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    Minecraft Fireworks Scare Phantoms

    Minecraft Fireworks Scare Phantoms

    Fireworks Scare Phantoms

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 04:13 AM PDT

    If a player is being circled by phantoms and lights a firework off into the sky, it will scatter the phantoms and prevent them from attacking for 2 minutes.

    The "scared" mechanic has already been implemented with skeletons and creepers, this would add phantoms to the list.

    I believe this isn't any more overpowered than the continuous protection that cats and dogs already provide, or that a bed will protect you for 3 days straight.

    submitted by /u/NLoftus13
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    Lava Oceans In The Nether Should Be Their Own Biome.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 11:53 PM PDT

    Piglins aren't immune to fire. However, they think they can spawn in the oceans, because they are nether wastes. The terrain is so different, this should not be the case, and it should be it's own biome. This just makes a very large amount of sense to me.

    submitted by /u/ProfessorPi31415
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    Burning trees with flint and steel should have a chance to drop charcoal

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    Just as burning wood blocks in a furnace creates charcoal, I think when burning a forest down with flint and steel each wood block (not the leaves) should have a 1/4 or 1/8 chance of dropping charcoal. Right now flint and steel's general purposes are to go to the nether, griefing, or clearing out an area for building, and I think it would add an interesting use for the tool. Also by the time you first craft flint and steel, you generally have a decent stock of coal so I don't think it's OP for collecting charcoal, especially if there's only a 1/8 chance of charcoal drop.

    submitted by /u/butt3rnugg3t
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    Shadow Shrooms and the Soulphage - A new complex, terrifying mob for the Soul Sand Valley. Be careful where you step... (Textures and models included!)

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 07:16 AM PDT


    You walk through the endless valley of souls, listening to the whispers of what once was. You stumble upon a faint glow, emanating from the distance. You have heard of the fabled Shroom of Shadows, and its power to corrupt. This must be it! You thought. In one greedy swipe, you reach for the ominous fungus, ignoring the deep rumbling noise emerging from the ground. Before you can realize what happened, a high pitched screech rattles from around you; It is too late.


    The Soul Sand Valley is one of, if not the best biome in the nether; it's quiet and eerily tranquil, and you can hear the souls of the damned telling you to go away with what little strength they have left. However, if you look past the creepy noises and abundance of skeletons littering the place, there really isn't much reason to look for this empty wasteland. That's why I've added the Shadow Shroom!

    Shadow Shrooms are mystical, poisonous mushrooms that grow in the Soul Sand Valley. Their glowing tops suck the life from the soul sand below to sustain its sickly existence. If collected, they can be used to (partially) brew a Potion of Hamartia, which gives the effect Decay. Decay makes it so that anything affected by it takes damage much more easily and regenerates health slower. It can also have a chance of converting a normal skeleton into a wither one upon application of the effect!

    This is a terrible idea! Why would you implement something so overpowered without any drawbacks! Delet this, OP.

    That's where you're wrong kiddo. Shadow Shrooms have a dark secret. When you were harvesting them to fund your wither farm, you may have noticed that one of them looked strange. Its lights flickered a bit, and its top was less purple and more... black. You didn't seem to notice nor care, so you picked it up anyway.

    BIG Mistake.

    In touching that faulty shroom, you have just unleashed the newest Lovecraftian horror into Minecraft!

    Meet the Soulphage!

    This vile creature resulted from a symbiotic relationship between an escaped spider in the nether and the mysterious shadow shroom. I knew they were up to no good!

    Basic Behavior

    The Soulphage hides in soul sand up to the stalk of its shadow shroom "lure" like this. While hidden, it waits for a nearby mob (in this case you) to try and pick up its bait shroom. After that, it lunges out of the ground and tries to stab you with its soul-filled stinger. The soul essence pulled from the sand by the shadow shroom transfers to you upon being hit by the stinger, resulting in the decay effect!


    You heard that right. When a soulphage notices that a skeleton is nearby, it will latch onto its head and use it as its own personal body armor (I really worked hard on this model-- it won't dissapoint!). Because a nether parasite doesn't know how to use a bow, it will break off both of the skeleton's arms instead with its spindly legs and maneuver them like the arms of a puppet to whack you to death. With this thing around, it'll be pulling your strings!

    Once you get the soulphage-skelly combo to low health, the parasite will jump out of the skeleton's body and search for a new host. You better be quick, as the now armless husk of a skeleton is still out for blood!


