt based on severity and the rule broken; if you feel a warning was unfair, you may appeal to staff. Three warnings will result in a ban. Strikes are dealt based on farm offenses. The strike system works as follows: you receive strikes for leaving farms on for extended periods of time or failing to implement proper item collection. Upon the 3rd strike and onwards, your farm will be destroyed. There are five strikes to a ban.
    submitted by /u/dynamicxxx
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    RespawnMC [Hub] {1.15.2} {Towny} {Earth Map} {No Teleportation} {Vehicles} {Gold Economy}{Weapons} {Election & Revolutions} {War} {Slimefun}

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:30 AM PST

    RespawnMC Towny Live your best life on a 1:1000 scale of the world map, complete with a realistic game play experience like no teleportation, vehicles, tangible currency (gold), and much more!
    Server IP respawnmc.net
    World Map http://respawnmc.net:8123/index.html
    Community https://respawnmc.net
    Discord https://discord.gg/sU5GpRT

    In addition, RespawnMC also has:

    • Unique Survival server features like Slimefun, with jetpacks, backpacks, magic, custom trees, custom fruits, mcmmo and grief protection!
    • Unique parkour maps like: How2Parkour, 40 Jumps, 60 Jumps, Dungeon Runner, Christmas Calendar, The Dropper, Ragequit Parkour, and Elytrafall
    • A creative plot world with massive superflat plots, and vanilla terrain plots.
    • Vote rewards
    • And a lot more for you to discover!

    Rules: https://respawnmc.net/community/rules/

    submitted by /u/DoesThisOneCount
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    Near Vanilla [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Mature 18+} {Whitelisted} {Community} {1.15.2} {Survival}

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:03 AM PST

    Hey all, thanks for your interest in the Near Vanilla Server.

    If you're 18+ and looking for a fun, relaxed, and community driven server, then Near Vanilla is the place for you! We offer a Multiplayer experience in a Vanilla Minecraft world, where you can create and make whatever you like in a safe and positive environment.

    About the server:

    Oftentimes the multiplayer experience can negatively impact the vanilla minecraft experience, or vice versa. Therefore, the only plugins we have aid grief prevention, administration, and those that enhance the vanilla multiplayer experience. With a dedicated discord and an admin team, we're sure that you'll enjoy a great multiplayer experience on our server without issue. With the game difficulty set to hard, and PVP enabled (although only used for consensual purposes) you'll for sure need to make a friend or two to keep the zombies at bay!

    Who we are:

    We're a bunch of 18+ from all walks of life that have come together to play Minecraft to create, build, collect and explore. Near Vanilla provides that perfect place for us because we have an emphasis on putting real life first and so our server is kept as a place for fun and relaxation with friends. We act and communicate in a responsible manner and therefore expect that others do the same; and as such we are a server free from bullying, griefing, stealing, and general negative attitudes that can unfortunately be found in SMPs often.

    What you can expect:

    The moment you log on to Near Vanilla you can be sure you'll receive a warm welcome, instant offers of help and support, and a server that is really happy to have made an additional friend. Often we run community events and work on projects together, however playing more solo is fine too - there is no pressure! As a group we are extremely interested in your views and opinions, and so generally any changes made to the server are voted on first because we always put our community ahead. Expect to have a say and be heard!

    Lightweight add-ons:

    Deathlog : Let's you know where you died (coordinates)

    Kickafk: Kicks players that afk more than 3 hours

    Criteria for being accepted:

    • 18+
    • Being a nice person

    Zero tolerance policy:

    No hacking, glitching or duping allowed. If we see a player do one of these three things there will be no mercy. This will result in a permanent ban.

    No griefing, bullying, insulting or being prejudice to others. Be mindful of the community that you're joining or expect to face disciplinary action.

    Server Specs:

    • CPU reaching up to 5.0 Ghz
    • Fast NVME SSD storage in raid 1 with automatic backups
    • 8 GB of dedicated DDR4 RAM
    • Gigabit internet connection
    • DDOS protection
    • Dedicated server - not shared hosting!

    To apply fill in the following and post it below or use form on our website:

    1. Age:
    2. IGN:
    3. What brings you to our community?
    4. What are some of your goals for this server?
    5. Tell us a little about yourself!

    Our IP is: play.nearvanilla.com

    Our website: https://nearvanilla.com

    Finally, be sure you get yourself on discord and join us here so that you can really get the full Near Vanilla experience. We're friendly, fun and keen to meet you!

