• Breaking News

    Minecraft Piglins that have been bartered with a lot will equip themselves with gold armor.

    Minecraft Piglins that have been bartered with a lot will equip themselves with gold armor.

    Piglins that have been bartered with a lot will equip themselves with gold armor.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:21 AM PST

    Vote it up on the official feedback website here.

    submitted by /u/PaintTheFuture
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    Zombie horses should spawn in Zombie Villages

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 10:18 AM PST

    That would be the perfect way to add them to the actual game.

    submitted by /u/LATruinsMCU
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    Give Ender pearls and /kill their own death messages instead of reusing others

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 07:30 AM PST

    "$player hit the ground too hard" and "$player fell out of the world" really don't say anything about how they really died.

    I'm thinking "$player overused ender pearls" or something, and the generic "$player died" which is already in the Lang files for /kill

    submitted by /u/AL_O0
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    New death messages

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 01:16 PM PST

    Killed by a Piglin for not wearing gold gear - playername's armor displeased Piglin

    Killed by a Piglin for opening a container near Piglin - playername stole from container in front of Piglin

    Killed by an Ender Pearl from fall damage - playername didn't aim their throw too well

    Killed by an Ender Pearl from teleportation damage - playername wasn't very careful whilst using magic teleportation

    Killed by Elytra after fall damage from crashing into a wall - playername crash-landed whilst using Elytra

    Killed by a Zombified Piglin - playername attacked a Zombified Piglin and didn't get away with it

    Killed by a Silverfish swarm - playername failed to take control of a swarm of Silverfish

    Killed by a Potion after drinking it - playername drank a potion and didn't feel well afterwards

    Killed by the effects of a Tipped Arrow - playername was intravenously poisoned by effect Tipped Arrow

    submitted by /u/obvioussponge06
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    It should be hinted to the player when phantoms are enabled to spawn

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 09:42 AM PST

    Setting aside whether phantoms are a fun mechanic, it should at the very least be hinted to the player since when it is possible for them to spawn. A simple allegorical text in chat colored blue like "It is not safe to go long without sleeping" appearing when the grace hour has finished might be enough both for new players to realize the blue creatures spawning and not having slept are correlated and to remind veterans that phantoms exists.

    submitted by /u/GAG_G
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    Make netherite tools smeltable

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 03:21 PM PST

    Making netherite tools smeltable into netherite scrap would fit in with the mechanics for other metals and allow for making netherite renewable without making it too easy to farm.

    The only small (more lore lerated) issue would be the netherites heat resistance but maybe it could only be smelted down in a blast furnace or something.

    submitted by /u/gordongessler
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    Bushwhacker Enchantment for Axes Breaks Leaves Fast

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 05:00 AM PST

    When gathering saplings or apples, I frequently wish there was a way to break lear blocks with the speed of shears, but without dropping them in undamaged block form. "Bushwhacker", which is mutually exclusive to silktouch, will act like efficiency, but it will only effect leaf blocks. It won't be quite as fast as shears at max level three, but it will provide a much easier way to clear jungle undergrowth without breaking your shears every five seconds or roam dark oak forests hunting for precious apples.

    submitted by /u/orendorff
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    Soul Fire Death Message

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 01:38 PM PST

    We need a death message for Soul Fire. It's not regular fire, so there should be a different death message for dying either in it or due to it.


    "%1$s's soul burned to death"

    "%1$s's soul was burnt to a crisp"

    Also, please add blue fire when inside it.

    submitted by /u/SilverGhost540
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    Crafting Item Frames Should Get You Eight Instead of One

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 02:57 PM PST

    Nothing much else to it.

    submitted by /u/iSharkyShark
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    As funny as horses wearing boots is, u/orendorff, I think horseshoes might make a little bit more sense.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 07:36 AM PST

    u/orendorff recently suggested horses can wear boots, mostly so Frostwalker can work with horses. I like this idea but all I can see when I think of this idea is ( http://www.scp-wiki.net/local--files/scp-1545/Larry%20the%20Loving%20Llama.jpg ) Larry the Loving Llama.

