• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers HearthCraft [SMP] {1.15.2} {Never Resets} {mcMMO} {Level-up Perks} {Economy} {Custom Achievements}

    Minecraft Servers HearthCraft [SMP] {1.15.2} {Never Resets} {mcMMO} {Level-up Perks} {Economy} {Custom Achievements}

    HearthCraft [SMP] {1.15.2} {Never Resets} {mcMMO} {Level-up Perks} {Economy} {Custom Achievements}

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 05:36 AM PDT

    Amidst the coldness of the outside world, we at HearthCraft offer you a place to keep yourself warm with sweet hellos, joyful laughter, and lively conversations. 🔥🎉

    Server Details

    Why should I join?

    Well, just to give you some background, HearthCraft has been a SMP server for anyone for a year now. We've been giving people smiles, fun times, memories, and friends to people of all kinds since October 2018.

    If you're a Minecraft veteran, I assume you've been in these kinds of servers:

    1. Everyone is just minding their own business. The chat is too flooded to notice you join.
    2. An overly strict and tight one where the staff members, among all people, are the ones rude to you.
    3. A hub server that's just... soulless. A sense of community is hardly found.

    HearthCraft, I can say, is the polar opposite of those servers. When you join, assuming there's people online, you'll be welcomed. Everyone's cool, and... warm.

    A fair experience

    The feature we're proud of is our leveling system. Do you know how in some servers, it's either you're a regular or a donator?

    That's absolutely what we avoid.

    We have a leveling system where you can level up and access extra perks at the price of playtime, mcMMO power, and in-game currency.

    Basically, when you play enough, you'll eventually be able to fly, access certain commands, and even talk with color codes.

    Preserving Sentiment

    We understand that a big thing people hate about most servers is that the worlds reset. While we understand that worlds reset for good reasons like everyone has gotten everything, things have gotten pointless, etc., we will make sure it won't get to that. Everything you build will be preserved. Even the graveyard you made for your first horse.

    Last remarks

    Really, we're a continuously growing community, and if you decide to join, we'll welcome you into the Hearth.

    submitted by /u/MarisimIsTaken
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    Lasagn [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelisted}{1.15.2}{16+}{Weekly Events}

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 07:02 AM PDT


    Lasagn is a whitelisted, semi-vanilla SMP server established June 8, 2018. (With us currently being on our 3rd season, having started in early September 2019!) Our friendly and welcoming community focuses on having fun playing the game with others and constructing big projects together. You'll always find something interesting to do--whether its participating in weekly events, joining a town, helping with a community build or stocking your shop in the shopping mall!

    We like the atmosphere to be a laid-back, low stress, fun environment. If you enjoying hanging out, joking around and having fun playing Minecraft, this server is perfect for you. Our server is vanilla with a few plugins to help with moderation, and we always welcome feedback and ideas about how we can improve the server.

    Server Settings: Hard Mode Survival, 1.15.2

    What We Offer:

    • Soft Border - You will be able to explore to your heart's content, but everything outside the 7K soft border may be deleted for future content.
    • Semi-Vanilla - This server is running Spigot and we have only added plugins that have NO effect on the vanilla feel. This means no TPA, land protecting or any plugins that alter vanilla mechanics.
    • Dedicated Server - This server is hosted by a reliable hosting company, meaning that we should have 100% up-time and multiple servers on our box for a creative server, etc.
    • Other Features - Including a dynmap, datapacks, and many more.
    • Whitelisted - Filtered out griefers and trolls.
    • Tight-Knit Community - We aren't like those servers that accept you and never talk to you again. We love the community on the server and are very welcoming to new people!
    • Weekly Server Events - Each week we host fun events ranging from UHC to brand-new games!
    • Community Builds - Including a shopping mall, campground, farms and more.


    1. Respect one another and don't ruin others' experience. If you have any problems with a player, contact staff.
    2. Don't grief. Innocent pranks are fine, but destruction of property and non-consensual PVP are not. If you break it, you fix it.
    3. Don't steal. If the chest isn't marked free, or you don't have explicit permission from the owner, don't take from it.
    4. The answer to the last question on the application is "Penguin" :)
    5. No game-changing mods. Things like JourneyMap, BetterVillagerTrading and most QOL mods are fine, but anything that'll give you an unfair advantage (X-ray, PVP hacks, etc.) server-side is not allowed. If you have any questions about whether or not a mod is allowed, feel free to ask!

    Want to Join?

    We are looking for players who enjoy building and playing the game and want to become a part of our community. We are currently accepting ages 16+, but also expect a reasonable level of maturity from everyone. To apply, simply join our Discord and click the application prompt.


    Administrators: Hilltest, Omgtrees, Jun, Bacterias

    Moderators: PurpleValkyrie, Taramisu, Lazykiwi, Eggsplant, Espanoo, RektTangle, Beerswain, JDude

    IP: mc.lasagnmc.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/v5Psken

    Dynmap: http://mc.lasagnmc.com:1337/

    Specs for the Curious:

    CPU: Intel i7-7700K 4.2 - 4.5 GHz

    RAM: 64GB DDR4 2400MHz

    Disks: Hybrid Soft RAID 2x450GB NVMe + 4TB SATA

    Network Connection: 1 GBPS

    Location: Eastern Canada (but we still have a ton of EU players)

    If you have any further questions, check us out on the Discord!

    submitted by /u/bacteriums
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    Server26 [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {No Teleport} {No Resets} {+4 Years} {1.15.2} {18+} {Dynmap} {GriefPrevention} {Player Shops} {Small}

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    We are a longstanding SMP with currently ~6 active players and we are looking for more! A few players have been there since the early days, others since last year, and a few joined only recently.

