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    Minecraft Cats will form a "loaf" animation when no hostile mobs are nearby

    Minecraft Cats will form a "loaf" animation when no hostile mobs are nearby

    Cats will form a "loaf" animation when no hostile mobs are nearby

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    So as seen in this extremely scientific study of cats, they often tuck their feet in, and pretty much mimic bread. If there was a blanket over both a loaf of bread and a cat pretending to be one, you couldn't easily tell the difference.

    Anyway, cats when no hostile mob is within 30 blocks of them, will make a loaf of bread pose as their sitting animation. Cats in real life are thought to do this when they don't feel threatened, so it makes perfect sense.

    And to more easily replicate this amusing position, you can use shears on a cat to brush their fur, but in their "loaf" shape, the fur makes a block you can place called a loaf copy. It's the same size, texture, etc. Of a cat with this position, except it's a block, and that will be obvious when up close to it.

    Those who don't own cats are probably asking themselves what they've just read, but the thing is cats are indeed this weird in real life, if not more so. Minecraft doesn't accurately depict some of the strange things cats do, and this aims to change that. And also the fox stole the classic sleeping position of a cat, so we need the loaf position in return.

    submitted by /u/Tactical-Kitten-117
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    Poison ivy

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 03:11 AM PDT

    I feel that poison ivy would be a pretty neat feature, it would grow around the large oak trees or exclusively on dark oak trees as a way to remind you to be more careful. It could also be sheared and placed on fences to cause a posion effect

    submitted by /u/leadpie
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    Comparators can detect how many arrows are on a target block

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    Like it says in the title, I think the comparators need more uses and this could be one, with a comparator hooked up the target block will ignore the blip signal that occurs when its first shot and instead output based on how many arrows are on it (the signal strength would eventually have a limit of course although I'm not too specific on the numbers). Another idea is that while the comparator will ignore the blip given out, any other redstone components hooked up will not. Essentially allowing two circuits to be completed, one using the comparator, one using dust or repeaters. Im not too certain if this would be easy to introduce but the first is definitely possible.

    submitted by /u/Undefender47
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    Flying should cancel swimming in creative mode

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    When you are in creative mode underwater, you have to cancel your swim to be able to fly, I think the game should automatically cancel swimming if the player double-taps jump.

    submitted by /u/BiC_MC
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    Greener Grass

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    Have you ever wanted the rich fertile vibrant green grass that's in the jungle? Well fertile grass is the grass for you. Combine 4 grass in a 2x2 grid and it becomes fertile grass( I'm not sure how much fertile grass it should give you. Maybe 2?). This grass is much greener than regular grass and it doesn't change in different biomes. Another suggestion: Combine 4 dirt in a 2x2 and you get one grass block.

    submitted by /u/bibektheboss
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    We should be able to grip on phantoms for short period of time

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    It would be nice give a little use to this mob. I'm not saying we should be able to ride it. The idea is to be able to ride (grip from below) on a phantom and let it fly as it wants. You won't be able to control it. To prevent it from being the best way to travel. The phantom should randomly kick you similar to how the horse would before taming it. This would give risk to the players riding it, but would be a nice way to travel fast. And will give a bit of use to this mob.

    submitted by /u/Haboux
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    Looting should increase your chance of getting more shulker shells from Shulkers.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    Looting on your sword should increase your chance of getting more than one shulker shell when you kill a Shulker.

    No looting : 0-1 Shells

    Looting 1 : 1 Shell guaranteed

    Looting 2 : 1-2 Shells

    Looting 3 : 2 Shells guaranteed but also may rarely drop 3 shells.

    submitted by /u/Flynt_Foxx
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    Beacons give their set effect to tamed animals, iron golems, and snow golems in their radius

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    The title explains it. I may have missed some mobs that could be added to this. This possibly could be overpowered, let me know what you think!

    submitted by /u/Sperarow
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    An update for The swamp biome