    No reddit account? Apply here!

    submitted by /u/OfficialNearVanilla
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    SimpleCraft [SMP] {Economy} {1.15.2}

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:00 AM PST

    Server Name: SimpleCraft

    Server IP: play.simplecraft.org

    Version: Java 1.15.2

    Discord: https://discord.gg/AGWy6Kv

    Welcome! Join our friendly server!

    We are looking for friendly players to join our community. The server provides a unique semi-vanilla experience and a great atmosphere for new and older players. Feel free to hop on and test our atmosphere. :)

    SimpleCraft is a free-to-play (meaning no purchasable ranks available), semi-vanilla Minecraft server with a friendly and welcoming community. The server allows you to claim large amounts of land, set as many homes as you like, pick up spawners and create shops to trade with others. The map is really big (100.000 blocks in all directions), only a small portion of the terrain has been explored as of yet. If you rather live near others, there are some players towns on the server, you can even build your own!

    As the name suggest, we like to keep things simple and as true to the game as possible. Our few rules include: No giefing, no stealing, no cheating and please be mature, respectful and use your common sense! We are not very fond of toxicity, so those players get removed to sustain the peaceful environment on the server.

    Check us out on our new Instagram

    We are always looking forward to new players and we hope to see you soon!


    submitted by /u/DaCapitall
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    NeatoBuilds [semi-vanilla] {survival} {amplified}

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 06:58 AM PST

    • Small, friendly, committed, long-term community.
    • Play like it was single player survival.
    • No land claim, build wherever and as big as you want.
    • No ranks, there is no pay to win, everyone helps with decision making, and can choose their own name color.
    • no /home or /tp, this helps build a closer community.
    • We use coreprotect for protection, we are able to undo griefing done per-player, so we do not have to roll back the entire server. Everyone has access to the /co i command so you can check your own items for trespass or grief and report as needed.
    • No world resets, ever. We are here for the long-term builders who like to build huge projects, or like to move and start new after some time, but keeping the history of our world since 2015. We change spawn every year or so to unlock new generated areas and make room for new players without deleting the work of previous players.

    We like the vanilla mechanics of Minecraft and try our best to keep our plugins light, We are just looking for mature players who don't steal and can work either with us or off on their own.

    When you first join you will have to go through a quiz which usually keeps out the impatient players who just want to grief.

    After that you will see some portals where you can choose Vanilla, Amplified, or Creative. You can always go between worlds later by returning to the world's spawn point and going into the hub portal, our survival worlds sync inventory and our shopping mall is in the hub so you can trade with other players or set up a shop.

    Most of us are on the west coast so we usually get online around 5pm PST or a bit during lunch.


    1. Don't build too close to someone else, at least 500 blocks distance preferred.
    2. Do not steal, do not grief, PVP only with consent.
    3. No over exploitative/duping builds, please ask a mod before building something you think is an exploit.
    4. No vulgar or demeaning language.

    Server IP: mc.neatobuilds.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neatobuilds/

    submitted by /u/NeatoBuilds
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    SCFA [Anarchy] {SemiVannilla} {OldPvP} {GrowingWorldBorder} {NoRules} {Chaos} {DiscordSRV} {Fly} {Mature} {ViaVersion}

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:22 AM PST

    Small Craft Free Anarchy. [A cracked minecraft server with an unique anarchy experience.]

    -No rules, no limitations- The server don't have rules at all. You can talk about what you want, grief, and even hack(no anticheat and fly is enabled). Duping is also allowed.

    -Growing world border- The world is very small but it gets around 1000 blocks bigger every month. Nether is 8 times smaller and The End is 2 times bigger.

    -Old PvP and ViaVersion- Even tough the server is in 1.12.2, we use the classic 1.8PvP and we support newer versions(1.13-1.15.2).

    -Tired of wasting hours traveling?- Just use /home

    -No lag, solid TPS and no queue- Tired of low tps and block lag? We get you covered: 20 TPS 99% of the time and you also don't need to waste hours in a boring queue

    -Non-toxic comunitty Even tough it's anarchy, our comunitty isn't toxic at all(in the most part).