    • Overview

      Our main guideline to leave the "meta" of pure Vanilla survival as unaltered as possible (for a public server).

      The only 3 plugins that interfere with this are:

      GriefPrevention, a sleep voting plugin, and player item shops for trading. That means as many features from other plugins you know from other servers are absent by design and won't be added. There are two ranks "new" and "player", they do not give any benefits. You can not buy "power" for real money here and we have no adminshops. Everything on the map was build and farmed in survival.


      Map: https://map.server26.net/

      Discord: https://server26.net/discord still small lets change that :)

    • No Warps, No /tpa, No /sethome

    • No McMMO or alike, No donation perks or any such frills

    • The world will never reset

    • Land claiming

    • Player trading via signs (No adminshops)

    • 50% sleep

    • All made in survival, including spawn area, etc

    • Lots of public farms.

      Rules:https://server26.net/rules TL;DR: Be reasonable and don't be a dick.

    • Community

      What you have read so far sounds like your cup of tea? Well then you may fit right in. Rules are laid back. We aim for a close knit community, have some events from time to time, and there is always something you can help with. Staff is usually available to help players. Need help digging? Just died far away? No problem. We also have a Hermitcraft-like shopping area for players using a trade shop plugin.

    • Gameplay

      This is supposed to feel like a vanilla server. Currency is diamonds. This is not enforced its just what everyone uses. No warps, you have to walk, or fly by elytra. You can focus on long term projects, take your time, because we NEVER RESET the map. Leave for months, pick right up where you left. In +4 years time we built a lot of farms and infrastructure. This makes it a lot easier to get going early in the game, especially for endgame players. But fear not, there is always need for expanding upon whats already there.

      The spawan city is protected. Areas there are released for community builds. Outside the city you can build your own base(s). You will get more claimblocks during play.

    • Specs & Plugins

      Hosted in Germany with 32GB Ram, an i7-4770 CPU, and 2TB storage. We do weekly Backups. Regarding updates we don't always run the latest version but we plan to update to every major release eventually (often when Optifine is out). In case an update brings a big change in world generation (e.g. 1.16) we would delete chunks that have been loaded less than a minute. Meaning someone likely just passed by while exploring.

      For land claiming we use GriefPrevention, which lets you protect areas you selected with a golden shovel. You can allow certain or all players to build and or access chests/buttons, on your claim. It also protects your claims and the worlds surface from creepers. Then there is also a chest shop plugin. You can use iron nuggest to create villager-like trades. You can do this anywhere, but its recommended to do this in the shopping area or your claim. Harbor is a plugin which skips the night, if 50% or more players are in bed. Lastly there is one that makes bad omen only available at pillager outposts, and one that lets you rotate Glazed Terracotta.

      Additionally we have some datapacks: Ghasts don't break blocks. Shulker respawn ~2 months after they were killed. You can silent mobs by naming them "silent" and undo this with "unsilent". Your 1st Enderdragon kill gets you an Elytra. You can craft Enchanted Golden Apples. Some recipes have been tweaked (bone blocks directly from bones, recolor glass,... )

    submitted by /u/lerokko
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    PolyCraft [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Greylist}{1.15.2}

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    Poly-Craft (Semi-Vanilla, Greylisted, Mature, EVENTS!) Map started as of 1/3/2020 and we just expanded our border on 2/28/20 and Updated to 1.15.2

    Looking for a fun friendly active Minecraft community to be apart of? Look no further! Poly-Craft is a greylisted, semi-vanilla survival server that focuses on having a tight-knit community. We offer the following:

    Server Specs:

    • 6 3.5ghz Intel Xion e5 – 1650v3

    • Hard Drives : 1TB SSD, 1TB HDD

    • 100gb DDR4 Ram

    • 1Gbit/s Port

    Server Settings:

    • Hard Mode

    • Survival

    • 1.15.2

    • 22,000 x 22,000 map size.

    Server Info:

    • All-Inclusive server. No Racist, homophobic, or any hate allowed! We love having people from all different walks of life.

    • Staff monitored Grief and Theft Plugins

    • Greylisted – We keep out the trolls.

    • Weekly PvP Events with Awesome Prizes! : We have a whole section of spawn dedicated to these weekly events! Every Saturday, twice a day we go at it!

    • Daily Voting Rewards

    • Discord and Websites: See below for the information.

    • Supporter Perks: Heads DB, Trails, etc.

    • Active Staff

    • Events Three Times a Week

    So come check us out, fill out a quick application, and get greylisted today!

    Rules: Our rules are found on our applications.

    You can apply to join here: http://www.polycraftmc.com/

    Join our server IP: mc.polycraftmc.com

    Chat with us via Discord: https://discord.gg/fwvGmF3

    submitted by /u/lagninja
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    TurtleSMP [Semi-Vanilla]{Discord}{1.15.2} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 10:15 PM PDT

    We're looking for a wave of new members to start on our 3-month-old world

    Join the community of 30+ active players who are always welcoming and happy to lend a hand!
    Absolutely everything on the server is done in survival, we're focused on a big projects and builds but everyone is welcome to play to their own style!

