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    Minecraft Please add bamboo to what wandering traders sell!

    Minecraft Please add bamboo to what wandering traders sell!

    Please add bamboo to what wandering traders sell!

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    Can't find a friggin' jungle in my world. :(

    submitted by /u/o0shad0o
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    Changes to basalt/new blocks

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    Basaltic Cobblestone- New block that uses the top/bottom texture of the current Basalt on all 6 sides. Can be used in place of crafting recipes that require normal cobblestone.

    Basalt- New block that uses a texture similar to the side texture of the current Basalt, but without the dark gradient on the side of the block. Spawns naturally in the nether as veins just like diorite, granite, and andesite do in the overworld. Drops Basaltic cobblestone if broken without silk touch.

    Basalt Column- New name for the current Basalt

    additionally, basalt columns should generate one y-level lower so they blend with the lava instead of float on top of it sorry mods I realize they do generate one y-level lower on bedrock, so this would be a parity request

    Basalt Pillar- New name for the current Polished Basalt

    Both the new Basalt and Basaltic Cobblestone would be configurable in the crafting table and stonecutters just like all other stone blocks/brick blocks.

    submitted by /u/crazyberns
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    Respawn Anchor portal animation should only show once the respawn point is set

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 08:02 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    Small suggestion here, I think the portal animation on the top of the Respawn Anchor should only show if the respawn point is set to that block. This serves two purposes:

    • Provides an immediate visual cue, showing the player immediately which block is the respawn point - in its current implementation it's up to the player to remember this
    • Is more intuitive - it should be easy for a new player to figure out that the block with the portal animation is the one that is active even without guidance
    submitted by /u/LOLCaatz
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    Overgrown forest biome

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    This would be a biome that is a much more overgrown varient of a forest. There would be lots of 2 block tall grass and much less regular grass, and alot of 2 block high flowers. Trees would also spawn mostly as the larger oak varient instead of the regular, and would rarely grow or spawn as the regular varient in this biome. I think this biome should be rarer than normal biomes but Nora's rare as stuff like ice spikes.

    submitted by /u/MothThatLuvsLamps
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    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 04:16 AM PDT

    Yaks roam around in groups of four or more. They can be bred with wheat. Yaks will attack any mob that attacks them and will protect baby yaks by standing in a circle formation around their young. They can be ridden with a saddle once tamed. yaks can be milked but this milk has a chance of giving nausea when drank. Yaks would drop leather commonly but have a very small chance of dropping their horn. if this horn is blown it will scare all yaks, cows, ravagers and mooshrooms in the surrounding area and they will start fleeing. this horn can be brewed to make a potion of fear which will make any mob under its effect go into the scared state animals get into when hit. this wouldn't work on boss mobs. if a player gets this effect, its controls could be inverted (when they intend to move forward they move backward; when they sneak they jump). this potion cant be extended and can only last 30 seconds so it isn't OP.

    submitted by /u/IFOUNDAHAZARD7
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    Cages for transporting small animals

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    In the ocean update, fish buckets were added for transporting fish to your fish tanks. After a fish was picked up in a bucket, it would not despawn.

    Cages should be added, which are similar to fish buckets, but for transporting small animals. Some animals include: Bats, rabbits, parrots, frogs (in the upcoming update), bees, and possibly silverfish, ender mites, and baby slimes/magma cubes. After these mobs are captured, they do not despawn. Dogs and cats should not be able to be caged because they are too big, and they already follow the player. Also, if mice, hamsters or other small pet-like creatures are added, this would be a good way to capture them.

    When an animal is caged, the item becomes "Caged Bat" or "Caged Rabbit" and so on. Just like "Bucket of Cod" and "Bucket of Salmon".