    -Discord- We have an nice multi-language server in discord with bots, voice and text channels, self promotion and even IN-GAME-CHAT(you can talk in Minecraft's chat in Discord)

    WHAT YOU ARE WAITING FOR??? Play now on scfanarchy.ggs.gg

    Our discord server: https://discord.gg/5xnYUZF


    submitted by /u/SoicBR
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    AmbitionCraft Survival [Vanilla] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:07 AM PST

    Hey, server has been up for 4 months - Our aim is a connected highly technical world with epic decorations & builds. We make perimeters for almost all of our farms, or use the end gateways. We use carpet (Monitoring tool) for lag reasons & loading AI accounts instead of alt accounts. We are looking for crazy & ambitious decorators and technical players. We're fans of TIS/Prototech/Scicraft servers, but like decorating just as much as the tech side. We are still growing the community, only 7 active players currently. We share our storage, so their is no real reason for bases, or shops. Our decisions/rules are decided by everyone active & their is no ranks/owners/patrons bias, stackable shulkers and single player sleep is enabled. We also dupe Shells & Elytra as they are not renewable, we have a 40,000 world boarder & use 1000s of shulker boxes in our farms (Guardian-farm=1.4m items/h). We have currently built witherskele, Double guardian, Quadwitch farm, but haven't finished tweaking/decorating. If you're interested in challenging huge projects, learning tech stuff or just want to grind, the server may suite you. We are looking for people with ambition & obsession with minecraft! (Version 1.15.1) If you think this suites you feel free to apply in this discord: Thank you very much for reading. https://discord.gg/9f2neMC

    submitted by /u/Dapaganator
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    SuperFunTime Survival [SMP][PvE] {Economy}{MCMMO}{Custom Plugins}{Updated to 1.15.2}

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:07 PM PST

    Visit our Website: http://www.superfuntime.org

    Join our discord! It's linked to our servers so you can stay in touch even from your phone when you cant play Minecraft! It also has a range of other great channels to keep you entertained! - https://discord.gg/vpKyZk3

    Who are we?

    Super Fun Time is an active and established gaming community which has been going strong for more than 8 years! We put our focus on an enhanced vanilla Minecraft server along with several modded servers. Super Fun Time is a community of players that enjoy to build, have fun, and occasionally fall in some lava by accident. It is a great place to come around and grow with the amazing community of dedicated players! We strive to provide an inclusive experience for all of our players, regardless of race, gender, religion or sexual orientation.

    Our Survival Server:

    On Survival we have an amazing staff team who are always willing to help, we will answer any questions you have and we even protect your builds for you! We have McMMO with custom XP rates, Slimefun, EliteMobs, Pyrofishing and Pyromining so you will always have something entertaining to do! We have an active economy with an auction house, player run shops and a server shop which is opened by our Managers multiple times a day. There is also SteveCo crates which all have different themed items in them! We have an active EventHost team who host a range of amazing events that you can find in /w3 and we have a big event every weekend with a larger prize than normal! Come and check it out at: play.superfuntime.org

    Our Pixelmon Server:

    Our Pixelmon Server running Pixelmon Generations 2.8.0 has a wonderful community built up over the years. In addition we include features like: NPC Gyms, Player ran Gyms, GTS, Wondertrade, Pokehunt, Teams, Clubs & more! Since we use a custom modpack for our server we can also include unique mods like CustomNPCs, Pam's Harvestcraft, Quark, Chisel, Chisel and bits, Iron chests, Biomes O Plenty and some others that give us a more interesting way of playing Minecraft. We are always expanding and you can see many creative aspects to our take on pixelmon by downloading the SFT Pixelmon Pack on Technic Search this in your technic launcher to find our pack! https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/sft-pixelmon.162655 If you are missing our IP you can connect using: pixelmon.sftmc.org:1339

    We hope to see you in-game! <3

    Our "The 1.7.10 Pack" Server:

    The 1.7.10 Pack is a modpack consisting of over 250 mods, including a large variety of types to chose from. We're a PvE server with claims, although PvP is allowed if both sides agree! As well as a great modpack, we have many features to help satisfy this as the best choice;

    - Events --> Of all kinds to satisfy any boredom; Quiz, Wipeout & more!

    - Special Ranks --> given specifically by playtime! Containing new kits with both tech & magic paths

    - Active/Friendly Staff --> always willing to help with your modpack and server struggles. They wont let you down!

    - Custom Economy --> called EMP. Which you can buy/sell items or race to become the richest

    - Friendly Community --> full of many players willing to help with any of your needs and boredom.

    Download it from The Technic Launcher and then add the IP: games.superfuntime.org:1338 and come join the fun!

    Our "Automated Chaos Pack" Server: A recently added modpack server with over 200+ mods, crafted by the modded community in SFT. It was based on magic and tech mods with nothing, but chaos in mind. Install this modpack to join! https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/automated-chaos.1603530 Created by: xQuicScopex, ceddy24, and Mord3005

    Our Loot Server: A newly added server with a custom plugin that randomizes Minecraft drops and adds custom enchants. PVP World coming soon! Developed and ran by abandoncaptian. IP: play.superfuntime.org and join by doing /loot and we hope to see you there!