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    Now I haven't really been playing minecraft lately, mainly because of time restraints, and other reasons, but I really want to get back into the game, especially with all of the updates to the biomes we've been getting lately. However, the biome I feel is getting the short hand is the swamp biome- compared to the newly updated Nether, the undersea and The End, it's upsetting to me that we really don't need to go find/explore the swamp biome. And so i figured I'd share the 3 ideas I've had for an Swampy update: Number 1: more mobs. I've fought of 2 new mobs- a fisherman/hermit character with whom you can trade with (EG 2 gold nuggets for an enchanted rod), and an crocodile mob, who could be a neutral mob unless you attack it or it's children, and can be killed for its meat. Number 2: a fishing village. It would be like the normal villages, but instead would be built over rivers/the sea, where villagers travel by boat or piers. And number 3: a better atmosphere. Minecraft is one of the most atmospheric games I've ever played, and maybe the swamp could have like a rustic, unsettling approach to it. And that's all I got so far, if you've got an idea for a swamp idea, please let me know in the comments down below.

    submitted by /u/DRCROC456
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    Suggestion: The Update of Arthropods. (I posted this to r/minecraft a few days ago and was directed here.)

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    Bane of Arthropods is useless. There is no situation in game that one would more likely need Bane of Arthropods over any other enchantment.

    Spiders will only be hostile at night and in caves. When you are fighting as many as 6 other more dangerous mobs than spiders, more than half of which are better combated with smite, and all of which are weak to sharpness.

    The same goes for Cave Spiders except that they are even rarer. Silverfish are also only found underground, only encountered in heavy number around the stronghold, a structure that the player must deliberately seek out, likely when they would be too powerful to care.

    The only Arthropod encountered under more useless circumstances is the Endermites. "Gee should I spend resources and experience points on killing these tiny bugs or the Dragon?"

    The last Arthropods in the game are bees. An exciting source of bran new food and blocks that the player actively avoids fighting with. Not for your own safety but for theirs.

    That's it. 5 mobs each less threatening than the last. This lack of challenge actively devalues the enchantment turning into more of a curse but the solution is simple: More Arthropods!

    Found in more environments and posing a slightly stronger threat than the usual fare in order justify the enchantment. Here's my list of new Arthropod enemies.

    Netherachnids: Found in the nether wastes, these 1x1 block sized spiders are naturally hostile and adept at tracking their prey through walls, and over vertical structures. (Perhaps even being able to crawl along the sealing of the massive caverns.) They have a chance to set their pray on fire and are themselves fire proof.

    Ice Spiders: often spawning in ice spikes, frozen oceans, and snow covered forests. These normal sized spiders have a cool blue and white coloration In Order to help them blend Into their environment. Hunting in the blinding sun, they infect their pray with slowness in order to disable them when fleeing on slippery ice, or while trudging through "showier snow" the spiders themselves are extremely adept at navigating their homes and don't suffer any slowness whether they are clawing or lunging towards their food.

    Both of these spider variants would drop the normal string and spider eyes possibly with the added snowballs or coal respectively. There could be warped variants of the Netherachnid that drop warped mushrooms, or a soul sand valley variant that counts as undead. Better yet an undead scorpion instead because, you know, soul SAND?

    Scorpions: this 20 HP creature spawns exclusively in deserts and red deserts. Their large claws and long stinging tails give them a powerful reach making up for their inability to climb vertical surfaces. Afflicting their pray with strong poison along with regular damage. They have a chance to drop spider eyes, and a rare chance to drop 1 venomous stinger. The stinger can be crafted with a stick and feather as a quick way to make a single poison arrow. As well as being brewed into potions of poison.

    Mosquitoes: are airborne pests which spawn in swamps and jungles in groups of 4 to 7, each with a hit box comparable to that of a bees. These slim insects spawn in with only 6 health points. As they attack nearby mobs and players they gorge themselves on the creatures blood. Striking for 1 or 2 points each time, every point is used to bolster its own health, with a max of 20 HP for each. Their abdominal grows bulbous and bright red to reflect their health. Much like a dog's tail.

    Burst Beatles: are flying or crawling bugs that spawn in Jungles and they exist purely to disgust and disorient you as you make your way through the already difficult terrain. These hostile creatures fly in and explode however without the environmental damage. Instead simply causing a number of status affects. Namely Nausea, Blindness, Poison, or Hunger. I personally can't decide which ones would work best but any two or three affects at a time should be challenging enough. Perhaps they could drop gunpowder or slime balls if dispatched before detonation.

    Giant Crabs: these 3x1x3 crustaceans would spawn in and scuttle around the bottom of ocean biomes. While naturally hostile they wouldn't be much treat to the player as they can't swim nor can they breath outside of the water. They would however drop delicious and cook-able Raw Crab Meat. and perhaps even a shell to make armor?