    The cage should not be placeable, because it would make capturing mobs a pain (you'd always be accidentally placing it while trying to capture the mob), and the player should have to make their own enclosure for whatever they're capturing

    A way that the cage could be crafted is three iron ingots on top, three iron bars in the middle, and three iron ingots on bottom.

    submitted by /u/jujucat222
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    A New “Withered” Nether Biome: The Soul Plateau

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    Just to let you guys know, I will be borrowing some idea's that I have seen from other posts, but I will be changing them up a lot. Anyways, here we go!


    The Soul Plateau is a desolate wasteland. It is a plateau that has sides that can range anywhere from 60-110 blocks in height. The top is nearly entirely flat, with at most 2 blocks in variation (excluding structures). The biome size must be large, though I don't have any particular dimensions for it. Plateaus must be roughly circular in shape as well.


    The sides of the plateau can consist of basalt, soul soil, soul sand, coal blocks, and obsidian. The surface of it (the top) will be covered in withered nylium, a black variant of nylium. The netherrack that it rests on will also be black. I know I said that there should be no varying on the surface of the plateau, but there will be small ruins of "cells" built out of black nether brick and black nether brick fences. These are only to be ruins, but mobs typically will spawn around these structures. Additionally, there will be another new block here called withered obsidian. This block will ward of any peaceful mobs within a 9 block radius. Furthermore, this block will turn any neutral mobs nearby into an aggressive state.


    Just as a small little thing, the fog in this place will be grayish-white.

    I hope you like my ideas, and I'm open to suggestions!

    PS: If you recognize the behavior of the withered obsidian block, its because I based it off of one of my previous posts, bleeding obsidian.


    There will we weather in this biome! Occasionally, a storm will appear over the plateau called "sulfuric rain." This rain will immediately begin suffocating every mob that does not naturally spawn in the biome. The player can combat this with a turtle shell or respiration enchantments; your breath bar will be varying depending on the level of enchantment. Players without enchantments or a turtle shell will immediately begin suffocating. This effect can be removed by blocking exposure to the rain, such as building a roof over your head or burrowing underground.


    Now here's where things get interesting. Of course, wither skeletons will spawn here, but not too abundantly. They will be trailed by a new mob, however: Withered Piglins. Withered Piglins are very skinny in nature, and look almost skeletal. They are grey and covered in soot, and wear tattered, black clothes. They don't attack anyone unless a wither skeleton attacks them. If you attack them, they will not fight back. They can be cured with a potion of strength and a golden apple, similar to a zombie villager. When cured, they will exhibit the following traits:

    -Give more blocks per gold ingot, and enchantments you receive will automatically be level II and up.

    -Where a black shirt instead of a brown one.

    -Not attack the player even if not wearing gold armor. They will attack back if you hit them, however, and their good trades will be lost.

    Alright, next we have some wither skeleton horses. Nothing too unique about them, they function the same as regular skeleton horses. However, when you attack one, you gain the wither effect. Wither skeletons leading withered piglins can be seen riding these.

    Now, finally we have my personal favorite out of all the mobs: the crow. Not nether crow, or anything, just a crow. Crows will spawn in this biome in groups of seven. They can be tamed with rotten flesh. Crows will attack any undead mob on sight unless you feed them rotten flesh beforehand so that they are "sleepy." They will sit on your shoulder during this time. When not "sleepy" they will fly in circles around you. When taming crows, you cannot have more than seven, if you do, the crows will kill each other until seven are left.

    submitted by /u/GlibWolf39600
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    Add withered Biome to the FPS

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    I have seen so many unoriginal ideas (almost identical) about withered forests, at this point I think there have been enough consecutively to add it to the Frequently Posted Suggestions list. Many are just reposts with nothing fresh.

    submitted by /u/MrOzone2020
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    Blaze Rod Ammo For Crossbows

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 02:24 AM PDT

    Blaze Rod Ammo would be used by the crossbow and does the same damage as an arrow although it would be more likely to deal damage towards the maximum side, and would be slightly more accurate than arrows not much but noticeable to say the least, it could possibly cause the target to catch fire for 1-2 seconds. Although slapping blaze rods to a crossbow and calling it a day is to simple so a recipe to make it would be better. Perhaps crafting it with some quartz and blaze rods would be a good recipe, quartz top and blaze rod bottom. Can also be obtained from Piglins via bartering but would be best that bartering with Piglins yields a little bit more than crafting to make it worth bartering with them.

    submitted by /u/The_Wizard_76
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    Improving Hoglins

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    Hoglins where added to have a real foodsource in the but personally I think, that they aren't really executed well.


