• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers the lovely server [SMP] [Semi-vanilla] {Whitelist} {No resets} {1.15.2} {Australia}

    Minecraft Servers the lovely server [SMP] [Semi-vanilla] {Whitelist} {No resets} {1.15.2} {Australia}

    the lovely server [SMP] [Semi-vanilla] {Whitelist} {No resets} {1.15.2} {Australia}

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 01:54 AM PST

    Hey guys, welcome to the lovely server! I'm @Quake1880, the owner of this Minecraft server.


    B R I E F

    • 1 week old
    • no world resets
    • Dynmap
    • DiscordSRV
    • survival
    • whitelist
    • hard difficulty
    • 2GB RAM based in Melbourne, Australia (I'll monitor performance and make changes if necessary/possible)


    V I S I O N

    the lovely server is a place for people who love survival Minecraft. The primary "feature" is my goal to never reset the world. Ideally, we can use this to plan out and create some amazing areas and builds. If you like to spend time in the details, or enjoy large scale building, or just want to spend some time playing good old survival; this might be the place for you :)


    A B O U T

    I have been a fan of Minecraft for almost ten years, and it's been pretty much the only game I've played growing up. As a player, I really enjoy taking my time and enjoying each moment of a game, which is why I decided to set up this long-term server with no world resets.

    I have participated in a few survival Minecraft SMPs over the last couple of years and I'm keen to give back and create a new community around this fantastic game. This is my first time administrating a server so I'm sure there'll be ups and downs, but I'm ready to learn from mistakes and move forward :)


    R U L E S

    1. Be mature

    2. Be respectful

    3. Be considerate

    4. No Griefing, Stealing, Cheating etc.


    This server is open to everyone. I want it to be a safe place. All rules and respective consequences will be enforced at the discretion of myself and any moderators to the best of our ability.


    J O I N

    Please read through the previous sections first! Here are the steps you need to take to apply:

    1. Fill out this Google form

    2. I will read through and follow up on Discord (feel free to send me a DM to let me know you've applied)

    3. If your application is accepted, you'll be added to the Discord server and whitelisted on the Minecraft server. From here you're good to go!


    post #02 since 25/02/2020

    submitted by /u/Quake1880
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    Twisted Vanilla [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {18+}{Java} {DynMap}{Custom Quests/Dungeons} {1.14.4} {Whitelist} {Long-Term Map} {Datapacks}

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:13 AM PST

    Just added: Custom Dungeon Encounter. Race others for the fastest completion time, earn unique loots including Mystery potions, trinkets, and custom skin / ability tools! This has been a HUGE hit so far with our playerbase as the encounters are challenging and includes a fair amount of problem solving as well!

    Server Details:

    Discord: Please join discord before you will be accepted >>>Discord Link<<<

    IP: Given after application acceptance: >>>Apply Here<<<

    Server Pictures: Check Out Our Pictures

    Version: 1.14.4 (Upgrade to 1.15 will be in the coming weeks as soon as Optifine is released.

    Gamemode: Survival - Hard Mode

    Server Location: Central Time Zone, US, Dedicated Server, 32GB RAM


    Twisted Vanilla is a LONG term map with no resets! Our community is looking for additional mature players who enjoy playing for the long haul and have fun with the game while being respectful to others. We appreciate that people have different play styles (lone wolf, team, or community builders), with varying play times and schedules, as well as individual strengths (redstone, terraforming, large builds, details, etc.) We strongly believe we are only as good as our community which is what makes the server stand out.

    We encourage participation in community builds, request feedback on how the server operates, and listen to our players suggestions to improve and enhance the gameplay.


    • Dynmap
    • Daily Quests for Unique Server Items
    • Customized Items (Unique graphics) - (Ex Looting 3 Axe, Mending/Infinity Bow, Custom Amour Sets, Transparent Diamond Armor)
    • Long Term Server Achievement Goals (Millions of Mined stone, etc)
    • LONG term map - border will expand, but world will not reset
    • World Border: 10k each direction (20k world border)
    • Monthly Build contests with rewards
    • Community Market, Events, & Builds


    Custom Twisted Vanilla Re-settable Woodland Mansion

    Dungeon Gems & Custom Currency Items

    Player & Mob Head Drops

    Custom Crafting Recipes

    Customizable Armor Stands

    Anti Enderman Griefing

    2x Shulker Shells

    Dragon Drops Elytra - (Currently being reworked)