    We are looking for more like-minded players who are respectful, friendly and are committed enough to play regularly for the foreseeable future! Completely free to join and get whitelisted; the community and world has been running since 1.13 released and isn't slowing down anytime soon!


    · 14GB private server up 24/7 located in Europe

    · No enderman, ghast or creeper griefing

    · One player sleep

    · Several Vanilla Tweaks datapacks (minor QoL changes, see discord info tab)

    · New events, community projects and themes are regularly organised to keep the community strong and reduce burnout

    · Community run in-game shops, games and projects

    · Dynmap coming soon!

    · Access to our private Creative and Deathban servers


    Simply no griefing or stealing, be mature and an active member of the server and community!

    Screenshots from the previous world: https://imgur.com/gallery/HL7GBsU

    To join head to our Discord: https://discord.gg/JJwmFQu

    Join our discord or comment below for more info!

    submitted by /u/TommyD_55
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    Heartwood at Stumped [SMP]{1.15.2}{Whitelist}{Adults 18+}{Multi-world}{DYNMAP}{Grief Protection}{XisumaDatapacks}{Custom Plugins}{Discord}

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    Heartwood noun | heart-wood | \ ˈhärt-ˌwu̇d \The dense inner part of a tree trunk, yielding the hardest timber, less permeable, and more durable than the surrounding sapwood.

    **Applications are currently OPEN*\*

    What is Stumped?

    We're a server that has been together since September 2017 and have stuck together through it all. We have approximately 50 players, some old and some new. We are extremely community driven and are often asking for feedback and suggestions with server happenings, schedules, changes, how they are liking things, and greatly enjoy discussions about how the future of our server should go. We have active staff that are always eager to help out in any situation. If you're a new player, don't worry, you're more than welcome here! If you're unsure of anything, please ask questions! All of our players don't mind helping out, staff or not. We don't allow people to feel left out. We like to include all players. Once you're invited, you're one of us.

    What our community features:

    • Website
    • Close knit, 18+ community welcoming of all new players
    • Overworld map that never resets
    • Active Discord linked to MC server
    • Dedicated, active adult owners and staff members
    • Regular events in and out of game!
      • Most recently we recreated Settlers of Catan AND Pandemic in game!
    • Newspaper published in-game "The Pulp" (hint hint)
    • Movie and Game Nights hosted by various players!
    • Players from all backgrounds and wide variety of timezones/geographical locations!
    • Community questionnaires and polls

    Map Info and Features:

    • Overworld size: 7.5k by 7.5k
    • Creative Build World - never resetting
    • Resource Gathering World
    • End Resource World
    • Nether hub and highway - Full nether reset planned for 1.16
    • Plugins to protect and enhance the vanilla experience
      • Grief Prevention, CoreProtect, BlockLocker
      • Fun, Custom Brewery Plugin developed by an awesome member of the community (Update currently in progress)
      • Custom Quality of Life Utilities Plugin for warping (Update currently in progress)
      • BetterConcrete
      • CommandSigns
      • RiflesChairs
      • Dynmap
      • NPC Traders
    • Datapacks to enhance vanilla gameplay!
      • BlazeandCave's Advancements with custom server specific additions
      • Xisuma's Hermitcraft Tweaks Datapack including customizable armor stands, gravestones, afk display, double shulker shells, double slab crafting, dragon elytra drops, more bricks, more mob heads, and more stairs crafting.
      • Custom crafting recipes such as charcoal --> ink sac (black dye) and 9 string --> cobweb

    Future Plugins, Datapacks, and plans:

    • Updating brewery and custom quality of life utilities to current version

    Who We Whitelist / How to Get Whitelisted

    We whitelist players who appreciate the love and hard-work our players have poured into the server and players that want to participate in its community. People who don't mind compromise and understand that a lot of us here are looking for a place to relax after a day in our life. You must be 18+ to apply. Our rules can be found here.

    To keep gameplay fun and light for everyone, we have an extensive application process. Our whitelist application may be longer than other servers, however we utilize a fair community voting process--the community gets to see what they need to in order to make their votes. We look for reading comprehension, personality, and maturity when reviewing applications. Because of this process, we'll make sure you get a notification on whether you've been accepted or not within twenty-four hours, however responses are usually faster. Here is a link to our application.

    Feel free to PM us if you have questions, otherwise, see you on the server!