    Creative: If you want to mess around on our creative server join survival and type /creative

    Rules Overview

    No griefing/stealing

    Respect other players

    No hacking, x-ray, or anything similar

    For more detailed rules, see the rules list -> http://www.superfuntime.org/rules

    Server Hardware: Dedicated server: - Xeon E5-1620v2 / 4 Cores 8 Threads / 3.7GHz+ / 64 GB DDR3 / 1 GBps (hosted with OVH)

    Owners: TowelieDOH, Dpa1991, saywhat2365

    Did you know CaptainSparklez made a video about us? Check it out here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7HKXMxQbW8

    Don't forget to check out what Jesus thinks: https://youtu.be/C986V0qsuPA

    submitted by /u/SFTMedia
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    Jay's World Fabric-Carpet Skyblock 1.15.2 [Semi-Vanilla]{Fabric}{Fabric-Carpet Modules}

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 10:17 AM PST

    Hello, I present to you Jay's World, my Fabric-Carpet Skyblock Survival Multiplayer Server, currently on 1.15.2. The map has started just a few days ago.

    We use the Fabric-Carpet mods, but since all of these are server-side only in Multiplayer, you can join the server with the Vanilla Minecraft client!

    For pictures and other information, view the PlanetMinecraft server page here.

    Server features:

    • Map never resets

    • Dedicated server hardware (Intel Xeon E3-1230v2 (4x3.3GHz) CPU), 16GB DDR3 RAM, 240GB SSD Storage, 10TB @ 1Gbps Network), resulting in a very stable Vanilla Survival Minecraft experience

    • Auto-save featureDaily server backups (or before updating to a new snapshot)

    • Discord server where you'll find useful information like server announcements and biomes/structures coordinates .txt files to download

    • If you wish, you can have your own island; with the command '/function skyblock:spawn_island' from the Fabric-Carpet Skyblock mod, I can simply create an island for you and teleport you to it!

    World generation features:

    • The Overworld, Nether and The End are all completely empty, but biome and structure chunks still exist. You can view all the biomes and structures by using the world seed (-2953580179814303442) along with a 3rd party software like AMIDST or by simply making a Creative world of the seed with Default 1.15.2 world generation.

    • All the blocks and items in the game can be otained.

    • If you choose to get your own island, the starting island has 49 grass blocks, one Mycelium block, and one oak tree.

    Carpet features:

    • Auto-crafting table

    • 30-min duration potions can be crafted

    • Skyblock trades for the Wandering Trader

    • Dispensers can place most blocks

    • Dispenser can feed animals

    • Dispensers can fill minecarts with hoppers, chests, tnt and furnaces

    • Dispensers with empty buckets can milk cows

    • Dispensers can play records if there's a jukebox in front of themDispensers with hoes can till soil

    • Dispensers can toggle with a stick things like buttons, doors, repeaters, etc.

    • Players can flip and rotate blocks when holding cactus, and cactus in dispensers rotate blocks

    • Chickens can be sheared

    • Cleric villagers can farm Nether warts

    • XP orbs combine into bigger orbs

    • Comparators read daytime instead of the rotation of clocks when clocks are placed in item frames

    • Saplings turn into dead shrubs in hot climates and no water access

    • Hoppers pointing to wool will count items passing through them

    • Living entities that die on sand with fire on top of the sand will convert the sand to soulsand

    • Pistons can push block entities like hoppers and chests

    • Parrots don't get off your shoulder until you take damage

    • Coral blocks will grow with bonemeal from coral plants

    • Obsidian surrounded by 6 lava sources has a chance of converting to lava

    • Multiple ice crushed by falling anvils make packed ice

    • Cobblestone crushed by falling anvils make sand

    • Guardians turn into Elder Guardians when struck by lightning

    • Wet sponges dry in the Nether

    • Shulkers respawn in End Cities

    • Silverfish drop a gravel item when breaking out of a block

    • Empty shulkerboxes can stack to 64 when dropped on the ground

    • There is lag optimization for redstone dust and mob spawning

    • Client-side improved accuracy for block placement (you need to have the Fabric Carpet mod installed for this)

    • Dropping entire stacks of items works also from on the crafting UI result slot

    • Pistons, glass blocks and sponges can be broken faster with their appropriate tools

    • One-player sleeping

    • Players can get their ping by using /ping

    • Mobs don't glitch into blocks when reloaded

    • Fixed block placement rotation issues when players rotate quickly while placing blocks

    • Nether portals correctly place entities going through

    • Other smaller features, this light may change over time

    Server Rules:

    • No griefing

    • No stealing

    • No PVP without consent

    • No spam

    • No hacks

    How to join:

    The IP is There is no Whitelist, so anyone is welcome to join and stay, as long as they respect the rules. See you all there!

    submitted by /u/DioriteLover
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    [Wanted] [Semi-Vanilla] Dolphin’s Grace without Dolphins

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 10:02 AM PST

    Hi. I'm Martin. I'm addicted to Minecraft, and Dolphin's Grace.