    Growing Phantoms

    One Player Sleep

    Statistic Tracking Scoreboards


    • Be mature and use common sense! If you break something, fix it, creeper hole, fix it, community farms, replant it. Don't yell in discord or spam chat.
    • Use judgement entering someone else's base, do not poke around in chests that are not yours or identified as public.
    • PvP - Dedicated areas or Mutual Consent
    • No Griefing/Stealing Period - You will be banned
    • Pranks are allowed, just know the difference between funny and destructive
    • X-Ray, hacking, duping and exploits will result in an immediate ban
    • Optifine, Schematics, Minimaps are allowed
    submitted by /u/jhvanis
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    Tregarion [SMP][Vanilla]{1.15.2}{Chill}{mild-roleplay}

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 03:08 AM PST


    Website: n/a

    Discord: HpXBZeT

    Server Address:

    Version: 1.15.2

    Game Play: Vanilla

    Age: 10 years

    Even tho the server is old, everyone playing is quite new, the community so far is lovely, but small, so if you are looking for a big server, this is not yet the case. The average age is 18 years but the minimum is 14. Anything and everything you build here will stay, we never reset the world, and trough the time it has been we are currently working on actual in-game lore, with i am really excited about. We will be planting easter-eggs & bits of lore in books around town to describe all the wonderful people who stuck around and left themsevles a legacy. You can have any playstyle you want, as far as it does not breech our server / community rules: No killing, griefing, stealing or over the top toxicity.

    submitted by /u/LittleGreenLettuce
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    Kfperin SMP [Semi-Vanilla] [PvP] {1.15.2}

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 05:54 PM PST

    Kfpmc.org has been around for roughly 10 years, we are a smallish server with a very friendly and respectful community. The server is located in America but we have a large EU player base as well.

    Stuff on our server:

    • Survival PVE - main map
    • Economy - Personal trading And a functioning market with chest shops!
    • Mini-Games Held weekly - Quick build, Pvp games, hunger games in the future.
    • Pvp Map - bring your items over, build a base on a map with no rules and fight your friends :D
    • Very friendly community - Active discord, helpful ops/admins, organizing game nights soon !
    • Donator perks & Veteran perks - You get rewarded for playing here !!!!

    We are mainly a vanilla server with a focus around building together, many of our players have set up towns that are more than welcoming to new players. Included in the server are plugins to prevent griefing/cheating. We have also just started a new map within the past few weeks for the 1.15.2 update.

    If you're looking for a good server to play on then don't be afraid to come online and say hello!

    Our trailer!: https://youtu.be/f2KujxYe1es

    Website: www.kfpmc.org

    Server IP: Kfpmc.org

    Link to our discord: https://discord.gg/ZTubpaG

    submitted by /u/dwmaster96
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    Minecraft but if you die you get banned for 24 hours [Hardcore] [PvP] {1.15.2}

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 09:10 AM PST

    In a server where dying means losing everything, only the strongest alliances can survive.

    At the center of the map there is the core, the ones living near it are the wealthiest, the ones living further from it are the poorest.

    Level up with your friends to build and destroy closer to the core, where lower level players will have no chance at interfering with your reign.

    But be warned: new players won't stay new forever, so be prepared for attacks when you least expect them.

    And choose your fights wisely: as i told you if you'll die you will lose everything, and you will be banned for 24 hours.

    Jurney to the core: corejourney.org

    submitted by /u/alrirra
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    BeegYoshi.SMPLIVE {Vanilla] {Survival} {1.15.2} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 11:57 PM PST

    Hello! i have a vanilla survival multiplayer server (works a bit like SMPLIVE). We are looking for some player (you need to have played the game for a while). About Us: I'm pretty laid back, though my main goal is to have an active and fun server. My server is located in Europe. We operate a bit like SMPlive (yes you need to stream or make youtube videos). the server has been up for 2 month. There are currently about 25 players (the max amount at one time is 35 btw) We don't use any plugins or data packs that drastically change vanilla gameplay. Rules: - No stealing, griefing, or cheating and no duping - Be kind and respectful to your fellow players - Cursing is fine, just not excessively - you need to have a mic because we will have some events - you need to be older then 15

    submitted by /u/ThatGuyGrape
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    HCSMP [Hardcore] {1.15}

