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    Minecraft Giving purpose to Endermites - the Ultimate Plan™

    Minecraft Giving purpose to Endermites - the Ultimate Plan™

    Giving purpose to Endermites - the Ultimate Plan™

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 07:05 AM PST

    Back in 2014, in a 1.8 snapshot, a silverfish clone new hostile mob was added to the game: The Endermite. But I wouldn't blame you if you forgot these creatures even existed, because they're rather useless and frankly kinda boring. This ancient Tweet inspired me to rework Endermites, and give them more significance to the Minecraft world. Here we go.

    First, we'll need to redesign the Endermite. Those poor bastards are so hideous that even their mothers don't love them. Lucky for them, Endermites can't be bred by the player.

    This is what I came up with. I needed them to be completely unique from silverfish, so I gave them little legs, and some junk in the trunk. I went for something akin to an actual mite, or even a tick. The blue-ish shell will make more sense later on.

    With that out of the way, it's time to introduce a completely new original mob: the Infected Enderman. Okay I lied. This is not an entirely new original mob, but it's very cool imo.

    I hope the design I provided is enough to give you an idea of what I'm trying to do here, but I'll spell it out for you: I want Endermites to be a natural enemy - a pest - to Endermen. The idea is that Endermites will seek out weaker Endermen, and use their body as a host so they can reproduce. This process doesn't necessarily need to show up in-game because it's rather cruel to our tall friends, so I'm trying to design these mobs in a way that tells the story.

    To emphasize on the 'Ethereal Plane' concept I like to imagine Endermites come from, the spawning mechanics of Infected Endermen should be more unique than that of a regular Enderman. Every time an Enderman teleports, there's a 0.5% chance that it'll return infected. Additionally, after the Ender Dragon has been defeated for the first time, Infected Endermen can start spawning rarely throughout all dimensions. They'll be more common in the chorus forests in the outer ring of the End, but will generally be hard to find. Infected Endermen are essentially sick, and will behave much more erratically than a regular Enderman. They'll teleport all over the place for unknown reasons, and are much more aggressive than what the player is used to - they attack anything in sight.

    I want Endermen to have a unique way of interacting with their infected brethren as well. Any Enderman that encounters an Infected Enderman should have a 50% chance to try to kill the Endermite's host, and a 50% chance to run (teleport) away from it. I hope this will help make each Enderman feel more like an individual with a personality.

    But let's move on to the real juice of this suggestion.

    We've established that the metamorphosis of an Endermite requires the body of an Enderman. All well and good (not good for the Enderman, but 'well and good' for you understanding this suggestion), but the Endermite making its way into the oral canal of an Enderman isn't where it ends. There's one more ingredient the Endermite needs to finish it's evolution: Chorus fruit.

    If an Infected Enderman picks up a chorus fruit item off the ground, it'll screech, eat it and promptly teleport away.

    A few seconds pass and a boss bar meter fills up. The Ender Destructor is coming.

    👉 Better 3D visual so you can tell me how much thought I put into my models 👈

    I know what you're thinking. "Yo Mickey that name is pretty dramatic and not very original", and you're right. I'm open to suggestions on the name, but I really like it because there is a real-life mite with a similarly dramatic name.

    So yeah, I'm trying to add a new boss to Minecraft.

    The Ender Destructor is supposed to be a fun low-tier boss for the player to battle. After having been teleported into existence, the creature hovers around the player, attacking them. I'd want the mob to have a few fight/flight patterns that the player can learn to avoid, and a few unique attacks to go with that.

    • Hatchling Drop: Every few seconds, the Ender Destructor will create a freshly baked Endermite. These Endermite hatchlings behave almost identically to a common Endermite, but they all aggro on the same entity as their parent. Endermite hatchlings don't drop XP when killed.
    • Hatchling Fling: Occasionally the Ender Destructor will opt to fling its babies at you, dealing impact damage and leaving you do deal with a slimy bug. How rude.
    • Buzz: As the Ender Destructor gets low on health points, it will use its 'buzz' attack more often. The creature vibrates its wings with a high frequency, causing the player to be knocked back and their screen to shake. This is accommodated by a sound that makes the player take off their headset in confusion, checking if there's a real bug in their room.