    Current Events:

    • Pi Day Creative Build Contest (Ends March 22nd)
    submitted by /u/StumpedSMP
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    Emerald Legion [Semi-Vanilla] {1.15.2}

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    • Server Name: Emerald Legion
    • Server Location: United States East Coast
    • Discord: http://discord.gg/JPcttXf
    • Server Address: legion.sly.io
    • Version: 1.15.2

    • Description: Emerald Legion is a Semi-Vanilla Survival Minecraft server that started back in August of 2016. Our server focuses on quality over quantity, as we strive to have a welcoming community, as well as an enjoyable survival experience. We have several popular plugins, some of which include GriefPrevention and DynMap. We only have essential plugins to ensure the server is close to Vanilla Survival, yet still has extra added features to make gameplay enjoyable. We host several community events, server 'field trips', playing adventure maps, etc. as well as discussions so we can help better the future of the server and so everyone gets a voice. It's hard to sum up the experience that you'll have on our server in words, so we encourage you to check us out for yourselves, become a part of the community, and make new friends along the way :)

    • Rules: Hacking and client modifications aren't allowed // Trolling or being a nuisance is not tolerated // Griefing/raiding/stealing is not allowed // No advertising // DDoS threats are taken seriously and will result in a ban // Bullying, racism, disrespect, etc. is not allowed and is a punishable offense // Full rules can be found on the server Discord or the server itself

    • Server Hardware: Dedicated server: - Intel Core i7-2600k / 4 Cores 8 Threads / 3.8GHz+ / 16 GB DDR3 / 512GB SSD / 200 MBps
    • Plugins (only important listed): [Autorank] [CoreProtect] [CrazyAuctions] [DiscordSRV] [DungeonsXL] [DynMap] [Essentials] [GriefPrevention] [Jobs] [mcMMO] [Minepacks] [MobArena] [SmoothSleep] [RandomTP] [Veinminer]
    • Owner/Admins: Cam (Chorals), Dust (DustofFalana), Cher (Cheriris)
    submitted by /u/aedifica
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    Stone Age SMP [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{1.15.2}{Whitelisted}{Discord}{Java}

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    Welcome to Stone Age SMP!

    We are a completely vanilla, Minecraft survival server. This server is oriented around creating a fun and community-based experience for all of the players.

    To join this server, please fill out this application to be put onto a whitelist queue: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf8IUu7jefZoYhTJ51XHpxIsxBmn0oxBPwW2xGfX8QEqsAhlA/viewform?usp=sf_link

    Discord: https://discord.gg/xXqZ52X


    Minecraft version 1.15.2

    Plugins: One player sleep, Core Protect, World Compass

    Launch: 3/16/2020, 12:00AM EST Must be age 15+

    Rules: Swearing is allowed, as long as it isn't attacking other players on the Server or any groups in general

    No Griefing other peoples land plots or stealing from other chests

    No use of any third party hacking clients or resource packs (Clients such as Optifine or Forge are accepted)

    Do not spam the Discord server or in-game chat. Sending over 10 messages in a row without a response is considered spam. This rule is obviously flexible, so don't worry too much if you're telling a story or something!

    Do not attempt to harm or attack the server or it's users in any way shape or form (This includes Ddos, any form of IP Stressing, Crashing the server while in-game, etc)

    submitted by /u/ActualLilBill
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    Versteckt Minecraft [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] [HUB] {1.15.2} {PVP/Creative Worlds} {Dynmap}

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    Versteckt is a new Semi-Vanilla Java Minecraft server running on 1.15.2 and is hosted in USA on dedicated hardware.

    Multiple worlds are available. Other than your regular minecraft world there is a world for creative and a PVP world.


    Connection info:
    Server Address: play.verstectkt.org:25565

    Griefing is not allowed. Cheats are not allowed. PVP only allowed on PVP world.

    submitted by /u/verstecktmc
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    Survival Fun {SMP} {16+} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    Survival Fun is a mature SMP community about two weeks old. We got about 20 active members, and we are always looking for new members who are dedicated to the game! We are inspired by the HermitCraft server, we have districts for homes, shopping and industries. We also have monthly events such as our signature base of the month, and challenges.

    If you are interested; please join our discord server and apply for a whitelist!


    • We have great staff team to deal with any server problems that happen!

    • Spawn will have defined districts for shopping, residential, and games.

    • We have dynmap

    • Quality of life datapacks

    • Players are able to one home and teleport to other players.


    - Ryzen 9 3900x

    - DDR4 Memory

    - 8GB Ram

    Some data packs we use:

    • Four Bark

    • Improved Dyeing

    • Logical Uncrafting

    • Proper Stair Math

    • Shortcut Recipes


    Here are some of our rules, for a more detailed list click here. We value our player's opinions so if you have any suggestions or concerns about our rules please contact Towkio on our discord, or another staff member.

    1. No griefing.

    2. No cheating.

    3. No advertising.

    4. No spamming.

    5. No discrimination.

    submitted by /u/SupportThee
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    QCraft [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Discord} {HermitCraft-Like} {Whitelist} {15+} {1.15}

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 06:31 AM PDT

    About the server:

    Our server is Hermitcraft based with a small active community consisting of about 9 people all around the world and we are currently recruiting again, We are looking for active players who would like to be part of our community. Back-ups are made daily and we have host server-wide events every so often like build off's. We also have monthly (towards the end of every month) server reunions when everyone comes on and decides on new ideas for the server. As of now, we operate 6 plugins of which 3 are inaccessible and for backend only and 3 are stated down here.

    Furthermore, our server recently updated and we are proud to announce that we now have a resource world and creative world; Do you know those times that someone mines out that desert next to your house, well worry no more, with our new resource world you can gather so many resources as you want without it affecting the surroundings! Furthermore, the creative world! Now you can try out new builds so you don't have to fiddle around with block selection in survival, for those pesky builds that just don't quite fit in survival mode.