    Insect Queen: I really feel that such an enemy centric update would not be complete without a boss. While most bosses are deliberately summoned I can't help but imagine a large hive existing randomly generated out in the wild (possibly in it's own biome) . This hive would be crawling with arthropod enemies, covered in webs, spawners and made of winding corridors and vertical drops. The queens strength of course would not be in her own abilities but those of her many drones, as she spawns in wave after wave of Spiders, Cave Spiders, Scorpions, Beetles, and Mosquitoes for you to fight through. She would be a milky pulsating mass clinging to the sealing of her royal chamber. Her health would be substantial perhaps even regenerating from something like the Ender Dragon's crystals. If you defeat her you might gain a new item. One that when used in crafting recipes might give the player a way to ward off insects from the area.

    I've seen suggestions from other people like moths in the nether that spawn in the new biomes and are attracted to glowstone. I think that would be a good idea. Maybe there should be a number of passive arthropods like butterflies in the overworld. I can imagine Fireflies fitting in any or all 3 dimensions, perhaps dropping glowstone dust. We still have no idea what the termites are going to be like in future updates but they are coming and this would be the perfect update for them.

    But that's my idea. A new enemy for any situation. 7 more good reasons to get bane of arthropods. 15 new mobs, for a total of 20 arthropods, each with a different gimmick. This much should at least put Bane of Arthropods on par with smite. Let me know what you all think.

    submitted by /u/Rhonoke
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    The smithing table should be used to produce alloys, and 2 new alloys should be added

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    Currently the smithing table is used for applying Netherite to tools. I propose that this action should be moved solely to the crafting table, and that the smithing table should be used to create alloys. The table should have 8 slots and a final one for the product. Netherite Scraps and Gold will still produce netherite, but not in the crafting table.

    Adamantine: 4 Iron Ingots and 4 Netherite Scraps

    This metal can be crafted into a resource block, but has two other uses.

    Firstly, the metal can be crafted with 8 Adamantine Ingots surrounding an iron pressure plate. This produces 4 Adamantine Plates, which break very quickly when mined but have the blast resistance of obsidian, and when hit by a Blue Wither Skull become a Cracked Adamantine Plate, which can be repaired with one Adamantine Ingot.

    Secondly, with a hopper, you can craft it surrounded with Adamantine to turn into a Spike Helmet, which gives 2 armor points. When wearing one of these and flying with an Elytra, you break certain blocks when flying into them, such as leaves and bamboo. You cannot break others like wood or stone, and the helmet loses durability when breaking blocks.

    Bluestone: 4 Redstone and 4 Lapis Lazuli

    This material can be used in all redstone recipes to substitute for redstone. Bluestone does not interact with redstone at all.

    Liked the suggestion? Then vote for it on Minecraft's Feedback! https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360059773752-The-smithing-table-should-be-used-to-produce-alloys-and-2-new-alloys-should-be-added

    submitted by /u/Necrosis_Jones
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    Soul fire campfires

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    Just like soul fire torches and lanterns, I feel that there should be soul fire campfires. It doesn't need to be a unique block/item in itself, but regular campfires should turn into soul fire if they're placed on top of soul soil or soul sand.

    It would be a small edition, but I think it could have some minor uses. Maybe it could cook certain foods that couldn't be cooked otherwise. Like it could turn rotten flesh into a new type of food that doesn't give you the hunger ailment, and restores a few more hunger points. Or maybe you can cook the 2 new types of fungi on it.

    Also, soul campfires should repel piglins, like all other soul fire items.

    submitted by /u/PinguinoDelRio
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    Enchantment books and related items should have their own separate tab in the Creative Mode inventory.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 12:59 AM PDT

    Potions already have their own tab due to the fact that there is a massive amount of potions. This is the same case for enchantment books; there's a mass amount of them in the game, and it's to the point where this item group deserves its own tab.

    submitted by /u/DarkPandaLord
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    Netherite Ingots and Elytra durability

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    Considering the changes that are coming to armor and tools in 1.16, it feels as though the Elytra will be left behind as far as tool/armor improvements are concerned. To combat this, there should also be an option to increase the base durability of the Elytra with Netherite as well, just to maintain balance. I'll refer to this item as a "Reinforced Elytra" for now. The crafting recipe will be the same as how the upgrading of diamond armor is handled, that being a single Netherite Ingot + Elytra.