    Health points 140 (70 × ❤️)
    Behavior Hostile
    Easy: 7 (4.5 × ❤️)
    Attack strength Normal: 11 (5.5 × ❤️)
    Hard: 16 (8 × ❤️)
    Spawn Final metamorphosis stage of an Endermite


    • Elytra: 0-1 By making the Ender Destructor drop elytra wings, the elytra is now renewable, which was a problem on relatively big multiplayer servers before. I think an End based insectiod boss mob like this is a proper way to make getting elytra more obtainable.
    • Endermandible: 0-1 The Endermandible is a unique weapon only dropped by the Ender Destructor. This weapon has the same stats as a diamond sword, but does more damage to all End mobs (Endermen, the dragon, shulkers, etc...). The Endermandible cannot be enchanted with Bane of Arthropods in any way.
    • Mite bulb: 0-3 Get it? Mite bulbs are a unique new light source only obtainable by killing this new boss we've been talking about. Mite bulbs give off a light level of 14, and can be placed on the tops and bottoms of blocks - similar to lanterns. I wanted to give the player a reason to want to repeatedly fight the Ender Destructor, so I've thought of some useful new mechanics for mite bulbs. All simple-minded hostile mobs (think zombies, creepers, skeletons, spiders) within a 15 block radius that make eye contact with a mite bulb, will be hypnotized by its glow and will stop whatever they're doing to just stand there and stare at the pretty light. Attacking the mob will break the hypnosis for a couple of seconds, but as long as there's a mite bulb in their line of sight, that'll be their main focus.
    • Ender pearl: 0-1 Because why not.

    My name is Mickey Joe, and this concludes my TED Talk. Thanks for reading.

    Bonus mediocre concept art from when I came up with this idea.

    TL;DR: Endermites are boring right now. I suggest that they use Endermen as their host to evolve. Their final form is a new boss for the player to fight - the Ender Destructor - with some unique new drops as a reward. But you should just read the post, you cheat, I spent a lot of time on this sh*t.

    submitted by /u/MushirMickeyJoe
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    Why can’t we access the offhand when opening chests and furnaces?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:06 PM PST

    It's a small thing, but it gets to me when I need to use it. Is it used to represent having to switch items from one hand to another in real life, or was the feature just overlooked?

    submitted by /u/Not_NathanL
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    Poison Arrows in Jungle Temples

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 07:53 AM PST

    I think that to fit the " theme" of jungle temples, the arrows on the traps should be poison arrows. It kinda adds a more wild vibe and a little more danger. Please let me know what you think and how I can improve this idea!

    submitted by /u/MrOzone2020
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    Thrown Ender pearls should go through portals.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 12:31 PM PST

    Title says it all. It would be super immersive and fun to play with.

    submitted by /u/Cryowizard
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    New Mob: Sentry

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 07:08 AM PST

    Strongholds are one of the coolest overworld structures, but it feels like a poor lead-up to the End and the dragon boss fight when you have to confront a bunch of pesky little silverfish. The whole structure and portal needs a mob that is daunting enough to fit the role as an obstacle or guard to the player's objective along with the silverfish.

    • The Sentry: a statue/ iron golem/mob D type shape, mob with skin that resembles stone brick. Wields an stone sword and a stone shield (exclusive to this mob), and has few facial features except for one eye of ender in its head.

    Facts: 76 health points (❤ = 38) Neutral Behavior Attack Strength: 11 (❤x 5.5) Spawn: Strongholds

    · Behavior: when not attacking the player, sentries will spawn standing still in the corners and walls of the stronghold like statues, never wandering. When the player has hit one sentry, sentries in other rooms within a radius will move out of their motionless positions and advance on the player. Unlike zombies and other common monsters, sentries are able to switch between attacking and blocking with their swords and shields. Weakness: the mob's hitbox would actually be located on its head, where the eye of ender is.