    Hoglins have more health than the other farm animals and also attack the player which makes them harder to farm and breed. There isn't currently an upside to hoglins that other animals don't have. You'd be way better of to get some traditional mobs from the overworld and breed them there. To make up for this, mobs from the overworld shouldn't breed in the nether(Chicken will still lay eggs). Hoglins should also be breedable with with netherwarts. It only makes sense to make them breed with netherwarts since it's the only "crop" in the nether and that it is the same stuff that is made out of the caps from the giant mushrooms they feast of.


    In Minecraft Earth horned sheep sometimes headbutt eachother and that gives off a unique behaivior. https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft_Earth/comments/fhz00s/this_is_awesome_time_for_a_big_fight/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share So why not have hoglin battle with other hoglin too? In real life boars and warthogs also fight eachother and adding something like that to Minecraft would make the world more believable and make it feel alive. This random battle can last up to a minute. Fights will occure pretty rarily when two hoglins meet with one and another. No damage will be taken and baby hoglins won't fight. Once the hoglins are done they won't fight randomly again untill about 5 minutes pass.

    Speaking of fighting and battles. Hoglins should be hostile towards ravagers. This would make sense since that is what big mean and scary creatures do. Many of us would find that pretty interesting and entertaining. I mean, do you know how many videos there are testing how many creatures it takes to kill an iron golem? Yeah, MANY. The illagers would only get hostile towards hoglins once a ravager starts a fight or gets attacked.

    Some Additions:

    It's weird that hoglins AND piglins easily die in the nether because of fire. So I think BOTH should just take less damage from fire.

    Hoglins drop leather which is GOOD but I think they should drop their own HOGLIN LEATHER. With this new leather type comes the new HOGLIN ARMOUR. Hoglin armour is basically the same as normal leather armour but with the addition of a little bit of fire protection. Fire will still hurt you just a little less than normal. HOGLIN HORSE ARMOUR would also be a thing. Books can be crafted with hoglin leather.


    ▪Overworld mobs can't breed in the nether

    ▪Hoglins can breed with netherwarts

    ▪Adult hoglins fight each other sometimes

    ▪Hoglins attack ravagers and other way arround

    ▪Replace leather drop with hoglin leather |

    Add hoglin armour and hoglin horse armour

    submitted by /u/Planticious66
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    A Revamp Of Shroomlights: A New Food Source In The Nether

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 06:49 AM PDT

    Since Shroomlights are mushrooms, I thought it would be a good idea to make them into a new food source. It would give the player something to eat other than raw porkchops, and it would also make the Nether more livable.

    Shroomlight Slices

    Whenever you break Shroomlights with an axe, the fastest way to mine it, it drops 3-4 Shroomlight Slices. Mining it with anything else drops the block.

    These Shroomlight Slices are edible and give 2.5 chicken legs of hunger back. They also grant a short Glowing effect for three seconds, which is the con of this fruit, just like Chrous Fruit's random teleportation ability. As this can also be useful, this fruit can be eaten at a cooldown even with a full hunger bar.

    Potion Ingredient

    Shroomlight Slices brew into Awkward Potions to acquire Potions of Glowing, a new potion that can grant the Glowing effect.


    Shearing a Shroomlight using Shears crafted from the iron ingots crafted from the iron nuggets you get from Piglin bartering will return 2-3 Shroomlight Roots and make the Shroomlight into a Shaved Shroomlight, which can be used in a golem building recipe below.