    The armor rating and functionality will remain unchanged, with the exception of the item being able to float in lava just like the armor already does, in addition to increasing durability. A slight color change (specifically to the Netherite block texture) to indicate that Netherite has been used to reinforce the item will also need to be present.

    TL;DR: Netherite should have a use in regards the Elytra, to keep things fresh, and so equipment that is commonly obtained at endgame is not going to be invalidated later on due to not receiving an upgrade. *Also, if this turns out to be an stale/non-creative idea, or one that is a duplicate of another post, feel free to report it or add to the FPS/rejected list if need be\*

    submitted by /u/Objective_Major
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    Add a spider-eye block

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 03:46 PM PDT

    Suggestion: Spider-eye block

    Appearance: Like a crimson-red slime block

    Recipe: 9 spider eyes

    Uses: Generally decorative, but also functions as a lite-version of a slime block, with some bounce, but no sticky. Cannot be turned back into spider eyes.

    Reasoning: Spider eyes have no real use outside potions and can be quick to accumulate. They look so squishy, so why not make a similarly squishy block out of them?

    submitted by /u/fastforward10years
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    Add “rejected suggestion” to the report menu

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    A rejected suggestion often isnt on the FPS list. It also isnt entirely unrealistic.

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    New cow-like plant!

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    TL;DR-New branch of brewing, new type of water and new plant!

    So, you wonder what it is, here i go - it's more likely a block, that sometimes spawns near piglins and a bit rarer randomly, most likely to find in crimson biome.

    Since nether is full of abominations like ghasts or blazes, i thought of new plant that works like cow, you bring bucket/bowl to it (depends what developers wants to be a holder) to make it a nether water! But remember, you still can't drop it in the nether!

    Nether water will faster up the nether connected crops to grow (only in overworld), it is logical mostly to fungus, since mushrooms take any water from the ground to grow. It also have one use, to make bottle o' nether, yes, new function to brewing! It will be brewed the traditional way (not dragons breath way) but it will give different shape of bottle (i guess triangle or thin shape should be good). As a new funtion it allows you to give potion effects to food.

    Oh! forgot to mention - you can't put any potion effect on golden apples, since it would be too powerful

    This brewing ability could do well in pranks and pvp, since we already rely on potions in it, don't we?

    submitted by /u/ArcerPL
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    New Nether Mini-Boss Ideas

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    The new nether update looks amazing, there is a huge array of new biomes and mobs but i would like to suggest 3 new biome-specific mobs that could be minibosses like a witch or iron golem. One of them, the crimson eye, would be suited to the crimson forests and the warped worm would be suited to the warped forest. As well as the magmamite suited to the soul sand valley. I'll start with the crimson eye.

    Crimson Eye

    The crimson eye is a very rare, flying mob that has the appearance of an a floating eye ball with tentacle-like legs beneath it. It is extremely territorial and can be found around the edges of crimson forests. By itself, it doesn't do much, but when a player is spotted it comes a little closer and activates its "raging pulse" which agrivates all the piglins and hoglins in a radius to find and attack you. This is quite a difficult mob which is why it is very rare but when it attacks, it stays still and glares at you. Once it has started this, it locks into place and follows you at a distance. This means you can easily kill it once it is focused on you, all you need is a bow or to get close enough with a melee weapon. Once defeated, it drops quite a bit of xp, 10 rotten flesh and the "Cured Crimson Eye" which is a unique drop. This item is a copy of the crimson eye's eye and it is a bit like a compass except, the closer you are to looking at a nether fortress, the more the eye tenses and looks angrier. This can be used to find nether fortress. This mob would have about 7-8 hearts of health and move quite slow.

    Warped Worm

    The warped worm is about as rare as a crimson eye except a little more common. It is a land mob that looks like a huge, blue glow worm with a large set of spikey teeth in its mouth at the end of its head. It is a very defensive and likes to stick around the warped trees. It can be observed to wrap around warped trees and bite into the veins for a food souce so it won't bother attacking if you don't get too close. Once angered, it attacks you by shooting a toxic sludge at a distance for a while until you decide to leave it alone and get far enough away for it to turn peaceful. If you decide to snipe it from a distance it will run away to a new tree. The best method to kill it is using tnt or poison potions because a warped worm will not stop eating the warped tree if you place tnt or give it a poison. Poison is very effective as it does the most damage. You could also use the classic sword and shield, and if you really want to, chase it with a bow. Once killed, it drops some xp and a worm tooth sometimes. Also, if you are bold enough to bring a bottle then you can use the bottle on its head to get warped sap. This mob would probably have about 15 hearts but melee and bow attacks do slightly less damage than normal.