    If the player kills a soulphage, it will drop its soulshroom and a new item called the Soul Stinger. The stinger is a weapon that will damage and apply minor decay to any mobs that it hits until it breaks. However, the real use of this item is when crafted with a shadow shroom to produce a Soul Cap.

    Remember when I said that the shadow shroom is partially used to make a Potion of Hamartia? This is where that comes into play. A soul cap, when brewed, will provide a Potion of Hamartia that can be used to your pleasure.


    I really went out of the realm of reason for this mob. Far fetched ideas like this (and the Soul Fire Blaze, great idea!) are what makes Minecraft so special and unique from any other game in the world. I want to make so that there is always a reason to head to the soul sand valley in favor of the more useful Crimson and Warped Forests. If you don't want to head here, then heading through the Soul Sand Valley on your journey someplace else will prove to be quite the adventure. Whatever your reasons for heading through the Soul Sand Valley are, I'll have you know:

    The Soulphage is waiting.

    I have posted a link to this on the feedback site here so once the post is approved it would be nice if you voted for it there.

    Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed my idea! I really put some effort in this idea, so feedback and or a comment on what I should improve upon is highly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/-C4-
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    Why not a Netherite Trident with the Smithing table ?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 03:49 AM PDT

    Craft : (in the Smithing table)

    Trident + Netherite Ingot

    The attack would be a little higher, it would be an ideal weapon in the Nether which does not destroy itself in the lava if one aims at a Ghast (even if an enchantment already exists there will always be the risk of dying or if the player throw him accidentally).

    I can see new enchantments as in place of lightning that strikes a mob, rather blue flames that appear around the targeted mob. Or another enchantment which would make an explosion which does not destroy the blocks but which deals damage of zones.

    Here are some ideas for enchantment by "heroder55" :

    • Soulstrike: Will deal more damage to living mobs. Will have 4 levels, each dealing 1 heart of damage more to living mobs.
    • Firequick: When used in Nether, or while on fire, will have the same effect as the Riptide enchantment. Will have 3 levels, each increasing the speed by 6 blocks per second.
    • Aiming: Will aim towards mobs. If there is a monster and an animal, this will head towards the monster. Will have 5 levels, each increasing the range of aiming by 3 blocks.

    What do you think ?

    submitted by /u/Soft-Rent
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    Stew should have the drinking animation/sound effect instead of the eating on

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    Both mushroom, rabbit, suspicious and beetroot stews currently have the eating animation and sound effect for some reason. Shouldn't stew have the drinking animation and sound effect like potions, milk, honey and water bottles since they are liquids and also give you back the bowl.

    submitted by /u/Blackangel466
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    trident's attack animation improvement

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    Currently the malee attack animation for tridents is slashing, which kinda doesn't make sense. So I suggest that devs change it from slashing to poking ( without changing the mechanics of it, even in the new combat snapshots )

    submitted by /u/Knezzo
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    More mob heads (in survival)

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    The Problem: There are only about 6 mob heads in vanilla survival Minecraft, not including command-spawned heads. That is not enough. Also, the chance of getting the charged creeper necessary is approximately 1/infinity and beyond, nevertheless getting it to hit a mob. The Solution: Make mob heads of all or most mobs in the game and make them accessible in survival. Also, either increase the chance of lightning striking a creeper or make it so (i'm pretty sure) channeling has a way to charge a creeper.

    submitted by /u/MagiMine
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    In the Nether, what if a block could "suck" away experience points from the player to simulate a "soul-sucking" effect?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    I just thought of this...

    We don't experience any losses when players step on any soul-related blocks in the Nether. All soul sand does is slow players down. (I compensate by jumping across it.) We only suffer fire damage on magma blocks. But, what is the negative effect of any of these new blocks?

    I am suggesting a "drain" of XP because... nobody has before, and it would "feel" like something is being drained from the player, rather than something being done to the player.

    submitted by /u/PurpleQuartz
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    Slimes that burn for more than 5 seconds or die in lava are converted into magma cubes

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 08:41 PM PDT

    I just think that that would be a fun way to create magma cube farms

    submitted by /u/OREOSTUFFER
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    You can put jack-o-lantern on your head!

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    You can put jack-o-lantern on your head this will give you 3 effect : endeman don't attack you, you see less well but you have a big night vision effect. Idk if it a good idea but it's fun , not too powerfull as you don't see that well in pumping and because you can't have a helmet so less protection.

    submitted by /u/JumpyGame
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    Piglins animation while trading

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    When holding the gold ore, Piglins should move their ears.

    submitted by /u/LATruinsMCU
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    Giving nitwit villagers a real use - make them require only half the food to breed

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 04:20 AM PDT

    Throughout the time I've been on this subreddit, I've seen mostly negative feelings towards nitwit villagers, and this is expressed loud and clear in suggestions as well (like making villagers boot nitwits out of bed, for example). So, why don't we change that by giving them a use?