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 07:12 AM PST

    HCSMP is a long-time hardcore Minecraft server. Initially started in 2012, HCSMP has a rich history and dedicated player base. While not considered an anarchy server, it is very light on rules, with PvP, griefing, and only light moderation on what's considered appropriate in chat. HCSMP is unique because it is one of the few survival servers that implements a temporary 1 day death ban. If killed, the player is transported to the graveyard world until revived the next day. With at least 20-30 players on at all times, there is plenty of activity. From PvP to large scale builds, this server has it all. Leave a comment below if you are interested in receiving the IP. Go to HCSMP.com for more information.

    submitted by /u/-StillACavsFan-
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    Viibe Network [Hub][SMP][Creative][Hardcore]{Towny}{Skyblock}{Discord}{1.15.2}

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 12:20 PM PST

    Join Viibe Network!!

    Viibe Network is a wonderful network of servers with many options to choose from, but more than that, we are a community! If you're just looking to play some minecraft with friends, make Viibe your new home! We peak at around 15-20 players each day and we are looking to grow even bigger! Our dedicated staff are working to make that happen! Come Viibe with us!!

    • Servers:
      • Towny - Survival mode with jobs, towns, and taxes!
      • Landclaim - Your normal survival multiplayer server with landclaim and economy!
      • Hardcore - Hardcore survival mode where you get jailed for a week upon death!
      • Creative - A massive plot world where players claim plots and build whatever they choose! Build competitions are hosted each week for cool prizes!
      • Skyblock - A survival world where you start on a sky island with only one tree and minimal tools and resources. Players work to expand their tiny island into massive bases!
    • IP: play.viibenet.ca
    • We have a community discord here https://discord.gg/xSe2p4c
    • Social Media: [Youtube] [Instagram]

    Global network rules: Be respectful, no hacks or mods, no racism or harrassment, etc.

    submitted by /u/ViibeMinecraft
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    Mira's Party [Vanilla] [SMP] {Tweaks} {18+} {Whitelist} {Snapshot}

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 04:43 AM PST

    Mira's Party is a server focused on the Vanilla Survival experience, along with a few tweaks. The goal is to build a more significant community for every player to enjoy! We play casually, and let you enjoy the game however you wish! If you would like to grind or team up, it is up to you!

    Spawn isn't forbidden to build in, but it is highly discouraged due to it being a marketplace. Feel free to start any spawn projects you like or ask any questions with other members in the fourms :)

    Discord is required - You can apply through discord or the forums. Your application will be marked in less than 24 hours.
    Discord: https://discord.gg/r3kjeB5

    My Discord: Chhat#2206

    Application format:
    Discord Name & # [If applying through fourms]:
    Previous Builds (Pictures in multiple angles):
    Tell us a little about you:
    (optional) Questions about the server:

    \- Respect Other Players
    \- Use common sense (If you have questions about whether something is banned or not, feel free to ask. Basic things, such as hacking, stealing, and griefing, are forbidden.
    \- AFK Fishing and TNT duping is allowed

    \- One Player Sleep
    \- AFK Display
    \- 2 Shulker Shells killing a shulker mob
    \- Killing the Dragon gives a dragon egg and elytra
    \- Mob heads have a chance to drop
    \- Player heads drop
    \- Endermen, Creeper, and Ghast grief is off
    \- Fire spread is off

    submitted by /u/Chhat
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    Dirtcraft [WANTED] [semi-vanilla]

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 12:20 AM PST

    Hi I am Thijmen and my in-game name is x_Thijmen. I have been playing Minecraft for over 5 years now. I have a server but can not host it 24/7 due to my circumstances. Is there anyone who can host the server for me. I already have a hub and I have the first Skywars map. You will be admin/builder/helper rank if you can host the server for me. I also have around 10 plugins installed. Thx👍

    submitted by /u/Pokecatch2006
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    Endrock [PVE] {Whitelist} {Bedrock}

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 02:55 PM PST


    Style: Bedrock Vanilla Survival, Hard Mode, +QoL

    Players: 42 Online Max

    View Distance: 32 chunks

    Version: 1.14+

    Rules: No Grief Allowed / No Offensive Chat or Skins

    Platform: Windows & Mobile Clients. (any custom address capable clients)

    We offer a survival vanilla community server, running on custom dedicated hardware with stellar uptime and rolling backups. We play to have fun and enjoy building together. We welcome new and seasoned player, and have plenty of perks in town to get you started on your adventure. Grief of any kind is not allowed, we promote a safe and inclusive community.