    · Drops: when killed a sentry has a 25% chance to drop its eye and 10% sword and/or shield, as well as an exclusive banner pattern! The supply of eyes of ender this mob provides could help for players who may make the mistake of not having enough eyes ready to activate the portal before entry to the stronghold.

    Suggestions Website Link: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360012213592-Stronghold-Mob-The-Sentry

    [Note: I apologize if this post was more messy than usual as I am currently on mobile :)]

    submitted by /u/MrOzone2020
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    Signs and Silk Touch

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 08:06 AM PST

    When a sign is removed with a Silk Touch enchanted tool, it should keep the text.

    submitted by /u/MrOzone2020
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    Piglin Types, bartering options

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 10:24 AM PST

    Types vs Professions

    Piglins care not for the menial work of Villagers, or the rank-based training of Pillagers. In the Nether, only strength and tenacity are rewarded, and greed is the only pleasure. How a Piglin is born will determine what they are capable of, nothing more and nothing less.

    All Piglins retain the ability to barter most items, except that food, nether fortress gear, and weaponry are set aside for specialist Piglins. A Piglin grows up from a child into one of the tree main types, listed below.

    Piglin Hoarder

    The basic Piglin we know is referred to as a hoarder, and it keeps most of its bartering options as well as access to its Crossbow and Golden weapons. They are versatile generalists, the most common of Piglins.

    • Bartering: Food. Hoarders are the only ones who will hand over food in a barter.

    Piglin Brute

    As big as an Iron Golem and nearly as tough, Piglin Brutes may have less health but enjoy a passive regeneration that keeps them vicious. Brutes do not perform leadership as a role, but nonetheless other Piglins will defer to their strength and will rally to a Brute in combat. They do not fear Zombified Piglins, though Soul Soil fire still creeps them out.

    • Bartering: Weapons. Whether by hubris or confidence, Brutes see less of a use for gear, and will sometimes hand over weaponry when you throw them gold. They cannot wear golden breastplates, as their torsos are too huge.

    Piglin Runt

    Smaller than most Piglins, you may mistake this one for a baby - the only giveaway is it's lower grunting sounds and the weapon it can carry. Runts fit through one-block-high gaps and rely on speed and cowardice to survive. They are useful scouts, and can only wear golden helmets as the rest of their bodies are too small. They try to ride Hoglins just like children, and can sit atop Brutes' shoulders to shoot their ranged weapon.

    • Bartering: Fortress. Runts have a number of Nether Fortress-type items that they have stolen for use in Bartering. They might even follow you around, hoping to steal and forage around the safety of your company.
    submitted by /u/Morvick
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    Furnace Speed

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 02:03 PM PST

    Furnaces should cook faster in the Nether (or really close to lava) and desert biomes, and slower in high altitude, ice spikes, and tundra biome.

    submitted by /u/79356
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    A Piglin version of the Wandering Trader!

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 02:01 PM PST

    Meet the Piglin Rouge! A rare Piglin, wandering the wastelands, like a trader. He weare warpaint, and one of his eyes is cut through with a scar. He wears different, cloaked clothing. He walks around, carryying nothing. You can trade with him, but with better offers than normal piglins. However, if you do not trade with them, and they see you, they will attack you no matter if you're wearing golden armour. They will also be the only source of Rouge Hoglins. These will be tamed versions of the hoglings, with cloths and paint on them. They will only attack you if you try to ride them, which you can.

    If at low hp, the rouge will attempt to run away on a rouge hoglin.

    submitted by /u/Tonosonic
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    New recipe for red netherbricks (and why not for a blue nether brick)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 11:45 AM PST

    Hello, it's a little suggestion, i thought about a new item : red nether brick ( not the block) wihch could be obtained by smelting crimson nylium with a furnace. One block of nylium could produce 2 bricks.