    My dream is to have sustained Dolphin's Grace while swimming. I have tested and confirmed that this is possible with Command Blocks, but I would really prefer not to have to run my own server just to experience this. Anyone willing to do this in their existing/new world?, preferably with everything else as close to Vanilla as possible.

    I wish to make a large network of Dolphin's Grace tunnels on a multiplayer server, without the hassle of finding, herding, and trapping massive amounts of Dolphins.

    submitted by /u/Zodiarch
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    BadWolfMC [SMP]{18+}{Greylist}{1.15.2}{SkyBlock}{Magic}{PlotWorld}{Paintball}

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 10:02 AM PST


    BadWolfMC is a long running and laid-back adult Minecraft server network with lots of room to build and a few plugins to add a little fun and keep your builds safe without ruining the vanilla feel. While our Alpha server is home to the survival worlds we all love, our Beta server features SkyBlock, AcidIsland, SkyGrid, & a creative PlotWorld. You'll also be enchanted by the Magical Worlds on our Gamma server, full of truly difficult custom mobs, alcoholic potions, and stunning spells! Members also enjoy Paintball & Parkour arenas, Elytra Challenges, Mazes, a public End Grinder and Tree Farm, an expansive vanilla gaming park where members can build, regularly reset resource worlds, a massive shopping center that houses space for over 80 player and server shops, and we hold regular holiday events and build contests. Get chatting on our Discord server with in-game chat integration, and we have a very helpful wiki, useful for n00bs and veterans alike! Join us and become a part of our growing community with members from all over the globe!

    Our mission is to be a place to unwind and have a little fun, and our philosophy is to add to the game, not take away from it. We are very laid-back and won't get on your case about language, but still request that everyone be respectful. We also do our best to be EULA compliant, and we encourage and welcome feedback from all of our users.

    Membership Application Required: if you like the place and the rules fit your style, feel free to apply for permissions at BadWolfMC.com!

    General Server Rules (full rules here)

    • All players must be 18 years of age or older - that's the whole "Adult Minecraft Server" bit.

    • No Griefing - Breaking or placing blocks within another player's clearly defined area is strictly prohibited. This is true even in PvP and for seemingly abandoned builds - if it's not yours, don't touch it.

    • No Client Mods/Exploits - Client modifications (other than Optifine) or exploits to the game are not allowed. (forge, lightloader, flying, speed, x-ray, item duplication etc.)

    • No Advertising/Spam - No advertising servers/websites/mods in the chat or filling the chat with repeated messages.

    • Common Sense/Maturity - This is a game, be respectful, have fun, don't rage, don't participate in drama, don't harass people, mind the server conventions, etc.

    Come take a look around as our guest at IP: play.badwolfmc.com We hope you'll be as excited about this place as we are!

    We look forward to seeing you in game!

    submitted by /u/BadWolfMC
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    FilthyMC Network [Hub] {PVP} {Guilds} {Gangs} {CustomItems} {Duels} {Treasure} {CustomEnchants} {1.8.8-1.14.4}

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 06:14 AM PST

    FilthyMC is a Minecraft Server Network. We pride ourselves in providing a fair and balanced experience to all our players.

    Server IP: play.filthymc.net
    Discord: https://discord.gg/5bN4cHT
    Website/Forum/Store: https://filthymc.net (Forum WIP)

    Online Servers: Hub/Gangs
    In development: Survival/Skyblock

    So what is Gangs?
    Gangs is slightly like factions, but unlike factions there is no claimed bases.
    Gangs focuses heavily on PVP and ranking up your gang to become the best.
    Gangs have gang homes so you can create a gang base and set homes there for your gang.
    Your gang members have there own money and balance but can deposit money into the gang bank account, that then can be used for upgrading the gang and also for wagering on gang fights along with other stuff.