    If you would like to join our server, please comment with the following information, and we will DM you whitelist & connection details:

    Average Playtime:


    A little about yourself and build style:

    We have a manual whitelist process, and hope all our applying players will be patient with us as we review and whitelist your IGN. We will respond to your comment once you have been whitelisted. Be sure to check you DMs for our information once I have responded to your comment, if you are interested.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Ender
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    The Infiplexium [SMP]

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 04:22 PM PST

    Server IP:

    Welcome to my SMP server. We are a plain vanilla server with a few twists. We strive to have a kind and welcoming community This is my small SMP server and we are looking for new people.

    Our only rules are:

    Don't grief Don't spam Be nice And Have fun!

    We hope to see you soon!

    Other lmportant Information

    Discord: https://discord.gg/xPRt75

    Server is in 1.15.2 but will update to 1.16 soon. Good luck! (:

    submitted by /u/MrBox19
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    PanemMC [PVP]{Hunger Games}{1.14.4}

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 06:10 PM PST

    Minecraft, The Hunger Games. This map has been in the works for 2 months. The owner Jug has been working his ass off trying to create a map of Panem in Minecraft! The map as absolutely beautiful shown by the pictures. Every month there will be a reaping choosing 2 people from each district and you will fight to a death in The Catching Fire arena and many more of your favorite locations from the Hunger Games. The server ill be going into beta testing on Saturday March 7th, we will be hosting our 1st Hunger Games as a beta testing event to test our audiences. So, tell everyone you know, invite them to this discord server, and join us at 12 pm EST on Saturday for our reaping of the tributes! So make sure to join the discord so you can get the server ip right as it drops! Thank you for reading and have a good day!

    Discord: https://discord.gg/WFmJ6Zc

    Server Trailer: https://youtu.be/zHkUsoszxqY

    submitted by /u/BooPlayzz
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    DSI DragonSlayersInn [Semi-Vanilla][SMP] {1.15.2}{Discord Vote System}{Amateur Content Creators}{Events}{Season 4}

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 09:25 PM PST

    IP: dragonslayersinn.serverminer.com (No Whitelist)

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/tBvqEUN


    We are trying to grow our community, our SMP server is currently small. You might play by yourself sometimes on the weekdays, but our average is 4-6 players on the weekends.


    Everything on our server is based off what our players want, including plugins and gamerules. We vote in polls on our Discord, started by both moderators and players. People are rewarded diamonds for voting.


    5/5/2019: GTP initiates successful vote for 1.8 Combat.

    BackToTheRoots plugin installed.

    9/24/2019: Players initiate successful vote for /tpa, /warp, etc.

    Essentials plugin installed.

    10/01/2019: Players sucessful vote for Global PVP (outside of claims) and

    Gamerule: keepinventory true.

    2/8/2020: Poker24 initites successful vote for Backpack plugin.


    We vote of PVE events or prizes and keep a community Battle Log on our Discord for PVP fights.






    PVP (SMP)



    ICE BOAT RACING (Coming soon...)


    Our rules are simple, even our moderators must use SMP as much as possible:

    No Hacks (Flying, Speed, Brightness, Xray, Creative hacks, etc.)

    No Lag Machines. (XP Vaults/Zero Tick Farms are still okay.)

    CONTENT CREATORS: (Most recent videos of the server.)

    AlthSama: https://youtu.be/hKGQHcSBjis

    zViper: https://youtu.be/jc67pnORSNQ

    AFKhara: https://youtu.be/DYNAHG-4bws


    AlthSama - Server Owner (Streamer/YouTube)

    zViper - Main Moderator (YouTube)

    Stahlinn(Jake) - Server Moderator

    Poker24 - Server/Discord Moderator

    GameTriplePVP - Server Moderator

    submitted by /u/Alth4lusPrime
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    Versteckt [Semi-Vanilla] {No Whitelist} {1.15.2} {Java}

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 09:21 PM PST

    Versteckt is a new Java Semi-Vanilla Minecraft server running on 1.15.2 and is hosted in Illinois on dedicated rack mount hardware. There are no current active players other than the admin nor are there any channels of communication other than in game chat.

    There are multiple words available and the flat world allows for creative building. PVP and stealing are allowed but there will be no griefing.