    TL;DR version:

    We operate 2 plugins to keep it simple:

    • Essentials X (Mostly for /nick.)
    • SinglePlayeSleep
    • Head Database

    Accessible Worlds

    • Survival (Main server)
    • Resource
    • Creative

    Further details:

    We recently updated to 1.15.2 and we reset the resource world everyone would get a shot at gathering bee nests. 1.16 is also bound to come out soon and therefore we will be resetting the nether soon.

    About the server events, we always host server events around the server, we had a successful Xmas event and MapArt event and will be starting a new event soon.

    IP: The server is whitelisted.

    Server location: Europe

    Gamemode: Survival

    Minimum age: 15 years of age at the time of application

    We have no data packs but we are considering adding them in the future and vote for them in the next server meeting.


    No Griefing. (Jokes are allowed to a certain extent tho)

    No cheating/hacking.

    No stealing.

    Be helpful towards the community.

    You must be 15 years of age at the time of application.

    Discord is a must-have.


    If you´re interested, fill out the google form provided down here and I'll contact you ASAP on discord (Eppich207/Martin#7553).

    Click here to go to the form.

    Yours sincerely QCraft.

    submitted by /u/martinsmartinis
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    BizzCraft [PVE] {MCMMO} {Player Warps} {1.15.2} {Events} {Essentials} {Economy} {Claiming} {CrazyCrates} {GriefPrevention}

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    BizzCraft is a free-build survival server with a friendly community and helpful staff. A relatively old server (We'll be turning 9 years old in April!), we've got a strong server economy with auctions, shops, and warps. We have timed ranks that can be earned simply by being online as well as donor ranks that can be purchased, each with it's own perks. There's also monthly competition builds for in game money, special prizes, and ranks!

    Today, March 21st, we're having a series of events for in-game prizes! Come pop on and check us out!

    IP Address: play.bizzcraft.net

    Server Rules (And Website): https://www.bizzcraft.net/info

    Server Discord: https://discord.gg/XQuXzCY

    submitted by /u/Peculiar_Jellyfish
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    True Minecraft [SMP][PvE]{1.15.2}{No Whitelist}

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 02:44 AM PDT

    Connect, there's no whitelist: play.trueminecraft.com

    Join us for an authentic semi-vanilla experience with a friendly mature community! Our survival is enhanced for multiplayer, featuring land claims, anti-resource-starvation, and unique post-based teleportation.

    Our features add to vanilla without changing the feel of the game. Here are several of our tweaks, features, and enhancements.

    • Premium high quality hosting, designed with Minecraft in mind
    • Unique post-based teleportation allows collaboration, while not reducing difficulty
    • Experienced, mature moderators and automated systems bore and ban trolls and griefers
    • Our claiming system is easy to use, foolproof, and available to all players immediately
    • New players spawn already in the wilderness with many resources, and near other players
    • The rotating spawn location always has resources available
    • Animals, trees, and plants are immediately available upon joining
    • Certain mobs drop scarce resources on SMP servers (ghosts drop 20 glowstone, ender dragons drop elytras)
    • Diamonds are spawned in (with extreme sparsity) eliminating depletion
    • Our trees fall down when they are chopped, not float in the sky and stay there
    • Optionally, the inventory and chests auto-sort themselves with like items
    • Donor benefits have zero pay-to-win, and encourage more gameplay
    • To learn more, join the server and see for yourself

    See /help upon join for more specific information about these tweaks!

    This server is run by very experienced and mature staff (and many have been here for years). It's been online for around five years. We're not going anywhere, come settle in!

    Our world is large, and has open building space everywhere. The community is friendly and diverse. Players are mature and respectful.

    Hop on today and mine with us! :)


    True Minecraft Rules

    • We encourage you to express yourself with respect and courtesy for others. We do not tolerate provocative, disrespectful, edgy, demanding, etc., behavior - especially if unprovoked. No incivility or rudeness.
    • Productive conflict resolution is crucial. If faced with a dilemma, listen to one another, and attempt a resolution. (If needed, contact staff.) No needless fighting.
    • Try to condense the content of messages if it would flood the chatroom or create too much visual noise. No spamming.
    • We are a family friendly community. This means, especially when kids are present, keeping your conduct appropriate for them. No adult content.
    • Ensure you are not advertising any other Minecraft server, or anything that in any way competes with us. No advertising.
    • English is the only language allowed in our public chat channels (in private chat any language is allowed). English only.
    • Do not attempt to destroy or take things created by others - unless you believe it is abandoned, unwanted, or not intended to be kept. (Claims help prevent griefing) No intentional griefing or stealing.
    • Only run minor cosmetics tweaks or performance mods, such as OptiFine, or shaders. Do not use any mods to gain an unfair advantage, such as hacked clients. No hacking or cheating.
    • Only play the server as intended; this means not abusing exploits, bugs, glitches, or any related unintended gameplay. No exploit and bug abuse. (Please report these.)
    • Create only family-friendly builds; steer clear of anything anything explicit, controversial, or offensive (unless an exception is made). No explicit builds.
    • Note: Attempting to sneak around the rules suggests a violation of the rules; we consider one's intent when enforcing the rules.
    • Disclaimer: We are not responsible for online interactions. We reserve the right to ban anyone we see as not suitable for our community.
    • Notice: Violations of these rules are taken seriously. If you find someone in violation of these rules, we appreciate reports of this. If necessary, do this privately. Thank you for helping to keep our community a safe place for everyone.
    submitted by /u/True_Minecraft
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    ButterCraft Minecraft Server [Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.15.2}

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 06:27 AM PDT

    Are you looking for a vanilla Minecraft Server / Community where you can interact with other players, enjoy the great game that is Minecraft and make new friends? If so then ButterCraft is the server for you!