    The only useful thing ntiwits do that is really of some use to players is breeding. That's what I'm basing my suggestion on.

    So, what if nitwits needed only half the food to go into love mode as compared to other villagers? So, that's 2 bread, or 6 carrots, potatoes, or beetroots. (I originally considered one third, but one bread to breed seemed OP, but I'm still open to it.)

    I think this is a simple, but still a really useful addition to the game.

    Thanks for reading! :)

    submitted by /u/RazorNemesis
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    2 dirt, and 2 soul sand in a 2x2 square diagonal from each other should craft soul soil.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 11:36 PM PDT

    Right now, soul sand is renewable through bartering, but soul soil is not. It's name implies that it is some sort of combo between the two blocks, so this would make sense and make it renewable.

    submitted by /u/ProfessorPi31415
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    Hermits and Boons

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    Minecraft desperately needs more xp sinks. This is one. See the main post on the problems with experience here (probably not written yet). A good thing to keep in mind is that I think XP deserves a full update and that xp farming should be removed.

    Hermits are a villager variant, but like wandering traders they don't live in villages or change professions. They live in remote locations, either in generated structures on mountaintops, or in biomes like u/CouldBeSteve's meadow (link). Thus, they are something to be sought out by exploring. If you attempt to move them, they will teleport back to their hut the first few times, and vanish if you try to move them repeatedly.

    Hermits offer trades like other villagers, but not ordinary ones. They only accept experience in exchange for boons, mystical endgame blessings which last until you die. Each Hermit could offer one to four boons for 15-55 bars of XP each, depending on the effect. (More powerful hermits tend to be found farther from 0,0.) They only sell each boon once, so if you die and loose it, you have to find a new hermit. Hermits could also be willing to enchant items with blessings (which are the opposite of curses; see my post here).

    u/pengie9290 suggested that each boon cost a bit more for each one you have, similar to the anvil limit. This is perfect.

    Some examples of boons (please suggest more below): - Boon of understanding: You can see eye to eye with endermen. - Boon of information: You can see all the enchantments that you will be getting from an enchanting table. - Boon of toughness: Grants the health boost effect until death (+4 hp). - Boon of luck: Grants the luck effect until death. (Currently, luck effects loot tables when opening chests and (I believe) fishing.) - Boon of flight: You can fly faster and make turns more efficiently on an elytra. - Boon of desperation: While your health is below 5 points (2 hearts or less), you gain speed, attack speed, and strength. - Boon of aid: When you fall below 5 points of health and are under attack by mobs or players, five wolves are summoned and fight for you for 30 seconds. The wolves and the boon then vanish.

    I don't think a lot of these should be combat-intensive, but a few of them can be related to combat.

    submitted by /u/orendorff
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    A way to crouch on scaffolding with shift+space

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 03:56 AM PDT

    Currently you can't crouch on scaffolding, you just go down, and if you press crouch and space you end up jumping around

    This makes it incredibly difficult to not fall off of scaffolding or to place blocks on blocks with an interface, like double chests

    I think it should work like in creative, where space+shift makes you crouch, but you don't fly up or down

    submitted by /u/AL_O0
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    Bodkin point an new enchantment for crossbows

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    A Bodkin point arrow was what people used in medieval times to pierce armor. I wouldn't make it a arrow because that wouldn't give the crossbow relevance in PvP. Also a it just wouldn't fit in my opinion into the game.

    Bodkin 1 makes arrows ignore 2 armor

    Bodkin 2 would ignore 3 armor

    Bodkin 3 would ignore 4 armor

    This enchantment would not be exclusive like multi-shot and piercing because it works best along side piercing because of shields. If they weren't compatible with each other the bow would be still be better in almost every scenario. By making the crossbow relevant it encourages faster paced and more strategic fights.

    submitted by /u/DaveTheMinecrafter
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    Accessable space shouldn't dictate whether a tree grow's or not, it should dictate how the tree grows.

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    Basically, if a tree has lots of space to grow, it'll be big if there's not much space it'll grow small.

    Heres an example of what i mean. The 2 biggest trees would have branches. This wouldn't effect dark oak trees and big jungle or spruce trees.

    The glass represents the needed free space to grow to the next size. Any block in the game with the exceptions of redstone dust, lanterns and redstone/regular torches and other saplings.