    With the same idea, blue nether brick ( item and block) could be added and obtainable by the same process but with warped nylium.

    submitted by /u/ELTanonym
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    Soul sandstone

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:23 PM PST

    There's soul sand, and there's soul soil. I kind of want a soul sandstone. Basically the same types of blocks as sandstone, but a darker color scheme. The chiseled block could have a ghast face on it, or a piglin.

    submitted by /u/Jason_parkour
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    New Wandering Traders.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 01:56 PM PST

    Being honest here, Wandering Traders aren't that good. The idea of it is good, but the way it's executed isn't that great. The items the wandering trader sells aren't that useful, so that is why I'm suggesting: Different Biome Wandering Traders!

    First of all: By "Different Biome" I don't mean just a re-skin for the other biomes. The skin can stay as it is, in my opinion. What would be different would be the trades!

    The trades would change depending on the biome, having the items sold tematic to the biome or to something related to the biome.

    Plains, Sunflower Plains: Normal items that the traders sell on Vanilla Minecraft.

    Swamps: Oak Wood Saplings and items related to witches/swamps, such as slimeballs, redstone, sticks, sugar, etc.

    Jungles: Jungle Oak Saplings and other jungle-related items, such as cocoa beans, mossy cobblestone (temples), feathers (parrots), etc.

    Mesa/Badlands: Gold, terracotta, red sand and other variants from it, cactus, dead bushes, etc.

    Roofed Forest: Dark Oak Wood Saplings, Mushrooms (not in block form), Totems of Undying (rare), Emeralds, etc.

    Desert: Sand, Sandstone, Cacti, Dead Bushes, etc.

    Ocean: Buckets with water/fish, uncooked fish, kelp, seagrass, prismarine shards/crystals, etc.

    Snowy Biomes, such as Snowy Tundra, Ice Spikes, Snowy Taiga, Snowy Taiga Mountains, Frozen River and Snowy Beach (they are all biomes, i swear): Items such as: Spruce/Oak Wood Saplings, Ice, Snowballs, Snow blocks, Packed Ice and others.

    Cold Biomes, such as Mountains, Gravelly Mountains, Wooded Mountains, Gravelly Mountains+, Taiga, Taiga Mountains, Giant Tree Taiga, Giant Spruce Taiga and Stone Shore: Items such as: Gravel/Flint, Infested Stone, Spruce/Oak Saplings, Sweet Berries, Ferns, Podzol, Mossy Cobblestone, Mushrooms (not in block form), and occasionaly Emeralds (you would have to trade an amount of another certain item so you could get the emerald, of course)

    These are the biomes I could think of. If you have any more, please comment.

    submitted by /u/Evidaent
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    Hoglin Meat

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 08:27 AM PST

    Hoglins dropping porkchops is ok i guess but i think we should add a new meat that Hoglins drop:


    it takes longer to cook but it's better than steak! and will be the most 'Wanted' food, Hogsmeat could even drop cooked in the nether because.... the nether is HOT!

    what do you think?

    submitted by /u/devonthecreator
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    New Redstone Tool: Ender Observer

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 03:23 PM PST

    The Ender Observer; A new redstone tool. Emits redstone signal when they eye pattern is directly looked at.

    Recipe: 4 Ender Pearls, 1 Observer.

    Signal strength; 10-12 Blocks

    Texture: The stone pattern of furnaces as well as eye pattern. When the eye is looked at it slightly lightens in color. (link for visual art may be added if well regarded.)

    submitted by /u/MrOzone2020
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    The fiery orca - a new mob for the lava oceans

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 10:07 AM PST

    This is a repost because the last post didn't even see the light of day.

    The nether oceans are full of lava and are pretty much empty. I think the lava oceans need to have some mobs living in them, so I suggest the fiery orca.

    The fiery orca is a large mob that spawns uncommonly in the nether oceans and wanders through them. It has an orange lower part of its body and its back has a texture similar to magma blocks. It has red eyes and sharp teeth.