    Horseshoes are crafted with 7 iron nuggets in an upside-down U shape. I'm only using nuggets because a small u would make a helmet or minecart and a big U would make pants or a cauldron if I used ingots.

    Horseshoes can be worn by horses, donkeys and mules and will provide a tiny amount of armour to the horse and will also let it run slightly faster. They are enchantable with a few enchantments I came up with, as well as a few others already in the game.

    Also, for now, I'll just be talking about horses. The same rules and effects apply to donkeys and mules but it's easier to just say "horses".

    Frostwalker works exactly the same as it normally does on a player. The horse will always freeze water whether or not it is being ridden.

    Trampling comes in 4 levels. Level 1 does 1 damage (-1/2 heart) and deals knockback when a horse runs into a mob or player while being ridden. Knockback stays the same as levels go up, but damage goes up by 1 (1/2 heart) every level.

    Running makes the horse run slightly faster and has only 1 level. Incompatible with Agility. Only applies when the horse is being ridden. I can't come up with a better name so suggestions are appreciated.

    Agility Makes the horse jump higher and has 2 levels. Each level adds 1/2 a block to it's maximum jump height. Incompatible with Running. Also only applies when the horse is being ridden.

    Feather Falling also works identical to how it does on a player.

    Curse of Binding works same as it does on a player...

    Curse of Vanishing is the same as it does on a player again...

    Mending and,

    Unbreaking also work the same as they normally do as well.

    Any other ideas for horseshoes?

    submitted by /u/CouldBeSteve
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    Allow any wood-based block (planks, fence, stairs, etc) to be attached to a boat placed on land or water, making the combined structure movable by pushing or piloting.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 03:53 PM PST

    Add wood blocks to blocks (but NOT any and all wood items--only basic wood things), and you could build out a larger ship using the original one-person boat as the base (hereafter called the "boat base"). If a wood block is added to a wood block already part of the ship, it's also considered part of the ship; but if your focus was a block not associated with the ship structure, the block you place only becomes part of the world.

    (PS I'm avoiding the idea of chests on ships at this point; that's a whole other can of worms that doesn't need to be addressed right now.)

    But unless you want to just push the ship around, you would still need someone to go sit in the boat base itself and pilot it, if you want the whole thing to be able to go anywhere like a simple boat can.

    The boat base itself would stay at the Z-level it started at, no matter what blocks get added. All blocks below it in Z-level would be automatically waterlogged. Unless there is a reason for the boat base to to fall to a lower level (like some water blocks get taken out at Z=63), then that becomes its new Z-level. So if your ship structure gets stuck at Z=62 because some water blocks are missing, your big ship is going to be stuck there unless you take it all apart and rebuild the ship from scratch. (This may explain why there are so many shipwrecks--wrecks that have lost their boat base are permanently part of the world and will never sail again in their current state).

    There's a few strategies you could take with adding blocks to boats:

    (1) Add some blocks or slabs for passengers to stand on and travel with you IF they stay still (because if they jump up while the boat is in motion the boat will fly out from under them unless there are 'guard rails' or something behind them). Downside: your ship can get boarded more easily by hostiles, and they can spawn inside your ship if you don't have lighting.

    (2) Build fencing around you so you can rebuff arrows from skeletons without blocking your line of sight around you. Downside: Drowned throwing tridents should be able to knock blocks off your ship or (worst of all) break your boat base in one shot and cripple the whole ship instantly. Also air columns from magma should peel off individual blocks.

    (3) Build a grand ship like the shipwrecks of old that we have already seen, except they would be able to move. You get one person to pilot blind with the boat base down in the cargo hold, with one or more decks above the pilot for other passengers to stand on.

    (4) Build a decent flat-bottom boat or longship where line of sight from the boat-base is still mostly clear. If you want any chance of being able to see where you're going as the pilot, the added blocks of your ship structure can't be more than one block above water level anyway.

    So depending on the ship design methodology, the pilot may need help from others who will tell him/her when to turn and how much, if to go forward or backward, and whether the ship is even moving(!) but being able to build a tall ship as a movable structure would enhance cooperative play IMO.