    Dynmap is available by opening the server address in your web browser.

    Connection info Server Address: play.verstectkt.org

    RULES: PvP is allowed. Stealing from players is allowed. Griefing is NOT ALLOWED.

    Installed plugs: AutoRestart, CoreProtect, DeadChest, dynmap, Essentials, HolographicDisplays, LuckPerms, Multiverse-Core, ProtocolLib, Vault, Wild, WorldGuard, etc.

    submitted by /u/RKAjt74v
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    CubeVille [Hub] {Survival} {Skyblock} {1.8 - 1.15.2} {Economy} {McMMO} {Grief-Prevention} {Loot Saver} {Friendly Community} {Custom islands}

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 01:22 PM PST

    Server Name: CubeVille

    Server Address/IP: play.thecubeville.com

    Server Version: 1.8 - 1.15.2 (Use 1.15.2 for the best experience possible)

    Gamemodes: Survival and Skyblock

    Website: Click

    Screenshots: Click

    Discord: Click

    Welcome to CubeVille, a 1.15.2 server featuring Survival and Skyblock with a friendly community, a lot of unique plugins, a lag-free experience and much more, including:


    • AntiCheat and GriefPrevention systems to claim land and keep you safe
    • 1.8 - 1.15.2 Support
    • Only 30% of the players sleeping required to skip the night
    • The McMMO and Quest plugins to always keep you entertained
    • Loot Saver (save 70% of loot on death)
    • Auction House
    • Advanced Spawners
    • Crates
    • And much more!


    • Custom islands
    • Highly configurable island
    • Advanced economy
    • 1.8 - 1.15.2 Support
    • Auction House
    • Advanced Spawners
    • Crates
    • And much more!

    Adventure Here, Never Ends!

    Server Rules:

    1. No Griefing
    2. No Spamming
    3. No Advertising
    4. No Constant Cursing
    5. No Trolling/Flaming
    6. No Banned Items
    7. No Asking for OP, Ranks, or Items
    8. Respect all Players
    9. No Racist or Sexist Remarks
    10. No Mods/Hacks (QOL Mods are allowed)
    11. No 1x1 Towers
    12. Staff DO NOT replace lost in-game items
    submitted by /u/xBrendyyy
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    VoidCraft [Semi-vanilla] [SMP] {Hermitcraft-Based server} {Whitelist} {Fresh start!} {1.15.2} {Plugins and datapacks}

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 08:45 PM PST

    Hey, Listen! .- Navi


    VoidCraft is a server created by a small and friendly community that always wanted to have the Hermitcraft experience, as friends we put our efforts together in order to make this server possible. Our goal is to find people who really want to be part of the project (your project too if you join us!).


    Having fun, being respectful and friendly is the main thing here. We really appreciate people who are interested in meeting other players. Here we are looking for people committed to the community rather than game mechanics, there is no need to be a pro player if you are friendly with others :)

    It is also a good opportunity to join us and being part of this growing community from the very beginning, bring your friends and have fun! Feel free to ask anything in our Discord (here you will also be able to apply, there is no age restriction because your description is enough for us to see if you are suited for this experience)

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/CvZYUU


    We are fluent in English, Spanish and German; there is no much restriction about the language use in the server, but the idea is to use English the most when playing with other people =)


    - No hacking (Xray and stuff, u know the drill) or duping glitches

    - AFK fish farm is allowed

    - 0 tick farms are allowed as long as you don't (literally) break the server :P


    • Player graves
    • Multiplayer sleep
    • Double shulker shell
    • Dragon drops elytra
    • Player head drops


    • Dynmap
    • Discord with in-game chat channel


    We actually use the Hermitcraft season 6 seed!

    - Stop reading this and apply now <3

    submitted by /u/Doppaminne
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    Beanscraft [SMP] {1.15.2} {Claims} {Trading Economy} {Discord} {Community-Based} {Patron Supported} {EULA-Compliant}

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 03:37 PM PST

    Server IP/Address: Beanscraft.ca

    Live Server Map: Beanscraft.ca:8123

    Discord Invite: Discord.gg/CWVGEw9



    I'm 'Weasel Beans', and Beanscraft is a 1.15.2 Survival Multiplayer server that opened on March 22nd, 2019. We have a mainly player-based economy, GriefPrevention, toggle-able pvp, user-friendly enhancements, and everything you can experience in the newest version of Minecraft! So far we've had over 5,600 unique players join the server!