    Bigger trees can have more blocks in the way but the radius those blocks need to avoid increases. Tiny trees need less than 1 block in the way to grow bigger, small trees need less than 2, medium trees need less than 4, regular trees need less than 5, big trees need less than 8 and huge ones need less than 10. All these checks happen while the tree is still a sapling, and needs to maintain these states of free space for 2 minutes to start growing into a bigger tree and the growth that the sapling went through will be reset.

    Growing bigger trees has a setback though. The bigger the tree the longer the time or bonemeal needed to grow it.

    Tiny trees take 2 minutes to grow, small trees take 5 minutes, medium trees take 10, regular trees take 20, big trees take 40 and huge trees take an hour. If a tree is still needing to grow after 80 minutes then it'll just grow into a small tree if there's enough space.

    If a block is in the way of a tree's grow path then 2 things will happen depending on the block. If it's a leaf block then it'll be deleted by the intercepting block, this works the opposite way with logs unless the block intercepting it is obisidian, an enchanting table or bedrock.

    submitted by /u/The-Most-Sour-Lemon
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    Controller stick deadzone setting on bedrock

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    On Minecraft bedrock (especially Xbox), the stick deadzone is unusually high, especially compared to other games. Aiming on Xbox bedrock is impossible after playing other games where I set my deadzone to 5%. This small setting addition would do wonders for the game and the ability to aim well.

    submitted by /u/Holy_Bjeeba
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    Wretched Sand, a variation of Soul Sand.

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    Wretched Sand generates naturally in Soul Sand Valley biomes, but can also be generated if Lava touches Soul Sand.

    Wretched sand is Soul Sand, but glowing a bright blue colour. It's souls appear angered.

    When stepped on without Soul Speed, it damages the player, like a Magma Block. However, sneaking will not prevent the damage it gives.

    If you step on it with Soul Speed, it temporarily gives you a speed boost that lasts about two seconds. It adds two speed levels onto your current speed level, letting you run at insanely fast speeds. It's punishment though, is that it eats up a small amount of EXP.

    I think this would be a fun feature. It's not too serious and not too OP as it eats up EXP upon use.

    submitted by /u/squibfishe
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    single sapling dark oak trees

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    There should be a way to make 1x1 dark oak trees, and they should replace the oak trees in swamp biomes, and also witch huts should be made out of dark oak.

    submitted by /u/frightened-inmate-2
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    A frog-like demon for the Nether

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    Contact with it will make a player sick/poisoned for a certain number of seconds. It should also be inedible... unless somebody wants to die! Eww!

    (Make it slimy!)

    submitted by /u/PurpleQuartz
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    A new mob for the lava oceans in the nether: MOLTEN REAVER!

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    It would be found in the expansive lava oceans. It would appear to have obsidian-black skin, and look like a creepy dolphin. It would be hostile.

    It would function like a reverse phantom, jumping out of the lava to attack you, then jumping back in. It's other attack would be the reaver peeking its head out, firing a blob of magma, then retreating before the player can see it. It then gets closer, perfect for its jump attack.

    Stats: ❤️ = HP/ 💥 = damage/ ⏩= knockback

    ❤️= 22 hearts

    💥 MELEE= -2.5 hearts (applies 🔥) -⏩= 0.5 meter

    💥 RANGED= -1 heart (applies 🔥) -⏩= none


    1-4 magma blocks

    0-1 netherite scrap

    1-2 reaver scales : (would be used to repair netherite armor)

    2-3 reaver meat (doesn't need to be cooked: restores 4.5 🍗)

    Final note: I feel like this mob, and it's drops would give players an incentive to explore the massive lava oceans in the nether, while introducing a new, cool mob. Here are a few extra features: 1: this mob would take damage if spawned in water/ 2: this mob is immune to all fire/ 3: this mob would take damage like with thorns of you are wearing frost walker boots.

    submitted by /u/raspberrypieboi18
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    Phantoms in the End and Warped Forests.

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    I believe that Phantoms should spawn in the End and Warped Forests because they already look like they could fit in the End due to their color scheme and the same goes for the Warped Forest. This would also make end raiding more interesting as mid-air combat between end cities with Phantoms would make end raiding riskier and it would give players a way to repair their elytras in the end. In the warped forest it would be atmospheric and would not ruin the peacefulness as simply staying under tree cover would stop the phantoms hence discouraging players to fly past with their elytras but to instead roam the forest and take in the wonderful biome.. So that is why I believe Phantoms should spawn in the End and Warped Forests.

    submitted by /u/GDog0907
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