    Some Key Elements/Features to gangs:
    Custom Armor/Weapons - Custom armor with special attributes/effects.
    Beautiful Detailed Spawn Castle - Our spawn is laid out with npcs/building to access features.
    Quality Crates - 6 different crates with a whole load of rewards.
    Crate Key Upgrades - Trade lower tier keys for higher tier keys!
    Custom Enchants - Fully custom enchants/scrolls/dust/relics.
    Bountys - Need someone dead? Speak with the bounty master.
    Treasure - Wild treasure chests drop randomly in the world, Whoever is quickest to it gets the rewards.
    Wars - Gang V Gang wars in our bespoke arena.
    Duels - Duel your friends with custom armor sets/weapons to test yourself and train to be the best!
    Jobs - Need extra cash, Get a job for some extra cash and maybe some other rewards.
    Shops - All our shops are in the market area for ease of access.
    Tanks - Store liquids in custom tanks to keep safe (xp/potions/soups/milk/dragonbreath/lava etc etc
    Sell Wands - After some large farms we added sell wands to our crates. Will you be lucky?
    Unlockable Tags - Spice up your name! Can you collect them all?
    Betting Games - Got to much cash and feel lucky?
    Soul Bind - Soulbind items so you dont loose them on death! (Certain items)

    What are you waiting for? Join today @ play.filthymc.net

    Theres alot more to our gangs gamemode. Its best to see it all ingame.

    We are currently working on a custom dungeon system with bosses/mobs and custom items to craft boss exclusive armor/weapons with special traits/abilitys!

    Our server rules can be found at https://filthymc.net/rules

    submitted by /u/ToastForMe
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    UnbreakableMC {Fabric-Carpet} {1.15.2} {Whitelisted} {Any Age!}

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:33 AM PST

    submitted by /u/reallukas562
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    EagleCraft [SMP] {1.15.2} {mcMMO} {Jobs} {Land claim}

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:52 AM PST

    EagleCraft is a recently started Minecraft server and an active community. I have received a lot of positive responses and kind words about the server, people really do enjoy it.

    Server address: mc.eaglecraft.net

    Discord server: discord.gg/s5Y2sWY

    The main reason to join us is because there is something for everyone here, we have mcMMO as mentioned in the title, which is overall a great plugin for an improved multiplayer experience. Land claim is of course also a thing, so you do not have to worry about getting griefed. We have an economy featuring a GUI shop, chest shops, voting, jobs and auctions. You can join a job and earn in-game money by mining, crafting, fishing or whatever you would like to. Create chest shops or list autions to sell items directly to other players. We are currently using Spartan as our anti-cheat solution, probably the best anti-cheat for Minecraft at the moment. The server runs on the belief of a friendly and safe environment for everyone, where you as a player can be a part of something bigger - the community.

    If you like the server, please consider upvoting this post, it means a lot!

    The rules are as following:

    1. Be respectful.
    2. Do not cheat.
    3. No griefing.

    We are all looking forward to seeing you on the server!

    submitted by /u/ZapShadow
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    Gapple Ultra-Hardcore [Semi-Vanilla]{1.15.2}{Competition}{Prizes}{Discord}

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:42 AM PST

    Friendly Public Welcome

    Minecraft multi-player server: gapple.duckmc.net

    Goal: Stay alive and earn the most points doing it.

    Score: +1 per minute you stay alive, +1 per experience point you earn.

    Examples: killing a skeleton earns 3 points, and killing the dragon earns 12,000 points.

    You will start in a safehouse until you are ready to enter the world.

    Hold a bone block to see the server's current top scoring players.

    New lives reset typically every Friday (3:00-ish).

    Grape_Ape won Run 34 this past week with 4,550 points points. Congratulations Grape_Ape.

    Server Rules:

    1. Do we even need to mention play fair and friendly? That should be a given on every server.

    2. Do not use client-side mods that give unfair advantages.

    3. No hacking, xray resource packs, or hacked clients on our servers.

    4. Spectators assisting live players will get both players banned.

    Night-Fight DataPack:

    1. Day time is peace time, PVE.

    2. Night time is perilous, PVP is possible, although traditionally players cooperate and sleep the nights.

    Apocalypse DataPack:

    1. Players killed by a zombie will become a zombie.

    2. 10% of skeletons get an enhancement.

    3. Bats bite, and can morph into an illusionist.

    4. Spiders can spin webs.

    5. Ox-Heads defend the pastures.

    6. The Litch kills everything he touches, so repel him and stay away.

    7. Herobrine is a veteran miner, and not to be trifled with.

    Your Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/EP5Y9C7

    There is a prize for the first place US adult player each week. Current prize selection is an Optifine Cape or an in-game item shout-out. Details in the discord channel.