    ButterCraft is an SMP Minecraft Server where players are able to interact with one another.

    In order to make sure that everyone is able to have the best experience possible during their time on the server, we have decided to come up with fairly simple rules that should be followed at all times. Follow these and we'll get along swimmingly 😊

    - Don't be a Dick (GOLDEN RULE)

    - No griefing (Destroying people's stuff without asking them is griefing)

    - No stealing from other players

    - No hacking (this includes using x-ray and killora)

    Interested in joining? All you need to do is use the discord link to join our discord server, look at the information provided within the channels and you'll be good to go!

    Our discord: https://discord.gg/Jd49nJe

    submitted by /u/samarcher2000
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    Atlas: Civilizations [SMP]{PvE}{Nations}{Quests}{Dungeons}{1.14.4}{Custom World}{Sieges}{Community}{Lore}{Smelting}{Cooking}{Leaderboards}

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    Server Name: Atlas

    Server Version: 1.13.2 - 1.14.4

    Server Trailer: https://youtu.be/Wwbg2ES_ssg

    Server Album: https://imgur.com/a/vjuMa

    Website: https://www.mc-atlas.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/FtSsDsf

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/atlasproject

    Server Address/IP: play.mc-atlas.com

    Rules: https://forums.mc-atlas.com/showthread.php?tid=207

    Atlas is an immersive MC experience like no other. A custom nation creation system, mixed with the rich backstory and quest progression of an MMORPG, make for a world that MC players of any style can enjoy!

    Players find themselves as refugees from their ruined worlds, arriving in the world of Atlas just in time to see the resurgence of a dangerous cult, thought to be eradicated long ago. Through exploration of the unique, hand-painted world, completing the hundreds of available quests across dozens of NPC towns, and even building their own nations to compete on the world stage, players must make choices that affect their gameplay and reputation throughout Atlas and craft their own unique legacy!

    Featuring a series of custom-made, never-before-seen plugins, players can do anything from discovering dozens of new ores and alloys through smelting, to training in robust schools of magic, to smuggling goods and sparking economic warfare. The possibilities are endless!

    Join Atlas today and craft your legacy! Adventure awaits...

    Custom and Featured Mechanics:

    * Found Nations and Towns - level up your towns to unlock unique Perks, Landmarks, and Citizens!

    * Massive hand-painted world map with custom 1.13 oceans

    * Monthly competitive Leaderboards

    * Large-scale Siege system

    * Unique Crafting Skills: Smeltery, Tannery, Fletchery, Brewery, and Cooking!

    * Dynamic, fluctuating Economy

    * Magic and Spellcasting

    * Massive Dungeons

    * Hundreds of Quests

    * Dozens of custom Crops

    * Legendary Items

    * Extensive Lore & RP Events

    * Custom Cartography skill

    submitted by /u/mc-atlas
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    GoldenMC [SMP] {McMMO} {Northern America} {1.15.2} {Needs Staff} {MinableSpawners}

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    Discord: https://discord.gg/P3462AM

    Server IP: goldenmc.apexmc.co

    What is GoldenMC?

    GoldenMC is a little out of line from most SMP servers. We want to stand out up and in front of the rest of the survival worlds. You know that feeling you used to have playing Minecraft back in 2012? You sat on your coach or at your desk, turned up the volume, and listened to that sweet sweet Minecraft playlist? We want to bring that feeling back to Minecraft. Whether you aspire to be the greatest builder on the server, collect the most resources, or competitively compete for the rewards that votetop and baltop offer. With our simple system you can have any play style you want.

    How do we stand out from the rest?

    GoldenMC offers a lot of changes from the classic SMP server. The largest in that area would be the addition of a server shops, as well as player shops. In the server shop, we offer resources from every aspect of Minecraft possible. Tools, Armor, Dyes, Blocks .... and Spawners! Yes that is correct, we offer a spawner shop in which you can purchase spawners to better the outcome of your resources. We even have a tiered spawner system jumbled up of 4 mobs who drop custom mob drops which can be sold for a fortune to shop. You can also set up shops through chest shops and player warps which can be used to make a personal profit from the other players! We also offer tons of other differences you would never expect!

    Our Community:

    At GoldenMC we strive for peace and tranquility between player and staff. We want to keep things as civil as possible to ensure that you can have the best experience possible! With this in mind, we want to keep our community safe and secure. Blocking harsh language is a part of that. Does not matter who you are, where you are from, as long as you play by the rules, everyone is welcome! We hope to see you in our community soon!

    Rules: All of the following are prohibited (Griefing, Cheating, Swearing, Stealing, Scamming, Hacking) As well as showing respect to players and staff. Lag emitting farms will be prohibited and will be taken down by staff if it persists.


    submitted by /u/SavageMedusa
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    TownyQuest [SMP] {1.15.2} {Towny} {McMMO} {Quests} {Ranks} {Greylist}

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    If you like getting involved in a fun community, building, farming and completing quests, why not come and give our small but growing community a try - come and join us!!