    The magmamite is a small bug found commonly in the nether, specifically the soul sand valley. It is about the size of a cave spider and has the appearance of a Tardigrade with a light creme colour and with about 6 legs. It is found in Bug Nests which are structures generated that 4-6 Magmamites are spawned. These bugs are found in spread out groups when roaming. These bugs try to avoid the player but when one in a group is attacked only the one that gets attacked will fight back. Generally, these mobs tend to roam around their nest but can go on trips to find food. This bug drops rotten flesh when killed and a chance to drop string. The mite has 12 hearts, moves as fast as a cave spider and does 2 heats of damage with a chance to cause poison. It also drops a small amount of xp.

    Drops and Crafting

    Combining the crimson eye and a compass in any way inside a crafting table will get you the "Fortress Locator" which is just an upgrade to the "Cured Crimson Eye" that shows the exact direction to the fortresses with an arrow on the item like a normal compass.

    You can make a "Sharpened Tooth" using 2 worm teeth and a stick in the usual sword fashion. It does 2 and a half hearts of damage, it is quite fast too.

    Another way to make poison arrows is using warped sap and arrows.

    Extra Lore and Bits

    For those interested, each mob has a reason or story to them being there. I am following the storyline made by GameTheory. The Crimson Eyes have been in the nether for a long time, they used to populate the nether fortresses while these ancient builders who made them were still alive. They became very good friends and fought side by side. They ended up using the crimson eyes with magic to stop intruders. When an aggressive mob enters the fortress walls the eye alerts the people. The people started using magic to see through their eyes to know the location of the intruders. When the wither was spawned the eyes got partially withered and ran to the crimson forest. As they are, they are diseased, they still have their purpose of guarding, and spotting enemies and alerting nearby mobs.

    For the warped worm i don't have much of a story or explanation but mostly facts and more detail on its appearance and features. The warped worm is used to be just a worm brought from the overworld to the nether by accident from the ancient builders. They started to then try to survive in the nether conditions and found that the warped forest was the best idea. They couln't eat nutrients from the soil so they gre large from the warped fungi and fed off the veins of warped stems using newly developed teeth. Using the fungi it develops poison to shoot as a defence mechanism. The warped worm partially glows with its blue appearance but on the outside it has a thick layer of of lava-resistant scales. These protect it from fire and lava. This also ends up giving it a slight resistance to swords and arrows.

    The magmamite comes from and has evolved from cave spiders that managed to get into the nether. They kept some of their features but evolved to survive in dangerous territory of ghasts, the slowing soul sand and soil. This meant overtime they developed blast-resistant and fire-resistant scales. This mob makes caves in the ground (Bug Nests) to hatch their lavae in.

    Here are my posts about them on the minecraft feedback website:

    Crimson Eye: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360058056832-The-Crimson-Eye

    Warped Worm: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360058057032-The-Warped-Worm

    Magmamite: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360057911671-Magmamite

    submitted by /u/HomesliceLeader
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    Honey Puddles

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    Honey can be bottled with a bucket from a hive to get a Honey Bucket. This isn't a liquid and instead places a Honey Puddle. This goes on any side of a block and causes the ability to stick other blocks to it. You can stick a falling block to a Honey Puddle in the air and it won't fall. They are completely stuck to each other, even with pistons, and only mining the block detaches them, however destroys the honey puddle. If a block is stuck to a falling block, it sticks with it and falls and acts like an entity aswell. The only blocks that can't be moved like this are obsidian and bedrock. If a falling block falls through honey, it won't automatically attach unless it lands next to it, in which it will. Honey Puddles have one use and are then destroyed, but when not sticking something, can be rebucketed. Honey can also stick stuff to TNT, in which the explosion the block is immune and is launched and then lands and becomes a block again. Honey works with half blocks like tall grass, lily pads, torches, lanterns, weeping vines.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Hardmode changes

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    New difficulty: True Hardmode. Available for all worlds, but only after defeating the ender dragon in a world that had hard difficulty at the time of creation and was locked at the time aswell. This playthrough must also be done in survival only, never switching to creative, and without cheats or commands.