    A great summary typed up by Tfin:

    This is UHC, but not the UHC you know! Read on to find out what's up here! I'll start with quotes from the MineCraft Wiki: Ultra Hardcore was started by members of the MindCrack SMP server on February 23, 2012.Ultra Hardcore (UHC) is a custom gamemode, similar to Hardcore, with the main difference being players cannot naturally regenerate health.The main goal of Ultra Hardcore is either to defeat the ender dragon or defeat all of the other players in PvP. Like regular Hardcore, players cannot respawn if they die.These are the important points. If you're interested, check out the very first ever UHC with this YouTube playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSgbEAXd0dgxCmurWv8sNEp6JPMLZfyi0

    This is where we're coming from. This isn't one of those 30 minute speed UHCs, or even the collapsing border UHCs of later versions.GatKong created this MineCraft datapack in the spirit of that original season, but made it more difficult with a few additions.On this server, this is how you'll be playing:There are no teams. Free-For-All is the order of business here.PvP is enabled at night, but you'll need to find other players if that's how you want to win.There's a whole world out there. No borders, shrinking or otherwise. Go see it!The game lasts a week, from Friday to Friday.The server resets every week, with a new world and nothing carried over. This will happen Friday afternoon in US time.The winner will be determined based on points. You score points for being logged in, gaining experience, killing things, getting achievements.The first dragon kill is the big score, and is worth 12,000 points to whomever manages it. That won't guarantee victory though, because you can respawn the dragon for another 12,000 points, so don't give up, and don't stop just because you got it.If you die, you don't win. Anyone might die, even the leader. This world is not friendly. No one is going to be on all the time, and there'll be time to jump in, score big and win, possibly as late as a few hours before the reset. If you don't have time to beat the leader, consider it a practice run.There are a lot of customizations, So check out the tips and rules. Oh, and have fun!

    submitted by /u/GatKong
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    XMC [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {18+}

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 04:22 AM PST

    XMC is going into its second season! We have been playing together since April of 2019, almost a whole year ago! We've decided that with the release of 1.15.2 should come our second 'official' season in affiliation with DedicatedMC. Please read the note for potential applicants before applying. You may also submit your application in our discord! http://apply.xmcnet.work

    General Info

    Version: Fabric 1.15.2

    Seed: 3955511108429937942

    IP : vanilla.xmcnet.work


    1. No destroying other players' builds or taking their items.

    2. No PVP unless both parties agree.

    3. No exploits/xray/cheats allowed unless explicitly stated below.

    4. No mods other than our curated list, DM me (xDraxxis) if you have any questions.

    5. Keep discord nicknames the same as IGNs.


    IGN + Discord:

    Preferred name:



    A bit about yourself IRL (interests, hobbies, etc):

    A bit about your Minecraft history (past servers, what you enjoy doing, etc):

    What you're looking for in a server:

    Screenshots of past builds/projects (Imgur album preferably):

    Where did you find out about our server?

    Any questions?

    Note for potential applicants: Please be over 18 to apply. We are looking for good builders on the server, this has a wide meaning though. If you are good at redstone, building, terraforming or anything of the sort; we'll accept you! Just please don't lie on your application, we WILL find out.

    submitted by /u/DraxxisMC
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    Pl3xCraft: [SMP] {Java} {1.15.2} {McMMO} {PvE}

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 04:49 PM PST

    Pl3xCraft: [Java Edition] [1.15.2] {SMP} {McMMO} {PvE}

    IP: pl3x.net

    Pl3xCraft is a vanilla server with plugins to enhance game play. No more lobbies or mini games, just old fashion mining and building.

    We have some pretty awesome features for enhancements, such as: 100% survival, land claims to protect your builds, player driven emerald economy, player built shops, and McMMO for a little competition. We have a dynmap for our 7500x7500 world. The first 5000x5000 is a 1.14.3 world, the other 2500 is 1.15.2. We have a friendly staff for help in-game and in discord.



    We will be upgrading when 1.16 when it is available. We also appreciate and and all feedback and suggestions.

    We have very basic rules!!

    RULES: 1. Don't be negative. 2. No hacking. 3. No lag machines. 4. Most Important Have Fun!!

    submitted by /u/ChrystiGalbreath
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    CatCraft [Vanilla][SMP]{1.15.2}{18+}{Whitelisted}{Discord}

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:58 AM PST

    Welcome to CatCraft!

    We're a small group of friends gone hermitcraft-esque type server looking to build a community together. Our current Java server started April 4, 2019 in 1.13.2, and is currently based out of Chicago, IL in the US. We're a Vanilla SMP, on Hard difficulty, with a current world border set at 17k. Currently we are running in 1.15.2 and updating alongside stable releases.