    Play solo Or join an existing town

    \* Work your way through our custom ranks, gaining perks as you go.

    * Battle your way to the top of the MCMMO rankings.

    * Learn to fight the boss mobs from the guild hall and complete their quests.

    * Build the most amazing structures to show off to the community.

    * Go mining in the mining world and discover the hidden nightmares in the catacombs!

    * Rise to the challenge of our many other in-game quests.

    If you fancy a relaxed, friendly, growing community based on a Towny PvE experience, come and spend some time here and give us a try.

    We're looking forward to saying hello.

    Server IP: play.townyquest.com




    submitted by /u/cobrex_
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    Helioss Network [Semi-vanilla] {Whitelist} {1.15.2} {Multiple Servers} {HermitCraft Inspired}

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 06:45 PM PDT

    Helioss Network [Whitelisted] [Modded, Vanilla, New and Growing Semi-Vanilla Server]


    Helioss is an over 9 Month Old Server Network, originally starting out as strictly Modded we have now branched out into Vanilla with a few tweaks to make it even more enjoyable!

    So, what makes us stand out from other Servers you may be wondering? Well we offer 3 Playstyles and Multiple Datapacks to help make your experience with us even more smooth and fun.


    • Regular Vanilla + Optional Datapacks
    • Hardcore World
    • Skyblock
    • Creative World to practice your building! (With Usable Worldedit)

    What Datapacks do we have?:

    • Chunk Claiming via Grief Prevention and Chunk-Loading via Keep Chunks.
    • AFK Detection.
    • Assembled Slabs (Easier Double Slab mining.)
    • Creeper Dungeons.
    • Ender-Dragon Elytra Drop.
    • Disenchanter - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXiR6p6HqIE
    • One Player Sleep.
    • Player Head Drops.
    • UltimateHomes (/sethome, etc.)
    • Shulker 2 Shell Drop.
    • Tree Pots.
    • Tree Capacitor and Vein-Miner
    • CoreProtect (Roleback specific land if a chunk corrupts/accidental breakage or griefing from a bad member

    We also offer Modded Servers with the following modpacks!

    • Dungeons, Dragons and Space Shuttles
    • Resonant Rise 5
    • Omnifactory
    • Enigmatica 2 Expert: Skyblock
    • Project Ozone 3 Kappa Mode - Overworld and Skyblock

    We are constantly expanding and growing and we value community input and opinions over anything else. No changes or removals are made without asking the entire network to ensure it is fair

    We also have a Market/Shop System for players to sell their abundance of items and it is also a super-duper handy way of trading with others.

    So, after reading all this, do you think we sound like your cup of tea? Amazing! We have a few ways to apply.

    Application Discord - https://discord.gg/jQza9x8

    PM me on Discord! - Drew#7585

    No Discord? No Problem! Email Us - admin@helioss.co

    submitted by /u/Helioss_
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    CocosSMP [SMP] {BEDROCK} {1.14.1}

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    Welcome to COCOA! https://discord.gg/KzEgYcJ


    Backups everyday! rollback cuz of an issue?? ACTIVE Admins can compensate your items, and are always on to protect our server!! tired of just grinding and need a fun break? we host events, partys, and building competitions!

    (ios, android, switch, ect, and for all players playing on the bedrock version of minecraft)

    !!How to join a server on switch!! https://youtu.be/zalT_oR1nPM (safe way!)

    ifyou do not follow these rules it could lead to a ban or kick from CocoaSMP

    1. No stealing people's stuff
    2. No hacking. Idc what you say "it was to do this" "i had to do that". Hacking is a no no.
    3. No griefing people's builds what so ever.
    4. No killing anyone without a valid reason.
    5. Please be respectful to everyone.
    6. No leaking the coords to anyones base that is private.
    7. No harassing anyone at all.
    8. Please respect others religion or religious beliefs.
    9. No sending innapropiate images or links in any chat
    submitted by /u/caitisarat
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    [Wanted] [Semi-Vanilla] A new survival server (preferably [SMP]) without an established community.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    Who I am:

    My Minecraft username is SnarkySneaks. I'm a 19 year old "Minecraft veteran" from The Netherlands who's been playing since at least the early Alpha days (with multiple year-long hiatuses).

    I am frankly not the best builder (but not on wood cube house level), but I can build something that at least passes for a house.

    I am decent at redstone contraptions such as (functioning) airships and toggle-able nether portals and building infrastructure such as waterways.

    What I absolutely want:

    I'm looking for an unestablished server. That means I don't want to have to "break into" a community that has existed for months, if not years or be part of a server where everything from huge cities to infrastructure has already been built. This sounds vague, so here's a guideline:

    • The main factor is how big your community has been in total. If only 4 people are playing at any given time, but the main hubs and cities have already been built, I'm not interested.
    • The amount of members in your Discord server are also a factor. Fewer than 15 is great, between 15 and 30 is on a case-by-case basis. Above 30 is a no-go.
    • While the above two factors are the most important, I'll also take your server's starting date (both the season itself and the total amount of seasons if applicable) in account.
    • Whitelist? Sure, but I will not apply through a website.