    Torches will set fire to the block directly above them if it is flammable. The same applies to the block the torch is placed on.

    When broken without silk touch, lanterns will drip kerosene that starts fire if it touches a flammable block.

    Piglins and Zombified Piglins actually have the same swimming capabilities as players and drowned.

    Piglins and Hoglins have fire immunity.

    The Fatal Poison is now properly in the game. It acts as a slower-damaging poison that actually kills and is caused by cave spiders.

    Normal spiders now cause normal poison.

    All zombies and skeletons that spawn in abandoned mineshafts always have chestplates and leggings of leather or higher and zombies also get a pickaxe of stone or higher.

    Golems attack the player when they are wearing mob heads.

    Snow Golems now have the potential to forget to fight and just wander off.

    Snow Golems find mobs (including players) wearing pumpkins as insulting and attack them.

    Piglins see ridden pigs as insulting and attack the rider.

    Guardians spawn anywhere in the ocean.

    Husks spawn everywhere not just inside the desert.

    Strays don't burn in daylight.

    Strays spawn everywhere not just inside the snow.

    Metal-type blocks (iron, smooth stone, gold, Netherite, anvils, etc) adjacent to fire or lava in any direction or with a campfire adjacent underneath them act like magma blocks and take a slightly red-orange tint.

    Creepers explode their way through glass.

    Spiders climb faster and can move on ceilings aswell.

    Ocelots are neutral instead of peaceful.

    Doors and Pumpkin Pies cannot be stacked.

    If you jump or fall while carrying a soup/stew/bottle/bucket of something, it empties.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Allow data packs to add textures, models and other resources

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    I think that data packs need the ability to add/force textures & resources without separately downloading them as a resource pack. This could be done by adding a "resources" folder inside of the data pack. In it, you could add different folders and files like this (this is just an example, the "red gunpowder" and "red creeper" are a bad idea and not part of the suggestion!):

    📁resources 📁sounds 🔉red_gunpowder_break.ogg 🔉red_gunpowder_place.ogg 📁textures 📁block 🎨red_gunpowder_block.png 📁entity 🎨red_creeper.png 📁item 🎨red_gunpowder.png 📁models 📁entity ☕red_creeper.json 📁item ☕red_gunpowder.json 📁block ☕red_gunpowder_block.json 📁blockstates ☕red_gunpowder_block.json 

    This could allow data packs to add custom entities, blocks, and items without causing tons of lag or replacing any existing things. It would also allow people to install data packs onto servers and not have the players download resource packs or enable a server resource pack. It could stack with other resource packs and data packs because it would not have to replace things.

    Adding things like blocks and items would automatically add scoreboard objectives for them.

    (datapack).mined:red_gunpowder_block (datapack).used:red_gunpowder 

    Custom mobs would be determined by the .json files at the top - maybe something like:

    !Health=20.0f !DeathLootTable=(datapack):entities/red_creeper !BaseAI=minecraft:creeper !BaseFlags:[{ExplosionRadius:3b}] !Name="Red Creeper" 

    Blocks would also have something similar in the .json files, probably in blockstates:

    !Toughness=2.0 !LootTable=(datapack):blocks/red_gunpowder_block 

    Anyway, I think these features would be really good for data pack makers because we currently have to find workarounds via custom model data and armour stands, which can significantly lag the game in excess.

    submitted by /u/Pigeon1H
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    Better Tridents

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    Trident pretty much suck. Why? You can't make them. And they're not even that rewarding. Trident were meant to be weapons of great power that were used by gods! But we rely to get them from pesky common drowned! Here is my proposal to fix Tridents.

    1: Trident cannot be obtained from Drowned.

    2: To make a Trident, you first need to find three Trident Shards in an ocean Monument. They cannot be crafted, and are only found in monuments.

    3: Combine 3 shads ina crafting table with 2 diamonds to create a trident.

    4: Tridents have higher durability.

    submitted by /u/Tonosonic
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    A change to door physics

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    Real simple.

    If a door is put next to a fence/wall/iron bar/glass pane/stained glass pane, then it will not go the one side of the block, and will stay in the middle and connect to the wall, fence, etc. The hitbox is as if doors are in the middle aswell.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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