    Server Rules

    1. Don't be a dick. I really think this kind of sums up all the rules, but I'll spell it out.
    2. Don't steal shit, dupe, or grief. See rule 1.
    3. We're a strict 18+ server. We are not child friendly. Swearing is fine, within reason. If that makes you uncomfortable, we are not the place for you.
    4. PVP is turned on. This is not an excuse to be an asshole and snipe people. Play fair, help the loser pick up their stuff, and return all the things. See rule 1.
    5. No hacking. No x-ray. No duping. No forcefield. Whatever might give you an unfair advantage.
    6. Pranking is fine, within reason. Don't destroy someone's shit, or cover it with TNT and call it a prank.
    7. In your application, please include your favorite breed of cat.
    8. Patch up creeper holes, fully chop down trees, and don't leave dirt towers around. We all have to live here, let's try to keep it pretty looking.
    9. Sign your stuff, keep the server easy to navigate.
    10. Don't kill withers in the over-world. Just don't. It never goes well. Under the end portal please.

    Other Important Details
    - 1 Player Sleep
    - No Enderman Griefing
    - End Dragon drops an elytra and head
    - AFK Detection
    - 12 Trapdoors instead of 2
    - 4 Bark Blocks instead of 3
    - Renewable Coral
    - Ice and Netherwart are both uncraftable
    - 4 brick blocks instead of one
    - Mob Muffler
    - Shulkermites
    - Mending and Infinity on bows
    - And a nametag mob silencer
    - All mobs have a chance of dropping heads
    - Custom PVE group boss and single player dungeon.

    More info on the above, or an application can be found on our Discord.

    submitted by /u/CatCraftMC
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    AlphaPlace [Anarchy][Chaos][Semi-vanilla] {1.12-1.15}

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 06:37 AM PST



    • Anarchy Server [No Rules]

    • Server IP: AlphaPlace.mc.gg

    • Host Location: Chicago, Illinois

    • Difficulty: Hard

    • Versions: 1.12 to 1.15

    • Main Version: 1.15.2

    • Why SemiVanilla? The server runs on Spigot.

    The server has just been created and the map is virgin. The versions are from 1.12 to 1.15, but the main version is 1.15.2. There are almost no plugins on the server.

    The server has 2GB of RAM at the moment. If the server shows growth, the server characteristics will be updated.

    submitted by /u/OmegaByte01
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    CreativePlots [Creative] {1.15X} {99x99 Plots} {Ranks} {Cosmetics} {Much more}

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 01:09 AM PST

    Hey guys CreativePlots.Net is my new Minecraft Server which you can connect from any of the 1.15 versions. Currently the server is not posted on any server lists online other than subreddits. I plan to post them tomorrow after I get a little bit more progress done. We are looking for our starting players to come join us and be the start of our community

    Server Ip: creativeplots.net

    Discord: https://discord.gg/uZtqWKM

    submitted by /u/braydenc55
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    VMCraft [PVP] {1.8-1.14.4}

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:51 PM PST

    Join now

    IP: |mc.vmcraft.eu| Discord: |https://discord.gg/fBdAywg|

    We are a server which was previously famous but not anymore We have 5 unique gamemodes: SkyBlock, Survival, Creative, The one and only VMZ - a minigame where your plane has crashed on an island and you need to survive Defend your friends and also yourself

    It's a custom game made 2 years ago. Made all of custom plugins and a special resource pack which could be downloaded from our site www.vmcraft.eu

    submitted by /u/xd_BratockaHacks
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    Semi-Anarchy Survival Server {1.15.2}

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 02:57 AM PST

    IP: alphasonly.kixstar.me

    Discord: https://discord.gg/aTwhvnm

    1.8 Combat minus sword blocking (use a shield).

    NO map resets.

    Server Difficulty: Hard

    Phantoms Disabled.

    Bartering system, including the ability to trade over distance.

    No players (including owners and staff) have access to creative.

    The Vanilla 30000000 by 30000000 map size.

    Active staff, working anti-cheat, and many other features in this particular corner.

    Minimal safe zones. (Spawn and Market)

    Both griefing as well as PVP are permitted.

    A custom marketplace.

    Buyable Spawners (Creeper, Wither Skeleton and the usual Vanilla ones)

    Usershop's with a rent based plot system and a AuctionHouse.

    Community Votes on Discord.

    Almost 1 year old map with a lot of history.

    Daily login bonus.

    submitted by /u/RicRoss7
    [link] [comments]