    It has 100hp(the same as a ravager) and 10 armour points, is immune to fire and lava and starts taking drowning damage after not touching lava for 60 seconds. When it sees a player, it actively tries to kill him by biting and if the player gets out of lava it still tries to kill him(unlike drowned) by jumping out of lava and biting the player. After the orca takes damage while outside lava, it will retreat back.

    The orca also attacks any mob that drops food upon death and is close to the lava or in it. When an orca kills a mob that drops food, it will eat the food and regenerate 1hp per second for 5 seconds.

    It deals 9 damage on easy, 14 damage on medium and 17 damage on hard.

    When a fiery orca sees another orca, they start fighting(unless one has less than 50hp). They jump in the air and bite each other. They fight until one of them has under 20hp. The losing orca retreats very fast and the winning one regenerates 40hp.

    When in the overworld, it will immediately start taking damage if not in lava. If it gets into water, it starts making hissing sounds and dies after 10 seconds.

    When killed, it will drop 4-6 magma blocks and 1-3 magmic fragment which can be used to brew lava affinity potions to see better under lava. It can also be used to craft a fin that make swimming in lava faster. Tell me ideas on drops and uses for them.

    Tell me your ideas to improve the post in the comments!

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    Simple Blaze Spider

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 09:44 AM PST

    Simple Blaze Spider

    An Arthropod spider with 20 base health. It acts similar to spiders but has a secondary attack. If the player is more than 10 blocks away, it will fire 1 blaze flame every 4-5 seconds. It mainly spawns in nether fortresses (just to give them a little life again) and in packs of 4-6.

    While I'd love to give it some special drop. I think reusing existing items is smarter than adding more items which only have a simple purpose. So it simply drops string, blaze powder, and spider eyes.


    submitted by /u/LminiMaster
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    Another nether forest idea (corrupt forest or withered forest)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 02:38 PM PST

    The biome will be in the nether and a third counterpart to the warped and crimson forests And give more variety to the nether update

    (I haven't decided if corrupt forest or withered forest is a better idea but both have the same premise)

    • the ground will be a new type of nylium corrupt nylium which will be purple or withered nylium which will be grey
    • the mobs that spawn there will be wither skeletons and medium-large magma cubes making it a difficult place to be
    • the biome will have spiked shrubs which will act like berry bushes but resemble a black spiked ball and deal 6 damage (or 3 hearts)
    • the biome will have withered or corrupt fungi that will be grey in colour and can be grown into withered/corrupt fungi trees that are almost identical to crimson or warped fungi trees although they have a slightly higher hardness making them take longer to destroy by a small margin the trees will be made up of a stem that will have glowing grey veins and corrupt or withered wart which will be purple if corrupt or grey if withered
    • the wood will be grey in colour and would work well in stone buildings as a wood texture that blends in with the stone blocks/bricks -the biome would also have small obsidian rocks like the mossy cobble found in tiger biomes and will have 0-2 crying obsidian blocks in the rock this makes a way to get crying obsidian without bartering and a way to make a new nether portal if you lose your old one -the nylium will have a special property in which it can spread on its own to not only netherack but other types of nylium too it would spread every 100-400 ticks so it is a good idea to block it off before the nether withers away/ becomes corrupted (whichever name you like best in the comments)

    This is my first post on this subreddit I'm sorry if it doesn't explain enough

    submitted by /u/wolfb0y9
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    New Mob: Soul Wyrms

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 07:05 AM PST

    Soul Sand Valleys seem kind of boring with just ghasts. So I thought of a new mob: the soul wyrm.

    Appearance: Soul Wyrms have skeletal, serpentine bodies. Instead of flesh, they have soul fire blazing through their bodies.

    Attacks: they have two attacks. When at a distance, they breathe soul fire. This attack has a range of a few blocks. Getting hit deals light damage, but sets you on (soul) fire for a long time. When you get close enough, they strike like real life snakes. This attack deals 8 (4 full hearts) hearts of damage.

    Behavior: they spawn in small packs of three in the soul sand valley.