    Planting the Shroomlight Root upon Soul Soil and bonemealing using the Bones dropped by Skeletons and Wither Skeletons in the Nether will grow a Giant Shroomlight, which is just like an Overworld giant mushroom with Shroomlight Stems constituting the stem and Shroomlights constituting the cap.

    Shroomlight Golem

    Placing Four Shroomlights in a T-shape and a Wither Skeleton Skull in the middle top will spawn a Shroomlight Golem, which has 250 health, is fire-resistant, and will basically be your Nether bodyguard.

    Whenever they enter the Overworld they become Iron Golems.

    submitted by /u/obvioussponge06
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    A new way to get crying obsidian

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    The respawn anchor is really interesting, but the way you get the crying obsidian is not that fun, or challenging. Here's what I've come up with to make the obtaining of the crying obsidian better.

    You can no longer get crying obsidian from piglin bartering.

    There's a new blue ore called Cavansite, it generates on the same way as Netherite does, really deep in the nether, but only on the soulsand valley. (it's more common than Netherite, though). The block texture is similar to quartz and gold ore, it's netherrack with a bit of blue and purple detail on it to show that the ore is there. It glows, makes sounds that the player can hear in a 10 block radius, and emmits the same particle crying obsidian does.

    You need an iron pickaxe or better to mine it, it'll drop the ore itself, you can smelt it on a furnace (faster on blast furnace) to get "Cavansite Crystal" .

    Now that you have the Cavansite Crystal, combine it with a ghast tear on the crafting grid to get "Shivering Ghast Tear". The texture is a glowing purple-blue ghast tear. If you drop it, it'll immediately disappear, so be careful. Now combine the Shivering Ghast Tear with an Obsidian and you've got a Crying Obsidian! Repeat the process 5 more times to get enough so you can make a respawn anchor.

    This will make getting a respawn anchor more fun and challenging, since killing ghasts is not an easy task and the soul sand valley is a really dangerous place.

    Please tell me your opinions and if I get enough feedback and a lot of people like it, I will post it on the feedback site!

    submitted by /u/Everedeck
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    Dragon breath should turn any blocks (other than obsidian, bedrock, end stone bricks, purpur, etc) into end stone.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    I think when the dragon breathes or spits one of those people fire ball things, the particles should change any overworld/nether block into end stone. This wouldn't really add much to the game but I think it would give a reason as to why endermen steal blocks. (To makes the end bigger?)

    submitted by /u/CompleetRandumbnass
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    Magma valley (repost)

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 03:00 AM PDT

    Hello dear reader! I put back this suggestion because a moderator had deleted it, I have modified it a little so that it is adapted to what I wanted to present basic and on this, good reading!

    This new biome will be a rare sub-biome of the cripson forest, the biome principle is simple:

    lava lakes are transformed into magma lakes, sometimes there's a little bit of lava. There are also some kind of mini volcanoes that spit smoke. Finally, there are small islands with cripson vegetation.

    Here's a image to show you what it might look like.

    more details :

    -this biome will obviously be populated by cubic magma.

    -there will be new structures:

    cripson's boat (image for example)

    any other ideas for this suggestion? comment!

    submitted by /u/TheTntExpress
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    Swamp Biome Variant - Wetlands, + New Flora and Fauna

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 01:25 AM PDT

    Instead of having a completely different biome I thought it would be nice to have a variant of the swamp since it is one of the only original biomes that doesn't have another variant.

    It would be very similar to the swamp but with some additions:


    1. Cypress trees - Thinner and taller than normal trees
    2. Lotus - Beautiful pink or white flowers that spawn with or on Lilly pads
    3. Bulrush - If broken a bunch of white particles appear and slowly fade away similarly to what happens if they're broken IRL.
    4. Oak will still be included


    1. New fish type - Freshwater fish that only spawns in swamps and wetlands
    2. Since frogs are being added in the future it would make sense to also add them to wetlands
    3. Great Blue Heron & Shoebills - Large birds that sometimes hunt the previous 2 mobs
    4. Freshwater turtles - Smaller and darker than normal turtles
    5. Dragonfly/Meganeura - A bit larger version of a normal dragonfly that comes in a few colours

    I've gone through the FPS list to make sure I wasn't repeating any ideas.