    Preferences that I'm willing to compromise on:

    • SMP is the most fun for me, but PVE is also perfect. PVP is fine, though.
    • While McMMO counts as "modded" as per the guidelines of this subreddit, I don't mind it. Generally speaking, if I don't have to install mods or datapacks to play or severely changes the way that survival is played, I'm fine with it.

    I get that my "new server" rule makes me sound pretentious, but I have stated my reasons for having this preference. Don't worry, I am not doing this to get an "easy mod rank".

    submitted by /u/TryAgainAt10AM
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    KrumbledMC [SMP] [PvE] [PvP] {Greylist} {Economy} {Dynmap} {1.15.2} {Mature} {Casual} {18+} {Adult} {Lockette} {ChestShop} {Vanilla World} {Creative World} {SkyBlock} {Mining World} {Multi-World}

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 08:51 AM PDT


    KrumbledMC was created back in February 2015 by 2 experienced Owners and opened to the public, by the following April. We have players from very diverse backgrounds and countries.


    We are an adult only server, offering a unique player experience, serving people who are 18 and older. We have a large map with lots of room to build. We utilize anti-griefing plugins along with a variety of other plugins to make the game fun and your builds safe. The plugins we have aren't meant to take the challenge out of the game, but to add a whole new dynamic to your gaming experience on our server.   To make things more fun, we have a Vanilla map for those who enjoy minecraft in it's purest form with no plugins. We also have a City Map where you can enjoy building your favorite high-rises and such using creative.  



    • Applying for Membership


    You must apply on the forums.  


    See you soon! :)

    submitted by /u/krumbledmc
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    HeroicPlanet [Semi-Vanilla] [PvE] [SMP] {1.15.2}

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 08:50 AM PDT


    Welcome to HeroicPlanet!

    HeroicPlanet offers fun survival play on a server featuring a variety of plugins to enhance your experience. Our close community is welcoming to new players and you will find active and helpful staff, including an owner that plays daily on the server. We want HeroicPlanet to feel like home to you and welcome feedback in all areas. Join our family today!

    * Big Map

    * Rank System

    * McMMO

    * Events

    * Claim protection

    * Grief Prevention

    * Questing

    * Custom Bosses

    * Economy

    * Auction House

    * Custom Dungeons

    * Crates

    * Daily rewards

    * Custom enchants

    * Casino

    * MyPets

    * Player Market

    * And so much more!

    Server IP:


    Website and Forums:


    submitted by /u/SilkPenny
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    KrubCraft [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    Still accepting applications for KrubCraft SMP (Java) Until March 25th

    <>I wanted to let everyone know you still have time to apply, and give you a little more details about the server. We began this season of KrubCraft in early December on two massive mooshroom islands, and we are using one of the islands as our Spawn/ social/ mini game district and the other as our shopping district. I wanted to emphasize that we do encourage members to create content with the server but it is not at all required. Right now we have 4 of us who do stream while playing KrubCraft (links below.) If you'd like to experience the server live come hang out and ask all the questions you have. See you soon, and tho those who have already applied we will be reaching out to you on Discord in a day or two.

    Krub - https://www.twitch.tv/krubflix
    Jigsaw - https://www.twitch.tv/jigsaw_00
    LyingRanger - https://www.twitch.tv/lyingranger
    Kakomashu - https://www.twitch.tv/kakomashu

    Server application:

    Remember to check out the links for server rules and current data packs


    submitted by /u/Krub_
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    Survival by Know2Good [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Europe}{Discord}{Paper}{1.15.2}

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    Name: Survival by Know2Good

    IP Address: Know2Good.beastmc.com

    Version: 1.15.2, Paper

    Discord: https://discord.gg/wAJ2fQP

    Who are we

    Adventuring, meeting new people and making friends should be a priority for you! Logically, all there's missing from this close-knit and mature community is you and your well appreciated company. This well maintained server has all you could be searching for. A clean map. Helpful and very caring players. Friendly, responsible and punctual staff.

    Aiming for a near-vanilla experience with only a few basic commands available to guests and members. This server might just be the place you've been looking for for a while. To sit back, relax and enjoy semi-vanilla Minecraft with others!

    Grief prevention

    Your precious builds can be protected by any staff member so that only you can alter the blocks or items within said region.

    You're in control of the protection afterwards! Share your region with friends by adding people to it.

    Edit the flags of your region to your likes to allow tnt to explode, creepers to grief, etc.


    There are no significant commands available to guests and members. Except for /help, /mail, /msg, /rg, /rules and /spawn.


    Although there are no special ranks apart from guest or member. Staff positions are open to anyone who fits the position.


    Hard difficulty, PvE, PvP allowed* (PvP isn't allowed inside or nearby buildings), occasional events.


    ⁃ Do not grief or steal.

    ⁃ Respect all staff, fellow players, buildings and environments. Also, make sure to fully cut down trees. Don't be lazy, don't leave canopies!

    ⁃ Do not spam, use ALL CAPS, AFK too long, advertise anything or ask for teleports, ranks, items, etc.

    ⁃ Do not be racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.

    ⁃ No political chit-chat. Not everybody might share the same thoughts.

    ⁃ Do not use cheats, x-rays or exploit glitches.

    ⁃ Using Optifine or MCpatcher is fine, we all like our FPS and visual extras. Hacked clients however are not welcome!

    submitted by /u/Know2Good
    [link] [comments]