    We can also ignore inertia for simplicity; a huge ten-block-wide ship built on land should be as easy to push into the water as the basic one-man boat.

    submitted by /u/aqua_zesty_man
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    Leather armor gives resistance to natural poisoning and tipped arrows

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 01:08 PM PST

    If you're wearing a full suit of leather armor you will lot get poisoned by cave spiders, bees. But it will only grant partial resistance if you're not wearing a full set.

    The time of the effect of tipped arrows is reduced but never completely neutralized. A full set reduces it by about half, and you still take the normal amount of damage.

    This does nothing against splash potions.

    submitted by /u/Pasta-hobo
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    Enderman traiding

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 12:48 PM PST

    Sometimes when two endermen see each other they will traid their blocks of they have any

    submitted by /u/slenderender64
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    Jungle Jumping Spider

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 08:07 AM PST

    A variation on the normal spider (like the cave spider is) the Jungle Spider (name will change) is a Jungle exclusive spider variant.

    Mechanics- it spawns on the sides, or tops of Jungle trees above y-80. It has a large vertical aggro range and is hostile by default. If a player enters it aggro range the spider will jump(like a normal spider does) down onto them from above. From there it will act like a normal spider.

    Unique effects- it takes no fall damage, and has a climbing speed twice that of a normal spider

    Stats- 16 hp (8 hearts) Normal spider damage (whatever that is) Inflicts nausea upon attack

    submitted by /u/LminiMaster
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    Boots on horses

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:40 AM PST

    This idea stems from one desire - the ability to ride a horse wearing frost walker boots across an ocean. Horses have two boot slots. You can equip them with any two pairs of boots you like. A horse needs two pairs of frost walker or feather falling boots to gain the effects. Aqua affinity is useless except on skeleton horses. Every other enchantment can go on either pair of boots. That's it! Not a huge change, makes horses more epic, makes frost walker useful. See also "helmets on pigs"

    submitted by /u/orendorff
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    TNT Community Flair

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 08:27 AM PST

    If its not too much to ask, can we see a TNT flair for this subreddit? Just a suggestion since its an iconic block.

    submitted by /u/MrOzone2020
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    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 05:34 AM PST

    Soulfog, its a fog/liquid that pushes player around when they go in it because the souls in the fog are pushing the player around.

    Properties of the soulfog

    Effects get worse if the player has insomnia effect.

    Piglins get angry when they go in it and start attacking everything ( including Piglins).

    Almost every mob ones they have found a way out of the fog, wil start walking in circles, acceptions to this rule are: wither skeletons, skeletons, vindicators, witches, enderman and clerics.

    You can't sleep for 1 minecraft day, after walking through this liquid/fog.

    You can make a potion from the fog which has the same effect as the fog.

    submitted by /u/11thmog
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    Endermen shouldn’t be able to teleport onto or spawn on Crying Obsidian or Wet Sponges

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 06:39 PM PST

    Pretty self explanatory. Here's why:

    If I'm not mistaken we don't currently have a block endermen can't teleport onto, which I think would be very useful for use in farms and keeping endermen off your lawn. I'm assuming Crying Obsidian will be obtainable in other ways besides piglin bartering. Even if that isn't the case, this would still make sense. Crying Obsidian is crying, and drips water. Sponges do the same. Endermen hate water, so shouldn't they avoid these blocks?

    submitted by /u/HairClippingJesus
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    Apple based ideas

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 04:20 PM PST

    Currently apples are pretty boring. Outside of Golden apples there aren't much. So, apple based ideas.

    Apple Juice: Combines water and apple, refills 4 hunger

    Apple Pie: Pumpkin pie recipe but with apple, refills same amount of hunger as P-P

    Tossable Apple: Apple and Fishing Rod, can be used as horse bait

    Rotten Apple: There is a 25% that you may pick up a rotten apple. Eating it has the same effects of Rotten Flesh. You can brew Monochrome Potions with it: when applied, the terrain becomes black and white, and by drinking it you get the advancement "Bad Apple!"

    submitted by /u/TheOutcast06
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    I think we need to rework how beacons work

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 04:20 PM PST

    The whole argument for why netherite should've been able to be a beacon days was because it was a resource block so I think we should also make it so coal, redstone, and lapis lazuli blocks can act a beacon base. Maybe hay bales and netherwart blocks too? We need to have a consistent rule, either all metals/gems(which does include lapis), or all resource blocks

    submitted by /u/sr_dankerine
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    dogs bring you sticks and bones when you wake up

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 07:13 AM PST

    you know how cats bring you fishes strings and all that when you wake up ?

    well same, except with dogs and they bring you sticks and bones

    submitted by /u/Vap0r_offi
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    More Immersive Nether

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 03:47 PM PST

    Okay. This may be a long post but I will try to get to the point.