    My server is supported by patrons, and is completely EULA compliant. It is not whitelisted or 18+, but I try to keep things as civil as possible. The world is currently a circle 38,000 blocks in diameter. The original 1.13 world is in the center, but most of the world's area is now 1.14-1.15 land. About 40% more land was opened up to the players at the start of last month for the 1.15.2 update.

    There is no whitelist, nor are there any hoops to jump through to start off. Play solo, with friends, or with other active players! There is plenty of freedom here. Aside from that, we also have a discord server with over 400 members. Please join Beanscraft and help us continue to build a great community around this game we all love!


    A few screenshots

    In-Game Rules:

    1 - Absolutely no anti-Beanscraft activity. 2 - No hacking, cheating, or using x-ray clients. (Optifine is OK) 3 - Do not make use of exploits that violate the spirit of the game(dupes, etc). 4 - No advertising for personal/political gain. 5 - No abusive behavior or bullying. 6 - No racism or other similarly offensive content. 7 - Do not intentionally grief in any way. 

    A more detailed list of rules can be found in the discord server.

    submitted by /u/Beanscraft
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    Nogard [Hub] {Skyblock} {Survival} {Prison} {Creative} {Parkour} {1.12 - 1.15.2}

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 06:08 PM PST

    Hello, and welcome to Nogard.

    A Brief Introduction

    Nogard is a small Minecraft server that features Skyblock, Survival, Prison Mines, Creative Plots, & Parkour. It's been around for over four years now, and although it's still fairly small, it has matured quite a bit since it first started. Besides these five gamemodes, Nogard also features a ranking system, hub gadgets, currency, and so much more. Join today and bring some friends as well to become part of a small yet growing community of players!

    Where to Begin

    When you first join, you first spawn in our lobby, which is home to the teleportation portals, the Vote Crate, the latest server news, and more general information. After exploring around a bit, you'll want to choose a section of the server to play on. To get to a different part of the server, you can either use the compass in your hotbar in the lobby, or walk to a portal in the lobby. When you travel between the different sections of the server, your rank, your in-game money, the chat, and many other things will stay the same same across all parts of the server, but your inventory, your xp, your health, etc won't. This makes for a more fun environment on the server while still allowing everyone to do their own thing, since it is a small community.

    About Each Gamemode


    Play the classic Vanilla Minecraft survival, but with some added perks, such as land claiming, player shops, and more!


    Have your own personal island to survive on! You start out with a few resources, and you build your island from there. There is a Skyblock Store (/warp skyblockstore), multiple island presets, many challenges to complete, and you can even invite your friends to play with you!

    Prison Mines

    Whack away at blocks, purchase awesome kits, rank-up for access to better mines, and get lots of loot! Sell blocks you collect at the shop to get money, or show off your skills in the PVP arena.

    Creative Plots

    Let your creativity shine by building anything you want in creative mode on your very own plot of land! You can also build maps for Parkour courses or participate in contests to earn some money.


    There are currently 6 different categories of difficulty of parkour courses on Nogard. Jump from block to block to get to the end! The parkours feature cash prizes, high scores, checkpoints, and so much more.

    Ranks and Money

    There are a lot of ranks on Nogard, but it's easy to get the hang of. The primary ranks consist of the roman numerals I through X, and you can rank-up to the next rank by typing /rankup in-game. Each rank costs increasingly more in-game money, however the ranks are consistent across the whole server and unlock access to new things everywhere. You can earn money to rank-up at any of the five gamemodes that the server has to offer (for example, beating parkour courses, selling bulk items in Skyblock or Survival, or selling in Prison), voting up to 8 times each day, or petting "Toby the Wolf" in the lobby for a daily prize. After you reach rank X, typing /rankup again will allow you to "Prestige" to the first Prestige on the server, which is called Alpha (α). Prestiging doesn't cost anything, but it will set you back to rank I and you will have to work your way back up to X again, but now the ranks cost twice as much as before. Besides these ranks and the first Prestige, there are also secondary ranks, which are the donator ranks (Wyrm, Wyvern, and Hydra) and the staff ranks (Moderator, Builder, and Owner). To view the perks of each rank, type /ranks in-game!