    Health: they have 8 full hearts of health, but move very fast.

    Drops: Bones, wyrm fang (when crafted with gold, creates soul flint, which when put in an anvil with any item with flame or fire aspect, upgrades it to the enchantment "Soulburn", which lights victims on soul fire, which does more damage and lasts longer.

    submitted by /u/The_Moldy_Baguette
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    A Solution to Minecraft's lack luster early-game

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 08:32 AM PST

    I think I and many other players can agree that the early-game (and especially the first-night thrill) of Minecraft has been dead for years. It takes little time to acquire the second-best (third with 1.16) tier of armor in the game and negate most dangers a player would face. The suggestions i will list are a series of changes that when compounded together would bring back meaning to Minecraft's early game, and a sense of danger to the game that has long since been forgotten.

    First, Iron is too accessible and too bountiful. This tier of weaponry and armour provides more than enough damage protection and damage output to help the average player survive and beat most mobs. Iron armor can even let you beat the Ender Dragon and Wither with little difficulty despite being a very easy and accessible material. The first suggestion is to push Iron deeper into the Earth, and make it spawn in larger vein sizes but at a shorter quantity. Players would need to spend more time underground to find iron, increasing the early game's duration.

    However, simply pushing iron deeper wouldn't be enough. I'd just extend the amount of time spent in Caves or strip mining to find the ore, which would end up being tedious and boring in itself. That's why I propose expanding Cave's width and lowering their height the deeper you go. Why, you ask? Well, have you ever noticed how plains biomes are generally more dangerous at night then other biomes? The open fields give little room to hide from mobs, and leaves you open to more sneak attacks and ambushes. Yung's Better caves is a cave mod which has the wide caves i'm suggestion, and doesn't edit the world height to accommodate for it. By playing the mod i've found that this shift in generation has made caves significantly more dangerous. As the ceiling is claustrophobicly close to your head and the wide caves makes skeletons and zombies more dangerous. Skeletons have more room to kite and move, zombies aren't funneled into a narrow hallway that allows you shoot them from a safe distance. By expanding the width of the caves it adds more excitement and danger, and makes combat a bit more interesting in PVE Minecraft.

    Also, by making the caves more dangerous the deeper you go, players will be required to spend a bit more time preparing for a mining expedition. Players will need to find a way to survive the depths bellow, and the only other viable options is to acquire iron through above-ground structures, or using leather armour. Something that is very rarely used due to Iron's abundance overshadowing it severely. This incentivizes the player to explore more, use underused equipment, and spend more time above ground before caving.

    submitted by /u/Javisel
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    Master Trader

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:58 PM PST

    Have all types of villager jobs to Master level. Challenge advancement.

    submitted by /u/8bit95
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    Dragon's Breath renewability

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 01:41 PM PST

    Placing a dragon's head on the ground and feeding it 10 blaze powder would make it emit a purple particle effect and then it would be available to harvest dragon's breath using a bottle. this would make lingering potions much more accessible and usable in PvP

    submitted by /u/IFOUNDAHAZARD7
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    Tiny Fish

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 01:10 PM PST

    Tiny fish would be 1/5 the size of a silverfish. They would spawn in shallow waters by the edge of the coast, and water lakes. You would have a higher chance of getting a tiny fish when fishing then a normal fish.

    submitted by /u/andythelord
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    Small Resource Packages

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 04:32 AM PST

    I play on Xbox, and I love using the Vanilla textures, but there are some additions that I would love to have like bushy leaves or variations of blocks like cobblestone or brick. There could also be small packages that replace a group of blocks, like turning glazed terracotta into blocks that resemble the walls on old tudor houses or changing a painting into a "tool rack".

    It could be like on Java, where players can choose the load order of their textures and resources, but don't have to dedicate themselves to a resource pack that completely overhauls the game. Sort of like the skin customisation system on Bedrock, where you can pick and choose different assets to use on your skin, but for resource packs instead.

    submitted by /u/emptybagel
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