    I understand that this has quite a large amount of additions so I do not see this being implemented anytime soon. Maybe they would do something like this after the Nether update is done along with the all the upcoming biome updates.

    submitted by /u/Internal_Recording
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    Potion particles appear as part of your screen.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    Similar to fire, potion particles should appear as part of your screen. Now ofcourse the screen would get flooded wih particles if we kept both particle systems, so the way to fix this would be to make the potion particles invisible to the player the potion effected.

    The particles would come out in small waves of small spirals every 1-2 seconds. The waves would be vertical half-ovels on both sides of your screen.

    submitted by /u/The-Most-Sour-Lemon
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    Beaming Lights

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    You get this when you make a beacon!

    submitted by /u/Dashydubz
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    Cooking Chorus Fruit In Smokers

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 09:44 PM PDT

    It may not be too useful, but smokers are designed for food. And, chorus fruit is technically food. So Why Not?

    submitted by /u/BradenStew
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    Fixing nether fortresses

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 03:54 AM PDT

    These structures are bland. Dated. Not changing much since their addition yonks ago. Now we have a full set of netherbrick items and a full variant of the block in red nether bricks. Now with the nether update coming up these structures need a revamp. Currently they don't have an entrance so they are easier to take over and harder to design in a challenging way.

    The entrance: Steps leading up to a gate with lava pouring out the sides. With two watch towers with persistent skeletons with flame bows. Taking these out would be the first challenge involved. The entrance is the new place the netherwart is, planted in fields as crops out the front instead of awkwardly placed by some stairs that sometimes spawn.

    The corridors: These would be the same winding passageways low light and decent loot, probably lower the rate of diamonds and obsidian and increase them In other areas which I will discuss later.

    The top of the walls: Also largely the same except there would be no blaze spawners because of another reason I will discuss later. A slight change would be adding arrow slits(not sure what they're called but they are the castle wall raised bits on the top)

    Archer towers: This is another new addition, these would be positioned along corners of the fortress with persistent blaze to shoot you, no corner of the fortress is safe taking these out if you choose to walk the top layer is a priority. They have chests with better loot tables than the lower ones.

    The new structure: Keep all the same rooms as before minus the netherwart stairs. And randomly place them in the fortress, the fortress is now roughly the size of a woodland mansion and has a fortress like exterior instead of the sprawling indefensible generation it currently has. It's suppose to be a fortress so it's time it looked like one and not a bunch of rectangles places randomly. This now gives it a square bounding box which also helps for farms and such.

    The heart of the fortress: 1 or 2 blaze spawners, some chests with good loot, the main reason you come here is to collect blaze rods so conquering the whole structure rewards you with unlimited blaze rods, mobs would still spawn as normal throughout the structure so it's technically optional but getting to the centre is going to be worth it if you plan on brewing or defeating the dragon.

    Generation: They will not always generate over lava laces encouraging the player to use the actual entrance and not just block up. This also makes them more defended like real fortresses and stops the ugly netherrack sections.

    Block pallet: Netherbrick Red netherbrick as a highlight block Lava Fire on netherrack Soul lanterns

    Bit of a text wall but I hope this gives a nice description of my ideas with this important yet lacking structure.

    submitted by /u/4_Weegee
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    Netherite bow and a use for the fletching table.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 11:24 AM PDT

    The title says it all really. A netherite bow that could have a flame trail made by combining a pre-existing bow with a netherite ingot in the fletching table.

    submitted by /u/xXAll_HailXx
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    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    i just got a quick thought about, actually being able to own structures like villages, pillage outposts and ocean monuments, going into them with a thing called "flag" equipped in the left hand slot triggering a war, a flag is crafted by a banner in the middle-top but with 3 stick in the left or right ( corner-up right/left, middle right-left and corner-down right/left). So after triggering a war on for an example:

    Villages: sending illagers with swords and shields and iron golems in diffrent waves.