    In my opinion the warped forest biome in the nether doesn't have that much going for it. My proposition to fix this is to make it more scary and fun. This can be achieved with multiple ways -

    - Add a new thorny bush/vine to the warped forest (can be similar or a counterpart to the new red vine)

    - Whenever you are pricked by the vine you have a very low chance to hallucinate, this would mean you can see a horde of piglins running at you and then disappear.

    - There should be blue/greenish spores coming off some trees that will give you a form of nausea that will slowly tilt your screen and possibly change the rgb scale whilst the effect is on

    - Add a fungal mushroom that if you stand over it for to long you will get the nausea effect

    - Another alternative is if you are pricked by the new vine/ breath in spore the controls will be inverted for a short period of time. when you press forward you go backwards and left is right. This would freak the player out and add the the mystical properties of the warped forest you could call this effect 'confusion'

    - I saw another post kind of similar to this saying that piglins might randomly wander into the forest and they could sometimes randomly agro on each other which would show that the piglins are also effected by the weird nature of the forest.

    - There should be a bigger form of mushroom then the small 1 by 1 stem like a 2 by 2 and is twice as long as the normal mushrooms.

    - I will assume that this will be hard to implement but whilst in the forest there will be a low chance to see an silhouette of something in the distance of the forest partially hidden by trees.

    - A very important thing to add is unique nether cave sounds this applies to the general nether but also unique warped forest sounds. These sounds should be as scary as possible or just generally ominous. For example if you are walking through the soul sand valley you might hear faint whispers or screams coming from the earth or when you are in the warped forest you might hear a steady drum beat in the distance.

    Personally I really like the hallucination effect as that would add to the atmosphere of the forest and imagine if someone got the hallucination effect at the same time as the inverted controls effect that would be the scariest thing ever.

    Since the only thing the warped forest has got going for at the moment is boosted Endermen which I just recently learned was a bug the best way to encourage players to explore this biome would be to add the suggested above.

    If any of you have more to add just tell me and I might add it to the list if I like it. Please upvote so Mojang can see this.

    Edit: With the spores it is not a high chance that you will get the nausea effect maybe like a if you stand in the spores for a minute there will be a 1/10 chance that you will get a slightly tilted screen or a colour tint for 4 - 10 seconds (with the colour tint it will be a bit longer)

    With getting pricked there is no chance you will hallucinate if you don't get pricked by the vine and even then it will be a low chance to hallucinate.

    you can still live in/ walk through the warped forest biome and have nothing weird happen to you and if you avoid all the environmental hazards you are pretty much really rarely going to experience any weird effects.

    submitted by /u/Mrs-Cropely
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    End meteorite

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 02:48 PM PST

    a chunk that fell from the end and crashed into the earth and sometimes they will have chorus trees on them

    submitted by /u/slenderender64
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    The Golek

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 07:57 AM PST

    The Golek is a nether miniboss. The Golek spawns low down near the lava lakes on the shore, often on magma blocks.

    Stats- 70 hp or 35 ❤️s With a melee and ranged attack

    Melee hit- Easy (6 damage) Normal (8 damage) Hard (11 damage) All with high knockback

    Ranged hit- A thrown flaming boulder (netherrack block with a thin fire trail) Easy (4 damage) Normal (5 damage, ignites) Hard (7 damage, ignites)

    Drops- 1-2 magma cream 0-4 magma blocks 2-4 Fire shards (Fire crystals that can be placed like sea pickles (0-4 on a block) which act purely as a new light source, they can be placed on the top and bottom of blocks)

    submitted by /u/LminiMaster
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