    IP and Links

    IP Address: nogard.us

    Minecraft Version: Anywhere between 1.12 and 1.15.2

    Website: https://nogard.us

    New Player Guide: https://nogard.us/forum/topic/12-new-player-guide

    Rules: https://nogard.us/forum/topic/3-server--site-rules

    Discord: https://nogard.us/discord

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask the community on Discord or make a post on our Forum. Thanks so much for stopping by!

    submitted by /u/meowsom3
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    Buddercraft [Semi-Vanilla] {1.15.2} {Survival}

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 11:44 AM PST

    Ip: buddercraft.mcpro.co

    other IP if above IP fails:

    Are you bored as all heck and just want to play on a regular world, but also want to have other people help you out? Then Buddercraft may be just right! This is a brand new survival server that has only a handful of rules, and is also in a somewhat testing phase(this means rules may suddenly change, or the server may be down frequently if need be). As of right now, here are our rules:

    1. No hacking or cheating. Nobody finds it funny, nobody is entertained. You will be permanently banned and it cannot be pardoned.
    2. No griefing. This is the same way as hacking. Nobody likes it. Any griefers will be permabanned and the griefee(person who got griefed) will get everything replaced as best we can.
    3. RAIDING IS NO LONGER ALLOWED!!!!!, our community decided that it sucks , so no more.
    4. Don't be a donkey's behind. Bad language is ok, but any negative comments, actions, or intentions will result in a ban.
    5. Don't attempt to mess with the spawn area

    This is currently it. However, I'd like to make some other notes.

    1. We use 1.9 combat, so get ready to time attacks. We do this cause, it's in the game for crying out loud and I like the new weapons and such.
    2. The community is growing, meaning there will be a lot of times where nobody is on.(less than i thought)
    3. Follow the dang rules, i hate banning people.
    4. Our discord can be found at https://discord.gg/NdbKuW

    I hope you would give us a try and, if you need help, just pm me for details!

    submitted by /u/Budderman18
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    SlapMineNuts {Canadian} {Craftconomy}{Quests}{Discord}

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 01:56 PM PST

    Interested in playing fun, classic Minecraft with your friends?

    Want to make your survival experience more enjoyable?

    SlapMineNuts Semi-Vanilla Survival is for you!

    **Java Version 1.15.2**

    Integrated Economy with Admin Buy/Sell, Playershops!

    PVP Arena with Rewards!

    Survival Quests!

    Lootcrates! (On the way!)

    Weekly Events and Updates!

    Friendly and Small Active Community!

    Same Vanilla Survival Gameplay, Made Better!

    We also offer a dynamic Discord server with an on-demand administration and support.


    We can't wait to see you online!



    Keep Inventory: ON

    Mob-Griefing: OFF

    We can't wait to see you online!


    ChopTree2, Craftconomy3, Quests, Dynmap, GUIShop, SuperWarp, LandClaims, WorldGuard, EasyPrefix, Vault, WorldEdit, AutoMessage, Citizens, ActionHealth, ScoreboardStats, Shopkeepers, Holograms, QuickShop, LootCrates, CratesPlus

    Server IP: play.slapnuts.online


    submitted by /u/kbcuber200
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    CherryMC [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {1.15}

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 01:23 PM PST

    CherryMC is a survival multiplayer (SMP) server running on 1.15.2 Paper-Spigot with plugins to help reduce lag and prevent griefing, while keeping a mostly Vanilla experience. Claim land, invite players to your village, expand your town and build grand cities! We believe in letting the players create their own environment in which to live.


    • No Hacking
    • No X-ray or X-ray Texture packs
    • No RDM (Random Death match)
    • No Griefing
    • Have Fun!


    • Grief Prevention
    • Vote Sleep (25%)
    • SAML (Simple Anti-Mob Lag)
    • Pillager Optimizer (So we don't get swarmed!)
    • EssentialsX
    • DiscordSR

    Other Useful Information:

    • Current World Border (10,000 Radius)
    • Make sure to do /help to see list of available commands
    • Do /kit claim do receive the claiming shovel
    • You receive stone tools and 8 bread on join (currently broken)
    • Discord Link: https://discordapp.com/invite/9MZbWxM

    CherryMC has always been very focused on building a community where friends are made and people have fun together. That being said, you are under no obligation to socialize, but we ask that you remain kind to others. Join our discord for more information if you are interested in joining!

    Thank you for reading our post, and I hope to see you on soon,


    submitted by /u/Spjoti
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