    Ocean Monuments: gets colonized after when the elder gaurdians are neutralized.

    Strongholds: after defeating the enderdragon.

    Pillage Outposts: when u defeat a raid in a village you colonized, u get the head of the leader, and after holding a flag while the head is on your other hand, while around the outpost, you trigger the Revenge event that is pretty easy, you will just need neutralize all pillagers in the outpost. and then it is yours.

    And after Colonizing an area all hostile mobs stop spawning, but instead warriors spawn wearing medivial styled armor, with the flag you raided them with right at the back of their armor and on their shields. Warriors are weak but whe u lead a pack they hit hard, and not all warriors are the same, for an example, ocean warriors can swim fast, and have unlimited breathing. Stronghold warriors have black skin with purple eyes themed like the endermen.

    and after colonizing you get taxes payed for you along with shops you can buy from, and making businesses with villagers to build a house for you in exchange for some emerald.

    and in speaking of houses, colonized areas don't look the same as before, when colonizing an ocean monument you get floating platforms over the water. And strongholds look way fancier, and villages look wat more civilized...

    hope this idea gets implemented since fighting bosses is not that big of a challenge when there is only 3 if them.

    submitted by /u/SamiREDDIT911
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    It's time to fix Silk Touch

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 09:45 PM PDT

    The following blocks shouldn't require Silk Touch:

    • Snow: It should be gathered with a shovel. When gathered by hand, or with any other tool, it should still give snowballs.

    • Ender Chests: This is just silly. A diamond pickaxe alone should be enough to pick it back up. They're too expensive and frequently-used to ALSO require an enchantment to relocate. In my experience, people tend to forget that they need the enchantment at all, because they're not moved often enough.

    • Melon: Why do pumpkins drop themselves, but melons don't? They could both be changed so that axes make them drop edible slices, while regular gathering picks up the whole block, which can be broken down in the crafting interface.

    • Mushroom Blocks: Honestly, why can't they be gathered with an axe? Why do they split apart into individual mushrooms? Where are those stems coming from?

    • Bookshelves: This is just rude. Books are already tedious enough to craft. At the absolute least, let them drop their total constituent planks and books. Planks don't explode when you gather them, why should a collection of six? Boats were updated to drop all of their constituent pieces when damaged, bookshelves can be too.

    • Cake: If you can break and pick up other things with your hand, surely doing so for a cake would make sense. If it must be gathered with a tool, make it a shovel for the sake of comedy. EDIT: I've been reminded that cakes have various states, and that the dropped item would need to account for these. Disregard this one.

    • Packed Ice: Come on. It's packed. Have you seen people gather blocks of natural ice?

    In order to make up for its removed "features", Silk Touch could also allow some or all of the tool's damage to bypass armor, which would help incentivize using weapons other than swords in combat.

    Any thoughts about other blocks that should be altered with this proposal?

    submitted by /u/Unprocessed_Sugar
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    The Respawn Anchor should be renamed to Nether Anchor

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    The game touches on plenty of different and magical items. But something Minecraft has never done is reference an out-of-game concept. A concept like "respawning" isn't something that should ever be acknowledged.

    A bed is used to set your spawn, but you aren't crafting a "respawn bed" your just making a bed. The closest Minecraft comes to referencing an out-of-game concept is the deathscreen button to respawn. But I think that's a fair exception.

    This is why I believe the Respawn Anchor could be named

    "Nether Anchor" to reference you anchoring your Respawn to the Nether

    "Soul Anchor" to fit the soul theme of a lot of Nether magic (soul sand, wither, soul speed)

    Or "Life Anchor" if nothing else it would match the fact that you die and regain life there (this is my least favorite)

    submitted by /u/LminiMaster
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